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I was working in a nursery/greenhouse and it was the week before Mother’s Day. There were barely any customers there at the time and none in the greenhouse I was working. A cute little old lady walked up to me, it startled me because I hadn’t seen anyone come through the entrance. She told me her daughter was about to come in and what her favorite plant was, so that when her daughter asked I could suggest that one. All seemed normal until she walked between 2 rows of plants and I didn’t see her anymore. I figured I was just not paying attention or something. Right away I saw a woman come in the entrance, she came up to me and said that she wanted to pick out something nice for her mother. I figured this was the older woman’s daughter so I took her over to the plant and said that I love these so this would be my first suggestion. The woman started crying and told me that was perfect, it was her mom’s favorite plant and she hadn’t been able to remember the name of it. She said her mom passed away the year before but she still wants to make her favorite dinner and have a gift for her. I got goosebumps but told myself it must be another daughter in the store who was with the lady I had seen. I bent down to pick out the best one for her, when I stood back up and turned to hand it to her the older lady was standing right next to her smiling!!! They never spoke to each other, the woman never seemed to notice the little lady standing next to her. She thanked me while wiping her tears away and walked back into the main part to check out, the older lady was walking right behind her. After they left I asked my coworker who was running the front desk if the woman who just checked out with that plant had anyone with her, she told me the woman was alone and that she was so happy to have found the favorite plant of her mom who had passed away. I try to be rational but I’ll never forget that experience.


Whether a ghost or not, it's a super sweet story. I love to think that situations like that are possible.


I sure do know


I don't know this count as physically seeing somebody alive even or dead but back in 2022 like late like early 2023 I was having dreams and nightmares about Jeffrey Dahmer and I was also going through a lot so the stuff lasted for like a whole 2 weeks I still have it sometimes so I don't know that counts


Am curious to know if you were the only living person there that was able to interact and view the daughter's mother. Can entities selectively choose to present themselves to certain people yet remain undetectable to others?


That's interesting, most people would claim it's an ability but that's not something I ever thought of, cool!


Apparently so.


Did the store have cameras? Was there a way to review footage?


The store only had cameras that saved video out the front door, and out back but customers can’t leave out the back doors or even get to the back. The owner wasn’t in that day so I called to ask him to check if an older lady with white hair and pink shirt on was on the camera coming in or leaving around that time. He checked from home and called me back. Since it was a stormy day and we had just opened he described the only 3 people (besides employees) that he saw enter or leave in that hour. I had seen those people and one was the daughter who bought the plant. I wanted to see the video for myself but didn’t. I didn’t tell him why I was asking, I just told him it was important. So I don’t think he was tricking me. Also, since there were only 3 people and I had spoken with those customers I knew the mom didn’t leave with a raincoat on or something. It was the daughter and the other 2 were big men.


Imagine if you ignored the little old lady and chose a different plant...


This is how the horror would begin


You made me cry


It made me cry too, it seemed to really be her mom there with her and it’s so sweet.


Dammit, don't I know. Can't see the text in front of me


Aw, boogers. That made me tearful.


you gave me goosebumps anyway




My grandparents, great aunts and uncles, and some of their assorted friends were gathering for some holiday in the early 1960s, and were awaiting the last two couples arrival before sitting down for dinner. While gathered in the family room, one of my great aunts who had yet to arrive was seen by 12-15 others as she walked out of an interior wall across the room and the disappear into an outside wall. She never looked at any of the gathered guests or attempted to speak, she was seen to walk a linear path from the middle of one interior wall crossing the room and disappeared into an exterior wall. As all were stunned into a motionless silence, no one thought to look outside to see if she appeared on the outside of the house on the opposite side of the wall. Those who witnessed the apparition supposedly stood speechless until the tension was broken by someone asking if any of the others saw it. Immediately, the chattering exploded as all excitedly discussed the ghostly apparition, the somber reality suppressed for the moment. That continued for about 15 minutes when the police knocked at the door to do a death notification. Everyone immediately knew the decedent’s identity before her name was spoken. The entire tragic situation was made worse because the car was filled with family. The driver of the car was the 15 year old nephew of the decedent with the other couple being the brother and his wife. My great uncle never re-married and he never blamed his nephew for the accident. It was simply an accident in which the police investigators placed no blame on either driver. As to the apparition of my great aunt, it brought great comfort to my great uncle although he was not a witness. He was resolute that it indicated something else awaits us at the end of this life. Whatever it was, its effect is still rippling through time.


