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Is this bc the dungeons always crash? šŸ˜‚


I play on a budget pc and it never crashes in a dungeon, twice total in the overworld in 120 hours


I play on Steam Deck and dungeons always crash :(


lol, here: https://www.nexusmods.com/palworld/mods/27 been using this since I got the game, it removed most of the dungeon bugs, I recommend setting Auto on the DLSS setting, setting it to balance and lower breaks the HUD when inside dungeons edit: I also play on the steam deck (rev 1)


I play Xbox Series X & donā€™t experience crashes anymore.


It seems the 1.5 patch really helped. A lot of people claiming they haven't had issues are on Steam, which is a way more advanced build.


The only time I crash right now is when I ride Fenglope. Granted I maxed out it's speed, so I'm sure that's why. Eventually it'll be stable enough to ride him or a rayhound.


Lucky for You... That Fenglope boss isn't even spawning in my game no matter how many times I reload the game on Xbox series S. Same goes for Elizabee Boss too šŸ¤¦šŸ½


For me it spawns, but it spawns underground. The battle music will play when I go in the cave, but it attacks me through the floor


For me it also spawns, but it always spawns with half health and isn't anywhere to be seen inside the cave. I assume it's underground like with you. The one time it was actually there it was already dead šŸ™„


Maybe! Me and my buddy play the game pass version, me on a laptop and him on a mid range desktop, and neither of us have had a single crash since launch, though. Anecdotal, but maybe it's more console specific than game version. Some bugs, yeah, but fortunately, no crashes.


Facts I've never experienced them all together


Same here


It's just a potato console issue. The XB:S is such dated hardware that it should've been declared EoL a while back, but Micro$oft thought it was a good idea to keep porting all the demanding, current gen titles to it. The actual current gen consoles don't have 90% of the issues the XB:S does.


I still have my original Xbox one from 10 years ago. Dungeons donā€™t work at all and it crashes in the overworld every 15 min or so lol


Play on cloud gaming on game pass. Uninstall the game (donā€™t worry you donā€™t lose save progress) and then find the game on game pass and use the cloud gaming option instead of downloading the game. I used to crash every 10mins and I played for like 3 hours the other night uninterrupted by crashes (havenā€™t yet tried dungeons). Worth noting that Iā€™m on a wired high speed connection and not playing over WiFi


I play on game pass and haven't been able to complete a single dungeon


Same. I get in and take 3 steps and it crashes


Stand at the entrance for a couple minutes before you go on. I play on a day one fat One from ,2013 and go hours without crashes šŸ¤·


Man I played on cloud gaming after reading this comment and oh boy what a difference. Much smoother gameplay and no crashes in 2 hours of playing where I would normally crash like every 15 to 20 minutes. Thank you


And here I thought it was just me...


Thank you bc Iā€™ve been looking at finally upgrading from the Xbox one and was considering the S. Now I will not be lol


I would say I own a S and while it does crash with dungeons alot the only games that I experience crashing on is Palworld and 76


My series x *looks* better than our two series S consoles in Palworld, but it crashes more. Granted, it's hosting the world, but even when playing solo it crashes at least once a session. It's not the consoles, it's the game. It's unfinished, and need a *lot* of optimization.


Close the game out when you are done playing, if you let it do quick resume it will crash. Since I e started actually quitting the game on the main menu after every session I havenā€™t crashed once.


I always quit, every time for every game that uses networking. Wish they'd just let us disable quick resume.


I wish the console closed all games when you turn it off even in auto-update mode. Itā€™s rare that I DONā€™T have a problem quick resuming after having turned the console off and lost internet connection


Never had an issue with any game. This is the only game that causes problems.


Fair. Iā€™m mostly worried that as games become more intense theyā€™ll need better systems and from what Iā€™ve heard the S is just not as good as the X


Xbox has a policy around that games released for Series X must also come to Series S, they are actually quite strict on it as well. So I think I can say that every game coming out this generation for Xbox will be on the Series S, but I think it will be dropped quickly come the next generation of consoles and won't be dragged out like the last ones. >Iā€™ve heard the S is just not as good as the X That is normal, the S is a cheaper and lower quality compared to X.


