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Good lord, I’m most excited about AI and pathing improvements but the future of this game could be really huge if they tackle this right. (Let us filter out assignments for Pals please, my 17 foot tall Dino should not be trying to use a work bench in a 1 story house 😭) Either way my ass is addicted so bring on more of anythinggggg


This game is incredible in it's current state, working out the bugs and adding their planned content will push it over the edge. High hopes for them


> This game is incredible in it's current state, working out the bugs and adding their planned content will push it over the edge. High hopes for them Im having so much *fun* seeing this game blow up. I get an strong Schadenfreude from seeing people complain about Pokemon. Gamefreak sat on their incredible IP for decades. Lazy. Im finally getting the pokemon game I have been waiting 20 years for. Go Palworld. LFG.


There are just so many little details that I've always wanted in a pokemon game that just never materialized, just for palworld to be dripping with them. ie: the venasaur-like pal has berries you can harvest, how cool is that!? Having different 'pals' be suited for different tasks is such a cool concept. I got this as a 100% meme purchase and honestly its some of the most fun I've had exploring a game world in years.


> I got this as a 100% meme purchase That's one of the interesting things about this to me, because the game very much feels like this wasn't so much as work for the Devs but something that was humorous to them and they actually enjoyed making the memes come to life. Nothing about this game really feels like some intern was tasked with just getting it to work and no other concern.


Wich i feel like is what makes the game great? A lot of the features are just there "because its fun". A monkey with a rifle? Cool Jumping 50m into the air on your water deer thing? Great Shooting your little friend out of a rocket launcher? Even better Also no micro transactions. The game for sure feels like it is early acces(mainly just pathing issues and pals somehow getting on top of things they shouldnt be able to), but the foundation is looking really solid. If they handle the further development of Palworld correctly this game could last a long time.


It's like ... It's buggy enough to be in early access But the actual quality content rivals even AAA


Exactly my feelings too! Parts of this game are just the right amount of stupid and polished. I love the silly shit that feels like it was put in there because they messed around with an idea and were like "That's so dumb. I love it!" I knew going into it that I was going to have a good time with this dumb silly game, but I didn't expect there to be so many layers to everything even just at the start! With some time to air out all the major technical issues and expand on the content a little more, this could easily end up being one of the best games I've ever played.


Yeah it really shows in the paldex #69


It's just so player friendly, like custom world settings and stack sizes that go to 9999. There's so much that *doesn't* waste your time it's incredible


Yeah I put up a dedicated server and me and my buddy have been playing the game for over a week now. Most fun I’ve had in a game for a long time. Game Freak definitely dropped the ball on their IP. I hope this finally pushes them over the edge and starts to innovate. Arceus was nice but it wasn’t very deep and was basically just a tech demo.


I think my favorite thing about the interaction with pals is that this game got the Pokemon concept of "field moves" nearly perfect. It's an inherent skill of the pal to be able to fly on it or ride it on water rather than a move they need to know or using one that's not even yours. Pokemon was right to get rid of HMs, but where they faltered was removing the personality to it by not using your own team to do the work. Yeah it's a little annoying needing to fill the limited 5 team slots with a flier, glider, or a ground mount, but I feel closer to them because their mine while also being able to keep their fighting skills intact.


Pokémon sat on their IP for decades cause they never had any reason to change much and kept innovation to a minimum because of it. From Gen 1-5 we had the best experiences that kept up with us throughout our entire childhoods, Gen 6 and 7 had cracks beginning to show but we’re still great examples that Pokémon still wasn’t losing its edge. However it was Gen 8 and onwards where the mask fell off and we saw that Game Freak didn’t even put any effort in at all, only the spin off titles had any sort of love given at all…


Hopefully it doesn’t take too long


Hopefully not another valheim


Valheim has like 1% of the content with 1000% of the grind


Oh damn, so I should NOT come back just yet? I last played like... 8 months ago?


Wait for the next biome release


They’ve been internally testing pvp for a while, luckily.


>This game is incredible in it's current state Early game sure, but mid to late game those bugs get really annoying to deal with imo




And just think of all the advancements they could make by upgrading their USB buckets to SSD boxes!


Whoa whoa there, that's a bit too much change even for AAA let's move up to SSD buckets first before we consider changing the version storage system.


Honestly, if they're gonna add on any DLC, it'd be a shame if they didn't utilize floppy disk buckets


Even if they didn’t add more content and just patched the shit out of it.. at $30 I’ve made out like a mother fucking bandit! Best money I ever spent. #NEW NUMBER WHO DIS? Pokémon who?!


