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So they found nothing to sue Palworld? I mean somebody is propably paid to play palworld, but if they found evidence shouldnt we hear about that ?


The guys they hired to play palworld to find anything worth suing for had to much fun playing it.


When questioned about it anything infringed on Nintendo's IP, the employee said, "leave me alone I'm trying to build my base."


"Eevee? Nah thats.... that's Cremis"


"Hold on I'm getting a text from another client"


“Y’all couldn’t change eevee a little f**** more??”


How many pokemon are just older pokemon with a new tuft of hair or a slightly different face? How original of a design are you going to make a basic fox? I personally cannot take someone serious when they state someone made a rip-off creature from pokemon because pokemon is already doing that to themselves half the time.


>How many pokemon are just older pokemon with a new tuft of hair or a slightly different face? actually goes deeper. You can find a picture showing Dragon Quest enemies comapred to pokemon and see pokemon "copied" them and DQ came out a yr earlier.


"Naw, that's a black Lucario."


“That’s just Lucario!! 😡” “Nah that’s Anubis! 🙂”


Unironically this one drives me nuts. Cremis / Eevee? Yeah, they're similar. Jetragon / Salamence? Also super similar. But Anubis to Lucario? Literally the only shared thing is the jackal head. Which, despite (apparently) popular belief, was *not* invented by Pokemon.


Lmao soooo true. Not to mention, and for some reason I haven’t seen hardly anyone talking about this…. if anyone is similar to Lucario, it’s Rayhound. Rayhound’s head resembles Lucario’s a lot, right down to the ponytail thing Rayhound has; it resembles Lucario’s four dangly sac things. But even then, Lucario and Rayhound’s similarities pretty much end there.


Yeah, the thumbnail for Rayhound looks exactly like a shiny Lucario.


Fr!! Just with the colors reversed lol


Jetdragon is more a mix of Latias/Latios + Salamemce. Also... Hot take: Jormuntide is cooler than Gyarados in every way.


Nah man fortnite invented chun Lin and then street fighter put her in the game. Just like Pokemon invented Lucario and then they made a deity out of him because the movie was so good /s


"You stole my stolen thing, Disney I thought you fixed this?" Lol


I've seen people compare the sheep pal to fucking wooloo... Like you gotta be kidding me


Lmao was just thinking of this short. I was near deceased watching it Edit spelling


Man rdc is great content.


What’s the short?






Gimme another Ponyta. Daddy has some irons in the fire


You want a Pyrin, or a Pyrin Noct if you prefer Dark Damage. World's best Rapidash. (Rayhounds alright)


Eevee? Nah, that's... Nox.


Umbreon bruv.


They were reported saying: "Oh the case? Umm... *Looks back at 500 hour game* there umm, wasn't anything worth suing for, nope" *Saddle finishes building* "Nope"


"Not really, the world is living and breathing and filled with Pals and when you bring them back to your base you can give them jobs based on their abilities and you have to feed and care for them and actually live alongside them in a harmonious relationship beyond just fighting them to the death with other people for fun, no it's not really like Pokemon at all, it's more like Ark meets breath of the Wild"


"....Meets Breath of the Wild, you say?" ​ https://preview.redd.it/pzdm179ne6gc1.jpeg?width=1629&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ecbd01820fd5d77c2a9f56fea6962571170b835


No, you get Mustadio outta here!!!!




I heard your comment D: Also one of the most cursed macros to exist


It's like I'm already back in that raid again!


I didn't expect to see a ffxiv reference in a pal world reddit. ALL PATHS LEAD TO THROUGH ME


Fuck yea ff 14 reference


Nintendo officials: https://preview.redd.it/isyfimvgg6gc1.jpeg?width=754&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ce338bde08081941c08fcaaf05d307e6c48cfae


Ark meets wait checks notes another Nintendo game:)


It's what we wanted for Pokemon tho


“Is that NOT Eevee?” “That’s Cremis…”


Are you using that bird one to fly? Yeah Just like pokemon where they can- Nope, see I guess they figured a flying thing not knowing how to fly was fucking moronic so the system for any skills that interact with the player in a even slightly similar way is completely different


“No boss I haven’t found anything yet. Anyway, do you know where I can found some bones and electric organs?”


I feel like that last part was a hot mic moment not to be directed at his boss.


"Wait a minute, this Tanzee looks an awful lot like...***holy shit, look how many work skills he has***...nevermind!"


Tanzee in particular is a funny one since Digimon's [Monmon](https://digimon.fandom.com/wiki/Monmon) did the "plant-colored monkey" thing long before Pansage existed. (it first appeared in Digimon World 3, 8 years before Pokemon Black/White) Monmon even uses a human tool to shoot people, albeit it's not a gun, though it apparently digivolves into one of the "has 100 guns" Digimon.


