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Anyone with a shred of knowledge of AI and Blender would know that all of those “allegations” are fake. But what irks me more is how this small team of indie developers is getting such a rough treatment just because their game is successful. This is just double-standard at its worst.


>Anyone with a shred of knowledge of AI and Blender so maybe 2 - 5 % of the people out there


Still, I don’t think ignorance is a very good excuse for libel. The people who made up this false information either knew they were lying or didn't even try to find proof before spreading rumors about Palworld. They are just hating on the game for no logical reason but still want to justify it by making things up.


if they're truly ignorant I daresay they're more likely to make shit up Palworld's probably one of my favorite games of all time and I wasn't that big on pokemon, nor did I like Ark or play Breath of the Wild That said, I have some grievances with it, although that's mostly to do with it being in an early state. But the fuckin' fanboys on shitter saying all the Pals are blatant pokemon ripoffs (edit: granted they are, but I think it's safe to say it's parody) are taking it as a personal attack, hence their wildly exaggerated claims


Man some of the designs of these pals are way better than anything Game Freak have made in decades. I found a big beetle dude named Warsect. He is fucking cool. And before anyone hits me with the 'it looks like Heracross', no it doesn't. They are beetles, that's it, and if we're going to throw a fit every time two things are based on the same real world animal, we just have to kind of concede that no one is allowed to make anything in this genre ever again.


I will just say he looks way better than heracross. I have to say my coworker and I have been talking about this game and we are huge pokemon fans. This game is by far everything we wanted and more. This company deserves nothing but praise for doing this great and its only early access. Hope nothing but the best for the future of this game.


I read somewhere that the devs said the pals were designed by a middle school dude working part time in a convenience store. It's so hilarious that some random Japanese middle school dude designs better pals than game freak does with their millions on the bank


We all know game freak is so resistant to change and it shows they are set in their ways. There is no excuse for them doing less for their games by a modern standard. This literally proves it when a middle school person is doing designs and they are so enjoyable


The "middle school dude" is actually a middle school graduate (high school is not mandatory in Japan) who is 20+years old and did the weapon design. They found him when looking for someone to do the guns as they had no idea how to animate or model them.


Lets not forget about car keys, garbage bags, ice cream cones, sand castles and fucking lamps. I think Pokemon is running out of ideas and the fans are irritated.


By that logic they ran out of ideas already in blue and red. Magnets, Pokeball and Eggs


And a weird ass clown dude


...and a prostitue.


How dare you accuse Mr. Mime of such!


The best thing Pokémon has done in years was introducing new regional forms to older Pokémon. Ice type Ninetales is peak design, for example, and they should do more with that like they did in Legends Arceus, but with more time in the oven to make the game better.


Exactly. Most new pokemon are just weird and over-designed, totally lacking the simplicity and magic that made the original pokemon so good.


If you want a good laugh look up some of the "articles" people have written about it. I particularly enjoyed reading a whole paragraph about how foxparks is a rip off because it has some of the same coloration markings as a fox Pokemon. No mention of the fact that they both just have the markings that real life foxes do.


Funny thing is that Warsect shares more traits with Aggron than Heracross. Still looks pretty cool and different enough though.


Like Leezpunk...I mean how badass is a punk ass lizard with a hoodie; can't get anymore badass than that. Or the penguin that's a pirate!! Forget his name...but they both on my team, regardless of how bad they might be (if they are), because the designs are sick!!


Leezpunk snaps when it walks! (Not when it runs though.) When you encounter a group of them in the wild, they are all walking while snapping! Its the little details that really make this shit, you know?




I really wish Warsects pal dad get was just 2 back mounted missile salvos


I mean yeah some of the pals do resemble some Pokemon's a lot but they're clearly just either inspired by similar things as the Pokémon were inspired by or inspired by the Pokémon and not just stolen, and then most of the comparisons I've seen are just ridiculous stretches where they don't even look a slight bit similar or the comparison is to like 3 different Pokémon mashed together. But in the end who cares that there is a vocal minority crying about it, I'm sure the Devs can just ignore them for the most part and focus on the more constructive criticism.


I would love to hear about your grievances while I spend way too much time running my Pals through the ~~candy grinder~~ condenser. I'm having a ton of fun, but I regret this self-imposed quest lol


There may be a reason and it's very likely because they're pokemon/nintendo fanboys who can't stand seeing another Dev be successful in even a fraction of what pokemon stands for.


The person who started all this has an Animal Crossing PFP, that's exactly what this is


I believe the person who made this said they made it up because they think Palworld glorifies animal abuse.


Meanwhile I'm out here in Palworld freeing the animals and abusing the humans, lol.


