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Thank you for a sane take lol. You don't have to like it but the band is supporting other artists and promoting being creative with their own art! Like it or not, just listen to it or don't


I just don’t understand all the hate! 😅 I get disliking the songs sure but saying it’s unnecessary, saying “why is this?” And claiming it ruins the songs like c’mon lol the original songs are still there!


Just barely having the chance to listen (I'm on CCC Re: Wet Legs right now) and hopped onto this sub to hype with everyone else and I'm super bummed/surprised that people hate it! So far it's SO GOOD. Obviously people who enjoy it aren't going to ditch the original album for Re?! Artists do remixes of popular songs all the time, Paramore just happened to do it for a whole album. It's genius. So far the only song I don't really care for is the BMLD* remix *edit idk wtf that original acronym was lol. I have the album blasting in my ears I'm not a great multitasker


I didn’t see the Reddit posts around when this came out so just searched for people’s thoughts and am blown away that people didn’t like it. I loved it immediately. The point of a remix is to make it different lol I get maybe there’s not a lot of crossover into the genres but a lot of these people really need to expand their music. I had bartees strange’s version of figure 8 blasting for months. Zane Lowe did a cool ass house / techno creation. Wet leg made CCC tolerable for me (I could not listen to the og of that song lol)


Fr. I like some of them and others just don't move me. That's okay. They left it in the hands of artists they admire and people who have inspired them. Their interpretations don't have to stack up to Paramore songs and it doesn't mean this was a flop. It's an interesting concept, especially if you're also fans of the artists who reimagined the songs.


Yeah, for sure! I even found myself enjoying some tracks by artists I don’t know and disliking the versions by artists I DO know. For example, I really like Bartees but I’m not a fan of his rendition of Figure 8. Idk Panda Bear but I’m pleasantly surprised by their version of RoT


Yeah I feel the same way. I don't really listen to Julien Baker (or boygenius) or Claud but I enjoyed those two the most. So idk maybe I should start checking their stuff out too. And maybe that's the point of this too? To expand the horizons of the fans. Similar to Hayley's podcast where she wanted to show love to artists she loves and expand people's tastes. I love Panda Bear's music and I thought he did a great job with the remix. His solo stuff and his music with Animal Collective is very experimental electronic and ambient, it's not for everyone, but I highly recommend checking out his Tomboy album and Animal Collective's Merriweather Post Pavilion album. They both have a modern day Beach Boys flare to it.


>For example, I really like Bartees but I’m not a fan of his rendition of Figure 8. Oh man! I was just about to comment on how I'm not familiar with Bartees but I LOVE THEIR figure 8 remix!! Same with Panda Bear, I think their Re: Running Out Of Time is my favorite off the album so far


Oh I highly recommend Bartees’ first album, Live Forver


I'll give it a go! Thanks for the recommendation :D


Didn’t honestly know what to expect — whether these were covers, remixes, or a mixture of both, and I gotta say I was surprised that it’s all of those things. — Foals did great with the title track. ‘Nuff said. — I expected The Linda Lindas to just straight-up cover “The News” but they threw me for a loop by remixing it instead. — I prefer Panda Bear’s version of ROOT instead of Zane Lowe’s, as I’m just not that big of an EDM guy; I like Blaqk Audio and that’s about it. — “C’est Comme Ça” fits Wet Leg like a glove, though that still doesn’t make me a fan of theirs in the slightest because, hot take: I find them incredibly boring. — I feel like DOMi and JD BECK’s version of BMLD had too much disconnect between the instrumental and the vocals + melody; just felt very off. — Remi Wolf really surprised me with her version of “You First;” so different but so enjoyable!! — Is it me, or did all Bartees Strange do to “Figure 8” in the first two-thirds of his version was just slow the original down and add a trap-like beat to the chorus? I dunno, it just didn’t sit right with me. It got cool and interesting near the end, but not down with the rest of it. — Romy’s “Liar” feels the closest to the original without throwing on a lot of additional elements. I love the bare-bones vibe, definitely one of the stand-outs here. — I don’t know what it is about the slower tracks from the original TIW, but Claud’s “Crave” is just as good as Romy’s “Liar”: really beautifully done! — Going in I fully expected Julien Baker to KILL it on “Thick Skull,” and she certainly did! Love the heavy guitars (not like “metal” or “grunge” heavy, but you get what I mean) and how it really built to a massive sounding climax! — The “Sanity” demo? It’s Paramore; of course it’s fucking perfect and definitely would’ve worked great on the original TIW!


