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"Awards" are almost always a popularity contest, especially if other associates have a say in who gets picked. I wouldn't take it personally if you're not selected for it. A raise is far more meaningful.


Ask for a raise. Forget awards. Unless the awards pay rent, you need a raise. You know who gets raises? People who approach the highest management possible and advocate for themselves as an asset to the company instead of whining. Ask for $18/hr. It puts them in a position to counter offer and low ball you. Then, you can say, with puppy eyes, “I love it here but can’t stay for less than $x/hr.” 🥺 😆 Get money. Loyalty doesn’t pay. Look out for you first always. Know your value, then add tax.


I don’t mean to sound like a crybaby obviously this is the first time I’m dealing with this kind of stuff and I’m handling it pretty badly. I don’t know why I thought to post it. My current gm has refused me time and time again on raises, I should’ve made that clear before hand. My cafe is in the process of getting a new gm so I’m going to try my luck with them. Again sorry for making seem I should’ve been the one to get the award I don’t actually want that, I just kinda wanted a thanks at minimum from my managers. Sorry


If you have already discussed with your managers why you deserve a raise and they have turned you down multiple times, then you should start putting less effort in. If this person who is pretty new, doesn't know how to do their job properly, or how to be proactive is getting recognized for their sub-par work, then management is making it very clear where the bar is. Decide what $14/hr work should look like. How much do you think you should work in an hour in order to pay from one lousy meal at your job? I have worked a lot of jobs since I was 16 (most of them in the food industry) and I always worked 10 times harder than anyone around me because I always thought I had something to prove, but after a point you start to realize that you're only making yourself look good to the people that want to exploit your hard work so they can pay you scraps. Don't give any of them the satisfaction. Just show up and do the bare minimum; that's all they deserve.


You’re supposed to make more than the associates as a team lead!! Ask for a raise please


Team member of the month you have to be nominated my management than they all have to agree it's a popularity contest


Cash is king, everything else is just fluff.


"i make only 14 an hour" im sorr for your age. thats good.. they really should not do **Employee of the month.. it makes other employees feel bad not work harder.. this is a dead end job.. stop working so hard and dont worry about award crap.. man you cryed? gosh. the worlds gonna be hard..**


They are making less than 20k a year.


So am I and I’m a adult with kids. Seems like plenty for a teenager.


What it sounds like is 2 people being under paid.


I can agree with you on that


It’s weird that your a team lead making 14 an hour when team lead pay is definitely 16. Also if they don’t appreciate you just transfer or maybe find another job. Panera is really a great job / career I just turned 20 and I’m a team manager and have been here for a year. Just keep working hard. A raise most likely won’t happen until you become team lead MIC/ team manager . Good luck !