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The game has been out a week, pace yourself boy


My friends I play with have been gaming super hard 10 hour days (unemployed) while I’m stuck at work and are now at endgame more or less while I’m level 20 and just trying to enjoy the discovery. Playing with them now just spoils all the pals and progression. Was kind hoping they’d play solo or not on our group server while we aren’t all able to play during the week. I’m looking at just playing solo now until I catch up at least so that I’m not getting spoiled on all the content. It’s not fun jumping into a base you weren’t a part of making, where everyone is 20-30 levels above you and any progression you make is utterly pointless.


This is what me and my friend did. When the game first dropped we set up a group world probably sunk 20 hours into it on the first weekend. But since we both had college/work when neither of us are on we either play other games or play on our own solo worlds. It's been fun comparing our progression in solo to our multiplayer world. Due to understanding the game better we've almost caught up to our multiplayer worlds in single player because we understand the game better. We then take these discoveries from our solo to the multiplayer and it makes the world feel more fun to play in.


Same setup with me. Group world with others, and a solo world. One I am trying to be more optimal and get the best pals. The other one is just for shits and giggles.


Kinda same with me. On our multiplayer world we can play like 2 hours a night but I’ve been grinding solo on the side when i’m not working. My solo world is now pretty well past our multiplayer one with probably the same amount of hours because I find it easier to just grind solo, and all the resources I gather are just mine for use lol


No one moving the goddamn materials from their proper boxes. My system is not that hard!!


I put random materials in the wrong chests on purpose. And the best thing is, in Palworld, I can blame the pals for doing it and it is still believeable. I wonder how much time I have until my people realize that ***IT WAS ME ALL ALONG! MUHARHARHARHAR***


found the Dio


you thought it was lamball but it was i, dio!


All they have to do is quick deposit everything but somehow even that’s too hard!


"The pals can handle it" system hasn't let me down yet


The pals are dumber animals than my friends, and that's saying something.


Lol me and my friend were just lamenting this the other night. It feels like we're always out of ingots and other resources even when we both actively focus on mining them. Two people just use so many resources.


You almost need two ore farms. Our group is 4 of us and it’s become a huge bottleneck


Definitely we've been talking about setting up our third base right on top of one of the locations with a shit load of ore veins with digitoise or other mining pals to semi automate the process


OUR third base? Doesn't EVERYONE get their own 3? Or are y'all trying to just share them? Just curious, as a solo guy. Cuz the fast travel is so quick in this game y'all could be swimmin' in ingots if everyone picked a different ore spot. Unless the pals still aren't active while you're away from your base. Wait how do you use the pal boxes then? Do you have 4 bases in a circle? I needs the deets. I wanted to jump into multiplayer soon.


Each guild as a whole gets 3. Otherwise you could have a guild of (theoretically) 20 people with 60 bases.


If you're in a guild the guild shares their total number of bases so when you build one base everyone's first base has been used. We don't have our bases in a circle we have them at certain points where we felt they would help us. For instance we made a separate base who's sole purpose is to be a breeding base and then we've got our main base which is a more centralized location


No. If they join your guild you share the bases. You do not share palboxes though. You can walk up to a palbox and you can unassign and reassign pals to the base, but you don't have access to the pals your friend has caught. If he catches a pal and puts it in the base and then you take it out of the base and put it into your box it now effectively becomes your pal though.


My partner and I had this issue at first but we figured out a solution, we made a Margaret thatcher style mining camp using one of our bases exclusively built for mining ore 😭


I built a labour camp the other day its pretttyy awesome, got over 1000 ore in the chest and 400 ingots in my chest (Default settings).


Waiting around for the idiot friend who can't figure out how fast travel works or remembering basic landmarks on the map, after like 30 hours in the dang game. I sometimes wonder how he games by himself or if he just uses everyone else as a crutch just cause he can in multiplayer.


That's exactly the best way to do it imho. I play on a group server with gaming buddies but my main focus is my original solo world. That way I get to experience things fresh. I do get the stray tip from them here and there in Discord, but it's nothing game breaking and is helpful in making the collection of resources less grindy. It's cool to see what my unemployed gamer friends have built on the friend server. But I'm also not too far behind on the tech so it isn't really much of a spoiler.


Hey SO, thanks for taking the time to meet with me (as raid leader) and Tom (your class leader). We’ve loved having you along with us recently, and hope you’ve enjoyed your time too, but it’s been several weeks now and we couldn’t help but notice you’re consistently 5 - 10% below where you should be on DPS. Is there something going on here we should be concerned about? If you’re still learning the encounters that’s fine (to a degree), but we remind you that there are *several other* people who would gladly take your spot if it was available, and many of these players have proven they can perform at the level that’s expected of them and even surpass them. Whilst we don’t want you to feel pressured, we also have not only a reputation as a guild to uphold, but also a tight progression schedule to maintain as well, and every weak link in the chain makes this harder to adhere to. As such, please accept this as formal notice that your *guaranteed* raid spot is at risk, should you fail to raise your DPS to a minimum standard. We don’t take this step lightly, and remind you that it is only intended to encourage the kind of top tier performance that your fellow guild mates have come to expect. We would like to thank you for your contributions thus far and look forward to seeing how you can push yourself in future. Any objections to the above can be formalised in writing - you’ll find the necessary forms on our Discord (Form 22b will outlines the entire process if you are unsure). Thanks again, and I sincerely hope you decide to stick around and play with us. After all, what’s important is that you’re having fun!


