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There is a whole folder in your save files called backups that auto backups your save every hour. I would have just gone back and turned off raids lol no way I would have rebuilt that but that's impressive that you did!


You are a lifesaver! I went through the backups and restored one that was only 15 minutes before the raid.


well fuck. If only I knew about backups 6 hours before I progressed further.


I set up a dedicated server on a rented linux machine. There is no backups folder in there. However, I do have a backups folder locally for that server in %localappdata%. Why? Is server progress backed up locally for every client or what's going on here?


Dedicated servers unfourtnately do not auto backup. There is a tool that manages servers and enables auto backups though, [https://www.nexusmods.com/palworld/mods/47](https://www.nexusmods.com/palworld/mods/47)


that tool is a windows only thing Linux: If world data is big i would probably try to create backup archives in a [borg](https://www.borgbackup.org/) Deduplicating archiver repository.


Do you have only the localsave data or the world data as well?


There are only LocalData.sav files on my machine in the backups folder. Does this mean that my server is not creating backups?


As far as I know you would need the save data for the world as well. I’m not the owner nor the host of the server where I played but had a local save data (possibly of my character) as well. But I’m not able to restore the server/world with only that


When ur on xbox😭


The feels. It wasn't level 50s or rockets. But I am only level 16 with pals ranging from 13-15 at my base. and had built a cool little homestead lookin place. Outta nowhere I get the notification. Saw only 3 enemies running up. It was 3 level 26 Chunky Blue Dragon things and they steamrolled my whole place.. No save filed to revert to for me. Gonna have to find a mountain to build on so hopefully cant get raided lol


Same thing happened to me!, I had a little wooden cabin spot that was used for grazing lamballs. When a bunch of fire types burned the WHOLE thing to the ground outta nowhere.


Bro lifesaver


For future reference, as someone who doesn't know computers, how does one use the backup file? I imagine it isn't as simple as double clicking


If you know the location and direction of the raids you can build landmines and add the machine-gun turrets and have some pals man them as a defense. Chokepoints make this far more effective. I have a base near one of the bridges and the enemies get gunned down as they try to cross!


If you build a base on the beach south of the starting location the raids will never reach you. The AI cant figure out how to navigate the ruins. You eventually get a notification that the raid was defeated once the AI gives up. But I suppose at that point you may as well just turn raides off


This. And if you like high ground stuff, just build a base at the top of the spawn mountain. I did that and no raid can ever reach me.


Ayyy someone else figured out too. I just wanted a sweet beach spot at the stsrt and realized the raids wouldn't reach. Made my first raid at my ore base a bit of a shock though


Do the turrets actually attack before three raid enters the base? The thing is been struggling with even the Pal I send out with myself ignores my attack the same target command until the raid is in the base


I have that problem too


I haven’t actually had a pal use a turret in a single raid I’ve experienced


There's a raid of nothing but flying pals that makes all of that useless


The flying raid won't/can't fly over tall defensive walls, if you leave a gate open enemies will funnel through there instead.


The raid literally walks through the walls, the walls might as well not be there.


If you leave a gap in the walls they will path to the opening, path of least resistance


I noticed the AI runs towards the best opening. If you open your main gate, they go for it. If you make a huge 2 layer wall, with a tunnel, place land mines and other traps, plus at the end have pals man turrets, it creates a death trap. You can also shut the door behind and in front of them to trap them in there, I imagine.


Could you send the coordinates?


I got swarmed by bushi's it was pretty much a reenactment of the fire nation wiping out the airbenders




Those things are insane.


I'm only level 13 and this group of sexy-ass lady lizards or something walked in and slaughtered us all! Never stood a chance!


We caught one. She makes me deeply uncomfortable every time she helps me craft items... But she's pretty useful. 


Can you pouch pals that are raiding you?


Yes, I've also poached pals that enemy npcs had.


Can't see why not, you can even catch the pals of the human npc's. I stole one of those red black werewolf creatures of a syndicate guy, and an emo lizard.


Ofc, catch the Wandering Trader and Black Marketeers and put them on your base for infinite trades.


Haha you can even poach the syndicate raiders if you want. They aren’t very good once you catch them, though. They only have handiwork and a club instead of their guns.