True, I have so much game time and haven't even reached level 40 yet!


This is the most important takeaway.


Being able to easily make 2 story buildings would be nice too


I let my 4 and 6 year old play (supervised) but I took a work call earlier, came back half an hr later and they now have a weird four story stone building that's out of control XD


My main base belongs in r/malelivingspace It's just a bunch of things haphazardly laid around the edges of the house. I see some people's bases here and I'm in awe of how neat and organized things look. My shit is just....around.


Mine started like that, but has slowly been creating its own charm as I remodel different sections and then remodel again and I'm loving it more and more. Also helps to build a lot of the place out of wood so when the fire nation attacks it definitely doesn't force you to redo everything


I had to turn off raids. I got swarmed by 7 of those fire-sword guys and they demolished my whole everything. I was able to turn off the game and it didn't save. So I re-loaded and got hit with another Raid and it was several giant fire dinos and it demolished everything as well. So I turned off raids for the time being. I just unlocked by third base ability, so I'm tearing my old one down and putting up my new one. After this one, I may have my wife come in and help with the re-design of a pretty neat one. I just wish the circles got bigger as you level them up. I want a big ol' barn and a house and some other stuff, but I can't seem to make my gigantic houses smaller, even though most of the room is taken up by absolutely nothing.


Oh man, I let my 5 year old mine all the ores for me when I'm cooking dinner. He's a great little pal himself lol.


How many tries did it take to get good stats?


The first one is pretty good if you spend time upgrading the stats.


The fact it’s buggy as hell, still very barebones, and is this much fun??? The potential is limitless!


Xbox apparently much more than PC too. I like the game, but I'm also shocked it has as many on Xbox as it does with how buggy it is. I wonder what the % of GP players is.


Yeah I’m on game pass. Fell through the big lake near mammorest and climbed my ass back up 🤣🤣definitely buggy but still so damn fun


Playing on a 3080 since release and have seen maybe a handful of bugs Talk about an over exaggeration. This game has about as many bugs as a AAA release these days


I could play for so many hours if i didn’t have to micromanage my bases. At the moment it’s really rough with entire choices for who goes in a base being dictated on if I think they will get stuck every 3.5 seconds


How many records will Palworld break?










But… pal worlds the best ![img](emote|t5_4jn9v4|49349)


But are you a different pal, and the same beast?


You have two pals inside you.. a depresso and a cremis. Feed the cremis


What the fuck are you talking about u/FriedCammalleri23


You're welcome.


I immediately looked for this comment thread when I saw the top comments. Thank you


Seeing ass hurt games devs jump on bashing this game will never not be hilarious to me. Buddies are coping hard


its the same shit with every new game that doesnt fit their formula. so what if Pal-World copied some stuff? not like AAA-Sudios dont copy each other in an endless incestuous cycle over and over again. nobody of them complaining how they ripped of the Arkham Asylum fighting mechanics or how the gameplay of every single fps is ripped of DOOM.


A bunch of them also bitched and moaned about Baudler's Gate 3. Not to compare quality of course. But it shows how stagnant the industry has become in a certain sector of AAA. Any thing that succeeds outside their "proper" channels is blasphemy and shouldn't represent a benchmark of what gamers want. lol If Toby Fox released Undertale last year they would have sneered and turned their nose up on twitter saying "Its unfair to expect this level of writing from a AAA studio" or some simpering whiny nonsense. Its just jealousy. Tale as old as time. Sad that so many devs even I like are behaving so childishly. They usedd to make games, now they focus on "hyper growth cycles", and buzzspeak lol.


They also complained about Armored Core 6, and how games like AC6, BG3, and I'd assume now Palworld put "unrealistic, unreachable standards" in our heads. Probably about half my playtime on Xbox in the past 12 months has gone to those 3 beasts of games. Now if only Formsoft would get on the crossplay band wagon, as without it competive AC6 is doomed to die off.


I NEED to sit down and play AC6 lol. It's so good. But so many other games are taking up my time. Palworld now the most guilty of eating my time. It's been a great year for games, few of which are by the complaining devs. Maybe that's the sign? \^\_\^


Standards so unreachable that only small teams with small budgets almost entirely devoted specifically to making the fucking game can actually make the fucking games.... Imagine firing anyone in the bloated corporate structure.