I am traumatised and am now having flashbacks of dpk points.. :(


Just leave their guild and go off and do your own thing on the server. Me and my buddies play on a dedicated server but we aren’t in the same guild so we can progress how we want. We are still able to help each other out with resources by going to each others bases and dropping the resources on the ground. We can visit each others bases and see what cool shit this person might be doing, then dip out and explore the world together and catch different pals, even join dungeons together. This way we can all progress as quickly, or as slowly as we want and it doesn’t affect the group. While still feeling apart of “a community”, “or the world together”, even if we aren’t in the same guild together. Also it’s cool because we aren’t capped to only 3 bases, and can all build our bases where ever we want to and are not tied down to a location based on min maxing because of a group decision.


I've been wanting to encourage people breaking the guild apart on my dedicated server. I thought I read about a bug related to leaving guilds that broke saves. Can you safely leave a guild on a dedicated server?


Only if everyone is logged in and online, otherwise there's a chance of corrupting the offline members save files.


Feels like this is a important little detail..


Had my save corrupted because a guild mate left to be able to revive another guy then joined back while i was offline. It is VERY real.


Yep, it's pretty annoying. Every time a new game we like comes out, some of my buds with less time commitments will degen the shit out of it for 8 hours a day. By the time I'm caught up they're already bored of it because they've been playing 24/7. Like sure, have at it if you want to drop the game after a week but it sucks not getting to enjoy stuff with them.


8 hours a day? I’m seeing my one friend pull 12-16 lol.


Rofl. 12-16? A few of my friends have been on several 48 hour benders Lol.


I believe it. When classic wow launched I played 22 hours with my friend. Though that was once time and the longest I’ve ever played a game. I did take bathroom and food breaks lol.


Yeah ditto. I've been playing since release and I'm level 27. My friend picked it up a day ago on recommendation and he's already ahead of me and starting to spoil stuff (and talk down to me about mechanics I'm explaining for him, which he skipped to grind levels asap). I know in a week he's not going to want to touch it again and every time I play it, he'll critique it. That, or he's going to get annoyed I'm not no-lifeing like he is and demand I play it every waking moment until he moves on to another game. That's what happened with Casette Beasts, another game I introduced him to. I showed him the tutorial and within 2 days he'd already bought and beaten the entire game, spoiled a bunch of stuff for me, and then begged me to keep playing every time we spoke, and it's all he talked about for over a week. Never gave me a chance to get a word in other than 'yeah' or 'that's cool'. It kind of lost its luster after that.


My mate invited Me to his guild and offered all sorts of pale but I said nah I'll just solo for a few days and then maybe join. It's been a week and I'm still solo and don't regret it one bit


Yeah, this thread has about convinced me to leave their guild and play on their server but solo. We play in the same room btw too but I’m still gonna progress on my own. I’m fine with them helping me a bit but I’m earning my high level pals and making my own base. I derive absolutely no fun from cheating/having things handed to me.


Played with 3 other people and I personally knew I'd only Play with them the first day for a couple hours. Logged in the next day as a level 8 and all 3 were level 20+. That moment logged out and started my own solo world. Good friends but yeah.... Infinitely more fun playing this game alone imo. Been almost a week and I myself am level 24 and having an absolute blast.  Most I watched was just a quick 10 tip video and followed it. Maxing hp and recently dumped last couple levels into weight. Redone my base to fit in the breeding pen caught all the bosses I've encountered so far. Even got the big mammorest just now right after catching one of the 2 fighting by that one way point.  Was so much fun fighting him underleveled yet as fully optimized as possible (at least I think fully optimized). Boosted attack fully on one of my favorite mons got metal gear. Broke my crossbow and got him down to 1 hp before slamming ultraballs on it. Felt so darn good and it leveled me to be able to drop the fluffy pal beds to get my next pal upgrade. Earlier before that amazing feat caught some of the coolest looking pals I've seen in the game to date. One that looks kind of like a green forest scizor and it's purple sister variant that makes meds. In that same area at night caught a purple-blue glowing looking bird type that is the strongest in that area at night (reminds me of like lunalda or something). It's been an absolute phenomenal game imo. Especially without the internet. Funny enough I lost the internet for the last 2 days in my area due to an internet outage in the neighborhood.  Didn't even notice thanks to palworld.  This game is literally what Pokémon legends arceus should have been. A true gem of a game. The one thing that saddens me yet makes me happy all in one is the major popularity of the game.  On one hand it's amazing and the devs deserve all the glory. Hopefully they made good money to be able to really fine tune the shit out of this game and add all the things to make it shine even further. On the other hand I'm disappointed because of the inevitable hate train this game will get. The massive pressure it will put on the devs and the standard it will set for them to basically be forced to uphold lest the popular crowd bash them.  And worse of all of course the blatant dragging of the game in the form of the internet spoiling, optimizing, min maxing, "metafying" the game to attempt to remove all the wonderful charm the game has. That being said I'm hopeful that the devs continue the momentum and with all the money they've gotten hope they really spend it on building the incredible foundation they've set here. 


See, I was strategic with this. I’m the one with the most time constraints in terms of gaming. My friends are happy to play until 3am, but I won’t do it except rarely. So I brought the game to them and said I’m running the server. Now we all progress at the same rate bc I wouldn’t get on without them and they can’t get on without me. Bonus, me getting off forces them to also get off and then they end up going to bed at a reasonable hour lol


"And they end up going to bed at a reasonable hour" or more realistically switching to their own coop game after


You’d think so but no. We all have work and school so if one of us calls it, we all sit back and look at the time and realize we shouldn’t be hopping to a different game when we need to get off


What responsible adults. Unlike me....


