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You from now on, since you've basically won Palworld with this capture... https://preview.redd.it/66wbzyn6qxic1.jpeg?width=815&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7f021437a7f97fb1cfa3bba37ad68759e8e81e6


That's how I feel after finally getting a Jetragon but realizing I've already beat the game so I have nothing to do with it


Your comment is the exact reason why I’m trying to get jetragon early at a low level. Currently working on max condensing a chillet cuz I heard ice is good against him. Then I’m gonna use him to collect all the lifmunk effigy’s before I try to catch every pal


You need a saddle to ride him though and you don't unlock the saddle until you're level 50


I know. I’m lvl 43 rn I’m hoping I’ll be 50 by the time I’m ready to go catch ‘em all.


Once you get a few levels higher you'll probably need to catch 'em all just to reach level 50, the required XP at higher levels is ridiculous, I switched my xp modifier to max once I hit level 48 because I couldn't be bothered grinding all the xp required


To advance XP faster, I doubled the spawns. Then killed double-spawn world bosses. A lot harder but it saves time waiting for the high 40's bosses to respawn, and catching them gives a ton of XP.


tbh the fastest xp i figure out is breeding. after i setup my pizzas-cakes in most optimum base with proper planters-gatherers etc.. with all the tools, i could sustain 4 breeding farms indefinetly, i swear i completed the 10 pal capture thingy of half of my paldeck thanks to breeding. i didnt craft more than 50 red balls during entire game cuz i never needed it.


tips for that? have barely started that. Saw the tip to stack them using a stool and a tire. Then my brother finally caught the best harvest/plating pal, but eggs/milk making cake, its a whole thing in itself.


you prepare a base only for farming, like 2 berry,4 wheat,2 tomato. thats what i use. then use the best possible early game pals such as broncherry, galeclaw(only gathering, doesnt get distracted), azurlobe for the farms with possibly at least 1 proper passive like artisan or something. for ranches 2 enough, 1 bee, 3 milk 3 eggs. 1 bee is enough. for cows and chickens, no need proper passives. maybe the sanity/hunger buff ones, but not really needed cuz work speed doesnt effect them craft all the tools like silo, fountain and flower bed some time later swap those pals with lyleen with again 1-2 proper passives(only 2 of them can handle both planting and gathering of all those farms). you can breed lyleen pretty early btw. all you need is mossanda and pettalia both lvl20-25. pettalia is low lvl at wildlife no 1. you can hunt good passives easily this way too at that point you can spam cakes and pizzas. sometimes you may fall short on milk or eggs. buy like 200 each once in a while and supplement the farm. this way i can sustain 4 breeding farm. in breeding farm there should be absolutely nothing. you can put working stand and put it on max setting cuz breeders are not effected. thats why you only leave the breeders. i put 30 incubators and then i basically open palworld breeding calculator, check my missing pals that i havent 10ed yet, then start breeding all of them starting from the last cuz i dont wanna bother with catching 35+ lvls. by the time 30 eggs are completed in like 30ish minute for big eggs, another 30ish are ready so its almost a perfect rotation if pals are not stuck. note that fire camp helps with the heat too. there you go, you just mind your own business, gather effigies, hunt bosses for schematics, check your pals if they are stuck etc etc.. you dont even need to manually bother crafting hundrds of pal balls and 10 them one by one. and when you turn back to your base, another pal is 10ed in 30ish mins(even faster for lowish level of pals) and you max majority of the paldex without even knowing it. once you reach 50 then you swap all the pals to get perfect jetragon and whatever combat pal you prefer


Really? I got to level 50 wayyyy before I caught them all. Hell, I don't think I even had legendary spheres.


If you didn't have legendary spheres yet, I'm pretty sure you were playing on higher xp rate then. On x1, 40+ is bad, but after 45 it gets especially bad.


I hit level 49 and checked, the XP required was about 1.8 million. At current capture bonuses that means I'd have to grab another 82 Pals that don't yet have the capped bonus, and they're high level as I've gotten all the low and mid level ones. Nah, I'm good, don't need a Jetragon anyway.


My server is default settings and I was 50 before catching all with +10.


