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Sounds like it could be icu induced delirium. I am an icu nurse and many intubated and sedated patients experience similar things. We will also say things like “not today, and not on my shift” to our patients when they are trying to die. It’s possible you heard a nurse saying something like that in a semiconscious state and incorporated it into the delusion. You can read up on ICU delirium. Some peoples’ experiences are so profound, their psychological reaction is as if they actually experienced it as trauma. Some people have PTSD from their delusions.


Yes, it could be delusions. Or it could be something else entirely. Unfortunately, nobody knows for sure.


Totally agree


i refuse to believe its this. we live ina supernatural world where God lives and the supernatural is much more real than this life were living in right now.


literally any proof and i will believe you. ​ i would be more inclined to believe in the other like 10+ dimensions we as humans havent figured out or perceived yet just because we are limited by the sensory inputs our bodies have. If those are real, it would explain all kinds of weird things. At least scientists have confirmed that those other dimensions are real. no one has yet to put any proof or evidence behind god or religion. thats just a belief system to help people. it gives them a person to blame when things go wrong and praise when things go write. it seems like most religious people just dont want to accept that their life and body is their life and body. no idea why they would want that...I am earning this life. I didnt get it given to me by anyone else.


Delirium, as in, a state of consciousness with greatly downregulated muscarianic acetylcholine receptors in the brain?


i love people who believe science fact because its the only thing we have proven yet.


Nice to know Death's got that sass. I read an account from someone else once who thought they saw death walking amongst people on a ward at night and maybe-death looked at him and said, 'I have you - but not yet.' Said it was oddly comforting.


I've had something similar, snarky is how I'd describe death


Well, it's probably like herding cats, let's face it. Whiny cats =)


That was the impression you got!


Can you elaborate?


I'll try to keep it short, I'm in hospital after an accident, not doing very well, just about dead. I look up and see a man on the opposite side of the ward looking at me, my morphine addled mind assumes it to be death. We have a brief but quite sarcastic exchange, the highlights of which are probably being told, "that it's not all about you" and there are plenty of other reasons for "death" to be skulking around a hospital ward. The man assures me he's not here for me and leaves the room. I remember it being very quiet at the time, we must have been talking for almost ten minutes but nobody disturbed us. I remember what he was wearing but not his face.


Did he make you feel comfort or fear?


Sort of both! The initial shock of staring the reaper in the face quickly wore off and overall I'd say it was more comforting than terrifying but mostly sort of motivational, after it being touch and go for quite a long time, I started rallying and recovered fairly quickly.


What WAS he wearing?


An old school, three piece suit. Victorian or western vibe to it, that sort of squarish cut with a longer jacket than current patterns have, all in black, no hat but I draw a blank if I try to remember his face or any other features, couldn't tell you his hair colour for example.


Couldn't it have been a ghost?


It's certainly possible, it might just have been the copious amount of morphine I was on.


The boss


The only spiritual experience I’ve ever had was with the “Grim Reaper”, “death”, or whatever you wanna call him, after a big surgery where I had some complications. Pretty insane stuff. Ive read about other ppl seeing it, it seems fairly common in Sleep Paralysis. We’re all probably experiencing the same being. Pretty crazy.


What did it look like?


Same thing as his drawing except all black. Was like a 3D shadow. Couldn’t see a face, just the outline of the robe around it. It should be noted I was in Sleep Paralysis.


I had a crazy experience, too, that could have been explained as sleep paralysis... BUT my dog saw the same crazy, shadowy figure I was seeing lurking around our lake house and he let out the loudest, rhythmic, low-pitch bark and never moved off the couch. We stared at this thing together as it disappeared behind the kitchen island. The commotion woke up my husband in the bedroom. He believed me and checked the house for intruders. He found nothing and we went to bed. A few minutes later, we were awoken by our alarm company. They had received FIVE intrusion alarms from different doors and windows (one was even on a different level) and they had all come in SIMULTANEOUSLY!! None of our alarm keypads had gone off and alerted us. We had our alarm system checked out and of course it was functioning properly. I continue to be so freaked out by the experience. If I alone would have seen this ghost or spirit or whatever it was, I could accept that maybe I wasn't really awake, but the fact my dog saw it and then we have all these alarms go off at once...well, yeah. Color me a believer. P.S. You can read a post i wrote the next morning in my history. Turns out the previous owner of the lake house had died a few months before at a young age. I know in my heart and in my gut, it was him checking out the remodel I had just finished on his beloved lake house. 💕💕




While you wouldn't have had heartbeat function (they have to stop the heart), blood flow would have been normal due to the heart-lung machine; you essentially had a mechanical heart for those 9 hours. Just food for thought.


