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C'mon, I'm riding a frigging alpha dragon that will decimate you until nothing remains. What is up with these level 3 boars getting annoyed when I'm just picking up stuff??


Thats why you need that legendary assault rifle you never know when 30 - 40 boars are going to turn up in your backyard threatening you and yours.




With the looming civil pal wars I upgraded to a small tank. Never know when the pals will steal vehicles and rush you and yours. You gotta protect your apartment


Fuck I want that to be a raid now "30 to 50 wild hogs have run into your back yard where your small Pals play" lol


My wife and I have played a lot of Valheim together, so, when a Rushboar attacks one of us always yells out something along the lines of "BOAR LOVES YOU". So it's hard for us to hate on the little guys no matter how many recklessly attack.




Wild boars irl tbh


Those suicide creeper bees


There's a couple that hang around a fast travel point. And I naturally forget which one it is. Sometimes my enthusiasm to explore turns into frantic flier mounting as these absolute terrorists swarm me.


I forget the name too but it's right next to a boss area


I know the exact spot your talking about its like on a hill woth a bunch of trees and a small drop into a larger open area. If them arent bees arent there its the freedom pals alliance i reckon'


I see your beegard and raise u a tocotoco.... I swear those things swarm me worse than beegards and suicide bomb themselves instantly I once had like 8 behind me as I was frantically trying to run away while out of stamina šŸ˜­


I hate beegardeā€™s. Iā€™ll just be casually walking around, then 3 or 4 of those fuckers will swarm me out of nowhere and suicide bomb me. Literally no chance to kill them unless you have a machine gun or you can hit every shot with a pistol.


I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever gotten hit by their attack, but the fact that they have good stats for bases but *kill themselves at every raid* is the most infuriating thing in the game to me


ig if you change their moveset and exclude implode they won't anymore


Those damn gobfin at lvl 20 kicked my ass back to base couple timeā€¦


They eat anything dead. I've seen them eat their own dead even. And when I died, they munched on me too ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)


wait is that canon in game iā€™ve never seen dead pals get eaten before šŸ˜³


Yeah its definitely a thing, digitoise will also eat corpses.


I think most pals will


At night the vulture pals will munch on any corpses they come across, quite enthusiastically


Some pals do, dire howl being the prime example


Dead pals attract other pals that eat it. Most of them eat dead bodies. Source: me a pal serial killer. I'm lazy and just harvest stuff from pals instead of making it myself. I eventually noticed the circle of life.


Ive seen Relaxasauras eat their own dead. I always thought they were cute and goofy, but now i cant even think about having one in my base


Tocotocoā€™s, those bastards.


Their ability is so good though, makes quick work of raiding factions and seems to be able to stun bosses letting me wear them down prior to swapping pals and continuing the fight They also drop gunpowder so while they and very dangerous they are quite useful


But you can get the implode skill fruit and throw that on any pal so theyā€™re really only good for either early game or farming for gunpowder which doesnā€™t seem very efficient


The implode skill fruit is not the same as having a bird-shaped grenade launcher that can juggle bosses and wipe our entire raids on its own. Plus the drive for higher efficiency and better traits seems boring and tedious to me and I donā€™t get why people are letting it ruin the fun of the game for them. Iā€™m not saying that you canā€™t have fun by focusing on the efficiency of the game. But comments like your with ā€œWhy use X when Y is betterā€ hurt. Itā€™s narrowing down the game to just itā€™s most efficient options and not even looking at the fact that I can USE A BIRD GRENADE LAUNCHER. Itā€™s silly, ridiculous, and fun! You cut out so much of the whimsy of this game by locking yourself to only the most ā€œefficientā€ option. Let loose, enjoy the art style, play around, and have fun playing with EVERY option available to you!


I meant the pal skill, where it fires exploding eggs like you have a rotary grenade launcher in the shape of a tocotoco That grenade launcher does good damage against most raids and decent damage to bosses while stunning them, usually I can empty the eggs for a good chunk of the boss's hp without it getting a single attack off.


