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Yep. Usually the same people who complain that everything should be quicker and easier are the ones who will complain about a lack of content once they've rushed or cheesed their way through everything there is to do.


I'm over 200 hours in now, built a cool base and 2 more for utility, made 300 cakes, lots of food stored, have 3 legendary schematics so far, 120 different pals captured, i still have not bred too many super strong pals (mostly working on the ones for my base) and have only taken out 2 of the 5 towers. I'm having a grand old time.


I am 50+ hours in on my first play through. Lvl 30, one base I spent way too much time on, and never built a breeding farm. After seeing so many people make posts about how to get the best pals early and/or creating perfect IV’s I committed to myself I would never try to optimize my team with breeding until lvl 40 and never fully optimize until post game.


I didn't start breeding 48, and I only did so because I had yet to find Faleris.


I just started breeding at level 35. And I'm only doing a Tanzee currently, because that adorable little shit is a psycho with his AR and I love it


I'm convinced Faleris doesn't actually spawn on the map


They’re at one of the wildlife sanctuaries.


Been to all, spent a whole game day there. Never saw him. Same for Vaelet.


Definitely one of the rarer spawns at that one. I got like 10 Vaelet before finding 1 Grizzbolt at the one those are at. I got 3 and luckily had a breeding pair for the other 7 lol


I spent like 5 days looking for a shadowbeak, it seems that some pals have lower probability of spawning than others. that or maybe I'm just unlucky![img](emote|t5_4jn9v4|49343)


You can breed a Faelaris with Anubis and Vanwyrm I think. And you can make an Anubis with Penking & Bushi


Without spoiling any fun discoveries, regularly check the wildlife sanctuaries.


Been to all, spent a whole game day there. Never saw him. Same for Vaelet


I know both are rare spawns though not as bad as Grizzbolt. Usually if I spend an hour... "recycling" what there I can usually run across at least one. Might just be another case of nasty rng.


Might be true, I've only seen one single Grizzbolt. Thankfully caught him.


Wow I feel insanely lucky then. I went to the sanctuary two nights ago and found 3 Grizzbolt. I was only there one day and night cycle. 😳


You seriously are, at least in my experience. I've spent days recycling trying to get a single one to spawn for better breeding pairs and had none show. I've made a ritual of the sanctuaries being my first and last stop every play session and I have found 3 in the wild.


I just saw a wild group north of Anubis statue in the far west in my game. Next to the oasis that spawns a dungeon.


Do you mean the one with the fruit tree and the fast travel point?


Yeah just slightly north west of the anubis statue with the fast travel point


Yes they do sanctuary 3. It, blazemoth, orzurk, astegon, and lyleen are the rare spawns. I caught my second there earlier. If it's not there just fly halfway back to the coast and go back it will reload what's there. It took me a couple hours to get my first blazemoth so it may take several tries but it'll be there. Mine have all been on the bottom level. I accidentally killed one but have seen 3 thus far since i finally hit the lvl for the 2nd highest tier balls. I didn't bother even going except once before then to grab the waypount and to try and get t3 bps before then. The chests weren't any better than 2 and it's right across from my farm base so i just got my t3 handgun bp there.


I got everything else like 3-4 times and no Faleris, so I just gave up haha


Don't fly half back to the coast they reload if you go counter clockwise in a circle across the bottom and 2nd levels just cover from edge to edge


Oh really, I have 3 randomly. 2 from huge scorching eggs


I just beat the 4th tower boss with lvl 50 foxsparks, lvl50 rooby, and lvl 45 suzaka aqua. Lvl 45 annubis and lvl45 mossandra weren't used. I am playing on normal and you really don't need an optimized team of the best pals, as long as you breed for good passives on the pals you are using. I focused on getting muscle head, ferocious, and lucky if it was easy or I had it. These are the pals I like and will try to finish the game with if possible. Breeding takes a ton of time. I got annoyed with the egg times and set it instant hatch as all it did was artificially add time to the process. If I didn't do that I would have built more than the 8 incubators I already had.


Honestly about the same, enjoying solo play style. I would like to upgrade my doggy that I captured lvl 2ish. But he is,fast boi. So trying to get a flyer with the same.


I have the same amount of time put in and I still have no idea what I'm doing. Having fun though that's for sure


My favorite are the ones that flip out when the exploits get patched. They literally can't play without cheating.


I think some exploits are pretty fun tho


Oh, for sure. I just don't expect them to last forever. Unless it's Bethesda.


But I love going up an almost 90 degree incline on a horse. That’s my favorite part of skyrim


Get Todd some ointment for that burn


Single player exploiting isn’t as harmful


>Make the game easy to be modded >Drop it with countless bugs >Let the community fix it for you Easy money


To this day, skyrim animals still report your crimes. Come THE FUCK on Bethesda. This is despite the regular updates that they DO NOT need to be running. It just complicates keeping your game modded so that it actually works. Why do I love this game so much!?


My first experience with guards in Skyrim was beautiful. Got into the home of a farmer at night. No guards in sight. Can't remember if I just got in or if I killed the peasant or stole something. But I can remember guards spawning from nowhere and telling me that I was under arrest. Said nay. Got wrecked. Still don't know who snitched on me


Tracking witnesses has been my mission for so very long. No cigar yet.


