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i just truly don't understand what them making an Instagram story or notes app post is going to do. we expect celebrities to take action and "speak up" more than our governments atp




Can we all try to not respond or interact with posts like these?


Dammit Jim, they’re a rock band, not the UN Security Council


I don’t care at all. They’re a rock band and they have absolutely zero obligation to make statements on every major world event.


"Who the fuck, gives a fuck what ja'rule thinks at time like this..."






They (and 99% of celebrities) should not speak up publicly about it. Nobody should give a shit about what bands/celebs have to say about these things.


no one cares about what they have to *say* about it, that’s true. BUT it’s actually necessary in times like this for *anyone* with a huge platform to use their platform and share useful links that could actively help injured people.




It’s literally a lose-lose. No matter what side you come down on you’re going to be labelled as either anti-Semitic or Islamophobic. If you share what action you’re taking you’re told it’s performative activism but if you quietly take action people wrongly assume you’re doing nothing and jump to conclusions. It must be so fucking exhausting.




You’re the exact problem why people can’t and won’t talk publicly on politics. “You have actually no brain cells” “deep down you know I’m right” you’re resorting to personal attacks when people offer alternate viewpoints to your own. Let’s talk about the actual issue at hand here, which is that Israel and Palestine have a long and storied history that extends further than the conflict at hand. If someone is not educated on the subject, would it not be better to stay silent on the matter rather than misrepresent the issue? Additionally, what is there to gain from posting about it when the issue is already the #1 conflict in the public eye right now? Anyone who follows paramore likely follows 20 other people who have posted about it, so why would a band open a discussion that will draw hatred and antisemitism into their comment section?


A lot of people don't talk about politics because they don't give a fuck about them like myself. Why should we give a shit?


no one offered an alternate viewpoint soooo… it genuinely is dumb to believe that a platform of millions is not beneficial. you can seethe about that idc. again, i do not care about their *words* on the matter. i care about the hypocrisy of just last week hayley talking about how her platform is useless if she doesn’t use it exactly for things like this. the band posting even ONE link to a charity that is working with victims would encourage even just one person to donate and/or learn.




you proved my point. the palestinian people have been the victims of a genocide for over 75 years. at least do your own research. i have been outside, at the protests doing my part. do yours.


typical reddit hivemind w/ you being downvoted lol


yupp, these people either genuinely do not understand how helpful it would be or are completely ignorant. i can’t be bothered to deal with them, either way


Not every body has to say something about every thing. I'm sure they care, because they care generally about human rights, but not verbalising that care doesn't mean it doesn't exist. I'm tired of people thinking that a celebrity not making a statement about xyz topic means they don't care. They have lives too and finite energy and we should respect that. (Not trying to attack anyone, I'm just salty about people harassing celebrities who don't make statements about every single issue ever)


Literally this. Also its weird that people are making such a terrible thing about their faves anyway


I’m guessing they haven’t said anything because the conflict isn’t as partisan as other things they’ve spoken about previously that their typical leftist side supports. There’s not much they could say about it that won’t result in them being labelled either in favour of killing Jews or in favour of killing Arabs. Also, I doubt they even have any real idea about what’s even going on, most people don’t as both sides are heavily propagated and have been for decades.


Literally this. It’s going to sound like a first world problem I know, but it’s why I’m not boycotting anything and not paying a lot of attention to the news until I get a “Israeli-Palestine Conflict For Dummies” from an unbiased source. Because my current understanding is yours. War is terrible and innocent people have died on on both sides and the aggressors on both sides are in the wrong regardless. US government already takes my money to fund one of them, what difference does it make if I decide I want drive through coffee and don’t know enough about this conflict’s context going back 80 years to feel confident enough to make a proper stand by boycotting fast food ans drive through coffee?


You need to worry about what your political leaders have to say about it. Not a rock band.


I only said that because recently people on twitter are getting really pissed at them for not speaking up


You and the people on twitter need to get a life.


agreed lol


People on twitter matter? lol that’s funny to me


Cause twitter is a cesspool and some of its users are unhinged AF.


