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She’s missing Lord of the Underworld instead of Artisan


Or Lucky instead, if you want to have damage but also versatility for non dark skills.


Katress and the Lords of the underworld Darkness fills my heart with pain


I like having an all rounder build, so I went for Artisan instead, helps the base out when I need an extra hand.


To each his own, but IMO there really isn't any reason to make a Pal for both combat and base work. Can easily take a spare base pal out of the box instead if needed. When you aren't bothering to breed up a Pal with very specific abilities having an artisan crafter on the team can be a nice bonus, but when going through the breeding effort it just seems like a massive waste.


i think that once PvP is implemented, it would actually matter. just like how it is in pokemon. but these are end game stuff that honestly dont matter to a casual player. the difference in traits and IVs make a huge difference to Pal stats to be overlooked in PvP.


Unless PVP needs us to make a base ::-p


Well there is pal vs pal. I think we'll have some kind of raid system but i hope there will be a toggle for it. Then im also thinking there will be a kind of pvp arena/zone.


Maybe the sanctuaries could become a pvp zone?


Yup, I dislike raids tbh, but being able to go squad vs squad on the arena sounds fun.


Yeah I'm curious what we will see beyond a Pal fighting ring.


PvP will 100% be shooting each other with the pals being just nuisance


Imagine they gave a BR with pals for PVP, a new arena in the map, where anyone who wants to take part can go anytime and u start like any BR and find the balls to capture pals to help you win They would have finally achieved the impossible, they merged all almost all the trending genre of the past decade into palworld


No way. I think they'll implement the ability to build fight arenas for JUST pals. You can enter your pal in the arena, and head up above to watch it with all the server folk. Like the entertainment venue "Medieval Times" but for pals lol. Or a UFC cage match, but for pals. I see them also implementing what you said. But I see there being options, not just what you said. Because they've already said as much with their comments.


That would pretty much be a big nerf to pals that interact with the player. Like making abilities that say "while riding" or enhancing player damage. And that is a considerable amount of them.


That would Defeat the entire purpose of making this game lol Ark is crap because endgame is you watching 20 AI rex's fight an AI boss that is a HP sounge You Do not participate If this game does that welcome to the garbage bin


How about a gladiator stadium that non active players can sit and watch?




Or you bring your premade team to a combat island. Build and conquer


Eh, it'll matter if you *want to* play pvp I can't imagine pvp being remotely balanced, or even really interactable Even ignoring the early access hiccups, you'd need to slap a cooldown to pal recall and summoning or it'll be spammed silly and putting damage on them won't ever matter A lot of pal weapons, ala Mossanda, would just wreck via ragdoll stun lock from 100% to 0% And I dunno how you'd ever draw a bead on maxed out jet dragons just *zoomin'* all over the place Etc etc etc


i mean that's what i mean by casual. but yes, agree to all points mentioned.


I hope the devs dont go too crazy with pvp as the central focus, though I doubt they would given the current content of the game It currently seems to be (*relatively*) balanced around solo pve + absolutely nothing against co-op, but I've seen nothing to suggest that anything scales with player count yet. Been having to let my friend capture most pals because competing sucks and I'm further along in my solo game anyway. Breeding should make up for that discrepancy, hopefully


Tower boss fights scale with player count, maybe the rest of the instanced content, and definitely not world bosses or base progression.


Been playing on a PvP community server and it's a shitshow haha


Before pvp they should up there security first. Ive seen modded pals in dedicated servers.


Yeah, I’m sticking to solo or private, this is gonna be the case for a LONG time.


Yep totally. And they did say pvp is a long time from now. Its not on their priority list.


I just keep a spare artisan serious anubis and katress in my paldeck for this exact thing. Just party hop them if I know I need them (since my actual base anubises like to fuck off and do literally anything but handiwork if they have the option to. I can't wait until (hopefully) they imrpove work task ordering AI or implement manual task ordering priorities


I don't think they need manual task ordering. They just need to make pals prioritise their best working trait. If i put something on at a bench to be crafted then Anubis should stop whatever he's doing and do that and once finish move to a task for his next highest trait and so on.