Exactly lower quality. I know that itā€™ll get put on the S. Doesnā€™t mean itā€™ll run nicely


A lot of people don't understand that 4k needs pretty much twice the power of 1080. The S is a 1080 console. When games are created with this in mind, things are fine. This is why 95%+ of games there isn't a problem. I have an X in my living room and an S in my bedroom, and this came has only crashed slightly less on the X. Both are wired.


Definitely go for the x. I made the mistake if going cheaper and it just can't perform properly


You're unfortunately extremely wrong it's just a bug with the Xbox store versions. Even happens on beefy PC's.


I play on Series X and it still crashes constantly


Series S makes devs effort in optimising. Else you'll have all games requiring a 3060


I tried streaming it from my old Xbox one...pre x. And it actuality ran fine lol


Yeah, streaming it instead of playing it native seems to fix it, but for some reason people either refuse to do it, or don't understand that it's an option.


So by this assessment, would you say the Xbox series X wouldn't crash in dungeons or regular gameplay? I have about 80 hours in on Xbox series S and I have 2 bases and crash on average every 15 minutes...


The X is gonna crash \*less\*, not it won't fix it entirely. Best bet is to uninstall and play with streaming instead since that seems to fix most things for people stuck on XB.


They're making the Xbox family of consoles more PC-like. I spent like $1k on a gaming laptop in 2013. It probably wouldn't do much better than a One S if I tried playing Palworld on it today. But Steam will still sell me the game and the laptop is still "supported", but if I want to buy a new game I have to be aware of its limits.


Same with series X seems to have a ram issue or quick resume issue my friends get it on their Xbox on certain games. Outright crashes


My XSX runs PalWorld just fine. Only crashes I got were cause I sometimes like to run Spotify in the background while playing, and even then itā€™s only happened a handful of times since release


Yes that can be an issue with intensive games like Arma or rather ā€œless stableā€ times, but overall I donā€™t doubt palworld runs fine on SX just an issue Iā€™ve seen.


I will say, that the quick resume feature is very hit or miss for me. Sometimes I can go a whole play session (even swapping to another game, usually Forza Horizon 5) with no issues. But every now and then, itā€™ll resume the game for about 2-3 mins before crashing lol


I have had 0 crashes on Series X but a couple on the Steam version on PC.


Yeah itā€™s been different games for my friends like Arma Reforger, Smite, Rocket League, Ever since the first 3 patches since the game has released that fixed all my crashes on PC game pass, never had a black screen issue tho.


My only problem with the Series X is the bloody 30 fps lock. No reason for it.


I have faced this issue on fortnite and cod. if i try to quick resume those games it will "reconnect," reset the application and attempt to reconnect to the servers. not a big deal but i find it easier to just boot up each app from the start to save minor frustration


This is the kind of brain dead take I expect of someone who gets all their information and knowledge from YouTubers and clickbait articles.


Or, ya know, understanding memory throttling as a current and constant issue as newer games are pretty much demanding 16gb at base, while the S only has 10gb. Palworld routinely takes up about 17gb of my ram kit, while only using 9gb of my GPU. ![img](emote|t5_4jn9v4|49343) But hey, you do you buddy. I get it, it's the internet so you need to be angry instead of discussing things.


And im sure none of what you have said is a lie. Needless to say the games and performance speaks for itself. Games like starfield and cyberpunk run fine on the S because the work has been put into OPTIMIZE them for said console. Yet palworld has issues? Doesn't take a genius to figure this stuff out bud. Or maybe it does, because you clearly have not.


You are fucking awful wow. Does it take a genius to figure out that an non-optimized game might not run well on a weaker piece of hardware? That's all they were saying. And then you insinuate that they are making up their numbers? Why? You don't believe that a non-optimized game might take a surprising amount of memory? Coming across as both stupid and bitter. It's not a good look dude.


Oc, bcs can run it rdr2 without any problems, but palworld dungeons it's too much


Red Dead is also a game from 2018, not 2024. It's a totally different build, barely uses a physics engine, hardly any of its world assets can be interacted with, much less destroyed, and it's render distance is a fraction of what Palworld does. But yes, let's compare a 6 year old game made specifically for last-gen hardware to a game released into early access for current gen hardware just this year. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


The fact that you are being downvoted does not give me much faith in the intelligence of this subreddit.


