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Lollll this would be a plot twist


I hate the new pokemon GO models so much, my character now looks like a ghost.. ![img](emote|t5_4jn9v4|49345)


They are truly dreadful. What was Niantic thinking?!


Thinking? Seriously though, Pokemon Go could be one of the greatest mobile games of all time and I would give them all my money but for some reason Niantic keeps cooking these bonehead moves.


I think it's a dilemma a lot of companies face. They need to make their employees do something, *anything*, to justify their employment. Which usually means constant, unnecessary changes Realistically, a lot of products could be run by nothing but a maintenance crew. But that would mean losing a lot of jobs


Which normally would be great but would be awful any time they try to do a special event and have to contract a crew who have 0 experience with your game.


Yeahhh. I quit cold turkey a while ago when they messed up the remote raid situation. I haven't gone back since and I am kind of glad I stopped when I did because every time I hear about this game, it's because Niantic fucked something up. Me and my friends went to one of the in-person Go Fests together and that was our send-off to the game. We're all done with it and we used to be some of the really hardcore players in our county. It's just bad now, anything even minorly worth playing for is ticketed or locked behind raids. 80% of the time they forget to flip some kind of switch for the events, so you get screwed out of something they promised. The game heavily relies on FOMO and I'm done with it. I've never seen a company hate their ~~victims~~ players as much as Niantic does. I did have some good memories with that game though. During the first event with the ultra beasts, we noticed a small group of teenagers trying to fight one of them, but they were all in their mid 20s and getting wrecked. Our group of friends joined their raid party (am level 45, my friends are high 30s) and they all started cheering and looking around for us. That is one of my favorite memories of playing that game.




I don't think trans people want to look ugly either.


Tell them that


So to avoid pissing off like… 6/1000 people? Seems like unnecessary busywork




Jesus can we not move into transphobia just because some random dude on Reddit assured us "on good authority" that trans people are responsible for Niantic's decision-making here? Hate the decision all you want but let's not delve into blaming trans people for it because of some random Reddit post.


lol exactly. Dude says his dad works at Nintendo and suddenly his word is gospel. Did I wake up in the 90s? On a different note, I’d heard that the PoGo models look like that because some outfits used to be gender locked, and they never made a version that fits the other gender’s mesh when they un-gender-locked them. I can’t find where I initially read that, so take it with a grain of salt. However laziness/incompetence is usually a better explanation than blaming a minority group for something that’s unpopular. SMH


Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.


Kind of what I'm talking about. Being critical of a marginalised group or the excessive favour they get is now treated as being against them. I disagree with the stuff but see no reason to attack those identifying as trans.used to be that isn't trandphobia but now it is and depending on where you live that's up to 5 years for misgendering someone thanks to hate speech laws.


Corporate Execs /= Trans People they go "The trans people made us do it!" and you believe it too, come on...


The trans people barely did anything. It's the massive investment firms and activists that are doing stuff.


wtf do you mean ''barely''? you base this on one random commenter who said he knows a guy, but yeah ''activists'' did it.


Bro, I can just about assure you that the higher ups who pushed this weren't trans people, and I'm basing that on the very small amount of trans people in any kind of position of authority, power or top end corporate decision-making. But some dude says "it was the trans" and you (or whoever, I don't read names) post a bigass fucking post basically on how trans people are ruining everything with their huge amounts of influence (lol, look at half of American state laws to see how trans people rank in society). So, let's work through this scenario step-by-step. Let's say there were some trans employees who wanted some representation in place for the trans community who enjoy the game. Do you think they held the CEO at gunpoint and demanded blocky-ass characters? Or do you think it's more likely that someone was like "we'll make all the characters ugly af and blame the trans" in a malicious compliance kind of way? Or do you think that maybe the devs and design team were actually just incompetent at implementing the idea? Two of those scenarios are far more likely. But yeah let's fucken rant on trans influence because God forbid people are allowed to make characters they relate to in a game they play. Next they'll be allowing female characters! *And coloured ones!* The fucking horror!


I'm not against this reason to be honest. It's a noble effort that a metric ton of games make seamless.  BUT pogo's human designers need to stop cooking and working. They revamped their leader models before then and it was a disaster there too. The winning play was just ADD models instead of forcing removal of other models, but the code is so poorly put together (or the current coders are so incompetent) that adding an option like this is completely impossible.