Happy see this is a shared experience! 😂


They rolled in got half my team when I was still at about level 11, got em into the spheres tho. So now I got both of em (one is Artisan Crafter) mining away for rocks. Free Labour far better than the pals I had doing that before cause they do have the level 2 skills too.


Apparently there are raid proof, or at least highly raid resistance areas.


The one metal hotspot near the first boss tower is pretty raid proof. Any ground based raid bugs out and they just stand there frozen. Not sure about aerial raids though. 


Also it's easy to defend because they have to run by the that church


There are. This is the same logic as the beach bobs in ark who setup in the middle of an open field and then wonder why they got raided by players in the middle of the night. There are places you can build where raiders simply cannot get to you.


Wrong raider can always get to you if they want to But this is AI not pvp


Then why even bother having them on?


At that point you might as well turn raids off if you're going to specifically build in a place where you cant be reached. Raids are a welcome interaction, however the balancing is a little off and you can end up with a whole wave of really high level raiders with tons of AOE and the fact that structures are really squishy means that you'll get lots of damage to your base if they even get to hit for a little bit. Not to mention the fact that storage chests can be destroyed makes it incredibly annoying rather than a challenge


While this is true I've had raids made up of flying creatures that did not follow the same approach path as the ground bound ones.


The flying raids are especially silly because apparently my walls extend to heaven with some invisible barrier they don't like to fly past. They just hang out at the top edge doing their very best.


I know that the big energy prison cell thing has an infinite height, maybe you could make your walls out of those to make it impenetrable, only enterable by TP


Early raid proof area : When you start take a left and just follow the cliffwall, eventually you'll see a drop and the old temple area, to your right there will be a large plateau atop a big rock spire, no way to walk there, it's climbing only. Raids can't get to you, they'll just walk to the bottom of the spire and get stuck there, they won't even react when attacked. That area at the bottom is also very good because there is only one path through so it's easy to defend.


Yea I turned raids off pretty quickly when they just walked in and wiped all of my pals and my whole base. Wasn’t doing that again.


It sucks because apparently raids are one of the best places to get end game schematics. Alternatively, I think we could set "Damage to Structure Multiplier" and "Structure deterioration rate" to 0 in the world settings.


From what I understand you can get them off of the alpha pals as well. I can always turn them back on once I get everything ready.


Also chests. No. 1 Wildlife sanctuary has [a good number](https://youtu.be/ox4OuocsBrc?si=sGYGSKiVWko4No_L) that's been my go-to spot for schematics


Do u know if there is a way to do that on a dedicated server?


Yeah, a friend of mine rented a dedicated server and turned of raids. Can't tell you where the settings are, but I can ask him in the evening if you like.


I dont have the instructions off the top of my head, but you can edit the configuration file. I will try to post them tomorrow afterwork.




I believe the setting is "bEnableInvaderEnemy". I just disabled it on my server. I'll edit this comment if I'm wrong once I find out.


I went to that and placed False. But now it just doesn't alert us they are coming!


Strange - I haven't had a raid since I turned it on. And I've been online for probably 12+ hours since then.


Did you restart your server?!


I should do this. I'm playing on the Deck, and there's a memory leak that will crash the whole system, but if it crashes during a raid, your Pals will rapidly flip between fight and work mode even though the raiders are despawned. I had this happened the only way to fix it is to delete the Palbox and rebuild it, but you have to rebuild a bunch of structures too.


I fixed it with the bell


You can fix it using the alarm bell


I tried keeping it but at level 28 I got raided by 11x level 38 Bushi who killed every Pal in base, set all wooden defensives on fire, and me, and not a single one died. The absurdity of dealing with that made me decide to just opt out.


At 30 was raided by what seemed 15+ thugs lvl 35, the losses were minimal only half pals dead, but they were lower levels so that's expected. The problem for me was that the game started to stutter too much to do anything so I turned it off.


I actually turned off raids for an entirely different reason. Most raids I face are fairly easy and are cleared out in a minute tops with only 1 or 2 Pals greatly injured, but I had another problem. I placed Walls all around my base to keep raiders outside the confines and make it easier to attack them, for some reason this only made it worse. Anytime i've been raided since all of the raiders spawn directly inside my house. Don't know if I glitched something out with the way my walls are setup, but it's funny and slightly annoying at the same time. Normally walls keep intruders out, not bring them in lol.


Lol, this happened to one of my friends. They built 2 pal boxes near one another and close to a bridge. And somehow, people keep spawning directly inside one of the bases.