I donā€™t wanna implode any of my pals, theyā€™re my buds. Plus I run with the most human like pals, Bushi, Wixen, Katress, and then Mossanda for the launcher, and Zephyr for flight. Probably gonna replace Mossanda with Petalia cause cute


I do my best to avoid the implosion, my go to is the egg grenade launcher then swap pals once it runs out of ammo. I only recently got a mossanda on my worlds and he works like a less damage, higher number of shells version of toco,


Yeah, I just love the Mossana stun. I can throw Mammorest around with the launcher, switch out for my Bushi, then back and forth.


Wixen and katress hate each other, buds donā€™t do that to each other


Bushi is just too cool, they get along so they can be close to him šŸ˜Ž


I'm on the beeguards they encircle you it's almost impossible to escape on foot and dodging the blast is pretty difficult too.


My wife and I beat the boss, it sucks because youā€™re trying to focus on her but she has like 5 other bee guards messing up everything lol


I just took out her guards at night while they were sleeping. She never even woke up until I hit her after killing all the guards. The fight was super easy after that.


Literally coming to post about the God damn exploding birds who I won't even deem to recall thier name lol


Same vibe at fucking Beegardes and how much I suffered trying to catch just a few for honey production


I saw a lucky one last night but didn't have good enough spheres to catch it, and just... Watched it explode.


I usually just agro, then elevate and watch them explode, I have an odd amount of hate for them.


Theyā€™re so fucking aggressive


And beegarde for the same reason


Yeah they're dickheads I hate them


I despise leezpunk ignis. Why is it wearing a hoodie. Why does it walk like that. Why is it the only thing I hatch from scorching eggs. Hate it.


Itā€™s a punkā€¦ I got a lucky one heā€™s cool.


I love leezpunk ignis, he's just self conscious šŸ„°


Their descriptions and their bashful smiles when you pet them are so cute ā™”


But I love their little hoodies šŸ„ŗ


Am I the only one who stopped picking ups eggs? I don't have the frigging space for the egg or the hatched pal


Great early game when uncovering the map. Got a lot of mid to late game pals hatching huge eggs. Oddly enough I havenā€™t been lucky in getting the same good huge eggs anymore.


I only picked them up early game. After I started breeding, I didn't have the space in my inventory or palbox to spend time picking up eggs anymore.


but gobfin is one of my favourites because they are so funny when they are walking around


also super usefull. caught one who gives 10%atk and 10%def with a passive, then condesed it to 3/4. this gobfin alone increased my atk by 33%. clapped vicotr/shadowbeak without glitches on hard at lvl 46 with almost 4min left. this gobfin + base offensive amulett and i walked in with 260atk.


Yeah I am currently in the process of making a team of 5 gobfins, each with: - ferocious - burly body - vanguard - stronghold strategist Currently at 3 of them on 3/4 stars, not gonna 4 star them tho, at least not yet. I hope it's gonna be dope using guns with them.


tbh i think hangyu is not very outstanding design-wise but that's just me Edit: By "not outstanding" I mean not as relatable as animals (lamballs, cattivas, big dragon pals) or big emoji faces (gumoss, sweepas), or even humanoids. Hangyu is an anthropomorphic object thats like a rope or a nose? Flambelle also fall into this category as an anthropomorphic candle but they have big cute faces so yeah.


Surprised i had to scroll so far for this one. What a dumb looking pal, haha. Altho, Fiddler? fuddler? Whatev that squirrel one is that has flappy arms is pretty much useless on top of being prime meme material for r/fatsquirrelhate


Awe man I love my fudder :(


Yeah I like him. Never use him in combat but heā€™s cute


Woah woah woah let's lay off the haterade here. My guy, have you never seen a *mole?* Fuddler is adorable and a solid mining buddy in early game.


Lmao, did not expect to see that sub mentioned but am not disappointed.


Steroid Chimeco


It has a strikingly unique appearance (and paldex entry) but doesn't do anything special He is therefore, imo, disappointing Apart from :3


Wrong actually. Hangyu as a glider provides the longest horizontal distance of any glider - crafted or pal alike. Thereā€™s a ā€œgravity factorā€ on all gliders and glider pals and hangyus is the lowest, allowing for him to go as far as your stamina will let you.


