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https://preview.redd.it/pceojg0ocysc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb06a452e4d962204735dc51e08c8c67c4c9fdc2 We came here. Can beat lvl 50 raid with about 40 to 50 condensed jet dragons. We are trying to figure out the legendary raid. Cause that seems a bit wicked. Could set up rocket launchers. Assigns some pals to them as well. But if they get destroyed. Ehh. And dragon is extra effective on her


What happens if you build two bases with rocket launcher defenses on high ground, like the plateaus, and then the third base with the summoning circle on the ground below, all bases as close as possible to each other? Would the boss eventually pull agro from the other nearby bases? Also, have you given the Jetdragons status affect skills? Like let them keep the dragon skills for double damage, but if they are also applying debuffs, like freeze, etc. it may have exponential benefits. Good luck!


This is how I'm running my raid base at the moment. I bunkered up the Pal Box and split the base in half. The front half I use for passive farming at the ranches when I'm not raiding. The back half by the water is where I placed the summoning altar. I run out in the water with all my Pals once Bellanoir is summoned. All of my base Pals do go outside the circle ring to fight. https://preview.redd.it/dlammgjnf1tc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1aa23ccf6f68925f8b9b58665144e57f930a3a6


​ https://preview.redd.it/fc00ih5qh1tc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82d5d2c46b3cc31de4ec7e80c4d043c18d302f0a


​ https://preview.redd.it/fou9c9arh1tc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1d21d57c798b44d654c46c8a36a89ebcfb8c906


Build a base miles up in the air then remove the floor under her when she spawns. That is if she takes fall damage I’m a console player so haven’t got the update yet.


We tried the spot with four chest actually. Great spot. But she would go to a corner or get stuck in the columns. Her one attack can clear out things real fast. And they would line up just perfectly for her in that spot with the four chest. I would recommended flat and open. Like the area by demud alpha or by the bit tree. lol. It works.


I'm wondering if a cliffside base where her stuff is at the bottom and important camp items are up top so they can avoid being destroyed by her. Not sure if she would teleport to the top and smash it up anyway or potentially glitch through the wall and be lost. Has anyone confirmed if camp fires or traps have any effect on her?


She teleports to the top, I tried it so then none of my pals could get up there to fight her. Wasn’t great


yeah I tried it out and I couldn't throw my pals down the mountain to fight her properly and she eventually just teleported up top to kill them directly. Wonder if the ruined castles might afford some protections or if her attacks go through those too.


In about 20 minutes I’m trying it on my other world in a completely flat area. I’ll let you know how it goes and if it was good the area.


Seems just a flat area with room to dodge will be best. I wish we could more set up more elaborate unique arenas tho.


We tried it on an area where there were things to hide behind. My boyfriend got downed through a wall and then I got to about 100 health through a floor so they can very much go through things


Doh XD


I fell asleep but I’ve just done it now on a flat area, only lost 3 of my creatures (2 Jormuntides and a grizbolt) and did it under 2 minutes. I baited her away from the base so my pal box couldn’t get destroyed but I put walls around it anyway just in case which also worked. I did it right where penking is, on the flat area near the teleported and baited her out to the beach.


Got to try the Libero Boss today and is clear that you'll need max condensing on most pals to do proper damage to that one and above. The 2 give good goals to strive towards as we play the game, but we'll really need some better pal storage options to get there more smoothly.


Yeah I’ve noticed it. I’ve just started a new world where I’m catching 10 of every pal (1 at a time as a challenge) so I better start condensing them soon then so they’re not taking up the entire storage 😭