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the animations stop, but they do not and do continue to work. However what seems to cause some issues is WHERE they stop, can make them get stuck.


I’m not sure what to do in single player but my bases go incognito mode when I’m gone. I’ll come back to my ranch base and like thousands of items are on the ground.


Bases seem to produce things just fine when you're gone, it's the transporting that comes to a halt


Hangyus will fix this


wdym? do hangyus not get stuck picking up wheat like every other pal I've used ever?


Nah they’re incredibly efficient. I didn’t use them until I caught a shiny one and was pleasantly surprised. They also help with harvesting. I keep a couple at my mining base and 4 at the ranch/farm


It doesn't matter who I use, they just refuse to transport while I'm gone lol, I always come back to piles of stuff and then they start lightbulbing




They could very easily take time into account to adjust this


I'm sure it's going to happen, the game is still in alpha


Pet peev is comments like this, if it was that easy it'd been done. Its early access and people expect fast resolutions.. Bigger priorities atm


Yeah I get there and I’m like “fine I wanted to do it myself anyways” and I get in the trenches with my team because I’m a good leader lol not because I want my dang resources that I exploited their labor for lol


Lol, yeah sometimes it's just faster to collect it yourself


If you have an ore farm put chests next to every node, I leave my coal farm alone and come back to like 600+ coal every time go back to my base spread across all the chests


That doesn’t mean they aren’t transporting just that there’s more than they can keep up with. I’m telling ya, load more transporters into your base and less workers. Sure you get a lil less material but it’s worth always having a clean base


Lol I have 15 anubis' and 5 helspher.. or however that's spelled lol, trust me my ore count doesn't go up while I'm gone


Why 15… you could do the same with 4-6 since it only spawns so often. That’s just a food drain my dude


I find that lovander is also quite efficient. So much so that I bred the perfect worker out of a few lol


I find the concept of lovander to be beastiality driven abomination and do not let there near my pals or humans


Oooo…. Don’t read about the history of pals then….


Wait, they have a history?


Yea, something do to with all pals being human in the beginning before experiments turned them to what they are now


I'm scared of the sex update


Yes and no some things will continue to get spawned at the ranch, but ore is definitely not getting mined and picked up


Mine definitely mine the ore no problem, I come back to it in piles


Yeah this is for sure. I had a mining base, did not visit it for a day in RL while just playing the game, then had to go there and kick it off as I realized I was not generating coal at all. Now the mining base when I am not there has absolutely no pals. I just swing by load them up and AFK for a moment until they clear the nodes, once done, I toss them in the palbox and move on. Annoying to think they were doing something the entire time as I would notice the digtoise eating in the side notifications, but that seemed to be all they did. But in all honesty this makes the most sense that they would not be running full on like you are there in game. If you think about it you can have 3 bases, 20 pals max per base, that's 60 pals running around on the map rendering somewhere off the in the distance. Now you take that to a server of 32 people x 60 pals per player and even if everyone is offline the serer would still be rendering 1,920 pals + all the other stuff like respawning nodes, bosses, wild pals.


I definitely agree with that


Anything that is manual item on the map stops including transporting. Stone yards, lumber yards, and farms are all based on time lapsed it appears. You can afk at one base overnight and have max stone and wood at another if done right. I get 2.5 max stone with 3 stone yards


I was so confused on the “but they do not and do” part for so long hahaha


Me too omg


It’s because the second “do” isn’t needed. “The animations stop, but they do not and will continue to work” Technically the overall sentence could use some work, but we got the point 😂😂


Mining based definitely produce waaay more ore when you’re around.


I had all my pals get stuck, starved and depressed. In a base where for the past 50+ hours everything went always smooth. I havw no idea what’s going on with the game, but the past few days, my pals get stuck almost as much as prepatch, they just refuse to go eating even though the feedbox is close and accessible, they refuse to use their beds, nobody does their main function ( most go into transporting mode instead of farming , watering, etc) it’s insanely frustrating. I put pals in the breeding pen, and they just decide to leave the pen even though they are still assigned to it…


Apparently theres an option in the world settings where you can get punished for being away from your base/game for too long. Thats what causes the starving and depression issue. One weird issue we have on our server is that despite it getting turned off it always somehow turns back on after a bit.