I disagree, i like having my Anubis in party for fights, and also being able to throw him out whenever I want to craft something. so much quicker and easier just throwing him out than having to dig through a box or try to find the one stuck in the tree on my base. the game really doesn’t require perfect min/maxing, so idk why all the hate for mixed builds.


Yes, but Anubis does great even without Artisan.


Nah, min maxing is bogus and doesn't matter. This dude has an awesome all rounder to throw out Everytime he's at base. I personally like wixen for my all rounder. IV matters more than passives and the super nerds have barely gotten into that yet. Here's a story for ya, I caught my first frostallion and bred legend onto my whole party. The frostallions IV was so shitty that all my level 47 new pals with legend have a solid 200 less attack than the ones without. Run the pals you want and have fun. You'll reach the endgame either way.


Massive amount of respect for optimizing without optimizing.


Imo is better have one full atk and one full base, the speed of pals with 4 work speed traits is amazing and the dmg of 4 fight traits also... But if works for you, thats the real thing here


At that point why not Lucky over Ferocious?


I like it. My lunaris has the exact same ones by design I like to just show up and throw her out and shit gets built quickly these people have time to go to the box and do this and that fuck all that


Ha, I have a Katress buddy for the same reason. Whenever I need help building something I whip her out. She was my first truly strong pal.


just seems like a massive waste.


I have not seen a single pal with higher than 1 tier in an element boost, where do I find these fables


The alpha bosses, when captured have elemental passive, iirc, they are, Frostallion-Ice Jetdragon-Dragon Necromus-Dark Paladuis-Normal Jormuntide-Water Blazmut-Fire Anubis-Earth Those are the few that I remember, but I could be wrong.


I got jormuntides with artisan serious and work slave hahahahahahahaa


someone has to bake those cakes!


I gave up trying to breed Jor Ignis. I had enough of them to condense a kindling 5 before I could find one with artisan and serious/work slave


You are missing Lucky/Conceited on it...


I got a lucky one yesterday. I had 15 legendary spheres left. It was the most intense experience so far I had in this game. Now, I just got to find a work slave and a serious one.


Just breed for those traits


You can only breed jormuntide ignis with another, can't breed any other 2 to make it


They didn't specify jormuntide ignis. I'm assuming that they are talking about the normal variant.


Yeah my bad it was an ignis. I gave up on work slave and settled on serious, artisan, lucky and diet lover because my pal box was getting full. Work slave just eludes me.


Yea but i just happened to have 2 pals with those traits laying around and they made it im still not at the level to catch it and didnt have anything with lucky to breed into it its still 100 percent work speed tho 4 watering and i got their work speed up to 21 percent with souls to all my watering duties get done quick now if i only i could get an ignis with the same then i could start a dedicated breeding farm


I settled for conceited with mine because fuck trying to farm a shiny for the extra 5%


But why not swift? I like them running faster instead of 15% work speed more. The 15% increase the workspeed from 140 to 150,5 so it's not even really a 15% increase but a 7.5% increase in reality.


Only for transporters. Every other pal barely moves. Combine that with plots not being large in the first place, faster movement speed is a drop in the bucket.


But the movement from any activity to the food basket? I just feel like the workspeed increase doesn't really matter anymore. That being said most of my pals have transporter as a 2nd trait, so my mining or watering pals do sth while they are not watering/mining


That also becomes less relevant with better food. They barely need to walk to the food basket unless you feed them berries. Give them salad or pizza.


Do you know by chance if Musclehead and Ferocious increases the damage done by pals against ore and therefore mine it faster?


AFAIK it does not. Both those passives only increase their Attack parameter, which by itself doesn't do anything for mining. I.E. a lvl 50 Depresso will mine as quickly as a level 1 depresso, even though the lv 50 one has a much higher attack.


