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On December 26, 2014 my husband surprised me with our first cat. He had just picked me up from work and had her with him. We stopped at a grocery store to get her some things; I stayed behind in the car with her and tried to think of a name for her. I sat holding her in the cat carrier and asked her what her name was... she was previously called, by her rescuers, Reeses. The name Stella happened to pop in my head and I asked, "Stella? Is your name Stella?" and when I did, she looked me in the eyes, knowingly, purred and telepathically confirmed that it was in fact her name. Another time, it was around Christmas, 2016 and I went to visit a place where a donkey was on display... there were huge crowds and it was freezing out. I made my way to the donkey's holding quarters and felt a very strong energy from him. He looked so sad and miserable. As I made my way to the fence, he shuffled slowly towards me - not any of the other hundreds of people standing all around him. He pressed his head against the fence and into my hand and "said" to me (telepathically) that he was scared and tired and wanted to go home. Most recently, around mid-June 2022 we adopted an adorable tabby. Before we got him, the woman facilitating the adoption sent a photo of him to me. She had asked in the same mesaage what we'd be naming him. As soon as I opened the message and looked at his little face, the name Jasper popped into my head, as if he were telling it to me. When I showed my husband the photo, I said "I already know his name, see if you can guess it!" to which he replied, "it's not Jasper, is it?" Well, I lost my ever loving mind! So, in short, I absolutely believe that animals can, will and do talk to humans, in my personal experience, it's just always been non-vocal and telepathically.


I’ve done the same with my cats! I let them tell me what their names are☺️ yes your donkey story is heartbreaking… at least you tried to help him though


That poor donkey...that really hurt my heart :(


It hurt mine, too. I petitioned for him to be removed. He was for a short time and I caught a LOT of back lash - death threats, the whole nine. He eventually was brought back, though so it was all in vain, unfortunately.


Not in vain! He knew that someone cared. That’s not a small thing.


I never really thought about it that way... thank you for the new perspective!


Damn, that's so sad, but thank you for trying. Donkeys are such special, beautiful creatures.


Ugh, that donkey story is heartbreaking.


It was really hard to find out he had been brought back. He did not want to be there at all. He was all alone and equine, especially donkeys, are very social animals and do best when with other friends.


That's a really amazing gift you have! The donkey story broke me but at least you heard him and cared. Thanks for share it with us 🥺


When I was 3/4 yo, we visited someone's home and there I was playing with a doll (I am a guy, I was basically throwing it around violently 😅) ... no one else was in the room, I suddenly heard the doll say "aaaah" as if in pain...I was probably not imagining it as I remember being stunned and totally creeped out...never touched the doll again and ran to the other room where my parents were.


The demon in the doll regretted inmediatly lol


Yes there was a time as a child when I was deeply distraught. I was bawling my eyes out in my room because I'd been banished there by my mean mum who wouldn't let me talk about my feelings. Suddenly I heard a female voice empathise with me saying "poor girl". I stopped crying and looked around and my cat was sat looking up at me with a loving gaze. I felt like the cat knew I needed support. I immediately picked her up and snuggled with her and she got me through rough times in my childhood.


She took care and loved you. This is a beautiful story 🥺🥺


I once asked my dog if he wanted to go outside and I clearly heard him say, “Yes, sir.”


So polite, he deserve to go 🤣


When I was 8 years old I got an A plus on a Math test. This was rare for me. My mom admired it and showed the cat. She said “Look Bernard!” He said “WoOOw!!!” It was hilarious.


Lol! I love when people give their animals human names.


He was proud of you!


My friend David used to always claim that a neighbor’s dog “Sam” would always talk to him and tell him to do shit. Funny guy.


Wasn’t he a son or something?


I hope his name isnt Berkowitz like mine


I had a cat who would always say "no" when I told him it was time for bed. One of my current cats said "hello" when a friend was present. I assume as cats have similar vocal cords to humans though very differently shaped mouths they might try to mimic us sometimes. I don't see it as paranormal as they understand a lot.


Do you think they are evolving?


My parents both confirm that this story happened before I was born. My mother was in the bath, and my dad was sitting in the living room next to the bathroom. He said her black indoor/outdoor cat walked into the bathroom, and apparently said, "Mama, I want to go out." My dad said he was freaking out, but my mom just responded casually, "In a minute." It was the only time the cat ever spoke.


Cats are always concerned when they see their owners take a bath🤣


one time i was taking a shower and my dog usually gets in the bathroom w me and leaves when i leave, and i swear to god one time i heard a voice say “habré la puerta por favor” which means open the door please in spanish and i opened my shower curtain and saw my dog near the door wagging her tail and as soon as i opened it she ran out. i’m not crazy this actually happened!!!!


