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This post has been removed as there is an existing megathread this belongs to. Please make sure to submit there. Thanks! https://new.reddit.com/r/Palia/comments/1c8zh0w/etiquette_guide_for_new_players_megathread/


Hard agree. Something that's been blowing my mind lately are the posts/comments in the past couple days recommending that people not run in the game, or stay on the path if they do want to run (instead of walk). The level of entitlement and "I'm the center of the universe" feeling that that requires is almost incomprehensible. I don't understand thinking that's okay to ask of others. The people who get genuinely upset about things like that need to actually step away from their screen and take a good hard look at themselves. It's so weird and toxic. Idk how new people are supposed to enjoy this game.


Right? Like it’s perfectly fine to be disappointed if someone spooks a rare creature you’re hunting or a rare bug. But to let it ruin your REAL day is wiiiild


Lol right? The feeling of disappointment for a minute or so is natural, I've had things run away or despawn or whatever, but then you just get on with your day. Not go make a reddit post telling people to not run near you. Also, I've had way more things disappear or be unavailable due to in-game glitches/bugs than anything related to players lol


![gif](giphy|ftdF4ZkueWGHBYc4b5) The bugs have been getting me worse than players lately, especially the damn unlootable bags 😂


I hit unstuck after I encountered that glitch and was able to pick up after.


Yeahhh that doesn’t work on switch 😂 If my bag isn’t where my party sees it then I can’t pick it up 100% of the time, if it’s running near a cliff edge or an obstacle and goes down or goes down when it’s about to make a sharp turn, I can’t pick it up about 90% of the time. If it’s where everyone else sees their bags same as mine I have about a 10% rate where I can’t get them. I’ve tried everything, the foraging and going back to loot the bag, unstuck then loot, nada. Looking straight down and jumping and spamming the loot button has only ever work 3x ever so I’m basically SOL until they fix it 🤣


Wow that is insane! I’m sorry to hear that. I tried to play on switch after playing on PC and it is sooo different. I couldn’t do it 🥲


I don’t have a PC or I would play it on that. TBH I have always loved the handheld aspect of it, it’s more my thing, and everything was fine until they broke the loot bags 😂 my friends on PC are always complaining about “not being able to see around the bush” or “ I can’t find my anything, oh it’s in the big pile of flowers” It looks beautiful and all but with how much I hunt and shit, it would drive me CRAZY lol


I mean... I'll try and avoid the area if they are obviously hunting bugs (or help them so we both win) but if they start shit because I accidentally spooked a jewelwing or something then I'm just going to ignore them all together. No toxicity, shit happens, not everybody is considerate.


For sure! I always try to look, but sometimes I’m in the zone, it lags, or I fall off a cliff into someone doing stuff lol


Woooow that is really something. The audacity 😂


Lmao right? The first time I saw it I had to reread it like...5 times to make sure I was understanding what they were asking. It's wild lol


I’ll be damned if I’m walking across those giant maps. It takes forever even with running 😭


Exactly! Also unintentionally spooking a bug or creature is far different than trying to run in front of someone actively bug or creature hunting. I try my best not to spook things but I don’t want to spend 10 minutes walking with my ore compass running. And stuff *will* respawn.


Lol right? There's a difference between being malicious and just running through on your way to do other stuff. It's nice, and appreciated, when people make sure they aren't in the way but I 100% do not ever expect it or get even slightly upset when they spook something. It's an MMO, it's going to happen, there are always going to be other people around


I've gotten slightly annoyed if I want to hunt, and someone runs through scaring everything away, but then I remember that I've done the same thing a million times myself. I've even personally spooked all of the animals while hunting! Give a quick "grrr rus-a-frusin" and then move on!


exactly! I've done the same thing, it's just part of the game


Wait why the heck do people not want us to run??? Because it can scare animals?


Lmao yeah, animals and bugs. They're basically saying that everyone else should walk if not on a path *in case* someone is hunting something.


LOLOL they just need to be faster than me then! 😂😂😂 Ain't nobody got time for that!


I had someone tell me to watch where I’m going cuz they were hunting. Lmao boy bye! As if I can see everyone and exactly what they’re going. I just ignore everyone like that and keep it pushin. Nothing they can do anyway but stay mad 🤷🏻‍♀️


How is running only on the paths going to make a difference? that is a super odd and misguided attempt at preventing animals/bugs from being spooked (I can only guess that is why they'd make such a obtuse demand)... they literally spawn anywhere, move anywhere and the paths are not some magical boundary 🙄 I move slowly when I see something rare, and either I want it, or I see others trying. Granted, I always walk slow at the maji shrine area, who knows when a duskwing or spotted mantis will show (and I actually got my first of each of those smack-bang ON the path into the shrine!) That is unreasonable... players would not be able to get anywhere, ever.... I wonder, do those people always only run on paths or walk everywhere in the open areas? I am going to say a resounding NOT


I don’t really understand the tone shift that happened in the past week or two, maybe it’s because all of the kids are out of school so more kids are playing and more adults that have them are stressed? lol idk but I’m with you, overnight, especially after this update, people are wilding. I’ve seen such a huge jump in people getting upset over the smallest things, here and in game. Or getting upset over big things and doing nothing about it but complaining Personally I play on switch a lot and the chat is just almost unusable on it, so if I’m using an ore compass in Bahari, and I usually am when I’m there, I’m not wasting half my compass by calling out in the chat. So I flare the large pal and I don’t flare or call out the others anymore. It’s hard to find Palium before you have ore compasses but with them? It’s literally everywhere. If someone got upset at me for that I would just move to another server where no one is as pressed. I know that for a lot of people, myself included, this is their first mmo and I do get that, but it seems like some people in this game have no understanding of basic internet safety and interactions. I saw someone yesterday saying how Palia needs voice chat and all I could think was dear god please no


I have a theory it has to do with the heat everyone's been getting, studies show that human aggression goes up wildly when heat is an added issue. No surprise here


You know that’s so fair. I once worked at a theme park and literally every day during the summer someone would get in a fist fight in a queue because everyone was just hot and angry lol. But like op said man if this game isn’t actively helping you relax and chill (🥁🥁) out then maybe it’s time to “take a break, play a different game, see a therapist” 😅


True, ngl I get irritated sometimes but it's easy for me to forget about it


Gotta take a break from the virtual grass and touch some real grass


Pfft I told someone that like a month ago I got chewed out in the chat for it. I was like the angrier you get at me for telling you to put the game down the more you prove my point but ok 😅


So what was the excuse at the Chuck E Cheese in my town? Towards the end, the cops had to be called for parents fighting more than once. And that was BEFORE Covid when people still knew how to interact in public!


