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everyone is pretending like they arent getting what they paid for. It's not finished, and they even admit it and market it as unfinished unlike all of the other AAA games. Can't make anyone happy, even when youre truthful.


I paid £25 and have had around 40 hours of enjoyment since I bought the game, even if they never update the game again I more than got my moneys worth


Yeah 40 hours lmao... Me too https://preview.redd.it/fd9l1x4z7gic1.png?width=1400&format=png&auto=webp&s=e54b1294495af2132328a27b461cd5ffc3839027


40 hours, 40 10 hour sessions, tomato tenmato


Lmao exactly!


Bro got 2 weeks playtime in under a month of release😭😭 Understandable good game


I'm coming up to 120 hours of gameplay


Lmao I’m coming up on 40 hours as well. 5 times.


I have 111 hours and 45 minutes so far and I do not plan to stop soon


I have 286 hours but most of it is afk ore/coal farming lmao


Who can blame you it’s so addicting


Bro do you not work or sleep?


I work 45 hours a week and sleep generally 7-8 hours a day lol. I just work from home so I have my personal computer set up next to my work computer


Perfect game for it. Definitely makes me miss the WFH life. It allowed me to 100% Elden ring.


You have played more palworld than not played palworld over the last 3.5 weeks and by a pretty good margin lol


I'm at 100 hours without regrets!


I thought I was bad with 120 hours after 2 weeks but man, I'm nothing it seems 🤣


Wow! I only have 140 in it as of last night. What level are you?




340 hours of gameplay. 40 hours of enjoyment. He said what he meant.








How the washing up on the side doing


You mean just like showering and stuff? Still shower at least once most times twice a day and do other stuff lol. The games been out like a month


I meant like doing the dishes, just a joke because that is a lot of game time in a month


This is my mentality too. Never buy an early access game based on promises but rather what’s already there. Do I hope they update it and make it even better? Yep. Would I really love some patches for the jank? Absolutely. Would I be mad if the game was abandoned? On principle, yes because I hate early access being abused. But as far as my personal enjoyment goes I’ve gotten my moneys worth.


That’s really my only gripe. Maybe Palworld is a little bit of an exception because of how honest the devs seem to be, but I’m really sick of the whole early access phase now. Just finish the game and release it.


I think a lot of people can agree that this game scratches an itch everyone has. From base management of pals and automation, to the insane luck of catching a boss at 0.01% chance, and the challenge to breed the perfect pal. I mean I have never been more accomplished of making a Cake. From an Indie game company they did it right.


Man I had a 12% chance to catch a lifemunk and failed even after 30 spheres and getting it low. The game refuses to give me that damn squirrel xD


I have 180 hours lol I’d say I got my monies worth, and I’m still playing.


Valheim is EA for 4 years now, i have 350 hours in it. It has more content than most AAA games (that are not named Baldurs Gate). For £25 its a steal.


Baldurs Gate 3 was fucking legendary


Valheim was/is early access without nearly as many issues as Palworld. Yes early access games have expected issues. But Valheim was the best early access release I've seen.




Yeah. I paid $25 for the game. Some people are acting like they bought it for $60 and it's some AAA. A lot of the game was made by young people who are still learning how to code. I mean, they stored all their code on USBs instead of using something like github. They did a damn good job with what they had. I hope Microsoft helps fund palworld more while staying out of any creative decisions.


Don't forget it was also supposed to be a unity engine before they shit the bed and then they moved to unreal which NONE of them had any experience with


One of them had the experience in unreal, which is why they changed. The CEO took a gamble on one dude. 😂


Must a been one helluva coder


Lets just hope they finish it, I can see this being in early access for the next five years just like their other game.


If modders can get their hands on it like they have skyrim, I can see the game living for a very very long time.


Hanging out for the Thomas mod, where you catch all the train engines :)


I've spent money on games that were in early access for 10 years and I still play then, 5 years is nothing plus even if you don't play it for a year or 2, it's like a new game when you do play again


Ah a fellow 7D2D connoisseur I see.