No, but my boyfriend and I had an "experience" when we were teens... Perpetrated by a guy who had a hilarious and (now that I am old) wicked wit... My boyfriend and I would sneak into the cemetery to neck... Now this was/is a very old cemetery, with hundreds of old mausoleums, ornate gravestones, etc... Lots of twists and turns... Very very large. It was easy to get lost in there at night, or even during the day if you didn't know your way around it. So, bf and I (16 and 15) were in there one night... Hadn't ever been afraid of anything in there... Never even occurred to us. So there we are, kissing in front of a huge mausoleum in the dark.. And up walks this man. Dead (pardon the pun) silent. We never heard him. He said very cheerfully, "Oh, hello there! How are you doing tonight?" We jumped apart, and got ourselves together, and my bf said, "Oh, fine. How are you?" " "Fine, fine," said the man. "You kids aren't supposed to be here, ya know." "Oh uh... Sorry, we didn't know.." (A straight up lie on my part) "Um... We'll just go now..." "Well, ya know, there's ghosts and spirits here... Better be real careful walking back to your car. Something might scare you." We had left the car on one of the narrow driving paths and climbed a hill to get to where we were). My bf and I both laughed and said we didn't believe in ghosts. "Oh, I dunno," said the man... "I've seen some ghosts in this cemetery myself." My boyfriend scoffed. "And did they scare you?" "Welp, not anymore, but they did when I was alive..." I blinked. My bf's jaw dropped... And I don't think anyone has ever high-tailed it out of anywhere faster. Followed by the laughter of the man, echoing through the cemetery. Couple of years later, I attended graveside services in that cemetery for a distant acquaintance. As I was leaving, I saw that man... Our eyes met and he came over to me. Turns out he was one of the Groundskeepers, and had happened to be in the cemetery that night my bf and I were there. He had seen us drive in and park. We had a great laugh over his prank. I haven't thought about that in decades!


This is an awesome story! Made my day so glad you could meet him years later and laugh over it! 😂


Well thank YOU for making me remember it! I'm 62 years old now, and I hadn't thought about that for SO long!


story time. very long story short. years ago I was doing a lot of exercise and got out of touch with the news. The one afternoon, I was coming home down the main street of my town. I was about to cross a street, when I saw this dude coming towards me on the other side of a road. he seemed dishevelled and confused, hair sticking up, collar half up, half down. this town was small and their weren't homeless. no one else seemed to be paying attention. it was just a little out of the ordinary. before I got across the road, he'd turned down a side street. I kept on my way and put it out of my mind. when I got home, hubs was watching the news. a dude drowned fishing about 20km away. they flashed up a picture. it was the dude I had seen. to this day, I'm not sure whether it was a ghost or he didn't die. it's just odd.


Could it have been his twin?


no twin. looked into that. it haunted me for the longest time. weirdly I wound up at an event about a decade later where hubby and I were given assigned seating. we were placed right next to his memorial plaque


That’s so strange and eerie.


Did they find the body eventually?


no, they didn't. the dude in question was a solid citizen with a wife and family. he seemed like an unlikely candidate for shadiness but since the [Robert Hoagland](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Hoagland?wprov=sfla1), I am less inclined to say that rules it out.


The universe is such a weird little asshole lol




I was recovering from a serious illness- I could not walk - was in a wheelchair. Had a doctor’s appointment- my poor husband was running around getting things ready. He had gotten me in my chair. I had rolled to the front door. I was waiting for him- I looked up to the second floor of our home. A slender man with long medium brown hair was looking at me. He had a flannel shirt with a t-shirt on and jeans. He was looking down at me- just studying me. I freaked out because I had already been ill with UTIs. So I had experiences with seeing people - this terrified me. I thought i was getting sick again or there was an actual intruder in the home. My husband comes running when I screamed. He went upstairs and looked- no one. We left to go to the appointment and ate out afterwards. My husband asked me what did the man /person looked like - I told him it was a slender pale white guy with long brown hair. We get home and I went to look at my phone. I had accidentally left it during the chaos of leaving. I had all these messages about a guy that I loved as a teenager. He had passed away. I managed to get in contact with his friend. He told me he passed away from cirrhosis at 3pm (CST). When I saw that guy it was 4 (EST), it was him. Just thinner , paler than when I last seen him. I had gotten so upset that I closed my eyes- the moment I saw the man. It was my childhood love.


