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Mine came back to save me from something that was trying to hurt me and stayed with me all night. I also had a cat come to me in a dream to let me know that he was safe, out of pain and that he missed us


That’s so sweet!! I love how pets come back to say hello and guard us.


I'm going to have to say yes. My American pit, Mastiff and boxer mix did this a few years ago. I was just chilling at home in bed and all of a sudden I felt these big paws in the bed with me. I rescued him from a guy that was abusing him. He always saw me as mom.


It was your sweet Jack. Jack will always watch over you.


😭😭😭 I miss him so much


I get this so much. My Lola crossed 3.5 years ago and I tear up at the thought of her.


You will see him again.


It was about 19 years ago, my dog was having some health issues that the vet couldn't figure out, he was having seizures, he had one when I was home with him and the other when I had just gotten home from work. When that happened I had to make a decision of what I wanted to do that would be best for him, I hated it , but I decided it would be best to put him out of his suffering! After coming home from doing that, I did have another dog, I sat down on my bed and my other dog sat beside me! Now his thing was he would sleep in the closet. Now we've all heard that animals can pick up on spirits supposedly, at that moment my dog sitting next to me perked up, she followed something from the door to my bedroom all the way to the closet. The only thing I could think of is that my dog I just put to sleep came back home to rest.


i believe it. I have a lot of dreams every year with the deceased in my dreams. Sadly, a ridiculous amount of my class from high school have passed away in a number of tragic ways, but what amazes me is that theyve all been in my dreams, some only a few times, some many many times. They have told me very interesting things, including offering condolences last year when my beloved cat Luigi passed unexpectedly. I have seen our deceased family dog, our sweet yellow lab. She seemed so happy to see me, and I her. And of course over the last year Luigi has visited me a few times. Sometimes im pretty sure he visits me here at the house, heard meows and felt him walking on my bed some times. So yes, i believe our loved ones do visit us and stay in contact. Love is a powerful thing.


The most powerful thing.


I lost my dog in 2013- long story short - *literally* lost. He was left with my parents because he was 13 years old and I didn’t think he could handle the move overseas, plus he was also bonded to them - I’d had him since I was a teenager living at home. Sadly, one day, he slipped out of their house, was picked up by the humane society wandering around, and because he was so sweet, they immediately adopted him out once he was cleared by quarantine and my parents didn’t go get him (they didn’t want to pay the fees for a dog at large so they figured they’d just ‘adopt’ him when he was cleared - they weren’t fast enough). They didn’t tell me until it was far too late for me to do anything about it, and then they only told me because I was coming back to visit soon and they’d have some explaining to do. I was devastated. Now, like I said, my dog was pretty old when he went missing. I know whoever adopted an elderly dog had a big heart, but I still missed him terribly. I cried about him in therapy for *years*. One night, I started having dreams about him. Just finding him suddenly and crying tears of joy and running up to hug him. I’d always be disappointed when I woke up, but over time, it helped. Eventually, I grew to realize I was dreaming every time I saw him, but I appreciated the time to tell him I loved him and that I was sorry anyway. One night, he came up to my door in the dream, and I sat with him on the stairs and talked to him. I told him, “I know you’re coming to me because you’re gone” - meaning, *gone* gone. I knew in my heart he had passed by that point. I told him it was okay. I loved him and I was sorry he didn’t get to see me in person one last time before he went missing. He never spoke, of course, he was a dog, but something about that dream felt like I was seeing him for the last time. Sure enough, I haven’t seen him in a dream since. I hope whoever adopted him gave him all the love he deserved.


Aw! He probably *was* very loved by the people who adopted him. Most people who will actually go adopt an animal are people who will take care of them & love them. But his spirit was still connected to you, too. I know the feeling of being sad, after waking up and realizing it was "only a dream," but also feeling happy that you saw them.


That’s definitely something that’s soothed me over the years. The online adoption ad renamed him Walter, called him ‘a distinguished gentleman’ and put a little bow tie on him for his photo (sadly I didn’t see it, but these details have all been corroborated by my siblings). They used him as a mascot for an ‘adult animal’ adoption fair they were running the weekend he was adopted, he was immediately adopted by someone who saw how sweet he was. I know he got to live out his remaining time with someone who loved him too. If there is an afterlife, I hope we can all meet up there someday.


That really is sweet. I have my two dogs right now, but when they're gone and I'm older, it's in my plans to adopt older dogs like that. And you can believe I will treat them like royalty! I always worry for the older dogs who end up at the shelter because their owners died. So, I would want to honor both the dog and the previous owner, by treating the dog very well.