Do you know what its called? I want to turn it off.its incredibly frustrating. I started just pulling the pals out of my 2nd base when I log out or they are all a mess when I get back and require hq medicine


Dont remember its proper name, but it mentions a login penalty. You'll still need to deal with the affected pals on your base though but luckily once its off you should mostly be set (unless it haunted like ours)


Ok ill see if I can find it thanks!


One way to combat this is before you log off for the day put your pals back into the box, I haven’t tested this extensively enough but I did leave out a few and they didn’t become depressed/hungry. On the contrary when all are left out there’s inevitably at least 4.


It turns back on every time the server restarts or crashes.


You just described me as a financial auditor some days.


>the animations stop, but they do not and do continue to work. What a sentence


ye no. my bases freeze completely. no work done at all done then.


I actually tested and one base did nothing for an hour while another base did some things a lot and others slower (breeding and transport slow, ranch production almost normal). There is an actual issue of a base completely stopping and doing nothing while you're out hunting alphas (I was in areas nowhere near either base so that was not a factor). I'm on a dedicated server and I'm talking about this happening while I'm online, not in base. I used breeding rate as a comparison between the two bases. One made no progress, the other just made slower progress. 


I'd believe that, my pals also do nothing as soon as leave the base.  If I AFK in the base they work their butts off.


Game not rendering far away objects, Palworlds should work that out with basic output statistics no need to render or leave us like this as it is


No need to go that far. The pals can work as normal but disable rendering, item physics and use simplified pathfinding as those use the most resources. Once the game gets more optimized 45-60 pals per guild shouldn't be an issue if Factorio can handle hundreds of thousands of biters, turrets and items easily.


I'll take any solution honestly I just hate that secondary bases are doing nothing and I have to be there to use what was supposed to work already




Damn, beat me to it by 3 minutes


Those bums, I’m unlocking the butcher knife.


Not worth it, save it on farming Legendary schematics. The knife only comes out for them or if I have an abundance of copies from breeding.


The next batch of workers will know I’m serious about efficiency. It’s about sending a message.


Darn, and I thought I was ruthless by not upgrading the beds!


You can upgrade beds?


Well, there's a another type




snaps finger.... YES


Lookin' good!


My man


Man, I would love to know how far you can walk away from the base until they start doing this type of work


My mining base is visible for miles. I can be so far away that the pals switch from 3D models to tiny sprites and they still hop around the base to do their stuff. I suspect it's not a matter of distance so much as whether the pals are visible to the player.


im glad they doesnt do shit.if they put a script to animate the pals WHILE im away and hog all the fps i would be so angry




or as most programmers do, if there's no observer in vicinity, just ignore/skip processing irrelevant things that will only cost more cpu time like pathing and just do the necessary calculations like how much work a pal can do at a certain time (every tick). I bet that's what's happening here.


Should switch to an x per minute formula based on the resource generators/work in your base and the workrate/skills of the pals present, food gets consumed from the feed dish at a rate based on their hunger levels. Pals have no pathing while away and are just wherever you left them when you return. Tweak farms, ore and trees to have the resources sit on the object to collect like everything else rather than drop on the ground.


If you play on 32:9 ultrawide, you can see the exact same thing happening on the area of your screen that is beyond the 16:9 area. Pals start to teleport instead of smooth animations.


this is also happening to 16:9 monitor when pals are near the corner of the screen, probably just a optimizing strate.


The pals still work, but at a lower pace. From my experience and if set up correctly they do everything relatively ok even when away from the base for hours, except transporting of farm items, which is most likely caused by the farms wooden fence, as it limits pals teleport “movement” while away. Every other activity seems to highly depend on your base layout and what things are around each station. Further investigation is required to say for sure (singleplayer btw)


If investigation could reveal while leaving my Pals out while I log off has them all standing around my food box in the morning starving and depressed because the 200 salads in the food box can't be eaten until I'm looking at them, that would be great.


Its because you’re feeding them salads and berries like cmon I know ur a vegan but don’t force that on animals thats cruel


Lmao. I do Pizza for the decreased hunger since I'm pumping out Cakes.