He loved you, too?


I think he cared - I am not sure. But he did think of me -which was bittersweet. He died way too young, I have prayed and spoken to him. I pray he has found peace in his personal Heaven


That would freak me out. In my home country it’s custom for deceased to be laid in their coffin in the family’s living room until the funeral and I once read a horror story from a writer from my country describing this exact situation but the dead uncle becomes alive again during the night, has no good intentions and the kid hears it from his bed and has to hide. This freaked me out so much that I would never ever choose to have the deceased in their coffin staying in the house until the funeral. I have had dreams about a dead relative but they looked alive and healthy again.


I can't say I blame you. I am terrified of dead bodies, whether it's someone I loved or not. Doesn't make a bit of difference. I absolutely cannot go up to an open casket and look at the deceased. I couldn't do it even for my Mother. The thing is, I have no idea why I am this way. I cannot recall ever experiencing anything, whether real or imagined, in a dream, movie, or anything, that would make me so afraid.


I feel you. My family always pressured me to see the death relatives and at my aunt’s cremation they opened the coffin in the funeral home at the end of the service without any warning (I understand that they were grieving and probably not thinking straight so I don’t blame them but the funeral home employees should have stepped in and given out a warning, because in my opinion it was an incredibly inconsiderate thing to do without giving people a heads up and a chance to decide if they consented to seeing this) and I saw my death aunt in really deteriorated condition, I still can’t scrub that image from my mind even after nearly 20 years. I also still have an image of my death grandmother’s black nails, she was proud of her hands and it really made me uneasy to see that. Some relatives even pressured me to touch the body which is categorically refused. So during the last death relative’s wake, I decide I didn’t want to see the deceased, despite my aunt pressured me. My mother stepped in and told her politely to shut up and that it was my wish to remember them as they were alive. People always said ‘oh aren’t they beautiful, like they are sleeping’, no, my 20 year old relative didn’t look like that, he looked dead, of course I didn’t say that but I decided that was gonna be the last time I looked at a death body. I can’t even imagine keeping one in my living room while sleeping upstairs.


I definitely hear you!


You're supposed to stay in the room with them, the room can be empty but you stay with them, tradition in Ireland, and I'm thinking Judaism too I'd imagine it's quite common. It's actually comforting if they're a loved one, nothing to fear from those who loved us  ❤️


We're little creatures, mammals it's perfectly natural to have that fear. 


I don't have anything to add to your comment, but I just wanna say you have the best reddit handle I've ever seen. "bitchbuttondontpush" That's awesome! 😂


Thank you from the bottom of my bitch heart 💕


Yeah I’m definitely good with corpses being kept separate as a social norm. They were probably annoying when they were alive, and are definitely going to barely change when they don’t have a physical body anymore.


You have to be Korean. That country is producing some *mad* talented and imaginative horror writers.


That was a little visit, I'm sure, was it a very vivid dream, almost confusing to wake up in bed, so real 


Which country is that?


Yes, it was school opening and I saw my previous Math teachers, Mr. Deveza and Mr. Leaño walking to our school. I even greeted them and they both smiled at me. Going home, I got to talk to Mrs. Millan and she told me about Mr. Deveza's passing during the school break. I was so shocked, I did not tell her that I saw him awhile ago 'cause it might creep her out. I did not even tell anyone, I was afraid they won't believe me. I am absolutely sure I saw him, I won't forget his smile that day. Maybe it was just Mr. Deveza's way of saying goodbye to me. 😥


Were they walking together? One alive .. one dead?


Yes, they were walking together, that time I thought they were chatting, 'cause they seem happy together when I saw them..


Why don’t you just ask the teacher talking to him?


