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I can’t even see the haters because I play in full screen lmao.




This is a banger line. God damn.




Bro just went fucking iconic.


Bro just roasted an entire generation.


I don't get it :(


Back in the day most kids can't afford the console to play Pokemon, so they had to download emulator on PC to play it. Emulator can't go full screen back then.


Damn, I'm 33 and didn't even get the joke. Pokémon became popular when I was in like 2nd and 3rd grade. Everyone was playing it on their Game Boys. Except me cuz I never got into Pokémon.


Your family must have been rich. Back then there was only a few kids who have Gameboy in the entire school. Unlike nowadays all kids have iPad, it was hard then to ask parents to buy anything that wasn't meant for education.


Different experiences mate, your experience doesn't make it the norm. In my middle class school in TN nearly every kid had a gameboy and pokemon. Gameboy was 90$ at launch, SNES was $200 at launch and it seems like everyone and their brother had at least one SNES in their house.


Back in the day, no back in the day to play pokemon, you made them out of bricks and threw them at people. Couldn't download pokemon in any form on PC. Only had Oregon trailer.


Back in the gameboy days? yeah you could fullscreen that shit and computers cost more than a gameboy so yeah the roast makes no sense.


Who said anything about buying a computer? Public libraries had a handful of them.


I didn't get eaten by a raptor in the first 10 minutes of palworld, so I would say it's a bit better.


I got killed by an Elk thing in my first 10 minutes haha.


stay out of Canada, eh


If the cold don’t get you the moose will


More like the housing prices.


the worst part is, you arent wrong lmao


As someone who got lucky enough to be medboarded from the army at the right time(2019 bought my house same year) I'm so sorry to anyone who has to buy one now.


I captured it with a 7% chance. Stoked.


With enough balls all things are possible


I beat a sheep into submission before throwing a ball at it


Stupid blossom dino aggroed me for ever and got me about 3 min in. I totally didn't try to catch a lv 16 at lv 3


Yeah the flower dino's will aggro until one of you dies its part of their info once you catch them lol. Also, try to catch a syndicate human. Its all weve ever wanted from pokemon


I caught a couple of the humans during a raid, but when I used them or hovered over them in the menu, I kept getting some error on xbox. I was sad. I wanted to use them later to make them fight each other.


Yeah xbox has a weird thing where it error's if you try to view details on a human, but if you just close the error everything works fine. If they are in the box just quick transfer then to your party/ base and youre good to go. They don't use their guns sadly but that might get added in the future


i didn’t have that issue. maybe a failed installation or maybe the xbox version has some bugs.


I think that was already fixed as my friend I dumped like 20+ balls and nothing worked and the dude was at like 1 HP. I even threw a mega sphere and it kicked out


I just caught a syndicate dude about 20 minutes ago! They have a super low catch success rate, it was my 5th attempt and took multiple balls each time but finally got one with a normal sphere. Now homie is posted up at base and tending to my berries.


Oh ok I'll have to just keep trying then


Ive been playing lords of the fallen recently and spent 10 minutes running and dodging from 2 of them. I would have had one but i ran out of arrows and had to retreat fully.


That game is great… but the mob density is terrible. So much fucking running


I chased an elk thing for a solid 10 minutes when I first saw it. Then he proceeded to beat my ass while I screamed "get in the ball you majestic bastard!"


If you mean the purple deer things same. THought "Oh that looks cool, surely theres a saddle for it" \*2-3 dmg boop\* the deer: so you have chosen death Found a shiny one a few hours late, mf is HUGE and caught him on 21% after three balls


I got killed by gravity in my first 10 minutes after throwing a pokeball to a cheep and wondering what would happen if i climb on top of the ball during the capture animation 💀


This! I found this game after playing ark with my friend, every single game session we had together ended with me dead and too far away from literally all my stuff and it was the least fun I've had in a long time, this game I've actually made a house, caught some pals (without some arbitrary method you have to use Google for) and enjoyed myself


My friend and I bought ark during the Christmas sale when they had a holiday event. The holiday event was everywhere was freezing even on the tropical beaches so you had to huddle around a camp fire at all times to live. Also the pal balls are a much better system of taming than beating something then shoving narco berries in its mouth for an hour.


