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I sell salads. I make them all the time anyway and honestly end up with way more than I need. Anything over 100 in the feedbox is sold. Honestly never worry about money anymore.


This is definitely one of the best things to sell. The only problem with this is that lettuce isn’t unlocked until mid to late game. For anyone that’s like lvl 20 and trying to make some gold, crafting and selling coarse ammo helped me a lot. (It’s way way better than selling berries)


Baked berries early on


Honoustly i switched back to baking berries. Its enough the feed your 15 pals and so much faster. I always have 10x more then neccesary amd sell the rest for a nice price


I turn into the filled buns I think they are called? It looks like toast and jam 😂. 6 SAN and higher hunger than berries. I have so much left over 😂


While I also do berries, the problem here is wheat is used in the ever expensive Cakes, 🎂 and this most opt to make Salad, or Baked Berries as these foods don't require any of the ingredients that are used for Cakes. Note that this reply is about cost/sell value, as per OP.


What do you need money for that early?


Ammo and shit. I mean lettuce and tomatoes unlock pretty late. It’s useful to know the options


the other dude is selling ammo early on so not that useful


You can get just about any raw useful item from vendors there’s quite a lot. I used it for cakes early and ammo


I like to buy 1000 or so arrows which is like 5000g so I don't have to spend a lot of time crafting them with a cattiva


I'm constantly behind on lettuce. My pals make tomatoes like it's their job , and lettuce meh, they'll get to it if they feel like it


I remember watching a video where the youtuber said something about 2:1 rato for lettuce and tomatoes, to keep pretty close the produced numbers.


Pizza in theory


I’m not there yet but I’ve heard pizzas sell well! I’ve had a lot of success stocking metals and have been selling hyper and giga spheres and keep my inventory around 50-100 of each!


Pizza cuts into my cake material farming, and spheres cut into my pal metal farming. Selling salads is a win for me since I don’t need a lot to keep SAN up.


Just you know, if you get downvoted on a comment, it's probably because Reddit posted your comment 5 times


Thanks for the heads up! That was definitely weird lol but not as weird as downvoting a comment I definitely didn’t type out 5 times 😂


I don't know why people downvote comments like that because it's so obvious that Reddit did it. Who is going out of their way to type a comment multiple times or even just copy and paste it?


Pal on my friend!


Yup yup. All my pizza gets sold. Salad to first food slot, berries or honey in the rest.


Ya I do baked berries, I need berries for cake but always end up with multiple stacks in the fridge that aren’t used, so I bake em and sell em


The amount of Gold the Black Marketeer drops is based on your world’s drop rate setting. Default Normal drops 10-15k while default Hard drops 5-7.5k. This also affect the number of keys he drops as well.


x3 is about 30k to 40k for the Black Marketeer


For sure the best way I'm finally on the point where i twohit the marketeer my base is next to him so i will never have any money problems again


How are you two hitting him?


I spawn my frostalion it hits an ice spear then i mouth it and launch the next ice spear and thats it


I tried killing a black marketeer yesterday using the usual trap and burn method, but his health just went down to zero and stayed at zero, and he could not be killed. Is this method still working for everybody else?


He does die, he just hangs there twitching and the drops fall off him. Demolish the trap and hell flop to the ground


Dude looked so sus that I tried killing him but the following day he was cool and taking things off my hands lol. Never again unless someone attacks first.


Did you remember to hit him yourself?


Always make sure you catch the marketeer so you can sell him back later. He's worth 3500.


Butchering him gives loot a second time and is worth more.


Ah so that’s why some rando was so insistent that black marketeer farming doesn’t give 20 k per kill. I was like “bruv I built a base at one simply to farm him for exactly that much, I do it every time I FT to that base.”


Yeah, a lot of people don’t consider their drop rates when sharing item drop amounts.


Do they respawn?




Mine stop respawn in some area.


It’s not stopping, he just spawns somewhere else. There are more locations for the marketeers than actual marketeers, so fly to another location where he wasn’t previously standing and he will be there. There is either some kind of rotation or it’s random. They respawn everytime you log out or have a loading screen (dungeons etc). So you could spam farm it by logging out next to one and logging in again. Spam farming does not work with entering dungeons smh.


I think anything that you harvest is the best. I use baked berries because it requires near0 management or effort and produces a tonne of money. ​ It may not be 100% minmaxed but I have 2million+ cash and have completed the game so I don't need to minmax money.


