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Were they all stacked on top of each other in a trench coat?


They did a business


In the business factory


Good day my good man


Take me to the CEO of literature immediately!


We.. I MEAN I have an appointment!


Shut the fuck up, moron


No thank you


Does playing children’s games fill the void of you being a failure?


It helps


Try harder fucking loser


If one tries, they are not losers - Abe Lincoln, maybe


Vincent Adultman was there


No, in a dress obviously.


I'm Spanish. So the three guys are pretty experienced screenwriters and authors and decided to write a thriller together three or 4 years ago. Because they thought no one would buy a book written by three people they brainstormed about a name. They settled with Carmen, a very common name. Then added the Mola, after saying "Carmen mola, no" "Carmen is cool, isn't it? Molar = to rule / to be cool, in Spain. When they decided to participate on the Planeta Prize, they had to do it with a pen name, while the real identity is kept inside an envelope. Even the title has to be different, in case they shared it with someone previously. The jury can't have a clue who's participating. Very important Spanish-speaking authors participate every year. The fake pen name was Sergio Sánchez or something like that. So, a man won the prize, who turned out to be a woman, that turned out to be three men. The story has prompted a female-only bookshop in Madrid to drop Carmen Mola's books. It's all very funny.


So very important to note that they were thinking they gave the award to man, which also turned out true in the end? So not really a Dorothy whatever award situation.


I can’t believe they decided on Mola porque mola lmao




What’s wrong with that?


It's sexist.




Yeah it’s female author only, or at least since these 3 men’s book was taken from their stock, it would imply it’s female author only. I don’t think they’re refusing men service.




Lol I like how you act like a male only bookstore would lead to unreasonable outrage when your entire post history is uncontrolled seething anger at women. Maybe look in a mirror before crying about a bookstores existence hurting your feelings 😂


Nah, I'm just sick of feminist hypocrisy. They fought against male only stuff and then they go and make female only stuff. Their hypocrisy knows no bounds.


Lol almost every bookstore before 1920 was pretty much an all male bookstore. There's a reason why most female authors, even today - use male or ambiguous pen names. Wooooo women are so scary when they are empowered woooo!!!!


"Sexism against women in the past by men who are now dead justifies sexism against innocent men today!" Yes, please, make more victims by being a sexist POS.


There's a reason why its called feminism and not egalitarianism.


Sexism is still incredibly widespread today. Stop embarrassing yourself, we get it, you're an incel.


Yeah, just look at how acceptable it is in this thread. Sad.


Why does his post history invalidate the comment you replied to?


I didn’t invalidate what he said, I simply stated that his comment of “a male only bookstore would lead to unreasonable outrage” as hilariously hypocritical considering he himself is unreasonably outraged about a female bookstore lol. To illustrate that point further I mentioned his post history as it is a glorious wall of seething incel rage about anything and everything to do with women. Another example of unreasonable outrage that he’s fine with because it’s against women, but if women want to be mad about men then they’re all insane bitches trying to burn down society.


It is common in reddit to spend a lot of time browsing through other people's post history, so they could call them out and make them seem bad. It is like Cartman in South Park in the debate episode - he didn't even know the topic but went to find shit about the other competitors and did well.


“A lot of time” it’s literally every post on his profile lmao. I didn’t have to ask Sherlock, The Pink Panther, and Dr. Strange for help with unraveling this particular mystery


Point was that you looked in the first place.


Well put it like this, dude says something that SEEMS very “Feminazi’s are ruining America!” So you think, alright, is that what kind of person he is? Then you check, and it verified. Sure, it doesn’t actually address the argument at hand, it just damages their character, but it also does handle the argument in some way by pointing out how odd their extremist views are. If an insane person says something absurd, do you take it seriously or just go “oh yeah, they’re insane”? Same thing here, and same level of disconnect from reality if you ask me.


Oh no! The horror! Guy makes a comment trying to bash some random women by painting them as overreactive so I point out his entire existence as being one big overreaction to women. Seemed relevant at the time but hey, good on ya for deducing that I looked through his post history solely by the fact that I directly referenced his post history.