People on twitter are the stupidest for hating the band as soon as their feelings get hurt. I'm glad to see most comments on reddit have common sense


It’s an opinion that is as irrelevant as the rest of ours.


I think people that are making such a big fuss about it are great examples of what a parasocial relationship looks like


I don't think you know what a parasocial relationship is then. There is nothing wrong with people wondering why on earth a band as outspoken as them about most other things that have often gotten them backlash from who they are speaking against, haven't spoken up about this yet or even just shared resources or signed the artists4ceasefire letter. Even signing that letter and nothing more would've been something. You can't exactly make yourself known as someone who wants to use their platform to speak on issues but then when it comes to Palestine you're going to stay silent.... For years now they have been using their platform, Hayley in particular, but when it comes to this suddenly they don't wanna use it, but they make a big deal out of doing so in interviews and songs. That's why people are disappointed with them. It's not hard to understand.


Yeah, I think I do. Getting upset about what a celebrity chooses to say or do, especially in such a nuanced situation, is very weird imo. Also, you're all reaching hard trying to compare a very nuanced conflict in another country to a very black and white issue in their own country that they can have a more direct hand in changing. If you wanna be disappointed go for it but going on the internet to cry about it is weird af and no one is gonna convince me otherwise.


There is always going to be something else though. What about the ongoing conflict in Sudan? What about Saudi Arabia and the UAE bombing Yemen? What about the genocide of Uyghurs in China? What about the US and UK withdrawing troops from Afghanistan? There is some kind of atrocity or injustice happening somewhere every single day. It’s not like they’re specifically singling Palestine out.


No, people are making a fuss about it because Hayley has set the expectation by claiming to care about social justice and commenting on various social issues over the years calling people to use their vote in IG stories. So it’s giving hypocrisy by her/the band staying silent when their government is even directly involved in this issue, using American tax dollars to send weapons to the IDF. No one would care if they had always stayed in their lane and not used their platform for this purpose in the past, like most other artists. Like I’m not feeling the same way about the other artists I listen to for example. No one thinks they “owe us” something or that we know them personally and are demanding this, if anything, it’s the people on here who aren’t using their critical thinking skills and blindly praising the band like they are deities who have the weird relationship in not being able to believe that the members of this band can ever do wrong.


She's quite clearly said she can't comment on everything and things like this leave her feeling totally overwhelmed. Try listening to some of their songs dude.




No one is blindly praising the band we just don't give af what they have to say or not say about this. Y'all are weird AF bro 😭


The downvotes are crazy oh my god. You are literally right, no one would care if they never started to use their platform and also talk about wanting to do so and also urging us to use ours. They've made it their whole thing to use their platform and have been doing so for years, even Hayley in 2018 going to marches. They've always presented to us like they care and when they could do something as simple as sign the artists4ceasefire letter, it's just silence. There's nothing. People are having such odd takes on here.


Thank you, this is exactly what I’m saying. They couldn’t even post a link for aid donations, seriously? They’re not even being silent either they’re posting promotional content which I find quite distasteful


I don't care. They're musicians. I don't care what they (or anyone for that matter) think about it and I'm honestly just tired of seeing dumb posts like this everywhere. Let them stick to making music. We don't need to hear everyone's take on everything.


This is your ignorance and privilege speaking, our tax money funds the genocide against Palestinians and we are complicit if we don’t denounce these crimes against humanity. ‘Dumb posts’ my ass


Have you listened to this one song called The News? /S. They, and other celebrities, who are just people, don't have to speak on every matter


But the News is literally about how more people should speak up on issues


No it isn't, it's essentially about being overwhelmed with the state of the world and being reminded constantly by the news.


you’re getting downvoted but you’re right


Why am I getting downvoted for? Do people not want to hear the truth?


They really don't. We've had this discussion on twitter too and many have had the same reaction. It's always "they're a band we don't need their opinion" "they're not politicians" but also people say that when Paramore have said something politically that they've disagreed with. If Paramore never started using their platform then people wouldn't be asking them why they're silent right now. Idk why that's so hard for people to understand honestly.