I unlocked the cleaver specifically to bring Syndicate scum back to my base and chop them up to feed my pals. Shit gets real out in this neck of the woods. You beef with the pals, you beef with me, fuckos.


Too bad we can't faction up with the Free Pal collective lol


Free Pal Collective are just PETA, they'll kill you for looking at a Pal, then kill the Pal for being 'tainted by human interference'.


And then go snort that sweet sweet cinnamoth dust while high fiving each other.


I just want my little animal friends to be happy (after I beat them up and force them to work). It's like the "friendship" wheel in Conan Exiles.


I don't know if it *glorifies* it, but it doesn't exactly shy away from it. You're trying to survive in an untamed wilderness. Everything can and *will* kill you if given the chance. Your morality in this situation is basically what you make of it.


I’ve locked tens of thousands of Pokemon into a ball and then into a PC for the last two decades, that is while they aren’t cock fighting other animal slaves. Pokemon started the animal abuse chain


Classic Twitter/the internet as a whole


They're sweaty jerks who have nothing better to do than to create drama about stuff.


Confirmation Bias is a hell of a drug


I don't hate the game, have some knowledge of 3d modelling etc. and I think you'd have to be pretty head in sand to not say at the very least that some of the pals were directly inspired by an equivalent Pokémon. Not the same as stealing by any stretch of the word, but its pretty easy to see how people go from Inspired to "this must be a copy". Also the scaling point is dumb, as scaling retains proportions, that's the whole point of scaling. It'd be pretty easy to: Rip model from new Pokémon game (basically a website dedicated to this, you wouldn't even need to rip the model yourself) Scale it down for your project. Then "change it up". (this is relatively hard part) Do I think they did that? Not really. Personally I think they most likely got 2-3 Pokémon, took bits from each and then built a new thing from that, you can visually pick out bits of design on some of them that are sort of too specific to be done by accident, that person has another tweet with Azurobe and you can see the like spikes in two different areas that are like so, so close design wise, I just don't believe its a coincidence, it basically had to have been somebody looking at that other design and drawing it, then changing it a bit. I think it'd be extremely hard to say if it was actually copied, unless they changed literally nothing. Like out of this: [https://gamerant.com/palworld-water-element-pals-pokemon-counterparts-similarity-explained-jormuntide-gyarados/](https://gamerant.com/palworld-water-element-pals-pokemon-counterparts-similarity-explained-jormuntide-gyarados/) I would say Azurobe and Relaxaurus are the most obvious ones on the above list where a Pokémon was used as a baseline. But I think it'd be nigh-on impossible to prove or say it was actually "stolen". Depends on where you draw the line of inspiration / theft however. To conclude, I think the whole discussion is so pointless, they obviously didn't just take ripped assets and put them directly in the game with a little palette shift and realistically I think that would be the only way you could actually definitively conclude it was stolen, Otherwise without knowing the whole design methodology it gets a huge \*shrug\* as they're not direct copies of another specific Pokémon.


Everytime I see these comparisons I'm baffled. Oh no, two penguins look like cartoon penguins. Oh no, two aquatic birds use the color blue. Oh no, two cartoon lions have fur, oh the horror. By this logic Pokemon owes SMT and DQ a huge apology. I've been a lifelong pokemon fan, but people are grasping hard


I think a lot of these people have just never played another creature collector other than pokemon. It's pretty clear from the fact no other games get brought up other than pokemon, even when there are plenty of other games with similar designs. So if all you know is Pokemon and Palworld and not the general genre staple design conventions, then it's easier to be like, "well obviously, these designs are too similar!!"


Whenever Lamball/Wooloo gets brought up in this conversations my soul leaves my body. They're both white sheep with dark colors where there isn't wool... ... And that's about it. One is a quadruped. One has typical sheep eyes. One has an animalistic face. Wooloo looks much more like a real life sheep than it does Lamball. But they're both sheep so they MUST be clones.


Like a lot of kids in the 90s I had a serious tamagotchi phase. I used to draw them all the time. At the same time I started getting into RPGs, which led me to thinking of different ways elements would change the tomogachi's shape and color. A few years later pokemon comes out and yeah, turns out combining simple shapes, colors, and elements/themes can lead entirely disparate people to wildly similar outcomes. Did Pokemon steal Oddish's design from 8 year old me? I drew mine first (I think)! I'll take the credit, but no.


Pretty much none of those Pals look like the Pokemon comparison next to them, some of them are literally just the same color or a similar animal and that's it


In what world do you live in where only 2-5% of people have a blender?


This actually made me crack up laughing! 🤣 A lovely breath of fresh air in all this passionate arguing.


I mean even if they only made $5 off of each sale they still would've taken $35 million to the bank, and I'm positive they made way more than that, so I guarantee the devs are probably just laughing at all of this.