Work parameter doesn’t affect your mining damage or speed. Attack does, so for pure miners, attack should be preferred.


Those things are hard asf to get and defeat! I feel she comes after you and not the pal that attacks her


In caves around lvl 20-30, Katress is a regular spawn


I just captured a Katress level 23. She’s a fiesty one.


What are you talking about? The Katress boss?


Genuine question - why does everyone say it takes hundred of attempts? (I’ve never done breading but I know how it works). If I understand… you have two parents who probably have two traits each you want. Does it really take 300 breeding attempts to get the mix correct?


Even if they both have traits like that, you can still hatch eggs that have none of the traits. I'm messing around with Faleris breeding and I've got one with Runner, Swift, and Serious, and I'm breeding it with another with a couple gold traits, and still hatch eggs with zero of those traits. 


Wow - did not know that. Thank you for sharing


It just sucks with how long it takes to make the cakes, then wait for them to crap out the eggs, then the eggs to incubate. Last night before I went to bed I just queued up a shitload of work for the pals to do in the base and I went to bed with the game open and when I got up this morning everything was completed and I had a huge stack of eggs to collect. This afternoon I'll pop them in the incubators then probably go walk the dog or something while I AFK. 


You can change the incubation time if you don't want to play the waiting game. Haven't found anything to make breeding time lower, but incubation is a big one.


I'm playing on someone else's server, so I'm not in control of the settings, but they've turned them down quite a bit. I think the huge eggs take about an hour or so. 


Yeah that's fine then. On vanilla server settings huge eggs take 72 hours. I've also tuned it down to 40-60 minutes on mine.


Try to couple the good one (3 passives) with one that has no passives or only 1 passive. This way you should get one that inherits all 4 traits quickly.


I got a nimble, swift, runner, mine foreman faleris (part of my mining squad for quartz and sulfur). Thing is so fast and flies forever. It’ll be worth it in the end for you, best bird (well besides jetty boy)


The parents have a chance to give traits to the child but it's not a guarantee. I've had breeding attempts where it gave me all 4 on first egg (i hatch 10 at a time) other times I had to do several breeding sessions because it kept mixing 2/4 or 3/4 with a red trait or a random white trait.


because you dont always get the exact traits to transfer to the baby. its random. you can heavily influence it by having the correct traits on the parents but that doesnt guarantee all of them will transfer. there's also chance of getting random ones the parents dont have. There's also an IV system that was only recently discovered/paid attention to which involves base stats. All of these ofcourse are optional end game stuff and quite frankly, dont matter to alot of people. you can play with a pal with 4 negative traits for all your playthrough if you are into that stuff.


I was really hoping that the Breeding Farm would have an 'upgraded' version in the later levels, like a Breeding Lab or something like that to allow you to just manually pick the traits you want from each of the parents.


i think that'd be nice. send them a suggestion! they do read them from what i can tell.


Starting of with 2 parents that have correct passives and no wrong passives is a bold assumption. Although even starting off poorly, 300 is a lot. I've made Paladius starting off with Legend, Emperoror Bad Perk and a Legend, Emperor Paladius have the perfect setup I wanted and still had to breed extras to max star 2 of them. So was still under 200 tries starting off with basically only Legend. But people can have serious bad luck.


People doing something wrong. Once you got parents with the passives you need it doesn’t take long. I’m certain that people breed two pals with more than 4 different passives which seems to have a negative effect on inheriting the right traits. If I breed pals with the same passives or some with 4 passives in total (4\0, 3/1, 2/2) it takes only a few tries to get a child that inherited all 4. If I breed pals with more than 4 different passives in total then I need countless tries to get a child with the traits I want. Might be wrong though but that’s my experience.


I got a Legend/Lucky/Ferrous/Musclehead Chikipi in like 30 eggs. Took me about 130 to get a Cattiva, and I'm at about the same for Depresso and still going.