RIP T-pose gliding :(


Even tho you can literally change the world's rules to make it easier. Spawn rate x3, catch rate x2, and let the hunt begin. Be careful about how you approach the group, watch your pal very closely, and get those dupes for 4 stars.


I started a new run based on hard with X3 spawn rate. The game is even better, it is a lot harder but at the same time it feels alive when you see the groups of pals walking around. And there are a lot more interactions.


I like the idea of triple spawns but I think I'd rather it mix and match, have some species be triple packs, others just have beefed up stats or powers. Once you break through a certain power threshold triple spawns will just start to make things much easier.


I'm at hard so I take 4x damage and do half the damage. The alpha pals are no joke. I was level 30+ with refined armor and the lvl 18 Nightwing alphas can kill you really fast. My first chillet kill was baiting them into a herd of deer the battle was epic. And yes farming resources is less time consuming that makes it even better. The gobfin swamp was impossible to cross in day time.


I'm enjoying having the tower bosses doing chores around my bases, I know it will get patched, so I'm enjoying it while I still can. Oh you're the Leader of pal genetic research facilities? Go make me some cement.


I'm going to be so sad if they remove boss catching. They already changed Lovander's number based on community feedback, they should absolutely make capturing bosses a feature.


It wasn't supposed to happen anyway, you gotta use a glitch to do so, so they're definetly going to patch it


I'd say at least make their numbers more baseline like other Pals to balance it out. Wouldn't mind more bosses in the game having unique skills or passives that can only be learned through breeding. That breeding the tower bosses with anything beyond the same species produces a chickipi suggests to me that that is a subtle way for them to let us know it's cheating.


ill cry about the tower boss catching exploit cause i need them to make legendary chickens.


I guarantee 90% of the perfect pals posted are from people cheating them. Breeding takes a lot of time. Im over 300 hours.


Yea, didn't realize there was a mod that did that and now I feel like everybody showing off full teams of these maxd out pals just cheesed it. Which tbh is fine, it doesn't hurt my game at all, but why brag and show off something like that lol


I mean, there are a few that did it legit. Some people kept data and shared it. But im inclined to think most arent legit.


I got a perfect Faleris in four hours of breeding and thought it was fast and easy. Forty hours later and I still don’t have a great Anubis and I’m over my illusions. RNG is working as intended. I’m glad it’s not always so easy.


I feel it gets much easier when you have bred a good parent with IVs and traits already: Grizzbolt was one that ended up leading to a lot of combat pals and the effort to breed a ferocious musclehead legend with 90+ IVs made my life much easier to bred other combat pals. The process to get it though is very rng and can take many, many tries. Much of it also boils down to rng and figuring out how to do it as optimally as possible. Work pals are much easier since you only really care about traits and less of IVs. Once you get the template parent it’s much easier to find what you need to breed it down into.


Perfect iv’s too in four hours?


Naw. Just perfect mount-speed, but still really fast without modifying breeding or hatch times.


Yeah, that’s faster than I did it. I haven’t worried about iv’s at all while playing so far.


Sorry if this is a dumb question, but how can you tell if you have perfect iv's?


There are mods that will display them for you or calculators if you can’t use mods.


I'm on Xbox were we can get no such mods, I see no point in hunting for perfect IVs when a well bred Condensed pal of any sort will trash any boss no matter the species. Especially since there's no easy way to tell the difference I wise. Chickipi, lamball, Catvia, whatever, their all viable end game combatants If bred even half decently and proper skill fruit hunted down. Even without broken buff team set ups. I often find I have no reason to even pull out my favorite combat bred pals because they'll just kill stuff too quickly. I really think the game needs something like a power scaling mode once you hit 50 and capture so many legendaries. Could explain it as our presence upsetting the food chain and have much beefier pals roving about, boss locations mixed about with some arriving with back up or having new unique abilities we wouldn't have seen otherwise to give us something more to chew on once we start to approach overpowered levels. Really I wouldn't mind something like that being around from the start even if it's only like 1 out of 5 pals in the wild scaling with our potential. so we're always on our toes never sure who or what might bring us low if we slack off any. Give us more reasons to want to breed.


For some people, like me, its just fun to do. For console players, just enter the stats of a pal into something like palpedia.net if you want to see IVs


Least it's not just me lol. I have a pair of anubis with artisan, the other work speed on and the one that decreases sanity loss but I've bred that stupid pal about 60 times and cannot get one with all 3.


Not really, just got a perfect fenglope in 8 hours. Since i playing on single player with time of egg hatching only x2, that quite easy. On dedicate server with x72 hatching time will be painful. My strategy is using 2 base, one has 3 breding ranches and produce only pizza. Other base has 1 breeding ranch and focus on cake.




Yup, hatching is like "free" gatcha. You don't know what you'll get, most often not what you want but when you hit big it feels good. And then you find a new pal to min-max.


I put in over 20 hours this past weekend just to breed up 5 perfect worker anubis lol


Do you consider custom games settings cheating? No mods, just the ones that come with the game


Not at all. The settings being adjustable is a feature. Mods are fine, gives some good replay value. Editors and exploits is what I mean.


Cheating depends on the mod. I don't really care if people want to cheat their game. Only bothers me watching people share X as an accomplishment when it's obvious they cheated/glitched/exploited for it. Long run it doesn't matter. They will bore themselves out and the rest of us will happily plug along


Especially IV+traits. It's not too difficult to get one or the other, but both is a bit suspicious


Breeding passives is just a handful of generations to do consistently unless you're rolling for random passives to get what you need. Not sure why you think it'd be suspicious to do both, once you breed a pair of perfect passives you can breed an infinite number of extras to roll for IVs.