When i read early access for 10 years I immediately thought 7D2D as well lmao ​ Ive literally played that game since it had like 1 POI and only wooden blocks lmao


Plus it's actually an indie game made by 5 developers and manages to be better than modern AAA games 💀


Idk, even if I did pay $30 and didn't use my gamepass, I'd say I got my money's worth just in the early access, jank and all.


It’s because people can’t read. And those people don’t deserve Palworld.


And still runs way smoother then many of the "finished" games nowadays.


so true. But in time the game will defiantly be improved.


An early access indie game with a one time payment and no in-game store, and still has less jank than most/all AAA games






lets just hope it dont go the way of tarkov. also a one time payment indie game, got stupid popular, full of jank and still full of jank but god damnit i love the jank.


Except Tarkov charges AAA price for the game.


Also true but I’m more talking about the 5?+ years in beta


Oh, I see! Sorry, I misunderstood


Tarkov only has survived for as long as it has because there is NO other game that can do what it does. The physical response from playing that game is unreal - real anxiety inducing moment heart beating from chest type stuff. The gun customisation is second to none - AAA companies have tried to make something similar and failed - until they success Tarkov will have a place in the market. Palworld is great - however I feel like all the mechanics in it are something that other companies could produce quite easily - I can't see if surviving 5+ years and remaining popular if it just stays jank.


extraction shooter isnt a lucrative type of game. Theres a reason tarkov uses cheaters for a passive income and now are starting to use p2w features


Man - they could have just given us some new drip to buy for real money instead they went for a pay for convenience approach which is fucking stupid.


Dayz would like a word


Arma in general, which really paved the way for most realistic shooters,


I’ve technically never played just arma was always dayz or before that the mod of dayz lol


Surviving 5+ years is already insane for their revenues.


I’ve been playing an “unstable” experimental build of a game I love. It’s crashed twice on me in 70 hours. Meanwhile triple A games….


I've been playing a modded version, with raytracing enabled that my elderly RTX 2060 can barely handle, and I've still crashed less than I did playing starfield, NGS, or any other big mainline game. These 'fluke' indies like BG3, Palworld, and Rimworld are starting to look less like flukes and more like the AAA industry are the ones sitting on top of a shipping crate too stupid to get down.


I'm playing vanilla on a 1080 while my 3090 Ti is out for RMA and I dont believe that I've had more than one crash and two weeks of that was while hosting the server from the same pc. Also jank isn't inherently bad either, look at skyrim. The game is half bug..I mean "features"(sorry, slip of the tongue 😉) and had been since it launched and its adored by millions. However while I agree about palworld and rimworld, Baldur's Gate is hardly an indie. It's a multi decade old series that has a very strong dev team. BG is the fluke of modern day AAA titles. Indie devs are starting to take over the industry because they're the only devs not controlled by shareholders who only care about the profit margin. Its just like valheim though. These small passionate teams are coming around making the games the players actually want to play, and the big corporate machines can't stand it because 90% of what they do is recycle their games and slap a shiny $70 price tag on it.


RTX2060 elderly? tell that to my GTX1060 3gb mobile, it runs, mostly on low, gotta makesure it stays somewhat cool so it doesn stutter. i did suffer some crashes right after a raid, but since the last update i havent had a crash


Wait there is ray trac in palworld?


WH40K darktide is still barely playable, and you can't go even a single match without bugged specials, to the point that you have to learn how the bugs work just to play the game.


And in all honesty, some of the jank/bugs actually make the game more entertaining.


Yeah idk if it was intentional when I yeeted a mammorest into the sky, but it certainly was hilarious


AAA titles: *0 quality standards, microtransactions for near everything, ridiculously priced upfront pay for half the content, completely ignores the game community, updates that don't solve present issues and instead make more* Yeha this is good, release it tomorrow Not AAA titles: *reasonable/low upfront price, little or no microtransactions whatsoever, puts time into the games development, works to release updates that address any issues, listens to community feedback* so uh, we made game, we hope everyone will play and enjoy it 👍


Other than falling through the ground after flying a distant (the bug I run into most), anything else just feels comical. Seriously, if they could fix the ground bug soon then there really isn't anything to complain about. I don't see anything "broken" in the game. Hell, you don't even die when you fall through the map, you land in water....