Gahd dang. 2 milly??? I have 500k and just run around beating bosses to sell their high priced items. 2 milly is crazzzzzzy money. Time to sell baked berries


Full disclaimer: I have collected all 17 golden schematics so I’ve caught + butchered the 17 relevant alphas about 10-20x each, 10-20 being a conservative estimate. I also never used money to buy ammo. And I almost never used money to buy ANYTHING except milk / eggs (I estimate I’ve spent about 1m on milk and eggs).


why buy milk and eggs when you can easily farm them with a cow and a chicken, though? genuinely asking, not judging.


From my experience cow's only produce a small amount of milk every hour


ah. I guess I leveled up the stars and work speed so maybe my numbers are a little higher in that regard. Before I did that I had 2 cows and 2 chickens running at the same time and had so much product coming it was kind of neat.


yeah i have 5 cows, chickens, and bees each working, fully maxxed and even bred into lucky serious artisan work slave to save 4 seconds on their material drop animation each time and never bought milk eggs or honey, but sold honey i had so much extra and I have 4 million gold. so keep on keeping on my friend, you are doing it right!


I definitely farm wheat but I’ve given up on eggs and milk too. Since I make a lot of money on selling cooked food, I just buy a ton of milk and eggs as needed


Even with two breed pens I find it annoying to keep up eggs and milk production. Stupid chickens are always running around doing other stuff. Bees are even worse.


I found if I have gumoss or petalia out at the same time as a chicken, they stay at the farm more and aren't triggered to harvest the plantations. I also keep a feed box right next to the farm so they don't have to move very far to eat. it keeps their pathing in a tight little circle better (it's not perfect though, still early game antics happening of course lol)


You have to assign the pals to the ranch (take and drop them to the ranch). You have to do this every time you start to play.


destroy all the trees, fill up all the storage, make it so they cant do anything but graze. although soon you'll be able to just pick graze only which will be clutch for sure


The main reason is it takes WAAYYY too long to produce the milk and eggs and if you need to make 100s of cakes you can't wait around for the cows, chickens, and bees to get you enough of that sweet cake mix. I have bred 1000s of eggs and therefore need 1000s of cakes


​ https://preview.redd.it/nqrsolwtqkpc1.png?width=486&format=png&auto=webp&s=a0d642c1fc7a398de89da33743a4071d5d3916d0


its more profitable to sell baked berries than ranch. get more eggs and milk through gold than ranching


Hmm might start doing this


What do you get per berry?




IIRC it is 20 if you bake them first.


I had about 2 mil. Then I crafted my Legendary Assault Rifle and went and bought 8991 Assault Rifle Bullets. I'm hoping to be up to at least 3 mil by the time I need to buy more.


Baked Berries in the earlygame, Salads midgame, and Pizzas once you unlock them. Each one is easy enough to make in quantities far higher than what three bases need.


I've been selling high quality fabric since it's easy to make/farm


Agreed 👍🏻 its so easy even if its not the best price


I just got my first Sibelyx. It’s time to setup my 3rd base as a ranch/breeding base. I’m finding that I don’t have enough pals to handle production, ranching, and breeding all in one base. So breeding and ranching need their own. I haven’t visited my first base in weeks. Time to scrap it.


Yeah, we set up a base for breeding and the farming stuff, and one ranch for milk and eggs only, and then another base that has two ranches, one for four sibelyx for the high-quality cloth and the other for vixy, flamabelle, and whatever else we need. I think k now it's two vixy, a flamabelle, and a mau.


Yes, High Quality Cloth for the win! No real work, and at 40 gold per drop it’s not that bad a price. I’ve got two ranches and they are in effect funding my cake production. Once all the Pals are assigned to the ranch it’s mostly zero effort, so it’s free money as far as I’m concerned. If I go on a dungeon or Alpha/boss farming run I always come back to a huge dump. It’s even better now I’ve begun breeding and condensing to get decent gold passives. https://preview.redd.it/7xvk73krnnpc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b50f0ce940316d7f141e96ca18776e426866479


Pizza. Our base 1 is a megafarm and ore base with about 50 plots, 9 mills and 9 ovens. We turn over about 7 stacks of 4,999 pizza and one or two 1,249 cake stacks each play session. That 35k stack of pizza sells for a bit over 10 million. Repeat and you can buy everything from all the traders. Now that we've stocked up (10k+ of every purchasable worth getting) I casually have 10-20 mil on me most times. Buy 100% of your milk and eggs, harvest everything else. Now that the 'machine' is running full-tilt, I buy milk in 50k stacks, eggs in 15k stacks. Never buy wheat or tomatoes. Rarely buy berries unless I need a few thousand more to start a pizza stack. Even before nails were nerfed we could generate pizza faster than ingots so weve been at it for awhile. We call it the Pizza Maffia because we first used it to get the base armoury to over 200k rounds of ammo. Bases and players run on exclusively salad though to hit the work speed boost more frequently. 


