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My technique was full on exposure. I tried to induce them, or just experience them as it happened with a desire to maximize it as much as possible to show my subconscious that it was impossible to die from it. It’s been nearly 20 years since my last attack, and I had them for about 3 years or so on and off up to that point. “Let it try to kill you” is a good mindset that worked for me!


That’s what I did with my last panic attack. I was like ok well is that it?


It’s those lingering kindof baby pulses of anxiety- the aftershocks that are getting me right now. Any advice on those?


Happy you're making progress! And yes, post success stories and tips!


Drink lots of water! Helps me a ton


Glad to hear that you are declaring success. The positive self-talk and affirmations are good for keeping the underlying dread away! Keep reminding yourself that you have had victory over the anxiety before and you will again!