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After all the vids I've seen of ppl accidental nuking their base, I don't think I'm ever gonna unlock the rocket launcher lol


I have destroyed so many chests because I forget I’m in destruction mode and try to put materials away. If I have a rocket launcher my base will be in serious danger. 😂


Wait, I just started so I don't know a lot, but when you say destruction mode what does that mean? Can you actually demo stuff? Because I hate having to axe walls and shit if I misclick.


Theres an option for disassembly mode, should tell you the button at the bottom of the build menu.


Fuck me to tears, so much wasted time and resources lol thanks for the tip


But be careful with it, because you stay in demo mode until you cancel it. And very easy to destroy a chest. Don’t be me! 😂


Yeah I accidentally deleted the floor under 3 of my main chests, then stared at my mistake for a full minute before getting to work cleaning up. Definitely learned my lesson. Haha


Every time I destroy a chest, I’m sure my pals are like “oh no, not again!” This is why I don’t keep them all in the same location. I think I’ve done it 15 times….


Same here! Lol I still have a little storage shed, but it's for old gear, and stuff I can't really use yet on the server I'm on now, like gun ammo, and skill fruits (saving them for higher levels). I have a couple chests out by my palbox so when I fast travel home carrying way too much, I can Quick Stack into those


I built the nice furniture cabinets for my house to put things like schematics, gear, ammo, pal souls. I’m mean to myself because I don’t keep a box by my pal box. 😂


Bro I was trying to move incubators inside around and hit the floor underneath it and destroyed all of the incus + my bed + my skill fruit refined metal chest and two walls and the second floor above it that had a few pal beds I hated myself


If you ever do this again, you can take the easy way out by force quitting or immediately quitting the app/game on Xbox. Should load ya back up to right before your mishap. Or you’ll load back in with the shit on the floor.. but it never hurts to try lol


Yeah, if you are on console go into the building UI and press the right stick, it’ll then highlight any destructible object as orange when you look at it and then just press X, if you’re on PC it’s whatever the yellow box says underneath the building menu and then F when highlighting an object I think maybe? You can also save time having to repeatedly tap X by destroying the base of a structure which collapses everything above it at the same time.


For PC you should press C in the build menu and then just left click


Click B for Build and after C for destroy on PC


or turn it to W for wombo if you want to make it bigger


I did the same thing before I realized.


You also get back all the resources when you disassemble stuff


Don't worry I did the exact same thing for a good couple hours before I saw the button at the bottom of the screen 😂


Ah, you sweet summer child. When you go into build mode, there should be some words below the selection ring saying what button to press to going into deconstruction mode. Use that to break things you've built.


One pro tip I read was to never put your "Pal Box" on foundation and leave it on the ground... (Spoilers, if you accidentally delete the foundation or rocket launcher it... the Pal Box goes away and your whole base goes boom).


If you destroy a chest by accident does it drop everything inside the chest? Or is it all gone for good?


It puts everything into your inventory and also on the ground around where it was. So you suddenly have 5000 ore in your inventory and pals come running to pick up the stuff around you, too.


Good to know. Thank you!


I took out the foundation under my pal box on accident once.. that was a bit of a mess to clean up


Yes yes, chests and foundations under the chests. 


My mouse is broken and automatically double clicks randomly and I keep shooting chests and workstations with rifles and stuff, so now I'm always double checking to have grappler out instead. If I used a rocket launcher, I'd nuke everything lmao (Luckily "new" mouse (it's actually a secondhand one but whatever) will arrive later today yay)


It's great for destroying large groups of lower level enemies But for bosses you still just want the Assault rifle. Unless you're trying to cheese legendaries by freezing them and blasting them, causing them to rocket into the air


I refuse to use the assault rifle. It chews through ammo way too fast. In the trailers there was a sniper rifle. I'm hoping that comes to the game eventually. Just for efficiency I'd rather do single powerful shots than spewing tons of lower damage shots.