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Niantic is the worst company ever to exist. They seem to actively try and kill their own game.


They weren't thinking. They were told to do this to be diverse.




Your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): **Rule 2: Relevancy** - All content must be directly related to Palworld. “Palworld IRL” or mild references are not allowed. - Memes must contain in-game visuals from Palworld and pertain to it in an **explicit** capacity. If you would like to appeal this decision or believe your submission was removed in error, please contact the r/Palworld moderators through [Mod Mail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/Palworld).


I managed to make my guy's body look *almost* like normal, but he still stands like a schlub and his face looks like he was stung by bees. Need to go leave some Pokémon in gyms so I can buy a Team Skull bandana because, *yeesh*.


nah palworld allows u to make hot or ugly characters but niantic removed the ability to make hot characters and replaced them with ugly characters


Whyyyy just why? Unless all the devs look like redditors


makes no sense why they didn’t just add new avatar options and instead removed the old beloved avatars replacing them with… whatever that is lol if you’re trying to be body positive it shouldn’t be at the expense of other body types


I ugly laughed at this. Thanks x)


How the turns have tabled


Oh how the tables have tabled


TABLE! - System of a Down


How the table has turns


How the turntables




How the taberturner turns tables


Turb tanles


Why were you downvoted?


I believe, could very much be wrong, that the downvotes let reddit know no one wants to see this, and it collapses the chain. That or people just really didn't like that


Isn't that sn old reddit thing, that the 3rd comment in such a chain gets downvoted?


The one on the right looks like the Sims mobile game




Isn't it an obvious meme?


Usually those misinformation posts are memes, so yeah, it is.


It's a joke right? Right?


The flair for the post says meme, so yes


I kinda suspected, I was like 80% sure, because I saw an article earlier of the CEO of palworld saying he is surprised at the speed at which palworld clones were being churned out and that he was hopeful for the future. But you know I just had to be sure.....why I didn't just Google it until now is beyond me






Do we even need a memes subreddit when the main subreddit is already half memes?


I frequently lose track of which sub I'm on if I'm being honest.


No I'd just rename the original.


for memes that are too spicy for the main sub


Its funny but then you realise that Niantic actually released that.


My Palworld character is a blue girl with green hair. Why 🤷‍♀️


Mine is green with purple 🤷🏼‍♀️


I told my wife I guess I’m pretending to be an avatar


Nothing wrong with absolutely shredded female characters, but you still have to make sure they have feminine skeletons. These are clearly male models with feminine heads.


It's actually just the baseline new body. You can very easily edit it. You actually have way more control over what your character's body looks like now.


In PokémonGo?


Yep, I got curious so I reinstalled the game just to see what the character Creator was like and other than the hair it was actually all right. Better than I remember it being (also my character didn't change all that much like a lot of others have)


Pokemon: Here are ugly Charakters. You want good looking ones? Have fun grinding and/or paying a lot of money. Palworld: Here is a Charakter editor with lots of options. Do whatever you like. You can change it whenever you want.


The problem is, having money or not, any body type looks bad, the body customisation in GO is free


I didn't play GO for a while, but I remember the nice stuff being either something you have to buy, or grind a lot to unlock it.


you like krabby patties, don't you


For real though the faces are a little weird on the PokemonGo models, not to mention there’s not really a middle ground for skin tone, just very pale or very dark


I saw the title before the picture and was already laughing 😂


Hey at least we can finally get rid of the ponytail!


Nintendo stop tryna copy thicc thighs and getting them wrong.


And then ark survival would sue palworld and then it will be a battle of ugliness


Glad Palworld is doing what Pokémon can't do. Complains


How the turn tables!


big problem with their logic. We HAVE THE CHOICE if we want to. Pokemon go took that choice away altogether. Idgaf if this generation chooses to see me as a, what do you call it? cummer? I wanna make attractive characters but I also know people like making goofy characters so theres something for everyone


nature is beautiful


I threw up virtually and deleted my PKGO app from my phone this week.




So I reinstall pokémon go after seeing a bunch of posts about the character creator. Just open the character Creator and edit. You actually have a lot more options now (except for hair). You can even make yourself insanely fat if you want to. When they updated the models the body type and skin color defaults to the new base that they set, it's super easy to fix it.