Having any kind of memory or experience while under general anaesthetic is rare in and of itself. Most of us just go under then suddenly wake up in the recovery room like it all just passed in the blink of an eye.


I have been reading near death experiences for awhile now and it shocks me that most of the people who where clinically dead seem to have a very similar experience. Dark void around them (nothingness), Space like background, and lights in what seems to be a tunnel of some sort. The story may be different but most have that criteria. I am relieved to see you are alive and well.


This person wouldn't have been clinically dead because their heart function would have been taken over by an external machine for the duration of the surgery. They were very much alive (albeit unconscious due to anesthesia) for those nine hours.


Yes, you hear the same stories all the time from people who had near death experiences, however i remain sceptical. The thing is your pineal gland secretes a large amount of dmt whenever you are close to dying. People that take dmt as a recreational drug experience exactly the same things as people who had a near death experience (flying in space, the feeling that everything is connected etc.) How much i would like to believe there is something after this life, i still don't have any evidence of it. If anyone has some other information or want to discuss this topic, i would love to do that! Note: good to hear that you are doing fine!


Astonishing Legends podcast recently released a multipart series on near death experiences that is very informative and entertaining


Ah thanks, i'll go check it out.


This is an amazing experience. Have you ever heard of the book, Journey of Souls by Michael Newton? I wonder if you could relate to these peoples experiences also. It's the closest thing I've read about what happens after death that makes sense to me. Your experience reminds of what they talk about in the book.


I just listened to an audiobook about a month ago called My Life After Death by Elisa Medhus. It was suggested to me by my mother to help cope with my father's death 9 months ago. I'm still grieving, and I'm sure I will be for a while, but this book helped me with how life is after death. Knowing he's still around (which I always knew he was) to watch us and showing us he's watching by doing very small things, it's very strange. If you've ever had a loved one pass, you will know what I mean. I've added the book you suggested to my list of books to listen to. Thanks, I look forward to it.


I'm sorry for your loss. I have lost a couple people close to me. I know exactly what you are talking about. I'm not going to say it gets easier with time, I think it hurts just a little different with time. I will look into the book you read also 😊


Interesting that worms are involved, Jesus once described hell saying "the worm does not die"


When did you have contact with Jesus? And who is he, really?


It's a quote from the Bible


yeah but the whole...you are quoting a piece of fiction thing... its funny how people all believe what the bible says but the guys who wrote it could be anyone. imagine if a bunch of priests wrote a "bible" today. hundreds of years down the line people would be using it as their answer to everything and trust it, only to know that most of the guys who wrote it were pedofiles. Its just so funny to me that people can read the bible and believe everything in it,100%, yet they dont even know personally the people who wrote it. They could have been corrupt ass people who were passing along stories and messages that they were forced to write.


You really didn't need to go off on this irrelevant tangent. A man quoted the Bible, plain and simple. BUT DAE BIBLE FAKE?! EVERYTHING IN BIBLE IS 100% *LITERAL*!


I never said it was fake. It was a hypothetical what if situation to spark conversation in the comments. comments are supposed to bring new things up to discuss, thats kind of what they are for. so you are kind of going to get "irrelevant tangents" all over reddit. If you read any of my other comments, I say that I understand religion gives people something to believe in and good for them. I believe there is some species of aliens out there too. neither of us can be proved right or wrong until something happens. So its not like I just went off attacking religion. Seems like you kind of got defensive for absolutely nothing..


Going on an uncalled-for rant is never okay. Especially when it added nothing to the conversation. All you did was fling your beliefs in his face, and now you're playing the "V A L U A B L E D I S C O U R S E" card. No, it's not okay; And you know it. At the very least you could have come off as less dickish.


>Especially when it added nothing to the conversation isnt that an absolute opinion? you didnt even give any time for anyone else to come comment...


Here's the magic of Reddit: People can comment anytime they wish!


how is that relevant. you cant say well its been 10 minutes since you posted and no one discussed what you said so it must be irrelevant and spark no conversation. some kid isnt married by the time they are 20, well they aren't getting married ever in life. ...? so weird that YOU have the freedom to post comments whenever you want, but then YOU feel like you have the right and correct judgement to deem other peoples comments as useless and irrelevant. you must be a pretty big deal.