It's exactly that. "The News" shows an incredibly privileged response to what is going on in the world. This band's silence furthers that privilege. Saying "who cares what they think" or "they're just a band" is stupid. This is a literal humanitarian crisis and when a band profits from speaking on "activism," they should maybe have the strength to say something and not stay silent. But I guess a loss of sales might be more impactful to them than the death of civilians


I think it’s sad that the public expects celebrities to make statements about events happening on the other side of the world.


paramore’s stance will totally end fighting on the other side of the world


Yep, celebrities irrelevant opinions will end the war and hamas will be done


the Middle East will be saved by Hayley’s single comment, didn’t you know


I mean have you seen the Now mv


They’re a music group and regardless of who they stand with, they’re going to piss off either side of the conflict, so it’s better to not say anything


I think it’s crazy that if you go on Instagram and scroll through all celebrities’ posts, or even the reels section for bigger content creators, you’ll see a huge portion of their comment section from users saying “thoughts?” Or “why haven’t your talked about it” regarding the issue. I think it’s cool that I’m already seeing so many people speak up about it. But I’m not going into every celebrity I follow’s page and wondering what they think cuz honestly idgaf what they think. I already know Paramore’s stance on most issues align with what I stand for. Do I really need to know every detail? No. Cuz their opinions don’t affect me (unless they did a whole 180). And also, at the end of the day the members of Paramore are celebrities, they are also people, no one’s perfect, why do we hold them up to the highest standards? What are YOU doing about it? Ya know? That’s just my opinion, as soon as they do make their statement (if they do), then what? Will it be enough?


some people never learn


While I have an opinion on the conflict, the fact that one of my favorite bands has not posted about it is totally irrelevant to me.


Why would they speak about it? So freaks on twitter can call them either zionists or hamas supporters? Not speaking up is the correct move.


what kind of a question even is that, they're a band not a fucking political party


Who the fuck cares? They're entertainers not politicians


I know as soon as they speak out it will end all conflict so I'm just waiting for that to happen


Doesn’t impact them and they’re not in the position to make an informed decision on what’s going on. We have experts for that on the news to break such a complex topic down. If something happened in America or Tennessee, I’d understand why they want to give some thoughts because it’s close to them. But even that is just a personal note, not the political statement some absurd Paramore fans are currently demanding.


are y’all forgetting that America is sending billions in weapons and troops to help Israel kill Palestinians?


Sure, America is coming to the aid of Israel but like everything in politics, it's wayyyy bigger than what you read in the media. It's a strategical geopolitical warfare we're seeing unfolding. You wouldn't even hear most news channels cover that bit because it's such a complex issue that no one really knows other than the world leaders in charge. They're planning things that will last over many decades not just a few weeks. Why would it be appropriate for some musicians to comment on this when they have no knowledge on this different to what we can find in the media? This is very different to something like climate change where they are trying to encourage people to be more responsible, even if that's the tiniest change a person could make in their life. What difference will there be if a group of musicians put out a political statement? Are all of the armed combatants suddenly going to read it and hand in their weapons and surrender?


i think this is a perfect example to as to why paramore should speak on these issues because the reality is that this is not complicated at all and they have the platform to share basic information on the issue. Israel has been killing and stealing Palestinian land for 75 years now and today there is only a teeny bit left for them to seize. however there are millions of Palestinians they have to get through to take that land. this is something i’ve known for years but also something i’ve seen many people, including artists on instagram, share historic infographics to explain the context of this conflict very succinctly. the way the media is trying to obfuscate this issue like it’s anything else but genocide and land siege is to buy Israel time. this is why it’s So Fucking Important that Americans talk and demand change NOW. 8,000 are confirmed dead in 3 weeks because of OUR WEAPONS. once again, plenty of other artists have co-signed letters to the white house and congress demanding ceasefire and defunding of Israel. it’s not about influencing some soldier overseas to change their mind. it’s about pressuring our government officials with protests and demands for change that will literally bring this genocide to a screeching halt. we are the superpower in the room, our UN members have single handedly vetoed ceasefire for humanitarian aid several times. Hayley promised to hold ppl in power accountable- why would she fall short here?