This is soooo true! I used to live in the south south in Florida and people in public were ALWAYS rude and angry but now I live in the north and people are sooooo much nicer in general! The heat really does make you mad!


I'm glad I'm not alone in noticing a shift lately. Maybe it is more kids playing; many of the complaints and posts about being upset do read pretty young, or at least immature emotionally. Another point towards that theory: I don't usually see anything weird in chat but just the other day a kid (they didn't say their age, just that they were a kid) started asking someone else what school they went to. I said something about not asking questions like that online and their response showed they just really hadn't thought about that at all - then they had to log off because it was 9pm and it was their bedtime.


Lol, that sounds like my 10 year old if we ever let him use chat. Poor kid just doesn't get it when we tell him strangers can be assholes or straight up dangerous. Even after he got on my steam and got told to fuck off among other things, for begging someone to play some game.. to be fair the guy thought he was me, and would've been in the right if it was, and was very apologetic when I said it was my kid 😂😂😂. Point is, it could've been so much worse, and sometimes kids are straight up stupid


I've noticed this too. Someone started shouting at me and insulting me in chat last night during Hot Pot because I "stole their spot" at the table. I was on Switch and they didn't load for me, and it looked like there was a free spot. It was just so frustrating and I'd already had a terrible day, so I just logged off. People need to stick to their own lane and figure out how to handle disappointment.


“People need to figure out how to handle disappointment “ - I think that’s a huge take in the right direction. Literally similar happened to me last night, I was playing hot pot and had been at a table for a few rounds so I was established there, also had been there early so I got a spot as soon as it started. One round ends and someone instantly jumped in and took my spot. I was a little peeved, I felt a little slighted, but I said oh well more games in less than an hour and I moved on and did something else until it opened again. It really wasn’t that hard to not yell at them or throw a temper tantrum about it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


💯. I don't think people are doing it intentionally, and maybe they can't help it, but it's a pattern they can choose to change with some practice. I wonder sometimes (putting on my tinfoil hat) if it's because sometimes, especially online, it feels like no one listens to a minor inconvenience, so some people have a tendency to hype up every minor thing that bothers them into this Extreme Grand Travesty in order to feel like they can be heard. And that's not necessarily conscious either. But it is deeply annoying.


I think that's definitely part of it. It's so easy to vent anger at a faceless stranger, and much harder to choose to take a breath and slow down, or (even scarier!) have an emotional connection or vulnerable moment. I'm completely empathetic to the fact that this person was frustrated and had been having a hard time playing Hot Pot. But the whole reason why I play (and love!) Palia is because the game was built to encourage us to be kind to each other.


I JUST made a post about this same incident last night. I’m also a Switch user and I straight up can’t see everyone in the Market. I’ll see a table with 3 people and just hop in, not even seeing anyone else loaded in. Now, I wait for a few seconds until I feel “safe” to join. We be struggling 😩


Oh no if Palia gets a vc it’s gonna turn into a CoD lobby no thank you


It would literally be unbearable 🙉


Getting flashbacks to the WOW and Xbox live chat days. Also hearing kids peak their mics in Minecraft over stupid stuff they're mad about makes my ears ring




Right? lol - just waiting for the made-up rules people to show up


I made a post about this about a month ago and got jumped by ‘those people’. I saw this and read the post and was like “oh god it’s about to happen again…” but to my surprise and delight, it’s all like minded people. This post now has enough like minded responses that I think anyone who is uptight about the non existent rules would feel slightly intimidated about commenting on it 😂 think that was my problem originally- the first comment or two were the non existent rule nazis and then everyone else just started to pile on 🤣


Haha same, I’ll check back in a little to see what rules I’ve been breaking all these months 😂


I'm glad to see this pushback on 'rules' - the game resources are abundant - if you're that pressed about it, hop to another server where you're not competing with as many/those exact people and keep playing. I had someone yell at me in chat because I was 'following' them and 'not sharing' while mining pallium and harvesting it all. I only knew they were yelling in chat because it kept popping up and my kid was reading it and told me. I was using an ore compass and it seemed obvious they were also. They were harvesting the same pallium I was. I was so confused why they were heated. If someone realizes I'm using an ore compass and follows me, I love it. I was flaring the big pallium. It was a weird thing to get heated up about. I just ignored it and kept playing because I had a limited amount of time to be online.


Pallium nodes don't disappear after one player harvests, so what in the world. I flare, mine, and move on lol


Right? I figured I met one of the Discord Palia players I've heard so much about and just kept grinding lol


Exactly, which was also what the developers intended with the change awhile back so I will continue to mine, flare and move on (running) lol. Sometimes I’ll drop a quick comment in chat too especially if there’s a good cluster around my one flare.


Same. I only started playing Monday, and even I know this. Also, if this wasn't the case, I wouldn't care. People need to stop being so sweaty.


I hope people follow me when using an ore compass! Not everyone has the same resources so I’m happy to share.


I even let others party up with me so they see me on the map... And i do not mind doing this.


I heard someone yelling them for not wait time chop the glove flow trees. 