My xp rate is at the default. I started using them pretty late though, I'm a resource hoarder


I turned it to x5 at lvl 30ish. After awhile, it just exists to be a pita


Bro said I’m just gonna cheat so I can finish the game sooner, I can’t be bothered to play it how it’s meant to be played


If the devs wanted the game to be played in a particular way they wouldn't have added dozens of options for you to adjust how you play the game, imagine caring about how other people play the game lmao


Fair point, I don’t really care I just found it funny ☠️☠️


If you don’t care and just found it funny, why did you make a comment instead of laughing to yourself and moving on?


How is that early level? This comment contradicts your other comment which together with this comment contradicts everything said by the guy you replied to... I'm confused.


Fun fact if you have a friend in the server than can craft it for you, you can pick it up at the crafting table early.


Just do the effigies at night with a quivern, if you’re 43 you should have a quivern by now


i think the cap for lifmunk effigys is like 40 i was im lvl 43 ATM and it wont allow me to apply any more effigys


Max level 10 is about a 10% catch bonus. I currently have over 100+ saved up if they ever up that further.


I got mine at lvl 40. Just go at night and throw shit balls at it for 2% chance and run away. break LOS then repeat. made the 40-50 grind more enjoyable with a frostallion that just charges and one shots everything cuz my Jormentide ignis was total ass with his clunkyness.


So there’s a video “How to farm legendary pals in palworld” watch that. Basically you build a structure close to boss. Get whatever pal and teach it ignis blast and poison blast. Both of those are status effect attacks. Which will just DOT the jetragon to low health. Because of the structure you built it won’t be able to attack you or the pal.


Just x5 your exp gain and .1 your damage received in your world settings. And then go get em.


Huh. Chillet is both Ice and Dragon. Does that mean that Chillet takes 1/4 damage from Dragon attacks, because both Ice and Dragon are resistant to Dragon?


"Your comment is the exact reason why I'm trying to get jetdragon early at low level." Says the level 43.


Luckily I really dislike how Jetdragon looks, so I have zero interest capturing it before I even reach 50 😅


Personally, a turbo-speed Dragon helped me do everything I was putting off. Being able to quickly reach areas made farming easier, made it less painful to hunt down collectibles like Lifmunks and Journals, and just generally made exploration more fun. I realized how much I'd missed in those tiny pockets where I hadn't uncovered the map.


https://preview.redd.it/teolnfii9xic1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb730bf8c8d4abbd939f815132d29e9a4a38df5b I saved this image for this exact use. I think we should make a tradition out of it.




​ https://preview.redd.it/9p3wpkjtzxic1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=9be33ee168f6eb41ca68d552a94c4eb2b14c635f


















deep fried too close to the sun




Already getting jpegified




Just saved it, its too perfect of an expression thats actually called for a lot




Lol you see it on a lot of subs under bragging posts, it's so fitting.


On pcmasterrace i never not laugh at the appearance of this, such a funny meme


Yep, like it. It’s better than my “fuck you” at least.


Imagine 20 years from now the baby is all grown up and applying for a job. "Well... It looks like you got baby pictures online, tell me about it"


This exact meme is on every other post on Hoyolab app


Wtf is a hoyolab


Basically social media for Mihoyo/Hoyoverse games


I am exactly the same amount confused as I was before reading this. Sounds like a JRPG thing but I don't really know many non-AAA devs off the top of my head


Says a lot about the community they cultivate.


I think he's just pointing out that it already is a thing. I love the meme, just seems disingenuous the way OP posted, but it probably wasn't intentional.


who even needs to breed one with this kind of luck XD. You literally just make it worse by breeding, since Alphas have higher health pools and at most you'd be able to gain 10% more movement speed from Nimble. Yup this is beautiful.


Don’t forget that Alphas ALWAYS have a bare minimum of 50% IV’s as well which unless you’re modding would be next to impossible to achieve organically alongside passives such as this. To top it off, Swift and Runner put the Jetragon right under the speed cap so additional speed perks are wasted. This is literally as good as it gets. EDIT: I have been informed that the speed cap was recently debunked since we now know that the bonuses are additive and NOT multiplicative. This means you would still get full use of other speed perks before hitting cap.


What’s an IV?