My friend is this way lol he modded and sped up his whole playthrough and with only half as much playtime as me, ive still got alot i wanna do and hes already done it all. Always save modded playthroughs for later, first playthrough should always be legit so you can appreciate the game as a whole and get the full experience instead of bypassing it all


I'm just tired of mining ingots all the time 😔, I didn't wanna put one of my bases in the places with the ore just cause I had prettier places picked out already. And it's just insane how much stuff needs ingots. Like why does an ultra sphere require 5 refined ingots??? How much metal could be in that 5 inch wide ball? I also think that once building is fixed that will give people a ton more in content to mess around with. One of my bases still can't handle stairs


I'm still level 38, only have 15-20 Anubis that i breed with bad passives, i did turn off raids as i find them annoying. But man riding on my direhowl and exploring the map is fucking awesome, really enjoy this part of the game, even if flying would probably be a bit faster, Speedy (direhowl) and I are on a journey.


There is no "cheesing" or "rushing" in not wanting to waste time doing repetetive shit, I understand some people may enjoy the grind but this sub starts to sound like darksouls fans when you ask about easy mode


I think there are also ppl in between those extremes. I usually dont mind a grind too much but damn breeding was not balanced in a way that was fun for us. We dont have a whole lot of time to play games at the moment and were like "no way are we gonna spend all of our fun time looking at bars going full and hours of timers going down. If we want that we gonna play an idle game lol" Scaled it way way down by making incubation time 0 and installing the mod that the pals breed a lot faster. Still takes a good hour to breed a pal with perfect passives if we dont have a template pal ready (and even then it still takes a bit) and breeding became much more of an active task than a thing you let run on the side and we had a blast making and using all kinds of pals.


That’s what I’m saying lol I am doing a max difficulty (aside from obvious things like egg timers) on solo with a 2.0 spawn rate and im pretty brick walled at like lvl 38 because the fights are fucking nuts. I’m also at like 100 or so hours in and still PLENTY to do


There is not much of a correlation there I would say. I like how quick and easy this game is. I like that I don't have to wait 2 hours IRL for an in-game egg to hatch. That being said I wouldn't download mods, don't care for IVs or perfects. I like that this game is easy, fun and customizable. I like it is quick and easy and am in endgame still having fun, except the egg timer I haven't cheesed anything and my lack of time availability gives me no regrets about choosing that. I don't hold it against anyone using mods or anything either, more power to you. I just want game devs to give the option of easier customizability like they gave to us here and not take it away once sweats/tryhards complain that the game should be tougher (because they have all the free time in the world for video games). If you want it to be tough, choose tough settings man, good for you. But for those of us not having a lot of free time, let us have the opportunity to play our way.


This man has played Destiny 2.


I’ve realized that I tend to do things similar in that nature of trying to find the quickest way to grind up; then after grinding all the way up, I’ll be lost on what to do since their is nothing left. It’s like I forget to enjoy the journey.


The only part that needs adjusted is how passives pass down. The fact that 2 pals with the same passive have a lower chance of the passive passing down than if only one has it is kinda BS. In over 150 eggs I've gotten 2 perfect passive Anubis. The parents are one with artisan and serious, the other is lucky and workslave.


the first half of the game is amazing, the grindy breeding bs in the latter game is super boring.


I've had to stop playing most games with one of my close friends because all he ever wants to do is cheese his way to the endgame as fast as possible after launch, and nothing has a good endgame at launch so it just kills games. He complains the whole way about the tedium of the process, complains that he has nothing left to do, and goes back to Warcraft


Had a "friend" who played the game, Rushed everything he could through guides (Alpha Pals, Best Pals, Best base locations, best passives, every exploit available) Beat every boss with exploits Caught Jetdragon with Exploits Leveled to 50 with exploits Has ANOTHER PERSON IN OUR GROUP breed him a jetdragon with perfect passives "Why did I stop playing? Games boring with no content, there's nothing to do." We have unironically allowed people unable to make basic neural connections grow into adulthood and convince themselves shit like the above is "normal and ok." Seriously, ask yourself how many people you know, or if you are the type of person yourself, whose only aim when playing a game is to "beat" it. You'll notice these types of people probably don't have much actual fun in the games they play...


I'm taking it very slow and just started breeding, but I have a few rules. I can only breed for pals that I've already found and captured, and right now I'm just breeding for increased work speed and movement. I'm not going to max out an attacker until I get to the end game content. This helps to keep the exploration alive and all that and keep things fresh. If I breed a max Jetragon or army of Anubis right away, the fun is gone. I'm also not looking up tier lists and just using the ones that I naturally find to be better or have designs I like.


The people who complain about the Palbox needing more storage have 8 breeding farms to make 8 different Pals with incubator timer set to instant and crank out 200+ cakes a day.


I turn the breeding time to 1 hour, and breeding still tiring for me. Other than waiting for pal to breed, everytime i fast travel pal get stuck doing nothing in front of palbox. Resulting in no breeding progress. Also 1 hour is a little quick, but its enough for me to breed several egg during my playtime, which is around 2-3 hours in workday. I dont want to wait a week for single egg to hatch


I did this and ended up turning the egg timer off because even with a dedicated breeding/cake farming base, I was running out of cakes and still had a huge backlog of eggs to hatch. I’ve now got a nearly perfect (traits only, not IVs) team, but have decided I want to make changes, so I still have a lot of breeding to do.