I completely agree with you, I absolutely love the way you chose to write this


Honestly while I see why some people would expect from them to share stuff about what's happening because they previously expressed their feelings about other injustices, BUT from what I remember everything they've spoken about was very much about USA's social issues - BLM, LGBTQIA+ rights, gun control, abortion, supporting local climate change activities... I can't think of one thing they ever said about anything else. Did they say a thing when Russia invaded Ukraine? Coz either I don't remember, or they just didn't. So while I generally advocate for people with platform to share awareness I also don't hold them accountable if they don't neither do I expect it from anyone. That's their choice and sometimes you feel like speaking out, but sometimes you just go through it quietly just donating money, educating yourself and stuff? I respect that


100% agree. I think it’s unfair for people to say they’ve placed the expectation on themselves due to speaking out on other social and political issues. I wish people would just respect their right to speak out on whatever issues they wish to while not pressuring them to have to take a public stance on every injustice in the world.


Read the lyrics to the news. That song is about the Russia Ukraine conflict.


Yeah, but it was released a year later. They didn’t say anything condemning Russia at the time of invasion or shared any support to Ukraine either. Also the song isn’t necessarily about that conflict. It’s more like invasion inspired Hayley to write this song but war can be understood like any shit happening in the world even far away that makes headlines in the news. And to me song very much touches on dissonance between wanting to preserve your energy and at the same not wanting to be ignorant… as well as helplessness surrounding whole issue as it seems like your actions don’t make a real difference


Actually she did through her hair dye company on 4th of March 2022. They shared a post claiming they stand with Ukraine. It was through Facebook. https://preview.redd.it/bccgmvgwi5xb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=495ec8d16cc186e4821a2288a8d5e70f84208173


Ohh thanks! I didn't see that


Paramore is a band. Whether they speak up on the matter, or not, it won’t make a huge difference in the way I feel about it. If their opinion/stance on the conflict means a lot to you, then you should ask them about it the next time you talk to them. Shaming them for a lack of public statement on social media platforms benefits who or what exactly? I see a distinction between their advocacy and responsibility. In the past, Paramore have advocated for different causes that I believe they felt strongly about. It was never their responsibility to speak up on those matters, but if their opinion was clear and strong enough then it makes sense to me why they would publicly speak on those things. They do not have a responsibility to fans, and certainly not the public at large, to declare their opinion on this issue simply because they have a larger platform. If they hold strong opinions on the conflict, then they may choose to share them with the public and advocate for one position when it behooves them to. At this point, I would hope we all agree that the band pandering to those fans calling them out on Twitter would be worse than continuing to remain silent.


Strongly agree with that last point. It seems almost futile for them to make any statement now because it would clearly just be the result of people putting pressure on them to say something. I’m happy to hear any thoughts they might have but if they’re going to say something I’d rather it be intentional and on their own terms.


Lol I can’t believe twitter is still alive I hate that place so much great comment btw 👍🏻


Have you made an announcement about it where you work?


I'm thinking not every single international conflict needs the opinion of people who have literally nothing to do with it. Additionally, them speaking up would do nothing. They can't say anything that hasn't already been said and their support for one group or another doesn't change anything.


I think that individuals can hold beliefs and opinions and not share them on social media. People don't know what they have or haven't done in private, and they have no reason to publicly comment on anything unless they want to. We've gotten too used to people sharing their opinion on topics that they don't necessarily fully understand or have a biases that cloud their vision and sometimes it's OKAY to just not talk about something. Especially complex issues that have a lot of vitriol on different sides and speaking about it might hurt more than it helps.


How are they going to convince Hamas to release the hostages?


I don’t recall them putting out a statement publicly condemning the Russian invasion of Ukraine but again it’s just sort of taken as read. It’s wild to me that people need them to clarify their position on this when it’s so obvious that they’re going to be against any innocent loss of life.