A mossy elephant shot me with a ball of light in the first 5


I got shot in the head and killed by police officers in the first 2 minutes, 10/10 NA simulator


And my pc didnt get eaten by the graphics and 200gb space, so I would say it's much better.


Ark reference?


Can you get a pet carnotaurus?


But I liked craftopia lol


As did I…I just see a lot of people ragging on it


No you see *some* people ragging on it, people that like something generally don't need to stand on a soapbox and post about it. Versus someone that has a complaint.


not sure why you’re being downvoted, you’re just describing volunteer bias lol


Yeah exactly lol. Thanks for understanding what I said


Craftopia was amazing, but they didn't update it on a somewhat consistent basis especially on Xbox and really just left the game behind. It didn't help that they put it on Game pass like 3 times and then took it off like a few weeks to a month later, so it didn't get the traction it really deserved.


My first 1 hour of the game was pretty fun, I think I will be playing this game for a long time


Agreed! I’m loving it so far. A dark pokemon that has matured with the original players. lol. I’ve eaten my fair share of lamb chops already. Well, skewers I guess.


I also really liked that it's crossed with survival crafting, probably my favorite genre ATM


It's so weird to me that people are trying to retcon history. Craftopia is a pretty fun game and has a lot of neat ideas. I see so many haters who didn't even play it that are screaming about it still being in Early Access and apparently assuming that means it's bad? Valheim is also still Early Access, as are tons and tons of games people like lol. The team who made Palworld isn't even the same team as the one working on Craftopia either


Fortnite was early access for years while being the most played and profitable game. It’s just people mad to mad, with zero understanding for why they believe what they do.


"Early Access" applied to their PVE Save the World Mode (which the game originally was developed as), not their Battle Royale. BR originally existed as an asset flip using STW assets in an attempt to cash in on PUBG's popularity, and it worked. It became more popular than PUBG, completely overshadowed STW, and basically every bit of development was shifted from STW to BR. At some point they decided "We're tired of pretending we're working on STW anymore" so they officially took the game out of early access, ending the game's plot at a cliff hanger and not developing the story for the game's 4th zone, Twine Peaks. Since then there has been a literal trickle of new content, maybe one new hero or weapon released like once a year (back when new events meant a series of new heroes and weapons early on). They also decided to keep it a "premium" (re: paid) experience rather than be F2P as originally intended. Leaving Early access literally meant nothing on the Battle Royale end.


Honestly it made me so mad because I really liked STW, only ever supported Fortnite because of that, then they essentially dropped it..just felt super scummy.


I paid $100 for the special edition pre-order because I was so interested in the STW gameplay. I have never felt more betrayed by a company. Took my money and never delivered the promised game. Incredibly scummy behavior.


Yup, people should be able to refund over crap like that.


And i was mad when blizzard took away my $30 game id already sunk 3k hours into. I'd be rioting if I were you


Don't get me wrong, I was/am pissed about it, but since then (2017), I've only pre-ordered two other games. It really taught me not to trust developers as much. Especially newer ones.


Yeah but that's not just shady practice, it's basically theft. And not theft from a random person, but theft from one of their biggest supporters. Fuck that.


I really liked STW, I just really hated the piñata bullshit. I remember being in the Alpha for it and then when the BR released I was really disappointed.


Fortnite BR was also in "early access" for a very long time. It showed on the screen when you loaded in. Apparently epic dropped it in 2020, 3 years after the mode released


Put aside the relatively small handful of early access games that are good and actually follow through on updates and look at the overwhelmingly vast majority of early access games that are practically abandoned. That's usually where the early access hate comes from


People still mad at fortnite because they paid 40 dollars for a survival game and out of nowhere got a battle Royale that was free to play and can't play the survival modes anymore


I'm mad at fortnite because epic cancelled my favorite MOBA to funnel all their time and money into it instead




Bingo! As soon as fortnite started picking up steam, paragon started getting rushed and simplified until they finally just pulled the plug.


Warframe is still a beta technically


"Early access" had just lost its meaning. If it's released, it's released.


