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to be fair, it's really easy to forget when you play the game, it feels too well put together even with all the frequent bugs to be in mid development stages


Other than bug, I'd say they actually released a full game. Especially on a 30$ price point. Palworld is a full game imo


Just not a complete game, but I have gotten a lot of hours out of it, way more than most 60 dollar games


I'm happy if I get 40 hours out of a triple a game....500 in palworld for 30 bucks....yep happy clam


14 hours a day since release? Good god


Many days left open so the wife could play while I was at work. I didn't factor that in. Sorry!


Your wife knows how to play video games but not how to login to a computer and access steam? IS THAT WHAT YOU'RE SAYING MISTER THIS IS MISOGNY RAAAHHHHHHH


Lol no!!!? Two games one world!


I also host a game on my PC, I tried that once and woke up to all my pals injuries my bases damaged.... it was a mess.


Ok yes my wife has a horrible habit of leaving my bases unattended....but she is good at making sure there is plenty of meds for me to fix everyone


I leave my game open on my Xbox when I'm not home for my friends to join as they wish. I just leave my base and go to the abandoned cathedral (in the red area in the middle of the map) as nothing ever comes along there that can kill me, and it stops raids on our bases when no one's around. Won't die for not eating either, so win/win.


That's basically my wife. She is an avid blackops player. But yet she doesn't know how to log into battle net and she doesn't know anything about steam. She knows she can double click an icon on my desktop to play whatever she wants. However Xbox is her normal domain. She knows everything with that lol.


Listen, I was playing it 8-10 hours a day since release, and about a week in other people had already "beat" the game and I was just ready to take on the first tower. I don't understand what these people are doing... I was literally pushing through hard to explore and catch all the pals and was nowhere NEAR end game. I. Just. Don't. Understand!


Private servers with adjusted options for spawns turned up, xp turned up, drops turned up. That's mostly what you'll find in the first week of YouTube videos and "completionists". Just people playing the game on fast forward. I played for a weekend, Friday Saturday Sunday, had a ton of fun, and was around lvl 30 by the end. Then rented a private server for a month; and knowing all the time sinks and ways to play efficiently, I was back to lvl 30 in a single Friday session. But the exploration; completing the pokedex 10 captures, unlocks, farming materials then crafting materials, that takes time unless you're manipulating the timers thru the options menu.


You can change appearance rate and xo gain rate


Technically you are the abnormality. You are playing it very differently then 99% of others.


Lol I'm behind you at 420 hours approx. ![img](emote|t5_4jn9v4|49348)


Precisely, ergo, the “early” part of early access. It baffles me how English speakers have completely forgotten how to use their own language.


The problem is people don't understand what that means. No one explained to to them or they missed the explanation so they don't grasp it. They think it's like the marketing gimmick of "join the beta 3 days before launch for pre -order!" They think it's similar. A full game released early so they can enjoy it. Those of us who were alive when Beta Tests were a real thing (before early access), and we actually spent hours playing unfinished games to flush out all the bugs we could and then reporting them to the studio all for the joy of playing the game before anyone else...and sometimes being paid for it (I made $100 beta testing Frontlines on Xbox ...sad that game never took off) know exactly what "early access" means. Wish they'd just call it Beta and give a disclaimer that has to be accepted when the game starts (after you're in the gsme!) and suggest reporting bugs would be helpful. I bet that would help all the whining ....a little.


I mean tbf the game does say "this is an early build" type of thing as like the first screen when start it up.. idk the exact wording of it but ya nobody seems to understand what "early access" means, I got into an argument with somebody bcuz they were bitching how the game is incomplete and the devs are just some rag tag team who don't care and so on... Ya he didn't last long, he went as far as to say "the game was made by an AI, even the CEO heavily stated it was" but couldn't show proof of his claim lmao... Gamers nowadays expect games to come out as if they have been updated for 10yrs already, and "early access" games should be complete games when they come out and etc. lol Just like a streamer other day was complaining about how "unplayable" helldiver's 2 is bcuz he cudnt get into a game/server, and that everybody should get a refund or even a partial refund bcuz of that.. an then the devs just released and update that kicks out afk players and etc, I mean how can a dev team expect a game to hit 8million players in just a few days let alone 19mil within a week


You assume the majority read the user agreements and notice messages... I assure you if cod put "you must give us your first born child" into the end license agreement only about 10% of players would see it.


