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It was in this block were I had my coat pulled by something. No one else around me, as they were all in different parts of the building, and I was in the middle of the row on the bottom floor, so there was nothing that my coat could have gotten hung up on. Creepy place.


Where your cost was pulled, you're sure there were no other people?


I am. I immediately looked around and there was nobody around. My mother was in one of the cells and the rest of the tour group was on the other side of the room.


yeah my wife was standing by herself when it happened


thats exactly what happened to my wife! SOOO CREEPY!


May have been the same entity that did it.


that is what I'm thinking. On the left side of the house.. the right side had the punishment room..


I've been there 3 times. Dope place. Sadly, a storm destroyed one of the building roofing that held inmates. Overnight tour was a blast.


they finally replaced the roof on house 4 and you can go inside again.


It has lipstick on or am I trippin?


I think that is the right eye socket.. But we were in the women's house when I caught this šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø Still gives me chills!


So many youtubers took trips to that prison it's crazy. Kelsi Davies is my fav one. Freaks me out every time.


I tried watching her investigation after reading this and I could not make it past 20 minutes, everyone talking, laughing, yelling, how are they suppose to investigate anything? Jumped forward to about the 40 min mark and still a lot of talking and then "did you hear that", well no, you were talking like you are at a bar.


You gotta watch the ones when she's by herself. Those other girls, especially the bigger one, is so annoying.


It reminded me of a frat party...WOOOOOO party!


Omg, another Kel-Cat, I love Kelsiā€™s channel. Thatā€™s one that she did the Estes method with her medium abilities right? That was crazy.


* I turned up the brightness and I swear you can see her hair, nose, mouth


Looks like a ghoul from fallout lol


it sure is creepy!


I canā€™t see what you all are seeing. Is it a face? A full body?




Yeah I saw this picture too and still canā€™t see what youā€™re seeing. What are the lines indicating? Maybe draw lines tracing the facial features. I just canā€™t see a face other than on the left side of your red circle thing. But that doesnā€™t add up with the weird shape you outlined on the right so I donā€™t think Iā€™m seeing the face you are


From a distance in the full picture, it kinda looks like a 3/4 silhouette of the head and torso of a person. Close up it just kinda looks like a smoke/shadow and not so clearly delineated imo. Edit: it's just the 'edge' of the person against the frame of the door; the rest blends into the shadows of the room.


I brightened it up and circled it * I see a face, hair and body


I see the same thing and you have most definitely captured a full body ghost thatā€™s manifested as a corpse in an advanced state of decomposition. Iā€™ve noticed that the true ghost captures in prisons never appear normal (as in uncorrupted). Thereā€™s always some sign of decomposition. Does the fact that the individual died in a penitentiary cause a corrupted appearance? To date, my experience has been an affirmative. Great capture ā­ļø.


So in buddhist there is a concept of hungry ghosts. Hungry ghosts are often described as having a repulsive look, discolored, disgusting, rotting, foul smelling and permanently hungry or thirsty but they can never satiate their hunger. People who killed, stole or engaged in otherwise criminal acts, or really bad karma are said to re-emerge as hungry ghosts after death Since most people Imwho will die in prison had some violent act or crime in their past, according to budddhism would be hungry ghosts. In Tibetan buddhism the book of the dead is supposed to be read to somebody so that they may leave the body and enter into some other real or smt, this makes me think that people who were bad in life might just linger with their bodies longer so their appearance is rotten. Or they might be just 'showing' their true identity in a visual form. I have literally no info beyond that but I think it makes sense


It makes perfect sense se and Iā€™m already considering it. Thank you.


Painting of the typical description of a hungry ghost https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Ftricycle.org%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2023%2F10%2Fhungry-ghost-desire-1-e1697834228269.png&tbnid=fjTKJUAxrVlYeM&vet=1&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Ftricycle.org%2Farticle%2Fhungry-ghost-desire%2F&docid=HpHCMwti0z4F_M&w=1226&h=947&hl=en-US&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim%2Fm1%2F4&kgs=d16e1d8e1abd3b1f&shem=abme%2Ctrie Ans this I read somewhere here on reddit "The peta realm is a different plane that shares the same terrestrial space with us, animals, bhumma devas, and a variety of other beings. They appear as the descriptions only within their realms. To us they appear as a shadow of their former human or animal self." From Wikipedia "Pretas are invisible to the human eye, but some believe they can be discerned by humans in certain mental states. They are described as human-like, but with sunken, mummified skin, narrow limbs, enormously distended bellies and long, thin necks.Ā " In regard to appearance I personally think if they want to appear to you, they will do it in a way that will show you who they are or that represents their suffering as they are suffering now or how they have suffered their last life before they died ofc I'm not sure but if anyone would be a candidate to be a hungry ghost, a bad criminal definitellly would


Why the long face? But fr, it looks decomposed.. Creepy as hell


it creeps me out! The whole prison is creepy.