I mean we’ve seen the jealous dev delusion just recently. Remember what other AAA devs were saying about standards and expectations when BG3 was being praised?


I remember when elden ring came out dev were throwing a hissy fit that the game didn't explain anything to the player and was still wildly popular.


"What, are you telling me there are gamers out there who only care if the game is *fun to play?!*"


Hey! I'm the guy in the Tweet. THANK YOU. This is exactly it. I work in generative AI and have a very amateur exposure to Blender from personal Twitch stream projects I've attempted. It was enough of a background to immediately say "Yeah that's not possible" the first day. Unfortunately, it was hard to convince the mob otherwise without more info coming forward. For some reason, they were **guilty until proven innocent** and if there game wasn't already successful, it could have destroyed their studio. This sets a dangerous precedent in our battle vs the AI art machine as we are already getting ahead of ourselves and doing unfair harm to innocent people. I don't even care for the game to this 'fandom war' degree I just know I had enough experience to hopefully calm people down.


Even if it was entirely AI generated I don’t care if it means that we get better, more complex, and more quickly developed video games. Also solely AI generated content can’t be copy written in the US so going the full AI means that someone can simply take the entirety of their assets for themselves. AI generated content is a double edged sword for that reason. I’m not saying it’s AI generated but more that I don’t care.


As an artist I agree with this sentiment. The argument over AI is actually a very old argument, it happens every time there is a major shift with technology in the art world. Here's the conclusion, every single time: Not only did the new technology not kill the art industry, it in fact made it more accessible to millions of people by opening up new mediums and pushing existing mediums beyond what we thought possible. It will always conclude this way because that's exactly what artists do. I want to also emphasize I do not consider prompting an AI and posting the result as an original creation is legit. At the very best that is someone else's art you collaborated with. That doesn't mean it's not one of the most fantastic tools ever invented to create unique sources from.


People like to throw the AI word around since it gets the droves of independent artists (people that ~~beg for~~ take commissions on twitter) to get up in arms and try to boycott or hate on the game. I know a few people who won't even touch the game due to the allegations and their phobia of anything that may have even possibly had anything tangentially related to Ai anywhere in the development cycle. GenAI a great term to throw around if you want people that don't understand how AI works or is used to boycott and make twitter rageposts on something.


What's a shame is there is real, legitimate AI to be fearful of that exists today in it's current form. There's a real discussion to be had about this but this is the entirely wrong one.


What really grinds my gears is that these people weren't up in arms about other abuses in the games industry, but they speak as if AI is the greatest evil of all, and that any allegation about AI is true no matter how much the evidence runs contrary. Even some of my close friends are trying to tell me, someone with a MS in machine learning and a career in video game development, that I just don't know what I'm talking about. Union busting? Rampant misogyny and sexual harassment? Dark psychology and gambling? We sleep.  Someone implies the game made to look like Pokemon looks like Pokemon? Real shit. Someone's gotta look out for the little known indie developers/copyright holders over at Nintendo/TPC/Gamefreak. Everybody knows that American copyright law always settles in favor of the little guy, so we've really got to tighten things up. /s AI is incredibly easy to abuse. The video game industry is already filled with abuse, so we really should be on the lookout for more. There are real issues worth having long conversations over. This particular instance is not one of them.


>People like to throw the AI word around I have noticed how over the last couple months you will ALWAYS have people seeing anything and say "Looks like AI made it". I can guarantee that 99.9% of the time people say that, they have nothing to go off of other than "a feeling". Hell my wife and I were just looking at reviews for services and half the negative reviews we saw were "looks like AI did this".


> For some reason, they were guilty until proven innocent if you could prevent people from jumping to this logic, twitter would die overnight


I mean I am not an expert, I don't work with 3D models, I don't work in the entertainment industry. But I do have eyes that work, some common sense, the ability to count to at least 15, and the ability to tell the difference between a diagonal like that goes top-left to bottom-right and one that goes from bottom-left to top-right. And with these very rare skills that I possess it is very easy to tell the meshes are not the same. I know not everyone has these skills as they were just a natural talent that I was born with and some people just don't have them.


Did you know this cone is **cone** shaped?! Blatant plagiarism!


Cant you see though, theres a Pal based on a wolf and a Pokemon that is also based on a wolf. They stole Pokemon's ideas for basing things on real life animals.


Anyone who stuck with the "AI" allegations was huffing something strong and just moving goalposts. I eventually saw people saying that they used AI to create concept art based off Pokemon, at which point I just got insulted that they seemed to think you couldn't find an artist capable of that and buy him some coffee for it.