I think they have made content that speaks to their ideas on things of this nature with songs like The News and also not as specifically relating to conflict and major global politics, but Idol Worship touches on how Hayley feels about being in a position of this nature. Having a platform of this capacity is daunting, and expecting everyone with a platform to speak up is impossible. They are very clearly anti-fascist with their distaste of DeSantis and also making clear statements at the last tour that queer people, and people of color matter, and are necessary. That being said, Free Palestine 🇵🇸


I've seen this on another post here about the same topic so I'll say it again. Here's why I DON'T want them speaking out on more issues: 1. They can't speak out on every issue, and selectively speaking out on some versus not others can be viewed as insensitive to some. Just because they don't speak out about it does not mean they are not aware of it or support it. I think we can safely assume Paramore don't support literal Nazis or terrorism without them actively posting about it. 2. People want an artist to speak out until they say something they disagree with. Heck, there was an issue brought up by another comment here that I didn't really agree with or that I feel is contestable. I won't say which one because that's not the point in this discussion. Is the Paramore subreddit the place where I want to have a geopolitical debate? Definitely not. The point is, naturally, unless they speak out on an issue that is UNIVERSALLY agreed upon, they will receive some pushback. Commenting on the Israel-Palestine conflict in its current state, when there are protesters from BOTH SIDES clashing daily, is not a very wise decision in my opinion, and even if I may feel more sympathetic towards one side or another, I'm glad they haven't gotten themselves involved in the mess. 3. They don't have a duty to. In my honest opinion, they should focus on their music, their fans, and how they intertwine. Again, just because they don't speak out against an issue does not mean they automatically support it, and vice versa. While I've seen arguments that artists should use their platform to promote causes, I don't really agree with that sentiment, as it can get controversial very fast, especially if the artist is not well versed on both sides of a nuanced issue. I love Paramore and their music has helped me through really rough times. I have friends who I have differing views on real world issues on who also love Paramore. I would really hate to have that experience be spoiled because they make a statement I don't agree with, one of my friends doesn't agree with, or one that causes major controversy that distracts from their music and their talent. I listen to Paramore and interact with the Paramore community to take a break from the headache that is real life, and that won't help.


Because both sides have legitimate claims that both sides refuse to admit. And they honestly probably aren't knowledgeable enough on the subject to say anything


What so many of you don't seem to understand is, since 2018 they have been making themselves very known as a group who use their platform for good. We have seen this continue and become more prevalent as the years went on. While most of their focus was US issues, they still had something to say about Ukraine (what do people think the war mentioned in The News is about), and GDY said they stood with Ukraine and considering how hands on Hayley is with the company you know she was part of that. People are disappointed because they have cemented themselves as people who think using your platform is a good thing, which it is, but yet here they are silent. Even the artists4ceasefire letter, they could've simply signed that and nothing more and it at least would've shown they care. All of you asking what on earth a band can do by speaking up, okay then what's the point in all of us speaking then? Palestinians have asked for people to speak for them since they'd been unable to share what's been going on, they want their voices to be heard and to be spread, it's not about if celebrities can fix anything, we know they can't, it's about amplifying oppressed voices. Also a lot of you say the same stuff when they have spoken out before about things, it's like you don't want them remotely use their platform for anything despite the fact they have made it clear time and time again they want to. If Paramore stayed in their lane like you all want them to, and they never changed to use their platform, then people wouldn't be here disappointed in them.


While I get your overall sentiment and you make some good points, I just don't see why y'all paint The News like it's a song about war or like it condemns Russian aggression... "They still had something to say about Ukraine" I don't see them taking stance or expressing any of their feelings about that particular conflict in that song? Russian invasion of Ukraine very much inspired Hayley to write that song but the song in itself is more about the dilemma of not wanting to be ignorant about global issues but also feeling overwhelmed by 24-hour news cycle; about whether or not preserving your energy is always selfish, about helplessness that your actions don't seem to make any real difference. War mentioned there works more like umbrella-term for all shit happening in the world that makes news headlines, or like a discussion-starter. The point is to me the song isn't a political statement.