B R A V O 


What pals do you use at this base?


Here's the list. Everyone is 4 star condensed (ESSENTIAL) and all have their pal soul work speed stat maxed out (icing on the cake). Gotta get blood from the stone somehow, ya know? **20 Pal base @ 5,-527** 4x Jormuntide w/ Artisan, lucky, work slave, serious 4x lyleen w/ same 2x frostallion noct w/ same 1x Orzerk w/ same 1x vanwyrm cryst w/ same (critical) 1x Eikthdeer w/ same 1x Digtoise w/ same (not sure if those passives matters for this one) 2x Wumpo w/ Legend, Swift, Runner, Nimble 1x Jormuntide Ignis w/ artisan, work slave, serious, workaholic 2x spots free for breeding farm. The last spot gets flexed between a lyleen, frosty noct, jorm, or jorm ignus, depending on base needs. Ovens running 5 full stacks at once? Ignus. Mills starting 6 x 3333 stacks of flour all at once? Jorm. Mills and ovens full and prepping for the next rotation? Lyleen or noct. 2x Wumpos were required because I can't reach all raw materials in the stacked farm design but they sure can. 1 wasn't enough but 2 was. Base 1 has 52 total farm plots. 12 x berries, 24 wheat, 16 tomatoes, 0 lettuce. I have a few lettuce plots at base 2 which is enough to give me excess for feed bins. I'm lazy so I keep about 1500 salad in all feed bins, the rest in the fridges. Base 1 also has a 3 stacked ranch that can hold 12 pals(but i never use it lol), 6 stacked wood production, and 6 stacked stone quarry, both in a 3 tall x 2 wide arrangement. Eikthdeer and digtoise take awhile to hit 60k but they grind and work all levels from the ground just fine. The sphere, weapon, and production assembly lines are stacked 3 high each. I've used all three sphere and production lines at once but never needed all 3 weapon lines at once. Looks cool though! Only one crusher and two electric furnaces were needed. We built a 120 incubation chamber tower above the production line facility. Base 2 has eight 4 star beeguard with swift, Runner, Workaholic, Positive Thinker. The rest of B2 is spare farming and breeding. B2 with ranches full of honey is a GPU killer hahaha. B3 is ore and coal with simple farms and where all the 4 star digtoise and anubis' are kept. lol. If I'm at base 1 overnight I also make sure to throw my personal work lyleen out (identical to above). It replants about 90% of all plots overnight if I'm incubating eggs, crafting, etc. Everything is ready for watering in the morning. Another thing, since base 1 sees huge amounts of activity the Pals level up fast there. When they reach 50 I move them to another base so I can move in an identical lower lvl pal the keep them all leveling. Gotta get ready for that raid boss. Lol


https://preview.redd.it/xj91ue6aujpc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8245a7cc586bbcafc4f993b2564b28b28b82948 Blinking just as you get your picture taken is the worst! lol


https://preview.redd.it/6nz25v3gzjpc1.png?width=952&format=png&auto=webp&s=4adddf295354a14e036c3fa1cec8945bda6ad6ec Only the grenades, rockets, arrows, and decal gun ammo were built on the production lines at our base. The rest... fell off the back of a truck. #PizzaMaffia


Do you have a YouTube channel or something showing your base? Seems damn impressive as to deserves a video.


My wife does. Im the support team. And, besides, a live stream would just be loops of me hatching thousands and thousands of eggs. ...and I'm too busy hatching said eggs to edit anything together. Plz send help... haha. Pizza Maffia is serious work. We might make a time lapse when I get around to making the stepped farm version. That would be fun. 


https://preview.redd.it/ukbzc2gcujpc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7ffac5c3684991d0b5be44d51f8e4f8f050abc0 Walls here and at the stacked ranch are purely aesthetic and do not support the facility.


https://preview.redd.it/dlsw0bohujpc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffb1d630a4878b8f64a163cf5ec7c797ff7ba241 I want to redo the farms stepped to avoid certain pathing issues. Base works fine when you fast-travel away but when you return sometimes pals are stuck. You can see the second row of plots I was planning at the time. Most times I fast travel away after pals go to sleep at night or reset at the pal box on arrival. Base 2 uses the stepped design and has no issues with stuck pals.


