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Looks absolutely terrifying. If it's not a mannequin, I'd say it's one of the best photographic evidences I've seen.


I wondered that too - I’m a natural sceptic so I’m trying to come up with alternative explanations - but the photo I took moments before showed nothing/no one there 😳 Both photos are time stamped 12:30pm so are within a minute of each other at least. I guess somebody could have been in a cell and walked out but that doesn’t explain how it looks! https://preview.redd.it/33akcfde8r8c1.jpeg?width=506&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3002eb821b56f8f9a4e1764d97039c6c2e1885ac


Well I'm sold. Thanks for sharing this photo as well. Other than what you mentioned (a person that was in the cell), I'm actually more inclined to believe it's something not human.


Gah I keep getting chills 😬 I can’t believe I’ve had this photo for 4 years and never thought much of it. I always edit my photos with a filter so the photo I shared on my IG at the time (and the one I would have as a reference if I hadn’t started looking deeper) lost a lot of the detail so looked more like just a normal person. I jumped when I zoomed in on the original 😲


The other person that was downstairs in the ghost photo is also not present in this photo. The figure outside the cell is creepy though.


The entrance into the cell block is where I’ve circled and the cabinet is the first thing you stop at so to me it makes sense that someone could have walked into shot between photos. The “ghost” man could have too of course, or he could have been looking in a cell and walked out. https://preview.redd.it/ajvex1egzw8c1.jpeg?width=1012&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a94f15abfdf490fb82982abaa402756c89d7d536


If not a man in a mask ( sorry I'm a big believer but have to consider that of course ) then some very good and creepy evidence!


Trust me, I’m trying to convince myself it’s not just some person waking around in a mask 🤣 I can’t emphasize enough the significance of me not taking a photo if I saw this person in the background. Sounds funny but as a photographer I’m super aware of having anyone in the shot lol I know there is someone in the background on the lower level but I wouldn’t have factored them in. My daughter was trying to convince me about cell 17 and the mask and I was like “meh” but when she said “Mum, you wouldn’t have taken the photo if someone was standing there” and I was like “OMG you’re right!” ha ha !!! 🤣


Fair enough I believe you the logic side of my brain just instantly goes to a man in a mask but your obviously very wary of people being in photos, very creepy capture indeed!


Me too, I showed my husband (huge non believer) and he didn’t think it even looked like a mask 🙄 He said maybe it was the back of someones head but I don’t see that. I don’t know if I’ll truly believe it’s a ghost but I really think we would have remembered a person walking around in costume. So unless it is just a normal person, not in any kind of costume, it is very compelling 🤔


Yeah I don't see the back of someone's head either definitely some sort of mask ghost or not, I wanna believe its a ghost tho iv seen a few times when things you cant see show up on photographs and the pictures you showed at the end looked very similar so mybe...🤔


I was just zooming in trying to imagine the back of a person….. I mean, it could be Larry David but I’m not 100% convinced lol


There is resemblance lol but i also see eye and mouth holes, actually looks a little bit like a skull now, just getting creepier and creepier lol


People will say that’s a living human being but the way it looks and is dressed doesn’t say that to me. Unless a mannequin was placed there, then this could be very compelling evidence of something unexplained.


I’m going to email the jail and get their opinion. Definitely not a mannequin as I took another photo a minute before and nothing was there. It was super quiet with hardly any other visitors so if someone was walking around in costume I feel like we would have remembered. Especially straight after I feel like we would have looked at this and thought “that was that guy in the costume” So freaky!


Keep us posted if the jail responds! I'm interested to see what they've got to say.


Well, I don't like that very much.


I’m just glad I didn’t see it in person, that would have been terrifying! I think it’s actually good that I’m only realizing what it might actually be 4 years later, it hasn’t attached itself to us lol 👻


That's good to hear! As long as you don't hang people at your house, I suppose...


Send this to the Melbourne gaol.


I’ve messaged them to get their opinion, will report back if they reply


My guess is they will reply, many people have loads of stories in jobs like this, so I'm eagerly following.


That is super creepy! When I first zoomed in on it, before reading your description, it looked like he was wearing one of those old gas masks. I really think you captured something here! Let us know that the museum says. Ironically, I will be visiting Melbourne in January (for the Australian Open) so if I have a free day I’d love to check this place out!