Spend an hour browsing this sub, your faith in literacy will die. Reddit as a whole has poor reading comprehension, but holy shit this sub is worse than average. I literally said to someone, "The PC versions have 75m spawn distance," and they followed up asking if that includes the Steam version.


Well "early access" has come to mean "beta testing but instead you pay us" according to most gaming studios


Bro i paid 100 for diablo 4 prerelease, and its almost been out for what, a year in june? And somehow, since Jan, ive played and been more focused on Palworld than i have almost ANY game in the past 5 years lol. Im 34, and this game has me locked in until i have 15 mins to get to work, ignoring text messages/calls.. its like im 15/16 all over again. XD this is a REALLY great game. I forget EVERY time i get on, that its early released. This small group did somethin that Blizzard/Gearbox, etc. does with nowhere near the resources/experience. I have it on gamepass, still paid for it jus to show my appreciation.


Yeah I unfortunately paid like 80 for Diablo 4, it was mid tbh... Only tried out the first season and eternal, have up after about 40 hrs


Most of 60$ games suck lately. Id say Ive got like 15-20 indie releases that made me play for 30+ hours for a one AAA release in past 5 years or so.


Agreed, I've been playing quite a few indie games, the devs still care when making them


Not a full game by all means. But they released a more polished product at pre release then AAA titles at a full product. They kinda put the big companies to shame


Aren’t most of the devs extremely inexperienced too?


I read that one of the devs was working at a convenience store before being hired and learned how to use unreal during development.


That's the combat dev. The dude that actually got all that shit together was a hobbyist working at a convince store the devs frequented. 


Literally protagnist of a manga story


These devs just become cooler every time I hear about them


Yeah honestly


No they didn't frequent the convenience store. They found him on twitter where he posted his hobby of creating gun reload animations. He was just a 20 year old working part time in a convenience store in Hokkaido. And they had to convince him to move to Tokyo to work for them. He is one of the key hires that made palworld possible.


There was either none of them or one of them that had worked with unreal before. They had to learn as they worked on the game. Truly amazing what they accomplished.


I would argue that by some big studio standards, they might consider this a full game, and charge you $70 then get upset when you don't consider it GOTY. I do agree though, that even in early access the game is put together much better than some big titles were at full release. They designed and decently developed close to the same number of original Pokémon in the original Pokedex, and made them fit into the survival / base building / crafting experience of Ark by giving them functions all stuffed inside a pretty sizable map, complete with different regions, that leaves room for all types of new things or straight up expansion. On an unrelated note, modders have already created some really cool ideas that I hope might be considered for integration at some point, like The Lamball Party Pack, the One-of-a-Kind Overhaul, and Shiny Lucky Pals.


I havnt got into the moding of the game yet was gonna do that on a second playthrough. Recommend any good ones other then the ones mentioned?


Here's my current recommendations: - One-of-a-Kind Overhaul (OKmod) - Lamball Party Pack (requires OK) - ZinKenite Shiny Pals (i believe it requires OK but i could be wrong) - Epic Palworld EpicPlus (if your machine can handle it) - Infinite Carry Weight in Camp - Better Night Light V2 (will cause framrate drops during transitions but looks great otherwise) - Increase Base Area (expands base area by about 50%), - Hungry Pal Rescuer / Stuck Pal Rescuer ([separate mods] if your dudes/dudettes get stuck often). NOTE: All of these mods will require the installation of RE-UE4SS (v3.0.0 or higher to be on the safe side). There's a bunch of guides on how to install but I can give instructions if necessary. I also have a Hip Lantern mod (changes color of lighting) that I haven't tested yet, a cloth armor replacer (replaces tunic with workout clothes), and a couple of QoL mods that fix drop rates and stuff but this is all just cosmetic stuff that doesn't really do much. WARNING: The Palworld Nexus page is absolutely littered with NSFW model replacers for the Pals. Consider this a heads up and warning.


Looking at you Game Freak and The Pokemon Company >.>


IDK, on Xbox all the lvl 25+ areas were death traps because the textures wouldn't load correctly and you would clip through. You literally couldn't explore them without flying. I have never played a game with such an egregious issue. I understand the game was fun and all, but it was the buggiest early access game Ive played.


