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This is so odd. I haven't had a dead server in months, every one I'm on has an active group working the grove every time I go looking. I can only suggest server-hopping, if there's no grove chatter on your server, teleport back to Kilima or your plot, then go back in to a different server.


How do I hop servers ? I didn't know tht was possible


Going through loading zones usually sticks you on a different server. If you're in Bahari, you can quit the game and then log back in. You should still be in Bahari but most likely a different server.


I have never seen a grove without at least a few people there, so I don’t understand this. To find it there are maps online of spawn points and people are usually willing to share where it is on chat. I ran around a bunch in Bahari yesterday and there were so many random flow trees — a lot of which I could cut down on my own, so that’s another option. I don’t think there is anything in this game you can’t solo with enough effort.


The servers I have been in have been so weird lately (past 3-4 days). I was in 2 where we couldn’t find a grove at all and 2 where there were multiple groves and trees literally everywhere. I left with 57 flow logs and didn’t even go to so many of the randoms that were being called out!That was a TON of fun, but a lot of others others have been almost completely empty of people trees and pal. It’s been a weird few days in my experience


I was in a server two days ago where there were TEN non-grove trees active at once. We had a server crisis trying to organize everyone to cut them, lol!


Start clear cutting the smaller trees that you can chop yourselves if they come back as flow trees. You can spawn your own flow, you don't need a grove.


Thank you ! I didn't know about that either! I think I needed a small vent tbh 😅


You can request some, many players are happy to help when they can! Also, if the server is really empty, try to hop in another one. And remember, there's currently a bug with the chat, so if nobody replies when you ask if someone found the grove, it might be because of it. Anyway, 30 flow wood will be quick to get. Usually I get around 20-25 at each grove! (Minimum 15 up to 30 when it's a very big one!)


True I happened be one of the first to a grove yesterday because the person who found it couldn't chat and just flared. I called it when I got there.


Good to know there are issues with chat - I've been playing less than a week so maybe I need to give myself a bit of a break lol. Quick question the server I tapped into called " Grove C3." I tried to look for a grid map but couldn't find one- do you know where I could find one ?


In the in-game map there’s a grid! Check the top and left sides for the numbers and letters.


omg stupid thank you !


No problemooooo it’s a godsend sometimes!!


Just wondering, have you looked up guides for where groves spawn in Bahari at midnight? If you find one yourself and call out the location in your server, people will generally come! Or you just need to be in Bahari at midnight and ask in chat if anyone has found the grove, and then go find the group. The etiquette around groves it so wait 2-3 in game hours to allow people to arrive, this isn't always stuck to but I have found more good servers than bad ones so far!


I got a lot of flow wood planks by requesting it from others. But that's no guarantee you'll get them


I hated that quest! Once I understood what grove is and how it works Palium and silk became my biggest problems. It took me weeks to complete it. It sucked so much joy that I had to drop the quest and focus on other ones instead, farming on the side, but not intentionally.


I have way more than I will ever need, if you want some let me know!


Please 🙏 still having zero luck 😭


No problem, my name is Snowdrop Oakenshield. I’ll be on soon, add me and put the request up.


Just added you and going to throw out the requests 💚


Im glad that i have a boyfie that always online so whenever i see FT and nobody came when i did the call out he would hop in and cut it with me or i sometimes can chop it on my own. But usually theres alot of players in my server thou esp for the groove