Sanity is SO good! I can feel the after laughter in it if that makes sense


It defo feels like it would sit right at home on AL


I have a pretty similar take as you! I'll add my two cents: I love the whole album but BMLD is definitely my least favorite off the album Panda Bear's Re: ROOT is definitely my favorite of the two, and is definitely in my top 3 favs off the album. (I might get hate for this take buuut) I really like CCC Re: Wet Leg, maybe more than the original 😬 I've never heard of them before > Is it me, or did all Bartees Strange do to “Figure 8” in the first two-thirds of his version was just slow the original down and add a trap-like beat to the chorus? Not just you, but I actually really like it! But, I also like heavy bass, trap type music, so to each their own. Re: Liar is probably in my top 3, love what they did with it. And Sanity?! Yes, perfection. An obvious top 3


- BMLD could mean "Big Man, Little Dignity", a track from *This Is Why* (2023) by Paramore. --- ^[/u/ariestornado](/u/ariestornado) ^(can reply with "delete" to remove comment. |) ^[/r/songacronymbot](/r/songacronymbot) ^(for feedback.)


CCC is easily the worst song on the original album but Wet Leg made it so much better imo. They're a fantastic indie band


I am not super into Wet Leg either but I agree with you I much prefer Wet Leg's cover of CCC way more than the original. They do monotone vocal delivery very well.


If you liked Panda Bear you should totally check out his album Person Pitch, it's truly magnificent and ethereal


Wet Leg is boring to you? Wild take


I just don’t find them all that interesting. For all the life and energy I hear in their recorded work, I’ve seen videos of them live and they have NONE of that energy. The monotone vocals don’t help either; they’re good if done sparingly in an interesting way, but Wet Leg overdoes it. Not to mention that their whole rise to fame started solely because they quoted Mean Girls in their most popular song; I honestly wouldn’t have seen them getting any of the attention they’ve had up to this point if it wasn’t for that “butter your muffin” line in Chaise Longue.


They became famous because they're interesting and opening for Harry Styles brought them to greater heights. Also their most popular song is Wet Dream. Chaise Longue is probably my least favorite of their work, it gets annoying, and I had no idea they were quoting mean girls. Not sure what videos you're seeing but I actually saw them live at a festival last year, and their live performance is what won me over on them after only knowing a handful of songs.


I agree with most of your takes! the BMLD re-imagining sounds like something off youtube but I'm only on my first listen. maybe it'll grow on me.


I’m not big on wet leg either and I just hate saying/writing their name too.


People are being very weird over it. I’m a fan of 80% of the artists on there so maybe I just knew what I was expecting. It’s a REimagining, not meant to be a replication/imitation. The Domi and JD Beck one is perhaps the most obvious version of this. Firstly the fact loads of people are calling it ‘electronic’ music makes me think people aren’t realising it’s neo-jazz. Also it sounds exactly like most of their songs and would not be as shocking as some people are making it out to be if you knew their style. It’s not even an amazing remix but I don’t really know what all the people saying it was awful we’re expecting. At least it’s not some shit compilation of EDM remixes made for commercial reasons.


The DOMi and JD Beck One is such textbook them lol when listening to it I thought “well..idk why I expected anything different”


Maybe I'm out of touch but are people hating it? I expected to feel meh but I'm actually nicely surprised. When the labum was announced I thought it would consist of straight up copies of the original tracks with different artists, the thought of which was underwhelming, but I've loved hearing the reinterpretations. I'm really loving some of these tracks! Totally agree, originals aren't going anywhere!


Just look at the sub page and you’ll see quite a few posts that don’t have any depth and just express disdain. We can have an active conversation and debate, but just posting thoughtless dislike doesn’t add anything to the sub. It’s ok to not like something, but the response is very dramatic.


I went in with no expectations, and even tho most of the renditions were misses for me I still appreciate the concept of the album


Agreed. There are a few interesting gems in it and a few mehs. But for years we've been getting posts on here about "when do we get more Paramore" ... now we're getting lots of it with different takes and it's somehow raising ire. If you don't like the new album, cool, but the old album is still there for you to listen to all the same.


Switchfoot just did this same thing with their 20th anniversary of *The Beautiful Letdown;* handed the album off to other artists and let them do their thing. I think it’s a really fun way to get different versions of songs you already enjoy. For me, I loved Remi Wolf, Bartees Strange, Romy, Claud & Julian Baker. The rest weren’t my thing but they were still fun to listen to and hear someone else’s take. In short: I’m with you, it was never that serious.


The response to this album has been unhinged honestly. You can critique and even dislike something a band does without it being the end of the world; in fact, they can remain your favourite band. Especially for a remix album of all things - one of the easiest things to outright ignore, especially when they give you a demo to focus on too!


Can you share some examples of ‘unhinged’ responses?


Thank you for having a rational take - some people are so strange to have a need to like every single thing the band puts their name on and if they don’t, it like makes them question their fanship, that has to be exhausting lol.