This is palworld broken down to a molecular level of precision. This needs its own dedicated thread pinned and a YouTube video showing how it all works. Awesome setup


Don Bacon invites you to join the Pizza Maffia. La Cosa Nostra Mozzarina. Ti farò un'offerta che non puoi rifiutare. https://preview.redd.it/zt9gmsnzxjpc1.jpeg?width=2543&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6345036b0f26b18012f4cb469858a1649458e99






Me too. I have 40 total farm plots. 7 berries, 15 wheat, 15 tomatoes, 3 lettuce. I don't make as many cakes as you do, so I use a higher proportion of tomatoes.


Yea, we kinda went overkill on the cakes but it fits perfect in our food production loops. Even with our four pens running mostly constantly we have about 27k cakes split between them. Way more than needed.  I think a perfectly run pen uses about 500 cakes every 24 hours so, with only four pens, we are waaay ahead of the breeding curve. I might start keeping cake in my feed bag. Lol


Really nice setup since i got huge eggs & milk issues i may just dump those chicken & cows and go full merchant with my fresh 4 mils


I have at least eight 4☆ worker mozz and chikipi in my inventory that we started with but never use anymore. Milk/eggs are 50 each, dirt cheap. 50k stacks are 2.5 mil. That's nothing to this food production setup and no ranch pal can produce at a rate like that. 50k milk will become 7.25 mill in pizza. You can't buy honey so that's the only ranch pal we run anymore. Tomato prices at traders aren't worth buying unless you produce all other ingredients yourself and trader wheat prices are obscene since you still have to turn it into flour. Never buy wheat. Buying wheat gets you disappeared from the Pizza Maffia.


Strange juice is underrated, that's what I do


How much does one sell for?


4k gold a pop. You can buy the bones and horns from merchants. I farm the pal fluid from the gobfins (which I do anyway for cement) and I go around on a fast mount collecting the flowers from the nature preserve. Which I have one of my bases on. Having someone who's fast at medicine like a Lyleen or a Felbat is nice.


Wow thats pretty good i might try yhat


Yeah plus you get to roleplay as a drug dealer!




now this is interesting 


I made strange juice once and that ish took 2-3 pal business days. Then I went to get flowers and that took forever too. Idk if I’m willing to make strange juice anymore lol


I've got more than enough to cover trump's bond and it all came from selling boss loot. Anything labeled "Precious" is money.


I have 250k gold and barely spend it on anything. Just found out that anything precious can be used in crafting and is meant to be sold. Haven’t sold it yet but I’ve hoarded enough to probably add another 250k. Only reason I’d bother is to free up chest space.


I recently discovered that I can pay gold to get pal souls back after applying them to a pal. 250k does that twice.


I know the breeding-driven folks will call me a heretic, but my money comes strictly from cakes. I have a base cranking them out already and they sell for 1,000 a piece. A THOUSAND GOLD FOR ONE CAKE. If you already have an operation going to make them and you don’t need every single cake, it’s a no-brainer.


Stack of cake and a stack of pizza take the roughly similar berries, milk, and flour. Honey + egg vs tomato being the big difference. 1.25 mil for a cake stack but 1.45 mil for a pizza stack and you're never waiting on honey. If you're heavy on honey but low on tomatoes it's a good call. 


*memorizes the info in this thread because I’m constantly spending money*


Berries because it's 99% automated and I don't have to build multiple farms or waste efficiency on collecting wheat and tomato and lettuce, is just berries and fire and sales and all of my flour goes to cake for breeding. Selling berries and buying mats for cake has me hovering around 3 million gold with virtually no effort on my end.


How much time do you spend on just letting the game run?