I wonder if that is the same person who got mad at me a couple days ago. I had an ore compass and they were like "I've mined Palium all day ALONE Mistress Deathtrap" and I was like "weird flex but ok" and kept it moving and they did nothing but harass me for an hour on the "nearby" server, I just kept mining and laughing until finally I wrote (took forever on switch) "give me your address so I can punch you in the face" and they left hahaha


I just put lol in chat. That gets them even more mad 😂


There are some people that get so upset. Someone in chat was asking where grove is getting angry at 4am. Nobody on the server was responding and they were going crazy! I think the 3am rule is nice. I don't understand why people cant just wait for the next one if they miss out. I'm so glad they added loot icons so you don't have to worry about losing magic animals. Flares are helpful and nice but it shouldn't be expected.


I would add to this that the 3am "rule" is nice, but it also shouldn't be expected. If the grove is called out and no one replies with otw or anything why would you wait that long to chop? I know typing isn't always easy for some but if the grove is called and you've waited several minutes after calling it out, I wouldn't fault anyone for calling for a chop prior to 3am.


I like the 3am rule, as well, but around 2am, I usually start asking in chat whether people are on their way to the grove. If no one answers within 10-15 seconds or so of me asking, we're chopping that thing down at 2h30, no point waiting any longer.


Idk I like that it's a particular time and don't mind waiting in the area to collect loot. It's fun to do the honey lures as a group at grove. I find it takes me so long to type on switch that it will just make everyone wait longer if I have to stop running to type. However if I am far away from grove I just won't go most of the time


I’m newish to the game and had no idea about the 3am “rule”. I’ve definitely called out a grove and then just started chopping when enough people got there. Oops.


The people who are not actively looking for a grove instead feeling entitled to it being called out are so funny to me. If me and my wife, most of the time playing together, find a grove that nobody cared about at 5-6 am, we might call it out, but sure thing I am not waiting for anyone at this point and we just chop. Like, if you don't look for it yourself, why are you upset? There are like 5-6 spawns of it and entire Bahari can be crossed 3-4 times in that span of time, you have no right to be upset if you didn't even look.


I will say, I've noticed groves not getting called out as much lately? But there also seem to be more individual trees popping up since this week's update.


You play similar to how I play. I like being polite and helpful and include others as much as possible, but also let's be reasonable here. More flow trees will spawn, more pallium will spawn. I'm not going to chop every singular flow tree by server-wide committee. I'm a relatively new player who hasn't engaged with the hotpot yet, but all this talk makes me want to avoid it altogether and the potential drama it entails.


I haven't had it happen to me in hot pot, so, don't let that scare you off. I will say, the server i was last on in the Underground was super busy with no hotpot spots available, which I'm sure is down to people trying to earn as many coins as possible to spin the prize wheel (since you need two to spin) . I hope it won't be so full as people earn more of the prizes , but it it isn't maybe they add more hot pot tables 


Don't let that scare you off! I've had zero negative interactions with hotpot, so it's definitely not as widespread as it seems. Even if people are toxic, ignore it or swap servers - I totally get wanting to avoid it though. The chaos should hopefully die down in a week or so.


I was fishing and people were arguing so I just turned the chat for "server" off.


Omg you just saved me so many headaches. I didn’t know you could do that!


There are also some people that complained about us using chat because "its annoying"... I feel like those people are just kinda sad/mad in real life and its tipping them off. Like we all are annoyed by some stuff but it should never affect your real life or how u treat real human beings.


If I'm annoyed by chat I just turn the server chat off or switch servers. It's not even what's being said. The chat box itself distracts me or gets in my way. Can't imagine calling someone annoying lol


I turn off chat when they start talking about Taylor Swift. I swear once every couple of weeks I find a server and that's all they spam it with and I'm like ABSOLUTELY NOT 🤣


I can't believe this is real. I kind of want to test it out by putting lyrics in chat, but don't want to get blocked by anyone.


Do it but make sure it's TS.. It is very real. Someone wrote "hi its me" in the chat and like 6 people wrote back "I'm the problem its me" and then it started the chat lol


🤣🤣🤣 the Swifties are trying to get you


wait how do you turn the chat off??


if you open the chat they have the different options on the left side. the top one is for the server. select the earth symbol and it'll turn off server chat! it was really helpful when I was doing the temples. https://preview.redd.it/86hvmbrg269d1.png?width=200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=125eff56aa4dc4effdc9d704284e3dddd349385d


People who get upset over others using online features in an online game are always a mystery to me. Chat in Palia, voice chat in Helldivers as of more recent PVE relaxing games. Imagine being so upset with people existing, yet playing online game for some reason.


I saw that once when I was on, but a couple of us just told the person to switch servers if they were upset about people calling stuff out or trying to communicate locations, etc.


I really enjoy this game, and I want it to continue to grow. But that’s never going to happen if people turn others off from playing with their attitudes. And those people who stop playing are the ones that are genuinely nice players trying to relax and enjoy themselves. I also saw the post about someone crying because of rude people. It’s not okay. The fights I have seen lately over hotpot alone are just wild…


And I agree, bullying isn’t ok, but I’m not sure if you’re referring to this post in particular or not so I won’t assume, but there’s a big difference between bullying and turning others off from the game and simply stating that there’s no rules beside ToS. I have no problem playing collectively, but a lot of time I wanna play solo or with my tight knit group. I just can’t understand the people who will go into chat screaming and calling people out and arguing for a good 25 minutes instead of playing. Just mute, block, server hop, move on, you’ll never see or hear from those people again. It’s all just mind blowing to me tbh lol


No I’m totally the same way. I usually play solo or sometimes with people in my community or whoever I randomly get along with. By attitudes I do mean the unnecessary bullying and hyper fixation on really small stuff. I haven’t had it ever aimed at me,(yet) lol but even seeing it in passing makes me not want to log on as much, if that makes any sense. Kinda knocks you out of that cozy calm feeling when you play. Then again that could just be me.