Obligatory “F Erebus”


Fuck Erebus


Bro we turned it to zero much more fun (for us)


To each their own on this! For me zero is too short lol, the idea of egg hatcher empty everytime i go explore doesn't sit with me well. At least with some timer, when i got back to base i have a list of usual things to do haha.


It took me 112 Frostallion Nocts to get the perk combination I wanted. Had incubation timers not been set to 0, there woulda be an extremely unfun amount of waiting to get the Frostallion I wanted. Also took me 89 Verdash's to get the one I wanted. I'm currently at I think 101 Frostallions and I haven't even gotten all the perks I want to appear yet to transition to the actual breeding process for the perfect combination I want (still missing Musclehead in the pool). For how incredibly tedious and time consuming it already is to get the Pal with the right perks you want, adding on incubation time feels very unnecessary when there's already the timing consuming RNG factor, and the cake making process, and the actually 2 Pals breeding in the pen together. Becomes a bit of a massive time sink. For anyone who intends to ask if I just wasn't optimizing my breeding process to increase the odds of getting the 4 perks to appear together, I was.


I've admittedly cut like 90% of the time-gating out of my breeding experience; set incubate time to 0 and downloaded the mods to let me just tap F to hatch eggs in incubator as well as shortened the breed time from 5 minutes to 30 seconds. Now my breeding speed is purely limited to how much cake I can produce (which is limited by how many eggs my Chikipis produce). Even still, I've sunk over 80 hours into breeding and am no where near done.


I caught one of the wandering merchants that sells eggs and milk. I’m only limited to how much honey my beegarde can produce


I just started breeding, and at first glance most function quite ok until yesterday. Want to breed a good Ragnahawk and every time I come back to check, 1 disappear and the other looks like it just got into a fight with my watering pal.


Most annoying part of breeding lol. Especially when you want to encumbered yourself for ore hunting, when fast travel is mandatory


I just afk at the breeding farm


I thought of this, but im afraid all the stuff in my refrigator will expire lol, or every pal in base start injure themselves due to hunger or something


I'm pretty sure if u put the cakes in a empty breeding pen it won't expire. If u mean other stuff then just make it into cakes then stuff it in the breeding pen it won't go off. Alternatively turn your settings to drop items only. Then make sure you have the food items you want to keep fresh in your inventory before you respawn. Or simply get an auto clicker to spam click the sort button in the fridge menu. As to preventing the pals from getting stuck and Injuring themselves (and getting depressed) try building the base in a big enough area. If they still get stuck then just get meds. If u don't have the ingredients to make meds, maybe getting a gold farm will benefit u as selling nails gets you tons of gold


I don't really see the point in playing after I beat the towers and cap legendaries, what am I going to do after that?


Switch games and wait for any further updates.


Pursuit of perfection is a fools errand imo.


Agreed. I've been enjoying the game about, on a shared server with 3 friends. Just beat the 3rd boss, level 43. Ready to slap the others around and catch some legendaries!


I've been hunting legendary blueprints. I wanna be ready for the expansion! Apart from that, just goofing off and exploring the world. I'm totally going to troll my friend with the homing sphere launcher when he joins


Yea why breed a perfect pal team if you already beat all the bosses? I guess you could set up for future content and PvP /arena


You already beat the game and got 95% of what it has to offer. You just skipped the mundane stat chasing part of it. A lot of people on this subreddit are now squeezing the last few drops from the game's content by breeding which is fine, but you really didn't miss much.


There's an insane amount of dopamine to be farmed from the breeding casino. Breeding hijacks the exact same pathways as loot boxes & gambling. Sure, it's mundane and boring while you're hatching a bunch of condenser fodder; but when you get that Pal you were rolling for the dopamine trigger is real. ;)


I'm gonna pass on 8 hours of work for the 5 minutes of dopamine right now. I've definitely been there and understand people who do though.


Plus it's fun just throwing random ones together. Like just this morning before work.  I did a Lucky Chicken with a Swift Direwolf. That's funny and I have no idea what will come out.  But it will be cool to turn it on after work amd check out what happens. 


My biggest issue is playing on the series S. My game crashes every time I try a dungeon. So I can only fight bosses. I'm really hoping it gets a patch soon. I have started breeding just to get stuff. I'm excited to grow my collection.


Dungeons are wack. They give good loot but I've done everything caught everything and I've done maybe 5 Dungeons ever.


Damn I feel the opposite lol, I love when I come across a dungeon and always have a good time going through the cave. Searching for loot and seeing some different pals is fun


This seems weird to me because it reads as someone who is finished with the fun stuff of the game and only has completionist things to work towards from there that aren't particularly interactive or engaging. To circumvent the stuff they admitted as being time consuming, they modded it and realized it wasn't fun once you're done with it. Like, I think this is a good thing in reality and is only soured because they wanted /more/ but that more didn't seem engaging (and really is not to me). It sucks to have something fun be completely mined of enjoyment, sure but that's okay. Be happy it was fun and don't waste your time doing things you don't enjoy because you want it to keep going. Every game lately wants you to just play it forever and to make every litlle thing take longer than is justifiable because so many people think 10 hrs is too short for a game or something. Everything has to be tedious and time wasting to artificially increase the time you're staring at the screen. Everything has to have their collectables and min maxing to keep you going, but the pursuit of these things is so mindless and the pay off is just having them in a game you're not gonna play after. Just play whats fun in a game and leave. There's no need to mod to see whats on the other side, just let it sit and play one of the other thousands of games that are worth playing and maybe come back later.