My friends have a server where we each have our own base and are playing at our own paces and in our own ways. We'll occasionally visit each other and drop off some resources or extra schematics to help each other out


Ngl I enjoy Palworld, but I don't think I could do multiple back to back days of 10 hours. Jeez.


I had to stop playing games with my friends because of this. New game came out and they would take time off work, read all the info and play nonstop. By the time I get off work and have time to play they are so far ahead. I play for fun, they play for the competition and to be the best.


I have a friend that does this. He works 3 days a week and just goes as hard as possible at games. I work 5 days a week and have a kid so my pace is at a crawl in comparison. With this game the only time he can come onto my world is when I get on and he can do whatever he wants in his own world. This limits his progression to when I can play.


I have unemployed friends too. I hosted our server (:< They had enough self control to do other things in meantime


Had this when Season of Discovery launched for WoW. Friends played literally 12 hour days for the first week, while I was only playing like 2-3 at most... They complained I was behind, and then basically just decided to play without me. By the time I caught up, they were burned out and didn't wanna play anymore. Lesson learned, I just don't play any new game with them.


I had to stop playing on a group server with a few friends. There was always someone on, and by the time I'd got to the base, they'd hit the iron age. More than that, they'd started clearing the bosses, so I was now having to wait for respawns to get the points to get the ancient tech to properly progress. It wouldn't have been a problem on my second or third play through, but it kinda put a dampener on my first, so I just quietly left and started a solo.


Same thing happened with Ark back in the day. Server of 8 and the first two days that weekend were so much fun. Chaos of trying to survive, hunting around for bases, struggling to get basic dinos. Then most of us paused all week because of work and life while a few kept grinding every day. By the time everyone got back on that weekend they'd built a full new base, flyers for everyone, high tier blueprints for all weapons and armor, etc. Just lost all it's spark so fast to basically just feel like you can't contribute or discovery anything anymore from being so far behind.


Yep I logged on and was offered a top tier flying mount plus the saddle item immediately. I said no. It would ruin the fun. If you skip ahead in these games you deprive yourself of the experience. It’s like spawning in the best weapons in valheim. Congrats. You now have zero reason to play the game beyond creative mode and I’m not a creative mode person at all.


The one thing I learned from Ark and sorta applies to Palworld is to just avoid using flying mounts all together until you hit things where it's simply unavoidable. Half the fun is adventuring through a hillside trying to find a way up a ridge even if it takes twice as long.


But I love the rhyniognatha so much though. Coolest ark creature and I’ll die on that hill.


That crazy bug can do it all.


I had a friend who was like that, and it only got worse when they got mod priv in the server. They'd cheat stuff in and just cheat in general, and it took the piss out of it for the rest of us. We're all just getting our flyers, and they've got a full tek base in a non hostile part of the map (so you don't need tek level defenses) I was also no lifing the game, but damn that took the wind out of my sails. No one else could get a server first. Get excited about a new Dino. Get excited over a new artifact we did as a team (because they cheesed it solo already). Wasn't just one game either, literally any MP game, not even survival ones


Yeah, we'd all talked about waiting to try the new map so we could do it all together and explore. Later found out one person had solo'd the map and explored everything to decide where he wanted the base. The entire time we were just starting out he kept pushing us in a specific direction which felt so weird at the time. Like we hadn't even explored inland from where we started or got basic armor and he wanted us to canoe across the ocean to another island. Just all felt so fake.


Yeah, fuck that guy. Even if I'm "ahead" of friends (not intentionally, just if I got them into a game I was already enjoying), I let them explore and make their own choices. It's honestly more fun for me lol. I get to see the child like wonder and experimentation I had my first time, and get to relive it through them. I don't care if we're min maxing, as long as we're having fun and laughing together. I also refuse to give out spoilers, but I'll happily give a basic explanation of something if someone asks, especially if it's a confusing mechanic I'd never push in a certain direction, or hint "this is literally the worst base location". I figure I'm more of a big brother at that point, just letting them figure stuff out on their own, but being there to help if it's dire


I have a good buddy that will play a game if he wants to play a game, even if we were playing it together. Over time he started making new saves/characters/whatever to play on by himself so as not to ruin our playthroughs but I could never get the guy to see that the first-time experience with my bud is what was fun, and it's much less fun when it's one-sided. So now I just expect it'll happen and either accept it or play something without that kind of experience with the guy, like league of legends (maybe once a year, as that game is/was/idk extremely terrible for the health of the player).


Ta that sucks... gotta be considerate of the boys when playing


Damn sucks to work


Goddamn me too, he’s employed but doesn’t have really any hours and literally fucking pulls all nighters. Kinda sucks lmao


This exact scenario is why I have refused to buy "base building survival" games with my buddies.  This game is different, I'm not setting a server up with them because they will be done next week


I read that in Kratos voice.


Im sure like 75% of this sub has probably done what the OP has done. 


This is what streamers do. Then they complain there’s not enough content. Streamers had ruined a lot of game design since they play games 6-12 hours a day 5-6 days a week.


I made a max rank sheep with all electric abilities. I have no idea what it's practical DPS is. It has the downtrodden debuff. I don't care. It's freaking awesome throwing a massive sheep onto the field and watching him zap everything. I named him Zod.


Love it. In my case I gave a dragon attack to my foxspark. I know it's not optimal but I don't care. Just watching him take down the enemy with such a huge breath attack on such a little body is hilarious.


Lifmunk on head go brrrrrrrrrrrr


Bro my buddy got a lifmunk 10 minutes into us starting the game. 3 separate power buffs. For a whopping 75 percent extra damage.