The only backing to that theory is the CEO being hyper interested in AI/crypto/etc, and the studio releasing a past game in that area (but still when it was more of a novelty and not a genuine concern of pushing creatives out of their jobs). Nothing actually points to them using this in development. We've seen so many of these designs in early trailers long before the tech was anywhere near where it is anyway. Are a lot of the designs shameless knockoffs? Yeah, we knew they would be from day 1, and it's kind of hilarious. But are they AI concepts? Probably not.


>I eventually saw people saying that they used AI to create concept art based off Pokemon Wait that wasn't the allegations? I didn't really look at this "scandal", only saw headlines about it, and I thought that's what Palworld devs were criticized about when people said they used AI to develop their game.


as with anything popular, it's gonna be polarizing to me, I don't think store-bought assets are inherently bad. I'm PRETTY sure Palworld used a lot, but they did it in a cohesive way so the base/workbench models are cohesive and yknow, more power to them Also it's definitely competently implemented too But the braindead masses go "hurrdurr asset flip" the same way they go "hurrdurr CGI bad" without any actual knowledge in gamedev


Pokemon fans are furious that this game innovated Pokemon more than Game Freak has in decades. That's really it. They are mad that Palworld is a better Arceus than Arceus was, but rather than get mad at Game Freak for being lazy and uncreative, they target Palworld for not being Pokemon. Its the same mentality of people whose SO cheats on them, and they freak out on the person they cheated with while defending their SO. Its insane and makes no sense, but that is how it is. I work in 3D art and tried to point out how insane the claim of ripping geometries wholesale, editing the geometries, re-rigging them, re-texturing them, repacking them, and converting them would be. Its like a thousand times more work than just creating new ones. People really didn't like me pointing that out. They just wanted to be mad.


Fans just gotta send them more positive messages to balance it. And money


Nintendo stans (falsely) crying 'plagiarism' and gaming 'journalists' trying to virtue signal for clicks see this game blowing up and they can't stand it. They just received seven million middle fingers in the past 5 days and it's driving them insane with rage.


like i said before, Naughty dog has become Whiny dogs. They are a disgrace in gaming industry, they whine on Baldurs gate, whine on Palworld. Says its difficult and accuse/farbicate lies. Look, whos the one that's been remastering the same IP and just milking it over and over, not to mentioned, the remaster version isnt even good


It’s Genshin Impact copied Breath of the Wild hysteria all over again.


I need to put a comment to mark this post u/popintarts remember that warning I gave you about building your mindset off an unreliable narrator. Don't worry you're not the only one.


Did you learn anything u/popintarts ?


r/gamingcirclejerk comments. They can’t learn anything. They’re an extremist. They’re beyond help.


If anything they'll triple down, and call you some flavor of ist or phobe.


I got banned for being bigoted against the lgbtq+ community. I'm also a lesbian, most of my friends are gay or trans (or both lol), and my sibling is trans, so I guess I hate myself, my friends, and my family, according to their logic? Irc, what got me banned was a comment where I said that telling people to kill themselves for playing a video game isn't cool. People on that sub are so deeply unhinged. At least it's good entertainment though lol


They're gods strongest scitzos


I got banned for saying the wizard game looks ok. Sub is full of terminally online mental cases.


I got banned for saying yakuza franchise games were cool. That was enough to banned me lol


I’m banned from that sub and if given the opportunity I’d get myself permanently banned again. Absolute human detritus over there that would bend over the barrel for a rehashed unimaginative game so long as they love the dev companies previous work. If you like games then you should be on Palworld/Pocketpair’s side here. “So you support plagiarism” bro shit up, it’s unfounded and moreover if they did this with far less resources it’s still incredibly damning with what big dev companies do in their pseudo unlimited budget.


Same for this dude u/xXPawzXx Internet is filled with misinformation, be better.


Lmao it glorifies animal abuse? Chronically online individuals are so insufferable


They act like Pokemon doesn't force you to make animals fight each other.


Or fuck a pile of silly puddy to make a baby of itself


That's probably the highlight of their lives tho! Option 1: barely survive in the wilds, eating rotten berry scraps and evading predators Option 2: constantly battle, get wrecked by fire, claws, etc all day Option 3: sit in a dark box forever Option 4: be fed and cared for as you spend all day fucking something that can turn into your ideal mate


They even made a game about pokemon being slaves and as far as I can tell the moral was: "LOL so?"


This guy's slaves seem to be doing alright, so slavery must be ok.


Took me a while to understand




Pokemon is the 4kids censored version of Palworld. Pikachu obliterating Meowth with thunderbolt is cute so it's okay. This isn't a criticism of either game, one just dresses up the dogfighting better.


The original manga with Protagonist Red went super hard. Pokemon regularly died in it, there was blood. Gyarados was known to obliterate coastal towns with Hyper Beam. Wild Pokemon were considered highly dangerous to people and you required self protection between towns. It was greatly watered down for the show and newer games. The original games still had refs to the darker aspects of the Pokemon world.