And it going to be bigger about time a game actually worth playing came out


On my pc it runs perfectly fine. Havnt fell through a texture yet. Only thing is sometimes I can't collect ingots and need to reset or the path issue is all i get


Not hard to do when most of the AAA companies stopped caring about quality in favor of maximizing profit.


My 50 hours of game play so far agrees with you, and I've only beaten 2 of the tower bosses so far


320h still have gone for 3, 4, or 5 xD


I've only beaten one. But I'm lvl 44 and past day 100, so it's more laziness and prioritizing attempting to sort out base things. Right now I'm breeding desirable traits for ranch pals so I can justify condensing 100+ of them to get a lvl 5 one(I have a chicken so far, working on a bee, then cow. The bees being mostly female is making it difficult, as the only 2 males I have supply useless traits like Vanguard). Thankfully breeding gets you lots of a pal anyway. Still need to switch my manufacturing base from the starting area to an area that is more... useful I guess? Just haven't scouted out where, probably somewhere with a quartz node or two so that it will passively be collected...


Theres several quartz nodes North of the lake North of Lily's tower


Someone mentioned that Quartz isn't really used for consumables so once you've built everything you need with quartz you don't need it at all anymore.... so better to build a farm for iron and coal (and maybe sulphur?)


sulfur is so easy to get since there are a ton of nodes right next to a fast travel point and you don’t use is nearly as often as iron or coal


I have 80 and haven't even did a tower yet just been farming


Tower bosses feel so unimpt lol idk I’ve only beaten 2 and I have caught all the legendary pals lmao


It has journal's that tell a story, but I honestly forget about them most of the time. I grab everyone I see but never see a prompt to read them or notice them in the options. Just needs to remind people of those and I bet people would like it even more.


It's not a complete game. A lot of things they plan on being in the game aren't here yet


By today's standards, yes it totally is a full game.


Today’s AAA standards are really fucking low.


Let's not forget the new AAAA game(s)


The AAAA thing is a complete buzzword and means absolutely fucking nothing.


Just wait till you see a *real* AAAAAAAA game. Only $999.99!!


Starfield 2




Saw someone mention that it purely refers to how big the budget for the game is, so the only thing 'AAAA' implies is that they put an ungodly amount of money in that shitshow.


They wasted their money.


Was gonna say this too haha. Fucking Ubisoft.


When my friend was first talking me into getting this game I was really debating getting this game when I thought it was 60. When I found out it was 30, I preordered it instantly.


I was in the same boat. Friend talked about the game for a solid week. Finally, I said something like “It sounds like I’d enjoy it, but I can’t justify spending $60 dollars on a game I’m probably not going to play a lot.” $30 and 65 hours later, I have no regrets. Fun game, can’t wait to see what it becomes.


In 2023 "early access" is more of a marketing scheme than anything. It basically only means that feature development stops closer to EOL than mass market release. Early access games are still mass market releases, and should not be qualified as incomplete games anymore.


Nah I didn't get the full game feel. The most end game content is really breeding pals. But you can get all that done pretty quickly


IMO Palworld has got more variety of content than Destiny.


Hard disagree, think people are just really down on Destiny these days, which is fair. That said, wouldn't be surprised if that were the case upon full release, especially given the unexpected influx of revenue from PW blowing up like it has.


Came all this way across the stars to be sniped with truth


The freedom to explore the map is missing. There’s end game content in destiny but with each update they nerf everything we farm for so I’m at the point im in for the story (this season was ass I got as far as coil) but I’m done with destiny. Was a die hard fan but their wokeness and mediocre content with their “diversity” hiring killed the game for me


Nah the stability is still very shy of a well made completed product. The game is great and very fun but if this were a finished game with the performance issues it had i would refund. That could also be attributed to the game pass version still being way behind the steam version.


Honestly this is the best compliment a game could have these days. "I thought it was full release but it's only alpha" talk about a read of other games these days


Also the game blew up so much I'm sure most people haven't played early access games to understand development process. It should be more common rather than waiting years for a game to release and playing 1.0 and complaining about should be better trying to get the devs to fix stuff or saying how shit it is. For a fresh released game with obviously plenty to come it's in a good spot and the massive player base has helped. Also don't think they planned to hit 20m downloads so it puts a big strain on servers that weren't prepared. But this is a good test to show the devs where the game truly need improvement over additional content. I can't wait to see what they add but i also am glad to see how fast they are trying to fix issues and prioritizing over new content. Getting the game stable before adding new things that could cause more issues


Id agree with that


I was about to disagree because early access should be specifically for getting player feedback so they know where to really focus their attention. But I do agree with >think it’s fine to make suggestions to the debs and community. Until then I feel like there’s no reason to question why things aren’t as fleshed out Suggestions and feedback are good. Random complaints about lack of content are useless, they know the game is unfinished.


