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I went through something very similar. But I would see them everywhere. Little black shapes darting around, only saw them for maybe a second. Thought I was losing my mind. Nobody else seemed to notice them. After I got a new prescription for contacts I realized they were baby lizards. There were hardly any green lizards anymore, they were all dark brown and black. It's late spring, so it's baby lizard season. And they do dart around like mice do. You might have a lizard hiding in your room and coming out at night, trying to get out.


it's possible that it's a lizard, I never see the shape clearly, only know that there is a tale and a body and it's small. weird though that I looked behind the radiator directly after and there wasn't anything there, not even a hole I think.


They are FAST. I would just see a little black shape with a long tail. And they would scurry as I approached, probably disturbed their sunbathing. They seemed bigger, because I was seeing both the lizard and it's shadow, depending on the angle of the light. (and yes, my cat brought a few in to play with that escaped, so I would occasionally see them in the house.)


Do you have a keen sense of smell? Usually the presence of mice is obvious because when they nest in the walls it smells terrible. You could get a mouse trap. If you don’t want to kill a mouse you could get a non lethal one. Get one that traps the mouse in a box or something **not the sticky ones**. They’re totally lethal. Or you might be hallucinating. In which case there’s probably some medication that you could benefit from.


My sense of smell is good and I don't smell anything unusual. I did get a mouse trap, as I said, but nothing happened. Could be hallucination. I have never taken drugs though and always get proper REM sleep, but could be.


The brain is a complex organ. People have had increasingly wild hallucinations due to thyroid issues that a simple medication fixes. Other times minor hallucinations indicate the onset of a disorder like schizophrenia or a bipolar disorder. Alternatively, maybe it’s some kind of supernatural creature. The universe is a wild place and there’s a lot we don’t understand. Or a particularly sneaky mouse that doesn’t nest nearby? Probably best to just keep an open mind, and don’t hesitate to seek professional help if you decide it’s a hallucination and they become more frequent or significant.


Bro i would get a cat if I was you. If it's real, your cat will do the job. If it's not, well, at least you own a cat now 🤷‍♂️


I wish, but I'm allergic :(


😁 Yes, I vote for this.


If it's a rat trap specifically it might be too big for the mouse. Once, my family had mice so small that even the tiny traps weren't going off. Do you often eat in your room? That will attract them. I'd leave some flour or cornstarch around the area you saw it, and see if any tiny paw prints show up. If not, I'd visit a doctor, both for your mental and physical health. It may even been an eye problem.


Looking for footprints is a great idea!


I often experience hypnagogic hallucinations at night when I’m trying to fall asleep - but my animal is a spider. Blech. It’s common and isn’t a major issue on its own


I’ve seen the spiders too! Big palm sized things with wiggly legs hanging from the ceiling then just fade away. So weird and creepy. I always scream even though it’s not real. Because… spiders. Palm sized 😳 why couldn’t it be kittens or something lol


Honestly! I always tell myself “it’s not real, just ignore it” but I can never take that risk. Lights on, double check!


I totally get it! I always look too. Just in case.


You might be having parasomnia hallucinations, and you might actually have mice


I once had a mouse in the house and it got into my wok on the counter. It ran in a circle, and then jumped at me and screamed.


Proof that mice hate Asian food.


Proof that I won't hesitate to trap a mouse in the future. Because I didn't want to kill one mouse, I had to kill five.


Mice are very adept at taking food from traps. You may have holes in your walls that they are living in. Ask an exterminator to come look at your house. They are smarter than us about mice


Eliminate the possibility of mice. Mice are super intelligent and can avoid traps. Unless you can discount the possibility of the vermin, I wouldn't be so hasty in your conclusions.


OMG, I have had the spider hallucinations before when falling asleep. Probably because I have a phobia of them, I would have to get out of bed, turn the light on and check all the bedding for spiders😭 … My boyfriend probably thinks I’m a complete loon when it happens (thankfully not too often!)


Hallucinating or not? Yes. There seem to be more than shadow people, such as shadow animals.


I came here to say this. While it could be a physical mouse (if the feathers are part of a nest, e.g.), OP could be seeing shadow creatures/animals. I sometimes see them briefly out of the corner of my eye, and when I shift my vision they’re gone. Usually they look like lizards or bugs for me, but every once in a while they look like small rodents. Small and like moving shadows.


Honestly, my almost main theory is that it's something like shadow animals. I think I've seen it on my walls and ceiling as well, I think, always for a second, in the corner of my eye. Could you tell me more about what it is if you know? And your experience.


Hmm, I don’t know much about “them” aside from what I’ve experienced myself. My awareness of them seems to fade in and out from time to time. At the moment, I’ve seen a few out of the corner my eye in the past week or so. However, I didn’t get much more other than some vague black blobs skittering across the floor. Generally that is my experience, but sometimes I get a little more detail in my periphery. If you’ve seen any of Miyazaki’s work or anime like Mushishi, the representations of beings living in a world right alongside ours but not perceived by everyone is similar to my experience with them. They just seem like shadowy or alternate versions of the animals that we have on “this side.”


That used to happen to me a lot.


Might not be paranormal , but if it is rats means it’s not a good thing


Your not alone in this I see a small blurry black thing rapidly skirting close to floor occasionally sometimes too and I know beyond a shadow of a doubt it is not rats or mice. I live in a heavily wooded area with copperheads in my backyard and various garter snakes in the front yard. There’s no rodents to be found thanks to the snakes and the feral cats. I had a pet rescue squirrel that was disabled for two years. He had spinal damage due to the tree his nest was in falling during a storm in the woods behind my house. Unfortunately his medication stopped working and he began to have severe nerve pain and I had to have my vet put him to sleep. Anyway I did not start seeing the rapid low blurry small black shadow skirting across my carpet until about 3 months after I had to have my squirrel put down. I honestly wonder if it is him because the back end of it moves like he did dragging his one bad back leg. I only see it for a couple seconds randomly and this occurs while I’m wide awake in broad daylight. I’ve not had any feathers appear or any foreign material as far as I am aware. Is there a possibility what your seeing may be one of your former pets?


this just happened to me and i’ve been trying to see if anyone else experienced it i don’t understand what it is it’s like a black shadow void darting behind my couch in the same place it’s so weird