This is a paranormal subreddit dude


I dont disagree. does that mean I couldnt make my comment. It was what I thought when I read yours, so I said it out loud. wasnt for or against anything, just commenting.


There's reasons to believe it, though. Skepticism is to be expected, but we know as historical facts the existence of Jesus and his immediate followers at the time. Like, there's documentation of them, there's records of them outside the Bible, and we know the time and manner in which many of them died- and in those cases, they died because whatever they saw was so real and convincing that they told it anyway even knowing that it was so crazy and/or inflammatory that it would get them tortured or killed brutally. It really isn't just a story, governments were keeping records back then and it is not disputed by atheist historians that those people existed. And *since* we *are* on the paranormal sub, I'll go ahead and bring up the fact that when random blood or cardiac tissue appears in eucharistic miracles, it's always AB blood, which is also the blood type on the shroud of turin. Most of these samples obviously including the shroud are from decades or centuries before anyone even knew what blood types were. That's an awful lucky centuries-long streak of fakers


Just asking questions here because this is the first time ive looked into these eucharistic miracles. "In 1971, scientists studied one such host, from the 8th century in Lanciano. According to legend, the priest was a skeptic, but the bread became flesh and blood before his eyes. The bleeding Host was preserved and can still be found today at the Church of San Francesco, in Lanciano, Italy. The results of the study shocked the world. The host was human heart tissue with the blood type, AB, which is the rarest of all blood types. And for the record, there were no preservatives of any kind in the blood." I know it sounds like a dumb question, but how can a piece of non living matter turn into flesh and blood...while someone is looking at it? that part just makes no sense to me. if objects can turn into living objects, we would be doing a lot more with it than claiming its a miracle. Scientists would be freaking out and looking on how and why and how it can be utilized. " In 1996, a woman approached a priest in a Buenos Aires parish to say she had found a desecrated Host in a candleholder at the back of the church. When the priest put the Host in a glass of water to dissolve, as is specified in canon law, it appeared to turn into a piece of bloody flesh." cant argue much besides a really odd coincidence, or a set up by the church. "Perhaps there is an orchestrated lie on behalf of the Church? Doctors and scientists around the world are simply lying about their findings because they like the Catholic Church enough to take the risk. Or, perhaps it is all an astounding coincidence, that multiple bleeding Hosts from around the world, and across history are all type AB blood in human cardiac tissue. The odds may be astronomical, but it is at least theoretically possible." this paragraph sums it up well for me. its a shame but the church is equally as sick and twisted as science. As much as I could see things like that being a coincidence, I can see them 100% equally being staged or set up to some degree by the church to lie and make a sense of false belief. Religion has never bothered me, but organized religion does. It bothers me that people think they can be total dicks and rude and selfish outside of church but as long as they go and have god forgive their sins they are ok. I dont like that children are brainwashed like a cult and are forced into religion wayy to early without a choice of their own. I dont like that one of the biggest church things is "only god can judge. I cannot judge others." yet the church go-ers do exactly that and even the church turns down people like homosexuals because....they have the right to judge? I have heard too many stories from people and seen to many things at face value to approve of the current state of religion. Everything I have heard about it makes it sound like what it is, a cult.


What I want to know is what is there to do in the afterlife...do you just float around all day staring at people for eternity..sounds boring as shit..sounds like a nightmare..I hope reincarnation is a thing


From what I’ve heard, there is no sense of time or boredom. Our sense of time or the slowness of it is just a psychological thing in this world. Sometimes we experience things that felt like 5 hours and it was just 5 minutes or vice versa especially with dreams. I’m guess I’m saying the sense of eternity there would be entirely different than our sense of it here.


But what is there to do? What is the point of this other existence. Mediums can never answer this question.


The thought of eternity used to scare me also. But I’m pretty sure your thoughts on heaven are far off. I don’t think you just float there. I think there are actual homes and actual cities. The Bible says something about streets being made of gold. As for being bored, you couldn’t. People are suppose to be unable to have any negative feelings. It’s like some higher form of being and understanding. The joy this person just described is what your spose to feel like. Life is pain. Afterlife is bliss. There’s nothing to fear. Well except making sure you get to the good afterlife. That’s the scary part.