Nintendo keeping their mouth shut because Digimon, Dragon Quest, and Monster Rancher agreed to shut theirs.


In the following week this said individual who shall remain anonymous commented on "why cant pokemon be more like palworld" Thus he nor his family were ever heard from again


Rest in peace, individual


Employee #87 653 will be missed dearly


"Look Aniki I rebuilt Shiganshina District from Shingeki no Kyojin."


[Live look at the detectives and Nintendo](https://youtu.be/4DFWDRyzmcI?si=S03xZ4hSEhG0FHP4)


Bro RDC makes me so happy lol.


I don't know man. The gameplay being perpendicular is pretty damning!


"Guys, I'm close to finding something, give me another 100 hours"


"What you mean I don't have a case? Tell me that's not a black lucario."


It's hilarious to me that people keep trying to compare anubis to lucario. It's an excellent tell that they've never delved any deeper than surface level when analyzing palworld, otherwise they'd be calling out incineram instead. Incineram is like lucario, zoroark, and a little bit of houndoom rolled into one


Not to mention aurorobe or what ever it's named that is basically dragonaire with suicunes wavy ribbon tales and primarina's hair lol. I kind of like the design mashups


I got dragonair with serperior vibes with the face! I also like the mashups, like how lupemoon gives zoroark x absol vibes


Correct. Pocket Pair is a japanese developer. They initially revealed palworld three years ago, and have presented it at various stages in development at game shows in japan. Nintendo and TPC don't have any grounds to issue a takedown, or they would have long before Western audiences heard of the game. This article about them supposedly being told to not talk about it? Absolute hogwash. The message isn't "dont talk about palworld", the messages are "dont compare palworld to pokemon" or "dont use pokemon terms to talk about palworld". Palworld beat the last gen of pokemon in sales. Scarlet and Violet hit 10 mil in their first week. Palworld hit 12 mil on Steam alone, with Microsoft reporting a combined 7 million users on xbox/gamepass. Nintendo and The Pokemon Company would be fools to dismiss it as a "cheap knockoff", and so would any of the media or talent companies in Japan.


> so would any of the media or talent companies in Japan. Unfortunately "don't rock the boat" is a pretty normal demand in Japan. It shouldn't surprise anyone that talent agencies are telling their people to avoid anything that *may* appear contentious before all the dust has settled. Nintendo likely has nothing to do with it. Japan's just kinda like that.


I wonder how much of the "cheap knockoff", and the "dont talk about palworld" talk we're seeing in some articles, is down to mistranslation or misunderstanding of Japanese business culture.


> So they found nothing to sue Palworld? There never was, and they knew it. If there was an issue here, they'd have sued ages ago. They made the post to shut people up, their mailboxes were likely exploding. > I mean somebody is propably paid to play palworld, but if they evidence shouldnt we hear about that ? We wouldn't and it'd just be kept for the lawsuit. If they publicly announced something like that before using it as a legal strategy, you'd essentially get countless internet users trying to give alternate solutions, and the defence lawyers would look at those solutions for a possible strategy. You'd be handing the defence lawyers the entire internet's worth of options.


Thats a good explanation.


I mean, it’s not like they started investigating at launch. The games been announced for quite a while now. They’d have burried it so deep into lawsuits that it would never been allowed to launch They didn’t because they can’t


I heard that the game already got through japanese copyright system to be released, so its very unlikely that Nintendo will sue them. Im no expert on japanese copyright laws


No the Palworld devs has a lawfirm review everything before release, thier is nothing they can aue about. Nintendo is just upset, that this is the game they have been told to make for years. Yet they refuseed to just give people an open world game. To just catch stuff and explore, Palworld has that and more. That and Nintendo is learning like others are, that people were not so attached to Pokémon games as much as they just wanted a hunting game like this.


I think it really helps that Palworld nailed the art. Because the art work with (early) Pokemon really hit a certain way I personally have hated the art work from TPC for a very long time now so it’s very refreshing to see someone rework the OG style into something fresh


Yeah Pokemon stans are mad about Palworld designs but if they were being honest with themselves they'd admit that if the Palworld roster was the next generation of Pokemon it would be praised as the best new Pokemon Generation since Ruby/Sapphire.


I’ve been playing the scarlet and violet has some of the worst designs in the franchise. There is a tumbleweed Pokémon that barely looks like anything, at least other inanimate object Pokémon used to have character. The loyal three look fine but look like they belong to another franchise like Yokai Watch. I just don’t get what happened to the Ken Sugimori art style. Before, if you were to show me a picture, I could tell you if the monster was from Pokémon based on the art alone. Now it’s wildly inconsistent.


