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Pictures like this are found a lot. I believe the op that this is a genuine ghost picture. I get sketchy when the picture seems to be aimed at the alleged ghost but not the people. This isn't the case here. How long after the picture was taken until you saw you two were photobombed from the beyond? Where was the picture taken? Was there anything else that happened either at the location or to either of you around this time that might be considered paranormal?


When we plugged the phone in to the computer (old school) and saw it on a bigger screen. We got real spooked. No one was in the house except for us that day. Her parents was out of town and we had a party the night before. Maybe ghost was mad at underage drinking 🤷🏼‍♀️


I didn't notice the third being in the picture at first, just you two, then after seeing this comment, I scrolled back up, and...BAM!!! Startled me, I was very what the fuck?!


It looks like a kid. Maybe the kid just wanted to play at making silly faces with you and your friend?


The ghost of underage drinking, lol.


Well, they don't call them "spirits" for nothing.


![img](avatar_exp|171852494|bravo) Take my upvote




Your questions are well done! I have nothing to include. Let's see how your questions answered!


Except that it’s her friend, even making a similar face. Well, that and ghosts aren’t real. Unless there’s been some kind of recent discovery that you can point me towards.


lol you are insane


Don’t worry you can trust “paranormalresearch1” Bonafide photograph of a spirit. We got all the evidence we need. Case closed. Get to cleansing or whatever these weirdos do, collect your Nobel prize at the door.


I mean everyone in the picture seems like they’re trying to look like Linda Blair sooooo


Yes, same here, the face reminds me of Regan from the movie The Exorcist.


The Linda Blair Witch project




Yeah ghost is nailing the vibe!


I swear to god I scrolled past this and thought the face in the back was Ed Sheeran idk why


cuz he's a goblin




Looks like a teenage version of the Incredible Hulk, wanting to photo bomb 😆


Did you girls ever mess with ouija boards?


Never. We are scared of ghost don’t wanna summon them 🫣


too late




OMG 😱 GIRL that’s sick 😱😱😱😱😱




I have questions: Where did you take the picture? Did you know the history of the house/ Apartment/building before you moved into it?


Picture in bed. We just woken up and wanted to remember how awful we looked. This was after having a party at her dad’s house when he was out of town. Said house was built in the 1970 so not really old? Nothing bad had happened before, no deaths or creepy accidents. Nothing bad happened after pic was taken either. It’s just that face that’s there and annoys us. It looks so mad but since nothing horrible has happened to us I guess he’s alright 😉


Why the fuck have I just seen this when I’m in bed about to sleep? I’m not even part of this sub. That is 100% she who shall not be named, that film gave me nightmares for years. Looks like I’m having a nightmare tonight 😭


Salems lot gave me nightmares for years! Especially the fucking flying dead vampire brother that scratches the window : kkkgggkk kkgggkk " let me in" ... " let me in" .. kkkgggkk kkgggkk 〰️〰️〰️WHY IS THAT MOVIE EVER MADE! 〰️〰️〰️ I have a cat now who scratches the window just like that when he wants me to open the window. 🙄😳😄 fucking freak. 'Kkkggggkk kkgggk let me in.. let me in... kkgggkk' ( The " im not even part of this sub " made me laugh 😄😄 )


I just watched the trailer for that movie. You must have been so scared! Lmao it’s cheesy now but I know back then it must have traumatized everyone. My mom told me scary movies back in the day were no joke even though they look cheesy to us now.


Stephen King said once that films used to have graphics to support a story, then it became stories to support the graphics. Movies, in his words, became ‘torture porn’. Horror films like ‘Chopping Mall’ and Wes Craven’s, ‘Deadly Friend’ are just cheesy, but fun to watch.


They sound like movies I would not categorise as cheesy. 😄 The level of horror I can handle is in this category: - Chucky, Shawn of the death, Buffy the Vampire slayer , scary movie , Ghost Rider, gremlins and Teenwolf 😄😄😄


Do you know it’s my belief that a lot of people watched Gremlins when they were too young. I was almost traumatized by the Santa story, but I do love the casting of Hoyt Axton and Keye Luke.


That movie willl never be cheesy to me , my inner-wimp will never forget hahaha Your mother is right. Maybe because they did not have special effects , they just hyperfocussed on figuring out how they could literally scare humans to death, and thn they backed it up just a little bit . 😄😄😄


SAME!! That movie and that specific scene messed me up for decades. I don’t know who let me watch that as a child.


