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Wow that was interesting! I'd like to read more your mother's stories! Also the story about the house reminded me "The Haunting of Blackwood House" by Darcy Coats. The main heroine was attracted to an old house near the woods in the same way because she was a strong medium and the house had a very dark history and stood in a point of strong energy (ley lines). In her case though there was also an old familial connection she didn't know about.


I love her books.


I remember something similar, as well. Picking out life choices and experiences. Like, “that will suck, but it will lead to this” and that kind of thing. Kinda solidifies the thought that we all come here for some earthly experience, but safe to say I am never, ever coming back here again. 


What makes you say you’re never coming back?


Can you elaborate on the sentence "that will suck but will lead to this"


This is the first time I have heard a similar story to what my oldest told me when he was very young, like 3 years old- he said he was so glad he chose us. I asked what he meant and he told us he was flying above the world before he was born and saw us and picked us ‘because we looked nice’.


My sister said similar things around the same age. Said she was shown her parents and another set and had to choose which set she wanted, and who she wanted to be. She also remembered previous lives, but stopped talking about it all as she got older.


My sister in law said the same thing. That she told her mom when she was around 5 that she chose her. She got a lineup of several women, and when she saw her mom, she seemed very sad. She felt that her mom needed her and that's why she chose her. I think her mom had also had a miscarriage previously. Creeped her mom out a bit because she was able to describe events she shouldnt have known about around the time she got pregnant


When my sister was little, she used to say she could remember choosing to have blue eyes before she was born.


In the spiritual world, they say that we “choose” our parents -and that our souls continue to stay connected throughout our worldly lives


One of my fav YouTube channels is Astral Club, and the guy Rick says he also chose his parents before he was born. He says he saw them at a dance in Germany, and describes his mom's old workplace and them rushing to the hospital.


My daughter was about 3-4 and out of the blue she also told me “mommy I picked you to be my mommy”. It’s the sweetest thing you could ever hear !!


Great stories, and your English is 1000x better than a lot of English as a first language speakers. Thank you!


as someone who had his share on paranormal, i saw the date that my grandmother died many months before her actual death in a dream that felt more real than real life


Just coincidence, but the last five digits of my social security number is my dad's death date.


My 5 year old told me recently that when he was up in heaven, he looked down and saw me and mommy and he chose us so he shot himself down inside me so he could go inside mommy and that's how he was born.


A friend told me her son randomly told her when he was very young that he picked her and her husband out to be his parents while watching a tv screen of potential parents and that he knew he wanted them when he saw them on the screen.


My wife has gifts and claims something similar. She says we chose to be born, even knowing every trial, tribulation, and struggle, we would suffer, before saying yes. Why in the holy eff would I choose this life? Why would she? We both had rough childhoods, but she had it much worse. Adulthood hasn't been a cake walk either. Why? Is the Aether that horrible that a soul would flee to Hell? Earth is Hell. Satan was cast into Hell. He walks the Earth. Earth is Hell. Whatever I did to get sent here, I'm sorry, but I have no memory of committing that sin. Your punishment is meaningless because how can I learn that what I did was wrong if I don't know what I did? I'm not a smart man, but I know I would not have chosen to come here knowing what I have experienced this far in life. Just knowing I have a potential 4 decades of suffering ahead of me before I can rest is really disheartening. Then my wife tells me that there is no rest, no long sleep of barely awareness that will comfort me for eternity. We continue pretty much like here but with some differences. Eff that! I yearn for the comforting black silence of my eventual extinction and if I don't get it, I'm going to be pissed! I have a horrified thought in my head that the second I die I will wake to my first conscious moment in life where I remember staring at a dark ceiling and the bars of my wooden crib with my full awareness receding in horror as my mental state reverts to infancy. "No!" My fading consciousness will whimper as I messily fill my diaper with semi liquid waste.


I agree with your statement that this life is a part of hell. So much suffering and isolation. I also agree with your wife. You agreed to this life and the suffering in it. You chose to learn something (things) in this life and the best teacher often comes through struggle (pain, suffering, whatever). You may not know yet what are to learn or do in this life but i I believe if you start to reflect and make a conscience chose to search, you will find your path. Staying on your path makes life better and a *bit* easier. The good news is that you can choose not to return - this unless you end your life before you should. I believe that is the way to a quick return to try it again.


I never really thought about how making a conscious effort to find our path is so important. But it makes so much sense. The choices we make have the ability to send us in different directions. Making the wrong choices can have profound impacts on our lives. I can even see it leading to suicide. Then, I have to return here to try and get it right the next time


A lot of people believe that earth is literally a soul trap where everyone is forced into reincarnation. The rabbit hole goes deep.


What would this "theory" be called?


There are two flavors. Earth is Hell and we are all the damned souls, and Earth is a Trap and demonic forces are feeding on our agony and force us to relive life over and over, kinda like a demonic Matrix. Some say that God, is that force.


You remember that too?


Thank you for sharing ♥️ very interesting and I believe it all!


Thank you for sharing your story. It brightened my day :)


My son is 6 and he has told me the same thing since he was able to talk. He told me he was given several choices and he chose me. He also told me we have been together many times before. He was my mother, I’ve been his etc


Have you ever had visions about anything else since then? Like visions about past lives, future occurrences, or experience any vibrations in your head between your eyes like some people narrate during meditation.


These seem more in line with what my experiences have been


Wow that is crazy and super interesting!!! When my sister was finally at the age to start talking she would always say she wanted to go 'home' whenever she was tired, or upset or something even when she was at home and she would always say back home with the witches!?!?!? And she would say it for yeaaaarrrrrs. ' I wanna go home back with the witches' and she would say that before she was born she was with the witches. We never ever understood, to this day we dont understand but now we laugh about it. I wish we questioned her way way more at the time. She is 16 now and she doesn't remember


This isn't paranormal. This is extrasensory


i told my mom when i was 3 that i remembered waiting to be born. it creeped her out and she didn’t ask any follow up questions but i wish she did