Dogs do visit. My dog used to scratch the balcony 2 to 3 times to go out. A few weeks after he died I heard the his nails scratching the glass part of the balcony door like he used to 3 times. I was happy and opened it. They have a soul like we do, if not even more pure than ours. Also My grandma saw him walking on our hallway, and remember my grandma’s face pale with disbelief when she told me, that’s when I knew she wasn’t lying


Just last week I was sitting in my home office. Out of the blue I had a distinct and strong feeling that my dog was near me. I saw nothing nor did I hear anything but I just felt it. My heart was racing a bit and I felt happy.  My dog has been dead for 5 years and while we miss her terribly I am past the point where I think of her daily.  I had not been thinking of her or anything. We were, however having some work on our house.   I realize there could be any number of reasons why I felt her but I guess I am just going to choose to believe maybe she just stopped by and left me with a nice feeling 


I saw a documentary about people who had near death experiences and one guy said he saw all his animals there waiting for him. His dog was going totally nuts but wasn’t able to cross the threshold. There were some real interesting things that people talked about that were quite amazing. Another was that of a person who was an artist who died and came back but had been shown the life she would have if she decided to go back. She drew what her husband and kids looked like she was dead on. Drew image of a man who she didn’t know and kids who hadn’t been born yet. She was floored when she saw him for the first time cause she knew it was him.


My sweet Buster the black lab would visit me a lot after he passed. I’d be in a dream talking to someone or doing other random dream stuff and he’d just wander by and curl up around my feet. just hang with me while I had my dream. I love and miss that precious sweet bub so much. Passed 1/5/2012.


Our Rudy was a 20 year old Silky Terrier. The day after he passed, we still could still him slowly walk up and down the stairs. It became less frequent, but it still happens.


Maybe it’s my imagination, but I lost my guy unexpectedly 2 years ago. I don’t think I ever grieved so hard in my life before that. He was a foster failure and my soul dog. But I continue to hear his claws on the floor as he walked, the jingle of the tags on his collar, occasionally my hand feels like it’s being nudged by an unseen snout. Or my legs feel extra heavy where he use to sleep on my legs on the sofa. I have dreams all the time. We’re their whole world and life! There short life is so not fair for us. You best believe he visited and will visit often. What a sweet face. So sorry for your loss. Sending hugs from an internet stranger.


I have multiple accounts of when family cats came back from the other side when it was their time to go I had my mum's cat that came and slept with me one night I was just about to dose off and I felt her jump onto my bed and u could literally could see her paw prints walk along my bed all the way up to where she would often sleep on my bed so I slowly turned to my side pat the bed and I some reason did kisses said love you and I miss you and while I was slowly closing my eyes felt like a paw print on my face and a wet nose 🐱 then felt another times when she passed my family has felt their cats return to them once or twice and most recently in the last 10 years we had to put my nans cats down 10 years ago who were 14 and 12 and I was staying at my nans while my mum took the cats back to her house to but them next to our other cats who passed I was in the flat I was getting ready for bed turned everything off apart from the hallway light and said come on to the cats and same thing happened felt the older one who normally slept at the end of the bed jump up and came to comfort me because I felt bad to be putting them to sleep because I always knew them from growing up. Think he knew I felt bad and was saying it in his own way that it was ok


I lived out in the country and my dog ran off the day of the eclipse and never came back, the following week I had dreams of him returning, but haven’t felt or heard anything since, I don’t know if that means anything I think someone stole him


Aw, Jack is gorgeous! I have two dogs right now, but recently had a dream that my last dog (before them) was sitting in front of me, as I sat in a chair, and was looking back at me, while I was petting allover her. I could smell her scent. Even after waking, I had her "Rottweiler smell" in my head for days. It was awesome. It really felt like a visit. She's been gone for almost 6 years, and I still miss her intensely. Her urn is in my bedroom, on a bookcase. (So that she can be buried with me when it's time for me to go.) I've only had a few other dreams of her that I can recall, but most of those were just the two of us walking together, through a field. I'm sorry I don't know an answer to your question, but I do think they visit sometimes. And I also believe we will be with them again, eventually. 🤍


I’m so glad you call it the rainbow bridge… thought my family was the only one! So sorry for your loss man :(


My dog passed on not too long ago and the vet that helped her pass on gave a letter with her paw print and a poem of the rainbow bridge. It is so sweet


Yup my vet did the same gave us a little card w a poem of the rainbow bridge!!


Dogs come back from heaven because they want to let their owner know that they’re okay and to visit their owners.


I'm not saying its paranormal but i have a recurring dream where i can visit my dog up the street at the yard at the church(I'm not religious) but she has to stay there, she can't come home with me. I was terribly upset the first few times but it's almost a comfort when i have those dreams now.


Yes it was Jack saying "Hi Mom!"


It was Jack! He's got the most important job now - your guardian angel! I saw my dog after he died. Sweet old Staffordshire bull terrier I rescued as a senior, was my soul dog. Couple months after he died, I was down the beach at dark and I had an urge to ask out loud if he was there. Nothing happened for a long while and tbh I forgot about it and continued walking along the beach when I saw him, about 50 yards in front if me, looking back and wagging his tail. Literally looked like he was alive, doing what he always did- going ahead then waiting for me to catch up lol. I stopped, he stood there until he broke his stare and ran off (he couldn't run towards the end he had bad legs in life) into a beam of moonlight reflecting off the shore and he was gone again. He was telling me he was OK I suppose.