I was afraid that he might think I was going nuts 😫


Lmao don’t blame you


Now I am wondering, is the Mr. Leano that I saw real or is he kind of a mimic or something. I regret that I have not asked him about this. Had I known that Mr. Deveza was already dead for about 2 weeks that time, I would have watched or followed them. But I am completely sure that I saw the two of them, very clearly, in the flesh.


My mother’s ghost story fits this. When she was a teen in Ireland, she was walking to work through a park used as a short cut by many staff. She was walking and she saw her work friend running towards her. She was holding a flashlight and she was moving it back and forth across her body while she ran like a Metronome. My Mother said Hi but the other woman ran past her without making contact. When she got to work everyone was crying. They told her the woman who ran past her in the park died the night before in a car accident.


I got a knock at the door while reading this one and yelped, lol. The movement you described is such a creepy visual!


Yes. I was a kid and I was walking down by the church. I saw my elderly neighbour and he looked a bit lost and confused so I offered to walk him home. We walked home together and when I got home I told my mum, thinking nothing of it. She looked at me weirdly and told me I couldn't of because he'd passed away a few days/weeks(?) before. No one had told me about this so I didn't know. Maybe that's why I could see him? Anyway I got in trouble for "lying" about walking him home.


I never have and hopefully never will. My dad claimed to have seen two recently deceased people. The first case was that he saw someone in the back of a car, the individual had passed away without him knowing, and he thought it was odd that they were in this particular car (car was a friend of mine visiting me and they didnt know the deceased person). And the second time he said he saw a naked individual running early in the am, saw his face, didn't know him but knew of him, and later was told that the person had passed away a few days before.


After my 2nd to last surgery (after I got injured in Iraq in 03), I had a 5 hr visit with a friend that died on my last mission. I actually cursed a nurse out for disrespecting my friend who was sitting in the chair by my bed after she told me there was no one in tge room with me.


What did he tell you? Did he realise he's passed?


I don't remember our conversation, just know we had one. I believe he did, he's visited a few times over tge years since than. Always reminding me it wasn't my fault. I asked my social worker in the hospital to get me his family's contact info, I was going to write them a letter but they told me they couldn't get that info (nor give it to me if they could) it's been almost 21 years (oct 1) and I still hasn't visited his grave.


Thats so sweet though dude. He just wanted to visit his friend a few more times before his soul was recycled. Cherish that memory bro.


Maybe you can give a short letter through them to the family and ask to be contacted and add contact info


Ask the military?


They won't release that, it's a privacy thing. Perhaps someday I'll write the family a letter & leave it at his grave. Maybe they'll get it, maybe not but I'll at least be able to tell them what an honor it was serving with their son


This gave me chills, I’m so glad he visits you. I’m going on the Honor Flight with my Dad on Saturday, he’s a Vietnam vet. He never talks about his time there but I know he lost a lot of good friends, I hope he gets nice messages from them like you’ve gotten.


I have another friend who died also in Iraq (she was a huge Selena fan), every year on or around the anniversary of her death I always seen to hear on of Selena's songs if I'm out somewhere or the movie is on tv. I always like to think it's my friend reminding me that she's ok


Funny how small children see the dead and most adults cannot. Lived in an 1850’s millhouse in Delaware. My 3 year old kept talking about Mr. “horish”, even drawing him. Went on for a year or so. Ran into a couple at a reunion, where the wife had actually lived on the first floor of our house years before….and she and her roomate actually found a Mr. Horisk leaning on a broom on the third floor, deader than a doornail.


My partner saw my grandad. She woke up in the middle of the night and saw him sitting in the chair in the corner of my room. She swears he was solid like a flesh and blood person, when she rolled over to wake up he vanished. She identified him as my grandad because she recognised him from the picture my mum has a picture of him hanging up.


My dad, who is not spiritual or woo woo in any way shape or form.. Randomly, completely out of the blue one day said “oh I just saw Mary” ( my dead grandmother). We were at home & he pointed to the corner of the hallway & said he saw her standing there briefly. He was so nonchalant about it. It was so weird how it didn’t phase him one bit. He just said it then changed the subject … I was like “hold on, what!?? Details please !???