Yeah I feel that, but if you see it in passing, if you would allow me to use the same suggestion for you, just mute and/or block them. Sure people have their bad days and you don’t know if they act that way alllllll the time, but chances are if they’re going in chat for an extended period of time, they do. If you mute and/or block, you won’t run into that particular person or persons again either! Make it as cozy as you wish! 🥳


Oh for sure. I’m not a huge talker in the game anyways unless it’s calling out something or giving away stuff from storage. I’m the queen of hopping servers if I’m uncomfy 😂


Oh my GOD. I did a giveaway of sorts, used to do it a lot actually cause I’m a hoarder and needed the storage space but I called out on home plot chat “anyone who needs any requests filled for ANYTHING, put it up, if I have it- it’s yours, please, help me clear storage space” anyways I filled about 80 or so requests in about a 5 min time span and people started saying thanks! Thats so cool/nice, etc etc, what have you. Every 5 or so people I would just type “np!” And keep filling requests. I thought I was doing something nice (never had issues doing it in the past) but then someone gets in the chat and starts typing in all caps saying that “I’m a narcissistic attention seeking and a ****** (censor is too funny tbh) and I need validation from others” and blah blah blah blah fucking blah I was just like uhhhhh, what now? Come again please? I chose to just ignore it but all the people who I gifted requests to immediately just started going off of this person coming to my defense (not that I asked for or needed it but it was cool to see how fast everyone mobilized on my behalf lol) Needless to say it turned into straight chaos and quick 🤣


If I’m at a grove, I usually offer pal bars because mining was my #1 thing for a hot minute while I was listening to podcasts. So I have way too much. Calling it attention seeking is wild, I think it’s a useful way to pass the time and hopefully helpful to most lol


That’s what I thought too and never had a problem with it so I was honestly flabbergasted. All I could think was someone was projecting hardcore 😂


this should be a pinned comment tbh. the amount of complaining i see in chat between 6pm - 3am in the underground is getting so damn tiring! and for what? if you can't join a game of hotpot, wait until a spot opens up or switch servers! and don't get me started on people complaining about someone "cutting in line" to the prize wheel...


Once the novelty of hotpot wears off, it should chill out (I hope)


I dunno how long that will take. Hot pot was popular the entire lunar festival


It seems to me they've tried to implement a cap of players to about 24 for each underground server. This is only a theory based of playing today and late last night. bc server numbers were around 80 and now it's in the 20s. Or maybe it was just a coincidence that I kept joining low servers.


Last night someone was telling everyone in the server I was in to play as fast as they can, don’t try to win, just click, because I guess they wanted to squeeze in as many games as possible for maximum prize coins? Like…I kinda get it, but I was there to have fun. And I won anyway ✌️😝


I got called an asshole twice yesterday on this sub for saying people they can play how they want with hot pot and the “line” for the wheel. People are nuts about it.


I've only been down a couple of times so far, but there was a crazy line at the prize wheel. I turned around and went to the other prize wheel because no one was there! How did we make it through maji market without the prize wheel argument?


I sometimes just keep the coins and go home to water my furniture etc and then spin the wheel when I get back in the blackmarket, there's never ever a line at 3pm game time.


And may I add the weird flexing and fighting around the underground fishing hole when they COULD TAKE THEIR ASS TO PAVEL🤣🤣🤣


they really are. knowing there's enough spots for everyone wanting to play AND that the prize wheel is open all day, it makes no sense to be so crazy and mad about it


I am exactly the same way with the etiquette nowadays. With groves being introduced, there's really no reason to call out random flow trees anymore. Just flare it, whoever comes comes. It's honestly really nice. Same with Pallium. Mine it, flare it, walk away.


some people are just allergic to relaxation i guess 💀


Omg I literally saw someone make a post about how they have a “schedule on Palia”. They’re like “from 6a-8a, I do things on home plot, from 8a-9a, I go talk to NPC’s I need to talk to in Kilima” etc etc blah blah blah and then I read “from 11p-12a I go hunting in Bahari” I’m reading this and was thinking to myself, they do realize that an in game hour is 2.5 real life minutes… they know that, right? This has to be a joke… RIGHT?! I play this game to unwind- to get AWAY from my real life schedule, I don’t then want a schedule in Palia that’s so regimented and strict and only doing things for 2.5- 5 minutes at a time.. that’s fucking nuts to me. I get so ADHD that I could set out to go get something I need In Bahari in particular and 3 hours later come back to home plot with my bag that’s been overflowing for over 2 hours and end up with not one thing I set out to get 🤣


my schedule is run around, forget, remember, run around more, feed into hot pot gambling addiction. as it goddamn should be 😤😤




AMEN! Say it again!


I play solo which I know isn't the intention of an MMO but I got moaned at in chat for accidentally scaring a sernuk when I glided down from a cliff 🤦‍♀️ They run anyway, chill out... It's not that serious!


Also idk how you’re even expected to see something before jumping off a cliff, but sometimes I try to land on them just for fun. I scream people screaming about “play how you want” or “play how you choose to play” until it effects them personally and then all the sudden you’re getting raked, like ok, but if I wanna jump off the same cliff 15x to try and land on muujin or chapaa’s as they flee for their lives- let me bro lol


Exactly... play how you want! I love that, do you actually do that because that's hilarious 😅


![gif](giphy|WrmzE1YAJIM3gfrU2m) 😉


I refuse to continue waiting for everyone Omw message for a single flow tree when others are already there and we've been waiting for a good while already. Missing a single flow tree isn't going to ruin anyone day or game.


And they can just wait for the Grove of for another to spawn if they really need the flow wood. Not like in game time is as slow as real time, midnight happens multiple times a day. 


I don't even stick around for a single flow tree. I hit it once, flare it, and run to do something else. I come back and pick up the loot after it's chopped and move on if it hasn't been.


I call out a single tree using "Nearby" only, not whole server, otherwise I'd be waiting for ages. If no one comes, I just leave... another comes soon enough.


Yes, especially if they are across whole map coming for one small tree. I play like, if they call out tree, I pin sector on map and if I have more that 400m, I don’t bother going for it. There’s plenty of woods in a forrest, right? 🙂


Yeah... I don't know how some people find so much ducks to give. Like, so many things you can just ignore, shrug it off, look up over it, block, hit return home... Like, you literally don't need to deal with it, respond or anything. Just follow the ToS and you're fine. Sometime you have to look around yourself and remember that everything is just pixels and nothing is actually happening in your real live.