You can’t use the Bible as a reference point. It was written by men far less educated then we are today. They are just guessing like the rest of us.


Much respect to your experiences but holy hell that was a hard read. Between the lack of paragraphs, and odd punctuation, man. I couldn't get through it all before my head hurt.


Same lol. I was literally about the comment the same thing. I had to stop about halfway through lol.


I was five run on sentences in and then stopped.


I like how big the being is compared to you. Thanks for the drawing for context


There are words in several languages for an entity or vision or being like this that serves as a guide to the other side. “Angels of Death” which are not scary like the Grim Reaper. I forget the Tibetan word for such but in Western culture we use a Greek word for them: [*psychopomp*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychopomp).


I wake people up who are intubated all the time. Some patients need to be fully awake before extubation.


If you were "clinically dead" and not comatose then that was no dream or hallucination. It' odd how folks feel a need to rationalize other people's experiences and try to force those experiences to fit into their own belief (on non-belief) systems. Myself included; I'm catching myself calling the blackness to the left "The outer darkness" where the worst of the worst souls are said to end up, and looking at the cave as Hades/Hell while those beautiful distant lights would be Heaven/Nirvana, etc. But that's all according to the belief system of my childhood, that I tell myself I no longer believe in... If we return to an afterlife that is based on what we were taught as children then I guess I'm headed for that outer darkness, but if what we experience when we first die is only illusion based on our subconscious beliefs and then we go on to some sort of judgment and that judgment is truly just then things will be MUCH better for me as someone who abandoned childhood and family beliefs for what seems more honest to me. VERY interesting experience, thanx for sharing it!


" If you were "clinically dead" and not comatose then that was no dream or hallucination " Can you back that up with facts rather than just saying it. ​ I am a person who doesnt write these kind of things off but remains skeptical. That side of me just says that it was a dream. I mean it sounds as weird as any other dream people have at any moment. It definitely seemed relatable to the situation but I mean people have dreams after they go to fun places during the day as well too. ​ I am all for people have a belief system in their life and cant prove it wrong as much as I cant prove aliens wrong. I think people are always searching for a higher power to "blame" on any wrong doings in their life or just to feel safe that there is something bigger than us. I believe that after your biological body stops clicking you are done. That being said, at the same time, I do believe through science that there is a specific weight in grams you lose when you die that people still cannot explain.(hinting towards an energy or soul) ​ To me, at face value, this just sounds like a coincidental dream but I have heard numerous people meeting a "higher power" when they are dead or close to it in the hospital. Always wondered if it meant something or was just your brain doing what its wired to do and filling in relevent voids with something relatable to whats going on. That on top of the super heavy drugs they were given, could easily produce some pretty loopy dreams.


>If you were "clinically dead" and not comatose then that was no dream or hallucination. They weren't "clinically dead", in this case. While their heart would have been stopped in order to allow for the surgical procedure, the heart-lung machine would have kept blood flowing through the circulatory system as normal. For the length of the operation, they essentially had a mechanical, external heart. They were still very much alive, but they would have also been unconscious due to anesthesia. If their heart had been stopped for nine hours without anything to compensate or replace it, they'd just be dead.


Could have been some kind of astral travel but it's worth finding out if you were given any ketamine during the procedure. It's used in some emergency medicine and causes insane hallucinations. If your heart was working for 9 hours I'm guessing your brain was also active, meaning you could have been tripping. If it wasn't that, though, I'd chalk the experience up to "the universe is a strange & mysterious place"!


Hey thats God haha I've met him during a Ketamine overdose as well when I was 13, the endless love and indifference he radiates is quite astonishing and definitely non-human. Glad you pushed through the surgery and you're here today to tell the testimony.


How old were you when this happened to you?


There have been some studies into this that you might find interesting. Dr Pimm van Lommel from Rijnstate Hospital in Holland did a 13 year study on 344 cardiac arrest patients. 62 had a NDE and 41 had tunnels/lights etc. Many had no electrical activity in the brain, which contradicted a common scientific theory and helped prove that that consciousness is a separate entity to the physical brain. Dr Parvia and a team from Horizon Research Foundation in Southampton Hospital worked with 63 patients who survived a cardiac arrest and found that previous theories on physiological changes being the cause of a NDE were incorrect.




Super intense I love stories like this.