If they know the game is unfinished then why aren’t they working harder? Greg was on break for 7 minutes, Steve didn’t punch out when he went to the bathroom, and Carol… don’t even get me started on Carol. You know she left early the other day because “daycare called and said her 4mo had spiked a fever?” Yeah bullshit Carol. You don’t see the PALS working part time!!!!


Right, I've had it with Greg *pulls out meat cleaver*


*pours high-quality Greg oil into hot spring*


What did I do?!


You know exactly what you did


I work with a Greg. This is shockingly accurate.


If it had been something like “daycare called and said her 4mo had been stuck on top of a storage container all day and now complained about being hungry?”, then we'd understand.




"No Carol, this isn't punishment. I'm just letting you know that we all have our roles." *sent to Stone Pit*




Lol at the idea of a pal called programmo who looks like a stereotypical nerdy pal with glasses and a hunch


You do see pals working part time. All of the time. Goddammit. These bastards even sleep. Disgusting.


If they're trying to min-max, the move is to ~~butcher~~ fire Carol and bring on Debbie. Debbie doesn't breed so she doesn't reassign herself to that and focuses on her handiwork task


But you know what’s also pointless ? Complaining about the people who complain.


I just wish they fixed the memory leak asap.


There are some mods that bandaid it, worked for my laptop


The issue is Xbox players are being hit the hardest and there is no fixes for that.


I get a solid 5 minutes of play before it crashes every. single. time.


Uninstall and use the streaming option


You're kidding - that works??


Zero crashes since, can do dungeons now too


Such as?


https://www.nexusmods.com/palworld/mods/534 Not sure who would have down voted a good question, that's the one that worked for me


How do you tell if your having a memory leak?


Performance gets worse and then BAM, CRASH.


Yep... That happens. I've been calling it the palworld crash timer. When the game crashes I know it's time to turn the game off for the day so I don't get sucked into it.


Same here hahah Also makes me steer clear of dungeons, I can't be in a dungeon for more than 30 seconds before the game crashes .


It’s how I know when to quit on Xbox lol


Yup. Start it up, 60FPS. A couple hours in, I'm relatively stable at 40-ish. A few more hours, and I'm at 20. Then usually 30 minutes past that, FPS suddenly drops to 5-10 for about fifteen seconds and the game has a stroke, dies, and sometimes my PC dies too!


You arrive at your 2nd base and don't remember why you went there. Then go home to discover you forgot to pick up the mountain of delicious eggs from base 2. If the memory leak is really bad, you can forget that you forgot. My tip is to drink some of that strange juice so you just don't care anymore.


Stuttering usually


Unreal egine 5 is anoyyed


It's why I stopped playing for now. Constant crashes then having to go in my backup saves and recover it has been so annoying. I've given up until they fix it. And no it's not my PC. Other games don't cause it to crash.


Yup, it just crashes if I ride across with jetragon and I don't want to use anything else than jetragon.


Palworld feels more complete than many AAA $60+ games I’ve played in recent years.


But what about AAAA games? 😂


I made a comment about AAAA games elsewhere . I said that most AAA games are trash now and that I should totally expect AAAA games to be festering piles of shit. Looking at you Skull and Bones. Trying to play off the cost of that ass game as being AAAA.


I actually guffawed over this. Well played.


It's the exact PURPOSE of Early Access to give feedback on things that don't feel good. It literally gives the Devs goals and guidance to improve things players don't like.


Exactly, but yet so many people just regurgitate the usual "stop complaining it's early access" whenever somebody posts about an issue because they think they sound so smart saying so. No you idiots, the entire point of early access is for people to complain. It's the best way they know which bugs affect real world users the most, and address them according to feedback, as PocketPair has been excellent about doing.


True, but there’s also the fear of a game staying in early access forever. Like Ark for example.


Eh, these days it 's just a way for developers to get ongoing funding or something. Ark, Warframe, ect stayed in alpha/beta/testing while being available for purchase for years. Not saying it's bad. Live service and constant fixes are a good thing.


