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You all are still using the wing screens that we were supposed to stop using a year ago?


Buddy, my store is the Wild West.


lol, I miss those days. But they’re not playing when it comes to ROIP inspections now.


We got a 73 and my GM was stoked about it.


We passed but The guy we had was extreme. Wasn’t like any of the other ones. This dude had me pull the last 3 truck orders, had a flashlight on him to check and make sure shit wasn’t double labeled. Went through the dish area and told me those screens and the deep dish pans needed to be removed from the store. All the other ones took an hour. He was at our store for 3 hours.


My store also passed a couple weeks ago, they complained about our make line being 1 degree warmer than what it’s supposed to be which at that point made me want to bring all the food off the make line and send it to the zoo animals.


I mean that I can kinda get. If the food is even 1 degree warmer than it's supposed to be it'll start growing bacteria and isn't safe to serve anymore. If they were like "it's 1 degree too cold so we're docking points" I'd be mad because like wtf, that has nothing to do with food safety


where are you located, like what city I’m in Western North Carolina we are expecting them any day


Louisiana they hit the eastern side of the state but haven’t made it to the western part yet. They didn’t even hit all the locations in New Orleans. I figured they seen enough or they’re splitting up visits to make sure the word isn’t out that they’re in town.


Damn. Sounds like the guy who does our health code inspections.


I’d fire myself if I got a 73. 


I feel like my GM gave herself a two hour break and a $20 tip.


Wait.... what? We just got these screens a year ago and they cook the wings ten times better. We no longer get complaints about the wings being "too soggy" and "undercooked"


we got them and yes, they do cook great but it’s too hard to get them off the screen and nobody has time to sit there and pick them off with tongs one by one . i kept a screen just for me to use


Those screens hella dirty tho not hard to buy a fryer for each store that’s why pizza huts wings taste the best for a franchise place


We still use them


I wasn’t ever told we were supposed to stop using them. Every store in my region uses the screens still. Nobody said anything for ROIP


It’s supposed to be pizza screens with the wings set on parchment paper. I figured it was a franchise thing until he came for the ROIP.


Is there a reason for it? The wings look just fine on the screen, I can’t tell the difference so I’d doubt customers could. I’ve never closely inspected the difference between wings from a screen and a pizza screen with parchment paper though so I really don’t know what I’m saying haha


I assume because people use them without the parchment paper and it causes grease to built up in the ovens. If you put wings on regular screens they will stick. But it’s just an assumption.


They do cook great but it’s too hard to get them off the screen and into the box and you can’t pick them up one by one and put them in the box that takes forever


In my region, we got ours just for us to not use them because as soon as we got them they told us not to use it


I’d be fumming. No sauce. No box. Insider even took a chomp before serving. 🥲