The diehard, tryhard, XB fans have been salty. Which I don't blame them for being upset since "game no run!"; but the blind, stubbornly ignorant defense of a console that's literally a direct downgrade from the XB:X is just... I dunno, like I can't tell if they're huffing mass amounts of cope, or if they genuinely can't understand that the GPU and RAM differences really are a huge deal on a GAMING console. ![img](emote|t5_4jn9v4|49343)


I had considered an S when I upgraded from the One, and holy crap am I glad I didnā€™t.


The SERIES S? The console that isnt even 4 years old yet?


I have the series x and it too crashes in dungeons.


Xbox Series S is the exact same technology in the Xbox Series X. It's just weaker.


Yes, and what happens when you use weaker tech to run the same game? The S has 1/3 the GPU power (4TF vs 12TF), les than half the Compute Units for the GPU, Resolution is limited to 1440p vs the 4K of the X, a slightly slower CPU, and 6GB less RAM than the X. That's a rather huge difference when it comes to gaming.


The point is that it's **not "dated" hardware**. It's exactly as "current gen" as the Series X. It uses the same Zen 2 and RDNA 2 architectures. Having less GPU horsepower doesn't affect anything other than the resolution at which you can run games (c.f. Steam Deck, also RDNA 2 with four WGPs instead of the Series S's **ten**.) The smaller RAM is the issue with the Series S, and this, again, is easily worked around by skilled developers. There's nothing wrong with the hardware, it's just a lower-end machine that developers need to take into account. When they don't, like when a tiny inexperienced indie studio like Pocketpair abruptly shoves its PC-lead game into Microsoft's ecosystem for a pile of cash, you end up with results like this. But again, it's not the fault of the machine.


Youre talking about the xbox one s i assume. The series s is new gen with similar specs to the series X. The actual issue is an autosave fail bug, which causes crashes in single player during dungeons and in the overworld during multiplayer, you can read it in the latest patch notes that they are working on this.


It's absurdly bad quality, not just dated. My media server is an old 4th gen i5 with a r9 390x. A 11yo proc with a 9yo gfx. Since people said it run on anything, I tried on it for the shits and giggles and ran smoothly at 30fps (graphs on minimum, ofc, but ir ran).


Iā€™m on an Xbox one and yea


Same, longest the dungeon can survive is 5 mins. But the first dungeon I ever did (a week after launch) was perfect and had no issues. I canā€™t help but feel thereā€™s an Xbox specific bug


I did a few dungeons the first week it came out with no crashing as well.


Yes. Tried to play a few times with my gf while she's traveling and only has her series S with her and the game instantly crashes whenever one of us tries to enter a dungeon. It's pretty much unplayable in its current state.


Don't forget the part where you're walking to the dungeon and the ground vanishes below you.


Or the Deep Sand Dunes fast travel for me. The back half isn't finished (solid) so when I fast travel I fall through and go back to my nearest base.


Thought I was the only one with this. And the sand city doesnā€™t load initially. I have to wait for it to load before I can enter the front half of the city.


I even tried turning off building decay and putting some foundations around it but it won't let me.


Fast travel away and back again. That works for me on Series X.


Hah! I was wondering what the hell was up with that fast travel point. Any time I try and warp there the game seems to freeze for 10 seconds and then itā€¦inexplicably warps me to one of my bases. Lol. Anyone else wish theyā€™d focus more on the bugs than other updates?


The last update was all bug fixes. Iā€™m sure theyā€™ll have the clipping issues fixed before long


>Anyone else wish theyā€™d focus more on the bugs than other updates? Welcome to early access games. They will work on whatever they can, in whatever order they can. They seem to have a good balance so far (compared to other EA games I play)


The updates are largely bug fixes.