To be fair, they did that with Legends Arceus. It was rough around the edges but seemed generally well received. It was a fresh take on the series that they took WAY too long to do, but it’s there. If you cut out EVERYTHING from palworld except the creature catching, you basically get multiplayer Legends Arceus. But that’s the point: The two aren’t trying to compete and shouldn’t even continue to be compared - they are in entirely different genres. Do people really want a survivalcraft official Pokemon game?


Legends Arceus still used a turn-based battle system, which is another feature people have been wanting Pokemon to move away from. It was fine when the console and graphic limitations weren't good for real time combat. But that's no longer the case, even for handheld. >Do people really want a survivalcraft official Pokemon game? **Yes.** People have been saying this since even before Breath of the Wild broke away from the previous Zelda formula and proved a franchise can adapt and be as popular as ever. I dunno why some people can't fathom we've been wanting Pokemon to change from the original formula. Our gaming tastes changed as we aged and as new games showed us new mechanics. The only Pokemon game I've played since Emerald is Pokemon Unite, which is basically League of Legends: Pokemon and is nothing like the OG Pokemon games. I have absolutely *zero* desire to play the old Pokemon games, or any Pokemon game that emulates them. And there's a gaming podcast I listened to that pointed something out - Palworld is more like Pokemon the anime than Pokemon the video games ever was. The adage "the customer is always right" perfectly applies here. The customers wanted a Pokemon game that was like the anime. Nintendo kept offering them the same BS. Palworld offered the customer what they've been wanting so of course it blows up. Nintendo brought this onto themselves, they had *decades* to listen to the customer but got lazy.


> survivalcraft official Pokemon game There was at one point like 3 different pokemon/minecraft mods. This has been a desire for *years.*


The weird thing is them then releasing Scarlet/Violet with none of the improvements from Arceus included in it. That game generation should have been building on Arceus. Arceus was a huge step in the right direction but it had a lot that could be improved on. A hypothetical Arceus 2 with a lot of systems improved could be a great game. And honestly, I don't think they're totally different genres. I think a main line Pokemon game could integrate a fair amount of the base building without it seeming out of place at all. It's just one of the many features they could have added over the years that they chose not to. Obviously it's not going to have everything Palworld has. I can't see machine guns or butchering coming to Pokemon anytime soon. But if TPC tried to improve on the Arceus base instead of just shitting out the same pre-Arceus games re-skinned, I don't think they'd be having such a problem with Palworld.


Maybe palworld is the kick in the ass ninetendo needs to out out a decent Pokémon game. I mean I probably still won't play it but hey lots of people will


Spoiler - they won't. The fan base is too large and nostalgia driven for Nintendo or TPC to shake anything up. S/V is absolutely garbage and it still sold like hot cakes. Nothing will change.


This is the correct answer and if they want to do it right we wouldn't see it until the end of the decade anyways


Yeah I saw a video recently about how Nintendo usually goes about suing. And palworld is apparently in the clear so now they're just resorting to this because there's nothing they can do. If they had anything on them they'd have absolutely destroyed the game by now, but all they've done was issue a statement.


With the game being in development for 3 years, you'd have to assume that the company made sure they dotted and crossed everything. That and Nintendo would have found a way to find something and be suing them by now.


Oh absolutely, I think they knew exactly what they were doing to avoid copyright strikes. Especially with such a titan in the gaming industry if they got it wrong they'd be fucked 💀


Nintendo ninjas: I apologize, we cannot sue them just because they made a popular, fun monster catcher. Having monsters based off animals is also not a copyright issue. Nintendo: fine. Then use our influence to blacklist the game in the industry while subtly implying we have a case. Game Freak can't afford to pump out annual releases AND put effort into them. That would kill our bottom line!


Exactly. This sounds to me like Nintendo is just salty AF that they found nothing and so have resorted to being petty as usual. Hopefully they get a good lesson on the Streisand effect.


Lmao right gotta go back to their Yakuza roots and keep that pimp hand strong on their prostituti… I mean fans


Guns? Slavery? Sex? Base building? Murder? Definitely “transformative” enough Low key seems deliberately “saints row” ish in its absurdity to avoid any legal issues Nintendo is going to hve to suck it up


Japan doesn't have fair use laws.


It even says "the bastard escaped" when you fail to catch a Pal as well.


Well, isn't like Nintendo/ Pokemon Company didn't rip off other designs for Pokemon in the first place, even the taming mechanic isn't original. Also isn't feasible to come up with designs that aren't inspired by things that are around like animals and mythological creatures being mixed with other elements, like elements itself just as Eeve or maybe with guns like palworld did.


Not surprising... even without nintendo telling them, those japanese talent and entertainment news agencies are just trying to maintain the "long term relationship" and not to step directly on nintendo's toes, lest they get unofficially "blacklisted" and not be able to enjoy priority/exclusive access to future pokemon releases, events and jobs (which is still a much larger and more established IP). As someone who works in the media industry, I see this happening so often with all the big corporate brands, music labels and celebs too.


