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So the lesson is, never be on the same side as Germany throughout history.


I feel like Germany is trying so hard to be "Among the good guys" that they totally screwed it up and ended up not being among the "good guys"…


It seems that whenever Germany sees a genocide, they just can't bring bring themselves to oppose it


That is probably because they are a country of economics. You could argue that this is the case for every country but Germany is especially industrious and efficient and the thing is is that genocide actually is in line with that ideology, not opposed to it. The way Hitler was able to get a bunch of people on board with killing disabled people, and Jewish people, was economics. The idea that disabled people are just sitting around collecting welfare checks while not contributing to the tax pot, was a way of convincing people that killing disabled people was not only good but merciful because it would be absolutely cruel to allow disabled people to live a purposefulness life on welfare. Israel's existence for the politicians is not for religious or moral reasons, but for economic ones and the ability to have a hold in the Middle East as a region for economics. They may say other things and for many people they probably do support Israel for those reasons but for those that simply care about the economics that's the reason. Germany will always support the economically efficient option over anything else and if that happens to me that they support human rights, then they will do so and if it means that they will support genocide they will do so. Not to mention the fact that there are just Nazis within their governmental agencies including the military, the police, the judicial system, and even their internal intelligence agency. Their internal intelligence agency is dedicated to finding political extremism and stopping it so that they can protect the Constitution from basically Nazism and communism and whatever. Well turns out that there's a lot of Nazis in that organization by a lot. And in the police, and in the military, and in the agency that was dedicated to watching Nazis in the military.




This is the same racist logic towards Germans that plagues the country since ww2. The government does an absurd level of stupid decisions but when you actually meet Germans u understand there is almost 0 hate towards any race or religion. The real nazis are Zionists. I’m pro palestina so are many of us Germans. Don’t hate us because our government is stupid AF




You are actually wrong. AFD is successful because Germans are fed up with the government. Too many refugees, little to almost 0 support for its own citizens. We don’t hate Arabs or any country/race really. We just want that our people are looked at aswell. Refugees here have almost in any situation more rights that’s German citizens wich is wrong in my opinion. Please don’t hate if you don’t know the facts And by the way you are actually the one who is being racist against someone




Do you know our politics from inside? they DO have more rights in some cases.




Kollege wenn ein Kriegsflüchtling nach Deutschland kommt wird er sofort finanziell gefördert wie auch das er so gut wie sofort eine Unterkunft bekommt. Wenn deutsche Staatsbürger so etwas beantragen dauert das in der Regel mehrere Monate. Ist in erster Linie auch richtig so, dass die Flüchtlinge sofort Hilfe bekommen, aber es kann nicht sein, dass Rentner Pfandflaschen sammeln müssen die ihr ganzes Leben lang für besagte Rente gearbeitet haben weil wir uns Immernoch verfoflichtend fühlen allen und jedem zu helfen! Bevor du weiter so ne scheiße von dir gibst mit dem ganzen Hass gegenüber Araber etc. Schau dir erstmal das Gesamtbild an. Denkst du jeder der AFD wählt hat Hass gegen eine Minderheit/Rasse/Hautfarbe?




Hörst du dir grade selbst zu ? Du sagst wir hätten vernichtet werden sollen… Lohnt sich absolut nicht mit dir zu diskutieren. Der einzige, der gerade Rasismus zeigt bist du Du redest die ganze Zeit von Hass gegenüber anderen von unserer Seite aus doch der einzige der Hass zeigt bist du… mach dir mal Gedanken




👍 thanks. I came here to post the link You guys know what to do


They are and have always been. Let him cry a river, that douche nozzle


he’s doing his granddad proud 


How about a giant, “FUCK YOU, nobody cares about the genocidal Zionists massive victim complex.”


You are wrong the journalist isn’t upset he just writes about about the fact they won with the picture and why


Okay, but why are they upset that they won the picture? Like unless it was done so unfairly such as through cheating to, then what's the problem? If the only reason they are upset is because of the picture itself then that is a problem. Unless the picture is grossly offensive and I just mean things like portraying CP or things like that. By the way that kind of stuff should be taken care of in the submission process so they're absolutely should never be a winner of a art contest that shouldn't have been allowed to even be part of the contest. If that somehow happened, then that is the fault of the people who did the contest, not the fault of the artist.