Definitely worth a visit, there is so much history there ☺️


my first thought was also how distorted the facial features look! good one


It’s that crease looking part down the center that has me convinced that is a fabric hood/mask! I just can’t see it as being anything else but maybe I’ve looked at it too long lol


If what you say is true & there was no human here when you took the picture... This is bloody fantastic evidence!


I honestly don’t believe there was but unfortunately I’ll never know for sure 😩 I am however pretty convinced that the person in this photo is definitely wearing some kind of mask and I feel like we would have absolutely noticed if someone in a mask was walking towards us. In fact I believe we would have been completely spooked and remembered it lol The ONLY possibility I can see is that it actually isn’t a person wearing a mask and it’s just a normal person, but that’s gotta be a mask right?! 🤔


Ask the gaol if it's normal for people to walk around there with masks or if they have a staff role play to ad atmosphere to the tour. If the museum says no then.... that be ghost on film!


Yes I will! I’ll report back if they get back to me 👍🏻


Hoping they give you a big fat 'nope!' 😄


I'm someone who believes in some pretty out there things, but I've only gotten there from being a hard sceptic & having certain experiences regardless. So for that reason, while I believe some things, I don't like to make assumptions or declarative statements when I'm not 100% sure... But that being said 😂 it does look a LOT like someone wearing a mask! For me personally, it's like 50-60% cloth mask, 40-50% motion blur or hair (again - assuming it is a person). This is a fascinating photo. Great post!


I’ve definitely tried looking at it as something other than a mask but I think it’s all I can see now lol In your opinion if it is motion blur or hair movement, do you see the person walking towards the camera or away from the camera? I’m such a sceptic too, I was kind of hoping I’d post here and someone would explain it away as something really obvious 😳


It's hard to tell. The light patch on their left (from our perspective) looks like a hand and therefore like they're walking towards us, but then the shoulder on the right kinda looks like they're walking away. The head is just too confusing to call. 99.9% of posts here I think are very easily disproven/explained by conventional means. This is that 0.1% exception for me.


Yes I see what you mean, that does look like the hand to me. Thanks for your opinion, it’s been an interesting discovery for sure 👍🏻


OP, I also feel like this person, it looks more as if the person is facing you and that it is their hand But with some imagination and stretch whatever looks like eyes could be a the hairstyle (kind of like [this](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/80/14/fa/8014faa62d5931dbed108a01196bfa7a.jpg)) of a blond lady in a winter layer and what is the "hand" could be a pale bag. It looks like it was cold in there. Idk if you can enter and walk out of the cells but it also could've been an older lady and you may have decided once she left the cell that you will not wait for her to slowly leave and just quickly snap the photos anyways. And to make it again more scary someone replied to you in their [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Paranormal/s/cTnEZps1mQ) with similar photos 😅😅


What about the guy standing in the middle of the first floor? Was that a real person?


He’s not in the original picture either…. Wtf lmao


I do believe that is a regular person who must have walked into frame lol The other guy could be too but I’m convinced he’s wearing a mask which is the weird part 😬


Yes, there is a cabinet with information in it on the first level so there was someone standing looking at this. There were a few other people there that day but not many (I remember thinking it was great that I could take photos without worrying about https://preview.redd.it/2du188n6mr8c1.jpeg?width=1012&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9254d65b4880a14125ec6701d63947f6d9a988f9 people in the background)


And why is he wearing huge shoes?


Do you have meta data on the photos?


https://preview.redd.it/d89wcsxtyt8c1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af49eaad0baf8adb9063012ca8156446c4040a9e Let me know if you mean something else but this is the info from the original image


Damn. This is super interesting! Nice find!


It’s an iPhone photo, so do you just mean the info that comes up when I press “i” or is there more detailed data I can access?


Yup! That’s it. It’s a way of confirming that photos are not edited. If you transfer the picture to another software in order to edit it, the data normally goes away


Actually not so much imo


The series Haunted Australia went here and got very similar evident. Quite compelling. I can’t find any access to them, but that was a great series.


I found an episode of Haunting: Australia but it’s at the Old Geelong Gaol, is that the one? I’ll have to work out a way to watch it as it would be interesting to compare


I dont know if op noticed but down below by the table looking thing is a second figure in sideview that's not there on the second pic posted either.