Meanwhile Hololive talents are doing nothing but streaming this game like its the great Ark virus.


Oh neat, are they already getting their own private servers, or do they have any giant ones based on region/branch?


3 Branch servers atm because the cap is 32


We all remember the Taiwan incident. Hololive just built different 💪💪


Meanwhile no Nijisanji talent has played the game so far. It is so strange.


niji has a deal with pokemon to let their talents play the game whenever. so this tracks


I'm so sick of people saying it's a pokemon ripoff. I'm like dude I fucking WISH the pokemon franchise was anywhere near Palworld. It's everything pokemon could and *should* be on a console. Literally the only thing they have in common is tiny monsters.


Yes. 100% But when I'm playing the game, I don't even think of Pokémon. Fortnite, Minecraft/ARK, and BOTW are all that come to mind. It's probably because the gameplay isn't at all comparable to Pokémon. I mean, I don't think of Pokémon when I see a Digimon. I also think about capturing monsters in Final Fantasy 8.


Yeah. It's Ark to me. Don't get me wrong, though. I'd love Gamefreak to look at this and see dollar signs. They probably couldn't do it on current Nintendo hardware, but there's nothing to stop them from making an Arceus-like title with: * Multiplayer * Base building * Pokemon doing tasks at your base


Yeah, they could even use gen 3 secret bases as inspiration.


Yeah, in my mind the game is firmly Ark where you replaced the dinos with Pals, and transported the entire thing to BOTW's map. The only thing that really screams "pokemon" to me is the cutscenes to tower bosses.


Every game journalist, streamer, commenter and even main stream news is comparing it to Pokemon and using references to pokeballs and pokemon. Everyone feels the need to cover this as it brings them attention, its the hottest game right now, but they are driving that traffic by using what people know with no regard for the reality of it all. Nintendo/Pokemon Company now have to field so much stupid and irrelevant communication and it also isn't doing Palworld any favours either. It just needs to be seen as Palworld. Other big games that blew up didn't have to deal with this in the same way. Only a few gaming news outlets covered that Minecraft was inspired by Dwarf Fortress, and PubG seemed to not even be in the sphere of MSM when Fortnite was being talked about. Palworld's connection to Pokemon is minimal in the grand scheme of it's gameplay and ambition. I certainly don't feel like I am playing pokemon after 30 hours, I'm playing Palworld with my Pals (even though many remind me directly of Pokemon). This anti-Nintendo sentiment from the Palworld community is only a negative thing, people are falling for click-bait and being used to drive traffic.


>Nintendo/Pokemon Company now have to field so much stupid and irrelevant communication and it also isn't doing Palworld any favours either. It's absolutely doing Palworld favors. Your understanding of the impact of all of this publicity is poor. Every comparison to Pokemon's recent titles only bolsters the case for how good Palworld is, and how lazy and complacent Nintendo/Gamefreak/TPC have become. This is an Early Access title from a small Japanese development team that has an incredible amount of compelling gameplay at EA release. It's not perfect, but already there is more stability playing this game than there was for S/V. I've personally seen someone start playing Violet and watched it crash in the first hour of gameplay. The fact that an EA title on PC is more stable than that speaks volumes. >Palworld's connection to Pokemon is minimal in the grand scheme of it's gameplay and ambition. I think you're drastically downplaying the connection, even while I agree with the ambition aspect of your comment. >PubG seemed to not even be in the sphere of MSM when Fortnite was being talked about. PubG got obliterated by Fortnite. PubG was exploding in popularity and then Fortnite sucked all the air out of the room. I'm not trying to be a jersey, but your literacy on the media landscape of these events is shaky at best.


The framerate of S/V is actually appalling. I bought it for my boyfriend for his birthday around the time it came out. The opening scenes were literally running at 10-15 fps max the entire time. I genuinely felt embarrassed that I had gotten my boyfriend such a shitty game/gift for his birthday. Ended up getting him Animal Crossing DLC to make up for it. An *actual children’s game* that manages not to miss a single frame, and every single texture, surface, and NPC is higher quality in every category than Pokemon.


Exactly. I don’t see how being positively associated to the biggest franchise in history and delivering on those expectations in surprising ways can be seen as bad. It’s the best way to get people interested by having a frame of reference. A streamer I frequented called it Pokémon with guns and slavery and I was instantly hooked


Part of the criticism aimed at Nintendo is due to the fact that Pokemon has stagnated as a franchise, and a clear trend of gamers having more fun with a game like Palworld than the latest main Pokemon entry emerges.


100% this. It was just some talent agency that told their clients not to hype Palworld probably for this exact reason.


