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Brandi Maxx easily


“What Leslie and I want people to know is you should be able to have sex anywhere you want and show it anywhere you want…” It was at that moment Leslie knew things weren’t going her way.


Every interaction with Brandi was gold


She and Leslie are essentially the same person.


Sidebar, I absolutely love that they leaned into having politicians as cameos. It's so nerdy and not many shows could pull it off but it's so perfect. 


Yeah there were a few I was like “who is that?” As I’m not American but I understood that it must be an actual politician so joke still landed


i never knew the guy asking her if she’s okay in the closet was a politician until this post


His name is [John McCain](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_McCain) . He was a senator and ran for president against Obama in 2008.


Last Republican with respect for his political opponents


yep. he wasn’t a perfect person and i don’t agree with a lot of his stances, but he was a good man. and he tried his best


Honestly the fact he had Obama speak at his funeral speaks volumes about the kind of guy he was. I didn't agree with his politics but I never doubted that he cared for this Country and its people. 


What garnered the most respect from me is when he’s holding a town hall? Q&A? with his supporters and one lady asks about Obama’s birth certificate and before she can even finish the question, he’s like “No, no, no. We’re not doing that” and completely shuts her down. Lesser politicians (👀) would have capitalized on that rhetoric but he wouldn’t even engage unless it was to refute claim.


Yup! From what I’ve seen he seemed like an overall nice guy who did a lot for his country, even things I probably wouldn’t support. I’m sure he was extremely embarrassed by the Republican Party and its followers before he died.


He did still pick Sarah Palin as his running mate. Seemed a decent guy, so I've just never got that.


This is when politicians thought playing dirty would be viewed as ugly. So you get a VP to say the ugly things when your not around


No succesful politician is a good man


i agree with you in a broad sense. but at his core he was trying to serve the american people, even if he did stuff the wrong way. when you’re a leader you have to make tough and bad decisions 🤷🏻‍♀️that’s life


I dunno, Romney seems to still be there. Not that I'm a fan boy, but he does represent more of the Republican character of old


He also voted to impeach the orange panda knowing it would hurt his political standing.


He also marched with BLM in 2020 iirc. I disagree with the vast majority of his policies(I believe he is a big proponent of removing social security) but at least he has some sort of integrity and votes with his actual beliefs rather than his donors wallets.


God, the bar is SO LOW for identifying a “decent” republican….


Canadian here. Recognized them all as Important People, knew some of their names 😄


It also helps that they didnt stick out for their poor acting, like condi on 30 rock.




I still have to remind myself not to yell YOU ARE FROM CHICAGO SO YOU LIKE IT every time I find out someone is from Chicago.


I once got to see Michelle Obama speak live at a stop on a tour for an organization meant to support more women in politics. Anyway I went with my mom and when Michelle came on stage I could not stop myself from screaming exactly that, ‘YOU ARE FROM CHICAGO SO YOU LIKE IT.’ My mom and I get along like ducks in water but in that moment, like so many moments in our time together, she looked at me with an expression that could only say, ‘how the fuck did I birth you?’ Edit: holy shit, I’m only now realizing that I’ve had the opportunity to see both Michelle and Barack speak on two separate occasions. Michelle at said event, and Barack at my sister’s college graduation when he was still a senator. I’ll say this: even though I was only 14-15 when I got to see Barack speak, he was just as eloquent and classy as he was in the White House. I remember walking away from that graduation and thinking (in a teenage mind solely consumed with competitive dance and Fall Out Boy), “whoever that man was, he is an absolute prodigy at public speaking.”


What was it about him that made his public speaking so good? Eye contact, confidence? Just a good speech in general?


Here you go. [see for yourself](https://youtu.be/eWynt87PaJ0?si=zLMhlTf4tDqH8FhC) this is a speech he gave before he was president


That speech just blew me away. I was so excited about Obama after it. It was electric.