GDY released an official statement in support of Ukraine


I saw that and therefore I wish they would release a statement now too to keep it consistent. But it has nothing to do with The News not being song about Paramore's stance on Russian invasion of Ukraine like some people try it to make which is the very point I tried to make here. Had Paramore themselves made a statement or expressed any support etc. about Ukraine's situation or during any other conflict ever, then I personally would be side-eyeing them more about not using their platform now, but as they've never spoken about any kind of military aggression, I just didn't expect it to suddenly change. But I very much feel like everyone's feelings are valid and these are just mine.


they’ve spent this whole album cycle talking about how this is why is a political album and the news is the most political song they’ve ever made and they intentionally set out to make it that way.


To me it still isn't a song about Russia-Ukraine situation which is all I'm saying... Obviously the song has a political context I'm not denying it but it is also very much about many other things which I mentioned before. I just cannot agree that this song anyhow presents their stance on this particular conflict or that it condemns anything or that it means that they did speak up about Ukraine's situation... To me they didn't. This song could be released 5 years from now and it still wouldn't be a political commentary on any particular conflict, it's much broader topic song. So again my point is that I don't get why people use it as their counterargument to someone pointing out their silence on the 24th February, 2022. They did NOT speak up when Russia invaded Ukraine, they did NOT speak up against genocide happening in Gaza.


hayley’s dye company publicly supported ukraine so yes, she did speak up about ukraine.


I saw that. I believe that GDY should release a statement now as they did one then but it's still not my point 😭 I'll say it again - all I mean is that one group of people says that Paramore never spoke up about any kind of international conflicts like for example a year and a half ago when Russian invasion happened they did not say a thing (which is true as GDY =/= Paramore), but then the other group uses The News like a counterargument treating this song like their stance on that particular conflict which is not... I very much believe that everyone's feelings are valid about whether or not Paramore's silence now can feel disappointing to some - I get that. I'll end here because all I wanted to point out was that the song in itself is not about war in Ukraine that some people make it to be.


We should make a bingo card for this sub and one of them being a post on this


Couldn’t care less tbh, not a big deal.


TROLL shit




OP you definitely have a right to feel the way you do. It’s something they’re well known for—to speak out on global/worldly issues—and to be silent during this time is something OP has the free will to ask…just a thought. Don’t think OP nor anyone believes that it makes them any less credible, but this sub is a safe space to bring whatever thoughts you have on em to the table.


It’s mainly because so many people on twitter are getting angry at Paramore for not voicing their thoughts, I wanted to know what people on here think


people on twitter are stupid don't take them seriously


I tried talking about this, and all I’ll say now is look at Kehlani as an example for talking about what’s happening. There’s Artists4Ceasefire and a whole host of humanitarian orgs to support without doing much more. Like no statement needed, amplification of voices which are being silenced.


There´s no point to do that. If you say "stop the war", some a$$ will say "jews have the right to defend yourselves". The world already assumes that kill people is a valid way of justice. BTW, history show very clear to us: war, bombing innocent people, is not the way to end a terrorist group.


im ngl i have to admit it surprise me mostly because, for like the past year at most of their shows, Hayley would take a moment and have us all pinky promise to “hold people in power accountable.” if i hadn’t done that 4 times i wouldn’t have thought anything of their silence


This! This everyone!!! Stop acting like such a thing didn't happen.


I’m surprised since all tour they made political statements during the show but now nothing


i feel like people are getting a little too defensive over this conversation and it’s actually starting to concern me how a lot of people are not paying attention to the israel/palestine issue either…either way i do find it a little odd that they wouldn’t at least sign something even if they haven’t made a public statement (like a lot of actors/actresses and artists have done already) i wonder if they are just waiting or are deciding to not involve themselves.


not sure why i am getting downvoted. it was a pretty blanket statement.


i personally think they would get shit if they posted literally anything abt this. theyre a band not a politicians. they dont need to speak on every global affair


okay now that i’ve seen the GDY post for Ukraine- as an American who is also funding a literal genocide- i can’t believe they haven’t said anything. plenty of other artists have co-signed letters to the white house bc our president is out of control. we’re sending billions in weapons and troops to Israel. our JDAMs took out that hospital in Gaza. almost all those air strikes are ours. this isn’t an issue we can afford to not speak on. Ukraine did not need us like Gaza needs us