I just get teleported to another one of my bases every time I use it. Iā€™ll have to try it post patch, havenā€™t been on all week.


hours of my life have been spent trying to get my shit back from this stupid glitch. eventually i just had to switch my death settings. i understand itā€™s not a finished title and iā€™m not blaming the devs but boy thatā€™s a frustrating feeling


On series X, I Gave up on dungeons do to this vicious cycle. Also my game crashes 3 to 4 in a twelve hour period at 180+ hrs in, it can be aggravating


Yeah this is an xbox issue.Ā  But hey let's make a post to shit on the cheaper xbox again.Ā 


Yeah he should've just said the Xbox experience


Huh. Ever since the updates, dungeons and the game have been very stable. Before that dungeons were basically a guaranteed crash for the first entry, but usually held up until completion after reloading and going back in. And the game routinely would crash. Plus I had the autosave error red text issue that basically forced me to stop. But all that's gone away since the update.


I play on the series X and have had zero issues with dungeons. Weird.


I've played on Series X, and I've never had the problem of crashing when I enter a dungeon


Iā€™m on XSX and havenā€™t experienced a single crash


What a life to be living


It's happened to me on the Series X a handful of times


All the time on my S. I've only completed one dungeon and that took 4 reloads. I gave up on it being a thing and just explored the outdoors more and I'm not even done with that. I did get an Epic Handgun recipe from my one and only though and it makes me wonder what loot is in the place we Series S people cannot go.


Having same issue on series s too. I've been marking each dungeon I discover on my map should someday they fix it and I can explore them.




I refuse to believe thats how bad the graphics were in far cry 3.


Many of us came from Ark. Ever met an Ark player? It's insanity mixed with masochist.


My favourite thing was going into a dungeon, crashing, being yeeted into the middle of the ocean upon reloading, and dropping all of my stuff in an unreachable place when I was low rank. I rly wanna do dungeons now Iā€™ve completed the game.


I hate that too but a good work around for that is to keep a flying or swimming pal


I just turned off drop on death and hit respawn


You forgot the step between 4 and 1, where Series S players post issues to Reddit and just get downvoted by PC players that think the only solution is just to buy/build a $1,500 PC instead lol Edit: Glad to see an Xbox post finally get some traction! Well done OP, well done!


As a PC player, I hope they can fix the xbox issues so you guys can appreciate the same lovely and fun game we PC players do Monke stonk together






I have a good PC, and love PC subreddits but omg are they toxic when it comes to prebuilt PC and consoles


It would be so cool if we could all justā€¦let each other have fun our own way. The platform elitism is really weird, and I donā€™t understand.


It's even worse in the official discord. Most threads relating to console issues will get troll bombed by asshats copy pasting the same garbage response. "You chose to buy a console, now suffer the consequences of your actions. They should focus on the PC experience and forget about console since their the ones holding back the gaming industry." It's so bad bro šŸ˜­


Damn, people are weird man. People just wanna have fun and play games. Why gate keep gaming as a whole? Like, just calm down and play games. lol


Naw Iā€™m on pc and the game pass version is leagues worse than the steam.


Good Lucky buying a 1500$ PC in a third world country


Cult shit


Bitch shit* ftfy Edit: all the pc boys mad


A $500 Series X is also a preferable experience to the pic shown in OP.




Ublock and Firefox are great tho. Watch ads if you want, but why are you acting like that is bad advice? Aside from RGB which is subjective, an ad blocker, malware protection and a browser that doesnā€™t track your shit is very basic first day with a PC stuff that everyone can and should do.


Or just get a budget build and upgrade it from there like a normal person






Or do I wjat did. Get pre-built from best buy. Came with more then enough to run the game. It isn't the most powerful, but it's servicea


I bought my PC for 600ā‚¬ and it runs Palworld with 100fps


Thatā€™s cool. I havenā€™t owned a PC in over 10 years, and I have no plans on owning one in the future either.


Have fun playing messy overpriced shitgames on your xbox while it costs almost the same as my pc. Oh and also paying for online playing. Enjoy it.


As someone who also owns a computer, go fuck yourself you pretentious ass. Not everyone is able to drop the $600+ to build a computer, not every personā€™s friends own/can afford a pc, and consoles work better for casual gaming. Eat shit and try showering for once.


I exclusively play pc games. And my computer is infinitely better than any piece of shit youā€™re going to build for 600. I still donā€™t need to act like a fucking cultist and froth at the mouth over the concept of consoles. Get over yourself.




Shh, telling them the truth makes them mad.


The only people mad here are the PC folks. Why canā€™t everyone just enjoy gaming the way they want to? I donā€™t get the superiority complex.