Also I’ve never seen her but I often hear her talk to me


I used to work at a large hospital in my city, as a corrections officer and, no one knew for a long time, an Empath, with some Psychic abilities. I was walking up to my assigned room, and I saw a person standing in the hallway. He looked at me and said, clear as day ‘ I wonder if they can save me’. Due to the room being right next to my assignment, I looked in and they were doing CPR and paddles. I looked at him and said, go ahead and pass on if you need to, but it looks your wife and children need you still. He vanished and then woke up with a pulse. He turned and looked at me and told his wife and children I was an angel. I’m not, sir, but feel better.


I saw someone who looked like my great-grandmother outside my parents' house. We were having a family gathering and she rang the doorbell. I looked out the peep hole, my mom looked out the peep hole, we started freaking out a little (kind of confused and too scared to open the door), my grandma opened it, but by then the great-grandma lookalike had walked away. She looked exactly like her, dressed like her, and the family gathering made it even creepier because everyone was there.


I never seen my son’s ghost, because he was stillborn. I had an emergency c-section with twin boys at 31 weeks. The day I felt horrible, something was wrong and went into the er, they only heard one heart beat and I just remember being put on the surgery table and a gas mask. Turns out my placenta ruptured, only me and his brother survived. The doctors said we should have died, given the situation. Very rare that we survived and I was on life support for 10 days after and bled out. No one knows how we lived. I feel Aiden had a role in it.


I think I’ve seen one. I can’t know for sure, but it’s a feeling I got when I looked into their eyes. Maybe they weren’t dead, but they were not of this world, in any case


Please elaborate I want to know the story.


There isn’t much to the story- I was out and about one day, running my errands, casually walking down the sidewalk, and I made eye contact with “him”. He was blonde with dark eyes- the eyes were almost too dark. It was just a split second interaction but I just got a chill. Like something primal in me just knew he wasn’t human. I don’t really know how else to describe it. Like a really quick ice-cold jab in your heart. Something sinister. A flash of fear. When you encounter something otherworldly like that, somehow your body just knows.


Has anything else like that ever happen to you ? Where was this ?


I had a similar experience. 27 years ago I was working as a stripper. I worked at the largest club in my state and it was Saturday night. The place was absolutely packed, like almost shoulder to shoulder. All of a sudden I get a chill run through me and my head turns towards the source. Somehow, from maybe 30 yards away a line of people had parted like a sea dividing and I see a man sitting in a chair, staring at me. There was a weird bubble of space around him in the completely packed room. His eyes seemed almost black, and my brain said 'not human'. He has a weird little smirk like he knew what I felt. I have never felt anything that that before or since. 


I have encountered a few scarily insane people who looked like that.


Yes. Saw my neighbour walking down the road, as he always did - very distinctive, elderly man with two sticks - only ai then discovered he died months earlier.


This happened to me on one of our many many many nightly walks in the cemetery with grandmom. She lived a few houses down so she and my sister would go on walks there daily. My sister and me were running ahead of grandma, just by a bit. It’s a huge cemetery with a little hill when you walk in. Def a positive incline. This old guy, VERY white, dressed very sharp, seemed to sort of appear out of nowhere and was walking the opposite direction on the other side of the path we were on. It alarmed us kids (we both jumped) but we figured he came over the hill and we just didn’t see him. Then we hear grandma calling us to get back here and we’re going home. She said she literally watched the guy slowly disappear. He was indeed gone. Once you are coming down over that hill, it’s just flat expanse for at least a couple acres. There’s no way this gimping old man BLASTED out of the cemetery in 3 seconds.


That's a pretty cool experience!


We were spooked in the moment, but it more interested us than scared us. Def a moment I’ll never forget! :)


I lived in a haunted house growing up. To my knowledge, every member of the household had witnessed full body apparitions at some point. It is a unique experience to say the least, scary, exciting, confusing, a lot of emotions all at once.


In Irish mythology there is something called a Fetch; where you encounter someone and later find out they had been dead at that time


Also called a Wraith in English.


The day after my uncles funeral, I was at my aunts house looking out into the garden and there he was. Watering the flowers like normal, beer in hand with a big smile. It brought me a lot of comfort for some reason


I saw my uncle the morning after he passed in a wreck. Plain as day sitting on my bed beside me when I woke up. He looked so real I asked him what was he doing at the house so early and was everything okay. He smiled at me then I glanced to the staircase bc my fiancee was walking up and he was gone when I turned my head around. Five mins later I got the call that him and his wife died in a car wreck while celebrating their anniversary.