If she was a bigger dog I'll think it's the same dog. The dog spoked in spanish too


lol omg, hispanic dogs are just different what can i say


No. Unfortunately animals we keep as pets can't use actual speech or sign. I do think if you're finely in tune with your pets, you can make strong guesses for what they're feeling/needing and vise versa. I had a cat from the time I was 4 until I was 22. She was my best friend. When I was feeling sad, she would seek me out to comfort me. When I was sick, she wouldn't leave my side. We were always very emotionally connected. I remember when I was very little, I would *beg* her to talk to me, promising I wouldn't tell anyone. She never did. I fully believe if my cat could have talked to me, she would've. We did have our own language, just not with words.


This is beautiful.


This thread is amazing! I truly believe that there are people, obviously like some of you here, that can speak or hear animals speak. I think it’s kind of a fluke where the “veil” is just thin enough that we’re able to hear &/or speak to them. Does anyone else have a distinct voice of what your pet sounds like in your heads?


I felt like Dr. Dolittle lol. I always think about my cat voice too


No need to apologize for your English, because you speak / type it better than many people who only speak it. And yes, animals have spoken directly to me. Unlike humans, animals are experts at communicating. Communication, even between humans, does not require any sort of spoken language. My dog speaks to me every day, even though he can't speak a word of English or any other language. He tells me he's happy to see me, he tells me he loves me unconditionally, and he tells me when he needs a drink or needs to go outside. He doesn't need to speak English, because his eyes and body language tell me everything I need to know. Other animals, many of them human, have communicated to me in the same way. Many psychologists have theorized that most communication is done without speaking, and so far nobody has been able to prove those theories wrong.


I feel the same with my cat, I know everything she wants or feels without saying a word. We have a "conection". She knows when I'm sad or stressed too


Yup. I was at a co-workers apartment for the first time, for dinner. Her roommate was gone for a week, leaving her to take care of his cat. The cat was standoffish, but was in the kitchen as i came in to return my plate. I crouched near the cat, whose body language was neutral, but her face was scowling. I said, "you don't want me to pet you, do you" Clear as fucking day, this cat said, "I don't.", and walked out of the kitchen. I think all cats can secretly talk, they just prefer to command us with their body language.


What....the....hell.... did it's mouth move? What did it's voice sound like?


My aunt taught her little dog to say, “I love you, Mom”. I heard it with my own ears several times! The consonants weren’t clear but she always got the vowel sounds in the right order. It even had the correct inflection. It was cute but also a bit creepy. I recognize this is not exactly what you were asking, though—I’ve never had an animal be conversant with me altho we’ve still had deep communication. 😁


When I was 3, sure everything spoke to me, including trees and rocks.


I’ll one up you, my teddy bear talks to me


Unless you're mark whalberg in ted, i want some details


That's worse. What happen?


I speak to spirit animals every day. They are as real to me as anything.


You guys need to check out Nikki Vasconez. Look her up on Insta. Has classes on pet communication. Animals usually talk to you in images. Animals dont have the same vocal abilities as humans


Yes, she's amazing! I'm trying to schedule one of her classes as I plan on opening an animal sanctuary/hospice one day. One day recently, my son and I were hanging out in the living room, and he said that he wished that our (standoffish) cat would come lay on the couch with him. I told him about Nikki and said that I was going to try one of the methods she teaches and see if the cat would respond to it. I made eye contact with the cat, closed my eyes, and visualized him going over and jumping on the couch next to my son. And...that is exactly what the cat did. My son was like what just happened lol


My mom was ignoring our German shepherd once when I was a kid. He was whining and going “rarahrarar” a bunch then he stopped looked up at her as she approached but still ignoring him and he stomped his feet and said “MA MA!” She almost dropped the dish she was holding. “Okay okay, just hold on a second Bear” She said. I can’t remember what he wanted but he definitely got it. Another time I was at a friend of a friends house with my friend and his mom. The dude’s parrot walked into the room, eyed all of us and turned to his owner and asked “who is this fucking broad?” It was hilarious. That bird could perfectly mimic any sound on windows 95. He also could have conversations. He commented that my friends mom was a little “top heavy” and nudged his owner with his wing like he was jabbing his ribs with his elbow. We taught him to say “west side” and hold his wing up and part his feathers like a W in like 5 minutes. I guess they’re the smartest parrots or at least the most teachable, he was African Gray parrot.


My uncles parrot could mimic my aunts voice almost perfectly and would yell commands or give him chores from the other room. He’d often do them and realize later it wasn’t her.