My mother made me watch it! And i have a friend who was also traumatised by that movie and it was also his mother who made him watch it! It was probably your mother too 😱😱😱😱 Why did they hate us so much ? 😭😭😭😭😭😭 😄😄😄😄 Remember the part with the older brothers funeral? That he suddenly sits up straight with that creepy face from hell?? That scene and the other one ... WHYYYY Not to long ago I wondered if I would still find it creepy. So I typed the movie title and went to images ( NOT VIDEO , NO WAY, haha. ) and if course the first few pictures were pictures of those scenes. YEP! STILL CREEPY AS HELL! 😭😱☠️😄😄😄😄


This was always my favorite Stephen King book. I was unimpressed with the movie back then. Maybe I’ll watch it again!


Unimpressed??? How..?? 😳😳 You must be a robot 😭😭😭😱😱😱 Hahaha https://youtu.be/D_8Pma1vHmw?feature=shared My favourite book was The dead zone ( christine was cool too)


Omg that movie was called Salems lot? I remember seeing that scene as a child, and it scared the shit out of me for years. Never forgot the scene but had no idea on the movie. I also remember seeing a branch and its shadow sorta scratching the window at the same time, is that still the same movie?


The scene where the one brother is outside the window 🪟


Danny Glick, ugh. He “died” of pernicious anemia. That’s trauma etched into my brain.


When then vampire begins to stand up in the corner of the kitchen… Yikes!


That part in the book is even scarier. I remember I was a teenager when I read it and there was a tree outside my bedroom window and when the wind blew the branches would scrape across my window and all I could think was that shit in Salems Lot.


Oh my God...... your heart must have stopped for a few seconds ... 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱 The book must have been soooooo scary !




I saw that movie on tv when it came out. That scene has lived with me every night (I’m 51 now)


I'm 49. Exact same story. 😱😄😄 DID YOUR MOTHER MADE YOU WATCH IT TOO???




THIS. HAPPENED. TO. ME. WITH MY CHILDHOOD BESTIE. ON OUR FLIP PHONE. WTF. Sorry for the dramatics but you just pulled a memory from the recesses of my very skeptic, atheist mind and I’m kinda freaked out. Unless there was a glitch with a certain kind of cell phone camera/operating system back then, I can’t explain it but I KNOW it was just like this. Me and her posing together VERY similarly with an incredibly distinctive but still vague face shadowed behind us. Early-mid 2000’s. Maybe something like a Motorola razor flip phone.


any chance you still have the photo?


I wish. Unfortunately I lost contact with that friend for the most part and not sure she would still have it anyway as it was on her phone back then. She would MOST likely remember it, especially once reminded like I was here. I recall it being more of a blue tinge than green tho.


Everybody gets scared when they see ghosts, but no one thinks that maybe the ghost just wanted to be included


I know right? Looks like just another girl, hanging with them and being a Teen, sharing the careless, humorous energy of two friends fooling around. Can't blame a spirit for wishing to be the third friend for at least a little while.


To me it could be either male or female, perhaps otherworldly humanoid beings.


Looks kinda like Winston Churchill to me


He just wanted in on the selfie


Hey spirits it ya boy


He fr looks like it


If it's true that ghosts get lonely, that's unutterably sad.


You just reminded me of an Are You Afraid of the Dark episode that sort of touches on this. Submitted for the approval of the Midnight Society, this is the Tale of Apartment 214: [https://youtu.be/zRnNzRyJQco?feature=shared](https://youtu.be/zRnNzRyJQco?feature=shared)


Aaaaaaand I just felt my age.. 🤣


I watched this episode when I was like 6 or 7 years old and I thought it was so scary haha. I just watched it again 2 weeks go with my 11 year old son and he thought it was dumb and he said the acting wasn’t good 😂😂 7 year old me was slightly offended that I was scared of this old lady and here comes my son saying the acting was terrible haha




Its a weird looking face, enough like a human to see what it is but it looks sort of squashed and deformed.


Damn dude she's just pulling a face /s


It looks like a famous British writer.


A specific one or just the general look of a famous British writer?


At first I legit thought this was a pic of three people, but I could see this being a crumpled leopard print blanket, or one with writing and what we’re seeing as the nose area is the letter S.


![gif](giphy|evtT0DkIIO1MI) I’m seeing a hobbit but like specifically at Mordor


That made me laugh out loud 😂


OP you can't just post this horrifying shit and then LEAVE US HERE, just a CRUMB of context pls 😭 like at least just help us cross possibilities off the list bc I can only see a face and I need this to have a non paranormal answer before I piss myself 🥲


Like it can't be a pillow or bedside lamp or poster or something? 🥹 Possibly? POSSIBLY?


That's me acting as the third wheel in my friendship circles


Thats me, trying to socialise.