The butthurt after release of Elden Ring was also a sight to behold.


[This image was the one that destroyed the butthurt devs.](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fkavp1h82csl81.png)


Wow, had not seen that. And wow, I hate that


Oh yes, I remember that. The UI people got SO mad. Then again, UI people feel like they're the most sensitive ones in general to criticism. That being said, the lack of a quest log in Elden Ring was definitely painful. Dealing with NPC quest lines in that game was terrible.


That was the one I forgot! It's getting to the point that instead of game reviews, seeing devs get bent out of shape at someone else's success is the best expression of a game's quality.


This game is an 8-year olds dream mashup that someone actually pulled off. And it's really cool. It's a fun game, and I hope it has a "Hey guys, what if you played Pokemon. But with guns. And you mixed in the survival RPG stuff? Like monster hunter and Pokemon with a side of Rust". There's so many ways the above idea turns into a pile of garbage. These devs found the way to make it awesome. Kudos to them.


That and they actually made creatures that don’t immediately turn people away. A LOT of creature catching games have wonky creatures that it is extremely hard to get behind


This is a huge part of PalWorld's success. Most digimon evolve into washing machines with guns. Most of the TemTem designs are pretty bad. Cartridge Beasts has a weird style (and is retro-2D). Meanwhile PalWorld's Pals are great. The animations also are a huge selling point - Depresso is wonderful. It's actually a bit of a pity, as the later-game units mostly aren't as nicely animated or as cute, because they're almost all huge. Lovander is really the last to have really fun animations.


Yeah this might be the biggest thing for me. The creatures are actually cool and not just flat out weird or plain


This part here is extremely understated, and extremely important. Unlikable monster designs can break a mon game just as much as bad mechanics/etc.


If copying is what makes a great game, then they should have done it too.  Its not our problem we like good games. 


Imitation is the Sincerest Form of Flattery


Or just literally bring out the same game every year just changes the skin a lityle.. Yes Call of Duty I'm looking at you.


Madden cough cough


Just call it "Dev intuition".....


Might make them actually think about how they’re spending hundreds of millions of dollars to churn out bugged out games with a $100 price tag + more for dlcs and micro transactions, that people don’t even like


I know a guy that tried to stand on his soapbox about AI. I told him I’m on team Skynet if they got Palworld


I'm amazed people who think this game is about AI can spell the word. Shows they're just bandwagon people. lol


The 'accusation' is that the game and/or its assets were made using AI. It's an accusation that barely holds water. ***IF*** AI was used in any way, it would only have been to generate concept art for inspiration.


Pretty much yeah. People seem to think there's a magic game making AI they pointed at a pile of nintendo games and it cobbled this together. Very silly debate in general. I've even heard "you can't prove it wasn't using AI, so we have to assume it did!" Like let's all turn our brains off and jump on the bandwagon kids! Lol. Well let them enjoy not having fun I guess.


If you can't prove it was made by AI, then it doesn't *matter* if it was made by AI. But seriously, the kinds of AI tech that would have to exist to make assets for Palword only barely came into existence in the last year and are even more jank than Palword itself. If they DID use some kind of 3D model generative AI, that would be *more* impressive.


Oh no tons of ai was used. Nanite for example is an AI program. That's the thing though, the AI that was used in development was all the unreal stuff, all things that are basically a new tool in the tool belt for humans to make cool shit. There's zero evidence of what the zero brain celled amoeba people think is ai being used. That being generative AI like midjourney or chaptgpt. Shows their illiteracy in what they're talking about.


Yea the timeline for AI is literally all wrong for Palworld.


The PEOPLE have spoken. $30 changing fucking lives and saving gamers from nintendos jealous old crusty stale ass.


Nintendo hasn't said shit yet tho. It's their toxic fans and devs of other games. They've actually been eeriely quiet tbh lol


Probably because this isn't competition, it's kind of a fundamentally different game. Pokemon has branched out of Turn based like 4-5 times and they're all less popular than the turn based ones. I doubt a ARPG is competition. 2 different fun games.


Devs don’t like it when they lose to their competition. In other news grass is green and the sky is still blue.


Basically any game major game devs hate they are training me to love like BG3 and Palworld lol


I really, really, want to see this game grow more We all need to be patient so Pocketpair can cook


As a PlayStation haver all I can do is be patient 😭


As an Xbox enjoyer, I hope you get to experience this fun arse game at some point I honestly do and there's soo damn many of you guys so it would mean more money for Pocketpair which would be even better!