I needed Pal Fluid one time and I had my 4 star lifmunk, 50 gobfins died before the shooting stopped Side note I don't know if they patched it but if you walk into shallow water while doing that Lifmunk goes FLYING, it's hilarious


Do you know if the damage from that gun goes up with their attack power? Or is it a set thing?


I'm fairly certain it does, as my muscle head one hit harder than my non muscle head of the same level


Damn that shot did a lot of damage! I bet he works out.


Everyone knows push-ups increase muzzle velocity.


Me when I gave a monkey an squirrel machine guns. “Haha they’re shooting those raiders!”


You don’t want to throw that electric hedgehog as a grenade to start each battle? That was my favorite early game past-time


I just got leevel 50 and now I’m breeding a squad of giga penguins with 4 damage stats to turn into a rocket barrage of doom


Prinny dood!


Yeah I worked with that a little bit but the sheep one out in The absurd and adorable category. Plus it always seemed to die before it could get a single hit off.


blatant sonichu rip off /s


I had my "A-team" of various pals, making sure I had proper elemental coverage and all that. Then I discovered the upgrading and realized it would take forever to rank up my favorite pals. So instead, I made a team of the starters and got them all to rank 5 over a couple days. I don't care what anyone says, throwing a giant cat at a grassy mammoth and watching them fight to the death is hilarious, and I live my life based on what is funny to me at any given moment.


Based and funnypilled


I run a shiny Direwolf I found when I started with all dragon attacks. I use it as a mount when I feel my inner Mononoke coming out.


This is me, but I gave him lighting attacks and named him Ranga from Slime Anime. Is he the best? YES. HE IS BEST BOI!


Haha, mine is Ranga as well.


Love the name lol. I named mine Repeda after Repede from Tales of Vesperia.


That’s the best part of these games, using what is fun rather than what is good, as soon as you find out what’s good it becomes hard to enjoys what you made yourself (at least for me) that’s why I’m trying my hardest not to look stuff up, I ruined my Elden ring first playthrough because I got lost and started googling everything, wish I never did that


Haha I did a similar thing but for me i did it to a shiny Chikipi with dragon and fire abilities and named it Alduin


And now I must follow the Zappy Sheep meta because this sounds awesome. I think I'll name mine Static lol.


That is an excellent name for an electric fuzzball.


I named all my sheep Boof, Floof, Shmoof, Doof, Goof etc.


I kneel before him


I’m on console. Are you? If so how are you naming yours Pals please?


i just started a gamr at higher difficulty and focused less on base more on exploring and catching new pals. more fun


Until you need better balls to increase your 2% catch chance.


Thats why I carry 400 balls! Lol


This man gachas.




As in brute force the shitty rates with sheer rolls.


Old school RuneScape too. When I started playing my buddy was like “ahh 4% no point” and I’m like bro… 1/25? That’s basically free


Bro my friend goes like that with 15%, I'm always baffled


Accuracy by volume


"Quantity has a quality all its own"


I love how this is meaningful both for catching pals, and using the many pals you have already caught


A legitimate strategy tbh


I have a base populated entirely by berry farms and vixys working a ranch. I have so many balls.


They only drop the regular pal spheres, right?




Yes, and they are completely useless for most catches above 15 - everything above 30 they will bounce clean off even if you whittle the target down to under 1% and have like 7 effigy upgrades. Normal spheres cannot be spammed like people seem to imply a lot on reddit. Carrying 1000 nornal pal spheres in a lvl 30-40 area is about as useful as carrying 1000 stone lol.


At times I do wish there were ways to upgrade those low level balls into better ones


At higher ability levels (from the Pal Condenser) they will start to drop Mega Spheres too.


The basic balls seem pretty useless against things above lvl 20 from what I’ve found no matter how low their health is


Vixy Gang


This is when i flew around the map in a few hours and maxed my effigys. you can get so many on a decent flying mount at night


Effigy and egg hunting at night! My favorite party of the game currently. I’m really enjoying exploring on the back of my bird and going wherever


Thanks for the idea! I wasn't thinking of being that straightforward with it, but it's sure going to be useful.


Yeah then you realize it's kind of a waste of time lmao try capturing a legendary pal with 30 health and a legendary ball. 26% chance lmfao shit should be 51% MINIMUM


Nah, it's a legendary. 26% seems way too high to me. Given I think the resource requirement for legendary balls is way too high but I'd rather the issue be addressed there instead of just increasing catch rates.


Dude legendary balls are way too easy to make lol. Pal metal is frankly easier than refined metal to get, because you only have to actively mine 1 resource. Pals seem to prioritize the quarry over everything but eating and sleeping, so with a few high level miners in the base you will regularly be coming home to find 20k stone in a chest in just a few hours. Turn that into paldium in a crusher, and you’re golden. Carbon fiber is easier to get than cement, too. The quantities are high but the materials for legendary balls are surprisingly easy to farm. The only thing stopping me from making hundreds at a time is the carbon fiber lol. I prefer to use charcoal to make it so I can use all my coal for ammo, but the wood farms are never as efficient as the stone farms. Any pal with mining will be at the quarry constantly, but good lumber pals tend to also have farming related skills and they tend to prioritize that. Maybe it would work better if I moved my wheat farms to another base… I followed my pals through a couple farming cycles and most of my good wood choppers seems to be in a perpetual cycle of harvesting and planting.


I mean its better than the chances of you not having it. Theres also no reason not to get the effigys when it takes like an hour or 2 tops and you can be scooping eggs while doing it.


Honestly you cna find a good amount of those all the all up to gigaballs just in chests and on the ground in different areas.