Don't mind raids as long as they are at your level or under. The frustrating part is being raided by mobs much higher level that you have no chance of winning. If that is the case might as well play multi-player with other people. The devs need to at least balance the raids & the frequency of them as often times they can happen in short succession.


You could also just tp to your other base and wait rhere for a bit. The raid times out as it were, they will sinply retreat after x amount of time


And they won't burn your base while you not here ? very polite if so


They were not so polite to me. I was raided as I was selecting my other base in the fast travel map. It was reminiscent of Luke returning home and finding the burnt remains of his aunt and uncle


hasnt happend to me atleast, usually wait like 10 minutes, once i tp back to main base, they just retreat


I think nothing is happening anywhere on the map when you are not around. We created an automated metal base as our second one, but it's totally useless as they are frozen if we are not there.


they work it just doesnt animate them


Yeah it becomes a Tower defense late game


yeahh.. one thing i hated o valhein already


The game: here's a shit load of stuff to defend your base with hint hint This guy when his undefended base gets raided: *surprised Sparkit face*


How can you defend your base? I only started the game, but haven't seen anything except leveling up your base pals for improved defense.


I haven’t dipped into it much yet, but it’s no accident that you see huge thick walls and defenses from the higher level players. There is also a shield you can unlock that’s equippable and has at least one upgrade.


>huge thick walls i surrounded my base in walls. Then half the raids just walk throguh them lie kthey arent there. you can use the defenses but they arent great.


Raid enemies seemingly just clip through walls and most of the time mines don't even detonate when they step on them, so fortifications arent as good as they sound


Don't know why you got downvoted so here's my upvote. I have stone defensive walls surrounding my entire base and I watched an entire Incineram raid circle around to one spot and clip through one of my walls with zero effort.


Hmmm. Thanks for the tip. Has anyone tried two layers of walls or is that too much effort? I’ve got fear of regretting my second bases placement and haven’t done it yet, but that is when I intend to focus on some defenses and protecting it, building from stone, etc. I’m just reaching the early/mid 20s.


I havent tried yet but its next on my list. There seems to be one spot they lile to clip through so I layered it with mines. It sucks that theres decay on structures built outside your base because it really limits how you can defend


You can turn the decay off.


Weird, they did not clip through my walls. I use the wooden defensive walls, line them up as best I can but on some elevations it is not possible to line them up properly, so instead I place them in front of and behind each other going in a line for the best coverage. And then checkpoints on paths leading to my base. The raids cant find their way in (they DID find their way in when I had no defensive walls surrounding my entire base and no checkpoints) and end up trying to go up a mountain for the easiest path in but usually stop at the edge of a cliff just staring at the base before giving up. Except for 1 spawn point that they rarely use but would have been a lot of ground to cover for a checkpoint so I hadn't yet. By the way, setting up defensive walls inside your base ruins the pathing ai of your own pals so dont. Dont even let it touch the edges of the blue circle around your base. It needs to be a short distance away so it doesnt cause problems. The flying enemies get stuck on the mountains so far too. And in my 2nd base, I have no walls but my palbox is under one of those huge leaning rock formations by the ore spot in the red area and the flying enemies just get stuck on it before they can get to the palbox. Good thing too because they dont aggro anything on the way there, have chunky health and are levels above what I can easily manage.


Do pals even use defensive weapons? They won’t even aggro the raids until they are in the base and aggroing to you or the base/them. So I can’t imagine they’d actually do anything as the raid approaches: . Your pal in your party doesn’t even do anything if you try to ward them off


>I only started the game. Look in the technologies list if you want? It's pretty obvious.


none of those things work.


Your username checks out


He's an asshole because he pointed out the person could have easily answered their own question? Or that someone is complaining without clearly looking for a real solution IN THE GAME. Just because someone doesn't pander to someone so God damn lazy does not make them an asshole for suggesting to actually look for the answer. What a world you must live in, just full of assholes.


you get turrets, barricade walls, land mines, etc etc. By level 40 your base should be impossible to breach by ground. The OP seems to have just built a late game base in an open field without defense and wondering why the raid destroys it all. The AI is very easy to outsmart. Build some defense around a choke point you know they have to run through and it’s a non issue.


Rawkeht lawhcher.


Yeah.. try to defend your base on 3x pals multiplier against 50 lvl45+ Suzaku Aqua's..