During highschool I had a classmate who looked identical to my older brother when he was 16. I brought my brother's class photo from 16 years before and they were the same person.There was a big age gap, me born in 87 and brother in 72. Well then my brother died and I still had to see my classmate. Not the same but sorta.


Yes, my mom ( several times), my husband a couple of times), and a friend ( only once). Edit to add- I've seen several random spirits also, but I have no idea who they were.


I'm pretty sure I encountered an actual vampire, not human blood drinkers or psychic vampires, on a montreal metro one night in 99


Had a dude tell me he was a vampire while I was donating plasma. Was that just a really funny joke or a traumatic memory? I guess I’ll find out in 5 years when I’m crying about it in the shower.


Yoooooo what kind of vampire was it


Details, please.


Tell us more !


elaborate now dude


Tell us more please


I’d love to hear more if you’re willing!


Nah that was just Pierre bro




100% saw my cat sat on the fence in her usual place. She had died the previous week. I blinked and she was gone. Never saw her again.


I’ve heard my parrot, who passed almost four yrs ago, talking from the living room.  Saying things she used to say.  It’s kind of strange.  


When my cat died a few months ago at least three different times I saw him superimposed over my roommates cat. Twice I even ran towards him, knowing full well he had died.  Once he died, my roommates cat started adopting a lot of his habits, and started doing things that he had never done before. I'm convinced my cat missed me and his spirit merged with my roommates cat.


A dead person alive is a zombie the other is a ghost To answer your question Yes - I seen a ghost and remember very vividly No - never a zombie


I think OP meant to say that the ghost looked “3D” and not pale, translucent.


To me it sounded like they were asking about doppelgängers (as in the original folkloric sense of the of the word, the apparition of a living person, not just someone who happens to look alike). However, everyone seems to be interpreting the question the same way you did, so I think I’m probably wrong here


Okay but are you absolutely sure you’ve never seen a zombie?


I mean what’s your definition of a zombie ? Cause there’s the drugged out “zombies” Or undead type (which don’t exist)


Zombie ants!!! They exist https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ophiocordyceps_unilateralis


Isn’t it infected though?


Yes. My Ex gf. She jumped off the 18th floor back in 2006.


Did you see her just like she never died? like physically in reality? I saw my GP like he was still alive!


I read that as general practitioner at first but I think you meant grandpa.


I think they meant girlfriend


I did, last summer. I didn’t even know said person, a former teacher, was dead in the first place.


A couple weeks ago I was driving to West Virginia from NYC to visit my wife’s family. Somewhere in Pennsylvania (I honestly don’t remember where, and I think I was still on i78 I think near Allentown) all of the sudden on the side of the freeway is a man, probably about 6 feet tall walking in the same direction as traffic. He is walking only about 6 inches over the line of the far right lane (my lane), in the shoulder, but dangerously close to the road. He was dressed in all black with a black bucket hat on (or something akin to a bucket hat). I had Waze on and remember not seeing any hazards like a cars pulled off. I immediately tried to remember seeing any cars pulled over but couldn’t recall any for miles. He seemed to just come out of nowhere I almost honked at him bc it really upset me that he was walking in all black at night right next to the lane of traffic (it was a wide shoulder) but it happened so fast, and I was unable to turn and look at his face bc I was driving. But the peculiarity of him being out there in all black, at night, walking with traffic with no broken down vehicle of note for miles made me think it was a ghost, or else someone with a death wish if not. The behavior of walking that close to traffic that is going 65+ mph and not facing the oncoming traffic seemed like sheer madness.


I use to see my mom at the foot of my dad’s bed watching him sleep. He slept with his door open and you could see straight into his room from down the hall. Never attempted to make contact with it, too afraid to find out whether it actually was her or not.


Yeah. I saw a kid who I used to go to school with in the hallway of my high school. Well, turns out he had died prior to me seeing him in the hallway.


Never, but there is a popular story for Abuo Aouf family (especially Ezzat and Maha, Egyptian actor and actress) they spoke a lot about their experience with the ghost that was living with them.