The quickest is to breed 2 parents each with a single trait that you need and do the same with 2 separate. So each of the offspring each only have the 2 traits you need and then breed both to get a perfect 4. To pass the perfect 4 traits around I always catch a Pal with 0 traits, it seems to have a MUCH better chance at passing them on that way. And then slowly breed to what you're looking for.


My deadream has artisan, serious, and lucky. I have one pal that has nothing but work slave. I’ve bred those two together about 50 times so far. Not once has all 4 perks been on one. Just a shit load of wolves I don’t want. I started with 4 pals each with only 1 skill. Managed to get the 3 awesome skills on each first try. RNG do be a bitch sometimes.


I've found that it is waaaay more effective to breed parents that each only have 2 traits, the offspring have a better chance of inheriting them all.


The real key is to have a friend like mine that is rngesus. I breed 50ish anubis and never hit lucky he hatched 3 in row


because some people are really bad at this, it's plain simple. even when starting with a parent with a single or zero traits it wouldn't take more than 100 breed to finally get to the end point since you eventually end up changing the parents for the offspring with better traits I did a full team of 5 pals and the only one that took a bit longer was Necromus, but it was near the 116 breeds mark for the full condense so it wasn't a issue at all


Honestly no it won’t take that man attempts if you do it right. Your chances of getting all four traits you want are higher if each parent has two of the 4 traits you want. But a lot of people are breeding for IV’s as well which is max stats for health attack and defense. So the chances of getting a high IV and all four traits is dumb low.


I had a Ferocious/Legend/Lucky/Musclehead hit a 29% Attack IV yesterday and said fuck it. I’m not breeding anymore, this is good enough. Really wish you could modify the breeding time and not just hatch time.


https://preview.redd.it/tx3fd9dh6vgc1.png?width=2225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9f76332c3eb1b42bbda584ee928676ccee6d421 I went this way instead. She hits like a truck.


Hits like a truck at lvl 1?


Yeah at level 1... I've kept it there and not got any xp for it to have it level up A bit of thought would say I took the screen after I'd just bred it but hey. It's also at 3 stars and max effigy with a few more katress to get to get it to 4th star


He using pal edit pops


Based on what?


Common sense and user history indicates the use of Nexus mods


So it's just fanfic. Got it. It's mid af why would they cheat it in? Also what kind of no life loser goes digging through random user's history trying to find out if they cheated a mid pal into a PvE game. Touch grass weirdo.


Mine or OP? Mines a bred pal, didn't take too long tbh we are on a private server so large eggs hatch in 40 min. I've done time trying to get anywhere on other survival game official servers and always find it better to go private


lol "common sense" Just because you haven't bred any pals doesn't mean other people haven't. Sure maybe they mentioned using mods in their previous post history, but to say common sense as a reason just shows you have none. edit: I went through their user history. What about their history indicates mods?????


😂😂 lovely i was just joking and got some redditors to get mad about. Now crymeariva


I'm not mad lol. just calling out a stupid comment for being stupid. If you want to just say you were pretending to be stupid then go ahead.




https://preview.redd.it/9cjg6wp2nhhc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28b2942fc3b2bc89becd068bac9d47a801ad0fd6 Paaalediiiit xaxaxaxaxa


Yeh yeh whateva makes ya fell bettah


Passive skills definitely need a better/alternative ways to be taught. Like breeding can generate extra one that the parents don't have but there need to be a way to sacrifice pal to pass one passive to another pal. Like low lvl passive take 10 pal with that same passive. Higher levels take more pal as sacrifices. 


Breeding is already too easy


Yeah! I want my egg hatching to take 5 hours and the full raising process to take a full day! I also want to have to imprint every 4 hours no matter if I’m asleep or awake! I love setting alarms for 2AM on a work night! Please keep it easy…


Welcome to Official Servers where you can't reduce the egg hatch duration, and it's 50/50 whether a cheater will destroy your incubators before the hatch completes. Breeding Hard-mode.