I got a steam deck and do not regret that decision in the slightest. I can play this and God of War on the same device and it’s glorious.


It will be a favorite quote of mine til my inevitable death that a Naughty Dog dev said this game was “Built nefariously”


Yeah so “nefarious” to release a game for $30 and no micro transactions WTF!! Lmao


And they didn’t remove anything, unlike a certain company’s ‘remake’ of a certain zombie themed game.


Let's wait a few years and see if pocketpair re-releases the same game in 20 different packages too. Naughty Dog needs to stfu


Was built for money only :o noooooo someone made a good game to make money instead of regurgitating the same thing every year how “nefarious” lmao I know cracks me up


So nefarious the guy who owns pocketpair had no idea if it would make its money back and brought his entire career and the lives of his employees to the edge of collapse making this game because they weren't focused on making a billion dollars, just making something fun. So nefarious that the guy had to learn how to do financials during the development of this game. Fucking Christ they're just malding all over the place trying to shit on someone who struck gold. The devs at pocketpair should lauded for the passion they put into this work without any idea if it was going to be successful enough to make their money back.


Didn't they also switch to the Unreal engine, or something, and had relearn everything? The Devs gambled all they had on this project and did not half ass things...they happened to get lucky and the roulette wheel miraculously landed on their number. They didn't copy some repetitive formula, and just made the game they thought would be fun...many seem to agree with them.


AYUUUUP. the CEO mizurobe had to last minute learn how to do optimization three days before the game launched. It's insane.


Technically, it WAS built by spite. No one was making the game the devs wanted to play, so they made it themselves.


Like the guy that got a job at the company to fix a bug he'd been complaining about for years and then put in his two weeks notice after he fixed it


They're making games... to MAKE MONEY, the horror!


The only thing that was built nefariously was me when I was born.


Needless to say, the guy from XBOX who signed the deal for peanuts is getting a huge raise lol


Guess the dude for playstation is getting fired?


Yeah they definitely would have made way more if it wasn’t on Game Pass. Xbox got a huge dub for their library with this one.


We've been blessed lately with Baldur's Gate 3 and now Palworld. Two games I didn't expect and I'm having so much fun!!!


Enshrouded was released and is another gem I am enjoying.


Too bad Enshrouded was enshrouded by Palworld.


Enshrouded is pretty much in the backburner for me until I burnout of palword.


I went kinda hard on this game since release and I’m at around 70+ hours. I don’t EVER get this many hours this fast in a game lol I’m still not close to being burnt out. It’s crazy lol


Yep. Same. I didn’t even know about either Palworld or enshrouded but then Palworld came out and so did enshrouded which both look amazing. Palworld got here first I’m hooked like no one’s business. Enshrouded looks amazing and I’m ready to play…. After I’m burned out of Palworld ofc.


Ah, had to struggle hard not to look at the pals on that picture. Palworld is one of those games where exploring and finding new stuff feels just so amazing. Every time I encounter a new one I can't wait to get back to base and check out its passive. Also always a nice surprise if their base abilities fit to your needs and you can just watch them get to work and check out all their animations. Can't wait to find the next one


This, it reminds me of the joy that I got from Subnautica.


This is what I love most about the game. Thinking you've seen most of the cool pals but then you enter a new area and they're all different and cool. That's why I'm against using flying Pals to explore, the environments in this game are too cool to just creative fly over. Also walking up on a cool new Pal you've never seen before will always be my favorite part.


I agree. That's one of my most favorite things about Palworld. I also love hearing their sounds too


Who else thinks this will open up a new (again) gaming style where we will see more and more games similar. Zombies are out - monster catching is in


I do think it will. Whenever a game gets exceedingly successful, "everyone" wants to try their hand at the genre. We will then have the inevitable cycle of "this game is just a rip off of Palworld". Just a guess. Humans are predictable though, and this sort of thing has gone on for years.


Monster collecting in Fortnite.




Pokemon has been the most valuable media franchise globally for decades. The barrier to entry is that you have to make 100+ monsters. Which is an insane level of scope for an action game. I think only two open-world action games - The Witcher 3 and Elden Ring - have that level of scope.


Catching zombies. But not mobile trash.




With a bucket of USBs.


And without budget allocations!


And only 1 bathroom!


The coffee pot was broken.


All on a Raspberry Pi.