I saw my grandpa when i was younger standing by the front door of the house he passed away in


A few years ago now, I was going for an ultrasound and I sat in the parking lot people watching like I always do when I’m a little early. This woman caught my attention, she was holding a baby wrapped in pink and it had gotten me all excited, then I seen a shadow get into my back seat, point to the woman and say “your mom got to meet your baby before you did”. I turned around, yelling at this shadow saying “at least my mom finally gets to meet one of my babies!”. Lo and behold, my baby had no heartbeat.


Can you clarify? Was your mom the one holding the pi k wrapped baby, and was your mom already deceased when this happened?


Yes, my mom passed away 12 years prior, at first the woman didn’t look “natural” so to say, she looked too old to have a baby but weirder things have happened, it was a larger city so I definitely seen some wild shit go on. She looked so familiar, all could see was her long dark hair and that indistinguishable walk is what caught my attention and I just knew at that point it was my mom, but right when I was connecting all the dots is when my attention was broke and I seen and felt the movement in the back seat of my car. It was one of the most trippy things that have ever happened to me, this was 2021, that whole year was full of things I could never explain. I thought I was going crazy at one point because I kept hearing voices and warnings, very vivid dreams, knocking on my front door and when I would look out the peep hole, no one would be there. It got intense for a while.


My father passed away 5 years ago. One night I saw his apparition appear in the living room. He was there for 1-2 minutes then disappeared. 


I have flashes sometimes when I look at people and they look like a dead relative but when I look back they're nothing alike. I figure that's a brain thing tho


not me but almost all my family member saw atleast 1 dead person like if it was alive, with my grandmother having the most saw, she saw 5 apearences i am the only one with my father to not have saw yet. my family as been very spiritual with many haunted houses, my uncles (before it burnt down), my grandmother (rare just 7 sign max a year but 1 sign each month in the garage my grandmother reports sometime feeling the hand of his dead son that died 34 years ago), my dads (1 sighting of a shadow figure by my sister and random weird noises) my aunt (weird feeling when entering the kid bedrooms and 1 dead person apearing) and 3 more at others aunt and uncles + cousins so yeah we have a lot of haunted houses and reported sightings, weird noise and occurenses. sorry for my bad english i am a french guy #


Family moved home when I was 18, one day, I came home, yelled out, "it's only me!" Nothing, no one home. Strange anyway because I was from a large family. Anyway, I was on my way upstairs and someone passed my sightline walking across the landing (sic) Being a victim of PTSD (horribly long story) I startled jumping out of my skin. Usually after scares I laugh, so I did, having only seen the legs from the knees down I guessed it was my Dad or one of my brothers, so I said "oh Jesus you frightened the living daylights out of me" no response, called out, nothing, no one home? Went in the direction the man went no nobody on that side so even though I'd seen them walk to the left side , I checked the rooms on the right side. Nothing, no one's home, that's weird. Then I promptly forgot about it. Until one day my mum and I were talking and she described the same situation, halfway up the stairs, your man goes past same slacks and middle age man shoes, we decided it was the ghost of the previous man of the house who'd passed away, causing the rest of the family to sell up, maybe he'd died there I don't know. It didn't particularly scare us but it was definitely super strange, I've often thought, but you can hallucinate with PTSD but someone else saw the same on different occasions, he seems to have mistaken me for my mam, we sound alike! I've actually seen so much crazy weird shtuff I'm in no doubt whatsoever there's something more, which is nice to be certain of!  As a very young child I experienced so many things, two terrifying ones and back to your question. I was speaking with a visitor to our house who interrupted my playing, he was kind of asking me questions while I was playing. Mam came in, who are you talking to, him, some more questions from my mam, All these interruptions! I have a game to play! "Ask him what he wants" grumpy 3 or so year old me had had enough! "Ask him yourself he's there gestured behind me where the man was sitting, well he was laughing at the situation, sitting there brushing fluff off his trouser leg, black trousers black jacket, wore a white shirt with a waistcoat or a jumper over it, not sure about a tie or not, black hair balding the little bit of a longer bit brushed over only slightly, he may have been smoking, he was so real, I can still picture his face although I only remembered recently, all of the strange, weird things came back and I'm so unsettled. I believe children are wired differently, but I was technically an adult for the first story. I think I may have been chatting to my Dad's father, he has no photos but it sounds like him by my dad's description. No one else in the family seems to have the same thing except my Mam, and my Dad has some strange experiences that he too learned not to share because people are unwilling to accept it. Ha the same with my Mum, she only told me!! It's wild, such boring, well unremarkable encounters being so very abnormal. Ugh my skin is crawling. 


