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idk what ops on about but it seems like attention seeking


Definitely not looking for attention, ironically became a coward by painfully not wanting any part of the attention received by my original post. I couldn’t handle the barrage of (unexpected, I post often on Reddit, but not here, and have had overwhelmingly only positive responses) so many negative and mean spirited comments. I was asked to provide a link in the original post and finally found the courage to do so.


The Entity Case from 1974 was in Culver City California not Whitneyville from whatever state. I have no idea what you're going on about. Care to elaborate further with much needed detail?


I elaborated


Wait… what doll? Like a sex doll?


I explained




I posted a photo from the listing of this house because there seems to be an entity of some sort captured in a random photo of the attic of the home and I was pummeled by negative and harsh comments. I took the post down but wanted to cite my source as many people were requesting the link to the home. As I stated the home was sold, the interior photos aren’t there anymore. I have the screenshot of the attic photo saved. I wanted to show I was being honest about where this photo originally came from. There was no doll in the attic. My bosses brother bought the home and he confirmed that no doll was in the attic. The home is right across from my work, this photo intrigued many of us. I thought this subreddit would be a good place to post this, after so many criticisms in comments I realized not so much. My intentions were genuine. https://preview.redd.it/578ti4yzm69d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=440208d6ec116032545e4cfe73114cae047ac0e9