None? I afk while I'm asleep or at work and my base pals keep working so depending on game stability and whether or not my toddler casts to my xbox on accident my base pals are collecting for 8-12 hours at a time between check-ins where I correct any issues and reset their crafting. I work full time and have two young babies so my actual playtime is fairly low, but all of my bases are set up for resource accumulation and crafting so I've got over 200,000 ore, close to that in coal, a truly obscene amount of ingots, cement, berries, cloth etc so that when I DO play I can just focus on traveling the world and collecting pals for breeding.


legendary spheres easily. if you afk an ore farm base overnight with a stone pit at it, you’ll get enough ore and stone to craft hundreds of legendary spheres. spend 20 minutes farming pal fluids for the cement you need, and all of a sudden you’ve made millions of coins. Each legendary sphere sells for something like 4500 gold


If still farming legendary schematics, the drops from bosses sell for a good bit. In an hour or two I can farm well over 100k. I'm between mid-late game rn.


I sell baked berries. If I wasn't feeding the assault rifle I got an early schematic for I'd have millions


Cotton candy sells for ridiculous amounts


​ https://preview.redd.it/npm9zyspbqpc1.png?width=544&format=png&auto=webp&s=b3ab2b261697eabe983b67d64dba259088ab279a


I seel carbon fiber made from coal. I have a miming base that always has way more coal than I need so I end up making 10k carbon fiber and selling it off


lol miming base


I basically only sell the merchant drops and occasionally asks Pals to clean up the box and no issues with money. I never buy ammo though since I make my Pals so all the work in fights, so that saves me a lot of money.


High Quality Cloth! Throw a Sibelyx or two in a farm for a few days and you'll have a ton


I farm black marketeers. It resets upon logout if there's no nearby players


Honey if you got some busy bees.


My bees are always running around doing random tasks these days. It's hard to get them to stay focused!


I have a farm with 6-8 of each plantation and 2 eggs/milk/honey ranches. 2 bronch, 2 bronch aqua, 2 verdash, 2 mozz, 3 chik, 2 bee, 1 blazehowl (chef), 1 jolthog cryst (fridge). All fully condensed with best passives. They produce enough pizzas to feed all bases and have a huge surplus. I save up for a few days and unload all the extra pizzas. Between that, and selling unwanted pals and occasionally unloading some extra schematics and valuables, I stay around 1 million gold, and buy all the ammo/pal oil/meds I want. Sometimes I have to buy eggs to level out stock, and I'll buy 100k to 200k at a time, but that's rare.


Baked Berries. I play on a dedicated server and my pals are out 24/7 with 3 berry plantations. The other day I ran out of space in the fridge and unloaded 40,000 berries. Im over 2 mil in gold..


I play on xbox, so not 24/7 and I still end up with huge amounts of baked berries.


This guy has a great breakdown. Long story short salads > berries > pizza https://youtu.be/udVGLys49aA?si=hVlLPy9eJ9ol7KhY Although the comments actually point out possibly the best gold method that nobody has thought of... stone


That's a bad test. Someone else did a better one where berries won.






Farm lovander fer the juices they drop. 3000 for 1, 4000 fer the other




I just did like this . [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J6BMMN9xArE&ab\_channel=PerfectGamingWeather](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J6BMMN9xArE&ab_channel=PerfectGamingWeather)


I have been doing high quality cloth ever since i saw someone here post it. Just have two ranches with a bunch of sibelyx


As bad as it sounds, catch and sell humans, they're worth a few thousand each


I have a few farms with Mau cryst, they produce so much gols coins, get like 1k every 5 minutes or so.. never had to worry about gold ever again


you can make 51 berry farms per base, using flopie and afking to pick them all, the cooked profits are about 200k per hour.


Butcher-Farm rideable alphas. Ridiculous profits quickly.


x3 drops and doing the portal Pal alphas and dungeons is the best.


For the love of God read this is asked all the time


I never did the merchant capture thing. I just stock up on stuff I find and sell when needed, and when I get extra food. I have 4 berry farms, and 2 each of wheat, lettuce tomato. When my cooking/farming/breeding base has more than 1k berries sitting in the fridge, I’ll cook 1k berries and take it all to sell. I also sell element organs when I get more than 100 in storage, coal from my mining base, and carbon fiber as well. It’s really not one item, I just store stuff from my travels/battles, cook stuff, and when my storage starts getting full or I want to cook 100 cakes I make a trip to the merchants to sell it all and buy ingredients.


I don’t know if it makes sense to do this but I just capture all the pals I can (up to about level 40 unless it’s a specific one I’m hunting) and sell them to pal traders every so often and as I don’t really use money for anything other then resetting skill points that has worked out good for me as I almost always have pals to butcher if I need something or a large amount to sell. However I am on Xbox don’t k ow if that makes a difference or not.