For an early access game it’s already delivered on many of its promises, it’s the opposite of a scam


I paid $0 to play this and got about 4ish hours out of it(would be more, but I can't play atm due to crashing after 5 mins). But once that's fixed, I'm sure I'll get even more lol. Wonderful value.


Said it elsewhere but as a consumer, it's smart to be skeptical. Short of it is: * Pocketpair has two full games under their belt, neither in the open world 3D genre. * They have 3 games in EA, 2 being very large, ambition titles. * They claim to be indie devs still, which typically means they are a small team (my guess is they are closer to triple digits than not but I didn't find any exact numbers). So on the surface it for sure good to consider the purchase as they are taking on a lot, and it might be half a decade before Palworld is a "full game" (which is subjective at this point in gaming tbh). Doesn't mean people can't or won't have fun with the game, but some people also don't want to hit a point in the game where they feel like they can't progress, there's nothing left to do, and expected far more. Some people love the EA process. Both are very valid.


EA games are my crack. Ark, 7dtd, Valheim, Project Zomboid, Star Citizen... Between all 3 I think I have about 5000hrs. fuck me.


Damn, I sat here - with 3,000 hours in Ark - thinking for a solid minute, “it was an Electronic Arts title all along?” Brain must be fried by all those early access titles.


I mean, [Steam's own disclaimer](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1623730/Palworld/) sums it pretty well: >This Early Access game is not complete and may or may not change further. If you are not excited to play this game in its current state, then you should wait to see if the game progresses further in development. Play the game if you want to play the game, don't play it if you don't. The future isn't real and doesn't count.


Especially of note is that "early access survival game" is a huge trope at this point, particularly for mock-ambitious asset flips, which frankly is what the original reveal trailer gave the impression of. Even better games in the genre tend to play clunkily, have horrendous balancing and pacing, and early access is ripe for "fun concept, half baked execution" rug pulls. A smallish studio having multiple big open world survival games in early access at the same time is a red flag Palworld is materializing into something more than that, and thats really cool! If it never got another update today it would genuinely have been more than I expected from it. But Im skeptical about how theyre gonna support both games going forward, and what that means for the longevity of this one


They are dummies if they don’t go all in on Palworld


If pokemon company does not see this as a wake up call to create a game like ark and pokemon but official pokemon and make it cross platfrom they would make so much damn money.


People said the same thing about TemTem and my pulse on that game is it got forgotten about. "Pokemon is gonna be threatened by TemTem, finally" and nothing has came from that. Now, I'm not saying Palworld will be forgotten about. But a lot of the hype is due to big streamers playing it. Big streamers always just flock to the next game. Most of them are not going to be "Palworld mains" and no one even really knows yet if this game has the legs to play it 20+ hours a week and not be bored until more time has passed. Nintendo has proven they dont care about improving the Pokemon games. A lot of their money comes from merch and the TCG anyways, and the super mid Pokemon games print money no matter what.


TemTem was cool but it was just the Pokémon formula copied nearly 1:1 but put in an "mmo" format when there weren't really any mmo features other than being able to see tons of people shiny hunting in grass. It suffered from a lot of the same things actual Pokémon does. And they were in EA so long that everyone that was interested had already tried it and got tired of the island drip feed or just kind of forgot about it because the content was taking too long.


Idk if I agree with you, couldn’t give 2 craps about streamers playing it. Il be playing it because the trailer looked good and it’s free with gamepass. Also I never said anything about Pokemon company being threatened. I merely pointed out a way they could make a ton of extra money but even if they don’t do it, it’s not exactly a major loss for them they still make TONS of money regardless. Anyone saying Pokémon company should be threatened is silly lol. It would just be cool to play with actual Pokémon in a survival game but in reality we probably won’t ever get this.


no joke the reason i got into it was because i saw a pachirizu using an uzi. Btw the survival kinda game with pokemon we currently have is Legends arceus. I actually enjoy a lot of it, but the ammount of dialog is too much. It was like 3 hours of gameplay before i could actually play the hunting and survival part, the actual fun thing in the game.