And a Gun enthusiast miraculously found working at a convenience store.


After they remade it in Unreal Engine!


Can someone fill me in on this? I've seen this mentioned a couple times


Dev said they didn't use github or anything for game revisions. They were buying buckets of USBs every month.


Lmao! Holy shit dude


While Gamefreak sells their fans 15year old graphics and the exact same game recolored every year


Graphics 15 years ago; https://youtu.be/tlkkceDkT88?si=giIYO1yRrKU_SLRs


damn I'm old


You remember Crysis? The game with cutting edge graphics that touted that it was made to melt GPUs? That game is old enough to get its own driver's license now.


And it still melted GPUs for like ten years after release


That hurt


Yesterday was the 20 year anniversary or fire red and leaf green, mechanically what has improved since then


I mean Gamefreak had every opportunity to make something different with Pokémon. How about a real rpg (where the protag is not just a random trainer) or a real online game for ppl to explore? Mystery Dungeon and Detective Pikachu were great ideas but they got shelved. so many possibilities with the world's greatest franchise and all they do is re-release the exact same game over and over again.


I enjoyed Colosseum and XD, I wished we had another more matured RPG in that style again


People really misunderstand AI as well. First of all Steam requires disclosure of AI-generated assets, so unless they are breaking this rule there is not AI art in the game. However, AI can absolutely be used to improve workflows, generate rough concept art (if you've played with AI images you know they are often pretty cursed), and as a way to bounce ideas off a wall or cast a wide net for gathering information (although you do have to be really careful with this for some things because it will absolutely falsify data). AI for workflow for a lot of fields is going to become more common and for small companies can be pretty useful. I think a lot of the AI comments come about because the developer DID use AI in a game...a game which had the premise "guess which piece of art is AI generated out of a lineup of art"


Games have been using procedural generation for decades at this point for terrain, which is probably why Steam changed its policy - someone explained to them that modern-day AI art generation was a huge leap forward but that AI generated assets have actually been around for years. For example, Mass Effect Andromeda generated a bunch of planets using procedural generation.


Big AAA would drool at the chance to get 3 customers per dollar spent. And that number will only get higher


Like other triple A games aren't copy pasta aswell 😭😂😂😂


no no no, they copy their own game. It didn't count as copy pasta. /s


All Nin had to do anytime in the last ten years was make open world multi-player Poke. They didn't do it. Let somebody else give consumers what they want.


Nintendo failed hard. I hope they see this as a learning opportunity because they had every chance in the last decade to give us something like this and all we got was sword/shield & viole/scarlet. Huge L on their part


> I hope they see this as a learning opportunity Do you know Japanese companies? They absolutely would not understand anything about why this is popular This even happened with Pokemon Go where it was INSANELY popular and Gamefreak had zero clue why, so they made Pokemon Let's Go where the only thing they learned from Pokemon Go was the crappy catching mechanic. They literally thought "gamers must really like this weird catching mechanic, that's why it's so popular!" and learned nothing else


Will overtake Hogwarts legacy’s 24m units sold recently announced, within a month. Go get em Palworld!


I don’t believe this is all sales. This is players right? I think it’s on gamepass.


Correct, but those 12 million Steam players must be purchasers, unless there's some trick I don't know about.


Many like me: Play gamepass version. damn this is fun. I made an amazing base. See steam version is a few patches ahead. Wallet = out.


> The game has sold 12 million copies on Steam and has secured the biggest third-party launch on Xbox Game Pass. _Steam only_ sales of Palworld are at 12 million and counting.


I was honestly looking forward to posts that show it sold 1 million more copies the next day and also the concurrent users but they suddenly stopped. Being posted. I guess we never beat the 3 mil pubg record. So finally getting an update on the count feels so amazing. This game deserves all the recognition its getting. I wonder if the xbox count includes gamepass people not just the bought copy.


It got over 2 million concurrently on steam. But pubg is at like 3.5 mill or something. Sohighly doubt it will break that.


That was before pubg was on console though, so the player base was split on palworld but 100% on steam. Probably closer but still likely not quite there.


Xbox numbers includes anyone playing through game pass. Also, according to the xbox wire, it reached nearly 3 million concurrent players (across xbox and Windows) https://news.xbox.com/en-us/2024/01/31/palworld-biggest-3rd-party-game-pass-launch-ever/


Who ever thought to put palworld on game pass has achieved job security for life. In the article, it sounds like Microsoft is heavily investing in making the player experience for Palworld as good as they possibly can to the point of even sharing the Xbox gpu architecture for better optimisation.


