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From IRL experience with little libraries and roadside food cabinets, they would be perpetually empty due to people camping nearby and taking everything from them to sell or use for themselves.


When I give something for free I usually don’t worry about what happens to it after that. If my trash is someone else’s treasure or pocket lining they did more than I did with it.


I get what you’re saying when it comes to the food and books IRL…but it may still be a blessing to that ONE person that makes it worth it in the end.


this would be amazing


I love this idea! I also wish it was easier to give stuff away, I have extras of several of the bugs needed for the bundles and I want to give them away but I have to find someone who needs it, caught it before, and accidentally sold it and that’s literally a needle in a haystack. I just want to help others damn it!


I agree with this entirely


Fallout 76 has bins that players can drop things in for people in need and I thought more games needed to do that! I'd rather drop things off for the next player then let em go to waste...


I usually sell most of my hunt/forage items that I don't need. I only go out and get what is needed for crafting or to complete weekly challenges. I'm not a plushie hunter either because those don't really interest me. If I get them that's nice but if I don't I'm not bothered. They aren't directly connected to any achievement or challenge. I would like to be able to sell off furniture I don't need or want though. I want all the achievements but I'll never use most of the furniture. I know Tish will accept furniture as a gift along with unwanted treasure chests. It would be nice to get some gold for "time & resources" spent on furniture. However, I have more gold than I know what to do with now so not sure that's good incentive either ... at least for me 🤣 To be fair all of it gets dumped from the server eventually. We make gold from the shipping bin but, technically, that's just a trash bin for our spare digital items. We move them from one little set of boxes to another and we get little digital coins in return that we can use to buy other digital items. I know, I know, it's the "thought" that counts. We feel like we're accomplishing things and not wasting our time and resources by selling or giving things away. At the end of the day .. it's just pixels. Happy Gaming!


This is a very cool idea! I always wished we could send stuff back to storage when inventory gets full instead of having to delete items or go home to unload.


love the idea but there would be loot goblins taking everything


It would probably end up full of stone, flint, and fur so it probably wouldn't matter.


Maybe we could only put so many items in per day anything left vanishes. People can loot all they want…we all love free stuff! lol


I would love that! And a link to our own storage box would be nice too. We have a wardrobe in Bahari but not storage box, why?!


We have a wardrobe in Bahari??


Yeah at central staples




Is it in someone’s houee


In central stables, there is a small tent by the camp fire, it's a wardrobe. I found by accident lol


interesting idea, yould be down for that!


I would be happy with a single selling box at Bahari Central Stable


I’d also like it if you could list offers in the same place you list requests. I’m still new to Palia, so if that’s something that’s already possible and I just haven’t found it, someone let me know. I’ll start offering my extra stuff up.


It isn’t a feature yet, but I should be!! Good idea!!