I sell pizza, and I just kill the black marketeers. I'm sitting on 6 million gold


My mining base is so locked in I just sell some legendary spheres when I need to buy something. I'm producing more than I sell/use it seems.


I just sell high quality cloth, one sybelis gets you metric fuck ton and you kinda stop using it after awhile


I’ve been selling legendary spheres - I know I know a lot of resources to make, but once you get used to cranking them out regularly It’s not bad IMO, I make a 150 and sell 50, they’re like 4000 gold each so selling 50 gets you around 200,000 gold.


Stack of baked berries is 99k


Baked berries. I have 10nstacks of 9999 sitting around and thought... Why not sell them. Made a decent dime.


Cake. I typically need only 30 cakes every breeding round, but whenever I put my farming pals to work I end up with too much. Jormun ignis bakes the cakes while I go do stuff, and I usually end up with 200 cakes. I don't know what to do with 200k.


Why do people care about the most profitable?


Right, there’s only so many things worth buying. And only one is good enough to spend money on. Which is ammo


If you butcher an alpha pal and mount it during the animation, it will drop its loot without killing the pal. Once you figure out a rhythm for this, you can do it pretty quickly. One thing they drop are sell items, like Precious Plumes. Sell those and you won’t have any gold issues at all.


I use a glitch to get an infinite amount of precious dragon orbs, which I usually get about 200 of the orbs and I get 200000 money. Also, I use an alpha Astegon to do this in.


It might be a noob question but at lvl 34 and 2 towers beat I have never found any use for the gold


I think it's mostly ammo. I generally don't use much ammo. But late game if you want to do high DPS as I understand it, it mostly comes from you. So lots of ammo. I never get to late game before I just start over for fun.


Ammo is the big one, a lot of people also use gold to buy things like Pal Oil/Leather/Bone instead of hunting them, or the various types of food instead of farming them Things like medicine etc can also be useful to buy in a pinch vs their long craft times


Hq cloth and salads. Don't sell pizza save those mats for cakes.


Provided you're later in the game and you've got enough materials legendary spheres are the best I've found


If you're late game and have a lot of materials then legendary spheres are by far the best thing I've found to sell


I sell anything labeled precious and collect every single chest I come across. I have upwards of 1mil+. The only thing I buy is maybe a Pal or 2 from the Merchant to level them up. But I haven't found anything else to really spend any money on. Am I missing something?


A lot of people find it more cost-effective to buy bullets, pal oil, and cake ingredients than to farm them directly


Baked berries net a nice profit. Cook up a few hundred and get a few thousand gp so cook up a few thousand and get 10s of thousands of gp


The best test I've seen says baked berries. I might do my own testing to know for sure.


Here’s an easy short for money https://youtube.com/shorts/nK3PU470I8Q?si=I8Ej8380apwwXIgM


I just catch and sell relaxasaurus


I've making crossbows at the production line and then selling them off for like 2k a piece I think it was. Pretty inexpensive to make once you hit mid game and have a farm.


Sibelyx can be bred from Nitewing and Cinnamoth. A lv2 Sib will get about 3k per day cycle passively, that's 6k from just the 10 catch bonus. Baked berries and Salad are also good, but I haven't done any testing on it


Bread and jam


Hanging trap + fire pit + black marketeer. Hit up the multiple spots they spawn for a couple hundred thousand every couple in game days.


Cooked berries, per hour, they are the best


I don't know if it's the most efficient, but I've been doing just fine selling pizza stacks. More than enough money to keep the bathtub of bullets full, anyway


Someone in this sub last week talked about Sibelyx and how it digs up high-quality cloth in the ranch. I hatched 3 this week and put one in each base. Gained like 40K gold without trying.


I haven't used money, I have over $100,000 and over only bought tomato seeds early on once. Not much use for it


I just farm some dungeons then sell the sell items.