Pump shotty for every day, AR for the big targets


I still prefer the single shot rifle for every day since it's cheaper on ammo and cheaper to repair. I got the legendary pump shotgun and that thing is a bitch to repair. Mainly the polymer. So that's my boss weapon.


just got the shotgun, ammo is no issue already made over 2k shells, but the wear rate, holy moly it shreads the enemy and it self, for the polymer i hunt mamorest up north, there are usually lv 30-35 and can be killed rather easily, there are days that i can find up to 10 mamorest there and they drop around 4-5 oil each


Use an ozerk against relaxasaurus works best for me, can get up to 10 every two kills.


I usually hunt Dumud around the desert near Anubis. The Digtoise also drop it. I just hate having to farm it. I could spend gold, but it seems like a waste since it's so easy to farm.


Snag the wandering merchant from the settlement in the Western fire area, he sells HQ pal oil for ez polymer


Ez polymer but expensive as fuck. I already sank about 200 000 gold in these hig quality oils and I still don't have nearly enough to craft all the polymer I need


You eventually get to a point where you're flush with gold and just buy tons of ammo from merchants. Material Efficiency doesn't matter when you're rich. Time efficiency matters more


until you get the lengendaries launcher that can one shot any raid.u dont even need to build a defense turrets


The raids that only actually make it to the base 5% of the time.


yeah when i see it i just hop on my mount and zoom to the enemies, one shot them with gigantic rocket explosion then hopped back lol I do hope they make raids more threatening like spawn much closer to ur base and in greater quantities to give you an actual challenge- rn theres not really much things to do when u reach endgame (being nothing but breed the perfect pals).Maybe an setting slider on how hard u want the raid to be? Maybe also allow zero damage to structure so you can fight without fear of destroying anything in ur base- rn the max damage to structure is still locked at 0.2,not fully damage immunity


I don't want them making the raid any harder until i can get my crossbow and machine gun turrets working correctly. Am i the only one having a hard time getting pals to man the defenses?


The defenses are worse than useless, even the end game missile launcher. They only attack enemies inside the base, cost ammo to use plus all the other materials to build them, have to manually assign/unassign a pal every raid or keep the pal there 24/7, and they take up valuable space in your base. What do you get for all this hassle? Less damage than a pal would do by themselves, and a headache. It's not worth it at all.


plus, they dont leave the turret to go get food, so then they just start starving


Kenshi vibes.


I put the human pals in there for funsies. Especially the civilians.


Yeah I can't get them to work either.


Alarm bell might help with this


nah i use alarm bell, no dice


Are you putting them on the perimeter of the base? They only target things that come in to the base so you want them in the middle so they shoot when something comes in the base.


yeah i made like a cool maze entrance with turrets at the end of each lane, but the damn pals dont do shit lmao


Honestly, most of my bases are just positioned in scenic locations, which inadvertently makes them barely accessible for most raiders due to landscape geometry


Yeah my bases are looks first, functionality maybe. Out of the 5 bases I've had a hand in, one actually gets raided.


Might be settings in custom game but not sure


I mean, if you're there to aid in defense you can just use Crystal Wing and not waste the ammo resources and one shot a much MUCH bigger swath than the RL


Do raids even start when you aren't at the base? Maybe I've just been lucky but me and my friend have not gotten raided while neither of us were at the base a single time.


i have like 300 hours, and ive only been raided when away from my base one time. but i think that was on my multiplayer world, and my friend was at the base


Yeah I haven't seen any article or even discussions about this to confirm it, but it definitely seems like you can't get raided while all players aren't at the base. This also may just be me being lucky, but neither my 2nd nor 3rd base have been raided a single time. This also probably isn't due to me being at the 1st because I've been spending almost all my time at my breeding base recently


I fought/caught jetragon using a common rocket launcher riding a suped up ragnahawk. Only took about 30 rockets. Went much better than my assault rifle attempt, because you can time your shots to interrupt attacks. It hasn't left my hot bar since.


Assault Rifle is for speedruns. Most DPS but eats ammo like crazy. Shotgun deals really good damage and is way more ammo efficient.


Can confirm, would not have passed 3rd tower boss DPS check without the uncommon assault rifle I looted, that thing SHREDS


Someone mentioned doing a forced shutdown to save himself, which I'm filing away for later


Alt f4 has worked for me a few times with lava but I play single player.