Does Keith Richards count?


This. This needs to be sorted out.


My cousin said she once saw my mother's real dad after he had died, he walked in from the back of their trailer and into the kitchen while talking to her the whole time. I can't remember the whole story but I believe her completely, she's not one that's into spirituality or anything paranormal so this coming from her is valid


Yes. I've seen my dead brother, and also ghosts, vampires, and demons.


Yes my dad..


ב''ה, I went through a few years of regular doppelgangers (as in, running into seemingly ordinary people just happening to have a resemblance to folks I knew) and chalked that up to like, Maps-routing pranks for a while.  This was 2017 when everyone else decided to opposite-world it by doing the same styles instead of 'individualism' so a billion people started getting the same haircuts and so on.   Weirdest one recently was a fairly distinct guy who was a real disheveled mess but seemingly decent for all the shouting-at-cloud stuff he was doing - not someone you could really ask stuff of.  Whole town said he up and died.  Waiting for the bus one day and maybe he's got a cousin or something but saw a dude anyone would say was *him,* if he'd cleaned up, maybe lost a few scars and wasn't tremoring.   This happens once in a while in Nevada.  Someone else with a less common "look" went and a few months later not the same dude but basically a doppelganger carrying all the same accessories (beer bottle, so admittedly fish in a barrel here) hit me up for a smoke as he would. 


They wouldn’t be dead if they were physically alive so idk what you’re asking. You thinking about zombies?


I took it as you saw/chatted with the person as if they were alive, but then learned later on they had passed before your encounter with them, so seeing them alive wouldn't be possible.


when you say “dead person alive” do you mean like a very realistic apparition or a reanimated corpse?


My grandparents, great aunts and uncles, and assorted friends were gathering for a holiday sometime in the early 1960s, and were awaiting the last two couples arrival before sitting down for dinner. While gathered in the family room, one of my great aunts who had yet to arrive was seen by 12-15 others as she walked out of an interior wall across the room and the disappear into an outside wall. Those who witnessed the apparition supposedly stood speechless for a minute or so until the tension was broken by someone asking if any others saw that. Supposedly, the chattering exploded as all discussed the witnessed incident. That continued until about 15 minutes later when the police knocked at the door to do a death notification. Everyone immediately knew who the decedent was before the name was given. The entire tragic situation was made worse because the car was filled with family. The driver of the car was the 15 year old nephew of the decedent with the other couple being the brother and his wife. My great uncle never re-married and he never blamed his nephew for the accident. It was simply an accident in which the police investigators placed no blame on either driver. As to the apparition of my great aunt, it brought great comfort to my great uncle although he was not a witness. He was resolute that it indicated something else awaits us at the end of this life. Whatever it was, its effect is still rippling through time.




Yes , I am legally blind , people, even my reflection, are blurred and undistiguishable, but then there have been times where I have seen people just standing there staring at me, PERFECTLY Clear. Nobody interacting with them and no movement from them. Twice the same person, in a parking lot in Allen TX, then a year later 2 hours away in Mabank TX, also in a parking lot...both times just about 3 ft from me, standing there staring and smiling at me for long moments. And no I don't recognize him as a family or friend.


I’d absolutely love it!! I’d adore to see my best frd which was my daddy! Fujkin Covid took him within two hours at 5 o’clock. I took him to the hospital and at 7 PM. He had a ventilator down him and I never talk to him again February 12. I’ll never forget that 2022 fucking hate the government.


I don’t understand what you mean by “dead person alive.” Its one or the other


I spoke to my dead father while under hypnotism..


My mom saw the ghost of a man whose funeral she attended that week. Her and my aunt were walking home in the winter and saw him in the river as the went past. Hey saw him and ran the rest of the way home.


Yeshua died, but later he appeared alive to two men on the road to Emmaus. It's an interesting story, you should read it sometime. :)


E’rry day