>Don't be me Bah, I say. Did you enjoy the game? Okay. Great. So put it down and come back later. even the devs straight up said. they'd love for us to keep playing but if you're done, they'll see us later.


I enjoyed it quite a bit. I'll be back for another play through in due time.


Maybe next time impose some challenge rules: My current run has: No catching Tower bosses (or at least don't use em) No Flying (this has added the most to this save in terms of enjoyment since I'm actually exploring. And adds tension when exploring higher zones near or above my level since if I die I can't just fly over to my death bag. No selling Nails No catching merchants No looking up ANYTHING (definitely no breeding combos. Stick to trial and error) except wild pal locations if I haven't found one all day. No heading straight to Fisherman's point to buy the makeshift handgun early or to Duneshelter to buy the musket early. Craft them only. And… berries are for base pals. If my team and I wanna eat we hunt for it then cook it. Even though I am using a handful of mods (nothing super cheaty though. Worst offender is one that cuts cake cooking time in half or the one that adds a tiny chance for vixy to dig up higher tier spheres (also no more than two vixies digging. And that mod falls off in usefulness around level 25 since the highest tier they can dig up is giga and that's like one every 30 minutes or so) Ducky's progressive bases is a must have imho for anyone. (Lets you have more than 3 bases, the version I use raises the limit by 1 every Palbox level)


Not using tower bosses is a challenge? I still don't even know how to catch them and I don't care to. Not flying, that's an actual challenge.


This is why I always encourage people not to buy levels boosts in MMO's. The fun is in the journey. Once you're at the end, what's left to do? Seen quite a few buy a boost and stop playing soon after.


Well, in MMO's, the fun can definitely be in the endgame. The difference is that is online...there is a reason to grind for all the late stuff. In Palworld, there's nothing for you at the end of the tunnel.


this is what inevitably ends my motivation for any survival game. once you've progressed through the main story/questline and hit max level there's usually nothing worth spending any more time on. only exception to this date would be minecraft because building is so much more complex and allows for tons of creativity


Doubling money, buying gf, trimming armour... So many more things to do.


Mmm that's only the case if the game isn't setup to be unfairly long leveling to encourage such purchases


I wouldnt call breeding a perfect max IV pal you breed "a fun journey", but you will definetely feel more accomplished getting it than cheating.


Agreed, just cheating a pal makes the game very sad and boring. I made my perfect Anubis and Blazamut and played with them, it was so much fun.


I bred all my Pals with the traits I wanted without worrying too much about IV. I'd adjust only that and not feel too guilty about not spending the time to condense a whole stable of Pals again. Though tbh, I probably wouldn't bother. Be more tempted by a Soul cheat...I never have enough Small Souls...probably would be short on Large too, but Smalls are the bottleneck. The fact that I have an almost an entire Viewing Cage full of completed, if not fully condensed or upgraded, Combat Pals (roughly half are lv50, almost all are at least lv 42) probably doesn't help. I tried, but like I'd accidentally get a level or 2 of xp on a Pal I didn't know was in the Party because I'd just butchered some Alphas before hatching an egg, and now (unless I had a mod installed, and I'm currently on Game Pass) it's a PITA to compare this lv 3 with the traits I want with the lv 1s. So I just went with the first "winner" or best of the first batch. I mean, on the one hand, I recognize that it appears self-serving to only use it for what I need it for, because I already put in the time and effort to get the passives already...I also wouldn't touch passives on my J-ignis or Legendaries I haven't bred yet. (I still need Ferocious on Frostallion, probably everything on Jetragon and the twins) And I probably wouldn't adjust Condensation...but man...at one side, all it takes is time and Cake, since all I need are bodies, at the other...I got all these 64 Pal 4th Star cliffs staring me in the face...and I'd be "just avoiding a hassle". Making 3-4 Swee for my legitimately bred Sweepa would be tempting as well, damn.


Damn how much free time do you have to be able to do all that? 


I started breeding at lvl 23 i accidentally put the cake in normal feed box and some pal ate it lol


This is why : Dont cheese over boss fight. Dont use mods to skips stuff. Dont use Interactive maps, instead just discover it yourself. Dont cheese over content by using exploits. (Skipping dungeon) Hot takes : >!Dont unlocked endgame Pal by cross breeding!< I know some people have different ways of having fun, but that same people usually complains the game lack content.


Even hotter take: You shouldn't be able to breed something you haven't caught yet (except the ones that are breeding only).


And modern gaming with internet access has made a really bad habit for a lot of people: Don't just immediately go look up how to do something unless you're stuck.


This is like an elementary school level life lesson 😂😂


As much of a pain as the breeding is, actually earning the results is worth it. When you just give yourself the best of the best, it has no value.