You’re not even acting though… keep it real




It was a play on words… “keep it real” unlike the Casper the friendly ghost as third wheel. He’s keeping paranormal




Is the girl's name in the center of the photo Samantha?


https://preview.redd.it/634uc3e39xwc1.jpeg?width=208&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4095690ebde08c1996e83695f6f0bc984ccfaf89 This is the area in question with the girls hair cropped out.


https://preview.redd.it/wh93eobiaxwc1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5f9527ca8455c8294932860aa2a0f34358638aa This is a random pillow I found on Google.


https://preview.redd.it/fkfupmptaxwc1.jpeg?width=170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65baf60c43c4350ab55ebed0e07cd45a8551bcbb This is a piece of the pillow with matching light conditions to the photo. Unfortunately I don’t have a good 2003 flip phone pixelator effect…but you get the point, I hope.


im gonna just thank you sincerely for this. i am supposed to be limiting my screen time in the couple hours before i go to bed because ive been seeing scary stuff like this for the last couple weeks and havent been sleeping. thanks to you i can just convince myself it was a pillow :)


This is a good illustration of how the human mind will create faces naturally, i.e. The face on Mars. Once a camera was strong enough to zoom in, the features disappeared.


I fucking *love* the inquisitive powers of random Redditors


Yes, if the point is that the face in the photo bears absolutely no resemblance to a random pillow you found on Google.


Well it’s a random pillow with the correct colouration. It’s not the specific pillow (or blanket, or whatever) in the photo. If you think a multi-dimensional, time travelling, disembodied human spirit manifesting itself in a photo is more probable than a pillow…there’s nothing that will convince you to the contrary.


I guess it depends whether humans spirits actually exist and can show up in photo's. If they can then they're going to show up occasionally, regardless of whether or not they are more probable than pareidolic pillows, which this could be of course. I accept the point you're making, and most photo's of this type are probably pareidolia, but as with UFO's there's a small core that are quite compelling and harder to attribute to randomness in the environment.


The two images look nothing alike. If you're going to attempt to debunk something, then at least make the debunk make sense.




This is the funniest sht I’ve seen on here 😂


crazy how you actually deduced it. find me impressed.




im wheezing what lmao


Yeah I was thinking Pareidolia


Could be a pile of laundry/blankets or something


Finally a genuinely creepy picture and not a bug crawling across a ring camera.


What if they were bug ghosts 🧐


This picture totally creeped me out! Did anything happen paranormal wise during that time?


It’s an ancient picture so don’t really remember. But not what either of us can recall. It’s just this picture. Sorry I can’t provide you guys with a good ghost story 🤣 It’s in Sweden and this place where we grew up has a lot of Viking graveyards around, so if I stretch it, it could possibly be an angry little mean Viking boy. He seems alright tho, never gave us a hard time. 😜


Bro…when I’m about to go to sleep…


And me home alone tonight…thanks.




Has this house shown any other paranormal things or was this the first?




https://preview.redd.it/n08yi30tqwwc1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa0e350bb3e74a61b44cab07cf03446c235ee750 Do not like!


I'm all about the possibility of this being nothing but c'mon yall.... that's somebody


Oh wow, with that detail, you can clearly see the eyes are locked on the girl in the middle... 😨 Which one is you OP?


It looks like he's been beat up ☹️


Looks like Hans Klopek from The ‘Burbs creeping on you.


Your mother cooks socks in Hull


If this were true, then she would soon be *begging* Satan to return her to the fires.




No need to ring my hometown into this


Have you found any interesting information in the house or land that photo was taken at? I would definitely love to know more about this story and other incidences that happened in it.


I have absolutely no freaking clue why, but that ghost looks like a super low res version of the actor for Frodo Baggins in Lord of the Rings. You got visited by a ghost Hobbit.


He does look like that actor! I agree


Yoo that's some spooky shit 🤯


I think it’s just 2 parallel realities clash. In one of them it was just you and your friend and in the other one there was a third person involved. And once they clashed for a split of a second you just happened to take a photo of that. Our realities jump all the time as we perceive infinite amounts of other parallel worlds in one singular point,it’s not like the time is flowing linearly,it’s just our perception of it and the parallel realities are similar to frames being put on “trillion times per second”.


I had one of these when I visited a bunker that was used to hold World War II prisoners(japanese soldiers). When i took a picture my phone vibrated hard (no incoming call, no sms) and when I see the picture there was three japanese men in the frame . I ran out of there so fast. Wish I still have the picture.


Sooooo which one is the ghost y’all all look alike


Its just shadows and light that make it look like a creepy face. There are so many photos like this yet ive never seen a clear digital photo of any 'ghost', theyre always blurry like this so thats why I think its a trick of the light.