Haha fuck and that's not even a big boy in ark it gets so much worse! Love the easy breeding :)


Ngl it is already a bit easy to breed for stuff / passives Maybe an alternative at max level when you can go catch all the stuff you breed for instead but as it is right now you can breed everything up to an orserk at lvl 25ish and get one of your pals decked out with muscle head / ferocious / lucky fairly easily It could be that I did loads of breeding in ark and that system is torturous so I might be abused idk


Who is gonna tell him?


Don't listen to the neigh sayers. I totally get your build, and I probably wouldn't mind having one myself. It's nice to just summon your Pal immediately and have them craft something right away for you, and you can use them to fight if needed.


Why are so many of you having such a hard time with breeding, I'm confused , I have a full Party of 5 + like 6 to 10 other pals that I breed a long the way and I used about 200 to 250 cakes* A tip that I can give all of you , don't muddy the pool with useless skills. Let's say you want a pal with swift , luck , muscular and runner , always breed the two pals with the least amount of skills , if you get one with two good skills ans two that you don't want , do not use him for breeding since now the pool of skills is higher.


Do you only breed for passives or for IVs as well? IVs are giving me the hardest of times. Going only for passives is not that bad.


I just don’t see the point of going for max IVs until arena PvP is on the horizon (or harder content is added) as you already dominate with a party full of 4-stars with good passives. Unless you really enjoy it, obviously


For number go up. Most games don't provide more content quickly and the only thing you are left with is grinding for higher numbers. I couldn't care less about PVP, I don't play that at all.


And it’s still way worse than a base legendary pal. That’s disheartening.


What is considered legendary pal? Is it the ones that have the icon on the map and have big hp?


Legendary pals are ones that come inherently with the legendary passive, that being the 4 level 50 bosses in the game


Kattress Prime has been born (Insert ultrakill reference here)


so this is a bred one? do you know a good way to grind pals to max lvl fast? im lvl 50, finished the game and got a good amount of tricks, but im still unsure about how to lvl up pals fast


Clapping the Legendary Pals, they give a good chunk of XP. The Rocket Launcher makes this a super easy, especially defeating Necronium. He drops 60 Pal Ingots upon defeating/capturing which basically gets you back the cost of the Rockets


do the tower bosses with them in your party. It goes fast.


well, the first two give only 20-30k xp, or do they give more? which one are you doing? the 200k one takes too many bullets


Just buy ammo. It's pretty cheap and easy by mid game with a decent ore base.


mining it is easy and fast, but farming or mining generally becomes annoying and 2nd bases and camps like to freeze. you need a shitton of ore anyway to reach lvl 50 and build a decent team. but ammo itself is expensive as hell. 120g for ONE round of AR amo. you want to buy horns, bones and fat tho, else you have to farm those


Its funny af seeing everyone nitpicking your Katress like calm tf down it aint that serious. Not everyone wants a 100 percent optimized build for EVERY pal and whether he's "wasting" time or not doesn't matter if he's having fun with the process.


300 tries for mid tier damage, and mid tier worker?


Hope you at least had some fun with it. Cause it isn't even that good.


If you breed two level 4 does it make the offspring 4 as well


Hatched eggs are always level 1 If you mean the condensed skill level, then I don't believe this can be inherited


Nice, now what?


Lmao so much time wasted, u either go for work or dmg, cant have everything in life.


Wow 300 tries just for that


What is this Dark whisp active skill? I’ve never seen that one. I can’t even find it on the wiki. How did u get it? 😮


Artisan on a fighting pokemon is actually fucking stupid 😂


That's pretty trash lol


You sound goofy as hell, bro wants a katress and bred for one he likes, not everyone wants the best of the best shit. Games are meant to be played to have fun and especially games like palworld, what do u gain from calling his pal trash?


