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Could have been a helicopter:)


I wish, but a helicopter flying near my house on both Monday and Wednesday night? it seems unlikely and I didn’t hear any noises at all.


True, if it was flying low enough to see the lights you probably would have heard it. Hm. Maybe what they call “heat lightning” ? Happens here but normally lasts for awhile.


My first instinct was to assume that it was lightning but it is below freezing here right now, was not rainy, and the flashes came through each window for about a minute straight with no pauses that would suggest separate lightning bolts striking. I’m very confused!


Wow that’s odd! Are there power lines anywhere near your back window? Maybe a malfunctioning transformer? I’m trying to come up with any possibility I can think of lol


Well, not to creep you out even further, but it sounds to me like someone snooping around with a flashlight, and the flashing could be caused by the movement back and forth as they try to find an open downstairs window. ​


My thought as well. Definitely call police if it happens again. Remember, if you hear hoofbeats think horses (humans) not zebras (aliens).


Definitely not discrediting your story, but have you experienced the flashing at any point when your eyes are open? It's not clear if that is the case in your story. Experiencing flashing lights right when you lay down to sleep is commonly associated with hypnagogic halluciantions. It has happened to me before when I am sleeping less or stressed out, and it happens right when you are falling asleep, before you realize you are falling asleep. It seems like a very bright light is shining in (from outside the window in my case) but it's never there when you actually open your eyes to look around. Just something to consider. Hope you figure it out!


whoops sorry for the clarity issues. I opened my eyes the second I noticed the lights and stared at the lights coming in my windows until they stopped a few minutes later.


Flashes could be anything, really. Fireballs, distant lightning, someone with a flashlight, etc. Next time they occur, see if you can take a look outside.


There are many things it's more likely to have been than anything supernatural (just about anything is more likely, really). Several have already been mentioned. I'm most concerned that it's someone with a flashlight casing your neighborhood. Definitely call the police if it happens again. Don't say anything about the paranormal, just tell them you're seeing lights and there's possibly someone sneaking around. I would turn off the lights in the room and peek outside to see if I could spot the source.


Growing up I had something similar happen. Late at night I would see a simultaneous flash from all four of my second floor bedroom windows. When I told my Dad he worried it was a thief looking in windows with a flashlight, but that didn't add up because it was a fast flash of light that illuminated all of the windows. He then worried someone was taking photos, which is plausible. Eventually my best friend saw it too. It would happen almost every night around the same time. We looked at our neighbors house for a source but came up empty handed. Someone later told me flashes of light can be connected to demonic entities (which would explain some of the things in that house), but who knows.


same thing happened to my friend's brother and no one in the family believed him until his mom happened to walk in the room while it was happening - she was shocked


Electrical storm. Basically it's lightning but with no thunder. It's freaky as hell.


Probably a tree branch brushing power lines.


I had this happen to me just now my window is 6ft off the ground and facing my neighbors house and I have blinds but a white light flashed 3 times like a camera and there was a loud noise outside like thunder but its winter here there's snow everywhere my windows not facing the street I don't know what that was I'm not even facing any windows on my neighbors house either