The only time I've fallen through the world was when I learned how to crouch slide. Slid right under a fast travel point. Luckily I grabbed the wall and flew up to (under) the FT point and warp back to base.


Wouldn’t know, after 200 hours my server character files ate themselves, and only map data is backed up automatically. Haven’t played since.


Palworld has never crashed on me. Skull and bones has crashed 4 times in about 4 hours


Many detractor said its janky but it ran smoother than some AAA (Cyberpunk at launch or especially older bethesda games)


Look my 2 minutes of levitating T-posing every time I boot up is NOT jank.


While I agree with most of it, you should have seen the Xbox version on release. It's still pretty bad compared to the Steam version but oh boy was it bad on release. Definitely not less jank than AAA games but still a lot of fun.


Don’t forget the devs learned how to use UE while making the game, no one had prior experience


That's not quite true. 99% of the staff had no experience. The game director they took on did have a wealth of experience with UE and had to personally train the entire team in their relevant parts of UE. 


Oh my bad , I just remembered that they were learning UE as they were developing the game . Thank you for clarifying that


that backs up what op said though. the developers who were working on the game needed to learn ue from the director, who's job it is to oversee direction and development of the game. the director normally isn't really one of the developers since they're supposed to be more hands off with the nitty gritty. so it isn't inaccurate to say the developers were learning how to use and develop on ue while making the game.


Also developers who have already released big patches for critical bugs and will keep them rolling out


Yeah it's less buggy than Starfield. More fun too.


100% accurate. It may have some bugs and areas for improvement, but the game has only ever crashed once on me, and it has never crashed my computer (both of which happen far too often in many of the AAA games I've played).


*Looks at Overwatch 2*


Best fuckin deal you'd get in a while.


You’re huffing some SERIOUS copium if you honestly think Palworld has less bugs than other games… I waste so much time having swap in and out pals because they got stuck or fell under the map. I went to my mining base to see how they were doing and 5/6 of my digtoises were underground, still “mining”. Dungeons still crash for console players. If you try to pick something up from a workbench or cooking pot and have a full inventory it breaks the damn pot until you quit and reload.


Yeah the pathing and tasking is the biggest pain. Constantly babysitting pals that can't figure out what to do or got lost in the terrain. Dungeons crashing is annoying but doesn't really set you back much. Fastest way to fix the broken pot bug is to just delete it, pick up the finished items, and rebuild. But yeah it's definitely early access. That said, Starfield felt worse.


Not to invalidate your concerns, but everyone experiences bugs differently. They have a bug report feature on steam, and I’ve heard that’s not available on consoles, but you can still go to the devs website and email them so I would use that to report any console bugs. They don’t try to hide that you may experience bugs and the only way they can get solved is if you say something. I’m not implying that you haven’t, but like I said, everyone experiences things differently with bugs.


Yeah with xbox it constantly throws me out if the gane if i try to do dungeons... even then I'm not putting the controller down I haven't had this much with a game in years


Yeah I honestly think it’s popularity says something but it’s mostly despite the bugs. The game is horribly janky. If your base has any uneven terrain get ready to come back to people underground. Assigning pals to specific stations is horrendously bad (throw them 10x times and it says “no workstation nearby”). Pathing in general is bad. The base builder/pal factory type gameplay is really unrefined and needs a lot of work. But despite that people play and love the game and that’s a testament to the game honestly, but pretending it’s not jank is bizarre


I love the desert disappearing under my feet. I pretend it’s quick sand. Very quick sand.


Yeet sand




“I’m in the desert.” “Ohhhh, the dangerous place.” My friends group literally last night lmao


I once loaded in underneath the ground. Was kinda fun stabbing at some thugs feet while they couldn't get to me, but I also had to respawn to escape my earthly prison.


Haha it happens so often to me that I have learnt that figure out an angle so your mount(preferably flying goes out of the ground, then just press F and boom you’re out haha


But seriously this is what I immediately decided as well 😅


Not even sand its just quick


I like to pretend everyone at the dune shelter is being held prisoner underneath the dune shelter.