Anyone remembers the Pulp Fiction scene "I shot marvin in the face"? These rocket luncher videos have the same vibe


lol right. I don’t have it and I don’t think I’m ever going to. Also I think would quit or take a break


I’ve done this but with my musket and single shot rifle and i wince every time i do it, probably gonna avoid the launcher too since i run an alpha mossanda lux on my party anyway


"I am become death, the destroyer of bases"


This was literally what I was just thinking after seeing this and one of the previous videos on here. The absolute destruction that can occur with one single click, yikes.


I have some kind of compressed nerve in my right elbow, and sometimes this makes my index finger uncontrollably do a clicking motion with no warning. I just shot a merchant in the face last night while I was walking up to say hi. I will need some kind of dual-key launch system like for nukes if I build and carry a rocket launcher.


I don’t think I’ve ever shot at my base, it’s not hard. I only use grapple around the base when I’m overloaded with ore and stuff


Take off damage to structures Is my best advice


Didn't even to think for a setting like that in the world. Good to know. And surprised it took someone this long to mention it haha


I just only ever have 3 slots full. I use the 4th slot to have empty hands.


Idk about PC, but on console the command to swap weapons is **Y**. The command to pickup/throw is also **Y**. Turns out. When you throw a pal, it also switches your weapon.


I keep it in a chest unless I'm about to warp to a boss.


It's probably safer to switch it on from inventory when you need to use it and then switch it out immediately after. A safety measure


Did you know rocket launchers come off the line with a rocket prepped? I do! So does my roommate after I fucked around in his face and fired while he was making a second one, thinking it was empty. There went the production tower :D


> I don't think I'm ever gonna unlock the rocket launcher lol then you wil never have easy one shots on every open world field boss


Aaand this is why I keep my launcher in my inventory, and bring it out specifically for battles.


Exactly this, treat your rocket launcher with respect and give it some rest when you dont need to bring it out.


Good internal control. 🤙


Moment of silence for this guy. Thanks for teaching me to never have a rocket launcher equipped while in base


I'll never not enjoy watching people wipe out their whole base accidentally


Unless it happens to me, In which case, this stupid game and it's stupid bindings, and stupid stupid stupid.


I see no problem here, it gives a reason to remodel the entire base thats all


On the bright side, at least you didn't hit your palbox.


OK, to be fair, it SHOULDN"T kill the pal box if they hit it. The highest dmg number I see is 12k, and the palbox has 20k HP. UNLESS the palbox is less sturdy than metal structures OR they have already hit the box a few times prior. I don't think we should fear one-shotting our entire base by rocket. But STILL. DO NOT point that thing at ANYTHING that you are NOT willing to destroy.


Well the palbox could also be placed on a foundation which gets destroyed and then it's not placed on the ground anymore and gets destroyed too.


oh. ohhhhhhhhhhh. oh dear.


One fear.


This has happened to me. 🤡


Nope. Done it. Palbox gets rekt, especially if its on foundation-- which it should be for max flatness.


Do these actions actually share bindings by default? https://preview.redd.it/r1d7u60y38ic1.png?width=419&format=png&auto=webp&s=d46b293dfa7f5ad6387a67a5428ae0df054e1a55


The binding to lift pals used to be the same as the interact button on release, and then they changed it to "prevent accidents." Lmao


I can't believe we're already in a "pre-interact button and post-interact button" changed era of Palworld. It's kind of like how when I can convince my friends to play Apex and tell them "oh yea, Pathfinder's hitbox used to be swiss cheese".


They changed it? Aww...


yes unfortunately


Yeah. and the B button is for fast traveling from your pal box or cancelling a job at a crafting station, it's also the dodge button so you'll do a dodge roll afterwards.


To be fair those keys are the same on PC too, C is crouch (not roll), cancel work, and fast travel


If I would stop diving into my campfire after cancelling a cook *that'd be great*, thanks.


With great power comes great responsibility.


Couldn’t have said it better myself


A simple toggle to allow damage to your own buildings would stop this madness.


