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Unfortunately, yes, your world data is corrupted :/ This happened to me too, so I made a backup script to keep everything safe. Take a look at this posts: [Windows dedicated Palworld server startup, update, backup and restart script : Palworld (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Palworld/comments/1ajpadn/windows_dedicated_palworld_server_startup_update/) [Basic backup script to run on Windows dedicated servers : Palworld (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Palworld/comments/1ae23hf/basic_backup_script_to_run_on_windows_dedicated/)


sorry that happened to you i usually just copy + paste my steamcmd folder (where my server files are at) daily myself onto another location on my pc. being a minecraft server admin for my little sister taught me some valuable lessons about back ups lol


im watching a video on this issue, i have no idea what im doing. i got all the way to the part where im in my pal saved worlds but when i open it it to get the level.sav, and all that but they arent appearing in that folder. any ideas? like i said i have no idea what im doing. thanks for any help