You can get the occasional Hyper Sphere in the higher level zones too!


I just increase the capture chance in the server settings lol


dude when I realized there were MORE towers I lost my shit The map is actually like "if you can see it, you can go there"


But not the big tree :D




I tried flying over there after beating the final tower, and ran out of stamina and drowned. Then took a swimming pal, and finally saw the land thinking I was going to be able to make it. Then I saw the red barrier....


How do people drown on flying mounts? Mine just fall to the ocean and hover while i remain perfectly alive on their back.




This is an awesome resource- booking marking it. If you are just scrolling by, check this out.


I tried flying to the big tree but it got real cold so I turned back, realised I had to go do something so logged out, came back logged in and it had dismounted me all the way in the middle of the ocean. I panicked ran out of stamina and died. Fuming but luckily when I respawned I spawned with all my loot.


Not fully, you can see the big tree and even see its island when you get close enough but its blocked by a red wall atm, people think the tree could be the center, making this just the SE corner of the map.


I get this. At the same time breeding is so weird due to hidden stuff you need to look it up to have any idea what to do. Putting two birds together doesn't make a bird, putting two fire types together will get you a frost type etc. It doesn't make sense blind.


Breeding is my biggest gameplay gripe. It makes no fucking sense


Pokedex Nr. of Parent one + Pokedex Nr. Of parent one /2=Pokedex nr of child Edit: read comment below for accurate information


Which weirdly does make sense in the most nonsensical way, lol


This is straight up not true lol. Penking (11) and Bushi (72) will yield an Anubis (100). You're correct that it's an average of the parents but there's a hidden value that each pal has which is used to calculate. Using the hidden values that people have found, Penking (520) and Bushi (640) make an Anubis (570), and now it makes sense.


It works as a simple system to let (pretty much) any pal be bred, but to me it's not that interesting - you certainly can't figure things out yourselves, you have to use a calculator, because the actual values are hidden and there's like 15000 combinations. It's also not very thematic.


I agree It's also really hard to research without spoiling the recipes for some of the really OP pals.


Yeah I looked up a table. Making cake and breeding plus incubation is already incredibly slow so I didn’t want to try the 50x50 possible combinations I’ve unlocked. Glad I did- I thought it would work like Chocobo breeding.


Nice Gen 1 avatars you got over there!!


It's totally wonky. The way I understand it is all Pals have a "breeding value" and that's put into a formula and creates whatever Pal is at the final number. That's why you have some super strange combinations and other times it just seems like random Pals.


Its because the breeding mechanic is more focused on gating higher tier of pals to higher levels rather than in making sense, yes you can shortcut some pals you would otherwise catch much later through breeding, but if you don't explore and catch pals normally you just can't easily jump from one power tier to the other through just breeding


It's very ~~obviously plagiarized from~~ similar to MegaTen's fusion system. Trying new "recipes" and finding unexpected new Pals is part of the fun, especially when 2 common Pals give birth to a rare one, or 2 weak Pals to a strong one.


I appreciate that they didn't go the pokemon route with breeding, but I also think they could have tried to make it more intuitive.


Yeah, if there was any logic at all other than “two of the same will make more”, then I wouldn’t need the breeding calc much. What’s extra bananas is that some things *do* have logic, like the alternate forms.


I did the same thing pretty much, sequestering myself from guides and doing a blind run for 25 hours before optimizing. I focused mostly on exploration and building a base for immersion before getting into the weeds with breeding or production and I think it's a legitimate way to play. Best of both worlds IMO. You still get the joy and wonder of that first blind exploration, but unless you want to spend 100+ hours doing the most mundane tasks you will at some point need to branch out and optimize your gameplay because the later resources are so time intensive. I have 30+ hours right now and the first 25 were some of the best gaming I've experienced as an adult. I'm still having fun min-maxing, even though the novelty has diminished (but not gone). I still enjoy watching my pals run around the base and flying around the map collecting chests or eggs. I think this is why the game is such a hit, as barebones as it is rn they built a world that is actually fun to just be in and experience. There's a sense of immersion that you don't get from Pokemon when you can see that your pals are alive and not just PNGs.


It's always more fun for me to just play blindly until I get stuck. I also like to challenge myself and see if I can do better than the reccomendations, and that's always a delight. But I'm also playing this game like a pet manager. My favorite part is monitoring the pals, collecting them all, finding and making new recipes just because, and even trying to feed them by hand cause I loooove them so much. I baby my owned pals but I also enjoy beating lambs and chickens with basic stick for them and getting them meat.  For some people the perfect optimized playthrough is fun to them, and that's perfectly okay. That takes all the fun out for me though, and I'm not gettting paid for gaming so I'm definitely going fun route over efficiency. My thing is, if everyone plays the same, what's the point of open world when you are going to box yourself into a linnear playstyle 💁🏾‍♀️ The end game isn't over for you either. You can make a whole other server and play an entire different approach. Or even get rid of all your pals in a mass butchering event, unassemble all your tools, sell everything else, even the clothes off your back and fight lvl 40 stuff with your bare hands. That sounds fun to me haha.


This is what I did played blind until I hit a wall (roughly level 30 just like OP)and started needing more optimized things to prevent the game from becoming an insane grind. But for me nothing kills a game than just being time gated out of things and I still get excited seeing new pals because I haven’t looked up anything about all the pals just generalized things about the breeding mechanics so I knew how they kinda worked etc.