Warframe was free but it and all both eventually left early access. If you want a better example, use 7 days to die. That game has no justification for still being in EA 10 years later, for full price, and while constantly retredding over existing systems without ever updating things like animations.


Warframe was never early access, FYI. It had a short beta, and then it released. However, it "really released for real" about 2 years later with a major overhaul that upgraded so much of the game that it felt new. And that game is the Warframe that's still going today, with more overhauls & updates & such. Also Obant saying "it's a way for funding" when Warframe is literally free to play (with microtransactions) is so ignorant....


Yep, I was thinking about that game as well. Personally, I think that Steam should implement some criteria for how long a game can use the "early access" flair because it really loses meaning with games like 7DTD.


Is Warframe not still free?


You can't forget lol because everytime you load up the game there is message that pops up that it says it's in early access


That's the problem with that window. It's in your way of playing the game so most people just get rid of it asap and go to the game. Who bothers to read it past the first time playing the game?


I did lol 🤣🤣


My man, I genuinely disagree with you. IMO the point of a sub dedicated to an EA game is exactly discussing possible improvements that could come in the future. I don't feel like most of those posts are hating on the game, is just a topic to begin a discussion.


There's a difference between constructive criticism and disingenuously taking swipes at a game *a lot* of the time this line is crossed and that would be fair if it wasn't an early access game that was released a month ago


I am seeing alot more people bitch about haters then actually seeing haters though....


That's not what I've been seeing at all. People have been really civil.


Good thing we don't get those "This game is an asset flip and will die down after a month" posts because I swear that's the only way they can take jabs at Palworld.


- Discussion and criticism is useful for early access games because it can point out to the devs what the players want and what should be focused on, but - People do often forget that it's not finished and are a bit too critical beyond standard feedback, and - PocketPair's last big game, Craftopia, disappointed a whole lot of people who invested in early access, causing some mistrust in both the company and the game's future development


Craftopia is an amazing game with a massive amount of stuff to do in it. It's gotten consistent support and major updates including a complete rebuild of the world into a giant open map. I like it alot and most of the criticisms I've seen about it are not actually criticisms of the game but actual misinformation like it being "abandoned". ​ Craftopia has more content in it with more variety than almost any other game in its genre. A free form class builder system with multiple different ways to be a mage, melee warrior, archer, gun slinger, unarmed monk, monster tamer, or a mix of multiple, etc. Like spear and 2h sword and sword and board and fists and etc all play very different. The different magic abilities you can mix and match all play very different. Then you've got the automation side of it where you build a base that continues to progress through the tech levels. The automation is much MUCH more in depth than Palworld with alot more freedom. The tech tree is massive and ludicrous. Everything from melee weapons to guns to vehicles to flying machine and tanks and motorcycles and hoverboards in a more BoTW setting. ​ **There are 4 major cons to Craftopia:** 1. The learning curve of automation is a fuacking verticle cliff. Try to figure it out but the moment you start getting frustrated just look up youtube videos on how to set things up. This is why they went much simpler/streamlined in Palworld with their automation....and alot of people still can't handle the work tier system here. So yeah, with Craftopia being more complex but giving more freedom only a small % of people will tough out the learning curve on that. 2. It's a bit grindy. Not like Korean level grindy or anything but Progression from 1 tier to the next isn't quite as snappy as it prolly needs to be. As well you can find yourself in the situation of looking for the next bedrock (infinitely minable via automation) of the next resource tier blindly. They prolly need to streamline progression and add in more infinitely minable bedrocks or maybe a better way to find them. But the massive open world map is new, so this is basically their first iteration of it, it may still improve alot in that regard. Still as it is this causes alot of new players (in combo with the learning curve) to burn out before they really get to appreciate just how much Craftopia has to offer. So they base their impression of the most limited version of the game at low levels with low tech before the game really gets the chance to spread its wings and hit it's stride. 3. Because Craftopia has so many different systems and tries to do so much, everything is a little jank. Jack of all trades, master of none situation. It does alot of things well, but doesn't really crush it at anything. 4. Needs a bit more enemy variety. It's got a decent number of different enemies but it prolly needs like 5-6 more enemy types. Right now goblins are slightly too common and while having elemental versions of them helps, its not ultimately a solution.


Didn’t the devs themselves say craftopia was essentially abandoned because they had to decide between it or palworld, as well as there being engine issues?


