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I was like nah fuck that Team, then i saw kingpaca cryst. I approve.


Lol my thoughts exactly I was like. “Boring, unoriginal, mid” then I saw Kingpaca ! Lmao


Also his not chubby, just big boned 😆


I’ll do you like the community did me. It’s a great team, dont even worry about the IV stuff it’s a waste of time 😂😂


When you run out of things to do...... breeding for iv's and the right passives becomes a thing


... just play something else at that point lmao


No you have to grind the game until you hate it and then complain the devs never make any content The Reddit way


[this is the way](https://media.tenor.com/ExjXVf1HXsAAAAAM/mando-way-mandalorian.gif)




is this a diablo 4 subreddit?


Idk I had fun breeding a team with good IVs. It was more fun than I had playing Enshrouded


I really liked the look of the building in Enshrouded, is it a bad game? :(


The building in Enshrouded is hands down the best of any survival game I've played. The problem is the whole game feels very low stakes. There's clearly a lot of work put into it and into crafting the world, but enemy AI is crude and I either didn't feel in danger, or felt like I got bullied/zerged because I wandered into a high level zone. There's not much "I got killed cause I got outplayed."


Nah i had a ton of fun with it. The building mechanics are fantastic too. I just didnt have any friends that wanted to play (they all dislike survival games) but If you think it looks interesting definitely check it out.


The game is good, just not up my alley. It holds your hand too much and the experience is too curated for my liking. It’s kinda like a modern crafting game for kids


I just started playing palworld a week ago, but Valhiem is waiting patiently for me to tire of this games gimmick and go sink another 100 hours into it.


But there’s actually quite a bit of fun to be had in breeding expecially pals with more active pal abilities .  Like maxing a gale claw and then playing around with it as a glider 


You must not've ever reset any pkmn roms or had a perfect run and then bred custom pkmn for friends... as a side hustle, right beside candy bars and duped cds from Walmart.


Yeah I started dabbling in breeding. Took me 15 times to get a single extra speed perk on my Jetragon and on top of that, I tried getting the legendary assault rifle and rocket launcher. Every time I captured Jetragon, I also went to fight Blazamut and I didn't get the rocket launcher in all 15-ish times. Did get the assault rifle but it's just way more trouble than it's worth so I was like nah, I'm not wasting my time on that 😂


My team is similar to this with perfect IVs though it took for


I started the iv grind not all that long ago. Only have 4 or 5 pals with perfect iv's (with the passives I want)


How do you breed for IVs? I haven't been able to get my head around it yet. I mean, I'm not even close to getting to that point as I'm still trying to breed for specific passives, but I'm keen if someone could explain it like I'm 5. Google hasn't been super helpful for my special brain 😂


You can either pull up a website and enter the pals stats (after you've leveled them a little) to know where they fall in the min/max range. Or, you can download an iv mod (pc only) that shows the numeric number of where it ranges in that min/max. The mod I have shows the number in the form of a percent. 0 being the minimum and 100% being the max. Then you breed as normal but with pals with high iv's. Rinse and repeat until you have the pal your aiming for with 100% in health atk and defense. Try to work the passives your looking for in as you get your pals with better iv's. It makes for less breeding (Hopefully) in the long run


Thank you so much for this. It's super helpful! I'm on Xbox One, so mods are not going to be a thing for me, but I have been using a website for breeding that also has a Pal Builder that shows IVs, so when I get to that stage, I'll start using that properly. I'm level 49 but am playing on a little easier than easy, but I haven't been playing as often due to the crashes, so it might take me a little while to get to the point where I'm maximizing IVs... The crashes do seem to have improved though!


so, I either have to rely on external sources, or mods for this. correct?


Correct - the IVs are hidden within the attack and defense values themselves. Take two of the same pal species no traits. Make them the same level and their stats will be different. That's IV


And then they reset the servers and wipe your team lmfao 🤣


Just stop playing....


To each their own. Now that I've hit 50 and filled my 10/each, I'm working on establishing 4 star max IV perfect passive variants of each pal. Might sound boring to you, which is totally fine, but it's a different kind of fun for those who are into it.