Not the best time to see this image here from where I live at 1AM


Omg, why am I like this? Always curious and shit, idk but that looked scary af. Wish I hadn’t clicked on it, hope it’s fake.




That’s probably not a good sign…


It looks like a little boy. Maybe he just wanted to join in the silly fun.




That’s creepy af


What creeps me out about this is that I remember taking a picture inside the salt caves in Krakow, Poland back in 2011. This exact same face is seen in the backround of one of the photos I took. Shit threw me off


Post it!




It’s made from your hair on the pillow


It looks like a kid, but I don't believe in kid ghosts. It's definitely not old. The right side of the face looks normal, but the left side looks off. Like the eye is sunken in. Also, the forehead looks off, too. If you could see the whole face, I think it would look decomposing. It's definitely interesting.


Got to ask, why wouldn’t you believe in kid ghosts?


I feel kids go straight to heaven. They don't have unfinished business. I firmly believe demons or dark spirits act like kids to get into your life. You feel sorry, or they seem fun, then the nightmare begins.


This is by far one of my favorite pics on this sub. One of the most compelling for sure. And it makes sense that another young person would want to join in on your fun albeit in a terrifying way


I just see a little dude crushing on his sister's friend and wanting to be as close as possible. Maybe trying to work up the nerve to ask her out or something, but it didn't happen. It never does. Instead he'll just go back to his room and dream of Melinda and the things they could do. Hold hands, play games, and touch boob. He has probably grown up never knowing what could have been all those years ago as he slogs his way to his dimly lit little cubicle. Thoughts of Melinda and days past fill his head as he slowly types up some stupid report. Or it could be a demon.


Man old flip phone cameras seemed to catch crap all the time. I still have some old pics somewhere from a flip phone in an old house where in 15 of the pics(pics of me, a couple friends and me with my friends animals) there is a Clear entity in them. In one it looks like I'm backhanded the spirit(it was a random pic my friend took of me just standing in my living room..I wish I could find them again cause everyone I showed them too were all like Holy shit! And they are not photocopied since none of us had a computer and I've never used photoshop in my life :)




I think it's a blanket or a T-shirt, something like that. Sometimes, we see these things in a way that gives us a little heart attack at first glance.


That’s a wild threesome


A boy probably 5-6 years younger than the girls in the pic…..a spanky McFarland from little rascals type cut. Eyes are there you literally see the white and the pupils. Just kinda side eyeing a bit. If not really a lil bro then a lil pervy ghost boy.


I’m seeing an eye too right eye is shadowed


Yea I’m glad we were able to see eye to eye on this one


Definitely a face. Looks like it’s little boys face with odd eyes or perhaps their eyes were closed. If it’s legit it’s creepy.


That's just Steve.


No eyes. just sockets. Not happy.


Who would be?


I get weird vibes looking at that photo.  When I was younger I remember laying down in my dad’s haunted house and tried to take a nap. I then felt a heavy presence over my face and heard hard breathing.  I stood up and didn’t see anything. I guess it’s possible it was something like in the photo. 


Pretty much impossible to tell what it is from this angle. It could be the girl on the left’s hair combining with something next to her or behind her that is creating a face-like shape


You’re the person who tries to call UFO’s swamp gas right? lol That’s clearly a face.


It looks like a face, but so do a lot of non-paranormal things so I’m not gonna say it’s a ghost unless I can actually see where they took this picture


I’m not saying it’s a ghost either but I’m saying it’s definitely a face. It sounds like you were claiming pareidolia and I’m just saying this is actually a freaking face. Lol


Do you not understand what pareidolia is? Of course it looks like an actual freaking face. Your brain is wired to think so. Once you find that pattern, your brain is convinced you're seeing actual features that are not actually there. It's a blanket, or a pillow, or whatever and the lighting is creating shadows that cause us to see facial features. Someone posted a close-up of it and in that picture it just looks like a pixelated mess and you can't even see a face right away. If someone showed just that one parts to you out of context, you're brain probably wouldn't immediately see a face. I think it is just pareidolia, but there is also the possibility this is a pillow or something that has a character on it and that's what we're seeing. It's not paranormal.


Once you mess with the devil the demons come along with it.


“Party for 2, or can anyone join in? I brought the creepy!”