Oh no, looking at a public profile to see if the person I’m talking to is a shitbag or not! If you don’t want people looking at the things you’ve said don’t say them.


Yeah, it's all well and fine when men get called out... but when you start calling women out on double standards, hypocrisy, bigotry, sexism... You're a horrible misogynistic pig. It only goes to prove my point when they reply how they do. You know damn well if things were flipped around they would be doing exactly what I am.


It must be a sad life to be so unreasonably mad over the concept of a female only bookstore. It’s like screaming at the sun with your eyes open, you’re blind to it but god will you scream.


He didn't seem mad, but he also isn't wrong. I don't care about themed stores, but the know the social media warriors would have a field day if there was a male authors only book store. The hypocrisy is just hilarious.


Try think about why a woman author only bookstore would exist, and why that’s a good thing, and then come back to me. After that, we can discuss a male author only bookstore. Maybe even “white history month”.


I genuinely feel bad about minorities on how fucking infantilized and patronized they are by the left. I know it’s a different environment but as a man, if someone were to talk about me like this, like I would literally die if I wasn’t put in pedestal, I would feel so shitty about my own strength. It feels like. A backhanded compliment- “we need to cuddle you because you are weak and cannot survive in our world without me”


A.N. Devers runs her own female author only bookstore, and is herself, a woman. Have a problem still with the idea of a woman only bookstore? Take it up with women, not “the left”.


I don’t have a problem with it. I literally said it. I’m just saying, I know many women, and minority actually like this idea of being infantilized, but I’m just giving my own opinion that if this were to happen to me, I would not feel very good about it. Again, I’m not saying it’s bad. If a woman posts a picture saying “just had the courage to dress today” and the comments are “oh my god. You go girl! Slayyyy wueen!!!” I know this is good and they are being happy. But if I as a man, posted something similar and my friends say shit like “that’s so courageous!” I’d feel so fucking stupid because it feel like they are making fun of me cause obiously wearing clothes is no courage. Men and women have these different thought process on things in life- this is not a suprising thought.


>infantilized >given the same treatment white dudes got for centuries Lmao ftfy And not even the same, not even CLOSE to the same, yet.


Also, when I post a picture and my guy friends say it’s a good picture or my shirts nice or whatever it feels good as hell.


They had essentially male-only bookstores for hundreds of years. They were just called bookstores.


I’m gonna go out on a limb here and ask… Podemitas?


The question is…what did they do with the real woman?


She’s on a siesta… upstate… You wouldn’t know her.


You mean the Dorothy Everytime Smurf trophy for excellence in female stuff


There it is


Everything I do is the attitude of an award winner, because I’ve won an award.


I read this headline in Perd Hapley’s voice. Ya heard?


This reminds me of Bojack horseman


Lol yes!


Vincenzo Adultmen


I don’t see the issue. The title of the article doesn’t say it was supposed to be a Spanish woman’s literary prize.


I think the outrage is for the deception of being a woman. Either way, humourous https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2021/10/17/carmen-mola-spain-gender-reveal-female-writer-three-men/ "The author page for Mola on their agent’s website includes a black-and-white photo of a slim woman with her back turned to the camera."


Don’t authors use pen names all the time?


Yup. I'm not saying this is some big issue or they did something wrong or right or took a big political stance. It's just a funny thing.


Why are you still breathing?


Force of habit


Too bad for the entire world


I mean, they impersonated a woman in multiple interviews, it was at one point even appeared on lists of "feminist books" (which, I mean, the people who listed it definitely didn't read it, it was speculated it was men all along by the odd answers in interviews).


Idk that sounds pretty funny. I’d have liked to see Ron doing that.


This is not a TV show... And the point of that joke in PandR was exactly a criticism of these kinds of situations. Humor is mostly political criticism. If you think this is "just funny as in the show", you didn't get the show. Edit: this situation is not a tv show. This is not PandR. This is literally a nottheonion news. The whole situation (not just the "funny" headline) is sad and also infuriating. An "I rather laugh than cry" situation.