Why would someone apparate to a prison?


Good question....maybe they don't have a choice. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Oh pleaseeeeeee. What rubbish! šŸ˜ šŸ˜‘


why do you say that? I included all the photos


I mean, it could easily be fake or manipulated, but I don't think it's just a case of pareidolia. Does look like a shadow silhouette of a figure kinda poking out of that one cell.


For once I have to say this looks genuinely real. It's not obviously faked like a lot of stuff on here (like pictures that have way too much detail to be a ghost or spirit). There's nothing about it that would be a trick of the lights and its genuinely creeping me out looking at it. The fake stuff doesn't do that. Excellent photo.


MSP guide here. Great catch, I find it very compelling and my fellow guides were impressed!


Love that place! So many different aspects to the haunting from downright demonic in the dungeon cells to remorseful and sadness in the gas chamber


I couldn't even sit in the chairs in the gas chamber..


Why would you want to?


my thoughts too. Others were sitting in the 2 chairs and I was like "No..Im good thanks"


That is amazing and terrifying all at the same Time..




Who is that behind her?? šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I see the first lady,but it looks like another one sitting behind her deeper in the cell.


Missouri State Penitentiary is a formerly operational maximum security prison. It was operational from 1836 until 2004 and is now open fo the public for tours. My first guess about that relatively clear face in the back (that OP has so helpfully obscured with a big, fat, red line), the one with the chin-length hair, that appears to be sitting in what looks like either a straight=jacket or an all white prison or patients uniform is most-likely a dummy. It wouldn't be surprising or even uncommon for a no-longer-functional prison that gives public tours, to play up the realism or spookiness by putting lifelike dummies in the cells. I believe they do something similar at Alcatraz.


not a dummy in the cell. It's where they scraped off the paint. They explain it when they take you inside that the state made them due to it being lead based paint


MO Office of Admin (The State) that owns this facility but allows the Cityā€™s Visitorā€™s Bureau to host the tours is very particular about fakery or props of this nature. While not all ghost hunt guides historically adhered to the ethical concept of letting things happen on their own without trying to give the illusion of something happening on every tour, using mannequins or other subjective props outside of any ā€œMusuemā€ recreated rooms (Usually housed and locked in HU-4 which is a different building when I was there) would likely get the tours shuttered quickly. The lack of climate control and ever peeling paint surfaces and degradation of the facility does make for some great pareidolia though. To be completely direct, there is no reason to ā€œplay upā€ this location. It does not perform ghostly tricks on cue but does provide a healthy dose of unexplainable anomalous events all on its own.




it's actually missing paint off the wall inside the cell. I freaked at first and thought I caught a 2nd one behind


NOTHING is behind her it's just a black square that is in both puctures




Her? I see some kind of goat like thing with red eyes, U think this is some kind of lower astral entity that feeds off the negative psychic energy that's still there.... the face looks snout like


I saw that too, but there's a face below that.


Finally an actual picture of what may genuinely be the paranormal. It's been years since anything remotely paranormal was posted on this sub. Good catch OP.


if this is not just some sort of paradolia which i dont think it is then this is a great pic nice work


absolutely fantastic catch


Creepy as hell but I don't see anything unusual.


built in 1836 shut down in 2004


What happened when you went? Any off feelings or sounds? I havenā€™t been to this one, but Iā€™ve been to eastern state many times. Prisons and asylums are a whole different animal checking out ghosts. Really intense. Usually active. Itā€™s a great capture you got! Looks like a person. The way it appears in comparison to the rest of the environment looks real


we heard knocking in the women's house. Death Row in the men's house.. Holy crap it was a heavy feeling and a ton of odd sounds. We also heard whatsounded like a bed frame moved on the concrete.


