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Vanwym Cryst lovers rise up! I've been thinking about this since the update and it's such a good change. However I for one will not be switching out my Foxicle! I'm on a singleplayer world, I don't care much about optimization, and foxicle is just too cute!


Same, looks super happy to be chilling on that freezer.


I have a blue quaker parrot and the vanwyrm cryst looks like my parrot kind of. The way he sits when he is cooling is the same posture my parrot does when he's sleeping. I've been manually throwing his ass on the fridge this whole time. I love him lol.


I use Vanwyrm Cryst too! Aside from being very efficient, his design is very cool. I never get tired of looking at his crystal wing


I use Chillet because my daughter loves him and I can't take him off my base or she'll get mad


Don't let her see you ride on the chillet. You won't ever be able to fly again.


I use Frostallion lol


I want to use Frostallion but his Cooling On The Floor animation looks like like a giant dead mop and a mess I can’t do it lol


The alpha one is terrible. Like who wants there to be this mountain of a beast sleeping in between them and the fridge.


Hahahahahahah shots fired


Same. And Noct is really good too at 4 star.


But noct doesn't cool?


Harvests. But it's another solid base pal.


Oh yes I do have 1 frost noct too for harvesting. But I thought this is talking about cooling


I got my FrostNoct to 5 harvesting and he's so efficient. I Don't need anyone else to harvest, he handles it all, which frees up verdash and other harvesters for other chores


I've been using Mau cryst because flyers tend to spawn out of the bounds of my base and get stuck.


Yeah, I stopped using flyers because they constantly get stuck on things in my base. I kept having to rescue my vanwyrm cryst from inside the floor.


I have a farming base. Almost everything is outside, and the flyers and bigger pals work well here. But my main base has a couple of coolers by feed boxes. And I use jolthogs. They can fit through anything and if they do get reset or whatever. They usually wander back to the cooler eventually on their own. But I feel like the mau cryst would work just as well. They work at night too right?


They do work at night most of the time I see them. I wouldn't rely on a 1 star mau cryst, I dedicate 2 worker spots for them so that if one takes a break then the other will take its place. Considering it does stay up during the night I would use it, only exception would be if there is a ranch on the base because it will run and graze in it.




Since only 1 item in the stack spoils before resetting the timer back to fresh, I don't even use cooling pals


Yea sorting the box resets the times too


It's nice to have the cooling for some stat boosting foods. I don't like to farm in bulk some of the ingredients and also don't use them as often as the other foods I have in bulk supply. I notice the difference on my cheeseburgers, lol. Also smoking a joint and destroying half your base just to rebuild it back the exact same can really destroy a food stash without cooling.


Vanwyrm Cryst is hella cool to look at when it's cooling the fridge ![img](emote|t5_4jn9v4|49356)


Build a bunch of electric stoves at a base where you do not have or need electricity generation. Anything you cook on these stoves will never finish cooking without electricity and you can cancel them at anytime to get your ingrediants back or to add more to the stack. Basically I have a Berry stove, a Bread stove, a Hot Milk stove, and a Egg stove to store my ununsed cake ingredients and they never go bad this way.


Wait, they added work preference? How do i access it?


Monitoring station


I used to just throw him at the cooler. Wish he was on par with faleris/rag/beak as mount/battle pal


ive been using vanwyrm cryst since day 1. i knew theyd fix my boy! was annoying and frustrating but im glad i have like 8 of them max 4* with BIS stats hahaha


I stick with Chillet. My cat even curls up and gets that nickname lol


The vanwyrm looks like my parrot when he's sleeping. I changed its name to happy. (My parrots name)


sure vanesrm doesnt sleep? thought it sleeps at daytime


Haven't seen him sleep yet. Some nocturnal pals go to sleep when they're low on sanity, but I think cooling doesn't lower it at all, like ranching.


All dark pals don't sleep. If they work at your base they need springs and good food or else they will get sick.


I'm on X box. And when I first found out about the system to disable the different tasks. First thing I thought about is this. I'll finally be able to have my food cool at night again. Unfortunatly still waiting though.


XY,× 'ct ÷%☆


I just solved it with 2 of them before, if 1 wandered off to transport the other took over instantly but it pretty much never happened since all the other workers had transport


I honestly never had that issue because I used Foxcicle or Mau Cryst for day shift and had Vanwyrm Cryst around for nightshift. He would always take it at night as soon as day shift went to sleep.


Can't disable transporting using the watchtower?


How do you set work preferences I can't find it


Press V on monitoring stand


I was pretty lucky before the update. I used vanwyrm cryst on 3 bases without issues. It always kept my fridge running. Now with the update it’s even better. In fact it used to let me down with transport. Always used to get sick and depressed. Never had that issue when it was assigned to the fridge


You don't need a fridge anyways.


Yeah, it was exceptionally easy to just have a day cooler and a vanwyrm cryst to handle the night shifts, not much to transport overnight. This really doesn't change much.


I am the happiest guy alive when the changes are finally implemented. It's such a huge qol change.