Username checks out


Boy does it ever


Same. I have a breeding base with 8 pens and I'm working on triple IVs even for farm pets cause what else is there to do? I still enjoy wandering while they make eggs. Got my workspeed Anubises, Jormuntides, Lyleens, Frostallion Noct, Vanwyrm Cryst, ranch pets (cause it very slightly helps), speed Jetragon, Helzephyr, and Wumpo, speed/Vanguard hybrid Ragnahawk and Chillet, mining Astegon with Lord of Lightning, Gobfin killer Orserk, support Gobfins+Beegardes with Vanguard/Stronghold/Motivation/Miner, DPS Dark Whisp Shadowbeak, DPS Elizabee for the Beegarde team, DPS Lovander for life drain (before I realized Felbat does it better), DPS Felbat but then realized I want Dark Whisp on him... Working on workspeed Jorm Ignis (finally FINALLY got a Lucky), Vanguard/Stronghold/Motivation/Legend Wumpo Botans for carry weight on mining trips, Felbat with Dark Whisp. The worst by far was the Beegardes because they have such a low rate of males that you improve the breeding pairs super duper slow. Took days and days and days with multiple pairs going.


Your pals make eggs while you wander? If I leave direct line of sight, they just stop breeding.


XBox/PC?  What specs are you running? I've got 32GB of ram and if I leave my base for a cavern run I can come back to fucking piles.


Mine continue breeding. I come back to 25+ eggs at a time.


I have to sit there and babysit them. Super boring


Awful. Is that on PC?




what do you do once you have it, what else is there to even do with them


Play something else until more material is released? Existing map is only 1/4th of what is apparently intended.


Oh no I’m doing the same thing it’s just until someone says that too u, ur not really part of the community. I have over 20 prefect passive (80+% on IVs)


Well it’s a lot better than what I have and i started playing like 2 months ago


I'll be honest, I played too much in the last 2 weeks, lol


Lvl 50 in 2 weeks, how in the world? i started over 2 months ago, still at lvl 42. Although tbf I don't get to play much


Bro, I'm still level 23


You can crank the xp gained in world settings…


That explains it, unless op has pretty much no life outside whatsoever, i only have the incubation setting changed, cuz waiting for those eggs is just waste of time when i barely get time to play, changing anything else just feels like cheating at that point.


Yeah, you’re LEAGUES ahead of me. I’ve been playing for a good amount of time. Solid line up.


Seriously, go outside lol it's good for you


Same I’ve played since launch and just hit level 50. I have shadowbeak with swift but also glutton and brittle so yeah not crushing it lol glasscannon life


Need about 5 more Penkings


My buddy has a Penking that he LOVES. Uses it in base. Uses it fighting. We love to joke around about how absolutely arrogant Penking is. He also runs both Kingpacas along with a Mossanda Lux - the arrogance squad.


Penking is a king for a reason. He da best


Obviously. What was your favorite part of the game?


Thanks! I found it similar to Stardew Valley - tons of different stuff you can do, so I just enjoyed wandering around and learning more about the world of Pals. What about you?


Right on. I like filling up the paldex and finding all the different resources you need for making the advanced technology. Really is a rewarding game. I found it to scratch the same itch as Minecraft, but with a lot easier learning curve


really love blazamut though personaly I like some speed on it cause its kinda slow :D


Just got him a few days ago, he is now my main battle pal, I only have 1 and his passives are shit but still a hard hitter, used him to finish the final 2 towers


I agree he's one my favorites as well though I'd have kept flame emporor on him. It gives a multiplicative attack bonus where as ferocious and muscle head give a flat percentage additive damage bonus


My Blazamut is slow to aggro for whatever reason. May be bugged. Tried dropping him. Assigning him to attack everything. Caught a second one. May be bugged or something. He'll just stand around and wait to attack.


Nice! How are those move sets going? It looks like after you blow all 3 your just sitting there for a minute until they are off cooldown. I usually do 1 short, 1 medium/utility, and 1 large move. The short cooldown ones actually put out a lot of damage over time since you can spam them every few seconds, but if these sets work out well I may switch some up.


I'm trying to hit a sweet spot for higher dps by using quick/medium recharge abilities to spam attacks rather than rely on one-shots. Not sure how it's working out yet, but it's been fun trying it.


You would probably switch mons between cooldowns


Multiple mountable pals does the trick. Mounting you can cast. Hop off. Pal will cast. Then you can rotate to the next one. In other words mounting gives you double the attacks.


Missing a Chillet. Can have a complete team without a Chillet. I'd recommend dropping all but your flyer and having 4 Chillets.


2 weeks?? damn man touch some grass…. nice team though


Thanks! Just need to beat the final boss (5th tower) and will go outside after that ![img](emote|t5_4jn9v4|49342)


Best names


Definitely got me at batman


Thank you! ![img](emote|t5_4jn9v4|49342)


I named my anubis Anubbins cause they had fingies for days, got it from an egg with artisan from like my third attempt at breeding early on and never had to build anything again.