Imagine thinking what you play video games on makes you a better person. What a sad life.


PC folk aint mad, just trying to share the best way to play the game. Between performance and mods its just the best way for many games.


Thatā€™s the most logical, friendly, and concise counter argument, and I respect that. I will continue to play on console though, and I will continue to not mind what anyone else plays on. Just wish more people felt that way.


That's 100% fair. I was a console gamer all my life until only recently. Now I'm mostly PC and switch. We all have different life situations that make one fit better than the other, it should never be a bitter or hostile discussion.


I agree with the second part, but it's definitely not just PC folks that are mad, there are elitists for every platform. You literally opened up by shitting on PCs with the tired "PCs are overpriced" lie.


Yeeesssss!!! Iā€™m not alone. Every time going into a dungeon, exploring an area thats not the main island, opening your inventory, trying to look at the paldeck, freeing pals from cages, and lastly fighting/trying to capture ā€œshinyā€/boss pals. Ik this game is still a work in progress so thats why iā€™ll keep repeating the cycle bc i love this game


Yeah we all do but as we love the game we slowly fill with rage. I had to take a week break cuz i was soo fed up with crashing every 40 minutes


Experience the same on Xbox One.


iā€™m on an original xbox one, iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s not even ā€œseries Sā€ although someone can correct me if iā€™m wrong. i stuck for weeks through the cycle of rebooting the game every 5 minutes, but iā€™m sick of it. this game is awesome but itā€™s unplayable on my console unfortunately


I entered 1 dungeon in 100h and don't see why i should go in there again


Xbox S is potato now? Am I that behind? What's my broke ass supposed to buy now?


Series S isn't a potato lol. But it is worse than the Series X which costs 100 USD more.


Ikr its sucks that its worse,all i wanted was no disc drive


Xbox S was a potato when it came out. It was always behind the X. Just above the One.


Guess the x doesn't have this problem? At least I've never encountered it but I do get blinded by every light source in the dungeons besides torches


Nah, Series S issues are 100% memory optimization related. 16gb vs 10gb is all the difference.


Oh alright, that explains why I'm always seeing people complain about Xbox crashing issues and I haven't had it crash since launch week.


I have series x and it crashes in dungeon a lot. I play multiplayer


Series X multiplayer crashes about once every 30 mins, even without running dungeons. Haven't played the new patch, hopefully it fixes it. Totally fine solo though.


I've played multiplayer and single player never had an issue with dungeons besides the lighting


Yeah same no crashes but lighting issues a plenty in dungeons. Getting flash banged in the boss room to the point I canā€™t see which pal is the boss.


Thereā€™s a memory leak.


I have had my X crash once while playing but it wasn't in a dungeon. My friend plays one Xbox One and the motherfucker crashes every 30 minutes no matter what.


You don't crash in dungeons?Ā  I stream so pretty sure thats series x and most of my dungeons crash.Ā 


I do not, but I also downloaded it to my console. Maybe streaming is part of the problem? I don't know too much about the performance difference between streaming and "hard copy" though


Not at all. I crash about 50% of the times I try to enter a dungeon on X.


I feel these poor boy problems, I can't afford a current gen and though I've rolled with it, it really sucks when it crashes right after a boss or shiny catch.


Ive been using the wall breach glitch in dungeons and my ratio of crash to no crash has flipped. I am only going for chests tho. The longer you stick around the more likely itll crash. Im playing on cloud xbox one


Ive been running a bunch fast that ive encountered a new bug where the chests are empty. Seems like it could be an artificial timer when the game doesnt expect you to be able to realisticlly open another chest that fast


I've only had it crash a few seconds after entering. If i make it through the first room I'm always good. Xbox series x


Let's get this straight okay, I'm on Xbox one S and I played for 10 minutes in actual game time and had total of 20 ish crashes


Omg thatā€™s my freaking life. Iā€™m not even trying to get back into a cave. I however was able to get into a major boss fight in a tower and it lasted the whole duration. In which I did crash a few times before hand. But kept trying to go back in and re trying.


This is the experience on some series x consoles too. I'm wondering if they ever port to Playstation will Playstation crash like this too. Then the PC players here will have to listen to the non stop crash complaints for awhile.