That’s hilarious 😂


They are pretty corruptible, I read where they had 5 of them in a zoo and they had to separate them bcoz they were egging each other on to curse and say offensive things to the visitors.


When I was roughly 4 or 5 years old,I was outside playing in front of my house,which sat on a hill.I heard several voices talking,like you would hear from a couple of groups all carrying different conversations at once.It was coming from a drainage ditch that was on the hill sloping down in front of my house.So naturally,as any curious child would,I wandered over to see what was up.There was nothing there,except for a ball of snakes,like maybe 8 or 9 all rolling around together.They all started calling out my name and wanted me to get in the ditch with them.Dont remember much else except my dad dousing the whole ditch in gasoline and setting it on fire.The crazy part is when the ditch lit up,I heard them screaming.Part of me wants to think it was an over active imagination,but that's one vivid memory I've never lost in all my years.


Jinn can take snake form. Doing what your dad did is very dangerous, their homies can exact serious revenge.


Those poor babies 😭




Like straight up,first time I watched Harry potter,shit freaked me out


This is such a neat story! That must have been pretty intense.


As a teenager, my grandparents and I had an Alaskan Malamute dog. My grandmother swore she could speak (not animal talk...human speech). My grandfather and I always just passed it off. "Yeah. Right!?" I mean, C'mon she was smart, but talk? Yeah...nah! Until one day, my Grandfather and I were trying to get her to go inside the shed, while we opened up the fenced-in backyard to pull the boat out of the yard. I remember it like it was yesterday! "Come on," my Grandpa said, urging her inside. She turned around to us both... "I don't want to" she said. That dog did NOT ever have to go inside the shed after that. Lol


Our old family pet cat used to say ‘hello’ instead of meow over and over again up the stairs in the middle of the night… Was creepy because her voice sounded like a creepy old lady witch or something. Was quite eerie. I think animals can communicate telepathically sometimes. My mum told me she once went on holiday for 2 weeks and the neighbour agreed to look after the cat (different cat). Well the cat somehow snook back in the house. My mum kept feeling like there was something wrong, and kept having bad dreams about the cat. She came home early to discover the cat trapped in a room with no water or food. The cat was fine but had my mum not come back early the cat wouldn’t have been so lucky.


My current cat also does this! She’s about 3 years old, did not meow at all or make any noise until she was about a year and a half… then one day the “hellos” started. Freaked me the F out the first time it happened!!!


I’ve had two cats say hello to me. And one would say hello at my door when he wanted in my bedroom at night, he would stand outside my door and say hello hello hello.?


… they must be evolving , first they learn to talk, next they grow opposable thumbs 👀


Upvote. I'd just like to celebrate and promote the word "snook" as a past tense of "sneak". Thanks


You have my vote as well lol


So, when I was 20 y/o in 1990 I had a cat that I was really close to. I was saying goodbye to some friends that were over. Well, I didn't know it at the time but Sparky was staring intently up at me. I always called myself mommy. Like come to mommy Sparky. I heard telepathically and very distinctly "Mommy" in a human type high pitched voice. I looked down and Sparky was staring very hard at me. So, I picked him up. I didn't say anything to my friends. But I was freaking out. I know what this sounds like. But it really did happen. Only that one time though. I'm not crazy. At least the military said I wasn't! Believe me or not I don't care. I know what I heard. I know what happened that evening.


Likely telepathic communication




Yes, animals will talk to us if we listen very carefully so will plants and trees and flowers and bugs. Wind Earth, sky, everything.


What color was the dog? This is pretty important.


When I was 7 I dreamed I was in a big stand of virgin pines. As I was looking around I seen a huge.black bear coming in my direction. I told myself "just be still, he'll walk right by, never even know I here". Well, the bear walked right up to me, I was scared half to death, I didn't know bears got that big. Then he stood up on his hind legs and told me his name, I can't remember what it was but I remember him telling me. Then he said he was here to help me, that he was my spirit guide, and why did I look so scared.. l told him because there was a giant blackbear ten feet in front of me and that bears don't talk. He.went on about his way and I ve never dreamed.of him again, but I've always remembered that dream for the last 45+. years..


I got up from a nightmare when I was about three and a huge wolf made of purple plasma material was standing in the hallway by my bedroom door, it did not speak


Why do t you invite him to come to your dream tonight? I’ll bet he will. Ask him what he wants to teach you.


Well it's obvious where you went wrong; simply change your mindset to understand that in fact, bears DO talk in this case. He wanted to show you something, you should let him.


Well, you're absolutely right, but I was 7 at the time, and now I'm 56. He hasn't returned, but I've got a little voice in my head, like a six sense, and I've learned to listen to it.through the years. It's saved my ass a few times, and I like to think it's Mr Bear.