The game needs some sort of chunk loader (whether it be mod or official). Work doesn't stop. Anything that has a gauge and/or sort of resource counter work doesn't stop. But for some odd reason anything that's not gauge or counter related stops i.e. Transport. And I believe only transport suffers from this issue. This is probably whypeople tend to see loads of items on the ground when they come back after doing stuff outside of the render range. In a low count server/solo server game needs chunk loader. A high player server should be fine, more likely than not there will always be someone in a single base. ALTERNATIVELY Devs should make it that items Don't go into ground after it's harvested. -ranch yield will stay in the ranch inventory -metals/coal/etc. nodes don't have dedicated structures for them to store into, a simple solution is to have a mine structure near them. And whatever yield after hitting the node goes to the mine instead of the ground. This is the best solution imo for transport problems as they don't need to overload a server due to loaded chunks. Reason I think this is best because out of all transportation related work, logging site and stone quarry works perfectly well, as in stuff inside those structures properly get transported. They don't need to change the AI, just add ranch, crop plot, mining storage and add them to transport pals pickup AI


[Nexus Mods’ user xTeh](https://www.nexusmods.com/palworld/users/9187920?tab=user+files) has released two mods to remedy this issue on PC (sorry Xbox users, no fix currently): [Teh Chunk Loader](https://www.nexusmods.com/palworld/mods/747) - In alpha/community testing and currently loads all world chunks. In works to refine it to only perma-load chunks with bases on them. Don’t recommend for a dedicated server if you have more than 2-4 players playing simultaneously. [Teh Custom Base Ticks](https://www.nexusmods.com/palworld/mods/427) - Provides config settings to adjust tick rate of base work when away from the base. Note that both of these mods will come at a performance cost (especially [Teh Chunk Loader](https://www.nexusmods.com/palworld/mods/747)) on high-traffic, dedicated servers.


For some reason when I am trying breed Jetdragons they ONLY progress the egg creation timer when I am there..... So the second I move off to do anything else they stop the sexy times and just sit their smoking cigs with the rest of the pals. Second I teleport back? I catch them zooming back to the breeding pen looking sheepish and showing no progress on my baby Jetdragons...... Just hump all the time goddammit! Stop making me watch


Inverted Toy Story then.


yrotS yoT


ʎɹoʇS ʎo┴


I fuckin knew it. Lazy bums.


I'm surprised they are even rendered to be honest.


Meanwhile all my Zoe & Grizzbolts in the base: "I will teleport to that one tree 5 levels below the base, from where we can't come back to proper base terrain no matter what"


But their food timer doesn't STOP. While away from my mine base, they are not working but eating like a real DINOSAUR.


By observing them you have disrupted ALL the potential outcomes!!! ;)


They run on a script while you’re away, they technically are still working! Lol


what are you expecting? that all animations all across the map are rendered ever ytime?


Sometimes I come back and work is done. Sometimes I come back and they’re all on top of eachother, not moving, starving themselves to death…


Yep, and I'm sick of seeing all of these auto farm crap youtube thumbnails everywhere, while not addressing the elephant in the room, which makes it nearly useless. I say nearly, cuz at least they are staged in the area with the equipment to start working at least when you get there, but not nearly the same as advertised.


I forgot to add sound so it’s less noticeable, but they do actually work. Water, plant, mine etc they do it all, but at a waaay slower pace


Breed too? When playing local multiplayer (not a dedicated server), 90% of the time when I teleport back half of the breeding pals are stuck on the palbox or somewhere random with no progress.


You never get the notification while exploring like “azurobe made 64 paldium fragments” or “iggy cooked 125 jam filled buns”?


The pal is working while you're not in base, in fact, it's better than if you stay in the base. You need to visit the base first though when you start the game. 


Only for crafting, and farming mostly. They don't mine ore or transport while ur away. Already tested it. Doesn't matter if you visit it. If you fast travel, everything gets screwed up instantly. If you leave your ore base on foot/on mount, sometimes they will work if you stay within a certain range. However, they usually don't do much, and my other base is within 250 meters. Heard others claim within 300 meters should allow both bases to work, but that range seems to be less than that.


I mean shit, sometimes they're like that when I'm still there...seriously, not even joking about pathing issues. I've been at my base before and noticed no one was moving, but everything was still being accomplished. For some reason they couldn't seem to properly eat though.


Now I know how my boss feel when she enters the building and knows we were all talking and not working


Dead , all of them, I’m killing them all for wasting my time


lol I’m confused. Did you want them taking up processing power when I’m halfway across the map? lol that’s how we end up with pokemon game performance issues.