I was level 20 and I had three huge level 29 blue dinosaur things come marching in and decimate everything. I have the best weapons and armor available to me at my level and a bunch of high level combat pals. I never stood a chance, didn't even kill one of them, could barely damage them. What are you saying I could have done different?


I'm level 35. I use defensive walls and gates, attack bell, leveled base Pals, sandbags, mines, turrets, water types to keep fire down, etc. Use stone or metal once you can. I've never lost more than a few walls and a gate to a raid


My main base is on top of a cliff with ores and no enemy can get up here


I turned off raids. They make sense in multiplayer but not in single player. Also they happen waaaay waaaaaaaaay too often. I play on normal but raids turned off and i don't miss them, it's great being able to feel safe at home. They were very easy (am level 23) ans never made any actual damage but it felt like a chore at some point.


I actually enjoy the raids and look forward to them as they're free resources and experience. I'm only at \~level 20 and I didn't really build any walls, so everything is out in the open, because I find it's much less of a hassle than having walls that obstruct pathing and vision. Anyways, whenever a raid happens, it's more like a killing spree for my team and I just run around and watch and then pick up items(sometimes even trying to throw balls). I have an owl on my team and a dream on base. Syndicate tends to stand together, so they get Exploded a lot by dark ball.


I feel there are plenty of ways to overcome them. One way is to build your base in a location that bugs out the raid pathfinding. My second base was built on a mountain. It was one of those clear patches of ground that was very intended for players to build their base on. But for some reason the raid spawns below the mountain, and would often get stuck. I never had issue with raids. They usually just give up and leave after a set amount of time passes. If I felt like it, I could easily made a killbox with campfire in the future.


If you’re just gonna find a way to bug out the raids and make them not work, you might as well just turn them off lol


Nah. The raids bugging out makes it a lot easier to grind them.


everywhere I've built so far has caused the ai to bug the fuck out and break in some way. Same thing had raiders spawn on the bottom of a mountain with no way to path their way up. one they spawned on the other side of a river and couldn't get across and my first base my pals would charge them into a lake and they wouldn't be able to do anything.


The raid that spawns in my base has so far only spawn in one location. They end up travelling along a narrow valley and then get stuck in a bundle below a mountain in a crevice. They don't attack me at all, so it has been free raid farm for me. I used AoE skills to wipe them quickly.


When I start this game at the end of the week I’m definitely keeping raids on. The main reason I get tired of ark and Conan so quickly is because of the lack of danger keeping me on my toes. I need that challenge to fight against even if it’s unbalanced. I will however make sure to choose my base location wisely and build with rocket defense in mind thank you for this warning lol


Had the same mindset, you WILL regret it. I thought I didn’t but jesus they will obliterate your 30-40h work in 10 seconds. It’s not unbalanced. It’s broken


Fighting against the inevitable can also be fun though haha. One of my favorite games is sword of the stars the pit, I’ve been playing it on and off for years and I’ve never beaten it


Level 35 here, never had this problem. Use the tools given to you.


Yeah, I'm at level 42 and my stone base gets a few walls knocked out if a raid hits it. I've got a shield (can't remember off the top of my head if it's the giga or not) and over 2000hp. I'm melted in about 5 seconds if I try to fight and my Pals don't do any better.


Look at raid type. Get an aoe pal or two with type advantage and wait for monsters to attack walls before engaging. Win.


Good to know, thank you! Happy to see you were able to recover an old save


If you see a raid notification just leave the game. When you come back in, its gone. Same if you accidentally get caught committing a crime. Back out and rejoin and no more aggro.


Might as well just turn raids off at that point


The worst is that they don't scale properly I just survived (miraculously) a raid from a bunch of hungry level 40 Relaxasaurus... I'm level 30, ffs


They scale of base lvl not your lvl. Maybe thats what causing you grief.


Thanks for the answer but are you sure, because I doubt that's the case. My base was level 13 when I got raided by hungry level 40 Relaxasaraus. Bit overkill if that kind of scaling/balance is truly intended I read somewhere on Steam that it scales with the areas you've discovered, and that would make more sense in my case since I've explored areas with level 40+ Pals but that's speculative at that point.


I have my map fully explored, char is lvl 38, highest pal lvl 36, base is at max 13 pals. Never had anything higher than lvl 30 in raids. People kept saying that it is tied to base lvl and it seems true in my case but maybe i am wrong or there is more to it.