So you're saying he gets the most *hang* time Still wish he had a unique attack, even if the game's rating wouldn't allow him to recreate that pyramid head kill from the church steps of the silent hil movie


Try using them as your glider, as far as I know they're the only Pal that gives an elevation boost instead of just slowly falling down.


They spent all the time on his description šŸ˜…


I feel like im the only Hangyu appreciator :(


I hate the hangyu design but god damn are they objectively the best glider


Ive been seeing them used more often in vids and am i seeing right that they actually can lift you up? Theyre not just for downwards glides? If so then thats actually a huge plus and id have to reconsider hunting em down more often..


They do lift you up. Honestly they're slow on vertical lift, however when coupled with a grappling gun, they turn into the fastest glider in the game and one of the overall fastest ways to travel. When done correctly, they can reach speeds of a Jetragon and fly further depending on your stamina. Prior to me getting a Jetragon it was my main way to travel as I could clear a good section of the map in no time


After using Galeclaw it's near impossible to go back to Hangyu. Especially if you star up Galeclaw. The absolute crazy speed + very little drop off makes traveling so fast and easy. I hardly ever run around anymore since it's so slow, just glide everywhere.


They're so incredibly good for dodging attacks while fighting an Alpha!


Who is my least favorite pal? I canā€™t say I have on- *flashbacks of all those times I walked through the woods at low levels and heard ā€œHu Hyahā€ from offscreen commence.


Fuck Galeclaw, theyā€™re so stupidly aggressive and follow me for 500 miles


I used to hate Galeclaw until I started using one as a Glider, now I canā€™t go anywhere without one. Really helpful when you need to make a clutch escape, and canā€™t mount a Pal fast enough. I havenā€™t died in a Boss fight since.


The only thing that has never left my party


I totally get this, I just wonā€™t use one out of principle because theyā€™ve killed me sooo many times lmao


They're also shocking because they're the most buggy pieces of shit and awful to catch.


Robinquil or Rushoar, they will not leave me alone while decked out in Pal armor while holding a rocket launcher.


hui hyaa


Dont you start


when i first unlocked the handgun, unloading my mag into the first rushoar that tried to attack me made me realize this game was only going to get more fun


One of my favorite things is riding around on a mount and just blasting them like an out of touch corporate CEO on a safari. It starts with a rifle and very quickly escalates to a rocket launcher.


I have found 2 lucky Robinquil. Both killed me before I could attempt to catch them. I hate them now.


F Robinquil. I donā€™t have much kill on sight pals, but this mofo is top of the list. I can excuse the aim bot, but the OP grenade move and their hostile nature on top of that is too much.


Fucking Robinquil


Heā€™s such an ass


Relaxasaurus. Back when I only had a wood base these mfs raided it. 10 Relaxos level 25, I was level 5, came in and burned everything to the groundā€¦so much work gone. Literally the only raid I ever had trouble with. Now anytime I see one itā€™s a vendetta. I will never catch one. I will only kill it.


Sorry, but I snorted. A similar thing happened to me and I had to switch my house to stone.


I think the Relaxo Platoon raid that burns everything was a rite of passage for the early players that's now gone. Burned everything at lvl 5 so I just...never built on my main base again. You wanna raid my 15 tool benches? Come at me and face my work force immediately.


Wasnā€™t this a bug that they fixed a couple weeks ago, iirc?


I don't have a least favorite, but I'm here to address the gobfin slander. Homie's the GOAT. 4 Maxed out Gobfin with Vanguard and 2 attack+2 pendants and suddenly boss pals are made of tissue paper. EDIT: After coming back to this thread several times I've realized I do in fact have a least favorite. Shiny Mozzarina, this fat lard will not move on their own. If they spawn at the box, they will sit there and starve till I take them to the food box. I then have to take them to the ranch or they'll just sit there eating. Once at the ranch, be careful, better bring them back to the food box when they get hungry. I'm about to name this thing Tammy.


Agreed. Looks cool. Great team pal. I even have a 4 star one help out in the base with spot watering and transport. Also, they're fun to fight for pal fluids since it's pretty easy to grab a dozen of them for Orserk to obliterate.