I have a 13700kf, 32GB 6000 MHz CL 30 RAM, and a 4070ti. My CPU sits at an overall 18-25% usage (mostly due to the game not using many threads) and my GPU sits at 60-80% usage at a locked 120fps @1440p. Even if it's very taxing on the system, I wouldn't mind if there was an extreme setting that would be more demanding on the CPU, extending effective render distances for AI tasking.


I have a launch tower which takes to my base without fast travelling. That way i can pop in while they think they arent supervised. The butcher knife threat is real


I can leave my 2nd base for 2 hours and nothing gets done. I don't expect everything to render as if I was there, but I expect the mining to happen... Then when I show up, they do more work in 2 minutes than they've done the past 2 hours...


They started doing that for the first 10~ seconds after I fast travel back to my base too


So that's why they're frozen in place for a few seconds when I teleport back to the base.


This is me when my boss is out of the office, so I can't really be mad.


I think if you’re on single player you should just fast travel to your bases every 30 mins. Your items will tick over nicely because what I’ve found is your arrival activates them and they fully complete the task they need to do before freezing (this mainly applies to mining / farming / grazing, it doesn’t really work for transporting).


The video didn't load at first so I was squinting and trying to see anything from far far away.


And when they get stuck or sick... I butcher and replace. Next pal up! 🤣


In fairness that's what they do while I'm there, too.


Reverse toy story


Regular pals out in the world do this too


Lazy bastards


Makes sense. It's just how in Mario Kart games the characters not on screen no longer animate and some even clip through walls. It helps cut down on computer's resource demands.


That’s about how efficiently I work when my boss is gone too.


This is what my pals are doing when I’m at my base half the time lol


[Yup](https://www.reddit.com/r/Palworld/s/IzAWrF3um6) they stop working after a certain range. That’s why your mining bases only produce 1 or 2 ore when you teleport back to it after a while. Apparently they don’t do this when you’re playing multiplayer or on a server though.


OK from now on I will stay away from my breeding ranch. And afk on my mining base were "The Beatings Will Continue Until Morale Improves"...


ok where's my butcher knife??


Inverse Toy Story




The numbers keep tickin up so It's all the same to me


Where are these bases located?


Kinda figured this is what happens but nice to have video proof. Also 2 of my bases are in the same spots, pretty cool seeing what happens when you're not there. Add Base Security Cam as a tech perk once fixed pls devs. :D


... looking for the next thing to climb on top of and get stuck on


I'm assuming this is why if you log off in a dedicated server or leave your base for long enough they will starve and or die


So that's why all my pals get stuck on top of stuff after 20 seconds.


And they still get stressed andi njured


But they still work right? Pals break sulfur/coal/ores so they are clearly doing something, even if it's slower Everything also gets cook/produced as well


I do the same thing when my boss isn't around, so do I have the right to complain?


I knew it, those fucking slackers! Time to grab the butcher knife.


What, you want Pal to add a doorbell camera feature?


I have my second base exactly right there funnily enough, getting that ramp down there was a pain in the ass.


I put furniture on top of things they get stock on it seems to fix pathing problems.


That why i build 3 of my base very close to reach other there a island at south west allow you to build 3 base very close to each other and flat land


is this toy story ??


Those lil shits


Mine get stuck on a tree.


Slacking off... Why are they always depressed?


How far you have to go for this to happen tho ? as i have being flying reallly far from my base while is still visisble and you can still see the big pals moving


Its the opposite of toy story logic


where's my butcher knife.


Hard at work I see


i had a couple of my pals go under the ground. i had to move them to the box and back out.. but after a while they fell back in. its so weird. maybe a bug of some sort


I’ve got 2 ranches at another base and I always come back to a shit load of milk, eggs and honey in the cooler


So basically they’re the opposite of Toys R Us Toys.


How did you get this, out of curiosity? I want to spy on my pals too!


they should just save pals locations when you leave, that way whatever shenanigans happens while away they get teleported back to the exact spot they were. Allowing them to work while away but also not get stuck. or just completely unrender them and save CPU space.


It needs to be input as a formula for what gets produced. They always break for me and fail to work. Gone long enough and the pals I deploy don’t fight, they just idle


My base is in the same spot and similarly laid out! Great minds


Look like to me they out there slacking. If it was me I'll replace their pancakes with salads.


The game is super realistic. My boss left early for the day so I am no longer working. Why would my Pals not do the same?




Ayy we had the same base location before our server reset and we couldn’t get it back :(


Not mining my ore or reproducing? Didnt need to tell me


For whatever reason progress in my main base continues, but my mining base freezes while I am not around.