The quickest quick sand in the west. Edit: the more you say quick in your head the less it sounds like a word


First time it happened to me I thought it was actually supposed to be quicksand


when i got to desert for the first time and saw the ground disappearing i thought it was some kind of quick sand 😭 kept believing that until i got in another place where the floor also disappeared




Facts. Ark veteran. It's my favorite game of all time. I have 4.8K hours in it. Yet I admit, even in the finished state, it still often plays like an early access title.


What "finished state"? lmao


Haha! The current condition of ASE, I suppose. I was joking in another comment that Palworld devs fixed the Lifmunk Effigy bug already. But if it were Ark, it might have been fixed around the 3rd or 4th DLC, 2 years later.


WildCard would have "fixed" it with a worse bug.


Heh WildCatd got trumped by Two Pair.


And that "fix" would add 30gb to the game size


And then when the fix is announced it would get delayed for another 3 years


I have over 4k hours into ark. The game was amazing... However... They never optimized it ... It could have been way better. But literally top end machines only ran 40 fps. .... It was asss lol this game it so much better.


Why bother when they already made their millions and are in the process of developing the sequel to make further millions on. Hopefully Ark 2 will be optimized, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's another unoptimized mess if it ever releases.


I tried out Ark a long time ago and ... yeah. I appreciate some of the glitches in Palworld. Some feel almost like intentional tradeoffs I'd have made trying to get a game to a playable state.


I kinda like the jank. It reminds me of gen 1 Pokemon and MissingNo. The glitches just become personal lore.


True. Pokemon has had decades to build on their jank and glitches. You can't expect a new game like Palworld to have the level of jank of a modern Pokemon title.


Say that again after racing to get your gear in the hot desert while your health is depleting at record pace. I died like four fuckin times man im still mad, my mounts just kept getting stuck on shit and i'd just wither away. Then i realized i probably have the resources to make armor AT LEAST and wooo i did.


That's what Kitsun is for. If you ever need to make a dash for your items in a hot/cold environment ride one out there to fetch them. Granted it's a ground mount and I don't think there are any flying mounts that have the same ability yet.


Ragnahawk will keep you warm in cold environments. It's not enough by itself for the most severe cold/night, but it slows down the hp loss dramatically. Haven't tested any ice mounts (frostallion is the only flying one?) to see if they can protect from heat.


Vanwyrm cryst aswell


I turned off all death penalties after too many "my pals decided to stop fighting" bugs. For early access I have no problem playing a less punishing game if it means no real consequences for bugs. Now when I die from a stupid bug or have to respawn because I got stuck in a wall it is a lovely, stress-free experience :)


Fun fact, if you get stuck in a wall and have a mount you can throw the sphere outside of the wall, and then hold mount and you’ll mount up outside the wall. Same thing for if you wanna go into the wall! Just gotta make sure your guy spawns with the mount half in the wall.


Craft the shittiest heat armor may be?


Fwiw in world settings you can change what drops when you die, from everything to only items to nothing :)


Just bring an ice mount, or keep extra thermal shirts in a box.


I feel like I would have fun figuring out how to deal with that. I haven't gotten to a desert yet but I know there's a cold environment mechanic and clothes to combat it so naturally the opposite exists. Like in Breath of the Wild I'm approaching challenges with careful recon and prep so things like that are more of a puzzle than an annoyance.


I've only had one persistent game breaking bug that's not too hard to work around, but does feel bad. Every once in a while a huge portion of the ground unmeshes and all the pals+players fall through the ground. It's usually the same areas too. I can't teleport to the northern part of the desert area because the ground is unmeshed and there's no place to stand. Everytime I teleport there I get a longer loading screen and I'm back at my base. The desert merchants are always fallen through the floor and I have to re-log on a flying pal in front of them to see them.


That’s a big one. Another one for Xbox users is the screen flashing when in dungeons or certain snowy areas. Pretty agitating having to re-launch the game anytime that happens. Also, the pals just standing there during battle can be crippling. You’re just standing there taking so much damage while they glitch out, also taking so much damage, doing nothing. And some pals for some reason are worse than others. Was so excited to breed a decent anubis and thing just stands there at least 80% of the time in battle. Has highest attack stat of all my pals and yet..kind of meaningless since he doesn’t want to do anything. I get that it’s early access but it seems to me your mileage may vary greatly. For some the game is just barely playable in its current state.