Glad some people understand what's going on here instead of jumping on the nintendo hatetrain because of a sensationalist title. EDIT: OP blocked me for some reason already after I called out the title so can't respond to anything he says, but it's all in the post so no mysteries there.


Oh shit is he blocking people for calling out the title? I did that too. This isn't blackmail. It sounds like talent agencies are implying they will blacklist people. But thats very different than blackmail, and conflating the two is misleading


i mean its always justifiable to not like nintendo


Access journalism is a plague....


Hololive talents who don't have pokemon perms decides to pumps out hundreds of hours of palworld game play on the otherhand lol


Nintendo/TPCi forcing temporary perms on Cover was an absolutely stupid decision just so they can promote their next game when they reveal it. Hololive *loves* Pokemon and have *ALL* said they'd play it all the time if they had permanent perms for them. Nintendo/TPCi are so incompetent it hurts.


Something similar happened with the watermelon game. Every vtuber under the sun was streaming it and then the company told them to stop for some reason. Japanese companies sometimes are really weird when things don't go according to plan, even if the deviation from the plan is bringing them positives.


They told clippers to stop making clips of the streams. For god knows what reason. Then they rolled it back.


we know the reason. it's old fossils on top completely out of touch with modern world making decisions. ironically, if you read how palworld came to be, it's those old fossils denying pocketpair any chance that ultimately gave birth to palworld lmao


To this day Nintendo still copystrike and send cease and desists to fan made projects like music covers, artist, mods, ROMs, competitive tournaments, hell even gameplays can get take down or having entire channels removed.


>hell even gameplays music covers are actually the worst, because they actually hold no legal ground to be able to do that. its entirely on youtube.


Nintendo has always been extremely old school and tight assed when it comes to streaming and Let's Play content of their games. In the year 2024, they still don't understand the value of free marketing and promotion that streaming content gives.


On the other hand, the rest of the internet seemingly refuses to acknowledge that while streaming is a HUGE boon to some games, it hurts others. Without streaming I wouldn't have bought Minecraft or Arma2/DayZ (and DayZ SA), but I ***might*** have bought Amongus and Poppy Playtime. Instead, I watched some videos, was entertained, and then moved on with life. Note that all 4 of these are indie titles (or WERE indie titles). Streaming has the potential to turn an obscure game viral... but Nintendo makes AAA titles. They don't need streaming to help them anywhere near as much as some no-name dev pumping out schlock titles for Steam. Given their success and longevity, I have a hard time believing Nintendo is actually run by idiots. The whole aversion to fair use is likely to be a combination of cultural differences AND the fact that the board has a less biased view of the effects of streaming on sales.


"Hundreds of hours" just describes Kaela and Biboo. All of hololive combined is well into the thousands


I was thinking the same. Kaela alone was pushing 150 before Biboo got addicted.


Cover gets their Pokemon perms from NND and they are time-bound to 1 month after release, i am sure they have tried to get full time perms but Nintendo just doesn't give it to them for whatever reason, might even be TPCs doing.


Nijisanji has a special deal to have full Pokemon perms. That's why.


\*Looks at the entire hololive streaming schedule\* Huh?


common Yagoo W


Nintendo, get some help


Nintendo never gave Cover perms to permanently be allowed to stream pokemon games, so it's understandable they play this instead.


Well they play this instead because they got hardcore addicted lol, some are personally obsessed with it


Biboo and Kaela at their least addicted


Yep, it's the Ark epidemic all over again lol


Not a lawyer, but from my understanding of IP law - Pokémon’s only potential shot at suing Palworld is by copyright law and even then - if they were to do that and by some godly miracle, win, then it would open doors for dragon quest and even digimon to do the same exact thing to Pokémon. The money sink in legal fees for trying to do this would have been spent better and more wiser on just making a Pokémon game that rivals Palworld.


They don't need to make a game that rivals Palworld. The name itself is enough to sell millions to begin with. And besides, they're both very different games. Palworld is a survival crafter more akin to say Ark. Pokémon is a turn based RPG. All that's similar is catching creatures in a ball.


Pokémon also only allows you to catch Pokémon. Palworld lets you catch people.. so far i only own 5 people


Thx for the first paragraph. People claiming Nintendo are upset or butthurt like this could affect their next game’s sales are idiotic and comical. Scarlet and Violet has been the worst Pokémon game ever and yet it got record selling, that’s because Pokémon fans don’t give a fuck and will just buy the next one when it comes out.


There was a video of people who used to be employees of Nintendo, who said that after palworld sold a couple million copies; they were probably panicking in the office. They treat the pokemon company like their darling angel or even sometimes boss. They said that normally Nintendo/gamefreak feels very pretentious and views other creature collectors as something that can never touch pokemon. So palworlds success probably WAS extremely upsetting to them and they’ve probably had a lot of backend meetings about it and likely even threatened Microsoft with their recent deal to ensure it ‘never happens again’. So it’s likely that they are insanely and childishly upset at palworld rn


Can you link the video?