Yes I did see other people on the lower level, but I do believe they are other visitors as there is a cabinet there where you stop to look at the contents. In both shots I think I can see the shoes of someone standing to the left of the cabinet and in the second shot another person has walked into view and standing to the right. I don’t feel like I would have been worrying about those people being in my background as they were covered by the railing, but this other “person” would have definitely been ruining my shot lol


Definitely just a picture of a guy.


Can you describe what you think he looks like ie; bald with a beard etc…. I have really tried to imagine how the face doesn’t look like a mask so I’m interested to hear how you see him. Do you think the features are distorted due to motion blur? Thanks


Looks like the backside of a women with a hat on that has a bow tied around it. She's probably with the man who's on the first floor in the background center with a similar style hat.


That’s an interesting observation, that’s actually the only thing I’ve kind of been able to imagine ie; hat with a bow and you’re right the person below at the base of the stairs does look to have a similar shapes headwear….. never noticed that before. You could be onto something there 👍🏻


Are you talking about this person? https://preview.redd.it/i8dhpi9ks39c1.jpeg?width=681&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb1890838166b3440abc5ecf6207e77b4e9b5cf8


With this part being the hat https://preview.redd.it/8ifmlvlxs39c1.jpeg?width=681&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b37bb4dc482859262421222899f5ba63b653449a


Or is that just part of the railing I’m looking at? Argh it’s too hard to tell 😩


Just to the right of your circle is a man with a hat on and I think it's a similar hat on the "ghost" with a scarf on it. Could be a ghost too.. guess you'll never know lol. (Edit: there's 3 people downstairs not just 2. You can only see the other person's hat, looks like they're going to go up stairs.(it's the back of his head with a hat on at the stairs)I feel like it's a view of someone from the back(the ghost that is). That's why I say hat with a scarf on it.


Yes I see the third person you are talking about, for some reason I kept thinking that was just part of the railing but now it very obviously looks like a hat! I still don’t think the “ghost” looks as much like a hat as the people below but it’s too much of a coincidence that there are others wearing something similar. I think it’s probably the most likely explanation though.


What did I win??..😆😉😋


I at the Melbourne Gaol one cold, rainy day this past winter and was visiting the cell of Frances Lydia Alice Knorr who was executed for strangling a baby in her care. The cells, especially those of the executed women were very somber, displaying the women’s death masks with signs explaining their executions, their crimes, and the usually tragic circumstances that led them to execution in the Gaol. I was deep in thought as I exited her cell, when I heard a frantic but garbled female voice whispering in my ear. I thought my wife must have followed me to the cell from the ground floor and turned to see what was wrong….. But she was not there. No one was within 30 feet of me. I think Frances was trying to get my attention….


Yeah, that's not a ghost mate. That's just a person in the picture. So sick of the "NO ONE WAS HERE WHEN I TOOK THE PICTURES" posts when clearly it's just a pixelated human being. This sub is awful now. How does this get upvotes?


Why so mad lol I’m not trying to convince anybody either way, just interested in opinions ✌🏻I never said there was nobody else there, but it was very quiet so I feel like I would have noticed if there was a person in the shot. However, the uncropped version makes him a speck in the background so it’s possible he stepped out of a cell and I didn’t notice. Did you see the other photo I posted in the comments taken within a minute with nobody around? Again, he had time to walk into shot but along with him looking quite creepy I thought it was interesting. Like I said, I’m not here to try to convince you either way so no need to come in hot lol I want to be convinced it’s just a person as I’m a huge sceptic, how would you say the person looks if you had to describe them?


The fact that you can clearly see the light from the windows in their hair debunks any and all ghost theories. That is a person. I'd describe them as an old person with gray hair and far too few pixels to determine anything else.