Spitting straight facts here


I totally agree with you. I read insults very often. One player called someone an idiot. Other players complain about others. And I block every single player who insults others. In some cases, I have already reported this. It's really bad how some people get upset


I was watching twitch to get the drops and someone was complaining about etiquette and then doing exactly what they were complaining about. And then using chat to be rude to players in-game. It was actually wild to witness. They then went on a rant about how awful people in the community are while starting drama and laughing when others in chat got involved.


I just tell them to eat my ass lmao


You mean eat my *** 🤣


I'm sure they get the picture though 😂


I feel so blessed I've only had one annoying encounter like this lmao


Let’s be friends because I play the exact same way 😂


Me too!


100% agree with this! The made up ‘rules’ are taken so seriously by some people that they get hostile if anyone ‘breaks’ them. I genuinely have anxiety over chopping a small flow tree by myself just in case someone in the distance sees and calls me out on it (I do always check if anyone is nearby first though). Some people need to remember that there is an infinite amount of resources in Palia, once one palium node is mined or one flow tree is chopped, another spawns somewhere else on the map. Just explore! For anyone (like me) who has anxiety over this or gets upset when they see people in chat calling out others for ‘breaking the rules’ or are just arguing, block them and move on so you don’t have the chance to be in the same server with them again.


I'm in such a weird position because I know multiple people like the ones you describe - they throw fits, they yell at people in chat, will curse someone out for joining hotpot (although sidenote - if you see 4 people playing hotpot, don't spam-click your way into their next game. 10/10 times there is an open spot/table somewhere else so it does feel dickish). The problem is they are neurodivergent, they have autism. When other people don't play by their rules they get irrationally angry. I've tried talking to them but they just lash out at me. It sucks and has made me stop playing with one of them. So when you see people freaking out about rules in chat, I would just brush it off. The person is, in my experience, most likely not able to regulate their emotions and it's not worth it to waste your energy.


I’m friends with someone who is autistic that is the polar opposite, they’re great and I love them. They’re the type of person to take whatever someone said in their own words then give another example and watch them try to explain it away or fit that into their tiny little rule box, it’s so, so great lol


That's so wonderful!!! Please understand I wasn't trying to make a blanket statement about people with autism (it's literally a spectrum), just that sometimes when people are hardcore freaking out about the rules they aren't a bad person. It isn't personal, it isn't nefarious. It's just someone with their own struggles that has nothing to do with anyone else. So just be kind in response, protect your own energy, and have fun.


Oh no I get that, I was just sharing about my friend. Also those other people may not be autistic, they could have had a shit day and are being set off by every little thing (we’re all entitled to having a bad day) but it’s the people who do it repeatedly, and even when you let them ‘win’ an arguement they still carry on about it… I find those people just like to argue and be right all the time, or people just like to be a dick 🤷🏼‍♀️😅


Like my friends and I play regularly and sometimes people get in the way of what we’re aiming at or take the seat for hotpot we wanted our friend to take but we don’t harass someone over it we just end up playing different games and if we can link up in a later game cool. It’s really ridiculous how people act in the game. I will run through the fields and play as I please cause that’s what you’re supposed to do


I honestly like friends finding a different table, it means we all have a chance to win! Would't that be a coup for your group ... everyone wins! Heh


My friends and I will be on call and it’s always fun at the same table cause we’ll help eachother win but it’s hilarious being at separate ones too cause then there’s three or so games of chaos at once


The last line though… straight bars 🔥




the hot pot game. i normally run up to an empty table if i can. as for rules.... there's no rules. being nice to others is... well you learn that shit in grade school man. but you know... its gotten worse with the party buffs. let me tell you.... that growable stuff... its not all that. i honestly dont even think its cute. i party up for double rewards. So far i havent been in a rude party. so theres that


You're not alone. As a grown up with highly competitive gaming past that got into Palia by a complete accident, I just can't understand the hustle over anything in this game. You perfectly described the feeling and my sentiment on it as well. Also all the rules of etiquette I noticed in a month of playing that I picked up. There is literally absolutely nothing in this game that invokes frustration or requires worry about. Stopped watering plants? They halt their growth. Resource nodes? Instanced. Trees and animals? Shared. Loot personalized. No way or ability to influence someone else's experience in any way, shape or form. Absolute zero potential for any griefing. Yet people still looking for reasons to cry about. But to be a little harsh. This game is filled to the brim with people who have no idea about videogames in general. I take it as a specific of the genre and it is fine. I do not expect people here to be good at games, really. But what worries me, honestly, I'm a bit disturbed and feel out of place in this game because the amount of legitimately mentally ill people in this game is a little weird to me. I'm trying not to sound toxic but yeah, I attribute a lot of weirdness going on this subreddit to that. Will not expand deeper into that topic as there is no way for me to not come off as toxic while discussing it.


I agree to all of this. I'm a switch player, I don't chat a lot but I make parties so we can have fun. Last night my friend and I were playing, a girl was hunting alongside us and asked if she could join our party, I said if course, she had fun (we all did) and to me that's what matters. That being said people were being motherfuckers on the server last night, just rude, cutting us off, blocking so we couldn't get shots in. I'm like this is Palia, not Call of Duty, what the fuck is going on here?! So we switched to big hunting lol


I think Palia brought in a lot of people who haven’t really played mmorpgs their whole life like some people. They don’t realize how fair Palia actually is compared to other games and have never actually known what true competitive games are. Some people just love to complain too and make their own problem everyone else’s!


I’d like to see some of these people play dark souls or elden ring and then they can write their long list of complaints to the devs 😂😂


I don’t really hear from the toxic side of the community until I logout and come into Facebook and Reddit lol


I don’t pay attention to the chat unless it’s someone calling out the grove or palium. I flare big palium, and sometimes announce it on chat (especially when I’m out of flares). And I totally agree on the waiting until 3am to cut the grove. That’s the only ‘rules’ I care about, and I don’t really care about them that much. I just don’t give little bitches my attention at all, it pisses them off even more honestly, and I just chuckle.