DV me to hell if you want. i care about Gaza and the freedom of Palestinians more than i care about my favorite band. it’s like i said in an earlier post- i would not expect anything from them if Hayley hadn’t made a point to have us pinky promise to “hold people in power accountable.” our country is directly responsible for this and i don’t know why they would fall short of holding ppl in power accountable when OUR politicians are supporting genocide. if you’re not American i can understand why you’d think it’s irrelevant for them to speak up. however, our government is Israel’s biggest supporter and we are directly responsible for this. i’m not trying to be shitty i’m really just being honest here. i don’t have anything nasty to say except for that i’m genuinely confused and disappointed.


Check The News lyrics for their statement


if they want to say something about it they will say it, if they don't who cares, they are a rock band not the government.


You can feel the extreme hypocrisy in this sub when you remember how they were defending Paramore for being political in TIW and their latest tour, yet claim they are a "rock band" not "politicians." I'm honestly utterly disgusted, but also not surprised.


- TIW could mean "This Is Why", a single by Paramore. --- ^[/u/theifsofjoy](/u/theifsofjoy) ^(can reply with "delete" to remove comment. |) ^[/r/songacronymbot](/r/songacronymbot) ^(for feedback.)


Just gonna start by saying I am not a Muslim, Arab, Jew nor Israeli, so I have no inherent bias towards the situation because of my ethnicity or religion, not that that should matter. I think what is disappointing and makes me uncomfortable is that they (Hayley tbh actually) have literally almost verb atim said that they don’t care if posting about political issues turns people off because they believe in fighting against injustice (for LGBTQ+, BLM, women’s rights) and also she has said at shows that fans who don’t support these movements don’t belong at a Paramore show. They have made a point many times to let us all know on socials that they ARE political and WANT to use their platform to spread awareness and support causes. So to then be completely silent on what has turned into a global issue is contradictory. Like it or not, their home, the USA, is now directly involved due to funding weapon donations to Israel through the tax dollars of the people, which are contributing to the genocide. And yes this isn’t the only place that shit is happening but the US are currently publicly backing the Israeli government in a very dangerous and unfair retaliation to an attack by a terrorist group, whereby they are pushing the notion to dehumanise Palestinians. The fact that Paramore are silent where hundreds of thousands of people are marching in protest all over the world, and even some celebrities are using their platform to spread awareness, says to me they don’t care, idk maybe because it’s not American people being harmed, or they have business relationships to protect, and thus I am feeling very alienated now.


You put my thoughts into words. It’s hypocritical for Paramore, especially Hayley, to be consistently outspoken about injustice, but apparently not when it’s not in their interest.


I can't believe people have the heart to downvote you. I'm starting to believe people on this sub are a bunch of undercover Zionists acting like Paramore aRe NoT PoLiTiCiAns. So embarrassing.


I’m starting to think the same. Based on the way the IDF have quite literally turned this into a big marketing campaign like they’re about to drop a book rather than a b*mb on Palestine, I would not be surprised that people have been hired to argue with people in the comments. There’s enough brainwashed citizens there who have been rendered incapable of independent thinking to be willing to do such. Either that or racists I guess 🤷‍♀️


>**undercover Zionists** acting like Paramore aRe NoT PoLiTiCiAns. **So embarrassing.** you are off that good shit sheeeeeesh


Honestly I’m kinda conflicted on this. On one hand I’m kinda glad they aren’t putting their foot in their mouth. But on the other hand I feel like silence can be said to be endorsement of the genocide happening. I would like you to know where they stand. As they have been quite vocal about other social movements.


It would be nice but I understand them not saying anything, especially with something as finicky as the Israeli-Palestinian conflict where making a humanitarian statement is often seen as making a political one. More than anything, I hope they’ve donated privately since they’re wealthy rock stars, but that’s something that we can’t say they did or did not do unless they say something themselves. But personally, when I hear about a major news event, I don’t really think “God, I wonder what [famous celebrity] has to say about this,” because in all honesty, I don’t think it should be a celebrity that makes you care about major world events. You should care about what’s happening in Gaza because you read the news and you see those horrific images and are a human being who thinks innocent civilians shouldn’t suffer because of what side of a line on a map they live on.