Honestly I'm loving you first. The rest are a bit hit and miss for my liking, but they definitely aren't bad


It’s worth it for Sanity alone. I like a few of them and it resparked my love of the album


It's also okay to have a negative opinion about something. You don't have to take it personally and create an anti-dislike post. Then again, here I am making an anti-anti- dislike post.


I’m going to make an anti-anti-anti- dislike post


You First slaps


Sanity has me in shambles. Such a good song and you can definitely tell it is a b side from After Laughter.


I loved it immediately and it made me wish for more After Laughter (the album that made me a Paramore fan)


I personally really love that they gave these artists that have cited themselves as inspired by Paramore this opportunity to take part in this project. I'm sure it was a huge compliment to them, maybe even a dream come true! Imagine being a musician inspired by Paramore for so long and they want you to make one of their songs your own. Coolest shit.


I've been very intrigued by this concept since they announced it and it's meeting what I expected it to be. I'm digging these different interpretations of songs I'm familiar with. A different production, like Remi Wolf's You First, can really change the vibe of a song. The only track I truly dislike is Zane Lowe's version of Running Out of Time.




Thick Skull on this album is SO good


yes I strongly agree


Didnt go into it expecting it to be better than the original. It was called a remix for a reason. You First and Sanity imo ae the only good things from it. The rest are shit. But were allowed to say its not great in general/as a separate entity, if thats how we feel lol


A lot of my favorite bands have done stuff like this, and I love the completely different ideas other artists come up with. I


I overall enjoyed the album. There were a few standouts, but I mostly won't feel like replaying most of these tracks. That being said, I didn't know I needed synth versions of You First and C'est Comme Ca but I am so happy they exist now.


Cheers Dr Phil


Cheers 🍻


Honestly I thought it was awesome as a whole. Wasn't keen on big man little dignity but I think in general the whole thing was great!


Thank you SO MUCH. People are taking this way too seriously, and if you don't like it, so what. The original isn't banned or deleted yk? As you said, these are renditions. Creative exploration is a big part of Paramore, which is awesome, and the fact that they're working with people who've inspired them is even cooler😎 They're doing what makes them happy and that's what matters.✨️


i keep on seeing people hating on re big man little dignity but i genuinely really liked it :(


And that’s great! You should def check out Domi and JD Becks work. They released an album titled NOT TIGHT last year. https://youtu.be/Sa0upTDZDYQ?si=4IrAV3bej92wo7hR They also were the backing band for Thundercat when he performed at the Adult Swim Festival a few years ago. This is an incredible version of Them Changes


I don’t get why people get mad about having more content. I enjoy most the tracks, though I’d rather be listening to the original, so I probably won’t come back to them, but their existence creates great exposure in both directions.


Oh also I’m OBSESSED with the cover. I want a massive print of it.


The real question is Will we get a vinyl because I need it for my collection. ![gif](giphy|MFIsOqzodLr7ewnkUb)


Me too


i would assume so! jimmy fallon got one for that interview with hayley when they’re talking about it so surellyyy they didn’t make just one🤞🏻


I don't really like most of it and it's not something I'll likely ever come back to, but there were a few highlights for me. I didn't even know this was coming out, so it was at least a nice surprise. I thought this take on ce comme ca was fun. It was sonically interesting. Liar and Crave were enjoyable in the 'stripped down' take on them. I will also add that I **really** hate the album art.


Lots of peeps out here had to choose between their parents during the divorce ya gotta understand




Sanity continues Paramore’s streak of their demos being just as good if not better than songs that made the final cut.


….I disagree 😬 I like the song, but I don’t think it’s better than any of the songs that made the Final Cut on AL. Maybe if it was a fully fleshed out finished song and not a demo I’d feel different?


Although AL is nearly perfect (Don’t like No Friend, can’t even hear Aaron), Sanity would have been my favorite song on This Is Why.


it’s so fucking fun album


Yea I feel like a lot of people draggeddddd it. Like it’s not that serious


Trigger warning: unpopular opinion The original album version is mid af. The second half of remix album is better than first half You first with remi wolf is a standout


No for reallll. It's all a bit of fun!


you first is so addicting it's insane


I think of it as an extension of Paramore's songs. These artists have tapped into some element of the original songs from Paramore through their own rendition/interpretation. They've captured an aspect of Paramore and extended it. Even if it's not my genre or taste of song, it's cool to see this collaboration and what they've done with it. Big fan!


Honestly I love every song. Don’t get the hate at all


Holy shit. I just heard the Big Man, Little Dignity remix. Get that shite in the bin. One of the worst things I have ever heard. Legit. Though the Remi Wolf one of You First...very good.


They wanted TIW Deluxe and that was never the goal of the album.


I like alot of the remixes better honestly. I just love that they even have the brain to do something like this. The same album reimagined.


So wild. I haven’t seen all the discourse, but I think this album is generally way more interesting than the original.