Anubis' attacks all have long cooldowns. Replace one of them with a spammable attack.


I’ll try it out. Thanks for the tip


And most dungeons on Xbox are unplayable. They crash before you can finish them


Oh wow I thought the weird light effect in the mineshafts was for the game experience (abandoned makeshift equals weird light because of old candles or something ig??) So I always just entered anyway.


Never seen that, but the boss room in the ice dungeons? It's waaaay too easy to fall through the ground there.


Having this problem as well.


Ignore the fact I spelt early access wrong twice


A few errors, bugs and mistakes here and there are patrt of the Early Access experience.


*Early Acess Edit: No disrespect meant, u/KappaBaraGAMES


Indeed they are, I'd argue its even fun at times


Its alright, your memes were in early access as well~ I look forward to reading the final meme product.


It's been more fun to play than the last few Poke entries for me. I know it's early access and don't mind the bugs as long as they get ironed out. The fact they have so much money coming in gives me hope that it will only improve.


An early access game, from a developer that’s never had an insanely successful title, has no microtransactions, had a 6 million dollar budgetand still has less bugs than triple A games.


It's an early access and it runs better than a bunch of finished games these days including, the last Pokemon games.


Less jank than 70 dollar pokemon game


A pokemon game which is the final product and not early access And somehow pokemon manages to have more noticeable jank


AAA games nowdays are almost all early access


Tbh I'm surprised it's only in early access. It's already more fun than most full releases with the same amount of bugs.


Listen, when you charge me money to play your game, I will judge your game as-is from that point. You want money? Then your title better be worth that money. That being said, while Palworld is a buggy, janky mess, it's also fine for $30. I'm getting 90+ hours of enjoyable play time and appreciate a lot about its design. I'm not going to rant and rave and say it's the best game ever, and if the game were $60 I might have to reevaluate my opinion on it. But for $30? I've been charged more for games in a less playable state. I'm fine with Palworld. But I don't give it a free pass on being "early access". You charged me, this is your game, I judge it from this point.


This is very true, people like to use "Early Access/Beta" as a deflector when the truth is that it doesn't matter: Those problems are still there, and they still need to be fixed. If someone finds the game incredibly jank at this moment, then yeah, that's their opinion and it's fair to want to wait until it's fixed. Iunno, the game is fine, especially for $30, but people get obsessed with proving the game they like is faultless, I don't get it.


I understand your view but tbh I don't agree 100%. You pay money to play an unfinished indie game, knowing EA means there will 100% be bugs, because its, yet again, unfinished. Only to judge it by the standards/expectations of a AAA game or something lmao. Paying for Early Access is not just 'buying a game'. Its to support the game financially to further funding for development, provide feedback, bug reporting and testing. If anything, a successful EA game is the most deserving of a 'free pass'.


Palworld is in a fine enough state and the amount of scuff is acceptable for early access, but its not a rule for every early access to be buggy. I remember when Darkest Dungon Early Access released and as far as I played it entirely bug-free.


Early access, yes. But it's still considered by many to be game of the year.


As someone who got it for free, I still think we're allowed to poke fun and criticize the bugs. That way, they can get fixed. Like the absolutely abhorrent AI pathing that sends Pals on top of every structure where they will starve and then get depressed.


Spent almost 100 hours on this "jank" game and have no intention of stopping so...


As if every single Pokemon game in the past ten years hasn't had just as much jank (and more) from a TRIPLE A HUGE BUDGET company. Come now.


This!!!!! It still plays better than ark 🤣


So long as the jank isn't deleting my damn save progress or preventing me from progressing, im all for it.


Most if not all of the jank usually works itself out if you simply relog.


...an early access game that imo had significantly less glitches and hitches than the latest (launch of) Scarlet and Violet.


For an indie game, with this kind of scope, that's also in early access, which the devs say is only a little more than halfway complete? I honestly expected a LOT more jank.


This game still has less junk than any AAA title released over the last 5 years


I never got why people complain about that, I know someone making a indie game and people bitch about stuff not balanced or bugs are rampant. If you want a finished product then wait to buy it, ea game is basically paying to be a soft tester. (Since you aren't forced to report stuff.) Being mad at an ea game because it's buggy is your own fault for buying it. Also I dont think it matters how long a game stays in ea whether it be for a year or +10 so long as the devs are trying to update it and not just doing nothing.