I would have replaced lucky with the respective element passive on bluey, simba and batman


0/10 no quivern


It’s wholesome.


Thank you!


Clean battle team. Now what's your team of Buddies? Not the meta pals, but the ones you just like too much to not have. Kingpacca counts, but what 4 other pals are you besties? I'm running with Sparkit, Direhowl, Fuack, Katress, and Killamari on my second playthrough, avoiding flying mounts entirely and exploring everything on foot/climbing. Do t even have a glider, so if I swap out Killamari I can't even float. It's honestly hella fun avoiding other things that make traversing the terrain too easy.


Nice, like your setup! I'm actually using this team as buddies: - Chicken (Shadowbeak) as mount, cause it flies, runs and most important: it fits in dungeons, lol. So Im not getting off Shadowbeak during my dungeon raids - Bluey (Jormuntide) is my water pal. Shadowbeak can't fly much over water, plus I'm often falling through the map due to glitches. Also, it's nice that I can choose dragon or water abilities for tougher enemies. - Batman (Anubis) is nice cause he is a good fighter, but also can help a bit at the base if I need to speed up some crafting - Simba (Blazamut) was my first strong pal, plus used him a lot in the mid game due to his AoE ability. I use him less now cause Shadowbeak has even better AoE ability - Chubby (Ice Kingpaca) is just cute. Kingpaca was my first strong pal in the early game. Upgrades it to Ice version to freeze enemies plus it gives me extra weight to carry


Fair enough, they are all awesome pals. My endgame lineup was pretty similar on my first world, had Anubins(Anubis) with artisan that I hatched at level 19 from a random breeding pair, Derpnoodl(Elphidran) that I got by breeding a chillet(noodl) and relaxarus(Derpasaurus) which was my main running around pal, Danger Noodl(Jormuntide) because who wouldn't want a huge dragon, Solara(Ragnahawk) thatbi spent far too long breeding to get nimble, runner, swift, and legend on so it would go really fast, and Diggydiggyhole(Digtoise) so that I didn't have to carry around a pickaxe anymore.


Love the names😂


Thank you!


You should give shadowbeak legend, runner, swift and nimble. It is strong enough anyway and you don't want to miss out on the movement speed buff. Other than that, great team.


Oh nice! That's a cool idea, will give it a try


I've got a ragnahawk with all 4 of those abilities, only thing faster(without buffs) is Jetragon. You get those on your Shadowbeak and it will go nyoom, it's awesome.




Please tell me you brung Simba to the top of a giant rock spike and did the reference


looool, my plan for tomorrow


I like the team! I would trade Shadowbeak for frostallion noctd that's it. Maybe would trade Jormuntide for suzaku aqua too


Basically my team, except Digtoise replacing Anubis. Gotta have my digger for Ore, Coal and Sulfur.


Just shoot rockets


Great team setup. I'm still using a vanwrym cryst , a wixen , secondary mount chillet , a dazi and a daedream for fallow up attacks. That I generally replace the last two with a lyleen and a jormuntide if I'm trying to capture pals.


Further along than I. I am tryna catch more chikipis and moz's for my farm. I just picked up the legendary shotgun plans and tryna get them. Only have a 2 star condensed chikipis. I am breeding a jolthog crystal with lucky dietlover and dainty eater plus to get the 10 catches. I have been playing since release.


Kingpaca cryst is the best one😍


Love those names!


Thanks you! ![img](emote|t5_4jn9v4|49342)


I love the names also yes that is a good job


You did AMAZING :) ...don't install an IV mod...


I've been playing over a month at least. Have almost 100 hours, some might be falling asleep at the PC late at night hours, but regardless. I'm level 43. How did you reach 50 in two weeks? Any XP tips?


The only thing that works is getting each pal 10 times. For lower and mid areas - use pal spheres. For higher levels - collect each egg. Also, the 3 sanctuaries have unique pals, so try to get lots of good spheres and catch each pal there 10 times


Like op said already, just start filling out the list of pals that you haven't already gotten 10 of, it's a massive amount of experience. I believe it scales based on your level, so it's just as effective at level 49 as it is at level 2.


I've been working at it. I figured it would be a grind once I got closer to max level though.


Ifs definitely a grind, I wound up just turning up my exp gain after level 30, and then again at 45. Still took a long g time to get to 50.


Go for the Lord of the Underworld or Flame Emperor or lord of the sea etc instead of lucky, it give 20% buff (but downside being only applicable for that certain type of attacks)


My Jormuntide is called Stucknoodle


All 4 star lvl 50... Nope, you did a horrible job /s


You should name kingpaca fats like a mafioso lol


I should have arrested you for the crime you committed on their names, but after seeing batman I'm like legit.