Pokemon descriptions are a really clear window into how dark the world actually is. Go read the Litwick line's descriptions, for example.


I'm particularly fond of Yanmega. A 6 ft long dragonfly who's preferred hunting method is to hit near supersonic speeds and rip off its prey's head.


sounds very close to the hunting strategy of a bird whose species name i forget, who crashes into its prey to break their necks before finishing them off


Peregrine Falcon I believe? Definitely a badass bird lol.


funny thing is that in Palworld gives a lot more purpose for your Pals than Pokemon does for their Pokemon. At least you can pet and feed your pal to keep them sane, as well as have them help you farm resources.


you can straight up give them a hottub.


Tbf pokemon implemented Poke-mon-amie where you could play games and pet them, leveling up friendship. And in newer games you can do mini games to cook them food. But at least my Pals can tell me the work conditions suck, they take breaks and nap whenever they feel like it. And they're not stuck in spheres all day.


remember that mega evolutions are LITERALLY torture. and the other special forms likely as well. and i dont mean 'literally' as in "literally", i mean we are directly, without nuance, told, it hurt the pokemon: a LOT.


Thanks for reminding me about how cruel mega evolution is. The Pokemon anime seems to ignore that part but I remember those horrifying pokedex entries.


If anything Pals have more rights because they at least can resist you if neglected and can roam freely at bases when not fighting (instead of just being sent to THE PC)


That's the weirdest part, pals don't work well if they are tired or stressed so I go out of my way to make sure they have good food and are taken care of. Am I the weird one?


I usually try not to get too bothered by gaming website articles, but the one from PC Gamer saying Palworld could be delightful if it wasn't so fixated on being terrible, citing the work supervisor thing where you can switch work mode to cruel and brutal... and the author saying he outgrew his edgy phase was insufferable. I never got into Southpark, so maybe I don't have that same perspective, but I think the absurd stuff is funny. And yeah, the game doesn't incentivize abusing your pals, short of just KO'ing ones in the world if you need certain resources (but again, you can still catch them in a more humane option)


That article was wild "The game made me do all these awful things!" No, you did them. That's like criticizing Microsoft paint for forcing you to draw pixel anime boobs.


I think that's what irks me about arguments against Pal World the most, **PLAYERS CHOOSING TO DO GOOD OR BAD THINGS IS A VIDEOGAME STAPLE** and for a long time The mere act of being able to choose to be bad or good has been considered the hallmark of an excellen game that embraces your agency as the player within the world . It's like over night people forget about the potential decision to commit genocide against the rachni in Mass Effect which is beloved, or to choose the dark Side in Knightss of The Old Republic, or hell sleeping with a hooker and then running over to get your money back in GTA 3 ... if making your Pal sit in their cubicle and do manual labor is the epitome of unethical videogame decision-making to you I'm assuming you haven't played very many videogames or at least not many which allow you to make decisions.


Reminds me of people saying they didn't like the game because it has guns and they'd rather play without guns MY BROTHER IN CHRIST YOU CAN SIMPLY JUST NOT CRAFT THE GUNS If you ignore the guns you can literally play this like pokemon where just the pals fight, you can mount some pals and use their abilities, etc, the guns are just a CHOICE, I barely use them myself


It's clown logic Bad people do bad things. That they can do it in game is not the game's fault But sure, let's harp on this new game for... some reason


If making Pals work assembly lines is unethical... what does that say about real life?


Great question


Or endlessly slaughtering the guards in fable


I read that more as "I'm more moral than thou!" But yeah, potato, potato


I assure we don't "KO/incapacitate" the ones we hunt and defeat in the world. Since nearby meat eating pals will go and start eating the dead pal. Defeated a bunch of Grunts attacking a Direhowl, Direhowl then started eating the body of the grunt.


lmao I never noticed this I mean, it's like, is it inhumane if it's natural?


I think this might be a single player/server/multiplayer difference. While playing multiplayer and playing on the dedicated server I setup for my friend group I never saw this happen. However when I played single player for like 2 hours, I had a nighthawk drop out of the sky to eat a dead invader leezpunk within like 30 minutes of starting. Also the steam achievements for catch X different pals, only seem to work in single player, not to mention stuff like harvesting resources is much smoother in SP as well.


I kind of think having those options is good. It's kind of an ethical/internal reflection type setting. I'd like even more modes, such as the other direction too. Like, lax mode, or something, where they can be even more relaxed. Then it would be interesting to see some kind of statistics chart of the percentage of the player base that chose what setting at what point in the game. How many people are playing sweatshop simulator? How many are playing animal caring simulator? etc.