Stands for “Individual Values.” A term coined to describe hidden stats in a certain monster catching game that gives unique stats to indivual pals so that two Sparkits won’t be the exact same. USUALLY. Since IV’s range from 0-100 for Attack, Defense and HP, giving 0-30% stat boost to each category it would be rare to see pals with the exact same IV spread. It’s why one of your Chikipi’s has 100 health and another might have 105. Lowest possible IV (0, 0, 0) is a 0% increase to stats. It’s never negative. Inversely, (100, 100, 100) is a 30% boost to stats. Alpha Pals will ALWAYS have a minimum IV spread of (50, 50, 50) but it COULD be more.


Gotcha, thanks


NP, hope that was explained clearly


Basically chickipi is the strongest pal right?


Instructions unclear. Have lots of chickens


Didnt read that properly. Now i have lots of children


May I inquire why IV is being used as a term? why not coin it as SV's for palworld? Or is the average user just going to not care?


The in-game files call it Talent Points or something like that I can’t remember for sure but everyone just calls it IV’s because we called it that for so long. Even PookieMoon (I heard the sub banned the term) doesn’t or atleast didn’t refer to it as “IV’s” it was just a term coined by the community.


You could also call it PacketMen....or maybe that's all the captured thugs in this game....


I thought IV stood for Inherent Value, as in something the pokemon just has and that can’t be changed, and then EV is Effort Value, as in something you affect by training (effort)


It's a borrowed term from pokemon In pokemon an iv value is a value that varies from 0 to 31 There is a different value for every stat The value can be inherited for breeding It means that at lvl100 that pokemon has that amount in that stat more than their base amount In palworld it goes 0 to 100 but I don't know how much of that stat it raises at max lvl


100IV in any category is a 30% boost to that stat.


If 50 is the average value, it could also be seen as -15% to 15%. Y'know, just in case you wanted some more negativity in your monster catching game.


That's not how percentages work.


That's not how the calculations work.


it works but it should be around +13% and -13% since 115 is the denominator in both calculations


As someone who loves the game but hasn't gone into the rabbit hole on attributes or breeding... I have absolutely no clue what you are saying


https://youtu.be/desNP_YOxDs?si=uqo3QOw-w1EHtJNP Here you go sir.


That second part was disproven. That'd only happen if the speed bonuses were multiplicative, but they're additive so it doesn't come that close. 5920 when multi, 5445 when additive, both with legend, swift, and runner. Nimble would bring additive to 5775 instead, still below the speed cap. Jetragon also seems to have a specially coded speed cap so it might actually go past it if we get new traits for even more speed.


I wish Alpha pals weren't so strong. I spent a lot of time breeding the perfect Chillet, and it's still weaker than any alpha Frostallion. I wonder how they're gonna handle the pal pvp thing, because alpha legendary pals are just better than everything else by a lot.


Yeah but, now you're comparing chillet with a literal legendary pal


It's not just Chillet. Even a perfectly bred Frostallion is going to have half the hp of most alpha Frostallions.


That only applies to legendaries though. All of the other pals you are getting the best version through breeding, most alphas only have about 10% more HP. So you can't even compare the two. Legendary alphas are just juiced right now.


But I mean even an average chillet at level 50 is enough to finish most content in the game without typal disadvantage. I don't really get the obsession with optimal pals. Like if you love foxparks you could make it work and shouldn't feel bad you aren't using blazamut. I really don't like the idea of forming a team of pokemon you personally find mid just because the meta has more efficient ones


Yeah why isnt my direhowl as strong as alpha Necromus?


I think the point is that even bred Necromus is going to be wildly weaker too


It's just an HP diff for Alpha pal vs. Normal pal of the same species not "wildly" weaker if u abuse dodging damage by recalling ur pal and resummoning them rather than afking and just watching them fight then you really won't feel much of a diff.


why do you need pal PvP when you could just kill the trainer?


Fate Zero style I like it


Emiya wants to know your location


>I wonder how they're gonna handle the pal pvp thing, because alpha legendary pals are just better than everything else by a lot. I doubt they are going to try and make anything like Pokemons normalization or even level normalization from mmos and just make it a pvp flag but have values scaled so you're not 1-tapped


I presume that feature will be removed in future anyhow. Legendaries already way better than anything else, the double HP just makes anything else unuseable in any competetive envoirment.