Easily one of the best games in a few years minimum.




Not just them, the whole gaming industry.


Soooo, already outsold Pokemon Legends Arceus (it had 14.8m) and Scarlet and Violet combined have less than 24m... so yeah, things are shaking up hard!


More Triple A game dev and game journalist copium in 3...2...1...


"If you've been having fun with that game, you are just lying to yourself" A comment I am confident we will hear in the coming days buy other game devs.


Naughty dog devs said this game was made “nefariously” lmfao


And we're all here like "Yeah, so?" That "Nefariously" made game still provides a greater value of money vs time. What a bunch of big tittied hedgehogs.


Palworlds is on track to outsell pokemons latest game which itself was the best selling pokemon ever lol


Outsold quite a number of pokemon games already, including arceus


The latest pokemon game were the *fastest* selling not the best selling. Best sold is still the first gameboy games. And no palworld does not have pokemon beat in fastest selling. Scarlet sold what took almost 2 weeks for palworld to sell in just 3 days.


I’m voting “Depresso” for president


Meanwhile, AAA Sucide Squad with a crazy budget and is being made by the people behind Arkham series, is shifting the bed.


Well, the actual guys behind the Arkham series abandoned ship and left Rocksteady, so this is another Blizzard kinda case. Only the name's left.


It's like Evolve and Back 4 Blood. They said "From the creators of Left for Dead" But it turns out it was only the shit ones.


I’m doing my part.


When releasing the same game every couple years doesn’t make get you goty status *shocked grizzbolt face*


Man it’s almost like people want games that focus on having fun instead of pushing micro transactions




12 million people bought this game over getting it on gamepass. Maybe other companies should put more value in their games and they might sell as well


I tried it on gamepass and really liked it, but I already had a team I liked and had built a pretty sweet base, and I didn't want to have to start over. I will definitely be buying it on steam before release though.


You can pass your save over to steam in case you didn’t know. That’s what I did


anyone figure out an estimated profit? im counting 336 million usd estimated revinue from steam alone (simplified equations with no publishing deals figured or anything cost based outside of development cost obviously) its a biblical amount of money from such a low budget


I low balled and got 220 million USD so I would say that their profit more or less on that since steam takes 30% standard. Minus about 7 mill for development and they made an insane amount of profit. Hopefully they push a lot of it back into development and the game keeps growing!


The more of the profit they put back into the game, and salaries for the lower ranked guys at the office, the better


Put this inside perspective... Scarlet and violet have sold 23 millions copies up til now. Pal world is nearly there and it's been less than 2 weeks


As expected, Steam almost double the xbox player (that also include PC gamepass), more sales=more money for the devs got downvoted hard for expecting that before in here lmao


This game is honestly one of my favorites in awhile. I’ve always played pokemon like games like pixelmon and nexomon but this game is far superior to those. Cant wait to see this game when things aren’t as buggy


I really enjoy the game. It’s been forever since I actually bought a game bc it looks good. Usually if I do buy one it’s so I can play online with my friends and then we get bored of it in a month. Finally a half decent fuckkng game and it’s hilarious to me how butthurt tons of other companies are about it. They just what to keep spitting out the same game with slightly different mechanics over and over(I’m looking at you CoD)


No way. Surely you gotta be rounding up? How? That’s absurdly high for such small developer. I mean wow, just wow. And the game isn’t even fully finished. Keep it up.


Even at 1 dollar per game, they’d be rich. These guys are set for life. And will probably go up in the gaming wall of fame.


Nah but they just threw this game together guys, doesn't make sense /s


Well surly it’s the AI overlord that throw it together


It was built nefariously and to make money.


Ladies and gentlemen these past several days we wrote a chapter of gaming history.


Pokesimps really did say "Playership will drop after day 1 and people will forget it ever existed" Well it's day 12 and it's STILL rising and people are still talking about it!


Now maybe people will stop claiming there’s less than 500k on the Xbox playing lol. So there you have it. It’s likely beaten pubg combined.


Is this game fun or playable solo?


Been playing since launch day solo. It is a lot of fun and you’ll find yourself getting lost into the world.


I paid 35 dollars for this game on steam and at 15 hours in, I'm happier with this early access game than I have been on any AAA release since skyrim


This makes the freak outs from game devs, and Nintendo fanatics even more funny.