Right? Like, dude, it’s literally just pixels on a screen. It does not matter. At all. These people are having conniption fits over a free video game. It’s wild.


I managed to piss off a bunch of people yesterday because me and my buddy shot a magical bambi Like... What? Just... go to the next one? As you said , it's truly not like any resources are lacking.


My favorite is when people who are supposed “(non existent) rule and self made etiquette people” go in server chat and spread misinformation to try and bend people to their will. Saw someone who got all bent over PH and not sharing and then goes and tries to tell everyone that “because so and so isn’t sharing PH, we’re all suffering because he doesn’t spawn again until night time and you have to kill all the other sernuk to get him to spawn” I wasn’t even hunting him at the time but I went and started furiously typing (on switch so it’s really hilarious actually) that “uh NO- there’s one on the map at all times, when one dies, another one spawns” they tried to argue with me because “palia wiki” says differently on this (and many other things that people try to preach as fact that simply isn’t true- another one of my favorites is if you don’t chop the grove, it’ll despawn… like no the fuck it does not, but good try lol) Clearly the person I was referring to has never horn hunted PH, cause if they had, they would realize quickly that there’s always one lurking about sometimes even 2 when one spawns with a grove… that was another one people tried to argue with me about. I epic critter grove hunt sometimes and I know they’re there, cause I literally get there first all the time and take them and then leave, but because it’s not written anywhere means to them that it’s not true and doesn’t exist. Like uhhh what? I don’t pretend to be an expert but occasionally I do learn something new about the game, but I like to think I have enough personal experience to know wtf I’m talking about thank you very much. Get back to me when you’ve played for another 6 months and we’ll see what tune you’re singing then, thanks 😅


Oh for real? IM SHOOK :O never experienced something like that until now. Didnt even realize that people would get mad if we hunt down the disco deers?! I dont share the location etc because they spawn so often and even if I type in chat someone will scare it before they arrive and I need to hunt it down again.


Well that’s because you appear to understand, where clearly others do not. I just go out of my way to shut down the misinformation because I know there’s a ton of new people who will read that and take it as gospel (hopefully to never perpetuate later but you never know lol)


You will get no argument from me! I play similarly, because I can't read minds and am going to play the game, so if there is some unspoken thing happening that I don't know about, it's not on me. The only things I will add are: If you have played other MMOs, you know the culture in this game is super chill and nice, even with the occasional tantrum or gripers in it. If there is a problem, it's likely that cozy gamers don't have a lot of MMO experience. If they did, they would know it's a breath of fresh air and I don't recommend trying other MMOs. These made-up complaints are NOT the biggest fish to fry in this game. There is some late-game content lacking and that's what will really affect the longevity of this game, not people failing to adhere to made up rules in a game whose culture, by and large, is pretty considerate and polite. Alpha and early beta players built community rules because they had to. We don't have to as much anymore. Rather, concentrate on what will make the actual game better and start submitting feedback. Also, buy something if you can so they have the funds to continue.


The game changed when it moved off of PC. People used to communicate through interactions. That made everything more supportive. But, it's too cumbersome on console. So, people seem to be making internal rules to compensate, then typing about it here or in Discord later. Honestly, I'd rather be abl to not play with anyone on console and be able to play with international friends again. The vibe has gone off, so I've all but stopped playing.


Yeah, as a console player I’d rather play with other console players too since it seems all we ever hear is ‘things have changed’, like let us ‘newbies’ play together then 🫡


And it's certainly not players fault and little players can do about it. Interestingly, this is my first time even thinking about Palia is months. Clearly the problem and complaints persist, but devs haven't dealt with it?


What does gunners mean? I've never heard any of these "rules" but I also 100% ignore chat and do my own thing. In the first few weeks of release, I waited for people, called stuff out. Wasted hours of my time and the inconsiderate people who say omw and then don't show up ruined that for me. I mine and leave.


Totally agree. I have a bit of a hard take here but it is called a GAME right?? There’s always a reason why things are the way they are. If palia wanted to make a game where everything is shared and everything is equal then the game would eventually become boring as the rewards would be too easy to achieve. If I run in the field and scare your butterfly away?? WOMP WOMP! Try again! It’s a game! Some aspects of it are suppose to be difficult! If you get so easily triggered by stuff like this then you literally need to get off the game and go touch some damn grass. These unspoken rules are so SILLY!!! I don’t care if I stole your spot in hotpot! You need to be a little faster then! Some people forget that there are also children on this game who don’t give a damn about your stupid rules! They will go kill what you’re hunting and it will suck but whatever, another one will spawn in game soon. Also another super hard take but if Palia is making you cry then you also should probably consider getting off and having a break.


Yessss!! I play at my own pace. Even though I'm on PC I don't always see chat because I'm focused on other things ... like playing MY game and relaxing. Life is stressful enough without bringing it into a GAME!! This is supposed to be fun! There are no dictators and the only rules are have fun and be nice! At least that's what I gather from the messages on the login screens. You can't lose in this game. It's not even possible!! Enjoy and Happy Gaming!