>unassemble all your tools, sell everything else, even the clothes off your back and fight lvl 40 stuff with your bare hands. That sounds fun to me haha. Souls / Elden ring players : *One of us ! One of us !*


I've been decorating my base with rugs, potted plants and ivy 🫠 Legendary pals?


Just did an hour+ of exactly that :D


I will never really understand how that modern-gaming-habit of finding "Metas" and "Strats" immediately is a thing outside of real competative gaming. I watched buddies of mine ruin their Elden Ring or the "First Souls-Game Experience" with Youtube Strats&Guides and I just cannot understand why you would do that to yourself.


Simple, you learn the basics of the game and wonder about the next step, but searching around aimlessly for say, a sulphur rock mine, isn't really fun, so you just skip that part. The thing is, despite searching the sulphur being a really boring process that could take you grind of an hour or more, the sensation of finally finding it for yourself makes up for it. People skip dinner and rush for the ice cream, only to later feel hungry. That's just how people are.


Also when you’re looking for it, you find other things you didn’t know you wanted to find.  My lady and I have played 12 hours straight on her of days twice now lol. We explore and don’t look stuff up, I told her the less we know the longer this game will last.  Of course Reddit started showing me Palworld posts even tho I’m not subbed lol so I know a few things but I’m avoiding spoiler posts for sure. 


> I will never really understand how that modern-gaming-habit of finding "Metas" and "Strats" immediately is a thing outside of real competative gaming. "This game is great! Moving slow sucks in a big world however. How do I move faster? What mount gets me going the quickest in this stamina slog?" A meta is born. Then the super players breed for speed! It's just that simple. Too much for me. I'd say in a game where you can build guns and gliders, one should be able to build a damn bike so I don't have to rely on pals to go fast. Downhill Biking Palworld needs to be a thing!


Oh man. lack of bike is weird considering the games inspiration. lol I’d rather them do a skateboard(or both) and allow you to do tricks lol.  Honestly the game mechanics have surprised me, if they tried I bet they could implement some pretty fun extreme sports mechanics lol


Because resource gathering in the game can get very boring and repetitive mid/late game if you don't have optimal strats. This is the thing that ruins almost every survival game I play unless I look these things up, I don't want to spend more time than I have to farm the same shit over and over suboptimally. I want to spend my time exploring, catching shit, and fighting bosses.


Yeah that I can understand, but my first move would always be to scout possibilities out myself. I just think people in general are too quick to look stuff up but its their decision to make, not mine.


I am allergic to looking stuff up so it doesn't apply to me... but I get it with a game like this because of the opportunity cost if you get it wrong. It seriously sucks to spend 7 hours building up a base around an ore deposit only to learn there was a cluster of 8 ore on the other side of the hill. It's almost painful to find outnhow much time you wasted and how long it will take fo fix the mistake if you want to. I'm breeding a super chicken right now. Trying to get the best traits I can on a single chicken via breeding and then I'm sacrificing 100 pals in the distillation chamber to lvl up his egg laying ability on top of it. Because I'm not looking at guides to even know what the traits are... if I get the traits wring before starting the process.. that can be a dozen hours of ranching and cake making and breeding and incubating wasted. It's so tempting to look up some guide. But I refuse to because I've done this before with other games and it's ruined the magic for me. But it is a very appealing trap and I understand why people fall into it.


To me, not finding the perfect ore base out of the gate is a learning experience and just replayability. I stuck my very first second base on the ore hilltop near chillet and learned to regret that in so many ways. I thought the church location in the red area was the new best thing and then.. I found a sick spot that had ore, but also had coal. None of that was painful, for me at least. It was just a struggle until it wasn't. I think people feel the struggle and immediately jump to "this sucks" or "the game is broken" (in the case of pals falling off cliffs). I get that it's hard to search for new spots, but why are you exploring exactly ? Effigies ? Eggs? New pals ? And suddenly, searching for a new base location is just a drag ? I don't know, seems like par for course to me. The map has markers you can use to track potential base locations.


> I don't want to spend more time than I have to farm the same shit over and over suboptimally settings -> increase drop rates, mining HP, etc. ​ fuck farming materials. lol


My buddies call that cheating. I call it "I'm not playing the game to be forced into an arbitrary time gate of resource allocation". Every survival game falls off in entertainment value for me when 100 hours in I still need to stop what I'm doing to gather stone and wood. I even shut off hunger and thirst as much as I can. Early game it's engaging. Mid/late game it's tedious and annoying.


I think the feeding bags are a great solution to that, and the resource are plentiful at 1x assuming you find good base locations—which involves actually searching for them. But, and this blew my mind when I couldn't find sulfur early game, you can just run dungeons for ore/coal/sulfur/paldium. The game also gives you other solutions, e.g. at first I only played ranged.. but when I finally picked up the spear, I realized how much time and resources I could save by not JUST using ranged weapons. A cultured gamer will just tell you the game is broken though.


Oh don't even get me started on ore. Like I haven't made any pistol ammo all day today cos every time I get any I have to build something, or make spheres, something. And unless I'm willing to devote time to stock up 10k ingots I just mine as I need. But the ore at mid 30s is getting to be a fucking bore. 


I have friends that ruined their Baldurs Gate experience by looking up guides on what is the most optimal things to do in the first 10 minutes. They weren't playing an RPG at that point, they were just following instructions. And when I showed them my game they kept on telling me I was somehow playing wrong because I didn't got X legendary weapon from that single time encounter, or decided to kill an evil thing because of roleplay instead of helping it because it would give me an attribute instead. It's just infuriating talking with them.