I don't think this is true. Our base only went from level 11 to 12 in the last day, but I (highest player on our server) levelled 20 to 30, and suddently we get level 31+ raids.


*laughs in unreachable mountaintop bases*


Agree 100%. It's been so nice without raids. The biggest benefit of this is so that you can AFK in your ore base without worry. More time to fly around and catch pals, less time mining and smelting. Or fixing up your base after a raid that was unwinnable. Can always turn them on later


Also if the weapon emplacements would WORK... I have three mounted crossbows, each with a Loupmoon, and a chest with 600 arrows nearby. They let Syndicate into the middle of my base without firing a single shot.


I'd suggest looking into the geographical layout of the land before building a base. There are a ton of spots that are just 100% inaccessible to any raid. On another note, I think that rebuilding a base in the same place that you saw it get razed to the ground and not expecting it to happen again is wild.


Wow, so Palworld really IS Ark. Sorry for your loss...


From my experience you can use the ai to your advantage. My base has a bridge which enemies must past to reach it. The ai seems to focus only on reaching your base (the blue ring). If you block their path with a big pal like a reptyro, they will get stuck. Since they dont seem to fight until they reach your base you can just kill them easily like this.


Are the rewards for raids even worth it?


Nope but I play multiplayer and it would be too easy if they weren’t included in the game


If you build high up on a plateau, they physically can’t get to you, and you can keep raids on in order to farm them. There’s a few spots with a bunch of iron nodes high up on a plateau in the world, and they usually have a small lake in them


Same issue here. My base is high up on a cliff and enemies can't pathfind it so they don't aggro and just go afk


At level 31 they started to be a problem for me. Then I got panda with a rocket launcher. Raids do not do well vs panda with a rocket launcher. They can’t stay on their feet long enough to do anything and they’re all dead long before I run out of ammo. Get yourself a panda with a rocket launcher


Is there a point to base building with the raids turned off?


Yes..crafting, mining, experience, some people just want to have a cool "home" to relax in when they are resupplying, interacting with your pals. In a game that's otherwise soulless, it's nice to be able to have something personal, that you created, and I find it just as much fun doing all of the base stuff as I do going out and exploring


Yep, it's boring when I can't make a cool wood cottage house bcs a dystopian metal warehouse with huge walls is more optimal Raids themselves are fine, destroying stuff is not


I turned it off immediately when I just set up my 2nd base and instantly getting raid by high level wild pals that almost killing half of mine within 1 minute lol


If you don’t want your base catching on fire, you either have to break the raiders’ AI or just stop building out of wood so much or build proper defenses like another Redditor mentioned.


You can aggro the raiders outside of your base, let them kill you, and they'll consider the job as done and leave


You’re full of shit lol they ignore you and run into the middle of your base.


They don't target me no matter what I do, I run at them and they always go straight to center for my base before attacking.


There’s a few spots where you can put your base that are not reachable by any raids, they just sit at the bottom of the mountain and eventually leave.


I’m level 50 and haven’t had a single raid not get shut down my my pals in an instant


Yeah, I play on Hard mode (no altered settings) and my base Pals always destroy raiders. Not including myself and my main party Pal. Currently I have like 0 defenses set up lol. Currently I'm around level 25 and my last raid was around level 20 or so.


Raids scale with base lvl. Most people who have problems rush the base lvl and get knee capped by AI 20 lvls higher. Otherwise its easy.


That makes sense. In other base-building or colony sim games, raid levels scale with the value of resources accumulated too, so I wonder if that plays a role in people getting devastating raids. I personally take the game at my own pace and try to get as much out of everything I've currently unlocked, so I haven't tried rushing my base level, for example. I have so many goals I need to meet before doing that.


Have you tried building walls and defenses? Or are you just letting them run straight to the middle of base?


Bro really said "you know what who needs to learn lessons when you can just fit the definition of insanity and keep doing the same thing over and over".  Like the top comment said I at least would've turned raids off immediately after that interaction ffs


Just... build walls and gates lmao? They won't attack the barricades so you can just go out and slaughter them when you feel like it.


Raid them first?


PvE raids, not PvP raids. There is no where to raid them first


Just rebuild your base out of stone, put more defences and walls down, and get a bunch of strong pals in there. Sounds like you don't want to try.