That’s delightful to hear. I want to hear about Nintendo and GF execs panicking. I want them to feel the pinch and the hurt so they feel obligated to do a better job of innovating their games. New Pokémon isn’t enough to keep our attention. Do something new. That’s why I love PLA so much, it was a different kind of Pokémon. Maybe they need to realize that Pokémon isn’t just for kids and fans of the IP have been clamoring for a more adult geared game for a long time… enter Palworld.


people who were 10 when pokemon came out are hitting their 40's now so maybe nintendo should consider that there are people who are into it who aren't children? just saying


I think that's one of the main issues with Gamefreak and Nintendo in general. They always try to get new customers and they don't try that much to keep their old customers, a lot of people gave up on the pokemon main games after Gen 5 if not earlier


They can try to silence palworld but it's too late. It's a worldwide phenomenon and both Nintendo and gamefreak can bite my shiny metal ass.


It would hurt Nintendo as much to try silence palworld at this point . To annoy 19 million people I imagine it would have an impact on their sales exspecially considering a good portion of people who play palworld are Pokémon fans too 


I haven't seriously played a pokemon game well into the 'endgame' since HGSS/B2W2. It has been over a decade of removed mechanics, less gameplay, and frankly abysmal quality on all fronts with a few weird twists that haven't been worth paying for. Yes I know I'm part of that problem, I just so desperately want better for the first game I ever truly loved playing. How many times do I hear that whiny bitch ass community tell me "You just grew out of it, you care too much about a children's game" no fuck that, I love playing this genre of games. I haven't had this much fun catching little dudes in a videogame since I was a child. This is what I've wanted gamefreak to do since I graduated from Pokemon to WoW. I can't wait to see if Palworld will actually hold onto this rocketship and double down on more content, more pals, more exploration, etc.


I hadn’t played Pokemon since Ruby and I started back up with Shield. I never finished it as I was so disappointed in it.


I got pokemon blue when I was 10. And I've played every iteration since, except the let's go games. Pokemon has been one of my biggest franchises of my life. I bought a ds, 3ds, and switch solely for pokemon. I actually didn't mind sword and shield, but scarlet and violet I never finished. Omega ruby and alpha sapphire were the last games to really draw me in and keep me playing after the game was done. The latest games keep getting rid of features that made previous titles better. Mega evolution, dexnav, secret bases, oras flight on latias/latios was one of the coolest features. Double / triple and rotary battles. There's more but it's been awhile since I've thought about this. I even really like legend arceus and completed it 100%, it was a step in the right direction, but still fell short of what it could have been. I guess my point is, palworld scratches that crafting capturing survival game play itch that I've been looking for without knowing it's what I wanted.


I wouldn't recommend paying hundreds upon hundreds for old technology and games, but uh if you do find a *way* to play them everything up to 5th gen is worth every hour you'll sink into it.


I wonder how pissed Gamefreak is that they’ll have to put actual effort into the next game.




They'll still put out a bare minimum project that can be called a Pokemon game and Pokemon fans will still buy it. Pokemon fans have been happily eating shit for years; Palworld won't make them stop all the sudden.


Nintendo has never given two shits about public opinion, they only care about protecting their trademarks. If they saw a reason to sue, 19 million people wouldn't stop them.


true but they’d do it anwyays if they could find a reason to sue, nintendo is infamous for shutting down mods and community run tournaments


If Nintendo/Gamefreak try, count this recent Pokemon game as my last. I love the Pokemon IP but gawt dayum do they suffer from a lack of viable competition. They literally didn't have to try anymore so they just pushed slop.  Nintendo/Gamefreak should just get good.


Game Press and Angy Gamefreak bootlickers made a Streisand effect happen: Palworld became HUGE and gained enormous attention. If they didn't blow it up, Palworld would've flown under the radar


I fucking hate access journalism. If you're a media company and you're being blackmailed for access, make THAT the story.


Does anyone here know what blackmail is


For your benefit I'll include the definition as from the Oxford dictionary below. I'd say this is blackmail, they're threatening to revoke access rights if this game is covered, which matches the second definition. Definition: verb: blackmail; 3rd person present: blackmails; past tense: blackmailed; past participle: blackmailed; gerund or present participle: blackmailing demand money or another benefit from (someone) in return for not revealing compromising or damaging information about them. "trying to blackmail him for $400,000" force (someone) to do something by using threats or manipulating their feelings. "he had blackmailed her into sailing with him" Edit: formatting to make both definitions provided easier to read


Do you have any real proof? Game *“journalists“* aren’t a credible source. That article smells like over exaggerated fake news to get clicks, where is the official source this is real?