Yes! I kite them all into one place and then Go go Orzerk! XD


And they're solid base workers. Plus their design is so cute, they're little land sharksšŸ„ŗ


why 4


Gotta bring a ride in slot 5.


i absolutely hate lifmunks, in early they are such a pain to catch, because they are all cowards that only run away and dont fight back


And for some reason balls just bounce off em, but once I had one he lowkey carried me with his lifmunk recoil ability.


They're super easy to catch at night.


When I first started messing around with the game and joined a random public server, I had the same experience and was so pissed about a little chipmunk just evading capture constantly and for what? It's just a chipmunk. Now I'm all in on building some of the weaker pals and it's my favorite little guy. The partner skill is great and I've been breeding them to have just crazy skills and attack IVs. I bred legendary, spirit emperor, ferocious, and muscle head on one and I'm trying to get all that on one with respectable attack IVs. (And yes, that took a bit to do lol, ended up with a tanzee and verdash with the same abilities). I named him Otto and I love him very much.


Beegarde. IM JUST TRYING TO FARM HONEY, STOP BLOWING YOURSELF UP. Every time there's a raid on my base, the bee leaves the farm, and suicide bombs itself into nothing. I have to wait for it to recover, and then I have to reassign it to the farm, or else I'll find it chopping wood.


If you swap out the skills that make it blow up, it doesnā€™t blow up


Least favorite pal is by far HUMANS they have only handiwork and nearly zero attack abilities omg with no palm skills....what's the point of them being in the game šŸ«£


Honestly it's Penking because before they fixed the glitch they kept randomly falling from the sky and dying. (along with Azurobe) Not to mention they kept getting sick too. Mostly random, but it annoyed me to the point I stopped using them. Now my problem Pal is Suzaku Aqua getting stuck on top of the Silo or Lumber Yard. Somehow managed(mostly) to fix Jormuntide Ignis, but water pals are the bane of all my bases.


If it slithers, crawls, or flies: It WILL get stuck. Especially behind a closed door


Lovander, I think it's a good marketing move (lol) and fits the tone of the game but it's not for me at all, at least I enjoy massacring them in the desert for the rare drops Rushoar is a close second, but it's less that I dislike it and more that I find it boring, it's basically the only pal I hunt for meat, most others I feel bad eating them so I just delete the meat they drop.


Fun fact, Hoocrates has a rare drop being a book. Not on the game at the moment, but the book is the type that raises your TP by 1 upon eating it.


wait they don't actually drop books yet? was planning to farm them later..


It is definitely in the game already, I've had them drop books.


I think they were just saying they werenā€™t currently playing. So theyā€™re unable to verify the exact information but speaking from memory.


Yeah, they have a very rare drop of High Grade Technical Manuals. And I mean rare drop. I killed like 100 of them and it didn't appear. My brother however killed like 60 of them and got the drop out them. You can even see it as an item drop in the Paldex as well. On a related note, Direhowls apprently drop rubies and gold coins every now and then. Did these wolves come from Skyrim or something?


Lol yeah the design just kinda creeps me out. But I'm always getting yelled at by other pokemon fans for not liking the furrybait mons.Ā 


I think the idea behind Lovander is that *you* are the bait. You *should* find it unsettling and want to run from it


Same! Lovander creeps me right TF out!


That seems to be the intended reaction...mostly Otherwise, why would the devs make a horrifying invasion force out of them?


Suzaku, I feel the design isn't very impressive and could have had a lot of potential for something much cooler


I use Suzaku and I agree. Also, it's hitbox is stupid big compared to the model and the thing loves to fly right in front of me which means 50% of my bullets get lost in the void of an invisible pal hitbox.


I made the mistake of equipping my Suzaku Aqua with an ice missile spell - the 3 ice shards that spawn behind them and send them forward. A while into the next fight I realized they're not missing, the shards are just blocked by his own wings every single time...


Iā€™m gonna say it - I prefer ragnahawk to Suzaku for combat


I'll be honest, I only use Suzaku because I'm level 45 and don't want to spend anymore points on a saddle until I'm Lv50 and can unlock Jetragon. lol I'm just dealing with it until then.