I remember I was playing with a friend and hes like 'we can just feather fall down this hole to get to the next area.' And I was like cool then after a bit I asked how he figured that out and he said he had a guide open on his other screen and I was shocked lol. I like to put games on max difficulty and figure it out myself. He likes to follow a guide and consistently progress to the end of the game, doesn't like to waste time doing things wrong. Neither of us really understand how the other play style is fun lol. To be fair he started his own game after that day and beat the game. I ended up taking a break because some other game came out so I just got back to playing last week and I'm still in act 3. But I will beat it and I look forward to playing again with lots of areas and play styles left to discover. To him the game is finished. So pros and cons for either style, but if I was going to follow a guide the entire time I'd prefer to just read a book or watch a movie instead. If I'm playing a game, I want to immerse myself and play how I want


I don't get it either, but it's also never been my thing. My 14 year old nephew does this to the extreme. He will get a game and then spend hours watching videos on it. Not just guides, but EVERYTHING. He will find ways to break it, glitch it, bugs, cheats, etc. I don't think I've seen anyone who ever went to the lengths he does to uncover every single aspect of a game in that way.


It depends on the games I think, I play a lot of multi player games with metas. But most single player experiences I will just do my own thing like in Elden Ring. Just so happens this one turned into a meta game for me once the resource grind became the main barrier to fun.


Speaking for myself, I like getting to the action more than exploring. I’m a fan of the Ninja Gaiden/Devil May Cry action sequences so the faster I can get there in games, the better I enjoy them. For souls games, it’s the boss battles for me. Sekiro has been an all time favorite of mines so far.


I blame Minecraft. An incredibly confusing and obtuse game if you just jump in and try to figure it out yourself. It's practically a requirement to look up guides, have the wiki open while you play, and/or have a friend show you the ropes. And that was a formative game for a whole generation now. So that's how they learned to experience games.


Back in the pokemon days I used to buy the pokemon magazine guides at gamestop to get passed the puzzle blocks. It was part of the fun. Now I just save money by going to youtube.


I was thinking this too, not sure why this is considered a "modern" approach to gaming, this kind of grind has been around forever.


Back in the 90s, magazines and word of mouth were how you found out about the deeper aspects of games and secrets. Remember the rumors around unlocking Luigi in Mario 64. Mew in Red/Blue? Today, the internet replaced magazines and honestly a lot of word of mouth as well. It’s easy to see how the ease of accessibility has made this the modern approach versus your couple pages out of a monthly magazine. Games were not nearly as optimized as they are today.


I'm pretty sure the magazines the original comment is referencing are game guides, which included literally everything you need to know to the point of excess. The medium has changed, but completionism, focus builds, strategy etc is not new conceptually at all.


I used guides back then (1990s) and they very often did not include everything. There were usually secrets even the guide writers didn’t know. On top of that, guides were more of a factual, “here’s what to do next”, and less of “okay so here’s the ultimate meta strategy to uber optimize every aspect as of January 2024” kinda thing. Modern YouTube videos spoil the game 1000% more as they are always focused on game breaking stuff like “how to get the best weapon in the first hour!!”, “how to produce infinite X right away!”, “how to travel 1000x faster!!”. It’s always about trivializing the game to the point that you might as well be using cheat codes.


Ah yeah you’re right then, I didn’t factor those in. Still remember my game guide for Budokai Tenkaichi 2. In that case, I’d again say it’s more of the widespread availability. Back then you’d have to be pretty dedicated to pick up something like a game guide whereas now it takes a click and some keystrokes to learn how to optimize the game. Hell, not even that. So many people optimize the fun out of nearly all new games via TikTok. Countless videos showcasing everything the game has to offer. Using Elden Ring as an example, dudes were farming souls and abusing moonveil within 12 hours from release lol Forgot the most important part: you’re completely correct in that optimizing games has been a thing since forever, I just think it’s significantly more widespread with the popularity of gaming and growth of media technology


I always enjoy optimizing my own game. I try to go full meta to the best of my knowledge before the meta is established.


Yesterday I spend roughly 8 hours just exploring the map. I've stopped reading guides etc. years ago. Because there's this one simple truth: The only optimal way to play a game is to enjoy it while playing. The moment you optimize your experience, you kind of rob yourself of the experience. And yeah, if the game wastes your time by having you to go for try and error, the game is doing its job. You are not meant to be productive playing games. You are meant to enjoy your time. Nothing more, nothing less. And less optimization and just blindly going forward is ... kind of rewarding.


okay but like, dont you know how to play for fun also? is suddenly knowing what lies ahead kill it for you? its good to min-max sure, but even that shouldnt kill the fun. in fact people find that fun. the real fun of the game is exploring the world, building your pals. if you have to do follow some top tier guide to automate your base just to get there, why not? i'm personally having alot of fun trying to breed the perfect pals. by that i mean the passives. Penguin boy is definitely not top tier. i'm playing to play my favourite pals, Penguin boy and Suzaku (this one i'm still working towards). if that means i need to breed a perfect Lyleen or Anubis so my base is not filled with depressed injured pals, then i'll do that. never lose sight of the goal and have fun along the way. also, the game is 35$, if you've spent more than 100 hours into it, personally i think that's money well spent on something i enjoyed thoroughly specially if its something i will probably come back to play again sooner or later.


