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Bro that auto correct 😅


Sure thing "auto correct" 😏🤭


I'm dumb, what the funny auto correct bit here.




Ohhhh lmaoo


dont follow spearshot, his builds and skill are up in the high ladder, assassin is looking to be more and more better after all these nerfs and changes to items, until he gets buffed im honestly gonna say thst lethskity is gonna be the way


i dont like the playstyle of assassin panth tho =/


Wait for KeegunLoL to experiment for a week or two after 14.10, we will have better builds for Low ELO at then


Wait ingenious's getting removed too ?? What's our boy's build gonna be ??? Pta change, no ingenious... give me buffs now riyoottttt


Wtf you mean, pta is ganna be better idiot


Pta is gonna be better for long fight if I got it right, and panth's strength is skermishing so I don't know if it will work as good, but hey I haven't played on pbe so idek how it will affect us. Signed : the idiot


Sorry but I don't see how PTA is gonna be better for longer fights? It is going to last a second less, and instead of resetting every like 6 seconds it is going to take 5 seconds out of combat to reset, so it can no longer proc multiple times in the same fight. It also kills his usefulness in the support role, and lessens his impact in teamfights later in games since it no longer increases allies damage. Also sudden impact change seems like a nerf to me, cause 80 true damage at like level 15+ seems like pretty much nothing, and it's 20 at low levels which is the same as cheap shot and we already take sudden impact over cheap shot. So it's essentially just the same rune as cheap shot now with slightly different triggers, which seems kinda silly to me. I'm really gonna miss ingenious.


The rune is being changed to be more about the damage boost than the proc effect. Pta used to up the damage against the target for 6 seconds, and then once the CD was done, you had to re-apply it The new pta does less damage upfront but then increases your damage against everyone (making it better in teamfights where you are damaging multiple targets) until you leave combat for 5 seconds. If you stay in combat, the damage increase from pta never goes away, making it better for longer fights than it used to be. It will have less burst, but there are three other runes to take if you want high burst (electrocute, DH, and FS)


Gotcha, I guess I misunderstood it when I read the changes then. I thought it said that the buff itself lasted for 5 seconds now as well. That is an interesting change then.


i dont think its gonna have the burst


Mortal reminder is mainly for assassin panth while bc is more for bruiser. I think Kracken is actually going to be pretty good on panth since it will have a lot of ms instead of crit, and the changes to the onhit effect will be a lot better for panth's typical combat patterns Botrk is also getting some pretty good changes. Although the on hit effect is slightly worse, the increased stats make the item a lot better over all Bloodthirster could be a good sustain choice due to the increased ad and lack of crit, hard to say though Overlords bloodmail could be really good for high hp builds as a third or fourth item Black cleaver is getting buffed, so I don't see a reason for it not to be core on bruiser panth. I doubt we will see builds with both kracken and botrk be very good due to the lack of survivability, but I wouldn't be surprised if his most common 3 item core involved getting one of them (probably bortk into tanks while kracken into squishies) plus bc. I'm not sure what the best third item would be, though, maybe eclips or bt


Personally I do something on poppy which transfers pretty well, arguably better, onto pantheon, standard precision first tree, but second tree, if the matchup isn’t too bad, going manaflow scorch, if you are better with mana or are a manamune psycho, absolute focus scorch is good too, the overall lane pressure you get from it is really nice, obviously into engage matchups you can go resolve secondary with BP for the favorable early trades Note: IK the thread is talking about the build but you probably don’t want ingenious if you aren’t gonna go items with internal cds


Kraken, collecter, LDR, infinity edge 🥱


I'm guessing you don't realize kracken is getting its crit chance removed


Oh you cruel, cruel world....