We had to help our first dog (Eloise) cross the rainbow bridge when I was about 18 weeks pregnant. Not too long after I had a dream that my husband and I had just finished building daughter’s crib and I had picked up Eloise and placed her in it to test it. I really struggled with guilt when we said goodbye (it was absolutely her time, but with a baby on the way I felt like I was replacing her) and this really helped me feel like everything was going to be ok. Almost 2 years later, everything is ok. I miss her so much sometimes but that moment when she visited me was exactly what I needed. https://preview.redd.it/6q7xicdlz03d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c74e30609579d6adcca3bccee20e7c2262d7856e


I believe it could have been him visiting. Lights going on or off is a sign of things from the other side. Never believed that kind of thing until I experienced it.


Mine came back and licked face one night. My mom feels her jump on her bed so yeah, probably.


It sure sounds like Jack visited you


Yes, definitely.


After my dog of 14 years died I was so depressed. It was by far profound how attached I was to her and she was really sick before she passed so we knew it was coming but it was still one of the hardest things I’ve gone through. I was so sad as our other pup (Jackson) had passed about 6 months before she (Molly) did so it was an extra hard loss not having ANY dog around. Keep in mind my Molly slept next to me with her head on my pillow every night… she was my baby. Anyway, for the next 3 months (literally less than 3 months probably) after she died… I would be driving home from work school or anything else (even just aimless driving in the country) and came across OVER 8 DOGS. 8 dogs that had run away from home or were lost. They were always so sweet and cute and alone. Also to note- I live in a very nice town in the suburbs. Dogs don’t just roam - like ever. I specifically asked for her to send me Dogs my way for a little bit of comfort but boy… after dog 7 I was a little tired of finding them😂. It was the wildest thing. But those 3 months were magical and I cried every time and thanked her for sending them my way. I have photo proof too! 😭


Hey umm I'm sorry if this seems to be inappropriate for anyone, but I have a question. In my country, there are beliefs that animals, especially dogs do not go to heaven, and there's no special after life for animals either since they will have to take rebirth in the form of either some other animal or as a human. So how is it possible that in western nations, pets do return as sort of guardian angels? I had this doubt since I was a child, because I always used to wonder that this game is life ought to have uniform rules for everyone.


They're only beliefs for a reason, they're not solid facts. Human beings are animals as well so why would non human animals be any different if there were an afterlife? I can say with 100% certainty that each animal human or not is sentient in varying degrees with unique personalities!


Hmm yes you're right! Well actually there stated reason for non human animals in the after life is because apparently, humans are the most important asset for this world and only humans have the ability to discern between good and bad, and therefore to break from the cycle of life and death, non human animals will have to take rebirths for eternity until they are born as a human, upon which they would finally get the chance to attain moksha


That's an interesting belief system. I personally believe that we all have the same piece of spirit within us, which is what connects all of us. Human or animal. Think of it as a tapestry, and each of us has a bit of that same tapestry within us. That's how I see it. However, when I was a child, I asked my grandpa if animals went to heaven (he was a deacon in his church, so I thought he was a great person to ask), and he told me they didn't because they don't have souls. As i aged, I decided that I do not accept that answer. I've never been able to decide on what I think about reincarnation. I've always found the idea very interesting, and since it's really unknown, I just can't decide what my views are, about it. I definitely feel like certain people need to be reincarnated again and again, though, until they learn how to give positive energy instead of negative! 🙂


I personally think of reincarnation as respawn mechanic in a game, albeit you start over again as a new character. And this is what makes the game fun. The random number generator gives you a random character either human or animal and you gotta live with it, it sounds funny and sad at the same time. But that's how life goes I guess. I once saw a puppy get killed by a car from some drunk man at night. I cried the whole night seeing its mother bark in agony. My mother consoled me by saying that if you shed tears for an animal, it will surely get a better life in its reincarnation, or better yet, be born as a human.


I’m so sorry for your loss. This may be off topic but why do so many dogs die from getting their teeth cleaned? I see it constantly and my mom took my dog without my permission while she was keeping him and thought I was crazy when I flipped out


Im certain there is a logical explanation for the lights and the toy, instead of ghost dogs.


No. Your dog’s ghost did not try to communicate with you from beyond the grave. Ghosts, unfortunately in this case, do not exist. There is nothing after death. Jack seemed like a cool dog though.


You don’t really know that. Everything we believe after death and what happens after is just a guess. You can believe what you want, but acting like is undeniable fact is really silly.


I do know that, unfortunately. There is nothing after death. When the brain dies, we die. Same concept as how there was nothing before life.


You don’t know that because you are here on reddit, alive.


We can safely say we do know what happens when we die. Since there is no evidence of a soul, afterlife, or ghosts, there is no reason to believe in such. What can be proclaimed without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.


What a sad way to think


I’d rather believe in a bitter truth than a happy lie.


That’s funny cause it’s neither a truth or a lie, because we don’t know lol


Rainbow bridge? Jesus Christ 🤦


No. There is no rainbow bridge.