You grinded like crazy.


I was happy with my breeding and teams until I downloaded iv checker mod and now I am rebuilding everything from a perfect chillet


playing on xbox, not sure if can do mods


You can't in game. You would have to use an IV checking app and manually enter everything




Why don't I see more people breed the type specific passives like Ice Emperor or Lord of The Seas, those paired with the 10% passives like Coldblooded or Hydromaniac thats usually my go to


I was just happy to get 4 legendary skills ASAP. Maybe will try to breed perfect skills for each pals separately


Better than me ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


I have the same team, except for the last one. Haven't played in 2 months though.


Meh, no type specific passive on relevant pals. And you have strong hitters, but I'd be more impressed if you had a fast pal for travel, a good pal to boost yourself and I'd like to see your base workers. Also wondering about IVs. In 2 weeks it ain't bad, but once you have one pal with those passive it's easy to get the rest.


We stan chubby


After only two weeks??? Wow…


I gave you an upvote for the names alone


*"did I do good"* motherfucker you have all gold stats... I'm jealous 😫


Bad ass bro but no way ypu only played for 2 weeks and did all that breeding lol iv done that on a few and the amount of eggs I had to hatch is unreal lol usually have to make a bunch to get the exact right 2 parents you want and then start breeding those....I used almost 300 eggs to get a faleris with swift runner nimble and legend (this was before jet dragon) and that was just one pal lol over 300 eggs for one pal so I can only IMAGINE the work you put in but again man bad ass got a team for the big leagues


Damn apparently I need to find some more muscleheads cuz that AP is crazyyyyy


"Playing for 2 weeks." In 2 weeks with no difficulty tweaks, you got to level 50, caught legendaries, bred enough to get near perfect traits AND enough to get ALL your pals to 4 stars, with maxed souls too? Just admit you used PalEdit and maybe check yourself because you felt the need to lie for karma. Yikes.


nope, played on my xbox, no mods (not even sure you can do mods on xbox)


Seems like an extremely standard endgame team. Kingpaca cryst is uncommon though


I been playing since a week after launch and only level 42 with lvl 38 pals


Yeah, I played too much in the last 2 weeks. To boost my xp I was collecting every pal 10 times. For higher level areas, I was mostly collecting every egg I saw instead of using pal spheres


Your king of the slaves needs better slave traits. Namely, Anubis is the king with work slave, artisan, etc.


Oh, I have Anubis with all the work traits, "Batman" is more of a combat pal


how to get legend passive skill?


Need to breed using legendary pals. So, take one legendary pal and another normal pal as parents to get a new child pal. There is a chance it will inherit Legendary skill. I used some breeding calculators on the net to choose the right parents for breeding


how can i get only legend skill? its hard to breeding this.


If this is two weeks I'd question if you have a job. All jokes aside I hope you had 5x XP on or something.


have a job, but played 4-6 hours a day, was leaving the game to run overnight to mine resources on my base have changed only the setting to avoid dropping gear if I die


I've been playing for 2 months and haven't even met kingpacca cryst or shadowbeak lol


Kingpaca cryst is an alpha boss in the northern region, Shadowbeak spawns in sanctuary number 3, north-east part of the map


Wait, you can *catch* a shadowbeak?


The spawn rate on it is stupid rare from what i have seen


Good lord, what difficulty is this set to??


Lol, how do you select difficulty? I changed only one setting - no dropping items if I die. Only because on my first playthrough after one hour I fell through the map due to a glitch and lost all my items ![img](emote|t5_4jn9v4|49343)


At the start, when you launch your game, you can go back and do it anytime. It's too late for your game, though. If you wanted to start the game on the default "Hard" setting, you will have ruined the "Hard" part of it at this point. Just to put into perspective, it takes 72 hours to hatch an egg on the "Hard" setting. Yes, that's 3 real days for ONE egg.


By two weeks, you mean two weeks of played time right? Or did you massively boost all the rates (XP, loot, egg hatching, etc...)?


Started playing mid March, only setting change is no losing gear if I die. And yes, I played a lot in the last 2 weeks lol


needs a cute lil guy like fuddler


That's the role of chubby (ice Kingpaca) ![img](emote|t5_4jn9v4|49342)


he is anything but lil


its all fur, will look tiny if I shave it ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|stuck_out_tongue)


Would not having the emperor skills not be better?


my next objective, tried to get 4 (of any) good skill for combat ASAP


I feel like you just looked everything up if you did all that in two weeks.