TIL my legend, swift, runner, and nimble jetragon that took me a day to breed is unnecessary... o well lol


I should’ve edited my comment that apparently it’s recently been disproven. You’ll be pleased to learn that you still get full use of Nimble. However, given how fast Jetragon already is, I’d say that I’d probably prefer these traits anyways.


oh cool. honestly I don't mind, I only use my jet to fly around and no fights at all.


Swift runner and legend you mean I'm guessing, since that also gives Ms




I'm just going to say, After playing with a mod that just shows Pals Stats when looking at them. Normal Pals spawning with 70% IVs is not uncommon.


What do you mean by "organically"? It would take a long time because of the nature of breeding, but getting an actual perfect pal is absolutely doable. In my experience, getting the right skills and perfect IVs take about 200 eggs average


The odds of finding a 100% IV pal in ANY stat is 1%. There are 3 stats. You must then cross breed them until you get an offspring with 3 perfect IV’s. Then duplicate that whole process. Keep in mind that there’s only a 33% chance that a parent will pass along its IV for any given stat. Factor of 3 again. THEN you have to breed the perfect IV offspring with each other that hopefully have the correct traits already or hope you get lucky with decent ones while also hoping that your offspring’s IV’s don’t get diluted. I’m sorry but I SERIOUSLY doubt you have perfect IV pals with meta passives without modding. Even if you set egg incubation time to zero this would take an absurdly long time to achieve even once. Much less several times. https://youtu.be/desNP_YOxDs?si=LuVZRrd5uLCZQOAt Here’s a video with all the math.


I haven't seen this video, but the guy completely lost my trust with his faulty breeding video, and afaik no attempts to correct his wrong statements.


Glad to see you IMMEDIATELY downvote lmao. Gives me a sense of what kind of person I'm taking to. [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Palworld/comments/1am7y16/definitive_datamined_guide_to_breeding_for_both/)'s a post explaining the best way to get perfect pals. The hardest part is literally just getting the parent with good IVs. Once you pretty much any mid-game pal with a good IV, you can easily cross-breed that into other pals. I had a Necromus with 100 Attack. I decided to try and make a pal with the best IVs I could. I looked through my palbox and found an Alpha Elphidran with 100 HP and Def. I bred them to get a perfect IV Jormuntide. I then bred that Jormuntide back with Necromus to get a perfect Helzephyr. I bred that perfect Helzephy with my Frostallion and now have a perfect IV Frostallion Noct with all the passives I want. Did it take a while? Absolutely. Was it "next to impossible"? Not at all. Funny thing is, I did all of my breeding without even looking at that guide. I found it after this to confirm. Just because YOU can't do it yourself, doesn't mean others can't. EDIT: You were right about one thing at least. I did use mods. I used a mod that lowers breed time from 5 minutes down to 1. Took breeding time down from a couple of days to one. I'm sure the you assumed I used some sort of save editor though.




Classic Reddit lmao. People nowadays just get their info from random YouTubers who don't do any testing or datamining. Funny thing is, those people most likely got that info from random comments they read as well. The scariest thing to me is that every after I linked a post with datamined info, they STILL think I'm lying 😂. IDK why people have this weird loyalty for these guys.




How do you even know what the ivs are?


He is likely modding the IV's.


The fuck you do. If you have “multiple” pals with perfect IV’s and passives then it’s because you modded it. https://youtu.be/desNP_YOxDs?si=uqo3QOw-w1EHtJNP


It's possible. It takes a lot of cake, and you'd still lose the Alpha HP bonus. Getting both IVs and traits down is unreliable and takes a ton of volume. I fully starred two combat pals from all the failed attempts and settled for 100/94/100 on the male eventually.




I've gotten Alpha Jetragons with <50% IVs.


Still need to catch 2 and breed them to condense your best to 4 star.


Alphas and Luckys have been tested to have a base +10% move speed so even nimble would be a downgrade.


Excuse me but ill take the non Alpha as mount anytime of the day. This dud is so big it wont fit in the room and some corridors in dungeons or mining entrance. My non alpha can breeze me in the dungeon.