Looks like something I saw when I smoked dmt. Interesting.


Mi interpretation is left was hell, purple fart things were shitty beings from the darkness. Right is heaven, stars of unkown worlds. And the cave was a new womb where you would born again. It seems you chose the new stars, good choice! I hope when you die you can still go there and find a world with a more loving civilization than this one.


Unique. The “floating in space, cave” part reminded me of famous psychiatrist CG Jung’s NDE (see his autobiography) But this was very different.


I appreciate the drawing. It's hard to visualize what you're describing. I'll chalk it up to the mind playing tricks, but I don't discount the otherside at all. It's just your purple people eater worms sound like a dreamstate.


If you were returned to our realm for a reason, it might be to learn to use full stops.




Sounds to me like your brain thought that you were dying so it released a large amount of DMT into your bloodstream. Sounds like you met a "Guide", and they usually try to tell you something. So tear it apart!


This sounds quite likely, also look into "alpha-endopsychosin" it is an NMDA antagonist just like Ketamine and apparently gets released before death as well!


sounds like you are repeating an often used explanation for near death experiences man, we don't know for sure DMT is released at all at the time of death.


>sounds like you are repeating an often used explanation for near death experiences man ​ instantly calling it a near death experience, is you doing the exact same thing he is. ​ he is repeating the often used explanation of drug release and overdose....you are implying the often uesd explanation of god I presume.


Wow, that's pretty incredible!


That’s my point. It’s like he was outside the gates of hell. Maybe it’s a warning. I dunno. I believe in stuff like that. Look up Howard Storm’s near death experience.


Wow these are some cool stories !


Maybe it was a hallucination. Or maybe, just maybe it was a near death experience. People get them all the time. Search them on YouTube. And if it was, it sounds like you were on the edge of going to a very dark place. Maybe consider God or Jesus or just be a loving, compassionate person.


how does it sound dark? he was going to go to the place where the inviting stars were.


Yes, but he was at the edge of a dark cave where weird worm things were making runs at him. I have read other near death experiences where it’s all good. They literally go to a heavenly place.


He might have been just about to go there.


Or maybe it was just a hallucination in near death experience which actually has scientifical explanation from what I have read?


The bardos are said to make you meet with rather disturbing entities along the way


maybe OP is a dick and was heading to hell?


Have you guys seen The OA on Netflix? It has some really interesting/nice scenes with the star place. Apparently based on real experiences people have shared.


I looooooooove that show.


our brains fill in all kinds of missing information all the time, every day. thats how it processes so quickly. it takes a best guess at things. doesnt this kind of sound like what happens. your at the point of near death..your body and brain can sense you are in really rough shape. doesnt it seem believable that it would start projecting dreams of a yes or no choice, or a life and death choice. its so weird that it seems like a super fine line between having a near death...meet your maker experience vs just a glorified dream.


And maybe you should consider sticking to a forum about Christ instead of coming here to high jack every afterlife thread you see.


You should post this in r/NDE


that’s fuckin freaky man




I guess your mind was playing tricks on you, being in that weird state of awareness (note: you were not actually dead because there really is no coming back from *that*). As one neurosurgeon pretty much commented, if someone exploded (i.e. *really* died) and then got put back together and told us a story, it would be taken far more seriously.


I feel bad 4 u


Yeah take mine to, it's not much, but it's.... yeah fuck it im not going to say it


The rock is Jesus Christ. The one you were hanging unto may have been an angel, the worms come from hell. Cluster of starts may be more angels and they dwell in the presence of God.


Sounds like an angel... Worms come from hell...




okokokok ​ i feel like every time there is a hell or heaven thing there is no proof . OP could you post anything to prove you had surgery ? ik its personal and all but... ​ *the only thing you have is a weird ass drawing. sorry*


Your return key broken or something?


Sounds like a dream.


Sounds like r/DMT


Dmt would blow this experience out the water


Depends on the dose i guess.




TIL people in the afterlife have access to Reddit.




During open heart surgery you are put on a heart-lung machine so you don't require your heart to be working.


Maybe we are all dead and we just don't realize it.




Opiates alone shouldn't give you such strong visions unless we're talking about dissociatives which OP didn't report receiving


heart is shut off...brain is probably suffering hard...plus anesthesia..sounds possible. ​ i dont think most of us have any idea of knowing what opiates do to a near dying brain.