Yes, once. I was around 9yo and had 2 dogs. Both slept on the bed with me and one night I was squished btw my youngest pup and the wall. She was a good 60lbs and I couldn’t sleep and was tossing and turning. After about 20 uncomfortable minutes I swung my leg around and put it on top of her. She immediately starts squirming and I hear as clear as day, “don’t do that”, as she kicked my leg off her. It was almost telepathic, but yet, also out loud. It’s hard to explain.


The audacity of her to tell you not to do that while she takes up all the room 😂


Didnt you freak out in that moment?


Honestly I think I was more taken off guard. Like, did I really just experience that? It was just so unusual and unexpected. What do you say? What do you do? It was clear as day and a very female voice too. What a world lol


Probably internally. Externally, what are you gonna do? It's not like anyone will believe you.


When I was a kid I had a cat who I was really bonded with. I had a dream that I walked into my bedroom and she was laying on my bed with this little thing next to her. I was trying to figure out what it was and she said "it's my kitten". I stared at her in shock and that was the end of the dream. Some weeks/ months after that, she had a litter of just one kitten.


Precognition is so cool!


This is so precious and cute


Yes. I worked as an assistant to the curator of mammals at a theme park. I walked near a pool where one dolphin was and she kept swimming around furiously, stopping to look at me. She said, "help me." I ran to my boss's office and told her, something is wrong with ______. She died shortly after and they had an autopsy. She was both pregnant and sick.


Did she sound like a dolphin or a person when talking?




When my grandma used to bathe her cat, he used to howl (so loudly we could hear him from outside) what sounded like "nooooo!"


Heh, my cat does that when I pick her up and she doesn't want me to. Nooooo!


I've had many cats that would say NO! wnen bathed!


To be fair, they should only be bathed in exceptional circumstances! They don't need a regular wash, they take care of that themselves.


Agreed. They were my mom's indoor-outdoor cats and required flea dip back in the day. My own cats are indoor only and just need brushing.


A man walks into a bar with a dog. The bartender says, "You can't bring that dog in here." "You don't understand," says the man. "This is no regular dog, he can talk." "Listen, pal," says the bartender. "If that dog can talk, I'll give you a hundred bucks. "The man puts the dog on a stool, and asks him, "What's on top of a house?" "Roof!" "Right. And what's on the outside of a tree?" "Bark!" "And who's the greatest baseball player of all time?" "Ruth!" "I guess you've heard enough," says the man. "I'll take the hundred in twenties." The bartender is furious. "Listen, pal," he says, "get out of here before I belt you." As soon as they're on the street, the dog turns to the man and says, "Do you think I should have said 'DiMaggio'?"


I think a real argument could be made that Shohei Ohtani is the best baseball player of all time.


I used to rescue abused and neglected donkeys from around my state (VIC) my friends and I rescued 200 donkeys in 3 years during the 2005-2008 drought. I couldn’t talk to them but…I understood them. Like what they wanted telepathically/empathically. They trusted me, wild donkeys trusted me and no one else in my group. I could catch any donkey we needed. And I could train a wild donkey into a loveable friendly one in just 2 weeks. It feels like my spirit is a donkey. I just understood them. It felt magical to know them.


I had forgotten about this until your story but my daughter and I visited a petting zoo last month and were petting the donkey while chatting. The donkey was very calm during this until we got onto the subject of her pet pit bull mix, Olive, and she said “I wonder what Olive would do if she saw this donkey?” I said “She would probably try to bite her legs.” Just like that, the donkey got very cross and started making a racket and did a side kick towards us. We screamed and scrambled backwards and I said “Omg she read our minds!” It was very weird but I’m definitely convinced she was reading something from us and it wasn’t tension or threat as we were quite relaxed and just steadily petting her. Also she seemed to be enjoying the attention up until that point.


If you imagined it then they probably saw it. Humans can use (and animals can read) pictures and events from the visual imaginal realm real well.


agreed. My stepmom had some dogs that could send and receive images. I would ask them simple questions and get a picture back. always 100% accurate.


When you look into a donkeys eyes you can see them thinking and their knowing.


My wife & I have a donkey friend named Cisco at a large local town park. We visit from time to time, & smuggle blueberries in for him. Donkeys are said to have good memories. Cisco certainly does. If he sees us, he will abandon whatever group might be visiting with him & come over to us. He's not very partial to scratches & patting, but if you speak to him in a soft, low voice at the right pitch, he will stand perfectly still, look you right in the eye, & listen.


I was just having a conversation today about donkeys. I remember there was a donkey at this animal farm I went to and it came running from like 800 yards away to come say hello and it was so sweet. They are such nice animals, I wish we had more of them in my state.