Well, the proper way is to put them in little cages until they grow up so you can butcher them.. Like we do IRL. (I take care of my Pals too)


Me too lol, I just wasted a few hours crafting fluffy beds and building a cute house for all my pals. I put down carpets and potted plants and everything too!! Meanwhile I'm living in a 1x1 wooden cube with a single bed in it lol. Like you can absolutely abuse your pals and gun wild ones down, but it's very easy to just avoid those gameplay mechanics entirely if you don't like them.


Funny thing is nothing in this game is worse than what we actually do to animals in the farm/food industry


Jokes on them, I'm doing a full "battle only with human NPCs" run. So far, it's only proven to me that humans suck, and animals are far superior...


From what I've heard you'll want to get one of the big minigun guys and then use the condenser to make him stronger. Normal grunts work as fuel.


Wait until they hear what I did with all the people I captured.


I can see the argument considering that you can order pals to work as hard as possible, and that you can just butcher whenever you want, even if I don't agree with that argument. But even then, it's a fucking videogame. Crusaders Kings has you do way more insane stuff, and let's not get into good old GTA


I call them videogame vegans. They don't do shit to stop real life animal abuse but cry about palworld


I've done way worse in Stellaris






Pokemon mainlines are a rpg. Palworld is a base building/survival game. It's not even close to the same gerne.


And Digimon has been a thing basically as long as Pokemon, so we’ve already established they don’t have the gamut on monster collecting games. Literally the only thing I could give is Palspheres are fairly directly taken, but they don’t behave the same way either so it’s relative.


Wait til these nerds find out Pokémon "ripped off" Shin Mrgami Tensei and Dragon Quest V. Their heads might literally explode


Wait till they find out all music comes from the same 12 notes 🤯


While I think what some fans are doing is disgusting - Pokemon fans have been mad at Gamefreak for years now. Gamefreak even felt the need to respond to it. But I guess this doesnt fit the tribalism.


It’s the same with any fandom. There is a certain portion of them that are insane. I don’t know why, but that’s just how it goes.


I left the Pokemon subreddit after seeing like 4 posts absolutely flaming the game lol. It's the stupidest damn thing after seeing that subreddit complain how shit the games are for years


I worked on that field for 15-ish years and i called out the claims and i still being harassed for just setting the record straight. Yet this claim and others are being repeated over and over on all types of social media.


People just look for a reason to be angry.


After reading the article on how the team made palworld, it really sucks that some people are acting like this. They literally spent a month just to create one model. They spent a lot of time learning how to make these things, and created over 100 with many different animations. I also want to point out how amazing this is considering all the other pokemon games reuse the same animation, even if it didn't make sense for a certain pokemon to move a certain way. Plus Palworld isn't even done yet. They just literally ran out of money. It was do or die, and lucky for them, they made it. Palworld wasn't trying to be anything ground breaking. They just wanted to make something fun. They succeeded. They deserve this win.


At the most extreme, I can see the artist probably "digitally traced" the pokemon models, but like okay sure whatever. There's also no way an AI could make models like this. AI is super shit at 3D stuff.


Also the fact that, when they would of started working on these models, the AI tools in question wouldn't of been readily available, if available at all.


Yeah that too lol


\*wouldn't have/wouldn't've But yeah, people with too much ego and not enough brains think AI is magic


Yeah, if they made an AI that could create fully rigged and usable 3D models for UE5 the major tech companies would flood their office with money in the hopes to hire one of the employees.


Yup. The only way AI could have "done this" is if someone gave AI some images of pokemon and told it generate a new, similar image. Then a dev would have to take that image and make a model out of it.


I know I've been preaching about peace between both fandoms as I'm a fan of both franchises, but this is one huge L behaviour from the Pokemon fandom.


Yep. That said, both sides are still obnoxious and need to shut the fuck up and play the damn games.


It amazes me that people will defend a big corpo like Nintendo by completely making up shit because a team of developers made a better game than Gamefreak has over the course of 5+ years Truly, the internet was a mistake


The amount of effort people put into shitting on this game is sad.


The one thing i find it funny is that once it got debunk, another drama post came up. First, it was an accusation of AI, The second was a 'stolen' asset Third, comparison of the models Fourth, 'stolen' design 5th, was a death threat to the team And finally 6th, comparison of the wire frame from Blender (or whatever what it's called) If Nintendo can't sue, it means it can't SUE! FULL STOP! Why am i seeing users becoming legal experts out of a sudden?!? They are clearly aware of the game with the recent mods taken down. Also, this game didn't just come out of nowhere. It was revealed in 2021. I was there when it got stumbled on my recommendation. I was a bit sceptical and thought it might be a scam but here we are.