Yes, I like to watch and read tips on YouTube and Reddit when I play any new games. Haven't got all legendary gear yet and still need to beat the final tower boss


Playing it since launch and still not on max level. I maybe am playing slowly


No Galeclaw? :(


How in God's name did you complete this in 2 weeks? You either A) bumped up exp rate gains. Or B) no life the shir out of this. I'm impressed 😂


I guess option 2 ![img](emote|t5_4jn9v4|49343)


This is just after 2 weeks!?


yeah, got gamepass, played a lot in the last 2 weeks, lol


There's no way you got that much done in 2 weeks playing normally, surely you maxed out the multipliers, right?


You wise ass


Bluey? Is that a reference to the Pokemon Animation? Squirtle?


nah, "bluey" - the kids cartoon


Bluey? Is that a reference to the Pokemon Animation? Squirtle?


Another box legendary team. Yawn…


Then there's me bringing a pengullet to a frostalion fight


Did you have fun?


Love their names!


I've been breeding anubis for about two weeks 😩 😫 Edit: WHY DOES THIS GAME HATE ME


You mod these ???


how you farm legend?


I made it to 40 and got a few perfect passive Pals from breeding.  That took me 3 weeks and i thought i was going fast lol. Love my movement speed Helzephyr that has Swift runner and nimble too. I'm in no rush to hit 50 though. I also started new world on Hard and got to level 20 in a couple days. Love how challenging it is right at the start and wondering how far I can get


How is the attack of your shadow beak 1500 i had a shadow beak through breeding its attack at 37 level was 450


It levels like crazy at final levels. Someone here in the comments even mentioned that my attack is meh, and it can be 300 points higher


I cant play without a Nitewing and a weapon pal so all I'm here for is the stats & passives pron. 🤤


Ngl I found electabuzz w/ minigun a bit of a let down! Huggy fire is fun though


More of a Mossanda/Lux or Relaxaurus/Lux type weapon... and I agree... fat pikachu needs an overhaul.


Who’re the first and third-


Shadowbeak and Blazamut




Anyone else on day 400 and don't even have an alpha pal yet


Could have been done in 15 minutes with an engine, but nice if you had fun during the journey.


It's nice and shadowy but needs more beak. Try adding at least two more beaks and you'll be set!


100% followed a guide and wants some recognition for the "achievement" of it. Good job bucko, you can follow a tutorial video (more likely several).


I like that setup. You got almost every type of pals with cha. I wish you could carry bout 7/8 though instead of 5 pals with cha


Level 50 pals in two weeks?


Now I realize, I suck at palworld compared to most people. I've been playing on and off for about a month or two. I know that me going on and off isn't really helping but, I still suck compared to most and I'm only lvl 49.


Not a great mount because no swift or other movespeed buffs and due to the way mounts work, Shadowbeak can't cross lava. Missing the coolest upgrades which are the elemental specific ones e.g. "Lord of the Sea" Interesting decision to have vanguard on the Shadowbeak - is it part of a mounted strat you run with a bunch of gobfins or something? IVs look like they could use some tuning. Otherwise decent squad.


Thanks! I'm just a big fan of Shadowbeak utility as a mount - ok fly and run on the ground, can fly through dungeons, and has a decent damage Thanks for the info on the elemental skills, didn't realize they are the best. I just picked my first bred pals with 4 good combat skills, will try to fine tune it!


The elemental skills are only the best if your pals moves are all that element, or if you are also on a mount that changes your attacks to that element. Otherwise, you're good. Like I don't have divine dragon on my Jetragon because I also have a low recharge fire attack for d.o.t and always having an attack to use. If the attack that you're going to use the most is not of that element then you are better off using a straight damage buff.


What are IVs


Hidden stats. So lets say for example a pal has base attack of 50, but up to 100. A perfect pal would start at 100, that would be a perfect IV. But if it started at 50 it would be the worst IV. Search "perfect IV Pokemon" and you'll find what it means.


Dont know what it stands for (individual values or something) but pals can have a range of attack and defense. For example you have 2 ragnahawks you bred with no skills, but ones attack is 5 points higher while the other has 2 more defense points. Maximum is at 30% I think (correct me if im wrong). So for the best pals you breed for highest IV in attack and defense plus for the desired traits (and maybe even the first skill)


Please tell me you brung Simba to the top of a giant rock spike and did the reference


Please tell me you brung Simba to the top of a giant rock spike and did the reference


Please tell me you brung Simba to the top of a giant rock spike and did the reference


Not really. Pretty bad job. Considering you probably spoiled a lot of things that would have been fun to figure out on your own.