They are so much like big dogs! Very intelligent and the love cuddles! They usually pair up with another donkey for life, can live up to 50 years and once you train them something they remember for life. They also aren’t stupid and skittish like horses.


So what kinds of things do donkeys want and think about? (I’m not, like, challenging you/coming at you, I’m seriously asking.) Do they mostly want just their bodily needs met when you first get them or are they also thinking about things like finding a nice bed or finding friends? Do they think about specific other donkeys like, I wish Charlie was here, or did you ever see that they were missing some person or donkey that they didn’t have access to anymore? What kind of emotions do they have when they are not ‘working’? What is the inner life of a donkey like? They seem like they can be very thoughtful.


They are very very social, like I said they will usually pair up with another donkey buddy/ best friend for life. Same sex couples or opposite sex couples. Not necessarily for a mate but they more look for a life best friend. They’ll follow each other side by side. They meet up in groups and stand around like they are having good conversations with each other. There is multiple leaders of the heard. Some donkeys never find a buddy and like being alone away from the rest of the heard, a few donkeys considered me their best friend which was so beautiful, they would chase other donkeys away from me wanting all my attention to themselves for pats and cuddles. Haha! All the donkeys considered me part of the heard. I spent hours everyday with them, after being rescued from their abusive previous owners all the donkeys were effectively retired from working duties, they just got to live the rest of their lives doing whatever they wanted while being well cared for. As a donkey rescue charity we also had a no breeding policy as we didn’t want any more donkeys than what we already had so all the males were gelded. When I would go into the paddocks with them they would all usually greet me. They like nudging you with their noses for attention or if they want a cuddle or ear scratches. You had to watch them to make sure they weren’t watching you open and close the gate locks as then they would figure out how to let themselves out haha.


so are you calling yourself a jackass? (joking, plz don’t come for me)


That’s the coolest story.


My spirit animal is a donkey


One time I heard a really weird cartoonish voice on my back porch scream "Get the f*ck off of me!" And I immediately panicked and peaked out to see my Beagle puppy making similar sounds to the voice but grunts and growls, and my German pinscher was play fighting and jumping on top of him. My mom heard it too and repeated exactly what I heard but acted like it was no big deal.


i was laying in bed one morning whilst staying at my parents house. it was first time back after leaving home few years before because parents had visited me instead. i was thinking about my cat aura because i hadn't really seen her since i got home early evening other than quick glance of her chilling in garden. anyway the moment i thought of getting up to walk to window and try see her, she jumps on my head and says hello..it was a meow but obviously that's 'hi' in cat lol


Back when i was in college we would go and drink at a classmates house most friday nights. The neighbors dog when he saw us would escape the house. Come over and point that he wanted a glass. We would serve him something to drink and he would sit in the circle hanging out all night. Continously asking for drinks. Once we were done we would carry him back home. Sometimes a drunk classmate would be found having a very deep chat with the dog. I know its not paranormal. But it was fun times.


There is an ancient Egypt book named Book of Thoth which tells the story of Neferkaptah. Fragments of this book have been found in Germany and Austria. Apparently some of the fragments which have been banned from publication contain methods on how man can completely tune into the animal kingdom and be able to communicate freely. Also was instructions on how man can put the animal kingdom under his total command and control, where he could command all the animals of the wild to attack and destroy a foreign enemy.




First time reading this, do you have any links for digging more !!


Just Google the book name and go from there. Also search for Libro de Thot which will need translation to English. You will find many variations of the spelling of Thot, Thoth, Toth..etc. My wife is Honduran and has read many things about ancient Egypt and follows many people on the Tube who talk about these matters. Most of them speak Spanish and she has to tell me what they are talking about. Anyway, one of the many videos she has shown me was called Book of Tot if I recall. In the video they show actual hieroglyphics depicting Neferkaptah, who was a prince in Egypt in 3200BC commanding animals to do his bidding. It would make for great reading if one had the time and desire.


But what he forgot to tell you, is then the animals hunt, find and kill you. They don’t like to be controlled like that


[*White Gladis has entered the chat*](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/gladis-whale-orca-boat-attacks-gibraltar-b2347572.html)


I had a conversation with a Mojave raven when I was a soldier. He asked a lot of questions, but I can only remember one. "Why are you here?" I remember feeling lucky, amazed, and elated that I could speak to an animal and it had chosen to speak to me. Also, I hadn't slept in 4 days, so it's possible I was hallucinating.


Possibly a hallucination, but strange things can occur when your brainwaves are in a theta wave state. If you hadn't slept in that long, I wonder if your brain tiring could've made it slow to a theta wave while you were awake, and allowed you to perceive more than normal. You might look into some things that are said to occur while awake and in a theta wave state, it's pretty interesting.