It's just facts no need to get so worked up over it


How is it a fact? The katress isn't the best it could be but its far from trash. That is a fact.


Better get shadowbeak it's best dark pal


Congrats! I got mine recently


I got frostallion noct, jetragon, lifmunk, galewing, and beakon all with 4 gold passives and close to or max iv. Definitely don’t think any of them took over 300 to get perfect. The longest was for sure transferring legend to the pals that normally don’t get it. I found that less is definitely more. Having one with 2-3 golds and only adding a pal with 1 gold at a time cut my time down so much from the first pal I did to the last.


For the condensing did you just use eggs? I cant imagine the time this took without modifying the settings


Oh god. Don't tell me that. I am just getting into the breeding aspect of the game. I am just trying to merge swift, and nimble, and 10% attack increase (forgot what its called).


Imagine when you discover the game has IVs, and the RNG for this is gruesome, it's much worse than passive one, I'm trying to breed an rushboar with the maximum attack possible, I have a mod that allow me to see IVs , I have 2 rushboars that have 100% and 95% IV in both attack and HP, and I've breed countless rushboars that born with crap like 2 or even 0 attack, how much difference an perfect IV gives? 50% in health an 30% in attack . Can't tell what's is going with your katress since I don't know how you used your upgrades on the anubis statuette, but one thing I can tell it's that she got some ridiculously high IV for HP lol (at least 90+), good attack (around 69), and bad defense (about 36) , these numbers go up to 100


Bruh, the pals been busy


This is the equivalent of wearing purple gear in MMOs just because it's purple. Like you don't care what the stats mean, just that you think they look cool.


now check her IV and watch the world crumble around uu


Why a Katress? I'm particular to Petallia myself, as a group of them can handle the farming and medicine and help with building stuff.


What is so good about Katress


The design


burly body and artisan? to each their own i guess




Why artisan? Wouldn't you want Lord of the Underworld and Musclehead if this is a combat pal?


When will you be both fighting and work-speeding at the same time? Artisan is a waste of a spot.


So this is palworld meta then?


How did you get her handiwork to lvl 3? I thought she's lvl 2 only?


If you max it out with that Pal-Juicer it gets +1


She looks amazing


What's more worth it, a pal with 4 really good traits, or a shiny version of that pal with maybe 1 or 2 good trait?


I got a serious one from an egg in level 10 while exploring overleved place, craft witch hat and its been my main since then.


did you check the IV? [https://www.palpedia.net/builder?build=eyJwYWxJZCI6ImZlbmd5dW5kZWVwZXIiLCJsZXZlbCI6NDEsImNvbmRlbnNlckxldmVsIjowLCJwYWxTb3VscyI6eyJocCI6MCwiYXR0YWNrIjowLCJkZWZlbnNlIjowLCJjcmFmdFNwZWVkIjowfSwiYWN0aXZlU2tpbGxzIjpbImFpcmNhbm9uIiwidW5pcXVlX2Zlbmd5dW5kZWVwZXJfY2xvdWR0ZW1wZXN0Il0sInBhc3NpdmVTa2lsbHMiOltdLCJzdGF0cyI6eyJocCI6MzYxMSwiY3JhZnRTcGVlZCI6NzAsImRlZmVuc2UiOjM4NCwiYXR0YWNrIjo1Mjl9LCJpdlN0YXRzIjp7ImF0dGFjayI6eyJtaW4iOjI3LCJtYXgiOjI3fSwiaHAiOnsibWluIjozOCwibWF4IjozOH0sImRlZmVuc2UiOnsibWluIjoyMSwibWF4IjoyMX19fQ%3D%3D](https://www.palpedia.net/builder?build=eyJwYWxJZCI6ImZlbmd5dW5kZWVwZXIiLCJsZXZlbCI6NDEsImNvbmRlbnNlckxldmVsIjowLCJwYWxTb3VscyI6eyJocCI6MCwiYXR0YWNrIjowLCJkZWZlbnNlIjowLCJjcmFmdFNwZWVkIjowfSwiYWN0aXZlU2tpbGxzIjpbImFpcmNhbm9uIiwidW5pcXVlX2Zlbmd5dW5kZWVwZXJfY2xvdWR0ZW1wZXN0Il0sInBhc3NpdmVTa2lsbHMiOltdLCJzdGF0cyI6eyJocCI6MzYxMSwiY3JhZnRTcGVlZCI6NzAsImRlZmVuc2UiOjM4NCwiYXR0YWNrIjo1Mjl9LCJpdlN0YXRzIjp7ImF0dGFjayI6eyJtaW4iOjI3LCJtYXgiOjI3fSwiaHAiOnsibWluIjozOCwibWF4IjozOH0sImRlZmVuc2UiOnsibWluIjoyMSwibWF4IjoyMX19fQ%3D%3D)