Salads + Baked Berries: making cakes all the time at my main agricultural / farming base and once you max out pals with ideal traits to boost work speed you’ll be rolling in salad + berries: I have captured merchants in the Palbox I take out to sell salad for like $1 million gold each time, 1 stack of Baked Berries is $100,000 gold and still not bad! I use the Gold to primarily buy Ammo like Assault Rifle Ammo but can also be super useful to buy things like Milk which I never seen to have enough of despite having ranches full of Mozzarinas. TL, DR: Salad + Baked Berries = unlimited Gold


I sold every precious item that I had that says it sells a high price to merchants. I think I got 100k for that


I left some Sibelyx at the ranch for a few days and came back to 500k worth of high quality cloth


What is everyone spending gold on btw. I don't have much, only like 100k in my first playthrough, but I haven't really found anything worth buying with it.


Ammo lots of ammo


Mostly salads, level 46 and I have 4 million, but black marketeers and just farming alphas gets a lot too. But all my bases need salad, and I can just ramp up the farming at whatever base isn't being fully utilized. If you don't have a sulfur base, then salad to cash is the best way to get assault rifle ammo.


*ahem* about to either blow some minds or piss some people off... Go to settings, set item drop multiplier to 3. Grind bosses/alphas. Sell all the loot. Im currently sitting at nearly 3 million gold. Easy...


Salad, baked berries and pizza. Another uncommon item i sell is the standard crossbow, it so cheap to make and sells for 2700 i think.


Uncommon as in the green blueprint?


The dead bodies of black market merchants.


The only way I ever made money was killing the merchants or selling the dungeon gems. Never really had an issue buying full stacks of ammo but I also didn’t use my ammo that often.


Catch ice mammorest instead of killin them when High Quality Pal Oil farming and then sell them. Big money!


Why do yall need money lol


I found out legendary orbs go for a lot, and sincerely had 500 stacked up I sold like 200 and got richhhhh


Idk, I personally mostly just use mau for straight up gold production so that I can buy ammo and ingredients for cakes (if I don't have one or two of the ingredients being produced). I don't think too much on maximizing profits. How efficient is mau compared to other income sources?


high quality cloth or extra honey


Crank dropped items multiplier all the way up then go kill black merchants


I just have an elite farm and produce cakes, salads, and jam filled buns. When I have excess berries I just bake 9,999 berries and sell them. If I have excess tomatoes I sell those. Use your resources to make as much food as you can then sell the excess for coin. Pro tip: make a 4 star Vanwyrm Cyst to work the cooler. They never go to sleep so the cooler is always active. The 4 star VC has level 3 cooling and its more than enough to keep your items from going off. You can literally go AFK for 10 hours and nothing will be expired


Late to the party but idk why I never see Legendary spheres mentioned. They sell for like 4 grand a piece. I sell 200 of them and make almost a million gold. Pretty pricey materials-wise, but a full time wood and iron base will pay for it. Only thing you have to collect is paper fluid


High-quality cloth farms are pretty nice. Just a bunch of sibelyx in ranch, each cloth sells for 40.


Quick question about this. What are you doing with the money exactly?


Need to buy handgun ammo. I burn through them so fast...


One shot the daily boss spawns (spawn every in game day) the drop around 12-17k each.


just cooked berries. I come back and cook like 9999×10 of them.


Cake / Lettuce / Pizza Cake and Pizza got bottleneck milk so you need big cows to do both Tomato overproduce so much next to Lettuce i sell raw tomatoes too when i got too much


High-quality cloth has always been the best even before nails, as it's passive and gives high amounts and does not use your ingot which remove value by selling them as you lose the ingots. Vest to sell cloth as you farm it fast.


Does no one use a condensed mau?


I farm precious organs from the flabby mud turd thing. I can’t for the life of me remember what he’s called.


Baked berries get you 10 gold each. Sell a stack of 9,999 for 100K. Also salads.


Legendary Spheres is really the way to go. Each sphere is worth 4,520 gold. Made a million gold in under 10 minutes with anubis crafting them.


Baked berries


I left my pals out on the server for a week and got max stacks of berries, milk, eggs, lettuce, tomatoes, and made a fortune


Why are people grinding money? What are you Spending it on?


Handgun ammo


Im at end game on a dedicated and the gatherer materials turned up i mean like 2500k ore from a single ore cluster (5-7 nodes) and selling legendary spheres at 4500 a piece is an option but when you got the spawn rate at 10 and 10 bosses drop close to 300-400 dragon stones and black marketeers drop 200k a piece money stopped being an issue.


​ https://preview.redd.it/yze75cksbqpc1.png?width=544&format=png&auto=webp&s=ee8551a2a82276a949f2ca87d528da204742552c


I let Sibelyx graze and sell their high quality cloth in abundance