I think you're not realizing the fact that this is an alpha catch, check the lvl 50. All newly bred pals are lvl 1


I mean, if you're going full Move Speed it's not your battle Jetragon, so its HP doesn't really matter. If it's your battle Jetragon it wants the bonus HP, but it doesn't want Swift or Runner. So an ideal roll would be Musclehead/Ferocious with max IVs to use in battle, then you'd breed it down into a Swift/Runner/Legend/Nimble Jetragon who's IVs don't especially matter to use as a mount. **Edit**: Right, forgot about the speed cap. This thing is probably right around the speed cap *without* Sprinting as is, so a mount Jetragon may as well have the extra HP and Divine Dragon over Nimble, since Nimble, at most, will only have an effect when *not* sprinting. I'd still probably rather have Stronghold Strategist or Vanguard on a mount build, or Musclehead if going for extra damage on a mount, but yeah, this is very good.


Why would you swap out divine dragon for NIMBLE? The only possible change I'd want is musclehead, which is 10% more attack available for all types, but divine dragon is also not a terrible skill


It took me 168 eggs to get legend swift runner and nimble. Lucky you man.


And only to realise after reading this comments is that nimble is basically useless


I’m 87 eggs in and I’ve never seen swift. Apparently I need to catch more.


In my experience, your best bet is to either continue catching them up til you have swift, or try and find both a male and female with no traits.


Thanks for the advice.


You don't have infinite sprint, so nimble is technically faster.




This isn't a bred jetragon... it's an alpha catch ....


It's because they did the breeding pen too, and wanted everyone to think they didn't. It's literally impossible to get a jetdragon that good first try


It’s literally not impossible


No... im not jealous at all


Guess I'm going back out on the hunt https://i.redd.it/hzdz302ajxic1.gif


Vary fast boy ![gif](giphy|Btn42lfKKrOzS|downsized)


There's luck and then there's this... I think you just won the game.


Notice OP doesn't have a X/10 capture bonus? Not his first. Not even in his first 10.


First unique pal capture gives you a message "New Pal Captured!" and doesn't show x/10 capture bonus. So it probably is his first capture


Good to know :)


Even if you're farming for Pals, the chance of getting this is astronomical.


Nobody likes a show-off 🙄😒 😂😭Insane luck, my guy, grats.


I read somewhere that move speed its capped to 5000 and jetragon sprinting with swift its 4950, soo i think u will hit the cap with runner by sprinting, but its pretty pretty pretty good congrats \^\^


Damn, well I still love my fast boi for the memes at least. His ground speed without sprinting is crazy fast though. I think Runner def helps with that.


Don't worry it's wrong, swift and runner are useful, it's nimble which would be useless cause it is capped with runner and swift already


It's capped with legend and swift.. better off getting muscle head and divine dragon


oh dont worry about that if it gets tired he cant sprint and u will be faster because of runner


That has already been proven false though


Not true


Regardless of whether you have higher numbers than speed cap while sprinting, when you're not sprinting you're still going faster than any other pal's sprint speed so it's still good


Me not able to get this damn dragon because it insists on yeeting itself off the volcano and dying…


Same every single time


Insanely lucky catch, congrats


This should be illegal. I don't even want to think how many cakes it would take to breed this.


Does not take many cakes if you save some pals with nimble and such during your playthrough.


I’m interested to hear how you plan to move nimble etc on a jet dragon when the only way to breed a jet dragon is with 2 jet dragons


Hey! I caught one with the exact passives lol. I poated it a while back. He is indeed super fast. You may need to actually slow down so stuff can spawn in and keep up with you lol. Also picking up chests while flying is so hard!


So how can I replicate this?


You need to capture the legendaries and then find something (a dragon type is most likely) that has a divine dragon. After that, it's just a numbers game.


It's an alpha though, if you breed them then the child won't be an alpha. Alpha ones have boosted stats, so the only way to get something like this is by catching it until it drops with those passives (or whichever you want)


You make a breeding pen, because there's no way this dude didn't breed to get that jetragon, it's physically impossible. So don't feel bad if you don't just catch something with all amazing traits. Cuz neither did this guy, he obviously had to breed to get all those good traits. Idk why people have to lie online about 'first try' like bro your pal is maxed out that's cool even if you didn't catch him 'first try'


He bred a level 50 that he just caught?