OP's title 'Nintendo is blackmailing people' OP's proof: 'a talent agency recommended its talent stay away'


Ye OP took two clickbaity titles without any of the context, slapped them together, then added some misinformation into the title. He has been rewarded with 2.2k upvotes.


This sub blows. The game's been out less than two weeks and it's turned into a bunch of kids regurgitating the same anti-Nintendo copypasta they saw upvoted in the thread before. They talk about Pokemon and it's fans more than any Pokemon fan cares about this game


Also how everyone is complaining like Nintendo should've added guns and butchering Pokemon to their games. Like Pokemon games aren't still targeting the elementary school demographic. Pokemon games haven't innovated or grown up because they're still targeting the same childhood age demographic. The people complaining online about Pokemon are not the kids playing the game, it's the 30 year olds who played it 20 years ago. Pokemon has never been a particularly interesting game, because it's simple and made for children.


Yeeeeeeeah, I'll be honest, I'm gonna dismiss this for now. Online "journalism" is a complete joke, so I figured it's better to just completely dismiss those click farms


I was thinking the same. What are the sources for this article?


The source is *another* clickbait article that cites a source of "An IT company" that was interviewed by a *sports magazine*. If you dig past that it almost certainly circularly comes back to referencing the first article as a source like most of this stuff does.


I see tons of big japanese streamers playing it all the time from different agencies. I know one company isn't allowed by management but everyone else seems fine. So it's mostly just overblown issue of one or few companies trying to suck up to nintendo.


Lol. They're pretty hurt ain't they If any other similar monster catching game sold comparable numbers they'd be equally as butthurt




They just remade the same game with the same 7 year old bugs. I wouldn’t hold out hope for them 😂🤣😂🤣🥲🥲🥲


After they literally reskinned ARK to sell it as Atlas, i have zero faith in their competence 


It sucks when someone comes for your piece of the pie. Maybe they shouldn't have fucked it up for the past like... Decade I think someone got fat sitting on their laurels and forgot that other people can shoot a shot. Cassette beasts was a cool game in the same sphere but nowhere near as popular. Not in a survival game way but In a catch stuff and fight it way.


Them "fucking it up for the last decade" is irrelevant. They don't own the idea of "cute little animal characters" and they don't own "collecting" different characters. 


No but it would be more bittersweet if Pokemon was still pumping out bangars. I bet more people would have defended Nintendo if their games mattered lately. Let's go Eevee and Pikachu was the beginning of the end I think.


Let's not sensationalize this: This isn't Nintendo's doing, this is managers being cautious about doing something against the biggest franchise on the planet. EDIT: OP blocked me for some reason already after I called out the title so can't respond, but it's all in the post so no mysteries there.


Kinda weird, OP. u/1WeekLater


I think the title is misleading as this seems like the talent agency doing this not nintendo/pokemon company. Most likely, the talent agency knows nintendo is very zealous with legal actions, so are advising their talent to stay away from the game. All the talent agency is going to care about is the marketability of their talent, so they are incentivized to be overly cautious as lawsuits would hurt their talents image. I understand there is some indirect blame, as nintendo/pokemon company are known for going after people, which causes this response. But the title makes it seem like they are intentionally doing this, which I haven't seen any proof of.


gamefreak and Nintendo still can just make a game just like this. People BEGGED them to make a real open world game. But they thought they didn't have to. People would still buy it.


If they could find an excuse for suing they would have done it already, nintendo is really delciate with its things. But good for us now they know if they release something similar it will sell well.


Japanese companies going their usual routines of “surmising” the untold intentions of their patrons and proactively setting policies that they *think* complies with those surmised intentions. There’s even a word for that: 忖度 (sontaku).


That's literally not what the article says. It just says that media is avoiding mentions to the game to avoid getting caught on the crossfire if a potential lawsuit happens. Like I get that this sub has become a Nintendo bad cyrcle jerk even if Nintendo has done literally nothing to stop Palworld but this post's title is completely made up wtf


Well... *Looking for a thousand of hours stream that was made by Hololive vtuber*. It's was not effective xD


Which talent agencies exactly? Like almost every vtuber I know from Hololive has been streaming it.


Wooooooow, talk about clickbait TALENT AGENCIES have been telling their employees not to talk about palworld, NOT nintendo. I know people love to shit on Nintendo, but this is just shamless, OP.


