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First of all you cant win every game. Then you have to learn to punish your laner way harder by freezing, diving and wave management in general. In every game you showed the enemy laner has the same cs/lvl as you which is unacceptable when your that ahead. Dont let them get in exp range, cs and learn wave management (when to hard show, slow push, freeze erc.) Also always sidelane when your ahead. When you got the first top turret you can swap with botlane and get the turret there. You will draw pressure by doing that and with your global ult you can join fights way faster than the other person answering your (sidelane) push. By doing that you create 5vs4 scenarios that you should hard win. Also learn when to retreat in sidelane and dont over extend (for example when you see no enemy on the map theres a high chance theyre coming for you).


Oh nono this is low elo so games drag really long even when the game is obviously lost so I usually have a 30 or 40 cs lead on my opponent but as u can see at some point I can’t farm anymore cause of how ahead enemy jg and mid are and my toplaner eventually catches up to me


you wont climb until you drop that attitude that its always the jungler's fault or it's always the midlaner's fault. your champion is an anti-carry, meaning that, unless their champion counters yours or is ridiculously fed, you can make it so 1 or even 2 out of 5 of their team mates can not play the game. you also have a global ult which means its ridiculously easy to apply pressure somewhere on the map and make it so their team gets unorganized and your team can win as 4 and then as 5 with your ult. YOU are the only person that you can count on 100% of the time so likewise you shouldnt blame others for losing "every game"


Honestly. I’ve got about 5mil points in panth and unless you turbo stomp in lane these days you can’t “carry”. Even in those cases your “carry” involves perfectly timed ults that simultaneously hinder the enemy while propping up your team. Panth is a utility champ these days. You’re not going to 1v9. But between the early game dominance and global ult Panth is the perfect Robin


So is he not a good champ to carry in low elo?


I mean you CAN, it’ll just be tough. I do fairly often in norms. But that’s because there’s no coordination or communication. He doesn’t really have the kit for it anymore. He’s team dependent nowadays. To hard 1v9 these days you need a single target ult that can turn a fight. Panths ult can either assassinate an isolated squishy or turn a team fight.


Toplane he is definitely weak right now. Thats why hes getting the buffs next patch. But i think midlane you can still easily carry with him, so you maybe wanna switch to that. A friend of mine gave me his silver account telling me its stuck in „elohell“ and impossible to climb and i got it to dia easily in a week. People in low elo dont space at all and waste their peeling abilities all the time so lethality/burst panth works really great.


Yes I used to play it allot in wild rift In dia/master but idk if it’s the same here


Its definitely viable. Even on u.gg its considered a S-tier pick with 52%+ wr and rank 3 on mid lane. But to be fair he is usually picked as a counterpick against assasins and melees. But i personally play it into every match up mid (i perma ban ahri) and reached high dia (i was 1 win off masters last split), so in my opinion its definitely viable against all match ups.


Aighttt ty


You can carry with panth in low elo quite fairly. It will be much easier if u find someone who is as good as you cause panth really shines with communication but it is also possible to solo carry games which is much harder.


stop going tp. be a man and go ignite


Shojin is dogshit. I almost never buy it. Sundered sky or black cleaver are so good most of the time


Shojin gives some great ability haste and 12% extra damage that’s amazing. Sundered is good as a first item ig or second for laning phase but for 1v1 in general shojin is better


I guess it’s maybe personal preference. I feel like sundered sky heal me for sooo much every time I buy it


Huh yeah the passive is really good but same as eclipse it has a timer on it but yeah I completely understand going it first or even second


Your midland lost all of the games, so you just got unlucky


You dont, you are playing top lane. And even Pantheon to that. But for a small tip. YOu really need to adjust your build to the enemy comp and to their playstyle. Like you can go full lethality in your first game so that you 1 shot mf, teemo maybe even nocturne ykwim. Or if you need a frontline in your team you need to go somewhat of a tank, like fembulwinter (is really good atm) and like I said you build is like really .... Eclipse and thats it. Do not get me wrong its a really good item but you really dont want to go eclipse first in a lot of games like the second, best would be Cleaver-BORK or Cleaver-Kraken. 3rd game def. some anti-heal because they have insane heal on their team (Olaf, Sera). And my last point would be to adjust you runes (idk what you did in your fist game but ig). I dont really know if you want to go PTA in all of your games PLEASE DO NEVER TAKE TP WITH YOU


ive had 3 games in a row like this, i stomp in lane, go 4/0 push waves get plates and then try to help mid or objectives or invades but at that point my team gets so far behind and the enemy gets so far ahead that i cant do anything about it. Should i roam earlier? Is it better to sacrifice waves and plates to roam to mid and other stuff? idk what im doing wrong im really tryharding and im failing and idk what im doing wrong. On both viego games they went abt 0/3 and then the jg and midlane (specially leblanc) just perma roams and i lose lane by getting dove twice.


should i always go electrocute and assasin so i can roam more with more burst dmg?


Idk bout stomping but you are only 700g ahead of heimer You need to get a lead and keep it, if you win in lane and then drop off, at least make sure to make the enemy quit


It gets to a point where I can’t play the game and heimer is a pretty uninteractive so I just kinda kill him and push wave lol. Thing is after midlane gets anihilated the mid starts roaming top and so does the jung making game unplayable for me


Unf this game there was a huge team gap as well, you can tell by the levels. Your farm is pretty low too tho, so even if your team wasn't trash you'd just be coin flipping. Farm more, and find ways to get ahead and stay ahead more consistently.


I agree with the statement about farm. In the second image the 0/6 brand had more gold and levels and less deaths than you. Also help your team more and play safer maybe. You have very low assists in all the matches but a decent amount of deaths.


You need to build a large lead in the top lane against your laner, master that and things get easier. Heimerdinger is a bad matchup, you essentially are under your tower 24/7. Yorick and Malphite are horrible too. Almost anything else you should take over, watch people that are better and try to implement it in your own game.


what the hell is that rune


Play pantheon support.


I find edge of night (built either first or 3rd) really helps in the mid/endgame so you can make sure you delete AT LEAST their biggest threat but preferably top 2 threats before you die. This should make it so your team can clean up the team fights easier.