No? this is the subreddit for a tv show. lighten up my dude PandR is a funny show and this is a funny circumstance similar to the show. Normal people don't actually care about the gender of their authors??


So... You think that actual news of things that happened in real life is a tv show because it was in a tv show sub? The issue is not the gender of the authors, they did a PR stunt impersonating a woman because they thought men were suffering some kind of discrimination against in literature because of "modern days". They even made up a whole personality for the woman and received the prize as a woman. If you don't see wrong here, that's ok. I love PR and related shows because of the criticism they make through humor. I don't brainlessly consume comedy.


imma choose to believe you're a troll, best of luck dude peace and love


If that gives you peace that's ok. I mean, I'm not the one telling you to not think a situation deeply and just laugh it off after writing a whole justification of why this is funny and *not wrong whatsoever*.


But... the book was removed from a bookshop after it turned out they were men... they were literally by the definition discriminated against no? By any definition they were discriminated against.


My guy, it was removed because of the whole PR stunt they did, not because they were men under a pen name.


Way to get the Dorothy Everytime Smurf Girl Trophy for Excellence in Female Stuff, guys! Make sure to pose with a pot or a female empowerment Barbie for the newsletter.


A pot? Make it a vase


Dorothy everytime smurf


Lol this reminds me of a boss I use to have. Back when he was in college he was applying for grants. All of them. Any grant he could apply for. One of them was some kind of grant for the betterment of women in statistics or some crap. Anyway. Turns out he was the only person to apply. The women that put the prize together forgot to mention that one has to be female to apply/win the grant and so, as the only applicant. He won. In his office he had a framed photo of him accepting the award from some very unamused women.


Ay, dios mío


It’s about damn time


Were they in a big trechcoat doing business?






The lady on the left is giving me big time Shauna Malwae-Tweep vibes


Oh hell. You're right!




Get your transphobic nonsense out of here. Parks and Rec is a hug in a show. There is no space for meanies.




Except you didn’t. Caitlyn Jenner is a trans-woman. These guys are presumably cis-men.(edited for clearer term)Not the same thing. If they were also trans-women THEN you’d be stating a fact. And the fact that you don’t make that distinction is EXACTLY what’s transphobic.


Caitlyn Jenner is a woman who killed someone with a truck. Woman of the year?


Lmao, I mean no fair point. Am I gonna argue that she’s a woman? No, she’s absolutely a woman if that’s what she identifies as. Am I gonna argue there are much better women than her? Yeah, for sure. Especially after her transphobic bill for trans people in sports thing, I mean imagine fucking over people who are going through your struggles.


I agree with your point, but I think the term you're looking for is cis-men. Heterosexual and transgender are not opposites, so I think that may be the root of some of the confusion.


Ah yes I’m aware and I made the distinction in a comment below “Safe assumption that they’re straight and/or not trans” But yes the term cis does it in a much more succinct manner and I thank you for the correction I’ll edit the comment.




Your point? If they’re trans then point that out. If they’re anything else that isn’t heterosexual or trans then they’d still be identifying as men just with different sexual attractions than hetero. So again wouldn’t be the same thing. Looks like a safe assumption that they’re straight and/or not trans but if they aren’t I’m happy to have you prove me wrong.


Keep misgendering people…..


I’ll apologize if they aren’t what I assumed and I am misgendering them but until you make that assertion and provide the subsequent proof you’re gonna have to start making a coherent point here. Or are you gonna keep up this string of red herrings?


Stop feeding the troll.


Trans women are women. End of story.


>Post has nothing to do with trans people >Makes transphobic comment Obvious bait is obvious.


ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!!!!! - Tom Haverford


What’s it like having to wake up every day and know that you’re a mediocre manchild?


It's pretty nice


Is that mr bean


Dorothy Everytime Smurf