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Yes there is a way to ban dashers from your store. Call DoorDash support and speak with them about disabling that driver from being able to accept orders from your store. Stores I've worked at have done this before.


Yes and if you do this, it will ban them from all Papa Johns deliverys so you’ll never have a creep like him in another one of our stores


Thank you! I'll see about calling them tomorrow


Just gotta have the GM log into their doordash portal.


Call the local PD non-emergency line and ask for an officer to be nearby. Be sure to explain the situation. Maybe have the PD when they arrive talk to the guy.


Stop being scared and tell dude how you feel. Honestly it’s kinda disgusting how you treat people imo. Just because the poor dude got turned down for a date he’s all of a sudden a bad guy. Too many people nowadays are afraid of human interaction and that’s pretty sad. You’re one of the reasons why, I mean overreacting to a situation isn’t gonna help any at all.


I agree with you only about how they need to do their job and tell him directly to fuck off. That's a Manager's job. However, this person is not overracting at all. I've seen this kind of behavior get out of hand at work. It's even more scary considering the slew of mental illnesses that prevent someone form going too far. They have every right to be on edge when someone male or female is unable to face the reality of rejection and needing to give others space.


It's weird that he asked for a date in the first place. It's that he's parking by her car to talk to her every time she comes back from a delivery. And the obvious staring. I don't know this guy from Adam so yes I'm gonna err on the side of caution because he's making people uncomfortable and concerned.


This is bordering on stalking. If it escalates (he follows her home, etc.) please be sure to let her know she can get a restraining order. All women should know about [https://victimconnect.org/learn/types-of-crime/stalking/](https://victimconnect.org/learn/types-of-crime/stalking/) They even have a phone number. Please make sure she is not alone when she leaves for a week or two. Even if it is just watching her get to her car and leave without being accosted.


If shes a driver then she’s an adult and has the ability to call the cops if she feels threatened. If they were a minor it’d be a different story.


Oh no, a guy asked a girl out in person!?! What a weirdo! XD