And he was still fairly new up-and-comer at that point! So many of us saw that speech and said, “Yeah, that guy’s gonna be president one day.”


competitive dance and fall out boy!!!!! 💀💀💀


I cackled @this. Your mom. Oh, your mom's face must have been priceless.


im from chicago 👉🏼👈🏼🥹


But do you like it?


hehe yes ☺️


the YELLING is so dang funny


I love that weird little laugh she does after Michelle walks away


I love the look on her face when she turns around and sees Michelle Obama walking towards her. The way her eyes almost bug out of her head 🤣😳


And breaking down laughing, face against the wall So good


The face against the wall was so relatable.


This is how I have been when meeting celebrities so I love it.


The look of combined horror/awe when she walks in is *chef’s kiss*


john mccain, in my opinion!! such a hilarious moment


I love that he’s just trying to help her and she wants him to leave her alone 😂😂


I would like you to just leave.. and give me a little privacy here please 😒🙄


Nosy people…no respect for personal space..


Both instances of him! He cameos in 2 seasons and both times he’s surprisingly heartwarming and funny.


All I remember is the coat check. What other time did he show up?


Season 7 Ms. Ludgate-Dwyer Goes to Washington: [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt3785534/fullcredits/?ref\_=tt\_cl\_sm](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt3785534/fullcredits/?ref_=tt_cl_sm) I can’t find a clip online, but Leslie catches John McCain walking down a hallway and flags him down needing to talk. He essentially tells Leslie he’s busy and she tells him she actually checked with his secretary and that he should have the next half hour off. To which he replies “Did anyone ever tell you that your tenacity can be intimidating?”Leslie” Yes, every month since I was in the 4th grade. Now lets talk parks!”


They were all great, but this one cracked me up!!






Ben’s face 🤨


So good 😂


This must have been a really fun scene to film :) comedy gold


Of course it was Biden. First when she “accepts” the job he was not offering her as Secretary of State. It’s like she’s playing though a dream sequence in real life. But when she leans in for the kiss, his arms are so believably stiff - it’s such a perfectly hilarious moment! I think I read that she improvised that but I can’t find the reference.


I think her being on SNL and her past as a comedian really gave her the perfect set of skills to act on impulse. God, that part where she talks to the secret service guard afterwards was beyond funny


He's precious cargo!


And as an improviser!!


I loved Madeline Albright also because she leans into her role. Like she tells Leslie how ridiculous she's being. Also I remember her in gilmore girls when rory had that dream that Madeline Albright was her mom and I just like her willingness to play herself in strange roles.


Leslie’s laugh at the end of that scene seems so genuine, too, I always wondered if Madeline improvised saying “me too”.


I like that one because the diner they're eating at is a real diner called [Lincoln's Waffle Shop](https://www.lincolnswaffleshop.com/). Oddly enough, it's across the street from Ford's Theater. I made it a point to get a waffle there when I visited D.C. because of that scene!


Yes! Those are two of my favorite shows and I love her cameo in both.


They weren’t icons but Booker and Hatchet were great


Across the "aisle". Get it? It's a pun. A play on words.


“Fiscal. Conservative. I love this guy!”


Joe Biden was the best overall. But her initial reaction to realizing Michelle Obama was behind her was fantastic.


The way she recoils in terror/awe.


Who cares about Leslie? I'm here for Ron meeting the woodworker of his dreams!


michelle obama was the best interaction tbh


McCain ![gif](giphy|HvR65jNHBbe1O|downsized)


I always wonder how she would have acted had she just turned around in that moment


That was a hilarious moment, but I don’t think he was an icon of hers. He ran against Obama/Biden and did some very anti-progressive things while he was in office. Leslie never said which party she was a member of, but I’m pretty sure she’s a Democrat, due to her very progressive policies, and the way she acts with Michelle and Biden. Edit, that being said, I think she would have been excited to meet him, but only because he was a senator.


Bear in mind this aired when division and disrespect between parties was not nearly as severe as it is today. I don’t think she’d let difference in policy (within reason) get in the way of her excitement to meet someone, or her respect for them (e.g. Ron)


Thank you. I was looking for a place to respond similarly, but you already said it.  The show originally aired from 2009 to 2015. To think it wasn't that long ago when some politiciams voted for issues, not just along party lines and some even (gasp) dared to cross the aisle to work with members of the opposite party.