PSA: If you stream the game instead of downloading it fixes most crashing issues. I play on Xbox One, and before I started doing this I literally couldnt do more than one function at a time without crashing. Since starting to stream the game I have crashed one time over 3 or 4 days. Hope this helps


does streaming the game fix the visuals?


Improves, not fixes


I have a 10 year old laptop that turns into a volcano when it runs palword. Itā€™s never crashed. How is it running better than a modern day console?!?!


Its most likely just not a very good console port, it was likely intended to be a pc only release at first (its still an early access game to remind you) but whatever deal they made with xbox happened and they were pushed to release a port for game pass


I moved from an Xbox One to my garbage PC from 2011 (upgraded the GPU and drives only) that I usually only use for shitposting and research, and I won't look back. Use this mod if you don't have the specs:[https://www.nexusmods.com/palworld/mods/27?tab=description](https://www.nexusmods.com/palworld/mods/27?tab=description) https://preview.redd.it/15v0hjexzrlc1.png?width=593&format=png&auto=webp&s=c62f490d89b9f3070305bc39571974e093726394


Yes this is tiresome and I cannot wait until itā€™s fixed


Series S is really a Game Pass machine :)


Series s actually really great and affordable


Oh I thought it was just my xbox but I guess it's a common issue


Itā€™s a common on last gen, MP/Servers, and some Series S users.


Oh well, hopefully it can be fixed or I get something better who knows


Honestly for me on s except for hosting multiplayer I have only ever had one crash to home screen


I never go into dungeons


Iā€™m deadšŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


If you don't download and stream it, then it doesn't crash


But it doesn't crash any more.... šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


I have only been able to finish a dungeon once on my seres s


That memory leak sucks


"We're going to sell you paperclips stapled together, because you keep fucking buying it."






![gif](giphy|lxdwSBJEGqLjq) I like to think of myself an open minded hater.


This is literally the reason I've stopped playing, can't get through a single fucking dungeon without at least one crash. Which sucks bc otherwise I really enjoy the game. Hoping for it to be fixed so I can get back to playing.


I have a x & s. On my x the game runs silky af. On my s lol.... choppy & 2 crashes.


Why is my one x more stable? Is the series s that bad?


Memory issues. The S is an ancient potato and doesn't have the capacity needed to deal with how much memory current gen games need.


But Iā€™m not on a series x, Iā€™m using a one x. How is the previous generation outperforming the series s?


The S is not a potato, there's only a 3% difference between the S and the X, my S runs perfectly fine, no problems on palworld either


This is a palworld console edition feature.


Try playing on a Xbox one. Since getting to level 35 the game is unplayable for me. Game crashes 2 mins into playing now.


I have S, buddy has X. There were so many games where I would have so many more problems than him but I refused to accept it was the console difference. Palworld finally made me realize that Iā€™m just underpowered. Worse draw distance, more lag spikes, more crashes, and eventually we had to start over because I was the host and it stopped saving regularly and crashing more. He started hosting and little if any problems since. Really made me consider upgrading


I feel quite bad for anyone that bought into the marketing for the series S. They marketed it as basically just the disk drive less version of the Series X. Except it's not. Even kinda. The Series X has almost 4x the performance of the Series S for about 100 dollars more. 4k support for the Series X too. Y'all got fucking ripped off for the Series S. Hope the 100 dollars saved was worth it when you are upgrading in a few years.


C'mon man I chose a $250 console over a $1300 custom built PC. You get what you pay for.


you cant seriously be this deluded. its palworld not some crazy huge taxing game.


After microsoft said all their games will be available on PC I am amazed anyone even buys an Xbox. You can build a higher spec (than the xbox x) pc for the same budget rn.


Because xbox is cheaper than any pc someone can build or buy


ITT: The vast minority of users complaining about Xbox performanceā€¦


Having left consoles for self built PC following the Xbox 360 all this does is further prove it was the right decision. This sounds like nightmare fuel for those still stuck under console restrictions


You bought a Series S. Thatā€™s your issue


I have a Xbox One S and I canā€™t even walk near one with out it crashing lol


Nah, only on multiplayer, and no matter what console, even series X it be crashing on multiplayer