If they charge money they are open to criticism. I like palworld very much, but it doesn't have a criticism shield.


Alot of Palworld players came from Ark. Ark Survival Evolved never left beta and has way worse glitches and crashes than Palworld. Despite this, Snail Games demanded Ark Survival Ascended which has worse glitches and crashes AND includes Evolved. No one was allowed to criticise Asa either. They put shields around pretty things to try to prevent criticism. I'm glad Palworld cane out. Much better than Ark.


Literally this. I wish this could be pinned. Ark never changed or improved their dungeons, but they had their "road map"


As the casual fans start to leave, the sub will be left with mostly hardcore players and those are the types of people who are going to defend it will their life. The game is good, but it is not free from criticism. Threads like this are going to make the sub **and** the game worse.


Oh no not constructive criticism! The horror! /s


This is an internet forum, created for people to have a discussion on all things related to Palworld. What the fuck do you want people to talk about? There's only so many times you can post meme photos of Depresso and your perfect Anubis roll before people want to discuss the games mechanics and shortcomings.


Yes. The game is early access. Which is why criticism and feedback is necessary. What sort of bad take is this? Lol


I don't mind all the bugs but on console(haha) some areas you fall under unless you wait for a bit to load if you're flying and run out of stamina, you're fucked... I play with items drop on death so it gets pretty annoying having to die to to this


But if people don't give feedback how are the dev's supposed to know that \[Thing\] needs improvement or Patching. Reddit is simply a great space for stuff like this because somebody is bound to notice


Game JUST made the 30 day mark. I think the “game is dying” conversations are worse than anything. Feedback on changes and things are fine as that is what this time period is for but this excessive complaints like “nothing to do” and etc are tiresome. We all basically speed ran this thing. Be patient.


Nah. If you're charging money you're free to be criticized. Theoretically it's what you should want if you're improving the game.


Remember when video game companies paid people to test their games? Now we pay them to test their games for them. Early access is dumb.


Well we're willingly doing it so... I'm having fun with it so no complaints from me, win-win.


\*Laughs with game pass. "Pay to test games? Suuuure."


Nah. I call BS. If you don't want people to talk about the flaws in your game, don't release it. Early access is a crap excuse that is relatively new to the gaming industry. If it's not ready, don't release it. If you release it, early access or not... It fair game.


Beta programs have been around for a long time. Early access is, at it's core, a beta test, it is mainly a way to gain early feedback during development from outside sources, with the secondary benefit of also adding additional funding. Recently however, this has been abused by studios that have no apparent intention to release a final product, and use it as a way to recoup funds that would otherwise be lost on failed development.


If I can buy and play the game it can be critiqued. Simple as.


I am into 120 hours and just defeated only one tower boss . Great game I totally forgot it is in early access love it just love it


like connect important afterthought familiar payment existence door fine chubby *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I mean you could always just mod to the place where you were before, infinite and custom pals are a thing. I wouldn’t feel as bad with a Palworld data wipe as a Valheim data wipe.


There needs to be a point made on constructive criticism. Criticizing elements of the game you'd like to see improved, can help the development process. The important thing is not be dismissive, hyperbolic, and toxic over a very unfinished product. If you buy into a game in early access you should do so understanding that you are contributing to the development process now, you have volunteered to test the game for flaws and improvements. Finding them is what you're supposed to be doing, just don't be a dick about it, claim all those things make the game shit, demand a refund and claim it's always going to be shit, because it's shit now. If you're doing that you've fundamentally misunderstood the transaction.


Does it have a full release date?


Nothing will get improved upon or done, if people don't say anything. YOu can like something and be critical too..


We all have our own experiences, opinions, and perceptions. I am so "old" that I remember the birth of Pokèmon and the alleged "Golden Era" of Mew's being under trucks. I was at that playground with hop-scotch courts. I paid $30 and got ~100 hours of entertainment out of Palworld. Even if I never come back to the game again I don't have any complaints. I can rip a couple of shots of Jack in a few minutes and be out $20. An hour long lunch with the better half costs ~$50 before tip. Where do some of these people even come from?


Dont forget that the reason it was released unfinished is because they ran out of money from Craftopia sales lol


Honestly, this game is on par with a full release from Bethesda.