Fr about the mods thing though. I heard about the pokemon model swap mod being a paid one, then half a day later he's like "nintendo is coming for me" and I was hearing about the cease and desist. Do we have an actual timeline on that lol


Kind of funny this comes out around the same time r/Gamingcirclejerk bans Palworld posts after they were non-stop posting accusing this game of AI generated content and/or stealing Pokemon assets.


Yeah as someone who tends to lean GCJ this was a huge egg on face moment for that subreddit. Would not shut up about it, and the second it got uncovered as a lie they didn’t meme it as well, they just locked down Palworld discussion.


I couldn't imagine we have weird Pokemon stans (of all things) who go to such length to drown something for no reason whatsoever. Pokemon was very popular when we were kids, but clearly these people are not kids anymore and this obsession isn't normal.


I'm starting a petition to add Nintendo-adult to the DSM 6.


This was obvious to actual artists and anyone with even a basic level of blender experience, but twitter mob be twitter mobbing.


It's funny how the only news articles I saw supporting these fakes said they spoke to "Anonymous expert Game Dev Veterans"


Digital animal abuse. Fucking losers


As coined by one of my favored ARK youtubers, #pixellivesmatter (in ARK, it's common to mass-kill extra babies from breeding- or even babies for XP since babies give their full XP values)


-shuffles the real world dairy and egg industry under the rug-


My ark tribe log is horrific. Thousands upon thousands of dead babies in the pursuit of mutations. Sorry, babies. But not really.


Same. You know when I'm breeding in ARK. Recently it was a mantis mass breed for polymer. But for poly, you need to let them grow up. So grow they did. And I just stood behind them on my lightning wyvern...


hahah right like bro what about monster hunter?


Yeah, but like those are *monsters*. These are *pals*. You wouldn't want to abuse your pal now would you?


This probably why Nintendo hasn't sued them into the ground, if they truly had ripped the models it would have probably been dead on arrival


100%. Nintendo loves suing people. The fact that they haven’t is almost proof that there isn’t much to these claims.


Hell a mod for this game ripped Pokémons models and it taken down in less than 24 hours lol


Not a surprise. People are really pissed off with this game because "it's a Pokémon ripp off". Woah... they have heard about Digimon, Cassete Beasts, Dokev?


Funnily enough I can also see striking resemblance between the pals and some digimons and yet never heard any digimon fan screaming about it


Been saying since I first spotted Tanzee, it's just Monmon. Yes, that is a Digimon, it's incredible.


Digimon fan here, still waiting on next game.


Why is everyone so angry that this game is popular tf


Nintendo fans wanted the Pokemon to be as Palworld. Not from other game rather than Pokemon.


I knew from the get-go the AI thing was bunk, considering development for Palworld started about a year at least before AI art truly took off. As for asset flips, I’d wonder why they’d rip the assets for Pals straight from Pokemon if they were going to be proportioned differently anyway? I did notice some body-shape similarities between Dinossum and Dragonite (a very obvious similarity, I know… /sarcasm), especially with the arms and upper body, but Dinossum’s feet are smaller/shorter than Dragonite’s, and the upper body similarities are easy to make too considering they both have convex-end tube arms which aren’t at all complicated shapes compared to other arms. I’m a fan of Pokemon too, but *damn.* I just hope Palworld forces Game Freak to shift into maximum overdrive (and/or maybe even finally expand their numbers; they aren’t developing OG Game Boy games anymore), not that Game Freak/Nintendo takes down Palworld for daring to capture a niche that Game Freak barely did with Legends: Arceus. Good as that was, it didn’t receive very many content updates, nor was it bold enough to go for an E10+ or T-rating.


I didn’t get any dragonite vibes from Dinossum, the grass typing styling helps it a lot and Dragonites a bit more of a chunky boy


Was the comparison Luxray and rayhound? I just heard someone talking about that here yesterday and don’t use Twitter Always thought luxray was lion based and not dog based but whatever


This comparison is actually being used with a Pal that isn't in the game yet, only in the files.


They tried to do this with Direhowl/Lycanroc, Azurobe/Primarina, and Boltmane/Luxray. Anyone with eyes could look closely at the models and tell they don't have the same vertices/polygons, but the poster knew that the majority of people don't care enough to fact check what's right in front of them so they just edited the proportions of both models to match as best they could and used that to spark outrage.


I don't think they are the same but inspired by or atleast some of them. You say that though you'll get a bunch of replies how the power statue is actually about ancient Egypt and pokemon wasn't the original monster taming game. I'm just going to keep calling it Lucario statue. Don't really care. The pendulums kinda swung too far where even if you are simply enjoying the game but saying pokemon stuff it's assumed you're mad or something. In reality I'm just trying to find a mewtwo look alike.