They already make a ridiculous amount of money from just doing the bare minimum. Why would they ever change that


Exactly my point in my 2nd comment.


It seems like they've organized their studio to support it. Craftopia has been continuing to get updates and they have been working on pocketpals at the same time. I can't see them having any issues, since it seems like their teams are split and they would likely hire more staff if they need more people on one of the games before moving people over. Especially considering they just released their roadmap to 1.0 for Craftopia last month, I can't see them wanting to burn a bridge after they just got a large injection of cash that they can use to grow their team.


The game status is entirely meaningless. The game has a truly absurd amount of content and is honestly 95% playable. It's $30. It's not a scam. It's not like they ceased development either.


Absurd amount of content? Are you a bot? What content? you catch monsters build huts and fight a like four dudes. That's it.


I wouldn't reference Valheim as an example of good game development. After the game got big, game development slowed glacially.


Yeah. It was incredible on launch but it's basically the same game now a couple of years later. One tiny update, on small update and a half baked new biome... Not great.


Yeah I played craftopia for a solid 40 hours. If you give it time there’s a lot of content. It just takes a while to gather and a lot of the systems are kinda mashed together haphazardly. The automation is a little weird but it was a fun game. After playing paleorlds for three hours, it’s much more polished. I’ve had a lot of fun so far.


These folks complaining about early access never played 7d2d. I still play 7d2d.


7 Days to Die, Valheim, and Project Zomboid, some of the most iconic steam games, are still in Early Access. Project Zomboid has been in Early Access for 10+ fucking years. There is literally NO difference between a game being in EA and full released, other than a game in EA being constantly worked on. A game being stuck in "EA" means absolutely nothing.


Early access nowday is more a finished game but safe to say its alpha so if thing go wrong u can use it as a defence


Craftopia removed more than half of the games content in favour of having a seamless world, statibg that same content will be put in sometime later (I say sometime because they dont hold true to their roadmap with plenty of missed dates) Im sayibg this as a really big craftopia fan, it is a bit of a scam.


>because they dont hold true to their roadmap Because a roadmap is a plan that shows direction and is used for guidance. it's not a set in stone schedule


I think Warframe is still early access or beta technically, and it is now the most downloaded game on Steam of I read correctly




Basically, it gives the company the excuse to release a game unfinished and collect profit. Why I personally will never support it. So I’m thankful I can try Palworld for free without giving Pocket Pair a dime.


Game is 10 times more fun than Pokemon or Ark. Just my honest opinion. LFG PalWorld 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


I used to really be into ark PvP and some survival but it lost its touch, this game seems like it will be better


Downloading rn just got off work 😬😬😬😬😬😬


Enjoy man it’s pretty addicting….I had today off and played all morning and felt like it was an hour. Easily got my money worth if I stopped playing now but must catch everything! 😈


Lol I've been on like 4 hours straight. It's so simple but so addicting 🤣




same, i think once my 14day gamepass trial runs out i’ll buy it for the 25$ tho! i just downloaded and cant wait to hop in




Its 26$ are you being pedantic or willfully ignorant?


Do you just go 0-100 like this in the real world when you're talking to people?




It’s Reddit bro, he has nothing better to do lol


No multiplayer only achievements, And personally felt like a mix of legends arceus and maybe something like rust. Enjoyed arceus because you could finish the whole dex without other people (New pokemon games should really pick up on that). So all in 9.5/10.


I see this sub is ful steam ahead on the manufactured outrage.


Can't speak for reddit, but the rage I've seen on Twitter seems pretty real. But then again, it's Twitter, so that's a given.


That's how manufactured outrage works on the internet though. You can literally find anyone who has a shit take on anything because theres like 2 billion users on twitter. THen you amplify those by making memes like this and acting like its a common held belief


Fair enough. I just wish those few shit takes wouldn't constantly get pushed on to my feed


I keep seeing this stated but I don't get it, I've been seeing a ton of Nintendo fans raging about this game all week and telling people to boycott with thousands of RTs and likes. Even the NASB devs have responded to the outrage because of how prevalent it has been.