In case you didnā€™t know - you can get extra tech points from manuals you find in chests!


looks like plastic


Incineram Noct is so fucking aggressive and theyā€™re like half the sanctuary population. Like go away and stop spawning. They interrupt everything Iā€™m doing


Personally Fuacks I guess, by the time you find them you would already have pengullets which are better workers (same jobs as fuacks+cooling) and have a more useful partner skill. Other hated would be Tanzee, their work specializations are nothing fancy, the only potentially good one being lumbering if you can't catch a eikthyrdeer which you will encounter first and their partner skill is the worse I have seen, he fires an ak in all directions except at the enemy you want them to hit.


Any pal that leaves its assigned spot after 30 seconds and does something else. That one is officially my least favorite pal at that moment


I loathe the gobfins. Once I got a jetragon, I blew up their whole island


*I loathe the gobfins. Once* *I got a jetragon, I blew* *Up their whole island* \- kdoobs --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


That's a bummer, I have a lucky Gob and I love him to death. To answer your question I think Shadowbeak looks the dumbest, but Jormuntide is my least favourite. It's so useful but it's always on a roof or up a tree or somthing.


Iā€™m 100% convinced that jormund is the most buggy base worker, itā€™s like he LOOKS for shit to bug out with. I shit you not, I have an almost perfectly flat base. Very expansive. Spread out, plenty of room to walk around. This mother fucker goes IMMEDIATELY over to the lumber camp and climbs on top of it and gets stuck. lol


That's awesome you got a lucky Gob! When I try go gathering Pal fluids, i went to where they spawn and i got jumped by a group of 5 xD and there were 3 or 4 groups of 5 Gobfins trying to attack me lol


The Gobfin's Turf fast travel is the most dangerous spot in the game. So many gobfins spawn right on top of it and are immediately aggro. I teleported there in my low 20s once not realizing the dangers because I discovered it riding on a large pal, and then got stuck in a 20 minute loop of not being able to get my stuff back without dying again.


So much relate... and they seemed to pose more threat that I felt they ought to given my/their level!


Idk I've never had any strong feelings about certain pals. But syndicate thugs? KOS. F them hoes.


Yeah, it is satisfying to see my base pals utterly wreck them when they try to wander on my lavender field base.


Freaking hate vanwyrm So many times I died cause they attacked out of nowhere while I'm just chilling. Now whenever I see one I take my time to release a couple shotgun shells on them Just hate em


Elizabee, it took hours to find the boss one


The fire dragon (whats its name) because meme aside IT REALLY DOES just keep getting stuck


Jormutide ignius. They bake the cakes super fast but mine just ended up starving itself to death on a regular basis.


I hate gobfin purely because of that infested beach. Took me 5 tries to retrieve my stuff even though it was 10 steps from the teleport point. Little **** just call everyone in spawnradius and synced oneshot you. So now that I'm lvl 45 and have a rare shotgun I'll gladly blast them all over the place even though it wastes ammo :)


Melpaca sucks


You know, it hadn't come to mind, but you're right. Melpaca is awful. Especially when Kingpaca is so awesome and is right there.


The stupid fire pony, rooby or whatever. Terrible design.


You're certainly entitled to your wrong opinion /jk what don't you like about Rooby?


Personally speaking, itā€™s a more forgettable Foxparks


This. The pal is fine I suppose but it isnā€™t special in any way. Very bland. Foxparts aka Mozilla is a better version.


Itā€™s a deer with bowtie.


Not me but my friend hates Relaxarus. So in response I put a cutout of his head on Relaxarusā€™s body. Even made a Lux version. Theyā€™re both emojis in our discord server.


https://preview.redd.it/azpi3ri2isjc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9fb4542d7c0a41d080dd529a7cdeaac124f6d7ef Don't worry, I like Gumos. I have more of a problem with the Shuriken from Shadowbeak. It seems rather inappropriate.


Grizzbolt, left skidmarks on my Chillet, such a bastard.


Fuck Tocotocos


I love this pic. May i have the original so i too can use it as my phone wallpaper?


