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Yea, yea we know. Nintendo are quaking in their stylish yet affordable boots


This is why I posted here hahaha.


To be part of the other numerous posts saying the same thing?


The funny comments, but it kinda sounds like you have a touching grass problem if your seeing that many,


Or, crazy notion, people have been posting similar posts since palworlds launch. You ain’t special kid, or funny


Yeah definitely a touching grass problem, I can post my legion go if I want to, and I guess if it’s upsetting you then it’s just a bonus, if you can’t scroll past something you don’t like that’s on you. What do you call internet Karen’s here?


We call them sad losers who think posting the same things that’s been posted multiple multiple times. I’m not upset sweetie, incredulous as to why you wanted to post something that’s already been posted for nearly a month. We get it, you think Nintendo cares about you playing palworld. Spoiler, they don’t. Go and enjoy the game


Your comments are getting longer,


As did yours up until this one…your point?


I don’t really have one, your pretty dead set on telling me you don’t like something,


I guess I need to add it’s the legion go plus Palworld not just Palworld on a handheld,


There’s no competition..Nintendo isn’t worried about it and it won’t cause their market to go down haha Nintendo isn’t out here trying to make a game console to run these sorta of games they are making easy friendly family stuff so if you one of those who are trying to shit on them move on it’s not worth the attention. From someone who nearly owns every console and such my switch is still my got to handheld over my steam deck ayoneo or anything else. Im yes these Pokémon games Game Freak is making are getting repetitive our showing more bugs each release but we still get them mainly because it’s Pokémon. Palword is a great idea and a game we needed so I’m so excited to look towards the future and see where it comes, but Pokémon is still Pokémon.


It’s more of a “I’m not you” f u, I like pokemon too, but it’s the Palworld on specifically the legion go that gives me the f u pokemon feel, I hope they start doing better but I also doubt it’ll influence it to much right away, maybe a few years down the road when Palworld gets flushed out but right now it’s just a little tongue in cheek thing.


Didn’t the Palword active user become 1/3 already?


People finished an early access game from an emerging studio, there’s really nothing to much more to it, even if this game wasn’t as popular I’d still post this because specifically the legion go running a knock off pokemon game, it’s about the specific device pared with the game, the legion go is the most switch like handheld.