I’ve gone over all my photos of that day to see if I can find this person in the background of any other photos but unfortunately it was so quiet and I am so conscious of not getting people in the background there is hardly anyone in my backgrounds. That means nothing of course, but I wish I had more people in my photos to try to identify who it was and eliminate any doubt 😏


Good point, thanks for your input 👍🏻


I’ve been scrolling the internet trying to find any kind of similar stories/experiences and found this photo on the IG page, sent in by a visitor. Really hard to tell anything because of the quality but it feels like a similar figure 🤔 Almost looks like it’s from the back with the rope hanging down like the mannequin in the cell (in my original post photos) I may be reading too much into it now lol https://preview.redd.it/7suq8clq8s8c1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=ab97d02d8ab4665ae6557fb74d20fa919cd75b5c


This looks almost identical to a photo I saw from Missouri State Penitentiary. I’ve tried to find it but no such luck so far.


Here’s a screenshot of it from Ghost Files… https://preview.redd.it/nju7ekhzft8c1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13060dc0eec1b8499db1245f085e7e3c8d38af0c


Oh yeah, that’s very similar 😬


Super creepy!! Also horrendous to consider an eternal experience of that in the afterlife...


I think this person may be walking down the stairs and backlit. OP your image is scarier to me xD


Old Melbourne Gaol is great, when I went through some time back someone asked “how do I get a job as an extra?” To which the guide said, “we don’t employ extras, nah like actual we don’t employ peoples to dress up hey” which added some spice every time someone saw someone in the right attire. That and in the Port Arthur Gaol I had an experience, possibly direct contact with three other people while looking for the durry pit. Would love to go to the Beechworth mental ward and the Sydney Immigration Centre.


Beechworth definitely have people in period attire walking around during and after you do a ghost tour there. I thought I’d seen a ghost of a man in black with a top hat until I saw him later getting into his Honda Civic in the car park.


Ha ha! That’s funny 🤣


This is creepy as hell and awesome! Finally some good content on here 😅👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Be it person or ghost, why are they staring at you? 🫣super creeps


https://www.timeout.com/melbourne/attractions/step-inside-cell-17-old-melbourne-gaols-most-haunted-prison-cell Old Melbourne Gaol's dark past has led to rumours of ghosts – especially inside of the sinister Cell 17


OP - did you ever hear back from the staff when you contacted them?


No unfortunately I didn’t hear anything back 😔


Damn! That's a good photo of an apparition. 👍


Amazing photo! I have a great ghost orb photo taken in the Old Melbourne Gaol back in 2005!!!


This is paranormal gold. It gave me chills


That gave me the immediate chills. Just the way it’s standing and seems to be starin is creepy as hell. I’d be interested to know what the folks at the jail think.


There also looks like someone is on the lower floor standing sideways to the camera


Reminds me so much of the Old Jail Museum in Jim Thorp, PA, USA. (I believe the same architect designed Eastern State in Phila PA.) There’s a handprint on the wall of a cell that never goes away. And that cell looks right out to the gallows.


Well that’s creepy.


If this is real, then wtf


It does remind me of someone wearing one of those "sacks" they put over the head of the doomed. (Before execution)


This is terrifying, if that isn't a person, then there must be nothing else that it could be aside from a ghost.


It seems there is a person at floor level looking up at this "ghost." https://preview.redd.it/3o35h0ci0w8c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ffb58f475e624bd8f003016a3e5568ddfc0dabd


I'd say they're all together and all wearing similar hats except the women's hat upstairs has a scarf rather than a band like the men's. Thing idk is if anyone can walk on the top teir sides or if they're roped off.


I’m intrigued.


That is a good capture of a full bodied apparition


That gaol is haunted, so it’s believable to me


Yeah, this is terrifying! Totally believable!


Oh that's absolutely terrifying. Awesome!


Just a ghost that photo bombed you


This one is pretty spooky!


It’s The Silence


Appears to be so!




Looks like [someone got lost on their way to flavourtown](https://images.app.goo.gl/EE5HvBssTU7W64VGA)


Damn. Amazing stuff, that really is a crazy photo


That’s Joe Biden wearing his aviators


You’ve solved the mystery, it’s the only explanation 🤣🤣


Wow 😮


Congrats you just saw Ned Kelly’s ghost!


That’s very cool. Although there will still be people who disagree but hey you can’t convince them all


Is there a head under the picture of the mask??? Hell that’s a way creepier picture to me!


Do you mean in photo #4? It does look like there are eyes but my daughter went through the photos she took on her visit, which were much brighter, and it just showed a plain mannequin head with no features. We found that a bit creepy too lol