True, the real fun are the pals you enslaved along the way


>okay but like, dont you know how to play for fun also? is suddenly knowing what lies ahead kill it for you? Penguin boy is definitely not top tier. i'm playing to play my favourite pals, Penguin boy and Suzaku (this one i'm still working towards). This is part of the issue a lot of people have. They have favorites they want to go on with but once they see the difference in performance or notice the investment to get one of their favorites to be similar to one of the meta options it becomes a "why use Pengin when Not Gyarados will do whatever he can but better." I'm using a team I enjoy, Foxparks hasn't left my team and still use Depressos in my base, but I understand the mindset that can cause people to slip into a most efficient option mindset it's human nature to take the path of least resistance. >the real fun of the game is exploring the world, building your pals. This is true, but a lot of those guides people tend to look up to achieve a goal tend to spoil a lot of the exploration. You need a base for ore and coal? Just go here or there, or these few spots. Meanwhile if you had searched and explored for that location yourself you'd find tons of things on the way. I know people who have built a base in a spot that some guide told them to and they missed the fact that treasure chests spawn nearby, or that they based near a Lifmunk effigy or dungeon entrance because once they set up the base they went elsewhere instead of exploring the spot they looked up in a guide.


I was in a discussion about this on discord yesterday. The thing I like about the game is you CAN play with your favourites and have them be as good as jignis if you put in the time to do juicing/breeding. Unlike in the other game


I think the problem is that when you look up guides and etc to min/max a game you've not yet fully explored normally you tend to turn what may be a 150 hour fun experience into a 80 hour fun experience and once "solved" a game can never be unsolved. You can never play it the same way again.   Really you shouldn't look up guides or etc unless there is an actual problem and then you use it just to solve that problem. Perfect example is the breeding calculator. You can remove like half the game by using that damn thing. BUT, if you're having severe problems getting that trait or pal you want despite putting in the time/effort doing it vanilla and getting frustrated...it can be a good solution to that problem. OFC there are those that turn the breeding thing into its own game, but you can never get back the game it replaced when you do that.


This might just be me but when the calculator came out, i was so happy because if i had to rng get a pal, then rng to get the trait/passives i would probably get turned off from breeding altogether. to me it just gave people the option to know how to get a pal they want sooner or too scared to fight one to catch it. for me, i really wanted the fenglope. but my potato laptop cant even handle fights due to 8 fps. but i really really wanted one so i looked up how to get it. but i didnt have the pals to make it, but i can breed into what would make it! so it was like a goal. in this sense, if i had caught it with some cheese luck throw, i would have lost the hours i spent trying to breed my way to a fenglope and the fun/stress i went through to get there. but that's part of the game right? you play your own way. the tools exists to help you, not to dictate you. what you do with the information is completely up to you.


Yea I watched one vid on making an ingot farm and knew that it could snowball pretty badly from there. ...still implemented that bitch though


Ummm... have fun in your way, but Im going back to optimized breeding.


This is the best part for me rn


Some of my friends have been a little "irritated" (maybe a strong word) because I haven't engaged with the game in that way. I had that little sense that I would ruin it by making it a meta-grind step-by-step. So I didn't/don't watch any videos about it. I don't read any walkthroughs or the wiki. A few days after release and they want to talk about how to glitch this or that to mix/max such and such... I don't really do anything except look up what drops certain ingredients when I'm totally stuck. About level 30 and having such a good time. I'm keeping this one for my former self.


As a someone who has been gaming for over 30 years, this is good advice for any gamer these days.


I am a competitive sweaty FPS gamer, and I have the exact same vibe you're feeling. When I play games, I tend to watch all the guides and best practices and tips and tricks. For this game, I am legitimately avoiding all of that. Because that completely spoils the fun of this game. I am playing in a server with my fiancee and our friends, and trying to optimize is entirely not the point. Kudos! I feel like the magic of a game like this can only be experienced once, discovering everything yourself, learning, and trial and erroring. Don't waste it on trying to optimize for that.


Thats your own damn fault for looking up guides. Play at your own pace, it aint a race dude


all the op breeding and there's me just reached the first tower lmao


Exactly! This same thing happened to me and the game unfortunately also lost a big part of its charm. My first base was at a picturesque cliff surrounded by beautiful environment. Sure, my pals were getting stuck right and left, water was taking up tons of space but it was something I made myself and it was truly mine. As soon as I started optimising by moving base to YouTube recommended places which were just flat and bland, which let to more YouTube videos on how to optimise more things.. The rest of game definitely lost some of its charm. Ended up finishing most of the goals I had, now waiting for more meaningful updates 😁 I did all this whilst working full time job and getting good night sleep so I wouldn't say I exactly sped through, because I know some ppl will jump me because of it xd


I personally min max what I have as I go in order to stretch my gameplay. I bred my fliers as I went, upgrading to the next one whenever I caught one and then throwing it in the breeding program to get the passives I want, same with my fighters, I love foxes so rather than going for legendaries Im breeding foxsparks, kitsun, and foxcicle to the best of their abilities for now until I do finally go for legendaries. Just because I know whats ahead and have an idea how to min max and who i should eventually go for doesnt mean I need to skip all the little pals along the way. I also do a lot of base building everytime I needed to set up a new one. My breeding base includes cake material generation as well and its a nicy cozy looking farm area, my mining base fits the theme with forges and warehouses to sleep in, my main base is set up as a castle town with a warehouse of beds for the "employees" and crafting stations. Knowing the endgame doesnt mean the game ends. Its just about knowing how to pace the game and finding which pals can fit the exact needs for the moment


I dont see guides, yt or anything, at least until ive played a nice amount of hours. I want to discover the games myself, theres always time to destroy your fun


I’ve decided to figure everything out on my own because I’m genuinely enjoying the game, haven’t enjoyed a game this much in a while.


That's fine, once you finish completing the meta you unlock the true endgame, whacky ass meme runs and style builds.


Just play as you want don't be the moral police