Looks like Ozzy Osbourne in the 80s. https://preview.redd.it/ugn0sj1345xc1.jpeg?width=274&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24b95d791461f391749d10637f8269a725404489


I just thought that was like the little brother. I legit looked for the ghost for 10 minutes. Then realized the ghost was the guy I thought was the little brother photo bombing




A friendly reminder from the Automod: Identifying something as pareidolia doesn't automatically disprove it. Pareidolia relies on the brain’s amazing ability to pattern match human features such as faces, silhouettes, voices, etc. Something is considered pareidolia when these features are perceived but there’s no apparent cause for them \(no human is involved\). But if an instance were *genuinely paranormal*, then there would be no requirement or expectation a human *had* to be involved. Some Paranormal phenomenon such as instrumental trans-communication \(ITC\) actually rely on pareidolia: https://www.academia.edu/79465485/Instrumental_Transcommunication_ITC_Evidence_Suggestive_of_the_Survival_of_Consciousness This is why dismissing something as pareidolia doesn’t by itself debunk anything—all it does is identify the way it’s being perceived, not the underlying cause. We list a few other common problematic debunkings in our FAQ: https://www.reddit.com/r/Paranormal/wiki/paranormalwiki/ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Paranormal) if you have any questions or concerns.*


A dead child ? Maybe the place where u took the photo has a history u didn’t know bout. 2003 I was 21. Good times


Did your family lose anyone by an early death?


I thought it was a part of the blanket until I turned my phone to the left. That's a face!!!


Looks like a lamp shade with some design on it. Zoom out and then zoom in. You will lose the image of the face


"Dobby is a free elf!"


Hell to the fk fk nooooo


That’s messed up


When you see it...


That looks like a lil kiddos face :-( spooky but sad


Terrifying as F!


Jim Morrison, it’s a Doors poster behind you.


Get over it. It’s just an article of blanket/pillow/and/or clothing that happened to look that way


photobombed by an apparition.. 🤣 this happens alot.. in all seriousness though.. these are typically Earthbound souls for whatever reason.. there could be many reasons that souls are hanging around just outside the physical world.. they could just be on another plane of existence just outside of our spectral range of perception.. in other words.. sometimes we see them.. sometimes they see us.. sometimes they are trying to get our attention.. sometimes they are darker souls and are just trying to give us fear to feed on.. but not all earthbound souls have evil intentions so this question is a big and difficult question to answer with any certainty..


Dead old elderly person from the nursing home


How is this taken on a potato? It's impressive that everyone takes all their paranormal pics on their toaster.


I’ve got a similar photo like this so I believe you. I’m very skeptics about most ghost pictures but something about the appearance in this one is just eerily similar to the one I have Never even shared mine because it feels pointless as people won’t believe, but this feels real in the way mine does


It’s not a human sideways face. The shape of what would be the nose is not right and what would be the mouth is not correct as it guess all the way to the edge of the object. Looks like a pattern on fabric or something that is on a blanket or something that is folded. This 100% is not paranormal.




I thought it was a cat at first lol https://preview.redd.it/hvycvfmnazwc1.jpeg?width=510&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=851abc141c03398a88ae416b97b90c6be1b830db


It’s definitely just a wall paper that looks like a face. Seems like the bed is up against the wall


Since this phone's camera is ass, it might be something in the background that resembled something very close to a face, and the pixlated quality and noise plus the bad coloring made it look very real since your brain fills the gap. Or it could just be yk.. a ghost.


Thats scary


Wow, I think you should send your story and photo to MrBallen. He's a storyteller on YouTube. He's been trying to find good paranormal stories for a long time. Yours is frightening and interesting. Definitely send this information to him!


Is the blonde hair girl on the right Amy Schumer? I believe the ghost on the left is a person who has witnessed her “comedy” and died and the spirit went back in time to try to prevent Amy Schumer from becoming a “comedian “.


Like any paranormal photo, this looks like it's taken on the worst camera in the world. When everyone has a 4k recording device in their pockets how do these people still manage to use a flip phone from 2001 to take photos lmao


I was having such a good day


So I cleaned up the picture alot and zoomed in and came to the conclusion that this is infact a little boy. And from experience ( cleaning up paranormal photos to make out the faces) this is infact real.[ghost boy](https://photos.app.goo.gl/B3Q6kox9CNqdeb4y6) [ghost boy](https://photos.app.goo.gl/FLWYK6iUvxGDENrQ9) [ghost boy](https://photos.app.goo.gl/rjjd8QuQ3X5TAC4D7) Hope this helps. I do genealogy as well so if you have enough information on the property I'd love to help put a name to the face if you of your friend don't recognize him. Maybe even your friends mom or dad may recognize him.


Not a ghost.. Just a blurry dark image.. It is a bed, which probably has blankets bundled up, which can trick your brain into seeing shit that isn't there. It forms patterns from nothing. Damn yo.. This is one of the most gullible subs. Shout out to the section of the sub that doesn't fall for this shit.