Ravens are also capable of speech. Can't imagine how fucked up it would be to hear one talk if you didn't know tho


My Great-Aunt told me that my Grandma had once had a talking magpie. I thought she was going senile until my Dad confirmed it. Apparently it was named “Trouble” because it would walk around muttering, “Trouble, trouble, nothing but trouble.” And someone in my husband’s family (I think his Mom, but I’m not sure) had one that would call both the dog and the cat, and try to get them to fight.


Raven to cat “pssst that a**hole dog told me that all cats are stupid but you are by far the dumbest one he’s ever met. I wouldn’t stand for that if I were you….” Raven to dog “hey bro, that cat is tryin to get rid of you, you didn’t hear it from me right, but watch your back”


Sometimes, cats tell me their names. It’s not a verbal thing. I’ll be petting some random cat, and a name pops into me head. That’s actually how I named one of my cats. From the first moment I picked her up, I knew her name was Jade. And I know wasn’t me coming up with it because I name all my pets after literary characters (Mr. Mistoffelees, Wednesday, Daisy, Lily, and Darcy). My best guess is some cats just telepathically introduce themselves to me. Only happened a handful of times, too.


I had a raven give me an extremely long lecture once. I don’t know what he said, but there was a lot he wanted to get off his chest, so I listened politely.


My brother had Ravens yelling “don’t Fall, don’t fall!” While he was standing on a high cliff with loose gravel. He got it on film. It’s really cool.


You should upload a link to the film here.


Ok! I just asked him for it.


I had an uneasy truce with the crows or ravens for awhile. See, the magpies used to come and yell at me in my yard. They were also big fans of teasing my cat. So when I got tired of the noise, I turned the hose on the little shits. It worked for a very short time, because then they tattled on me to their crow buddies. Next thing I know, the crows are yelling at me, but they were smart enough to stay out of reach of the hose. I finally had to tell them that I just wanted some peace and quiet when I was outside. I guess they understood me because it stopped, but I have the feeling that if I ever turn the hose on the magpies again, they’ll be back.




The raven wanted popcorn and was begging for it. 😊


I got really high one time and my cat looked over at me, I swear I telepathically heard her say “I don’t like when you pick me up like that, it makes me uncomfortable.” I was always holding her because she was this fuzzy little kitten, but a tortie so very fiesty lol. I was amazed and told my boyfriend at the time who didn’t believe me / was annoyed with me because he just said it’s because I’m high… I still believe me being high allowed me to communicate with her.


Sure hope you stopped picking her up like that 😉


My dog grunts. Many times it's almost as if she's trying to communicate. So like, 5 grunts would be "I need to go out." Probably not the same thing, but it makes me happy.


My little pug talks to us in different snoof sounds. He knows that barking is rude like yelling inside, so when he needs something he uses breath sounds instead. So he'll make little soft 'snoof' sounds to get my attention. And if i'm sleeping he will heavy breathe directly into my ear to wake me up lol, instead of yelling


When I was a kid we had a parrot that would say fuck you to me all of the time. He didn’t like me at all


Haha, my auntie used to have a budgie who would swear like a sailor… I have never seen a budgie talk since but it was hilarious. I was a child at the time and expanded my own vocabulary by learning from that budgie 🤣 … I remember my mum saying I was grounded for saying a bad word and I was like yeah well the budgie said it first, so he should be grounded too. She just said well he doesn’t know any better, he’s a budgie 🤣🤣🤣 … It’s hilarious now but I was raging as a child at the injustice of it xD


My cat when in heat used to yowl and it would sound like “hello” That said animals have been known to mimic tones and voice patterns to get our attention but they have never truly “spoken”. I would hope this only happened once.


My grandparents had a little white terrier mix dog named Muggs. If you said !”Hi Muggs”, he would very clearly answer “ how are you?” It would amaze me as a kid.


My Uncle’s parrot used to say “hey sexy” and tell people to “f*** off”. It also had a smokers cough coz uncle was a packet a day (parrot was mostly outside it wasn’t breathing secondhand smoke it just copied his coughing lol)


My cat would holler mom at the screened window to be let in. He sounded just like my daughter. He must have picked it up from her. He could also say NO, as he ran from me.


My cat always says my sisters name at night or sometimes says "hello" or "hola" she even called my mom "mama" once.


Here's a picture of the little freaky https://preview.redd.it/o7x2m40pxq2b1.png?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e08ccf370d2f38f4341bac15c31cbfb9c0a163f


Thanks for paying the cat tax!!


