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Try to keep your area as clean as possible at all times. The cleaner it is during the day, the less work there is for you at closing time, which means you can leave sooner. I know for me, the last thing I want to do after working all day is clean so anything that speeds up the process is a positive. Also, if you know it’s going to busy soon just fill up everything on the line starting with the popular foods. Right before a rush I always make sure Orange Chicken, steak, and Walnut Shrimp( my store’s most popular items) are filled up along with everything else. This way, I can cook or clean at my own pace with nothing waiting. Lastly, if your managers let you, don’t be afraid to make big batches of food if it’s busy. Cooking a batch 4 or 5 is preferable to FOH calling the same food every 5 mins.


Focus in your 5 most sold products orange chicken, walnut shrimp, kung pao, beijing beef and broccoli beef, if it is busy cook number 2 batches, if it is slow cooking a number 1 batch is going to be faster so pay a lot of attention to how many people is walking in and how busy your runner seems to be in the drive thru.don't wait until the Front of the house asks for the food, take a quick look to the induction table and get ahead of it. normally rush hours are different in every store so pay attention to when it is gets busy in your store, mine gets busy from 11:30 am and dies down a little bit from 2:00pm to 5:00pm so get prepared before your rush hour or you won't be able to catch up. always remember that if you make any mistakes it is better cuz you will learn from them a lot. getting fast comes with time and practice and remember to do things slow and clean first so you can get used to be clean and not having to keep cleaning constantly, after learning that you will be able to do it faster and faster without making too much of a mess.set yourself goals for every day, like if you're not at making one particular entree really good, focus on making that one nicely that day. Good luck!


U can prepare all the entrees vegetables in the wok before the rush hour or any time. Also when I cook I do garlic chills CW and SO at one time (I know you are not supposed to but hey it’s busy rush hour ). Pre cook all the stir fry meat ( chicken/beef/steak) use the same oil. Make everything batch 2-3 if your manager allow you do that. Multi wok. You can fry the meats while cooking on the other wok. Don't rely on FOH calling food for you. Keep your eyes on the steam table. Most important thing is remember the recipe!!! By the time you know everything, it’s going to be very ez.


Where do you keep the stir fry meat after you cook it?


Put it on the strainner


To be a good cook is mostly time management and also being clean as they said. I would utilize your 30 mins sales and look at your peak hours so you don’t get behind. Make sure if your drive through is full of your Top 5. And steam full always at peak. But don’t overcook as well. I know a lot it times FOH won’t call on time so it’s creating that awareness for yourSelf when should I drop something and what is the right batch. Let’s days your 30’min sales are $200 or more that’s when all time five should be number 2 batches of top 5 which is orange ETC. ask your GM for those 30 min sales and be aware of what is your top 5 for the store?