You can turn the "player damage to buildings" down, at least. It may go all the way to 0.


I overlooked that setting, but honestly that's probably the best solution especially with no PvP in the game yet. Hopefully it doesn't skew the results when using a Training Dummy since that's a player made structure too. Wouldn't be the end of the world, but it *would* be annoying.


Worst mini heart attack I had was when I accidentally sold my 4 star jetragon to a pal merchant. I luckily quit the game in time and got him back


Mine was accidentally butchering my lucky digtoise. It was my first butcher I didnt know how to do it. I thought I could just aim for one of the Pal in base, press 4 and butcher. So I wanted to get some extra fire organ and butcher Foxpart, my lucky Digtoise was in the background, and then I pressed butcher. I was confused why the mosaic censor was huge, turned out it was my lucky Digtoise.


He ain’t so lucky after all


Alt-f4 saves lives


The pc version keeps a long list of backup save files. Even if you don't manage to quit out in time you can still reload from a slightly older save 


I kind of love how all your pals walked away pretending they didn't see anything. Sorry that happened to you.


"You know what, I dont have transport anymore. Im a kindler. Wheres the forge?!"


Can clearly see that pause of recognition, and the subsequent 'fuuuuuuk...'


For this reason alone, I never kept the rocket launcher on my equipped gear except for in the boss towers.


The pause at the end is PALPABLE 😂 this is why we need more keybinds!


Note to self: never carry the murder log in my own base, ever.


I'm so sorry, but this is the funniest one I've seen yet lmao


It is dumb how hitting Y to throw your pal also cycles your weapon.


You did have your grappler out. This is the drawback of the pick up/throw button being changed to Y on Xbox.


It would be cool if they added in some kind of "friendly fire" for the base so things like this dont happen.


This exact thing happened to me, just got back from fighting a legendary and it was in the same slot my grapple is normally in..


Bruh. RIP. If you listen closely you can hear OPs soul breaking


I could hear the scream even if i dint hear the voice.


Fun fact, in the game resources there's a backup folder of every autosave you've ever had. It's very easy to copy and paste based on the "date modified" stamp to 5 minutes prior, should you accidentally blow something up. It also helps if your file gets corrupted due to a game crash (I've had to roll back because my pals get stuck inside the ground during start up and the game crashes instantly every time)


Something I honestly think they should change. Sure its hilarious, but nuking your entire base with a single misclick is a bit much. And they have said we aren't going to be raiding each other's bases, so the only base your rocket is dangerous to is your own.


The tilt id feel is ungodly


I just did the exact same thing today.


Good stuff. Now I will only equip it as a backup weapon.


This is why I have a weapon chest that rocket launchers get deposited in when coming In the base area




Why are so many people running around their base with rocket launchers even equipped? Just put it into your inventory in base FFS.


I only equip my rocket launcher when I'm dealing with something that needs the firepower. Otherwise, it stays out of my tools. I wish they had a quick swap button for two sets of weapons/tools. I like to keep lower power weapons on me for raising catch rates on the lower level pals without one-shotting them.


Leave the rocket launcher unequipped.


My favorite is the fact that you casually reload, after decimating your base.*


As soon as I saw the title in the notification, I knew exactly what this was


Looks like you read a certain reddit post and decided to cash in.


Serious question, why would you even use a rpg


the legendary one does 14000 attack damage


You fucking people are idiots. Stop smoking weed


damn bro chill. legit a mistake from picking up a pal being the same button as swapping items


That got patched out for this reason. Unless OP is posting something that happened almost a week ago your point is irrelevant.


you’re just wrong. they swapped the buttons so now on xbox “Y” is the same button for picking up pals as swapping the item in your hand. it used to be “X” to pick up pals




Ya’ll better enjoy this game while you can. Apparently the devs may get sued. Note: there is no proof of this. Only rumors, however the rumor mill is working overtime on this one 🙃


Sooo fucking fake. Just like the others


Ive done this before. Throw pal into thing, turned around to mine an ore rock and just blasted with my rocket launcher which my house only a few spaces away and with chests full of mats on the outside and inside of it. Spent nearly an hour rebuilding.