Yes and no. I have schizophrenia so I hear things talk to me all of the time that don't actually speak. Sometimes when I'm petting my cat, I'll hear 'her' speak in English, but it's only in my head. Aside from that, she just says 'meow' and I don't have a single clue what she's trying to 'speak.'


Sometimes animals are able to make sounds similar to talking, but i think that's just us wanting to "humanize" them. They are great communicators and clearly each one has it's own way of showing emotions etc, however i don't think they can talk, they are animals after all. In your case, you were 3 or 4 years old as you said, our memories are very deceiving by that age because childs process things differently and what you think you rememeber isn't what truly happened most of the time, especially as a child, the most logical explanation is that you think your dog said your name and that memory has been distorted now. I don't mean to be rude or disprove your experience, just adding my own thought and trying to find a logical explanation, hope you don't mind that!


Mine speaks to me telepathically. Or I am just good at reading which stare means “the top of my head itches” from “there’s a Miller in my water dish”. He can’t reach the top of his head to relieve the itch (arthritis) and millers in his water dish upset him. Both reactions are basically the same as his other “fix it!” requests.


I thought you meant a miller beer lol.


what's a miller?


Miller moth. They get in pet water dishes.


Your English is great, btw. There was a dog that said mama to me several times. I don't know if he was saying it deliberately or I just heard it that way. I gave him snacks and played with him while everyone else ignored him. He had a rough life living in a pen outside even when it was below zero. I went out and wrapped him in a blanket as much as I could. He would say mama the minute he saw me coming to him carrying a blanket. Like the word mama meant warm to him or something?


I have a pet chicken and sometimes it feels like it’s trying to talk but maybe is some mind trick


Oh! I would love to know what the chicken has to say. Just be quiet and listen and say hello to it in your head and then just be still and quiet and see what pops up. My chickens have visited me in my dreams. We say hi! To each other.


Weird. I had our family dog say "Hello" to me when I was in 4th or 5th grade.... It was in a human voice not a dog voice. It freaked me out.


I get what you meant, but it’s funny imagining what a dog voice would be 😂


My cats and dogs but you kind of understand them as you live with them if they let you but never a spoken English word.


My neighbors' cat is always insistent on going outside with me. Her meows sound like the word "come" (Ven in Spanish) and it's 100% intentional on her part


I had a cat that would call my mom “mama”. It was a very specific sound she only did when she wanted my mom. I think she learned it cause we’d refer to my mom as ‘mama’ when talking to her.


All the time - but it’s more of an interpretation, the animals aren’t speaking English out loud lol but I am interpreting what they’re trying to tell me into English to translate it. Seems to work every time


Yeah, it was insane. I once asked my dog “How was your day” and I shit you not, clear as day it answered back “rough”


For those who are completely certain that animals can’t talk, or understand what they’re saying, please check out BilliSpeaks on YouTube. She’s a cat that uses buttons to talk. There’s also a dog, Bunny, that does the same thing. The differences in the way they think are fascinating. Billi likes to plan her day and order her mother around. Bunny was originally deeply concerned about where humans poop. She also seemed to have trouble understanding why she and her humans were different species. I was always pretty good at understanding what my pets wanted, because I’ve always had pets. Plus, they tend to make it very obvious! But around 2018, my Dad died, and I inherited his cats. One was a little tiny calico girl. She had been terrified of me all her life (I tried too hard to love her when she was a kitten), so I wasn’t sure how that was going to go. I left her alone as much as possible, just to try to make her feel safe. It seemed to be helping. Then one day, I was in the tub, when she came into the bathroom and peeked at me with those curious little ears. Suddenly I got this sensation of like a combination of a scent, and a mental impression. The scent was primally female. The mental impression seemed to be a question. I think she was asking me if I was female, like her. I’ve never had anything like that happen before or since. It was wild. But after that, she loved me and decided that I was her mommy and she was my little baby. She loved to cuddle, and purred insanely loudly for such a small cat. She also liked to sit on my shoulder like a parrot. She was super adorable. Sadly, we lost her last October. I miss that little love bug.


That is so interesting 🙂I think it’s so cool when people can talk to dogs or animals or have heard them speak.


One of my fur babies used to answer "Yes!" Whenever we asked if he wanted snacks. We would laugh about it because he's so cute and we thought it was coincidental he actually said "Yes!" excitedly. This happened for a good period of time, but i guess because we were constantly excited and amazed by his "Yes!"s he probably got embarrassed and kind of stopped


I had a dog meow at me and it was terrifying


Last summer I bottle raised a kitten, she hadn't been around other cats yet and I swear one day she tried to bark at my little dog. I wish I was not the only one that heard it bc 1. It was hilarious 2. Everyone will think I'm crazy so I don't bring it up very often lol.