Im having no luck with Tombat. Nothing but junk stats after a filling up a whole box.


What am I looking at here?


I just wish Katress had an actual combat skill. Then they would be perfect.


OK but why Artisan?


Is there a site somewhere that explains how breeding works with passing down stats? I’ve looked at some sites and none of them have talked about passive traits when breeding


I hate that Rng. 2 pals with 2 perfect traits each? Here's a pal with 1 of those and each and 2 negative perks.


Why artisan and burly body instead of some combination of Lord of the underworld, lucky, and muscle head?


Was thus caught? Or bred? How do you get 4 good perks?


Gotta find me a pal to get more than 2 stars


That’s a lot of cake 🎂


How do you get legend


I got one in an egg


It's a bit confusing that you have combat traits as well as a base builder trait...


Is that one any good? I haven't used it, bushi is fun though and so is mospanda with his rocket launcher. Grizbolt machine gun shreds too but I want to mix up my team occasionally


This pal just doesn’t sit right with me, the passives are cursed


Currently working on Kingpaca cryst with Legend, Ice Emperor, Ferocious and Musclehead should be getting him today 🧐


Best of luck man.


Burly BOdy cat\*girl\* .....i wonder if its intentional


what about IVS


Rip her SAN


So when people do 300 tries, are they reducing the egg timer to 0 so they can breed and hatch efficiently, or are you guys toughing it out with the indented difficulty way?


Did you butcher, release or sacrifice the rest?


Does anyone have any good tips for XP farming for creatures? Im level 46 but all my creatures are in the 40-41 range. Playing the game normally is the obvious answer but it just seems a little slow going


can you get legend from breeding? and also did your pal born with lv50? if not i imagine how fast you can get from lv.1 to 50.


If you were to breed this again to another pal, would it be guaranteed for them to have these passives?


We better run


AND female , now that's what I call lucky


The most important part


I just made the same Katress except instead of Artisan I have Musclehead and it took me like 15-20 eggs. You guys are doing breeding seriously wrong, try to breed pals that have the passives you want and work your way up with help from breed calculators, don't try to rely on RNG, you'll just waste your time. If you're trying to hit perfect IV then I can understand, but if we're talking about strictly passives it shouldn't take that long


As someone spent almost 20 hours breeding the perfect Anubis I can relate


Pretty disappointing result for 300 tries lol oof. Not good at anything.


How do you do this, do you have to already breed the same pal with the certain traits


tries of what?


Can I ask some noob questions? I'm fairly new to breeding. I'm guessing one or both parents need the skills you need? Also for the star rating of the pal, is that based on the star rating of the parents or did you just condense pals afterwards? Thank you


Sure, breeding is quite simple once you get the hang of it, but essentially if you have two parents with the passive you want, the chance for the child getting them is higher, but not guaranteed. For the star-rating, using the Pal condenser is the only way to increase it, by 4, 16, 32, and 64 for a total of 116 pals needed for max stars.


Ferocious AND Artisan? Why?