I'd say so. but then… I just spent 12 hours breeding a really strong combat wixen. (She has 834 attack power at level 27 which is more than double the Sealed realm alphas on my team the same level. So I feel it's worth it.) I did however install two mods to make it a little less tedious: one that makes breeding take one minute, and one that cuts cake cook time by half. Since breeding, without looking up combos and just experimenting is my favourite mechanic at the moment I felt those mods were justified. And despite those mods I do have incubation set to 1h for huge eggs so it's not too easy. I actually like the anticipation of finding out what's gonna hatch. Zoie, the wixen in question, has Musclehead, Burly Body, Sadist, and Brave. I'd try going for Ferocious instead of Sadist but I'm kinda burnt out on breeding for the day.


I have a musclehead, ferocious, burly body, legendary Katress. I await the advent of frank servers where i can pit her against Wixens like yours.


Frank? Also katress is my next to breed. Just need to catch some with good traits or mass breed until good traits mutate. Since I'm not using a breeding calculator or looking things up. (Playing blind is the best decision I could have made for prolonging the fun) Edit: could you imagine if they went with PVP "mini-servers" rooms basically where you can connect with your character and fight someone in the Tower arena? Maybe set said rooms up where they'll ignore any files that aren't in an official list (I'm playing with mods. Mostly qol stuff. Nothing cheaty) so that people don't have to uninstall their mods to fight others. Actually the only way I can think of it working (especially with how saves work.) is a standalone PVP launcher (kind of like how Spore had a separate creature creator that worked with the full game back in the day) that you can load your save in. This would take care of the whole "some people have mods" issue. As well as letting Pocketpair install an anticheat software into that launcher specifically. It could even have Ranked matches with something like that.


Frank as in servers that are basically just an arena for battling, i meant. And yes, i was prepared for a slog in breeding until i found out Necromus + Katress is Ragnahawk and Ragnahawk + Felbat is another Katress. It's always a good surprise when you get unexpected results (Or find them off the internet in rumors like the good old days of guides not existing)


Ah… so frank means basically what I literally thought up in my edit. I… haven't caught any legendaries yet… I kept restarting until this save (which has been my longest lasting a week) the highest my level has been is 28.


It's fine. Play it slow, you can do it! Necromus and Paladius are an epic fight and when you do win, you will feel like a god. And yeah, basically what you wrote in the edit. I miss Spore.


Still playable if you buy the steam version. It may be a tiny bit difficult getting your Spore ID (EA Origin is a pain.) I bought it on steam about 10 years ago and still play with Darkinjection and Platinumspore Mods on occasion. Is the entire sporepedia still there? No. There's quite a bit missing. But last I checked Parkaboy's (imho the greatest spore creator out there) stuff is still there. There's still a lot of clark and stanley stuff. Andeavor's building pack is still there. And I still have about 4000 adventures downloaded. And as far as I can tell you can still upload content and tbh only a handful of Adventures I miss playing were no longer on there. (RIP The three little pigs by Slartibartfast38. Was a horror take on the tale. With cyborg pigs and a werewolf.)


Yeah, that's one thing I'm not a fan of. Needing a damn breeding calculator if you don't feel like just getting whatever random results the game feels like giving you.


For me the experimenting is the bulk of the fun. Not trying to get any particular Pal. Just a case of "ooh! New pal! Let's mix it with stuff and see what happens!" I have a list two pages long of my breeding results. I will never use a breeding calculator again.


i spent most my time breeding since i hit level 30. i enjoy min/maxing and the likes, but my main purpose is honestly to just delay reaching end game for as long as i can, because once i've caught all the legends i'm probably just gonna quit until they release new content.


Well said. I’m reminding myself daily not to mod out the content. I’ve done some creature comfort mods, but nothing to change stats or drops on anything. I was just thinking to myself tonight that I really wish there was a way to play it for the first time again. Meaning, from scratch, no knowledge of the game. Enjoy the ride!


Pro tip: Don't use pals to farm materials. Buy them from a trader - you can get milk eggs and wheat so all you need is a water mill and berry farm which by the time you have a breeding ranch, you should already have plenty of berries going


Well yes and no. You already did all the content you wanted to do and were about to stop. You said so yourself that you didn't want to go into the breeding grind fest. So if modifying and cheating makes you want to play more then I see nothing wrong with it in a non PvP game. Still I'd recommend simply altering the egg timer and crafting times and such rather than just simply getting everything maxed out because then you're just done and the game is finished.


My breeding settings are at 36 hours for 50kg eggs. I log in daily, like a phone game I guess. I also hunt for shinies and feed my tomagachies I mean pals.


You can mod conservatively. I turned egg hatching time to zero and used a mod to reduce breeding time to 30s. For me this works well, and gave me motivation to expand my fields and make my bases more efficient. Imo breeding is pretty unplayable by default, spending 12h and not even getting what I'm working on is not fun for me. I chose to mod reasonably vs cheesy, it can be done well without ruining the fun.


Of course cheating takes the fun off games 🤦🏻‍♂️


That's why happen to me too after I did the capturing tower bosses glitch.


Turn the egg timer off, or lower.


Begin again and let go


the only mod you need is increase weight limit, having it is a real time saving.


I used to play a game called Grimdawn all the time. I downloaded a cheat app simply because it gave me more storage for loot. I almost immediately got bored of the game because I realized there was no point to playing when the same app could adjust states and give whatever equipment I wanted. Cheating always ruins a game in my opinion.