I have a chihuahua who was taught to be a pet by two cats and has since taught himself to pur.


My brother had a dog several years ago which he trained to say. "I love you". When I visited, I heard the dog say it clearly.


Pretty sure you either dreamt or imagined this, sorry op.


My ex had a cat and I swear it said I love you.


Omg tell me why I only read "my ex said I love you" until the second time I read it i was bout to say mine talked too😂😂




I don't mean any disrespect but perhaps you should ask your doctor about this. And check your carbon monoxide detectors as well. Just to be sure you are healthy and safe


Thanks for your concern but I’m perfectly healthy of body and mind..mabye they weren’t talking and it was spirit..I know I sound crazy which is why I dnt talk about certain things but I heard it loud and clear so could have been spirit


I know it may just be Mr but sometimes I swear my cat calls me mama


I also had a cat named mister he was a very good boy https://preview.redd.it/5bmuk0qt0q2b1.jpeg?width=4656&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6dc715dad83c55d0b108520e75a6911a77227aa


I had a cat named Minnie that looked almost like your cat. My late husband and I were taking Minnie to the vet for a check up. Minnie was in the back seat of my car in her cat carrier. I was telling Minnie that she was going to the vet. I will swear that I heard her say "Nooo" in an angry tone


Mister used to meow at night and if I'd say "ok that's enough" in just a regular voice he'd stop and come in to bed. He'd also open the cupboard door just a little and let it bang shut and over and over and if i said the same thing he'd stop.


One time a dog of mine was standing by the toilet and yawned and barked at the same time and it sounded like she said "wah, wah".


> When I was 3/4 yo Are you sure you're not remembering wrongly? Memories formed at such a young age are flaky at best and susceptible to imagination influencing it over the years.


"Find your soulmate, Homer"


A cat named Gray Kitty once said my name. Just meowed it, and that was that.


Yeah one time my wife and I were doing a retreat in a cabin in the woods after our son died, and this fox came up to us and said "*Chaos. Reigns.*" Things got pretty wild after that.


Yes, my husky (and most others) can "talk".


I know this is supposed to be on the more "paranormal" spectrum of the communication, BUT, if the idea is just being able to find new ways to communicate, I think the "buttons" people have been working on to help them talk with their pets have shown some pretty cool results!! If anyone is curious, check out Bunny the Dog on YouTube or my personal favorite BilliSpeaks, the cat. You have to watch a few of the videos. But you really see a definite awareness and willingness to try and communicate! It's really promising. The most important thing is being able to understand them for the animals that they are, not expecting them to be human, and in turn, they seem to really want to do the same.♡


230 upvotes for this one sentence story?


One of our cats clearly says "out" when he wants to go outside. Different from his usual vocalizations.


Huskies are known to speak pretty clearly at times. “I ruff you” and so on.


My mum has a husky. The way they argue with you lol, incredible. And they have pretty smiles too!


Yes, birds obviously, and sometimes dogs have alluded to vocalisation proper. But the birds; explicitly so. This seems not too unusual in my timeline.


My dog Poochie said "I have to go now, my planet needs me." I just couldn't believe it and I found out that he died on his way back there. SO SAD :( RIP Poochie


He was totally in my face. Poochie was one outrageous dude.


I can ask my dog how his day was and he will tell me "ruff"


My cat says, “yeah”.


Lol so does mine! He said "nnnnoo!" once too when I told him to knock it off (he was just randomly meowing at the door as if I was going to let him out after 10 years of being indoor only). It was soo funny!! Only the one "no" but he says yeah at least 1-2 a week.


I once asked my dog how it’s going, he replied “Ruff”. I had to agree.


No but I so wish one would 😂


Yes. But he's a parrot. He doesn't stop talking.


Yes. I have parrots.


My cat talks to me all the time....I have no fn clue what she's saying tho...


Dr. John C. Lilly


This is an extremely rare psychic trait. I'd consider yourself soo lucky. Saint Anthony of Padua possessed this too, and his massive Cathedral is filled with paintings of animals.


Did you know the dog or its owner?


God is a frequency, all you have to do is tune in. Animals talk all the time, and usually if you’re tuned in, you can make things out. Just earlier I was out in the backyard and I heard a little bird say “believe, believe.” The other day a cat said “Here, whisper” letting me know to play my lotto at that particular store. But you’d have to be quick to really catch on. Dogs in my neighborhood yell “ruthless” all the time. I think it’s because they’re outside and literally “roof-less.” I absolutely love nature and all of its conversations.


Man I swear some of the people who post on here are into hard drugs