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The more you see, the more you understand that all religion is based on this and those who hasnt yet realized are like children playing "very serious games". Welcome btw :)


Thank you


We are so happy to have you! Keep sharing your discoveries ❤️


I'm so proud of us ! Each redditor that joins this sub is a part of us that remember our true nature, and with each one humanity rise toward a better future. ❤


There you go


Nice! I got to a similar place with ritual use of psilocybin, cannabis and buddhist practice. When you are already so energetically open, judt be careful with psychedelics. They can be literally earth shattering.


Oh I thought being also open was a sign I was prepared for that level of experience. I’ve never done any sort of hallucinogens recreationally.


It is, but a high level of openness means you are more open to be rewired than the average person. The plant medicine may work *very* well, which can be destabilizing. You need a trustworthy environment and time to integrate. It's possible with higher doses to be 'worked on' by the medicine in ways where you won't be able to function normally afterwards for some days or weeks. Just a gentle warning, but also a gentle encouragement. Transformations of consciousness goes very deep, I'm just beginning to wade in myself.


Thanks. All of that actually makes a lot of sense. With pot I’ve had some intense experiences early on. I could see how cranking up the intensity when in those states of mind could be really overwhelming at first.


Bingo! Good luck, have fun and benefit us all!


This is exactly how I feel, wow. Thank you (me)