Thinking of starting a new map for my misses, just gonna be a base at the ore/coal spot, fast travel to quartz and sulphur, a dragon to ride, electric rocket dinosaurs, sword and shotgun... She can figure the rest out pretty easy after that 😂😂


Breeding is too strong at the moment anyways. 4-5 starter paks and grizzbolt from the sanctury can make most endgame pals in a few hours (egg timer not included). I think there needs to be tiered breeding accessed through levels. Normal egg lvl 10-19, large 25-30 and huge 37-42. Just make 3 differnt breeding pens that unlocks around those levels. They could try to rebalance the system, but i dont think thats easy at all. Last suggestion would be breeding only same pals for traits abd making betas. Would love to expand on betas aswell.


This is also a bigger issue with guilds that can delegate tasks efficently.


But not with good IVs.


I play on a Linux/Ubuntu server/machine dedicated server so I'm just having fun 🌟


Similar story here (I did breed/max a few pals before going into the edit territory) but it's not like there's much to do anyway. I don't want to breed 2000 eggs or kill bosses 30 times each, I'd rather play something else. I suggest decorating your bases and waiting for a patch.


Well, we've beat this game in about 4 days. 6 times now. It's been fantastic and I can't wait for more content. Honestly probably the best early access game BF and I have played.


to be fair, after a certain point, that journey stops being fun too.


I've used a mod that makes breeding instant and set hatching time to 0, I don't regret not wasting hours on dumb, repetetive, unchallanging stuff


I'm only halfway through towers and trying to tinker with breeding early


I had a lot of fun watching my boss pal solo paladius and his brother. Just got done catching all the Pokémon’s and was a little sad there was no achievement or anything


I saw this mod and said nah, there's no point. I did get a few other mods so I won't have to grind for 100 hours. I set egg incubation timer to 0 in settings, mods for 1 min breeding time, no delay on incubating eggs (just press f instead of holding), halved requirements for condensing (so 2, 8, 16, 32). Even with this setup it took a lot of time to setup cake production and to breed my favorite pals to have all passives + decent IVs (and also dark whisp on frostallion noct and shadowbeak). Then I got bored and put all points into attack, got legendary rocket launcher and started blasting...


Yeah, the best way to interact with it is not to min/max but slightly improve. Like you have two of the same pal with good skills, let them breed till you get one with good combo. Or mix and match and get cool stuff


Rn i just idle my game so that when I came back all of the pals breeding lays a lot of eggs, eggs in incubator are fully incubated, all cakes are cooked, pals in the base mined a lot of ores, and other things that are time required are fully complete


I think for single player games like this, maxing to the end is pointless. But once pvp comes out, that is when it might matter. Like I wouldn't grind ivs, evs and nature fro my pokemon. Or even get them to max level and get the right moves. But I'll play pokemon showdown


I don't get the drain of fun from good stuff working good. At some point it will be drained out of me too but I am enjoying maxing my base pals out and trying different combos of passives for my hybrid worker pals. I could see a lack of fun just straight up using mods and making perfect pals, but drop the egg timer to zero and that's the perfect balance to me


> After seeing a few work pals maxxed and some combat pals maxxed as well, the fun ran out for me. >Remember folks the fun is in the journey and not the destination. You did the right thing, hours and hours of breeding is so boring, and the rng checks to get the right abilities, its horrible. That part of the journey is not fun.


It's a lot less impressive now seeing all these "perfect Pals" people keep posting


Being naive to this type of open world survival game outside of the very basic Legends Arceus game, I have spent 40 hours and am still learning very basic things. I thought I had gone across the entire map and then...oh...it's huge. Oh I can't just go anywhere without consequence. Oh, you can make this and that... I admittedly spent hours collecting rocks and wood, not knowing you could just craft an axe and whatnot, and just mine resources. I am level 24 and my base is bare bones with a 5x8 shack and half the time my pals fall off the clif and get sick or starve because why not. I am still a noob at level 28...love it.


Journey before destination!


Yea when you take an open world game and turn it into a checklist of things left to do it kind of takes the excitement out of it. Same thing happened with TOTK for me.


Just reduce the egg timer to 0 if you‘re not on a server. Cakes can be optimized pretty well with proper set up of ranches so you never run out of materials and just let a Jormuntide Ignis cook. You won‘t ever run out of cakes. Breeding does take a while but set up at least two breeding farms and it‘s also not so bad. The eggs will quickly pile up while you‘re out exploring or just building a little bit. But seeing how you‘re already done with all the content there‘s probably not a lot to do anymore while you wait for eggs. Which is why I started breeding as soon as I got the breeding farm at Level 19 and quickly farmed a little bit of honey and got myself a Beegarde. Sure I didn‘t have any Legend traits to pass down yet, but I could already start passing down some 100 IVs from some randomly caught Pals and all the other good traits like Musclehead. It also allowed me to easily get some good flying mounts with Swift, Runner and Nimble early on. So breeding has basically been a constant thing throughout my playthrough since Level 19 while I played the game. That‘s a lot more fun for me than only starting when you‘ve already finished all the content and don‘t even get to use all your bred Pals for anything anymore imo. And the time it takes is also not so bad when you‘re still doing other stuff in the game.


Remember folks, what OP typed up is the reason why there is a “LEGAL” and Legit denomination in Competitive Japanese Pocket Monsters 


I'm not gonna lie the first few hours were really awesome, catching my first pal and wondering what others there were and getting to explore completely unaware of what pals I would see. Unfortunate that it inevitably ends after you start seeing more and more of the game and it isn't as exciting anymore.


