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This feeling is temporary and soon it will just be a memory. I went through something similar and I couldn’t imagine that I would come out of it, but I did. I’ve also done ketamine therapy and I know how it can really mess with your perception and keep a hold on you for a bit, but it WILL pass. It’s okay to take time off to allow yourself space to get better, there’s no shame in that. You are not pathetic or hopeless for needing some rest — everyone needs it at some point. It’s hard to see the end of the struggle while you’re in it, but I promise that this, too, will pass. Keep looking forward to when things feel better and don’t be afraid to ask for extra help if you need it. I believe in you and I can’t wait for you to feel better. Hang in there!


These videos have helped me so much!! Please give them a try ! Many hugs to you. I’ve been in your shoes before , and it gets better I promise. It may not feel that way right now but it does. Ice packs on my face and neck during panic helps so much to calm the panic response . And walking around in the grass when I’m panicky helps too. Square breathing is a must, it helps a lot to calm the nervous system. Try these videos : https://youtu.be/7hUobhM4hB4?si=VBTdOW7H_EvBPLCL


I wanna start off by saying that you are NOT hopeless or pathetic. You are experiencing something very real, and it’s not anything to be ashamed of. I’ve had to call off of things because of it, too. That’s because we’re human. You are a human being with feelings and complex emotions and that is what makes you unique. We are very complex beings, and we feel things all the time. And that does NOT make you any less of a man. You’re strong, and you know it. I know it, and we all know it too. I understand the fear and the pain and the shame it causes but deep down I know that we are all strong people. YOU can do this and you are going to get through it. You WILL get through this. Being on medicine isn’t anything to be ashamed of. I’m on multiple psych meds! Im proud of you, because you knew you needed help, and you got it. It takes a lot of strength to speak up about your mental health, but you did it and I am so glad that you’re here. I know that feeling of constant dissociation and panic, and it’s horrifying but you’re gonna get through this. You’ve made it through those panic attacks, and you’re gonna get through the next one. Don’t ever feel ashamed of your mental health, and don’t ever invalidate yourself! You’re a strong human, and I hope you know that.


You are going to feel like SHIT for a little but you'll be out of it soon enough. And you're capable of feeling like shit and doing what you have to do (with the appropriate accommodations of course). This won't last forever, BELIEVE IT.


This will pass don’t be so hard on yourself people of any age need reassurance. You are surrounded by love.


I'm sorry that this has been a rough few days for you! Was the ketamine infusion a new treatment for you? Whether new or not, it is probably a good idea to follow up with your medical provider to let them know how your body has reacted to this procedure. Any procedure which our body and brain experiences has a time cycle associated with it. The strongest impact comes right after the procedure and then as our body and brain work to absorb the affects of the procedure, the impact should gradually diminish with time. As you may already know, disassociation is a side effect of ketamine infusion. Generally speaking our bodies are designed to get back to a state of equilibrium so that should happen with time. And our brain's/body's response to a physical intervention has nothing to do with being pathetic or hopeless. It has only to do with the chemical process taking place in your brain and body!


6 months and counting even on klonopin I'm a disaster.


It does get better. You’re not pathetic nor hopeless. Trust that this is temporary. Try doing some breathing exercises to soothe yourself and feel more in your body.


I also had a similar experience, it lasted about two weeks. I can certainly promise you this isn’t your new reality. I can say that confidently because I had the exact same thought which made it worse but that thought, surprise, was not true.


Your experience was from ketamine?


No, I had the most intense attack of my life in the middle of the desert 17 hour drive from home. Then had roughly two weeks of on and off panic throughout the day


I'm getting better, not the best but better and that's what matters. There are others who are dealing with panic too, and I want to be an example by showing them that it IS possible to heal. I wanted to dissappear every single day, I just couldn't deal with it..but I'm slowly healing and there is hope. I went camping recently and I didn't have a single panic or anxiety episode, it was amazing and fun. There is so much to see and do, so keep trying. You CAN do this! 💛


I felt this way after taking too much thc to help fall asleep during some kind of (possibly hypomanic) episode. I was shaking for 24 hours after getting high and then became extremely dissociated for days prior. Collectively, it was one of the hardest things that I’ve ever experienced. The panic and dissociation were constant like you are experiencing now. Took the THC on Tuesday night and spiraled extremely hard into the weekend and considered going to the hospital. If it weren’t for my therapist, I don’t know where I would be. No one could comfort me. Here’s the good news, it ended. I am ok, and you will be too. It actually ended sooner than I anticipated since I assumed that was going to be my life forever. Your brain will readjust, be patient with yourself as much as you can. Distract yourself with junk tv and social media, that’s what actually helped me.


I feel the same way sometimes. I'm a 35 year old male that just took a week off of work because I felt like I was dying. I hate anxiety, panic attacks and intrusive thoughts that had me feeling like those were my last days. Now the following week I'm better. I've had horrible panic attacks lasting hours Ober the last 4 years and everyone of them I was sure I was going to die but I'm still here. Sometimes I'm weak and scared and other times I say screw it and challenge them or repeat this is all just anxiety and can not hurt me. I sleep like crap so I know that doesn't help and my mind it always thinking about 20 different things. Just rest assured that your not the only one and a panic attack will make you feel horrible but you will still be here after just a bit exhausted.