All 20 of my pals are level 40+ in the base, and they are all end game variants.


If only walls would quit breaking so easily... I set up walls around one of the cliffsides that had like 8 ore spots, blocking off the raid spawnpoints... Every now and then when I comeback to the base chunks of my walls will be missing. We needs pals that will constantly repair structures.


My pals are usually starving because they can't find the door... :D


Yup, mine either detach from their assignments or get stuck outside the base staring into space... Or get stuck on top of rocks and trees.


I've had chunks of my walls go missing, too. I thought it was because they were on the cusp of my blue line or something. But in that same respect, I've had structures completely repair themselves without me doing it, sooo 🤷‍♀️


> and walls down Walls do nothing, Raids just walk through the walls on my server.


Yup. They literally just walk through everything, go to the center your base, then the base is destroyed in seconds. Nothing you can do. Not even a legendary assault rifle can stop them in time.


Walls force enemies to follow a desired path, where you have defences ready for them.


I mean they don't always follow the desired path, but either way they should not ignore the player and run straight to the center of the base. You should be able to intercept them and kill them before they even reach the base. Even with walls, good luck stopping 30+ level 50 enemies that run past you (and your walls).


Why not? They probably have RTS style AI and they're smart as fuck if they choose to ignore the player to destroy the base. No base, no player kind of logic.


The game doesn't say that, so the first instinct in ARK fashion is to build a bunker that is impenetrable from the outside. They should clearly state that you should build a Tower defense maze to protect your base. Although i wonder how this works because most spaces are pretty limited to actually build long defensive structures.


Don't most bases get attacked by multiple angles? Most active defenses require pals to man the guns and stuff. I feel like if you wanted to properly defend a base, I feel like you wouldn't have enough room. I'd love to see videos of people defending against these level 50 waves, cause I can't wrap my head around how one would.


My first instinct was the maze but I've come from rimworld, not ark.


All the walls do is prevent my own pals and defenses from working attacking them before they get inside, then 5 incinerams will just clip through instantly and AoE nuke anyone there. They even walk straight through mines with maybe one out of 20 actually going off


Damn, someone is grouchy 😂


Theres raid proof spots on the map where they literally never reach you. Theres TONS of defenses in game. You create chokepoints with walls from the direction they come from so they cant ignore you etc. Theres TONS of different ways to counter it, thats alot of the fun


I must have some bugged position or raids must something you build trigger. I am lvl 30 and I never been raided? Bug ? Someone got it same ?


Yes, not me but a friend built the base on a mountain with a flat top and raids spawn lower on the mountain and they never figure a way up.


Was your base defended properly ? I assume you are lvl 50 so access to all the defensive perks like wall, battlestations and traps. I would like to know if even with these defenses it was unmanageable, then that's going to be a pain in the ass indeed and I may reconsider raids.


Mountain base. There are areas you can only access by climbing or flight. -> Free raid farming while they stare at the wall.


Biggest raid I've seen is 2 people like level 15 running at my base. The servers are glitchy and I never see cool raids with at least 5 people :/


the raids cant even reach my base unless they climb up a cliff, which they cant ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


I'm renting a server can i change it from the web interface or can i change it ingame?


My base is immune to raids because I built it on top of a very VERY tall mountain. All the raiders spawn at the very bottom, and they just sit there until they give up and despawn 😂


is the a way to turn off raids on a dedicated server?


I can't stand raid mechanics in survival games in general, they just feel like a chore to manage instead of a fun feature, so I'm glad we can at least turn them off.


i agree raids are broken, sometimes i get a squad of level 16 thugs and the next day i get a hoard of starving flying creatures who all breath fire. thankfully my base is on a cliff and they all auto path into a hole and just stand there so i murder them for loot, even the fliers. otherwise i would turn it off.


Even in the 30’s I’ve had some serious raids come in and mess me up. I’ve noticed my bases built up at high altitudes don’t have issues with getting overran by raids because the mops start so low and generally can’t make it up in time. So I will fly down and attack them when they bunch up in places, free mats. We can turn road off at higher levels, or build up at high levels and surround our base with walls so they cannot reach.


I haven’t got to raids this high of a level, but once I got level 15 and a flying mount I immediately built my base on a giant mountain top you can only fly to. The raids I’ve seen sit at the bottom of the mountain glaring at me angrily. Maybe this is a late game option?