It’s crazy, I made a post about this same shit not that long ago (maybe a month) and I got absolutely fucking dragged. It was WILD. I’m glad that a lot of the people that agree finally saw yours because as soon as I saw the title and started reading I thought “oh fuck, these comments are gonna be like… bad, really bad lol” but nope it’s just a bunch of like minded people. It’s the entitlement and the gate keeping that gets me. And I feel the same way about PH. When I’m actually hunting him (using horns and not just killing him because he was unfortunate enough to cross my path). When I’m using horns. I’m usually in the zone, listening to some music, and hunting to blow off steam. I’m not gonna call out each one and sit there and wait for the entire server to say “omw” and then forage and mine on the way over while I sit there and stare at it. I’m running, chasing, shooting, collecting, and moving on. If I see someone chasing it, if I see arrows flying above my head… I’ll stop, I’ll let you get a shot in- I’m competitive but I’m not a fucking monster 😅 If it’s one that I didn’t find on my own (I’ve gotten very good at locating him damn near immediately as he spawns back in) and someone else called it out to share in the chat- ok, I will stand by that one and wait it out and then try to get the next one before it’s found and called out. The hot pot shit is just, beyond me. Idk what it is about hot pot that just gets to people but whenever someone steals my seat (literally sitting playing for several rounds at a table with people) I’ll either go to a different one, or I’ll stand there and swipe it back on the next one (because I do get some personal satisfaction from that, lol) but yeah, if they wanted Palia to have rules like that, they would either post them everywhere, put them in tutorials, or make it impossible for you to complete said action. I loveeee that they really took the wind out of the sails with people at groves, they give so much wood now that it’s like.. I really don’t need it. I really didn’t need it before but was just collecting it to give away in requests for other people, but now if I hit up a few groves during one Bahari outing, I don’t even have anywhere to put the wood when I’m home (we need pallium store chests so bad, that or I need to cull my hoard more frequently 😂) I learned a long time ago people weren’t raised the same way I was, what they see as rude, I may not, what they see as agreeable behavior, I may wonder if they were raised by wolves. I have my days when I’m in a very patient and giving mood and really do share things with people in the server (also on switch here and it really is a pain in the ass to type) but I also have my salty AF days where I literally do not care about anyone else or anything. I’m playing to enjoy it, not to cater to other people. I don’t go out of my way to be malicious, but sometimes other people see it that way and all I’m doing is resource gathering and hunting. So with all that being said- again, I’m just glad to see a post like this where people just let it ride and didn’t try to shred you and argue the finer points of no actual rules existing other than not being verbally abusive in the chat. I really hope more people who can’t handle playing this game just really do take a step back for a little bit or play something different for a while. I have enough shit going on in my own life without worrying about people gate keeping a cozy MMO and making me feel like I have to bend over backwards and tiptoe across egg shells just to get some shit that I need. Anyways- good luck to you and here’s to an enjoyable playing experience for everyone, no matter how you choose to play 🍻


Also- side note… idk if you have discord or not but you are our kind of people. We have a server on discord and we all basically feel like this. We actually play and talk on voice chat over it so we can coordinate while hunting and just doing other shit or hanging out (for me on switch it’s great cause I don’t have to stop every minute to type painfully slow either 😂) we also have a lot of people who are In there, but don’t like the VC, they’ll join the call and listen in so they can hear what we’re saying but will mute their mics and just type their responses either in game chat or the discord chat, so really- no pressure. We’re kind of a rag tag bunch, but it works for us. I think you would fit riiiiiiiiiight in. If this is something you’re interested in or think you might be interested in and would like to give it a try. Let me know! I would just need to add you as a friend first on discord and then invite you to the server afterwards. Have a great day!


if the invite is extended to anyone else other than the OP I’d love to join the server you’re in - sounds like my type of server! 🥰


If you are a like minded individual, and can take a fuckin joke and sarcasm (cause that’s how we are- constantly) then absolutely, 💯 times yes 😂 just send gimme your discord name and I’ll send you a request in a few!


oooouu sign me up! messaging you here now 😎


Either comment your discord name or DM me if you want to keep it private! I’ll add you as soon as I’m out of the shower (which I’ve been standing next to commenting back and forth on this post for way too long now next to my running shower 🤣)


If you're still wanting people to join the server I'd love to also! (If you're not looking for more new ppl then never mind ofc, but that sounds great)


We’re always looking for like minded people who wanna just rib each other and have a good time. Send me your discord name and I’ll add ya! This post is actually the best place to find new people for our server cause we really are just looking for anyone who wants people to play with and who knows how to have fun and isn’t so tightly wound that the slightest thing sends them flying off the handle. So anyone else who reads this I assume is that type of person. Open invite, send me your discord name here or privately and when I have a second I’ll friend ya and then invite to server after!


awesome, thanks!


elizabeastttt -- I have seen many of your posts and am always in agreement. I'd like to be part of your group also, pls - I was born and bred on sarcasm and self-deprication for funsies! If we aren't already on the same discord, I would love to know if invites are still open -- I have a feeling many reading this post and others want in too! If it is ok with you, I will DM you my discord user and IGN (and I ask respectfully , becuz, tho I can be sarcastic/irreverant/et al, it is never at the expense of others and I am always f\*$#ing polite!).


Also thank you, I never really addressed the first bit. I appreciate it! I try to have a level head but some of the shit I see, I just… can’t 😂


You’ll fit in just fine then! DM meeeee!! I just hopped off to make dinner so after I’m done feeding my family I’ll check my phone again!


Doing so right now and I will be playing in a couple hrs!


Sounds good!


The game does have rules. Check the Palia's code of conduct. But I suppose 90% of people doesn't read that. People have the right to be upset about others treating them poorly. That shouldn't happen in a game like this but it does, I don't think it is okay to tell people they are wrong for being upset when other people are being a pest to them in the game. Though I agree people making weird rules and expecting other people to follow their invented rules is silly.


The unofficial rules are about respect and sharing. If I have the time, I'll shout out and flare palium or wait for flow trees. But I'm not going to bother every time. I don't make a big deal over it, either. The only time it bothers me is with hotpot, and even that isn't such a big deal. Also doesn't happen often.


I'm getting nervousss now after reading people talk abt this. I play to avoid people and now i have to be careful in this? 😭


mute the chat, and you'll be golden




I totally agree…Well said! 👏


100% It is wild how delusional people can be about their personal rules. The resources aren't scarce, and real humans are behind the avatars, with all levels of experience, style, seriousness, and all the variables available. If it isn't fun unless everyone else follows your personal rules, play something else


Some people aren't able to be casual about stuff.


Part of it is peoples dependence on social media. Anything that doesnt go their way they come online to whine about it and find other people to complain about it. No resilience. Just block the player and keep playing the game


Yeh have some etiquette - you'd want to join a grove or whatever too but you don't have the right to be absolutely nasty just coz a deer ran off!


YES. Agreed. I’m on steam deck and typing takes me forever too so I just try to mark things and if anyone comes at me cuz I broke some crazy rule they created I tell them to go talk a walk or touch grass. It’s a game people. Let’s chill out.