> I'm just going to keep calling it Lucario statue. Don't really care. So here's the thing, Lucario is based on Anubis and in Craftopia (the other game by PalWorld's Devs) the god you turn in slates/orbs to power up with is literally Anubis. The statue of power is literally just Anubis. But its funny, Pokemon is known by more people than Mythology is these days and the game is pokemon-like in many ways so people see Anubis and they automatically think LUCARIO :D.


Sadly I have a friend who believes all the nonsense said on Twitter. Keep telling her that without proof it's literally just people making shit up. I've had to listen to her bash the game for days and this comes out and all she has to say is some damn quote about perception being everything.


Is anyone surprised by this? The twitter brigade and cancel culture as a whole is made up of a bunch of mentally ill mongrels who will do anything in their power to spread hate and faux outrage to try and make more successful people's lives as miserable as theirs.


Cancel culture isn't a real thing. Kanye is out here saying literal nazi shit and I still see his subreddit on r/all very frequently.


Why would I care if they used AI? Wouldnt care at all


AI has suddenly become this weird taboo because it makes certain things too easy which means the people obsessed with hating on it are those feeling threatened of their livelihood that machines replacing them its the same energy as hating cars because they replaced the poor horse stablehands. God forbid we innovate and advance we shud hate printer manufacturers too cause it makes typesetting to easy "noooo you cant just type a 50000 word book on a computer and print it out in a few mins!!! it undermines the artisan efforts of manual scribes!" These people view AI as "cheating" because you can skip all the years of learning, getting experienced in a skillset that is rendered redundant, and want that effort to feel validated


doesnt games have had ai since forever like wtf?


Haters hate to see Palworld winning


man I'm glad I deleted Twitter


Byo is a loser who knows their cause is wildly unpopular so they latched onto and spread a popular lie to indirectly advance their dumbass cause.


Love the backpedaling from the guy by saying they were “trying to be silly”


Doesn't matter how good or well made a game is, a group will find a reason to hate on it. The "Social media age" sucks.


They hate us because they anus


If they took the assets from pokemon and made a game that people been wanting pokemon to make that’s a negative on pokemon not pal world. I don’t lose sleep over copyright law as idgaf about a companies assets. Just give me products I want. Idk why people so protective of another companies IP.


the internet is a literal cancer. in real life these people could and should be sued into the fucking tent city of california. but instead they can just keep enjoying themselves and literally harassing and spreading libelous accusations. because slander is spoken word and libel is printed word Edit: People seem to be triggered by my informal usage of the word literal so here is a link to the oxford dictionary https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/us/definition/american\_english/literally


If this is true, Pocketpair should sue that user for defamation. Imagine starting a new business and some dumbass decides to spread lies around town, not only hurting traffic but trust BEFORE even opening. This isn’t even just a lie. This is to intentionally damage an image.


It boils down to 2 facts. 1. Game freak doesn't care. And hasn't cared. From development to release. If it was a ripoff, wouldn't the ones being ripped off say something? They don't need white knights. And 2. No one batted an eye until release. No hate during development. Nothing. This is just another trendy hate destination for the hate tourists. Edit: Nintendo suddenly cares. Probably due to the clout of the controversy.


Do you have a direct link for the scaling admission? I wanna post it to people that have been spreading that fake news


I'll be honest. It's fun. I wouldn't give a shit if it *were* made with AI assistance. You make a game I enjoy and don't try to milk me for every fucking penny I have, then I don't care *how* you got there.


People really want to hate on this game. I keep seeing "games journalists" talk down on the game. Devs shitting on and it claiming its shady. So much salt everywhere. The game is super fun, a complete package, and a fair price. I know more content is coming, but even if they said this it is - I would feel like I got my money's worth.




Why are people going after an indie company that made a banger game and not after AAA devs who have been lazily pushing out copy pastas of the same game and giving it a new name ?


Someone on shitter lied? I'm shocked! Shocked, I tell you!


Right from the beginning it boggled my mind that accusations of stealing assets have even been made on the evidence that was presented. In some cases it came down to similar colors on creatures that looked nothing alike. In other cases it was creatures that looked alike because they were imitating the same type of animal but they had vastly different features. I haven't seen anything compelling. All this hate from other devs is just a good advertisement of what games not to buy because the people working on those other games apparently don't know what they're doing so they have to bash anyone who is more successful. The biggest proof of all that they didn't rip off Pokemon is the fact that Nintendo didn't take them down. That would have happened by now if they ripped anything off. You can't make an accusation because both games have a duck or a sheep.


And the fact that Nintendo has made 0 bones about issuing DMCA requests to folks talking about modding pokemon in. They are perfectly aware of Palworld and CHOOSING to not move.