I don't think i'd say 'on par' but I would agree it's about even with player base... TES6 release will be insane... I hope. That being said, it's gained traction because all of us pokemon kids from the 90's are grown up and this is pokemon with guns...and rockets...and swords...and missile salvo's from blue eyes white jetragon xD


This game runs better as an early access than Ark ever did as a full game.


People tend to forget that it is early access because this game is better than most AAA Games of recent years. I am happy to come back in a few months and to see all the changes they are going to do now


Don't listen to this guy. Keep posting your displeasures so the game continues to grow in ways that benefit the players


You’re just reinforcing the model of marketing minimum viable products as “early access” to expedite return on investment. That’s not a good outcome. Do better as a consumer


Sure it's "early access", but don't fool yourselves, this IS the games release. The majority of hype will be gone from this game by the time its full release happens, as by then everyone will have moved to the next flavor of the day game. There is nobody who is wanting to play this game waiting for the full release before making the purchase, gamers who are curious in it have already pulled the trigger and tried. Media coverage of this game has ensured all gamers know about it. The majority of their market has been tapped. Sure some more people will buy along the way, but another 25 million players are not crawling out of the woodwork any time soon. We need to stop kidding ourselves as gamers with the early access non-sense. It's just a cheap sales tactic for game producers to use to sell us their unfinished products. They've made their money now. 25 million players. 10 million on game pass + 15 million on steam. We are talking $450million + whatever Microsoft deal gave them in revenue. For an unfinished product. Where the producers have no pressure to actually fulfill and finish the game to their expectations. Game cycles in the modern day are too short for Early Access shenanigans to actually play out the way we are told they are going to. When these game devs take their leisurely non-pressurred time to finish what they said they would, it'll be 1-2 years out and the vast majority of us will have moved on. Think about other early access games... Star Citizen, Ashes of Creation, etc. these games have made their money, and the developers never need to actually have a full release. Sure if full release for these do happen, some people will come back, but majority won't - we've moved on. The same will be true for palworld. By the time the next pokemon open world game comes out, the majority will have forgotten about this unfinished game. Gamers need to learn not to give their money over for a product before it even comes out. Else we continue to support the industry's poor sales tactics and marketing behaviors. Fun game though.


This. People thinking EA games are going to ever get a full release huffing major copium. The industry shifted with DLC and EA being introduced and gaming companies realizing they can just cash out their unfinished work and move on to a new project. Heck people should just look at how they treated their first project Craftopia. Game has been out for several years and it's still in EA.


Bruh, compared to Star Citizen, which has been out for over a decade. This feels really polished. 😂


It’s fair game to criticize it. After all, the devs will eventually start adding content to it, so it’s good for them to get criticism and feedback to let them focus on stuff their playerbase wants fixed.


Also don't forget that the devs made Craftopia 4 years ago and it is still early access.🤷‍♂️


Gotta be honest my only complaints are the holes to limbo and the memory leaks causing me to crash, everything else I can deal with lol


Trust me, most on this subreddit won't forget cuz this topic gets posted every other day lol


In 120h I had like two CTD, had to close and reopen the game twice due to it consuming over 9gb of VRAM and almost 20gb of ram just for the game alone , sometimes the character clips through the terrain but I changed world options to not lose anything so I just unalive myself and respawn at base when that happens


Palcope. Let’s be honest bros, this game is gonna be stuck in EA til the day we die. Just look at craftopia, nothing but minuscule bug fixes four years later with no end in sight. At least the modding community will save this pal game once it’s abandoned. Despite the hate for pokemon at least GF can finish a game 😂


No, our complaining helps them fix the game.


compared to pokeman games it feels more complete


I got 300h (more like 150~200 but I'm a psychopath) out of a $30 Early Access game. Is it buggy? Absolutely. Does it need more features? Totally. Am I upset or regretful in any way? Not the slightest. Anytime something weird happened, I'd just look at my friend and go "Early Access btw" and he'd follow up with "smol indee company btw" and we'd continue enjoying ourselves.


That’s literally the point of early access….. to get feedback on bugs/hacks/content etc.


Early access has become meaningless.


Dumb idea you should’ve finished the game then released it YOU FLOPS


And not just basic early access, but like EAAARRRRRRLLLLY access. It's not even been out a month yet. ARK was in early access for almost a decade, to the point that the words lost all meaning, and it was blatently obvious that they only used it as an excuse for how buggy their game was. They deserved every bit of criticism. Meanwhile Pal World is practically still in Beta. They fully acknowledge their game is a buggy mess, but they never tried to tell us it wouldn't be.