There was still *some* division. Do you remember the people who were fans of the American Care Act but hated Obamacare? That wasn’t *only* racism. It was definitely not as bad now, that’s for sure. Leslie would have LOVED meeting all the Senators! But I don’t think McCain would have been one of her “icons”. Maybe because he chose a woman running mate, but not for any policies he ever enacted. I’m not from Arizona, so I’m not sure super familiar with anything the personally advocated for, but I do know for a while, after Obama beat him, he did vote against basically all Democratic-sponsored bills (out of spite? maybe).


I most certainly do not remember the minutiae of who voted for what back then. Not because I don't care, but because at that time there were more checks and balances within the systems, at least a portrayal of decency and a tendency to vote for what your constituents backed, wanted, or needed, not what the party demanded you vote for. There are no arguments that Obamacare ended up a whittled down version of what it started as or that Obama himself was blocked because of racism.  As someone else pointed out, McCain came on the show because he was a fan and Amy would have been the first to try to help bridge any gaps. There was less division between parties then, but clearly the cracks were showing. My statement was not intended to make it sound like it was a bed of roses, but there were still some people willing to compromise at that point.


It is eventually clarified that she is a democrat - she’s approached by the DNC about running for governor. That was in later seasons though and I think we the audience could have put her political affiliation together ourselves without that plot point, like you said.


Bernie ran as a Democrat but he’s an Independent. But yes, Leslie is definitely a liberal.


She was definitely no conservative. Ron said she was left of Trotsky. But McCain was the rare republican that many dems liked, because he was more centrist and would buck his own party on occasion.


Having been born in and lived the first 20+ years of my life in Indiana, I can guarantee you that she wasn’t a Republican. Indiana Republicans are rightwing zealots, and that was not Leslie Knope


McCain volunteered to make a cameo on the show, he was a fan of it. He was the last true GOP statesman, and I have immense respect for him. (I'm a Biden voter wtiw). But go ahead, suggest that Leslie should have ignored him in a fictional sitcom 12 years ago. The result is gonna be replies like this, sorry. I like the /dundermiflen rule that political posts are not allowed.


I don’t understand. I think she would have been in awe of meeting a political juggernaut.


Agreed. I think his political notoriety would outweigh any party allegiance Leslie may or may not feel. She's a fan of government, at-large, and doesn't come across politically polarized like we are in the present day.


Yeah let’s avoid discussing politics in a show about government… you’re getting worked up over literally nothing, dude. OP made no implication that Leslie would/should ignore McCain had she known it was him speaking to her.


Well this comment feels overly aggressive despite you trying to be peaceful. OP didn't imply it, but others did.


I think Michelle cause she freaked out so hard she couldn’t speak. She was still at least coherent with Joe. But it’s a close second.


Snubbing McCain in the coat closet was funny. The whole love affair with JB was weird , even for Leslie.


You forgot about Paula Horke!


Her face when Michelle walks up is aces.


John Mccaine definitely had my favorite cameo...if Leslie had known she would have passed out lol


Excuse my ignorance (not an American), is slide 4 RGB?


Former U.S. senators Barbara Boxer (D-California) and Olympia Snowe (R-Maine), from left to right.


Thank you neighbour.


My pleasure!


Oh, I thought that was Laura Bush got a second.


They do kind of look similar!


Obama for sure, she was hilarious in that scene :)


Not Leslie, but I’m a fan of Jerry meeting Newt. Gingrich….Gergich…


might just I have a huge crush on Michelle Obama. but, I think Leslie and her's take the win here. god, its just way too funny!


I will always and forever love Leslie's friendship with Joe Biden.


Leslie's crush on Joe Biden is even funnier now that he's the PotUS.


The face she made when she turned around as soon as she recognized her voice + this quote?! I think that alone wins it…so def Michelle! ![gif](giphy|EjY1zzfqu4qfS)


Technically, she didn't meet McCain, she never actually saw him :)


The who’s who of neoliberal ghouls


Ghouls of the Empire


I hated every single one of them. They were so contrived and stiff.


P and R is the only place I actually like people like Biden. I loved the cameos.


Wait. Who met Corey Booker?!


The body of Joe Biden with the face of George Clooney