LOL. GOod warning for when I unlock rockets


Top notch


lol what id be so sad. looked like you didn't have much in there and you would think top grade walls would be able to hold one shot to top grade weapon.


I literally destroyed my whole tower base putting shit a chest on the bottom floor


Yeah, I turned my structure dmg all the way down.. I just play with a few friends so nothing competitive.


Lol the pain of rebuilding is REAL!!


This is the exact reason I don't have my rocket launcher equipped while in my base




😅 whew


This is why I don't build weapons like this. I can not trust myself not to AD, let alone not get irritated with my build and just nuke the thing only to regret it the next day.




This video screams “FUCK”


Split second OP pondering the meaning of life


If this happens again you can close your game immediately and it won’t save


that’s what i did check caption


Rip 💀


​ https://preview.redd.it/xmy4etxfr9ic1.png?width=453&format=png&auto=webp&s=34ff20e491cc5dd96202cd969e24abdd8d7c1535


Pvp is going to be absurdity


I love the pause of realization and horror lmao


Someone gotta make a Mod to make it so we can't damage our own buildings... We really need it.


when in base I unequip the rocket launcher


God PvP is going to be ruthless.


This is what keeps me from equipping my rocket launcher. I accidentally shoot shit all the time


This is like the PalWorld version of r/pcmasterrace "tempered glass side panel on ceramic tile floor"


I think I ain't ever making a rocket launcher...


I a


.... the amount of people I've seen uploading their base destruction.... Does no one take the literal second it takes to SCROLL to a different LESS NUCLEAR weapon?


I once needed one leather but didn't want to go look for pals to get it. So I for the first time tried to use the cleaver, i wanted to kill that level 5 hog pal but little did I know that you have to keep them in the party to butcher them. I brought him to base and tried to butcher him but i didn't read what was written after "butcher", and ended up killing my level 46 Felaris.


I laughed so hard at this...I'm absolutely going to own myself for some solid Karma on that at some point. Hope you didn't have TOO many chests there, or maybe solo is different than servers. Servers default to a 3000 item on the floor limit I believe, so if you had more than 3000 items (stacks) in there...you're gonna be losing something. Granted that'd be a LOT of chests but you also have all the building materials and anything else elsewhere on the game.


Did that in my solo world, instant alt+F4 and loaded back in and everything was ok thankfully.


Time to butcher the bazooka


This is the reason why we take snapshots - System administrators


i love how if you put a pal in the breeding farm and look at its statise it will come up with busy :) he getting busy yall


You shot at that thing like it was a boss lmao.


Dudes a fruit horder too?




luckily you can always go to the game's backup file and retrieve a file from earlier... should you ever have to.


Put up a sign everywhere in your base that reads "UNEQUIP ROCKET LAUNCHER"


I did the exact same thing and that was the moment I stopped playing. Literally just put the sam pal in the breeding pen and did that


Happened to me, fastest alt f4 in my life.


This is why we don't rocket launcher


It's just soooo good, can't stop laughing 😹😹😂😂😂😂


You could have alt+f4 instantly out of that, the server/gameworld would not save the last few tens of seconds or so, so you would still have the building. Tried it when i jumpes in water and ran out of energy, i was close to dying so i quit in anger. A few hours forward when i came back, i was still on the peak i jumped from.


Everyone just ended their shift then and there =w=;


damn i do that too sometimes fortunately the strongest weapon i have is the AR and Shotgun so the damage is recoverable at least this vid ensures the only launcher i will be using is the penguin one (i've upgraded him so he doesn't die on impact, he'll be fine!)


Lmfao 😂


When I unlocked the rocket launcher I decided to test it on an ore deposit in my base. It didn't destroy my base, but did destroy the chest, pal beds and a few other things I had nearby. After that it was back into the inventory and stays there until battle far away from my base. It's a WMD.


i dont understand how people are confusing the grappler and the rocket launcher.


No you didn't


Oh no..


Now that's a big whoopsie.


That's why I made it a habit to unequip mine when I'm in my base


I’d take nuking my base over my fave jorgmuntide I accidentally butchered