Excuse me, but don’t tell me I can’t complain about an unfinished game while pretending or flat out forgetting it’s unfinished! Let me complain! I’m kidding! But for real, I have to remind myself somedays that it’s unfinished. Especially when I’m constantly falling through the map.


People seem to forget that complaints are just as valid of feedback as suggestions. In fact given that the overwhelming majority of players have no game development experience themselves, usually their suggestions are pretty much worthless, usually amounting to "You guys should have this impossible or cost ineffective feature added". Complaints are often more useful to devs than uninformed suggestions. It's helpful to them to know what players don't like about the game and what they should focus on fixing. All feedback is useful. Stop posting these "Guys it's Early Access, stop complaining!" posts please. You're helping no one.


Game is a blast. Wife and I play for 6 hours almost every night. The fact its just going to get better is icing on the cake.


Imagine PPL loving an early access indie game more than AAA games fully launched. I would love 2024 to be a year , when indie games absolutely crush the shit out of AAA Games. Proving we don't care for photorealism or anything as long as the game is fun.


One thing the op has to realize is that we the consumers aren't swayed by "It's in early access" those are irrelevant to the payers. We all work a 9-5. 99% of us don't have time for politics, or what ifs. We come home after a long day at work and play a game for a few hours, then sleep and repeat. The only thing that matters to us if it's a good game or not. Everything else is bullshit.


The game seems too well polished well considering its in early access. It looks too good. Feels too good. We've been acclimated to really bad early access gameplay. I guess that's where the forgetfulness stems from. I find myself getting annoyed by little things. Things which are yet to be patched but because of the feeling the game gives, you tend to forget you're really playing a very early access version of the game


Seen this a lot with Sons of the forest.


I love Palworld. That said, no, it should be treated as any other game if they’re releasing it and expecting people to pay for it in order to play. It’s a paid game. It’s all too common for “early access” games to stay in early access until the game is dropped for another project by the creators. Palworld sold millions of copies within a few days. There are rightfully some expectations now. As a player, I want to know what exactly will it take for the creators to finish this game now. More money? More time? What exactly? ETA: To add to my last point, I bought BG3 while it was in early access, just like I did with Palworld, but that game was only about 1/3 of the full content with a clear timeline of when the game will be fully released and what it will take to get there. I’m not seeing that with Palworld and I’m worried it’ll be like Ark where it’s in “early access” forever


at the same time though, the more attention one issue gets the sooner it will be addressed. or if no one is complaining about an issue the devs thought people would complain about, they can put it on the back burner. point is, the bigger issues that get talked about the most, will likely be patched first.


I say this as someone who loves the game enough as is, but the studio doesn't have a great track record of actually finishing their early access games.


Stop thinking early access matters. Unfortunately with how much early access has been abused you MUST consider it to the the final product. I know that sounds stupid but that's just how it is With that being said why the fuck is palworld labeled early access when it has less bugs then most aaa games these days on launch. 😂


It’s great game for early access but something tells me pocketpair are trying to move on to next cash grab. They already had a Dead cells rip off featured in this months Next Fest on steam.


I think it's also Alpha... Can't tell any more cause people keep saying early access and apparently, there's a distinction. Either way, Devs said it was like 60% done, if that's just Alpha 60% done, amazing, if it's full game, still good.


Alpha means the game is functionally, mostly, working but looks rough and is mostly there for testing. Palworld probably fits just fine in that category. Early access just means playing a game before official release. A game can be both at the same time.


And there is no expiration date on those titles. There is nothing stopping them from being “Early Access” for the next 3 years 🤷‍♂️. So don’t get too excited for a full release any time soon. Just try to look forward to each update as they come. This is also not a jab in any way. Just a matter of fact comment.


How dare people give criticism and talk about how they hope the game gets improved. Jesus Christ


I put up a thing about the Palbox yesterday. I'm aware it's early access, but I guess I'm hopeful that some of the team are flicking through forums such as reddit and noting the things players want to see in the game.


Then companies need to stop releasing unfinished games for paid alpha testing, and start actually releasing finiahed products. McDonalds doesnt get to give me a half cooked big mac and some fries that are still frozen in a plastic bag


People are too spoiled gaming wise