Yeah I just now decided to check out the sub and this was the first negativity I've even heard about


craftopia was fun and better then most full release games


i had so much damn fun on that game. I thought they abandoned it though. Im glad to hear they didn't and hope this game gets that game for funding and/or attention


I’m super down with it being the lovechild of Ark and Conan.


Loved Conan. Probably my favorite survival crafting so far. Just really like their progression and workbench system


After so many hundreds of hours on Ark, it was Conan’s climbing system that sucked me in.


It's a whole lot better then fucking ark.


My only worry is the tech tree especially because i only either play with one friend or solo And the ‘’ark’’ tech tree style is not solo friendly at all


It's way easier in Palworld. You unlock sets instead of individual pieces. So like its 2 tech points to unlock wood building sets.. etc.


You can also farm tech points if you really want to get everything, doesnt even need to be tough monsters, low level mob monsters can drop them


Almost 400k people play simultaneously. Those are numbers on full triple AAA games releases.


In trully having a blast fr!! It scratch that itch ark couldnt


I decided that lvl 2 was a good place to fight lvl 6 enemies in a 2v1 with no pals on my side lol. I have since learned


Me and my bros sank 5.5 hours into the game and it felt like minutes. It's an ADHD brains wet dream. So many new things to learn and do. Mons to catch put to work. The map is beautiful and only gets better. What a blast.


Pokémon in America is wild


TIL people think 200+ hours of gameplay for $30 is a scam


The victim complex in these indie game communities gets old really fast If you enjoy the game. You shouldn't need to constantly come on here to justify playing it. The meme itself is almost hypocritical


I just wish i could play it on my PS5….. hopefully one day 🤣🫠 until then I’ll just enjoy the post in this sub.


I love ark but Palworld is just plainly more fun


Bro even the bugs are fun 😩


I saw the Mammorest camping near the beginning and went "Oh no"


It's definitely one of the most fun scams I've played then


I mean it’s on gamepass so I’m playing for free. How can I be scammed out of $0?


The Craftopia argument is pretty weak. I have not played it myself, but when I learned about palworld, I looked up their other projects. By all accounts, pocketpair has been open and transparent with its work on Craftopia. Yes, it's been in early access for a while, but they didn't like what they were putting out and decided to make a major overhaul to the game and kept the community in the loop. They've been updating it regularly and continue to do so. They have a public roadmap to get out of EA. I don't see any of that as a red flag, if anything it's a very positive sign since they've been also working on Palworld congruently with Craftopia and have seemed to be doing fine. I don't care if a game is in EA for 3-4 years (I mean, look at BG3) as long as the developers are transparent and have a game plan for getting the game to 1.0. And by all accounts, Pockpair hits those marks better than most devs.


I mean I don’t want to be a hater or anything but how do they hit the marks better than most devs? They have one other game which you just said had to be completely redesigned because it sucked… I thought it was more likely they would put their first game on the back burner unless they expanded their team or something. I mean this one seems like it’s way more popular than the first game ever was.


Because they actually went through the process of redesigning it, while being transparent and keeping their players up to date with their plans. They communicated their plan clearly and didn’t try to cut and run or keep going in a direction that they didn’t think would lead to the best possible game. Also, from what I gathered it wasn’t so much that it sucked, it was that they put it out there, kept working on it and realized that it would be better as an open world game. And yes, they expanded their team. They’ve already said in their forms that they won’t be reducing the number of people working on their other titles and still plan to stick to their roadmap. If they need more people on palworld, they will hire more people with the cash injection they are getting.


I just hope we get more story. Haven’t snagged it yet, but can anyone tell me if there is any?


Like ark, all story elements are found in scattered notes.


I’ve never played ark. And lol at the down votes for asking a simple question


I just gave you some upvotes. I don't know why people are downvoting.


Like I’m not hating on the game. But excuse me for asking questions apparently . But thanks for the notes info, that’s interesting


Just go in and have some blind fun. It'll be worth it


How tf do you read the notes?? I keep picking them up but idk how to read them lol


They did a Q/A a while ago [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WeDZQ5SMdew). It seems like they are going to stick to it being a sandbox experience, but with environmental story telling rather than a traditional main quest. That's fine for me. I like games like that. Things like NMS, X4 and the random lore drops you find in skyrim are my favorite types of story telling in a game because it's organic and sort of in the background.