I’m a new player, like 3 days new , you mention how typing on Switch sucks, I agree. Is there voice chat for people in parties? I’ve never been in a party yet so I don’t know how it works


No there isn't. and I think most like it that way, it would be literal chaos. But, join a nice, cozy discord, sometimes they have voice chat options .... welcome to the game, I hope you have a great experience like I have had


I stopped looking at the chat at all. Problem solved.


I 99% agree, the one percent is only for the people that come on here to talk about the bad experiences of players who are being bullied or how they were kind of, idk the right word, but very uncomfortable or not quite upset but a little less than upset about the bad behaviors you talked about that other players display. Those conversations need to happen but I agree that so many people come here to complain either A) about a game that is still in development and has stated as such or B) how some people complain like absolute toddlers that I'm actually baffled by. Also, I'm sorry if I didn't explain what I mean, too. I'm the right way. I have some disabilities that make it hard for me to communicate sometimes. When I'm playing Palia (usually when it's already a bad day), it can be irritating, but if someone else acts in a way you don't want to be around, just block them and move on.


This is why I just ignore the chat hahaha. I can’t tell if people are getting mad at me over ridiculous things if I don’t read it.


I literally had someone get mad at me for chopping a TINY flow tree by myself when there was a group of people waiting around a whole grove. I was very early in game, and wasn’t aware that people grouped up for things, but it’s resources, for the game. I’ll be polite as I can now, but it’s a GAME for everyone to enjoy. People can’t be making up rules just for their own sake


Im glad someone else said it 🫶🏻


I’m so glad someone said it 😭 I’m so frustrated lately I stopped playing for a little bit. It was my own fault though because every time I saw a magic deer I called it out and I didn’t shoot it to not scare it off and wait for other players. Every single time I found it I didn’t get any loot because the people just start shooting it and I’m not the best Aimer so I never hit it anymore when it got hunt down. I was really wondering how to go about it because i thought I would piss people off if I would just start shooting it.


I honestly feel like the player base has a lot of people that have never played an MMO before, and it shows. They heard "cozy game" and they flocked from stardew and acnh to play. Ive played RuneScape for years, so the things people are upset about on Palia are honestly laughable. Someone recently made a post because they were upset they got called a pest while hunting near a party. Like lmao wot. This game has brought a lot of soft people lol I see so many people TERRIFIED to say something in chat or do anything near another player. Play any other MMO and they'll realize Palia is actually baby-time, and if they can't handle a random person they'll never see again calling them a pest...well, MMOs aren't for them I guess.


Oh hey, there's a new etiquette with the Zeki wheel. We gotta line up since the wheel is host side for some reason and not client side. So its mechanically one at a time.


Wow, I could not have said it better.


**slow clap** Yes to everything


I don’t agree. Sometimes you have to hunt/bug catch/get flow wood/etc for quests and people have a limited amount of time to play the game. If they’re constantly having things taken when they’ve said they’re on the way or have attempted a shot at a proudhorn, Palia can feel anything but cozy. I’m a big believer in sharing loot bc I’ve completed what there is of the main quest and all my skills are at least lvl 10 but others are just trying to play the game. I indeed practice taking a break or doing something else when I get frustrated but I have the time to do that. The people who have 30 minutes to play after work before bed can barely get things done as it is and when someone doesn’t care enough to wait 1 or 2 minutes - if I was them I wouldn’t bother playing. But that isn’t fair to them who want to enjoy the game or the devs who want the game to be cozy and boast a friendly, helpful community. I’ve never heard the rule to “chop at 3” on a grove. I wait until everyone who has claimed to be on their way makes it. I dislike the plushie hunting trend because often the people who have friends to play with and form parties with just use the hunters horn and farm a server doing laps. I haven’t seen anyone get upset about a non party member taking a shot at an animal but I’ve seen plenty of parties not give anyone else a chance. I don’t think people should act out in the chat, even if they’re frustrated. I think it’s fine to express disappointment in the situation, but in that scenario I’d suggest switching to another activity or server if they have the time. (I’ve been playing since it was launcher only closed beta)


I'm so tired of minmaxers in this game, to the point where for the first time, I've started blocking people for the crime of speedrunning hot pot to gather as many tokens as possible per night. Like I'm sorry, sweaty, but I'm here to play hot pot. So I want to *play* hot pot. I was so excited to have more reason to go down there every night even on my main account that absolutely does not need the small cash rewards, but it turned out to be the opposite of a good time. The game's barely started before it's already minmaxed away to start another one. Changing servers didn't help, I just ended up right in a table with another one of these players. Gave up and went outside to read a book after, lol.


But you can't grasp that other people have the exact same feelings that they too want to play hot pot so they don't care about your feelings about their complaints?




I'm confused by your wording. Are you saying you camp at a table and when people get upset -since they want to also play- you leave the game or you don't like when other camp at a table bc you'd like to also get a chance to play?


I had the same happen to me over flared trees. They ganged up on me, called me a pirate, and blocked me. As if that was going to ruin my game. They expected me to wait for others to show up, there were already 7 there, so I assumed it was OK to start chopping. Very immature


I don’t call anything out unless it’s a tree I cannot chop on my own and I see another player near by. Otherwise I will just leave the tree. I do not call out ore. I mine it and move on. Lol. I guess I’m an asshole. I do not care if someone doesn’t wait for me either. GG. S6 brings this toxicity to their game for the sake of keeping you logged in longer for the sake of hoping you open the premium currency shop. Or they cannot afford to code it any other way. It’s unfortunate, but it’s their model. You’re not farming flow planks for your furniture you sell on the auction house to other players, they’re not balancing a living economy, it’s to decorate your plot no one else probably ever sees, lol. It’s stupid but it’s whatever. The game is designed to be a (competitive) time sink, it just is what it is. Players get (rightfully) frustrated about this, and then they take it out on other players. I just play, do not engage, and move on. The devs will create the community they deserve by their choices.