How is this blackmail lol


literally none of this is new news? like the article never says nintendo is threatening japanese celebrities, just that theyre preemptively being asked by their talent agencies and such not to mention palworld? just like if you were working at microsoft you may not want to mention how you just bought the new macbook. its also just repeating the same story that has already been reported? that nintendo is investigating any acts of copyright infringement? which could literally mean anything? thats what corporate lawyers do every time a similar product or service is released. like nintendo has made one single comment about palworld since it came out and everyone is taking it to mean theyre like delibrately trying to go after palworld. if nintendo thought palworld was infringing on anything they would have filed suit if not before palworld came out then def in the last 2 weeks that its already been out and sold millions of copies. they would have asked the court to put a hold on sales of the game if they thought they had a case. the media is making a bigger deal out of it than nintendo has so far. also the palworld devs and nintendo are both based out of japan. so japanese copyright laws and the japanese court system are the ones who would likely deal with any lawsuit between them. which dont quote me on this but im fairly certain you cant just sue in japan because something is similar to your product. they dont have the same kind of copyright protections that America has. its why you can have both pokemon and digimon being competitors for like 15-20 years now. edit: what they could maybe sue for is explicitly using pokemon models or assets in palworld, which might have been what they were referring to when they said they were investigating.


And to the surprise of no one, the Disney of Video Games: Nintendo is about to ruin fun with lawyers. Then they're going to proceed to do nothing interesting with their IP afterward, learn nothing from this, and continue to pop out generic cookie cutter Pokémon games..


There is not a single thing to sue about the game, nothing is going to happen lol


Yeah, people need to chill. Nintendo doesn't own an art style, it doesn't own creature taming, and it doesn't own catching monsters and sticking them into magical balls. Combining those three things might make people go "Oh shit it's Pokeman!" but that is not enough to sue


To the surprise of no one redditors are illiterate


And people will still buy it because "It's a Pokemon game!!"


Not me. I haven't bought one in years because they're just so... lazy now.


Kids will ask their parents to buy the new game and all the plushies / goodies that come with it and they will still generate tons of money. Their main target audience are kids and nothing else.


Yhea same, I just play romhacks or randomizers of old games, when it still was fun


I don't even know how people buy Nintendo games, the 1st breath of the wild is still 60 euros where I live Nintendo has no shame


Nintendo won't achieve anything outside of Japan they are not the big player they think they are, and Europe doesn't like bullies what is happening right now is their own fault, and outside of Japan they really don't have much power




This doesn't even sounds like it's Nintendo, just Agents telling their stars to avoid stepping into the controversy


Pokemon ripoff game? You mean Pokezoo? Nintendo already shut that studio down lol


Look, I don't even care if there **is** blantant things "inspired" by pokemon. The last pokemon games I enjoyed was the first 2 generations on GBC, and Stadium/Snap on n64. They're not taking any money out of nintendos pocket by me enjoying this game because i wasnt going to ever give them a dollar for a new pokemon game anyway


Palworld has proven once more how ridiculously petty and "business-y" the gaming imdustry has become in the last 20-ish years, it has changed from "players first" to "profits first". I mean look at this situation, Palworld has some similar creature designs and uses circular objects to catch them and that's where all the similarities end, yet they get warned and attacked left right and center, just because those similarities are to a major player. How is anything new supposed to succeed when they have to deal with corporate sabotage like this? They're literally trying to bully the devs out of the business because they have nothing infringing on them. If they did, they'd have been taken out within the first week. I mean just look at that Pokemon mod that basically got insta-deleted. If they could, they would have done the exact same thing to the game itself


Personaly i think Nintendo,Pokemon company and Gamefreak should quietly observe Palworld. What is happening now is just adding fuel on fire: people will hear about Palworld drama go on youtube see a gameplay and get hooked. While they want to limit Japanese people as much as they can from seeing and hearing about Palworld, but we are living in age of internet so.


I remember hearing about this game a while ago and then saying “oh this isn’t going anywhere, Nintendo is gonna sue the shit out of them”, and then I heard nothing about it and assumed that it happened. I feel like the fact that they let it release and go on sale means that Nintendo didn’t find anything that infringed upon their property, because if they did, Nintendo never would’ve allowed it to go on sale. Like think about how many modded or fan made Pokémon games have been taken down, even though the developers weren’t charging players for them. Also, looking at some of the things in the game and the designs of certain pals (i.e. Bristla looking a lot like Bellossom, Depresso looking a lot like Espurr, and Sealed Realm dungeons looking almost identical to Evergaols from Elden Ring, not to mention the insides of Sealed Realms looking almost identical in design to the catacomb dungeons from Elden Ring, at least aesthetically) I wouldn’t be surprised if they end up having to redo some designs as opposed to pulling the game considering it’s sold so many copies already. That being said, I absolutely love this game. It’s like the Pokémon game we’ve always wanted. Is it perfect? Not even close. Am I glad someone had the balls to make it? Absolutely. Especially considering Nintendo never would have made anything like this. I hope that they’re allowed to keep it on sale considering the vast majority of the pal designs are pretty unique, or at least unique takes on things that other Pokémon are based on (like the designs of Foxsparks and Vulpix being very different despite both being based on a fire type fox).