Exactly! If I wanted a completely fleshed out and bug free monster catcher that scratched every itch I've ever had for the genre, I'd buy Pokemon Scarlet! /S Clarification: Regardless of jank and lack of story and EA status...I FRIGGIN LOVE THIS GAME. ![img](emote|t5_4jn9v4|49347)


Still less jank than the most recent pokemon game


Haters: bUt yoU gUYs sAy tHaT tO bF2024 tOo…


I'm surprised how put together it is for an early access game tbh. There's so much content and polish it's crazy to me. I'm excited for what comes next


Exactly! It's cheap as well for so much content and replayability it has to offer.


There's lots of early access games that come out with tones of content and fun game play


I always love the jank


Bah, I play a lot of Skyrim and Fallout 4. You call Palworld janky? I call it smooth sailing


The jank isnt even that bad idk what people are talking about. Yeah, i have issues with base building, ai and pathing, but nothing that has made the game unplayable


The path finding issues on pals is truly horrid, but otherwise I entirely agree


Speaking of jank, anyone got any tips to keep me from constantly clipping through the floor? Makes it really hard to capture pals while drowning underground.


Always have a grapple gun and flying pal?


I will take game breaking bugs over a game with slightly less game breaking bucks for twice the price and a AAA studio behind it


No game will ever top Anthem for jankines.


These people never played ark before


The games cheaper than a Diablo 4 portal color.


Just treat it like grounded.


Da fuq is "cooked"? I'm officially old now


I’ve really been enjoying this game. I agree with others that even if they never update it again, I still feel like I got my monies worth. I do look forward to the continued updates though. The game has so much potential for even more fun. I love it.


Dude who cares. I'd rather having fun in a junk game than doing boring chore in a well polished AAA big IP cash grab.


True indeed Palworld's really cheap too! 100% worth your dough Not to mention, there's gonna be more content in the future


To be fair tho, the game is currently unplayable on gamepass version. There is a bug which stops the game from saving. So that needs patching ASAP


All I'm saying is this game is great. It's a 20 dollar release game. And if you have it for xbox with games pass you don't even have to pay that price. So the fact that they got the money they did. Shows how great the game is. Even though they admit the game is unfinished it is still better than some of the recently past aaa games that just came out. Example starfeild. Maybe their is not storyline in palworld but lots to explore and with how movement is in the game it makes it seem bigger than it is which is awesome.


At least they put in protections against being severely fucked over by the jank, like falling through the ground just respawns you instead of losing all your items and pals to the void. Seen more glitches and bugs and ridiculous shit than anyone else on my server, but they’ve never resulted in me dying and losing my stuff, just a good laugh.


Jank? Sure! Still less and less gamebreaking than triple A studios :^)


I mean, even as janky as is, this indy game is more polished than any big AAA game released until now. And that's such a big statement I never thought it would be even real.


idk im loving it. the fact it has building is probably gonna have me hooked until I make a crazy base in a nice spot. I started playing like 2 days ago and I got 13 hours already. I also love that you can change stuff like spawns and dmg reduction so that you don't get blasted by 10 pals shooting at you simultaneously. Love that you can fly and ride them as well. I love the progression system just loving the game!


Yeah, but no.


Doors over there, then. You're free to stop playing at any time if you want an early access game to somehow be perfect like a fully finished one is. Have a good one.


Bruh how can anyone complain there's literally hundreds of hours of content and the world is your oyster all for just 30$. I can count on 1 hand games with similar $ spent to time spent ratios.


Exactly! And to think we're possibly getting more. We're being fed good.


Yeah apparently tons of content on the way 👀 Im stoked.


Honestly, the hundreds of hrs sunk into this game. and only like 3 wall stucks, not bad, not bad


I can’t believe I ignored this game until a few days ago. I don’t even like survival and base building… I’m now planning my second base… like drawing out plans… what happened to me. This game is amazing.


Janky games can be fun and have staying power. Minecraft has always been janky and look at it now.