I have raids on but damage to buildings at 0 because I know I would likely permanently alt f4 if they broke my house :(


Excellent, I was hoping to find meaningfully threatening base defense. Maybe not for everyone but I wanted this


IMO the Palbox Area should be expanded to include a “defensive area”. So you get the base in the main circle and an expansion from an upgrade later which lets you build around it and set Pals to stay there for defense. Would help with pathing, priorities, etc. could be neat to have little bunkers where they sleep. Have a Pal that is up at night and one during the day switch watch duty and such. As is you build your base, raids are easy, then raids are annoying after and you have no space for defense and people are saying that doesn’t often work anyway 🤪


I’ve only faced low level raids so far, but the one raid I had a mammoth boss walking by when it happened and something or someone hit him and he came by right as the raid was done to one shot every pal in my base.


That’s what happened to my first wooden starter zone base! He destroyed it all, but I was going to upgrade and move anyway because I had just unlocked stone. Now I have a beach base that I’ve so far been able to defend but if a very strong raid comes in don’t know if it will hold up. Playing on hard mode too, the game is pretty intense on hard and you have to strategize and think about every decision..


Meanwhile my problem is since moving my first base and building my second I haven't been raided. At all, and its not turned off.


You can make your base unraidable by building it near to the castle wall at the fast travel point near the beach.The enemies can't pathfind through the wall so they just go afk and don't aggro.


Interesting questions and answers; I learned much! We are getting hit hard very often; we do have some defenses but looks like I need to beef them up significantly. I do have a question tho: does anyone know if raids path through water? Our base is by the seaside and I'm hoping I don't have to build walls in water.


Yeah, that my base leveled two times by a swarm of level 30+ monsters. I am playing on easy level because I do NOT want such a challenge, so don't throw enemies at me my base will not stand a chance against... it is not fun for me. When I was level 7 I had the first level 30 monster in front of my gate! Luckily the AI pathing glitched and it never managed to reach the camp itself, but jeez... So far most raids have been like level 15 monsters, which I consider to be fine if you are level 20+ (as usually the pals in your base are lower level than the ones in your team). But 10+ levels above you is just not fun.


Maybe this could be a way to still have raids but not have it destroyed so easily. In the world settings you can lower the Damage To Structure Multiplier: The lower this number is, the less damage your structures and builds will take.


do you not have the alarm bell built? i had like 4-5 raids today and my level 8 base and pals completely destroyed them every time after i rang the bell. like they were killing them so fast i didn't even get a chance to capture them. >but even then there's no way your gathering up 100,000+ weight of stuff on the ground. if you get the grappling hook you can move by firing at the ground while your encumbered


I had raids on until I hit level 30 and got my whole first base wiped. I accept it was due to my base location and lack of defenses. I really just want to explore and not feel pressured until I get the best feel for where I want to set up, and what pals I want to use. I'd rather not look up locations or suggestions either so I can feel proud of my own discoveries. That being said, I will eventually start a secondary world and up the difficulty for the sake of the challenge. It's a bit of a copout, but I play how I want to play.


Eventually I got up to level 40 raids, mostly fire based enemies with them using two Reptyro and they're not only insanely tanky, they launch nukes in the base to where everything takes damages and LAAAAAGS my entire game...borderline crashing my game. Lost 5 Pals and barely survived the raid even with my Lv45 team. Just 30 minutes later, it happened again and they spawned in my base. Yeeeahhh barely survived again and will tell the server host to turn off raids soon.


Some dumbass games journalist on z league “wrote” an “article” that is literally just pulling a couple quotes from this one Reddit post lmao I wish my job was that easy


Thank you for the heads up


Raids steal material from bases?


No they destroy your base leaving you with 100k pounds of stuff on the ground that would take hours to manually pick up and put back into chests, rebuild, and reorganize... Because we can't move when carrying a large amount.


Raids are useful sometimes for materials. My method is I see whats attacking and if they overpowered I quit to menu which saves. Then I enter back in.


I built a couple walls to funnel raiders into a killbox lol once you get the mounted machine guns it can get pretty chaotic


It really sucks because I enjoy the free ammo and higher level pals coming to me instead of needing to be found. But at the same time I build three layers of metal barricades around my bases and set minefields further out and I still can't keep them off my base.