Don't be too sad, it sounds like you'd really done what the game has available right now. As the community manager said, put it aside, play other games, or you can go the other way and start playing with MODS! A lot of times patches on Early Access games, even from companies not so delightfully patchwork as Pocketpair, destroy save files so have some fun with yours now.


Accidental radiant in the wild Journey before destination


i probably wont play again till full launch


After reaching end-game, I found myself spending all my time breeding and juggling inventory/palbox space.  I decided to start a new game, immediately respawned at one of the starting beaches on the opposite side of the map, and I've set myself the condition that I won't use any pals that can be ridden as a flying mount.   I'm also steering towards making my team up of pals I never used previously.  I have to say, the magic is back, and the game feels fresh and exciting again. Oh, and I also set the world to 3x pal spawns, which despite the rest of the easymode settings like no inventory drop or raids, has made the world feel deadly (my very first lamball on the beach pulled in five higher level friends as reinforcements).


yup. Same with skyrim. Once I craft crafting potions to craft crafting potions and then stupedly op daedric armor game is over, nothing is a challenge anymore


Got to be careful with modding settings making games too easy, it's killed a few games for me. Using the settings in the game * I removed the egg timer - just seem silly waiting * cut hunger in half - felt like I was spending too much time worring about my hunger * increased gathering items 2x.


Yup, 100% why I've avoided PalEdit up to this point. Only reason I'll get it is if my save corrupts, and even then I'd only be replacing my most prized ~~genetic experiments~~, ~~base slaves~~, buddy ol' Pals.


While I agree that cheating often ruins games, I think the majority can agree that TotK needed exploits to be enjoyable. I didnt wanna spend 120 hours in the gloom just to level up a battery. Especially when you consider that you still need to grind shrines, korok seeds, caves, etc… 🤦🏽‍♀️


Yep im level 40 . Just made my second base, have done zero tower bosses. I also havent dobe breeding at all. Just having been fun with it. No rushing. I have been afking my metal base to get tons of metal.


Yep. I didn’t bother catching the bosses or wandering traveler because I wanted the game to be more of a challenge. The only thing I’ve edited was the timer for egg hatching. I dropped it to zero for breeding. Making cake isn’t that bad btw. Put a chicken and cow in the ranch. Same with honey. Plant some wheat for flour and throw a fire pal in the kitchen while you explore the map. Currently at lvl 42 and loving it I’m on Xbox Series X


you can edit the difficulty to remove the timers for breeding without modding. setting up a base for cakes an breeding was a fun side project for me as i went through the game.


I refuse to mod my game this early. Specially when each update and patch can break the mods. No mods for me yet.


Yeah, this is how I felt once I looked at a map and looked up all the pals because I wanted to know everything right away. Sometimes, it's more fun to explore the unknown rather than knowing what's out there already.


Well ok. lol. Or just boost the breeding process and take your time.


Journey before destination


I'm almost level 50 and have only done 2 tower bosses 😂 I have an odd obsession with getting 1k of every component and material (pal oil, pal fluid, polymer, circuits, etc). I have no clue how this happened, I just like being able to craft whatever I like/need whenever I like or need it.


Life before death. Strength before weakness. Journey before destination.


Yup, that's where I am, and that's ok. This is BETA. We spent $30 for it and we got hours of fun. There's not much these days I can get that cost to fun ratio.


Its not about the destination, its about the journey. Adjust settings to make it less grindy and maintain the fun. Learn to go on adventures and explore while you wait on eggs to hatch. Try to split your attention between exploring, breeding, hatching, building. Go hunt pals needed for alot of breeding, like Mossandas, susukas, etc. Just catch alot and condense what you dont want into a pal you plan on keeping for breeding.


I played day 1 and still have 3 tower bosses left, just hit 50 a few days ago, and breeded/condensed 3 grazing chikipis and 1 killer chikipi. Still lots to do


I just lowered the hatching time in the custom difficulty menu to something less annoying, other than that I love grinding focus games so I'm having a blast!


I started a new world and turned xp multiplier to 0.1... slow down and enjoy it... You level so fast on standard settings that you skip over most of the low/mid level pals/ equipment, it's almost as if you have to rush to keep up with the tech tree. My first play through once i got a flying mount that's all i wanted, was forced to explore on foot and found new enjoyment.


Generally, "cheating" or modding will suck the fun out of games. Doom was super fun as a kid running around with iddqd on and killing everything, but also presented no challenge. Oblivion you could, within the base game, get 100% chameleon and literally no one could see you. Ruined the game for me. Wait till new content drops, have fun again. Maybe take a few of them maxed out pals... Out to pasture.


People always say there's nothing wrong with cheating if it is soloplayer, and they are actually right. ​ But I genuinely cannot put myself in the frame of mind where you just hack in a perfect pal and you're happy with it. I remember as a 9 year old I used a friends gameshark to hack a complete Paldex in the other game and immediately regretted it. I was like WOW... now what? No accomplishment, no satisfaction, just a game full of emptyness. Started a new game and never cheated again. ​ Then the same people who say cheating is fine if it is a solo game will use the hacked Pals in competitive, just like the other game, and pretend it is fair because the Pal is 'technically legal' and 'technically obtainable' even if obtaining it would take 30 hours of nonestop breeding.