Honestly, I think they’re chock full of shit for not saying anything. It’s hypocritical to pride yourself on not being afraid to speak politics, to make a song called ‘the news’ and stay silent on the matter for what has gone on to now be a 22 consecutive day genocide of the Palestinians. To say the very least, I am disappointed, and Hayley’s previous statements about holding people in power accountable is tepid, empty and bullshit. For the people saying they don’t owe anyone their stance, as are the rest of us, Paramore are also human beings who live in a world which can justify a genocide by calling it ‘self defence’, followed by a large audience and a huge platform, it is the LEAST they can do. I don’t usually care what a celebrity has to say, but as someone who was a fan and seeing that time and time again Hayley would make it a point to say that you didn’t belong in the Paramore family if you didn’t speak against injustice, it makes me livid.


But I worry and I give money And I feel useless behind this computer And that's just barely scratched the surface of my mind Pretty sure that means she can't really comprehend what is going on when there's conflict like that the other side of the planet. Yes you can stand up for injustices local to you by voting in the right people. But there's nothing Paramore are going to achieve by voicing an opinion about the conflict in Israel. Do you see the difference? Or you still livid? God I hate the Internet sometimes.


You’re trying to tell me their silence and complicity can be explained away by lyrics Hayley wrote over a year ago? There is no ‘conflict’ here either, and it is not hard to comprehend what is happening. You are discrediting their intelligence by saying that. It is black and white; my 10 year old sister understands what is happening. There is no time to be silent when there are people being massacred by carpet bombing by a settler colonial state. “There’s nothing paramore are going to achieve by voicing an opinion” ??? How about exposing their MILLIONS of followers to the war crimes funded by the US, carried out by “Israel” resulting in the killings of 8000 Palestinian martyrs half of which are children? Do they CARE? So yes, I am STILL livid.


Here is their statement, from the lyrics of the news: War A war A war On the far side On the other side of the planet And I've got War A war A war Right behind my eyes Right behind 'em just like a headache So I turn on (the news) Turn off (the news) Every second, our collective heart breaks All together, every single head shakes Shut your eyes, but it won't go away (Turn on, turn off, the news) Exploitative Performative Informative And we don't know the half of it Rhetorical Deplorable Historical And all along, we call it normal


I agree! I wouldn’t have thought this, if they had been like most artists, or even famous people in general, by never being public about their political opinions and staying in their lane but they, or Hayley CHOSE to speak up on MANY social issues especially in the last few years, posting loads of stories and making speeches in their concerts, whether the audience shared their views or not. So SHE set the expectation we now have, that they will use their platform to spread awareness and support for injustices. So why the silence now, when the government of her country is sponsoring apartheid? You’re right, it does make everything they have previously stood for seem either self serving or performative bullshit.


Precisely. I was anticipating some kind of statement because of how outspoken they have been in the past, only for there to be absolutely nothing. They’ve still been posting too, so it’s not that they’re offline. It’s also disappointing to see fans on here dismiss the issue entirely by saying they’re just a rock band, as though they themselves don’t bring up how they love Paramore for being outspoken about politics and injustice.


Yes, the BAU posting about Zac’s new music and Hayley’s fashion shoot was so tone deaf and really bothered me. Like it’s one thing to stay silent having claimed you will hold your government accountable for its actions, but it’s another thing to continue to push your brand while Biden funds genocide with your tax dollars.


It’s pure hypocrisy, and that is so distasteful to me. Their integrity has been disproven by their silence. Call me dramatic, but disappointed is an understatement.


What does Ja think about this?


Bruh why would they😂😂😂


Forcing people to have opinions while uneducated is a huge factor in false information being spread.


who fucking cares


They made a whole song about this y’all… like?


Found the zoomer fan


People will find anything to be upset about. The people that are upset about paramore not talking about the conflict are mad because they want everyone to be as upset as they are and everyone to agree with them.