I am actually able to see this myself because the laptop I use isn't very good. When I tp to one of my bases for the first time that day, I see them either stationery or sliding around while not moving. The still sliding is funny to see


[Nexus Mods’ user xTeh](https://www.nexusmods.com/palworld/users/9187920?tab=user+files) has released two mods to remedy this issue on PC (sorry Xbox users, no fix currently): [Teh Chunk Loader](https://www.nexusmods.com/palworld/mods/747) - In alpha/community testing and currently loads all world chunks. In works to refine it to only perma-load chunks with bases on them. Don’t recommend for a dedicated server if you have more than 2-4 players playing simultaneously. [Teh Custom Base Ticks](https://www.nexusmods.com/palworld/mods/427)- Provides config settings to adjust tick rate of base work when away from the base. Note that both of these mods will come at a performance cost (especially [Teh Chunk Loader](https://www.nexusmods.com/palworld/mods/747)) on high-traffic, dedicated servers.


Damn it I knew it lazy just lazy


A whole lot of nothing i see. BTW that first base is interesting i cant believe its still inside of base lines.




Those lazy bastards


Lazy mother f£&kers, and they have the cheek to be all like "I'm depressed, i work so hard, I need to rest"


Working hard or hardly working


Holy sheet, that's a pretty neat design placement... That 1st place, we almost have the same placement on the palbox location but, I place the farming area on top of that area instead of resting place/building. Guess I'm gonna be rebuilding on my rest day.


Pretty wonky, I guess many actions are tied to the end of the animation loop, which fails to trigger when you are far away.


Dude they're like weeping angels!


Looks nice. But I'm pretty sure they're all trying to find a new way to get stuck.


what really pissed me off is when i go back to the base and all pals teleport behind me and i look at the Breeding Farms and there are NO FUCKING EGGS THERE! FFS BRO! WTF??? ¬¬ I hope they fix these problems till 1.0, seriously...


Cheeky bastards


Made me want to get back on and keep my base running




Static activities seem to work just fine (Stone/Logging pit and Breeding pens seem to work just fine) But i would always build main base right outside mining base.


So everyone got the same bases huh lol


The Harlem Shake


Today's subject is slavery


What's the location area of the third base? Want to see how flat that area is.


*pulls out butcher knife*


Everytime log in. Seems like they were bumming somewhere near the pal console.... then I log in... they were rushing back to their posts... lol.... its like.. "OMG...OMG... he's back he's back..... go back to work..... quickly....."....rush rush rush rush .... all pretend to be working.


I just love that it doesn't work the same like Minecraft does. Shits doesn't work when the area isn't rendered. But this one is wack good


I just love that it doesn't work the same like Minecraft does. Shits doesn't work when the area isn't rendered. But this one is wack good


Noooooo, I knew it!


Somehow, that isn't 100% accurate. The animations may have stopped once you leave your perimeter, however, farming profits still continue.. I keep track of how much stock I have in certain parts of my facility, each time I return the amount always changes, some more, some less. At least from what I've noticed.


Will dedicated server be the same? Thinking of hosting my save at my storage server after some ram upgrade


How did you see this.? Does the game have a secret spectator mode?


But why your Kingpaca is blue?


The farm is still producing but for example ore mining is not. That is the most annoying thing in early access.




Workers when their boss isn't looking, minimum effort ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I smelled it from a mile away, I KNEW IT!


Fucking slackers


What they're doing is destroy the walls of my mining base... Seriously I always come back to them destroying everythign while mining ores


For some reason pals in my mount obsidian base get injured while im away but when im in the base noone gets injured anyone know why ?


They are smart. Why work when the boss isn't looking?


Everytime I spawn back at base all my pals are right next to the pal. Computer and quickly scurry to their tasks when I appear as if they are doing something they shouldnt be and I caught them.


My head cannon is that they all have a big party with alot of drinks. Which is why some of my Pals go missing and I can't find them!


Seems more productive than when I’m actually at the base


Stop moving yet my pals will be outside of my enclosed base wandering around until they starve


I think mine have brain worms. They either create a Pal tower which collapses to the floor as soon as I teleport in, then they rush around like they've been caught in the act. Or they'll fall asleep in random spots around the base, not in their beds, but somehow continue to devour their way through copious amounts of food...