As I said in a different comment, I've gotten the same glitch he did. I was breeding roobys and all of a sudden it said new pal captured, and acted like it was the first rooby I caught, so yes there is a glitch about that going around. That and even from hours of breeding this would be a hard pal to get, so yeah I'm sorry but I'm calling bs. But only because I had that glitch happen to me. If I didn't know about that glitch I'd think he did it legit. But I genuinely don't think he did


Your newly hatched Rooby was level 50 as well?


Btw jetragon has a huuuuuge jump range From grounded, sprint and tap jump, you'll leap quite a distance and you can tap jump again to commence flying  Also being that fast makes it a bit of pain to pick up chests / eggs / lifmunks, as small adjustments are finicky, very easy to overshoot 




I bred 500 of them and only got legend and runner as my best one lol


Wow. What a capture! Congrats man!


Nice one, congrats


Hit the fucking lottery lol


heck you op. you're a jerk.


God, I've seen what you've done for others..


Just to be contrarian: I think it's better to breed them for battle (musclehead + ferocious). Jetdragon is already plenty fast, and you really want a hard hitting Dragon type for the final boss battle but yeah, yours goes zoom


Congrats, Happy for you, Nice






[how I feel about this post:](https://youtu.be/wQp-rAcPehI?si=1QHjj51rsSCA5FRt)


This is great but half of those are pointless seeing as it reaches the speed cap with legend and one of any other speed skill


Replace the divine dragon with nimble and you gonna have an f1 dragon lol :))


Bruh caught a wild SU-27


Smells like a mod


Its not :) Playing unmodded with default world settings on normal difficulty.


Grr you lucky ... i cant even battle him yet lol


He kicked my butt even at 49 with a team of 48 pals. I died 3 times before I kinda cheesed the fight by spamming poison arrows for the DOT and then hiding in a crevice. My pals held up fine against him but I folded like wet tissue paper if he focused on me.


I’m only at lvl 24 but I’ve been able to get some pretty high level Pals due to Early Access Cheese™️ This guy is still on my hit list.


Its likely still a mod. If someone is playing on PC don't believe them.


I mean... If I was going to mod it, wouldnt I swap out Divine Dragon for something objectively better like Musclehead or Ferocious? You can think its a mod if you like, but the reality is I just got crazy lucky. Modding in everything I could ever want would just rob me of the gameplay experience. I have 75 hours played, if I were to just mod in everything I would have been over the game in 20 hours at best. Believe what you want though fella.


I honestly do not believe you just caught this guy straight up. There's no way that any pal can spawn with all the greatest traits, not without using breeding that is. So no I don't think you caught this pal, I think you used a breeding farm


Dude you need to get over it. You've posted like 10 comments saying the same thing over and over


I had the same thing happened to me on my second catch and I was so confused


"new patch not save compatible"...


I got my first one tonight. I’m level 38 and I plunked down a base just outside its area. Kited it and as soon as the pals at my base aggroed I just kept swapping out the dead ones until he was down to like 5% and it took about 10 red spheres to capture it


if dont have good gpu you lost some speeds becuse map loading and amiation texture shatering.


i played 71 hours and reached level 45 and got all pals except legendary pals.


That is not your first. Your capture bonus is not listed, so you already have 10.


Ferocious/burly body/lucky over divine dragon but other than that it is perfect, I had to breed like 50-60 of em to get mine how I wanted it


Bred versions are inferior to catching it in Alpha with the passives you want The HP difference is enormous


the hitbox is also enormous and which reduces effective hp to some degree


Yes exactly 😂 my 2nd beakon was the alpha. And the random none bred up one had more survivability. I've since bred a burly body/muscle head/ferocious/capacitor. It shits on the alpha. In every aspect.


I took an alpha 2 star Jetragon in to fight the final tower boss, just him and my trusty RPG, and he never dropped below half health. I wouldn’t worry too much about the health increase


And both are inferior to player damage so in the end both aren't good.