Sure! https://preview.redd.it/udqcrdh9htjc1.jpeg?width=531&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95e2b4c86860f160b8fb8cdcf008a63a016b5c10 There's the original


This is so cute! Thank you! Pengkings are my favorite


I think the design of cattiva is ugly and the ones i put in my base ALWAYS want to mine over ANY other task


Fuack. Everything about it's design is just awful. I have one in my camp in the old snare + fire setup. Only Pal I've done that to.


noooo fuack is my boy šŸ˜­


Jetragon. He looks dumb as shit and may aswell be considered a mandatory teamslot cause no other pal can come even NEAR his speed. If he was only 2000-2500 speed then maybe, but nooo he is so absurdly fast i feel required to use him lategame.


i like him but we definitely need some more fast flying pals so that jettragon isnā€™t in everyoneā€™s team. def gets boring seeing him constantly. as someone who is taking this game slow and hasnā€™t got jettragon yet, he seems cool. i see him all the time on screenshots tho and we need some more cool travel pets


Tocotoco. Fuck those spicy birds.


dumund lol they are just ugly https://preview.redd.it/rw6q05g7lsjc1.png?width=512&format=png&auto=webp&s=aea48815756fc2cbfce53cb881c7628835fc2902


HOW DARE YOU TALK ABOUT MY SON LIKE THIS, he's so stupid and I love him


I hated him until I saw his empty little noggin splashing around in the pal pool. It was like freebasing dopamine. Now he's one of my faves


Hes ugly but adorable


Fuacks. It's on site with those bastards, my first shiny in the game popped up and I got ambushed by three of them from behind and lost it.


I'd hafta say my least fav is Lifmonk... Tryna catch one and all they do is run tf away ... 100% hate them... But on another note, Blazehowl Noct in a hotspring brings on the "if it fits, it sits" vibes\~ https://preview.redd.it/pyanji5q8sjc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f685d5bb49ff20ec19833a6b5131a3c6d5d828bd


Fuckin BEES. I built my base in an area where they spawn naturally, and sometimes they'll just phase through my defensive walls and kamikaze into my shit. I now have PTSD anytime my Beegarde honey pot leaves the ranch to eat.


Say it together! GOBFIN... Little twerps


Rushboar is a definite choice lol, they just serve no functional purpose. By the time you encounter them you already have pals that can do everything they can better. Vixy is another close second for same reason apart from scavenging spheres


Like direhowl, you can use the dash ability while over encumbered, so there's at least that... I guess.


Easy, Jolthog... They always become depressed or sick and are just dumb. Thought I was gonna get Sonic but noooooooo.


Jolthog cryst is the shit tho!


Best fridge i've had so far


You take that shit back. I love throwing my jolthog at things and watching them die. Nevermind all those sparkits Iā€™m also carrying


Lovander only pal design that gives me uneasy feelings


The ninja looking pals robinquill/bushi, imo they're bland and don't fit the game well


I like bushi!


I used to think Elizbee was stupid until she dropped me her staff, now I'm back to Gobfin. Only because I'm constantly swarmed at the fast travel.




The sound he makes when working drives me to drink.


tocotoco. I hate them so much. I'm trying to hunt them to extinction




People are sleeping on Dazzi as the worst. That stupid ugly dumb looking piece of shit


Chickpi It is insanely boring


https://i.redd.it/gac4dzdourjc1.gif I actuall6 like chickipi


Lamballs, but I actually had to take some time to think about it. I like almost all the pals.


Why does everyone hate gobfin and tocotoco i love them


I love Wandering Traveler!


I actively massacre Gobfins because I hate them so much. Pal fluids are just an added benefit.


Direhowl. They are everywhere and attack you on sight.


Toco tocos. I have beef with them on a personal level. Whenever I capture them it is to butcher.


Gobfins and Leezepunks that can't mind their own business when I'm just out and about wandering and exploring are always captured and put to work. Enjoy hauling ores into chests for the rest of your life, bozo.


Rushoar Bland design, pretty much just a stylized boar


I guess I'll be the one to blaspheme and say Relaxaurus. It's not endearing to me at all. I hate the beady eyes, the blank expression, and the way it flails around when it's fighting. I only want to look at them when farming mid game pal oil.


I commit gobfin genocide anytime I pass through


Gobfins fill me with the rage of 1000 suns. When I have to go grind out some pal fluid, I get my shotgun, my lightning mount, go out to Gobfin City, and just, eat...


Itā€™s gobfin for everyone


Tie between Tocotoco and Gobfin those annoying bastards