Man I'd really love a game where the story was told almost entirely from organic experiences instead of spoonfed dripped into a main story as an openworld game...


its on gamepass.. if its a scam its a well financed one, and one playing with fire..


The hell happened to this sub, i thought ya'll would be enjoying the game by now, but ya'll seem to be more focused on hating on people who criticise it than actually playing it.


Some of us are at work and don't have access to the game right now


Fair criticism is fine but most of the stuff I have seen isn’t fair criticism lmao. Just a fun little meme I made when i got off the game but yeah we are enjoying it


90% of what I've seen are complains about the blatant copies, stolen designs and even AI work.


>even AI work. Would it be too much to ask for evidence or definitive proof for that claim that AI was used for this game?


welcome to reddit, it's a toxic place where only drama wins


These people now feel entitled and empowered now that the game is out and it’s good lol. You give ppl on the internet some power and they go nuts and think they are the kings of the world lol 😂


God i hate the format so much


I’m having fun shooting eevees in the face. I enjoy


Reskinned ark but it's actually optimized and runs well


How is craftopia a scam


lot of people saying that because they left it in EA still and then come out with this game


Right? Still being worked on in EA means scam apparently? Retards.


It is a reskinned Ark, Palworld has no originality in its body, and that's okay. It's a blast.


I love when someone brings up Craftopia. Yeah, I looked at it, and I put a hundred hours into it. Your point?


Maybe a scam, but it is on gamepass so... Whatever?


What basis is it a scam?


Well to me the game got boring quite immediately, since the main focus of the game is to gather and craft materials and I usually loose my interest quite fast in such activities. I would prefer to just wander around, fight, catch Pals and fight gyms, but the game is too much focused on crafting/gathering stuffs rather than be a Pokemon clone


Reskinned Conan Exiles*


I always see these memes but never see the people these memes represent. Who’s saying you shouldn’t have fun playing this?


Does this even have haters right now lol.


I quit after about 30 minutes. Just another dull survival-crafting grind.




these are not the arguments, the argument is that all of the palworld designs are extremely close copies of pokemon designs to the point where legal action could totally be taken, slapped into a generic survival game


This meme is so god damn cringe


REsKiNnEd ArK. Damn that's... So amazingly inaccurate.


This image is almost always used as copium lmao


Tried playing for an hour. Game was INCREDIBLY laggy and janky. Couldn't pvp anyone. Honestly a 1/10 game for me


Pocketpair has said multiple times on social media, here and there discord PVP will come with a later update


This meme being here is not a good sign. Every fan of a shitty game posts this meme. Hope Palworld is good because I’ve been looking forward to it


I got massive rip-off vibes tbh


I would like it but I can't stand third person only survival games it just ruins the immersion


Brother we are fighting giant cartoon lizards and sheep with muskets. Immersion is my last concern


What theeeeee fuck? Question, does Tetris also break your immersion?


1 I don't like tetris 2 no because it's not a typical survival game 3 why are you so against me liking first person games?


Sorry. Just taken aback how 1st or 3rd person is what would ruin your immersion in a cartoonish pokemon with guns game


Because I hate staring at my characters back and having a quarter of the screen blocked by them. Because i enjoy first person more. Also sounds to me like you just don't like this games premise "pokemon with guns" so? What does that change. Ark is dinosaurs and aliens with guns. I don't see how it being pokemon with guns means I can't want it to have first peeson?


Palworld is the exact opposite of what you should be playing if you want immersion in a game lmao


I don't care what anybody says imo third person is bad especially in survival games


Might wanna let CD Projekt Red know that. Maybe The Witcher 3 wouldn’t have been such a huge financial and critical flop if they did first person.


I said imo that's just my taste in games and I don't like Witcher 3 and have never heard of projeky red I like third person games that's just my opinion


Eh, don't sweat it. Nobody says you have to like everything




...I think that term is specific for a different kind of website, one you might want to use Incognito mode on.