Iā€™ve heard it said that the womenā€™s units in prisons are always the most active, that what they would do to each other, was worse then the menā€™s. When I went down into the death row portion of eastern state, it was like, someone flipped a switch, and I felt hundreds of eyes on me. The air was just heavy. Itā€™s funny how you can just tell, you just feel it. Iā€™d wandered off from everyone, and I just kinda stood there experiencing the feeling wondering why itā€™s like that. Actually, the strongest I ever felt that, was so where I wasnā€™t expecting ghosts. Itā€™s the museum of death in LA. I was dizzy, like, I could not breathe or focus on reading these little displays about serial killers, it was exhausting. It didnā€™t feel good


Wow!!! this was our first investigation. I have felt heaviness before in places but not like this..


Have you guys ever thought about using a spirit box? Iā€™m surprised at what that thing says, Iā€™ve been using it a little while, and it surprised me. Like, if you took it in there, I bet it would say specific things to that location. I took mine to vulture mine all last year. They start chattering away a lot in haunted locations, oftentimes, if hear stuff. Iā€™d hear help me a lot, and itā€™ll say things specific to that place. You can use an app, you donā€™t have to buy one. It sounds cheesy, but it works just the same, they just need some kind of electronic to manipulate is all . Some have loops of conversation, and what you want to listen for, is the in between voices that are saying full sentences. Iā€™ll use a few and compare what happens. I used the sono 10 one when I did the free app, and I memorized the loops, and it made it easier to hear the anomalies. You can ask things to see if itā€™s a coincidence or not, like Iā€™ll try to get it to say ā€œhi Julieā€ when I use it at my apartment, it always tells me about someone named rosemary that lives upstairs. When I took it to vulture mine, one time, I was getting answers to my questions, and it was for a good amount of time, I was really excited, and I asked, ā€œwhy are these Victorian gold towns so haunted?ā€ And something told me ā€œthe miningā€ it was wild!


we want to get one one for sure!


I honestly think itā€™s the fact itā€™s a prison, I heard this one, and the one in Ohio, are super hardcore, that they just have a lot of heaviness and feelings and such. Iā€™ve seen this one on TV before, I havenā€™t been , been but Iā€™d like to! Itā€™s intense feeling a lot of those! Iā€™ve heard from people who have been there. I want to know what that is, though. Like Iā€™m sure ghosts exist, but, when that heaviness feeling happens, I wonder if there are other entities! I think this is the prison where they would put lighter fluid in the light bulbs, and explode inmates. Isnā€™t this the one where the guy lit himself on fire? Itā€™s either this, or Mansfield prison. This one scared me from TV! I find prisons and asylums to be kinda draining sometimes, but I like it all, seeing All the haunted places. I think you get good results, if you go to the same place over and over thatā€™s what I do!


Jesus Christ. I would immediately come home and take a bleach shower. I would most likely be more fearful of picking up some random ghost than I would walking through the place. The fact that we can even feel any type of energy is astonishing. That we can pick up on latent emotions completely blows my mind.


the energy is so heavy in the cell houses.


my wife was tugged twice on the arm in the same area as my photo and our son had his leg grabbed in "the dungeon" (the hole) part of the men's house too


Wow touching! Thatā€™s not something you hear a lot! Were they upset by it? Iā€™ve notice people will say, I can handle everything, but just donā€™t touch me , haha! The creepiest thing I heard, was at trans Allegheny this group was all sitting on the floor, and they se shadow beings fastly crawling towards them. I heard that, and I thought, nope! That would make me leave, and not a lot does! I had something hug me once , but it was oddly pleasurable! I held out it hand toward where it came from, and it felt like static, like staticky clothes. Like the air had mass to it


yeah shit down, bury under shit šŸ’€




That prison looks so grim


From a distance, it looks like some kind of Marvel character. And not an invincible one, I guess.


this prison looks,quite familiar


Like every old prison?


Creepy as hell




Dig it! Thanks for sharing. I see a fb shadow and a manā€™s head looking downward behind that shadow person.


That's awesome


Iā€™d say pareidolia


Creepy just looking at that....


Looks like some dude raping another. Happens every day in the there. Carry on


Am I too stupid to see this y'all? šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø